Gender inequality: have your say!

Gender equality will take 132 years to achieve if we continue making progress at the current rate. Look at the global statistics about how men and women are treated unequally at work.

  • Pay

    On average, women are paid less than men. For every dollar that men earn, women earn 77 cents. This is called the gender pay gap.

  • Progress

    Since 2006, the regions that have made the most progress in closing their gender pay gap are North America, the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Education

    In the past, one of the biggest reasons for the gender pay gap was because fewer women had access to education. This situation is improving but the inequality still exists.

  • Unpaid work

    Women are more likely to do unpaid work at home. For example, looking after family members or household chores. Women may be doing as much as 30% more unpaid work than men.

Comments (165)

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  • In my ernest opinion i feel men have a say more than women because they are superior over us. We can use Malala Yousafzai as a clear example in this topic she was born into a family that encoraged education for females. Her father wanted her to be treated equally. When the Talibans took control of their town they changed everthing girls should not go to school.They should only be at home doing chores and getting married at an early age. While the boys could have proper education and get jobs. Malala loved school and didnt let their rule get to her. She started to protest and fight against gender inequality. She was on a bus with some of her classmates and she was shot in the head because she was fighting against education right for girls. Luckily she survived the attack and is still protesting. This is simply setting an example for girls to try and stand strong for their fundamental rights no matter how fierce the consequences maybe. We shouldnt let men bring us down because they may be stronger or braver than us. We should learn to prove ourselves to them.👍

    1. You make some great points here about how women, like Malala, have had to fight for equality. In your first line you said "men have a say more than a women because they are superior". This makes it sound like you agree that they are - however, I think you mean "men have a say more than women because some men believe that they are superior". This makes it clearer that gender inequality is wrong.

      1. Yes. Gender inequality is wrong because we as women have legal rights to freedom,speech,vote and to be voted for and so many fundamental rights but unfortunately some of us are denied those rights because of belief. Some people believe women are meant to be housewives, sex objects, slaves and so on which is very devastating to even think about. Women in some countries cant even say a word when they are being maltreated because of fear of what happen next. They are some women who gather up courage to talk but when they talk nothing actually happens because she's a woman that doesn't deserve to be heard or granted justice. We should try to make ourselves equal with the men so we can enjoy our fundamental rights and experience having jobs that we've never gotten like beign the president of a country.

    2. I think Malala is a fantastic example of fighting against gender inequality! You have said men are superior to women - do you think this is perception or reality? For example, although men may be perceived as superior to women, I believe in reality we all have our strengths and weaknesses that make us an asset to one another and women just as 'superior' as men.
      Why do you think women should prove themselves to men? Do you think there are enough 'strong' or 'brave' women role models for men to learn from?

      1. Well think it is perception. In the world today people now have regarded men to be at the top but when we face reality some women are above men in some specific levels. The mindset of someone can affect everything. Gemder inequality did not just start like that. It was the mindset of an individual that rose it up to this level. People encouraged the post or what the person must have said and decided to think the same way. Yes there are a lot of brave strong women that serve as role models to men. Ophra Winfrey is a clear example. She tried her best to stop child abuse since she was a victim of it. Many people have learnt from this amazing woman. Her words do not only make an impact to women but also to men. Alot of men have been inspired through her.

    3. I sincerelly agree to your statement becuase when respectivelly veiwing what one believed and has created a change (Malala Yousafazai) we should all believe that everything is possible no matter what the aftermath may involve.

      To continue, it is said how in the early 16 centry are before, men were provided a sufficient quantity of more power over us, women. This all took place before democracy and voting became a thing.

      An additional point which o am willing to add ois the fact of how men still are given a little push of more power. This is depicted in salaries. For example, when one (female) works at a bank, then there wage is still less to what a man earns by performing the same task (The difference is puny though).

      Just to end of, I agree with your point; "successful_crow"

      1. Great examples illuminated_newspaper!

    4. I agree because women are also human beings who have equally the same rights as men do. The denial of them to go to school is not right because these women are more than what they look ; they are the main roots of our existence and denying them the opportunity to go to school is really unfair. They too deserve equally the same rights as men have

    5. "In my ernest opinion i feel men have a say more than women because they are superior over us." No one ever said men are superior over women. The wrong mindset of some people including women makes it seem that men are more superior than women but that is very wrong. Some examples of women who never felt like men are superior and they have to kill their dreams and aspirations in order to be under those men are Vigdís Finnbogadóttir of Iceland, who won the 1980 presidential election as well as three later elections, to become the longest-serving non-hereditary female head of state in history, she did not allow the men are superior to women talk get to her. Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti was the first woman in Nigeria to drive a car despite the less support women got at that point. There is a popular Nigerian saying that says what a man can do a woman can do it better. women and men are equal.

