What’s more important?
Watch this interview with Pilar Manchón, the senior director of research strategy at Google. She explains how Google is developing AI, how it will improve people’s lives and what measures the company is taking to be sustainable.
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Pilar's interview got us thinking... what’s more important: being sustainable or making progress?
Join the discussion
Share your opinion below. It might help you to think about the following questions:
- Whose lives might be improved by AI? How might they answer this question?
- How might people affected by climate change answer this question?
- Is it OK to develop a new thing and then improve it over time? Or should it be perfect immediately?
Comments (126)
Sustainability should be priority number one. Even if AI is revolutionizing the world for the better i believe sustainability will prevent climate change problems such as: bush fires, biodiversity loss , floods and droughts. If we want to evolve Ai, first we have to ensure our planet is in a good condition.
I do agree that Ai will be a very exciting project to work towards, but it could also be detrimental to the environment.
I agree with you because the sustainability of our planet is super important. If we spend time developing AI and not worrying about our planet, in the end we will have developed AI but then there will be no people AI can help.I also love the fact you brought up climate issues that can happen due to these Data centers because yes you are developing AI but that's at the cost of our planet. At the end of the day you have to think is the development of AI more important than our planet, and I think its not. Again I mention that if we are more worried about the development of AI where is that gonna leave our planet. Its going to end up leaving us with no place to call home, no food and we will think back and regret the fact that we cared more about AI than our home earth.
I agree with you outspoken moment but don't you think that with progress comes sustainability ? how will there be sustainability if the world is not making progress? I believe AI will bring sustainability to the world because it has helped in irrigation, security , workplaces, schools and in our homes.
I agree with you because, AI can help make the world a better place or better condition for people to live in, it can be of lots of help if utilized properly. If we decide that we want to evolve AI we would have to check and make sure that earth is in good condition, and utilize this resource to make it better. But as much as AI can help so much it can also be very harmful to the environment.
When we make things they are never perfect, but we make it better overtime. Even technology evolves with new ideas so why not AI ? And with the amount of damage that has happened to this planet we should utilize this properly now, shouldn't we?
I agree because AI won't be beneficial if our nature is destroyed and the natural resources are depleted. Although AI development is important for future advanced projects, it should not be prioritized over sustainability.
I believe making progress with AI may be a harm to the environment, with its carbon emissions, high cooling requirement, and use of tons of energy. Sustainability is key, but making progress is important as well. If we stop using AI, progress will stop. Harm to the environment will be obvious using AI. So, it is a double edged sword, and, it's on us what we decide to do with this tool.
You make several interesting points here @involved_apricot about the tension between sustainability and progress, and our responsibility to decide which is more important.
You say that 'If we stop using AI, progress will stop' - can you explain your reasoning in more detail? It is also worth bearing in mind that humans made considerable progress before AI was invented!
I disagree
Can you explain your reasons for disagreeing?
I disagree because... this same person downgrading AIs could be one of the persons that AIs has help a lot of times for example all the fake bank transfers or times his bank account has been tried to be robbed and it was stopped by a banks AI or all the difficult assignment placed to him/her and he/she goes to an AI for help or what about the Ubie AI which tells people about the particular types of disease and helps in ways to solve them,so that means if a disease is way to difficult for a doctor to handle and he/she is positive for that particular and is handed into the hands of an AI to be treated he would decline. Focusing mainly on the bad aspect of an AI is a very one sided or blind judgement because the helpful and positive aspect of it is greater than the negative secondly developing a means of solving the problems is very possible since this is not only the first thing ever created that emits carbon you may as say we should end vehicles and aiplanes as well
i agree with this comment because people may use AI without knowing they are using it. He/She makes a good point saying that "AI isnt the first thing thats ever been created that emits carbon you may well as say we should end vehicles and airplanes" because they have been around for a long time and they help us alot by travelling
I agree with your Idea and your sugestion
I agree because AI uses as much energy as a iPhone’s battery life at 50 % for one search on google but AI is starting to get better .
I do agree with @involved_apricot that sustainability is our first priority and that we should be aware of the consequences of using such a treacherous AI that can make anyone trip and fall if not used securely.
As an addition to their point I would like to mention that this innovation has brought us to new heights and so, we need to set a limit for the use of this neural network. What I mean is that to an extent, AI too is beneficial for the environment and for humans but, this line, dividing AI from being helpful and unhelpful should not be crossed at all costs. As we learnt in this lesson about the consequences of using AI, we should first observe the situation and upon that work on it with or without the usage of AI. Through this way we can maintain eco -friendliness and put the doubled edge sword into a sheath of sustainability.
