Standpoints by encouraging_clarinet

Comments by encouraging_clarinet

Comment Post Date
In my opinion, I believe that it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that our world is... Gender inequality: everyone’s responsibility? 10/2/25
This lesson taught me the facts about the situation in Syria, unfortunately not all of the... Did you do the classroom lesson? 27/1/25
I do not believe that AI is sustainable because, according to the the quiz AI is in reality very... Quiz: how sustainable is AI? 21/1/25
AI is a powerful tool in the digital industry however it has become increasingly popular and is... What might make AI more sustainable? 21/1/25
In my opinion, I do not believe that it is fair that certain countries have access to AI and... What if it’s not fair? 21/1/25
In my opinion, I believe that AI should not be an urgent matter. So much electricity is wasted... What’s more important? 20/1/25
A news story that has really changed my perspective on the world was , the war in Gaza and the... Competition #1 winners! 20/1/25