    6. The example you mentioned really enriched the topic, yes Malala is a great example of standing straight infront inequality and fighting for rights. But, i disagree with you in one thing when you first mentioned " Men are superior over Women" by this you prove that you are really into this and comvinced by this say, then you contradicted it with the example.

    7. I love this example. Malala is such an inspriration to everyone and she continues to protest and advocate for children rights today.

  • At the outset, I want to say that all people should be equal, so that we do not differentiate between them in language, religion, customs and traditions. We do not differentiate between women and men. I feel that men have a greater opinion in society, so that women work at home without a salary. But women have a lower salary than men Men evaluate women from the outside. Men have positions in which they make important decisions, such as the president of a company, a school teacher, or a university teacher.

    1. Thank you for sharing your views on this, honest_cat. You mentioned a few examples of inequality too - so what could be done to improve these situations? Do you think it will be easy to achieve gender equality?

      1. I don't think it's easy to equalize the sexes
        Because if we want to achieve equality then first we have to change my thinking in some societies that women are also human beings and they are just like men and I think that will take a long time to convince them

        1. Hi @agreeable_dusk, this is a great point! Changing societal attitudes plays a crucial role in achieving gender equality.

        2. Yes, I agree with you. No action can be changed, and we work until we can communicate with you. We think of words, good ideas and increase their knowledge of women, and that women have dignity like men and have the freedom to do whatever they want according to the law.

      2. I do not think so, because in some countries they believe that men are the mainstay of society because their customs and traditions that delude them and blind them to equality between women and men and also because they follow the path of their ancestors because they think that their grandparents are always right and this is wrong because no one is wrong as they think because they think A woman's job in life is to serve them as a commanded slave who has no decision, and that a woman has nothing to do with anything but the birth of children, so they are completely wrong.
        Therefore, they will not be able to change the reality of gender inequality unless centuries after centuries pass. Because it has been established in their minds that women have no value.

        1. what you're talking about here, allowing_flute, is "generational change" -- the idea that societal norms live and die with certain generations. But maybe it's more hopeful than you think; generational change _can_ happen within a single generation or two, not "centuries after centuries"...

    2. I agree because... I come from a place that has what you say.

    3. You have said men have a greater opinion in society. A one-sided view of life can exclude others. For example, men making policies on sanitary products will generate limited outcomes. What do you think about more female representation in 'important positions' in order to fairly represent the whole population?

    4. To the best of my judgment, women emancipation should be one of the solutions for gender inequality. All women should be given the opportunity to try those jobs that are thought to be for only Men because they also have the ability to do them even better than Men. Take an example of Michelle Obama, she was the first African American first lady of America a role model for women and an advocate for international adolescent girls education👍LET'S SUPPORT WOMEN REGARDLESS OF RACE AND RELIGION(avoid racism )

  • Political exclusion is also a challenge women face because of their gender. It is not right to think women are the weaker gender and they are not able to handle leadership positions. Women can fully participate in politics and lead fairly and justly and there will be a sustainable strong, vibrant democracy and also a country where women's rights are not violated.

    1. Excellent point! Influence in laws, legislation and social policy is very important to make an impact for an entire population, including raising women's opinions and issues to the forefront.

    2. I agree because... the more we have women in the political community the more opportunities for women who don't have the opportunity to express themselves are being encouraged to.

    3. Well i would also agree with you because gender inequality goes far beyond only political exclusion. Gender inequality most at time start from our homes due to stereotypes that the females are meant to do the chores at home instead of going to school thereby restricting her from having an education. Also there is gender inequality also in homes because when, for example there is a male and a female child in the house there is this stereotype that males are meant to use blue while the females are meant to love pink, but i would say no all colors were created so both male and female could love and use them.
      Also gender inequality in the classroom, for instance it is believed that the males are more smarter than the females or the males can handle class activities more than the females. Well i would say that this has to stop. I think the public should be enlightened on the dangers of stereotyping and also gender inequality

    4. I agree because... this is a really serious problem we face everywhere, politics is now titled as a one man thing and its not proper

  • It is not supposed to differentiate between the sexes because both of them have many benefits, but there are some countries that refuse to educate women and this is a big mistake because women have opinions and ideas like men, so they have the right to education like men and there are many men who violate the right of women because they may be weak and when the woman goes to work They treat her badly and do not give her her full rights. Therefore, no distinction should be made between the sexes, because each gender has rights such as education, work and good treatment

    1. You're very right! Everyone has the right to these things. You mentioned that both sexes have benefits. What qualities do you think women bring to the table when they are in positions of power?