You make a good point involved apricot about how it is us that can decide what we do with AI but i think that we should still use AI but not a lot of it as it is destroying our planet and making it warm up are planet from its emission
I agree because... AI is already getting better and with time AI will be the best
Can you give reasons to why this is?
I disagree with the part of your comment you mention AI being the best the best. Are you saying that AI will soon talk over human intelligence?
The actually point here is to talk about how to improve AI bots because it is not sustainable and is causing harm to the climate and society as a whole. I read about AI consuming a lot of energies when we were having AI class with my teacher in my school and some of the things we discussed about AI being sustainable and the summary of the class is that AI is not sustainable. So instead of considering AI to be the best we better talk about improving it in other not to become detrimental to us in future as the technology is increasing daily that is how AI is also improving.
I'm not sure about this because I don't necessarily agree, because you think that AI is the reason why people make progress, but in those days progress were being made even without the use of AI, so I would not say that progress would stop rather it would become difficult but achieve able in some cases. We can stop the use of AI only if we agree to the term that things would become difficult and through this way can also lead to the stopping of those carbon emissions.
I totally agree with you,making responsible choices and opting for balanced approach is indeed the call of the moment.
Ans.1 Many lives ,such as lives of doctors, scientists,forest rangers,farmers etc. could become easier and be improved by AI.They would answer it in this way -"It can help us our in our jobs a lot.But yes,AI should not be used in excessive amount by those who actually do not need it.We think progress is also very important for us."
Ans.2 People affected by climate change would answer this question in this way-"No!No!No! We don't need more progress,we need sustainability,we are badly affected by climate change due to AI. Please stop. Think about us. Progress in AI is destroying our lives."
Ans.3 Yes,it is absolutely OK to develop a new thing and improve it over time. But,it should not harm our planet and lives. It is not important that it should be perfect immediately,but gradually it should at least have this much perfection that it is not harming anything or anyone.
It's interesting that you said in your first answer "AI should not be used in excessive amount by those who actually do not need it". How would we as a society decide who needs and doesn't need AI?
Developing new things over time is the way to go as this is a possible solution to some of the current affairs affecting us that is to say, climate change, political interference
If asked whether you want to travel by a flight or bicycle, for sure travelling by bicycle is good for environmental sustainability But, what is practically convenient, boarding a flight. Like wise, thinking of AI and sustainability, if AI is for sure our first option, just like human evolution, the societal or social evolution will also reach a phase where AI and sustainability will go together, but now it is like taking a geography lesson in maths class.
You make a great comparison with regards to practicality in transportation. However, commercial airlines are heavily regulated to ensure safety for all parties involved. How would we regulate AI moving forward and would sustainability be important in those regulations as it is in the aviation industry?
Any platform which is open for all should have certain regulations, if a student is using AI for completing his homework, it should be regulated as of whether he/she is using it as a knowledge tool or as a substitute for doing it on his/her own. There should be certain regulations for sure, to start with we can have age restrictriction or if needed parental control.
Answering the last question, nothing can be developed perfect at the first instant, things can be improved over time only, based on usage and feedback from people who use it, so it is possible to improve it over time
Some of them may use Ai to ask and suggest ways and how to prevent bad climate change that can destroy their resources
Artificial Intelligence is a great tool that serves as the proof of technological advancements of the humankind, however along with progress, sustainability plays a key role in ensuring the smooth efficiency. Since change is the cornerstone of advancement it is completely fine to develop a new thing and then improving it as time passes, thus assuring the masses that along with technological advancements, sustainability is also a priority. Lets take an example of smart phones, when they first came into existence everyone was talking only about how this can imminently fuel electronic waste but what history witnessed was a huge step akin to modern technology. Over time when smart phones normalized, efficient management of electronic waste emerged, the same would happen with AI also now its up to us, humans as a race that how gradually or quickly do we want to manage he waste.
I agree, but I think a key point if we want to have a quicker and better progress in society, its worring about the improving of AI, and new technologies, but not as the main topic, because in my opinion the biggest problem that we have and we need to solve and make changes as soon as posible it´s sustainability. I am not refering that we need to stop worriyng about digital progress, and progress in AI, I think it´s incredible to make technological progress, but I think that for making better progresses in AI firstly we need pay more attention into carrying about the sustainability, because in the long term, if we want better and quicker progress in AI, we must solve and care firstly for sustainability.
