Standpoints by fantastic_gazelle

Comments by fantastic_gazelle

Comment Post Date
The legacy of the world cup happening Quatar is that many people have sacrificed their lives due... World Cup: what’s the legacy of big events? 18/11/22
Thank you for your comment. I did think about this however, Iran is part of the united nations ... Iran: Should people speak out? 11/11/22
As a girl, I think that women should be treated the same way as men. Currently, in Iran the... Gender inequality: have your say! 09/11/22
The Iranian government has made social meadia banned in Iran so people can't cry out for help... Iran: Should people speak out? 08/11/22
I think people shouldn't just leave Iran the way it is and not help at all. We all have the... Iran: Should people speak out? 07/11/22