      1. I think that women have many advantages, the first of which is justice, because women have been greatly subjected to injustice, so when they are in positions of power, they will work to prevent injustice and this is a wonderful thing. These are the positives when women are in positions of power, but from the negatives are that they will not be able to solve big problems and will not be able to protect their homeland from wars because women are emotionally overpowering their minds

        1. You make an interesting point that people who have suffered injustice might be more motivated to create a just society once they are in positions of power. However remember that the idea that women are more emotional and less rational than men is also a stereotype that has been used to justify gender inequality. Scientific research suggests there are not significant differences in how emotional people of different genders are – just in how they sometimes express those emotions. What other challenges do you think women face because of these sorts of stereotypes? And how do you think these situations could be made more fair?

  • I would like to say at the outset: Gender equality is equality between men and women and includes the concept that we are all human. Men and women are free to develop their own capacities and to make decisions. Equality means that the different behaviours, aspirations, and needs of women and men must be taken into account and valued equally. This does not mean that men and women should be the same but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities do not depend on their gender. Equality means fair treatment between men and women according to their own needs.
    However, the economic participation rate of women in the region is the lowest in the world, and despite the improvement in the educational level, there are several challenges facing women’s entry and survival in the labor force such as patriarchal stereotypes, etc.)
    This makes inequality exist!

    1. Fantastic comment @cooperative_dolphin, you have demonstrated the Topical Talk skills of listening and speaking really well!

    2. You have displayed a really good understanding of need for equal opportunity! However, you mentioned that despite the opportunity to study and to work, women are not contributing enough. You mentioned this is because women are facing many challenges that men are not. Do you think equal opportunity as men is enough to help women grow? If not, what privileges do you think women in the region should be given to rise up?

      Also, read the concept of 'equality vs equity' if you are interested :)

  • We always hear the same words on gender equality but what can we really do to make sure that our movement towards it delivers full impact. I am for gender equality but we need to be certain that what were fighting for isn't going to be another epic fail. Protests and public statements are helpful but not helpful enough. What if we try convincing the whole world that everybody wins if women and men have equal rights to certain privileges by showcasing this through every chance we get. Men too can help in this, after all the more, the better.

    1. Good point @brilliant_laboratory! What else do you think we need to do to achieve gender equality?

      1. If we want to achieve gender equality first, we must end the multiple forms of gender violence and ensure equal access to quality education, health, economic resources, and participation in political life for both women and girls, men and boys. It is also necessary to achieve equal opportunities in accessing jobs, leadership positions and decision-making at all levels.

        1. very good points, agreeable_dusk.

        2. But you didn't explain how we shall end the multiple forms of gender violence and how to ensure access to all you have mentioned though I also appreciate your comment.

      2. Well, we need to set a good foundation in young minds. Children should have a concrete perspective on why gender equality is so important. I think we will be fine from then on.

      3. Carefully making sure biased treatment is abolished in work places. I am very keen with this.

      4. I think to achieve gender equality we can write songs and articles on gender inequality so as many people out there get to know how men are being favored over women which will encourage them to stand up and fight gender inequality

    2. I have a question
      How can men help achieve gender equality?

    3. I'm really appreciating how you are looking for practical steps to make progress. Do you have an example of how you would showcase that everybody wins if women and men have equal rights?

    4. You make a very good point about men helping. It is very important that men also promote and not oppress women. In some societies this takes a lot of courage, but it is the right thing to do and will ultimately benefit society.

    5. It seems obvious that everybody would be better off if men and women had equal rights, doesn't it? So why do you think this is not the case? Why might some people be against it?

    6. I agree with you because I also stand for gender equity and there are things we can do to fight for equality. We can support women in power by overcoming the systemic barriers against women who want to partake in a leadership position and any other position. Also we can support women who want to work in “non-traditional” fields such as politics, science and sport. Another way of fighting inequality we can help women get proper education especially girls and women in the developing world. In many countries across the globe, girls are not seen as important to educate. When we support and help them get proper education we provide opportunities for them to forge a life for themselves, gain financial freedom and escape from dangerous circumstances such as sexual exploitation, human trafficking and child marriages.

    7. I feel some women are the reasons for gender inequality. Firstly a woman is not meant to get assaulted to get a promotion or high pay she should speak out and report to the right authority. Most women do not speak out when they are being abused and it is slowly promoting the strength and courage of the other gender and making women look like the weaker vessels.