Sustainability should be the most relevant problem solving that should be in everyone's mind both young and old. Without sustainability such as: trying to prevent adverse effect of climate change and release of toxic substances into the atmosphere AI is nothing. I agree that AI has lots of advantages in the world it is also important not to neglect the sustainability of the environment because without humans AI will not be enhanced in the world.
I strongly agree with you. We should also be able to sustain our environment even though there is AI. If we don't take care of our environment, who else will?
We can be enjoying the use of AI but leaving the fact that there is need to sustain our environment leading to bad effects affecting both our health and environment, destroying our home.Let's play equal, as we are using AI, let's not forget to play on the other hand by sustaining for the better.
I agree with you good_technology sustainability should be the first thing we should focus on even though AI is very interesting I think making the earth a better place to live in is more important because we can not worry about technology and forget about the earth.
I believe that if we continue to worry about AI the world will not be sustainable but. If we focus on becoming sustainable we will be able to create a better earth.
Humans can change the world by reducing the use of AI and focusing on what is more important . If we do it together we can create a better tomorrow and future.
Sustainability is the ability to contain and make a future reference on something.
When something is sustainable it is obviously going to last for long and manage itself. Being sustainable is important than making a progress, since one can move a head without suitable and standing structures. Therefore the use of AI sounds progressive since it is a perfect first hand finding rather than a developing thing.
Using AI is suitable to technologically placed Global countries something that limits underdeveloped counties. People living in developed areas and countries will say that AI is Sustainable.
When climate changes, there are adverse side effects that man can suffer, which is similarly what AI brings as impacts.
Those who have access to AI and can use it will say it is progressive and sustainable.
In my opinion, I think it is okay to develope a new thing and continue improving over time rather than taking an immediate perfect stand.
AI can improve lives by making things easier, efficient, and more accessible to be done. It helps disabled people, for example, through tools that can read or even talk for them. Students can learn better with their own apps, and doctors can use AI to identify and treat diseases. It also saves time by doing boring tasks at work and helps farmers grow more crops conveniently. It even helps take care of older people with smart machines. In conclusion, more people can connect to one another easiwhen they are away, through AI.
I'm not sure about this ...,
Because do not forget the fact that AI is not sustainable, it releases more carbon emissions than a car in its lifetime, when it does that the ozone layer begins to break and it will cause intense sunlight and cause icecaps to break which will cause harm to the planet .
It will also cause students to cheat, (Grammarly, ChatGPT, Gemini, etc. ) which will cause students scores to be different, time is spent different and students will not know the value of hard work, integrity and honesty.
Everyone would not have the personal views because the use AI to much.
AI is not everything in life we need to use the give AI that we have (our brain).
People would not be able to communicate with each other physically because the are on the Internet.
Thank you
I agree with you honest_personality that AI IS UNSUSTANABLE and STUDENTS ARE USING AI TO CHEAT , but we also need to see the other side of the card. AI plays a key role in many things like research work, finding cures, to keep websites running, et cetera. So REMOVING AI is NOT THE SOLUTION! We can focus on making AI sustainable in which AI itself can HELP US and IMPROVE ITSELF
I agree that people use AI in various ways that are inappropriate like cheating and AI is not sustainable, but still remember we use AI powered tools like grammarly,chatgpt and the rest for research and get assignments done as student , we could also use to for further studies outside the materials we are given in school. The misuse of AI is as a result of factors like low moral standards,lack of preparation for an exam and other vices. In addition we could use AI to help in the fight against climate change not forgetting the fact that AI is still evolving and there is every possibility that it could become sustainable in the nearest future. you also mentioned that ''people would be able to communicate physically because they are on the internet''
lets not also forget that some people who dont have their loved ones around could use the internet to bring them close us despite them being far away from us.
I think that your explanation point is really accurate but we have to have on our minds that everything has a dark or an unknown part , for example: The moon has two sides , one that we see and the other one that it is not viewed by people as a consequence we dont know about it, well the same thing happens with Al ,even thought it seems really cool and helpful , it also has the dark side were we actually are scared of knowing due to its importance.
For sure that people can be helped by Ai ,but is the good part compensating the dark side effects of it?
Like next generations being more and more incapable with doing everyday things due to the help provided by Al...
in my own idea i think that what is more important is the ability for AI to be able to save life reason been that:
1. if people like scientist are been saved from dying there are high probabilities that AI will be improved in the coming years.
2. i also believe that another reason why AI is more important for saving life is because if we have healthy and strong people, we are sure of having a prosperous and a healthy country.
I Strongly belive that AI has too many advantages and disadvantages but it can still help us in soo many things such as watching movies searching things you don't understand and soo many other things. SO i sugest that we should keep the AI in use because too many sciencetics would need it to do their works parfectly.
Hi @optimistic_buffalo - can you tell me some disadvantages to AI?
Takes the space of skilled manpower thus reducing jobs, it lames human thinking..
It is not environmentally friendly
I agree with your comment ,AI is useful for us .It makes our job much more easier ,but AI is not sustainable yet .But still we can use it for
efficient things which we need .AI helps us to do our projects, homeworks but we should not take this as an advantage and cheat .we have to do our own work to build responsibility. if a robot does that we will become lazy and depend upon the robot for everything. Though AI is useful but it is a threatening factor in our life.one must have enough awareness about AI.
It’s totally alright to start with a simple version of something new, especially with AI, and improve it over time. AI gets better as it learns from real world use, so trying to make it perfect right from the start is not only hard, but it might not even be what people really want. By starting small and making improvements along the way, you can create something that actually works and gets better over time.
well my opinion is that even if the use AI is meant to make our lives easier and better for us. i think we all need sustainability, and of course we all know for every good thing there will be a disadvantage because we do not know if AI is adding to the problems we have. now the sustainability of of the planet is important because if there is a problem in the world there is no way AI would be improved over time.
I think AI should be the number one priority to our day to day activities because we need to be alive to sustain our environment. that means that, AI has helped us a lot in saving lives. doctors of today now us the ai in the hospital in order to be able to diagnose the sick ones. the ai helps them to analyse their result and also to tell the best drugs to take. the ai also help to detect the weather and also to tell the most sutable thing to do in order to save lives.
i belief that A.I is important to the so many people . A.I should be the worlds no. 1 bill gate said will create something that will change the world , humans health and other things stops things like stress,. A.I is an interesting project to work on
answering the third question I think it is better to develop and keep improving because i do not think it is possible for anything to be completely perfect. For example, SAMSUNG you can not say it is perfect because better ones will still come out, anything that comes out now will still have a better one, at this point i will suggest that you develop and improve what you have developed. Just to add, improving what you have developed is a way of problem soling
Wow AI is presently one of the most sufficient way to get things done. AIs are changing my/our life(s) of today with AI we build a better tomorrow for example imagine a case where we cant hire proper teachers AIs can work as proper
We need AI because we can use it to help us farm if we are a farmer and it will help and water the plants to keep them alive because if we did not have AI then there would be no crops no food for us and God’s world which he made would be ruined so i think we should keep AI.
Ans 1- students lives can be improved by AI as it makes them to improve their own skills and makes them explore various things in different perspectives
Ans 2-AI can prevent humans from extreme weather changes and reduce the loss of life -it can tell people how impactful is climate change then how it might be causing . AI can tell us how to reduce environmental pollution caused by humans. For examples plastic use ,drainage overflow etc.
Ans 3- AI is very useful for developing a new thing but it can't succeed in every attempt , we may fail sometimes but we should learn from our mistakes and we have to try it continuously for a perfect development.
In my opinion Al can be helpful in many different ways like making peoples lives better and it is very beneficial because some people have to depend on it every day so that is why Al can be very, very important all the time
I disagree because... Almost everyone who uses AI don't care about the environment. And by saying that i don't mean you are wrong because everyone Need and Likes AI so we are both correct
Hi @patient_tiger - can you tell me how you think AI can make peoples lives better?
being sustainable is more important because if we were really not sustainable earth will become uninhabitable and no earth no were to make progress
Hi, I think Al is very important because it helps many people and actually helps people do things.And it can be useful and help people get calm and it is something people can use every day.
I disagree with the fact that AI is important and I back my decision with the following points:
1. Before AI came into existence, people's lives were okay but they wanted something that will help make things easier and faster for them.
2. Looking into the future, people say that AI and robots will take over and people won't have jobs any more so what will become of us?
Even though AI helps us in so many ways, I don't think it is so important that we can't survive without it. So even if we don't use AI, later we might come up with a better invention that will be less dangerous to the planet.