      1. This sounds like you are saying that people who are oppressed or abused are the ones responsible for their situations, which is very unfair. What could communities do together to help support women like the ones you mentioned?

  • Challenges facing women due to inequality
    They are equal and work opportunities. Women still suffer from inequality between them and men in obtaining employment opportunities, and women within society have fewer opportunities than men, and this does not mean jobs that require physical ability, but rather about job opportunities that require a certain level of study Experience and culture
    As the woman has the experience and the appropriate educational level, but she does not take the opportunity because she is only a woman.

    1. Great points raised here. What do you think could be done to increase women's confidence in taking work opportunities?

      1. To enhance women’s confidence in seizing job opportunities, first, they must be confident in themselves. Confidence, which is the most important advice for a woman, is to be able to prove herself in the field of work, because a strong personality makes her a leader in her field and distinguished among her colleagues, so it is important to abandon weakness and fear and have confidence. Self in order to get a job

        1. A very inspiring comment agreeable_duck! From your experience of the lesson on the protests in Iran, what are some other obstacles women face in gaining equality?

        2. Absolutely agree agreeable_dusk - a positive mindset, and self-belief is half of the battle. Your confidence is likely to inspire others too!

  • I want to say first that there is no discrimination between the sexes, as both of them are important in a society. The man has authority in society and receives salaries, and therefore the woman stays at home and takes care of her children. The woman does not convey the importance of the man and some people think that a woman does not have a place in society and we must prove the status and importance of women in Community

    1. You make a really interesting point about what you feel women's roles in society are not being appreciated. Do you think a woman would face discrimination if she wanted to work and receive a salary instead of a man? What do you think society would say about a man who stayed at home to look after the children?

      1. yes. Because some societies do not appreciate the importance and benefits of women in society. Some societies also appreciate the importance of women and take their right, and there the woman works just like a man

    2. Women also have a role in society just like men
      Women have an active role in the renaissance of society, as they do not differ from men in the importance of their existence. Rather, women are half of society, as they are mother, sister, wife, and friend, and women have a prominent role in reforming society, as they tirelessly take all roles and professions, such as economic and educational professions, Education, and many other positions

    3. I'm not sure about this because I am not really able to comprehend what you mean to say. Are you trying to say that women only have a role in the household and should stay there? and they are supposed to take care of the chores and work? While the man must work and have salaries?
      Kindly explain clearly forgiving_gazelle.

  • The information that amazed me and that I was not familiar with and ignored is that women receive less wages than men. Does this apply to the same work that they do together in the same field?!! Women and their achievements are greater than the performance of some men. Therefore, I think that from my point of view, justice and equality between the sexes must be achieved, even if our thoughts, beliefs, languages, customs and traditions are different. Equality is an important right that removes feelings of derogation among individuals

    1. Awesome comment champion_conclusion. You make a great point about a discrepancy in wages between men and women in the same field. What one thing do you think would make the greatest difference towards gender equality?

  • I think that what must be done to achieve justice between the two parties in all fields, first, is the enactment of laws and legislation and the development of social and economic policies that promote that equality and work on equal opportunities in the workplace..Second: Technical and vocational training that enhances and develops skills and women's job opportunities

    1. @champion_conclusion can you give an example of what laws or legislation would contribute to gender equality?

  • Among the challenges that women face due to gender inequality. I will first talk about child care. This unpaid work makes women spend 5 times more hours on work than men spend in unpaid care work..Secondly, wages are declining as a result of restrictions imposed on Women. Third, customs, traditions, and patriarchal stereotypes that limit educational and work opportunities in some countries

    1. Great point to raise regarding childcare and unpaid work champion_conclusion. What steps do you think we could take to make sure there is equal participation in this work across men and women?

  • It is true that it's actually necessary to believe in the equality of the two genders. If one cannot admit that there are legitimate differences between males and females, then that person makes the concept of gender equality between them entirely foreign. Men and women have equal dignity, and we are very similar on account of the fact we are the same species. However, generally speaking, men and women are different and play different roles. Understanding, accepting, and embracing this is necessary to understanding, accepting, and embracing our humanity.

    1. I love your point that both genders are equal in dignity and that is the most important thing! How do you think society should change and embrace all genders as people and not the role they play in society?

      1. Personally, I feel that the only solution to embracing all genders as people and not the roles they play in society is simply to overlook their genders and focus on what they are capable of achieving irrespective of their gender. It will be very bad to relegate someone who is capable of doing something only because of their gender and end up selecting someone who does not qualify in any way to do that thing. If this keeps on happening, success, cooperation and togetherness will never be achieved.