In my opinion, I believe that AI should not be an urgent matter. So much electricity is wasted per hour and making our environment more vulnerable to climate change. It’s our responsibility to protect our planet and save the future generations however we are destroying the ozone and civilisations across the globe. In order to revolutionise AI , we must maintain climate change and make sure that the world is safe and secure before we even consider using it to generate ideas or build up businesses. On the contrary, we can still use AI to do important and jobs of which AI is compulsory like doctors, scientists and agricultural work spaces .
People who are heavily affected by climate change may have different views on this. What if they get severely injured because of AI and it’s unnecessary wastage of water electricity and money. The eccessive use of AI may even lead to governmental debt because of this and raises taxes putting people in debt; making people homeless if it gets that bad.
To conclude, I think that it is okay to develop a product such as AI and introduce it at an appropriate time so nobody is going to become affected by it.
1) Life of the people indulged in various industries might be improved by using AI as it can bring a revolution in various fields and professions and make there complex work easier and organised, also will help them to upgrade there way of working .
2) People can be affected by climate change in one or another way caused by AI, so it should be used when crucially needed or in an limit.
3)Innovations should be there but developing a new thing and improving it over the time is wrong because first it should be completely sustainable and perfect .
AI is a very useful resource for humans as it makes tasks easier and also make jobs like engeneering ( for example ) easier by giving a detailed data analysis or suggestions about the architecture etc. Although there are many cons of AI too like unemployment as we have seen recently that many news anchors have been replaced by AI. If this continues in any other professions , at some point there would be increased unemployment. I think someone who's job is mainly dependent on AI might not agree with me and I do respect and agree with their opinion but, at the end I would like to conclude that AI might be really helpful but we should use it wisely.
AI is the medium which leads us to progress, although AI can damage the planet we have become so dependent on AI that we use it for every small thing we do. Many people like agriculturists, engineers and doctors take the help of AI to make their work easier but we can’t deny the fact that it heavily contributes to the degradation of the planet, water wastage, carbon emmission can cause problems to many people. We have to find a solution for this delusional problem and it has to be balanced as AI is an exceptionally vital part of our lives
I think that sustainability should always come first.People that have their lives improved by ai might think otherwise, but if their stations are making up 40% of US ‘s carbon emissions, that is the opposite of helping.If you think of people that are affected by climate change, they know what it is like suffering with things like bushfires, floods, cyclones, droughts and loss of nature/greenery.None of us know what climate change is doing to the animals, inhabitants of rainforests, desserts and Australia.I believe that it is absolutely fine to improve something over time, as long as it won’t result in damage to animals, people, and nature.
Building tomorrow: Where sustainability meets progress. The question has the importance of both the topics so far. If we see from a point of view of a student, a game designer or someone in the field of finance and job, AI has brought a drastic change in the manner of speed, time and progress. AI has been a wonderful source of information which is now becoming a great deal for the upcoming generations. So, the one in the mentioned fields would definitely choose making progress upon sustainability as their sustainability is somehow making progress. The lives of influencers and almost every person doing a job may get better due to AI as it would only help them to gain more confidence for their task and easier to manage a whole connection of tasks through AI. So the people would answer that AI is the only reason for their lives got improved due to. But, the people those who are into the fields of non-electronic based job would prefer progress over sustainability as their progress leads to sustainability. For a farmer, we could suppose AI is not something that could make people healthy and alive, but food is. If they might face a fire or high temperatures then there must be some imbalance in the nature itself, AI could not fix it. So again the people affected by climate change would also choose sustainability over progress as they know that only if the world and the people last, the progress shall be continued. Development is something that is named only if the thing improves day by day: improving it day by day keeping sustainability in mind would lead to the progress itself.
In my opinion, I strongly believe that sustainability should be priority number one. In my school, I’m an Eco Warrior and I feel that I will be letting most people down (including myself) if I don’t stand against this. Despite AI making a big difference, it’s creating a lot climate change and it’s making the earth a bad environment. As outspoken_moment stated, before we evolve AI, we must make sure that the earth is put into a good position.
I 100% agree with this and yes this is extremely bad for the environment and Really it is only some people that does try to stop this
I also love the quote that outspoken_moment said BEFORE WE EVOLVE AI, WE MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE EARTH IS PUT INTO A GOOD POSITION
(I truly love it)
And yes we do need to fight for the environment as soon this planet will go extinct like the poor dodos 😓
Thank you for your brilliant reply.
-Everyone's lives will improve with AI.Careers such as medicine , engineering are improved daily where new ways are developed inorder to better people's lives
-AI will help with curbing climate change ,it can help make climate better or change it from worse to better
-It is important to develop something new ,that's how people learn and new innovations start and then overtime improving it makes it more better and reliable to use over time
I thinkt that AI can be really useful and timesaving in basically everything and for everybody. Almost everyone (who has acces) uses AI from time to time. But we also have to remember the negative sides of it, such as the huge amount of energy needed to power an AI. So my suggestion would be that we still let the AI help us, but limit it's use so we don't harm our planet as much.
In my opinion, AI will open many opportunities and doors for those with disabilities. For instance, AI is a way deaf or mute people can communicate. Not only that, but AI can also improve transportation or help blind people with navigation.
Hi dynamic_duck. You make a great point about AI being able to help people with disabilities, I really like how this shows you thinking from different perspectives.
Hello everyone!!
This is a very important question and I believe that sustainable is the correct approach to this fast progression of Ai. Right now climate change is the biggest health threat to humans and the planet and it's important that we shed more light over this issue. For this reason, the progression of Ai should be reconsidered or completely halted for the time being because if it is to continue, the annual emissions of Ai data centers will not only be higher in the U.S but higher in other places In the world as well as more places start to build these data centers. Now people may say that others benefit from the use of artificial intelligence, like for example to make a tedious task much faster and accurate. But to this I say, Whats more important, finishing a task faster or focusing on climate change and making this planet a better place?
Thank you.
I think ai is really helpful in various fields like medicine astronomy etc.. still ai is not fully sustainable.even though it's helpful there is no rush to develop ai immediately.
Sustainability outweighs progress when it comes to importance. AI has been used for many occasions, but at what cost? As AI increases in popularity, our planet is decreasing in condition and sustainability. For many years, our planet has been facing an increase of wastes, air pollution, and lack of natural resources, which AI has been one of the main reasons in recent years. In addition, though progress is important, our planet is even more important and should be taken care of before making any progress. Our planet is our home, we should keep it in good condition and treat it with care, progress should be made once we ensure that Earth is taken care of. In conclusion, Sustainability is more important that progress because AI can cause serious damage to our environment and Earth, which would later effect us, meaning that we should take care of our planet first before it affects the world around us.
AI may improve lives of doctors because they will be able to research on different medicines to prescribe their patients.
Using AI will improve farmers life because they will do research on how to sustain their crops or livestocks.
Is ok to develop a new thing and then improve it over time in order to know it's advantage and disadvantages.
Ai indeed is a wonderful creation, contributing to various aspects and fields.. it has made life easier and helped us in ways we never knew existed. Ai can improve the lives of people engaged in education, forestery jobs, health care and other such fields but on the other hand i think Ai's use should be limitized (not stopped) by a bit in the future because we all know what it's headed to.. Ai is very beneficial, yet warning, because it holds the power to change the world. But maybe, just maybe, if we focus on both, our plant and making progress with Ai at the same time, it can have a very longed and fancy aftermath!
AI is very useful and I think everyone use it. When we spend a lot of time thinking about something ,then AI can explain it to us much better in less time. I'm a student. When I get stuck on a subject of my study, then I take some help from AI. AI is of immense importance for solving many big problems. For example: what to do after a big earthquake or what to do if a boat breaks in the middle of the river. But always using AI can reduce our thinking. We will be interest to take help of AI to solve even small problems. Thinking that "AI is there, don't think so hard about the problem". So if people are too dependent on AI , they will lose their thinking power.
Artificial intelligence affects people and those already experiencing climate change will connect the same experiences with its disadvantage.
AI is a good technology to improved sectors and countries because it brings efficiency and speed in any work place. Rather its dangers should not be ignored since those living in areas without AI are still behind technologically and that can create imbalance
It's not just humans who will get affected by climate change , wildlife and aquatic life will also get affected. There are so many factors that can ruin the environment like forests fires, rise in temperature, melting of glaciers, air pollution and even loss in biodiversity. These factors will definitely create health issues in many people and affect there lives. We have seen so many live examples of sudden weather changes like rain suddenly occurs in any season and some times there is hot temperature in winter and many more. What I think is that we ( humans ) should be working on creating and maintaining a sustainable environment which should be our first priority, even if everyone will take small steps starting from themselves we can improve our climate and make our future better.
climate change should be a priority number one. even if AI is revolutionising the world for the better , I believe sustainability will prevent climate change problems such as : flooding , rising global temperatures, wild fires and biodiversity loss. If we want to evolve AI it can be used by scientists to spot natural disasters we can look at images taken from space and warn people before it is too late , for example people should have been warned to evacuate before the flooding in Spain in Valencia. This would have resulted in a lot less people dying and less homes and villages being destroyed from flash flooding .
I agree that AI is brilliant , but comes at a cost.The reason I believe this is to keep them cool it takes 27 litres of water ,this is going to make it pricey. The Environment is paying a lot to make AI and it can cause soil erosion and pollution .
AI can help so many people in so may different ways such as doctors For example doctors can use AI which can help the busy doctors by transcribing notes and organising patients data .
I think ai can help lonely people and there is this Bollywood movie “Teri baaton me aisa uljha jiya” which states that ai can be beneficial for lonely people . If I would be a lonely person or even a patient in the hospital in both ways my mental or physical health would be affected and humanoid robots would help me in cherishing my mental health with happiness and high tech operating machines would help me find my heathy body back so basically ai would be beneficial for us in all perspectives as if my mental and physical health is fine everything can be managed . Strongly believe ai is our future so we should be happy with what we have and leave a room for wonder and improvement.
wow AIs has done so many things for as of recently imagine the nearest future where in a case there is no sufficient teacher getting an AI would be getting a teacher that knows everything or just like the new AI robot made by Elon Musk if gotten as a teacher would solve all the problems of having bad teachers around the world would end or in a case where by there is no doctor present in a hospital and the person is administered to be positive of Malaria or any other deathly disease and only an AI is present with the help of an AI and a few nurses the person would be getting better in no time plus doctors wouldn't have to complain any more that there is no doctor or person present with the help of an AI the doctors would worry less even when it comes to sorting documents both in a hospital , bank , economic offices, online shopping an AI would gat it done in a matter of no time. those who reject AI are people who just didn't come up with the idea , AIs are just ways human beings evolve for the greater for the greater future and evolution is a must and for those who feel like the carbon is the main causes the ozone layer to deplete which actually it does but if they feel like AIs should be stopped due to carbon that means that the use of vehicles ,airplanes and industries should also be stopped .The same way
I agree because... AIs are actually what would help build the new future imagine a world where all the stress would be taken away by AIs some may say that we are becoming lazy but in the same way cars take away the walking AIs takes care of helping in our studies the same way airplanes takes care of our cross country transportation of people, goods and so on is the same way AIs help in saving lives of people it even helps in transportation
AI has been very useful example for homework and many more AI is a very useful agent to pupils which supports them in their their studies AI is not only for students but also for adults it helps them in their different work places so my point is that in some areas in school or in our work places we need AI
AI is doing more good than bad because, in the olden days, people stress their selves doing farming with the use of hose, shovel and so many other tool. And sometimes these are prone to sickness which may lead them to dead. But now, Al is produced in almost part of the world, people no longer suffering them selves doing the farming because AI is there to do the work. And also AI makes the work faster more than human being dose. So why do people say that AI is doing bad to them when AI has helped us in our everyday life time.
AI is Important nowadays. We take the Help of AI's in any problem. I also take the help from AI to solve any of my own problem. Now due to Global warming our world going to wrost. It’s vivid proof is the fire of America. If we want we can solve this Problem through AI. We also know that Ai helps in solving any big problem. So I think ai is more important
The fact of all of this is so confusing but if i am to choice i think that the world is devolping and i strongly belive
that all of this can be handled if we give the scienicists a try maybe they will find something also the fact about the carbon emission can be put in place in a way or two.So i suggest that we give AI a chance for without AI no browsing or any thing can be put in place for you won't like to go back to the isealites and eygptians times.
According to what I think, AI is both good and bad that it has both positive and negative sides because they can be sustained and it leads to a positive side.
Can you tell me a bit about the positive, and negative sides to AI?
Sustainabillity is definietly more important than AI, in my opinion. Even though AI is helping us everyday and doing somethings insted of us, we should be careful to our planet. Lives of doctors, scientists, teachers will be improved by AI. I think theirs answears for question" what is more important sustainabillity or AI?" will be the same. They are educated humans and I think their answer will be that sustainabillity is more importat. Because will can live without AI, but we cannot prevent the harm to the planet that it brings. I think people who are affected by climate changes and natural disasters must think how sustainabillity is more important then AI. Sure, AI can help those people by alarming them before some natural disasters, but I think they would be more than happy to reduce those climate changes. My answer for the last question is yes, it is ok to develop a new thing and the it over time. Nothing can be perfect, at least in the beginning. Maybe someday AI will work perfectly and won't cause damage to our planet.
According to me, being sustainable is more important rather than in making progress.. As without a livable environment the progress is meaningless... By AI many people's life can be improved as it provides many resources to us. And it is totally fine to developp a neew thing and then work upon it as we get to improve oourrself by makiing mistakes and then working upon them.. Thanks
Developing something new and then improving it over time is practical especially in the case of AI. Many AI were launched in the basic form but after that when people started using it they found some flaws in it and then they gave their reviews and so eventually the AI got better but if the developers wait for the perfection the might delay the launch and it may not fit for people's expectations and wouldn't be as desired and someone has rightly said that nothing is perfect so atlast I feel improving over time is a better choice as it has the best balance between progress and quality
The environment is more important to an extremely great extent. Sustainability should be the world’s first priority and concern. Everyone must look after the environment otherwise AI couldn’t have been invented! If our world wasn’t in a good condition, we couldn’t make more AI, so it would be a loss to both. On the other hand, AI is exceptionally efficient as it reduces human error, increases intelligence and improves decision-making. Many people have highly-useful benefits of AI because it helps them get a job and live life with more bliss and blithe. However, even if AI is crucially clever and hugely helpful, it doesn’t save our planet, and the world we live on is most important. On the contrary, AI may find solutions for climate change and all brutal things going on in our world. Nonetheless, it is predicted that by 2030, AI will have produced millions of electric waste, and that is just unacceptable. Save the planet, save the world!
Ai is useful in many professions which makes task easier to manage in many areas like healthcare by providing diagnosis and analyse data more efficiently But it have some drawbacks aswell like machine are replacing workers in factories if it continues in other areas or fields more people can loose their job leading to unemployment while some people who relay on AI may have different perspective but I believe Ai is very useful, but is should be used carefully to avoid any thing bad or negetive I even feel everything is okay until we cross the limit
I strongly believe that sustainability is more important, although making progress with AI is favourable because you can make improvements with your texts and work, in a small amount of time. But this means that it will lead to environmental costs, which when it comes to AI is very harmful to the planet. Therefore, l think that sustainability is more important as it preserves our planets natural resources like air and water, so that means if we build a sustainable future our lives will be better as it can stop pollution and habitat loss. A brighter future with fresh air and a healthy planet is crucial for lives in the next couple of years and decades.
What does AI mean for us in regard to the ecosystem? Does it mean we're on borrowed time? For some, it is a seemingly otherworldly notion but in reality, it may not be far from the truth.
AI, the technology that has been around since 1956 (the year after Alan Turing, the "father of computing", died,) has been a significant advancement in the field of computing. It has been accelerated by the development of industrial robots, such as the first industrial robot "Unimate" in 1961, IBM's Deep Blue in 1997, and Google DeepMind's AlphaGo in 2015. However, the rapid pace of AI's development has led to concerns about its environmental impact and the need for billions of dollars in venture capital and supercomputers.
Training AI requires billions of data points, which can drive efficiency compared to other technologies. However, it also consumes thousands of times more energy than other technologies, and the air conditioning systems used to maintain AI operation use millions of gallons of water, draining already taxed regions with drought concerns. Overextended power grids may also fail, posing risks to people affected by climate change.
AI is not powerful enough to preserve us, and it has not solved the issues previously plaguing humans with resource distribution. If AI continues to progress at this rate, we may face eradication in the future rather than preservation. Money-hungry companies focus on the present, not the future, and may eliminate us in the process. So, I ask YOU: is AI our future—or will it eliminate us in its quest to dominate the future?
You make some good points, shy_meerkat. You also ask an interesting existential question. In my opinion AI will figure into our future in many ways, supporting many businesses and making lots of things easier for lots of people. But I don't foresee it having a "quest to dominate the future". I think we are a long, long way from AI that has thoughts or desires, and even if that were possible I'd like to think its first desire would not be dominance...
Developing new things is good because it sustains our environment and even our planet.
People can be so engaged in AI that they forget about our planet Earth.