        1. inventive_artist interesting point. What if someone is facing gender specific challenges? Should they be considered?

          1. Yes i feel like those that are facing gender specific challenges should be considered just because they are facing challenges doesn't mean that they should be left out or not giving opportunities.

    2. I agree with your opinion of how all of us are equal in dignity. However, you said that men and women are different and play different roles in society. Isn't the main motive of gender equality showing that men and women can do the same work and responsibilities and that no one should feel excluded and be denied equal opportunities. Yes, Men and Women are different from one another but this does not mean that we should be confined to the work that society thinks is appropriate for us because of our background. Each individual should have their own say in their responsibilities in life.

    3. You seem to be arguing that men and women cannot be equal because they are different. Can you explain more about why you believe that, amazing_computer?

    4. Well most people treat women unequally for example in a school there is a female and a male soccer team and then the boys soccer room is more furnished than that of the ladies because they are males and they are "better natural athletes" and then a girl tried to speak up but she got punished. Well this example shows gender inequality, people try to speak up but most at times get discriminated and condemned too. What can we do to stop this in the society?

  • Gender equality is the goal while gender neutrality and gender equity are the ways to help achieve the goal. Gender parity is used to measure gender balance in any situation, as it can help achieve gender equality but is not the same goal. Gender equality is more than representation of justice, it is tied closely to women's rights, and usually requires political change.

    1. @digital_pigeon you mention a lot of different terms in your answer, can you explain the difference between gender equality, gender neutrality, and gender equity? And following on from your point, what kind of political change would contribute to improving gender equality?

  • To be honest none of these actually surprises me it's is common. But what pains me the most is the education not allowing women receive education is an infringement on their rights and it just holds a country back to be honest. The facts that the world uplifts one gender over the other, it's like women should cook and clean while men should work, sometimes I feel like it's a written rule somewhere but I have never seen it. It is literally the most retrogressive thinking ever. We all know the common saying equal work equal pay. I mean we all say change begins with you and things like that but does it really, personally I don't think so change begins with those not opportuned to have this information, change begins with our leaders, we can't keep having conversations like this and still have the same mindset everytime. Another problem we face that no one talks about is the objectifying of us to be honest, also to be honest we hurt ourselves no one wants to be seen as less so the moment they get the opportunity to use a fellow woman ad an uplifting stool they go for it. This is what I feel.

  • I find most of the facts I'm reading quite ironic you know, so you mean women actually do more work but get paid less I am speechless honestly. Look at this example a guy cooking in a restaurant and getting paid and a woman cooking at home and getting compliments, don't get me wrong it's a sign of appreciation but come on. A man washing plates at a business and a woman washing plates, irony this time she is not even complimented because she is supposed to do that. It does not even sound reasonable. Most time women's hopes get killed at a young age just because of her gender and it's not just ladies guys to you know. Just imagine the looks a guy would get if he says he wants to be a chef in the future. All these stereotypes doesn't do the world any good. It messes up our self-esteem frankly I know I don't think of certain jobs because of my gender, I have been told too many times directly or indirectly that I can't fit in.

    1. I'm pleased to see you are thinking of the impacts on both men and women accurate_wombat. What steps would you like to see to break some of these stereotypes? How do you think this could be achieved?

      1. Breaking stereotypes are kind of easy to be honest it just depends on our manner of approach to be honest. If all genders work together and try to achieve equality we can all succeed.

        1. Why do you think breaking stereotypes is an easy thing? Can you try explaining it more?

          1. Because we brought the stereotypes up we can also bring it down we just need a little help from influencial people I feel it's easy because it's all up to us to change the way we think.

  • From my point of view, men and women are equal in rights and duties and in some professional jobs that require a strong structure like men, unlike women, who are not suitable for them because of their weak structure that they instinctively have.

    1. pioneering_orca thanks for your comment, can you support your point with examples of where men and women have equal rights? Could your second point be influenced by stereotypes - which professions do you think are gendered and why?

      1. Occupations are classified by gender
        Such as the profession of blacksmith, the profession of mechanics, and the profession of the butcher, which is the welder, because the composition of the woman does not allow her to work in these professions.

        1. Can you explain what you mean by the composition of woman not allowing them to work in the jobs you've mentioned? I know several women in jobs related to mechanics for example.

          1. I think I said about mechanics because women in our society do not work as mechanics or in construction. It is impossible. It is possible for a woman to clean behind the building and not to adopt. The meaning of the composition of the woman is the structure of the woman or the body of a woman

            1. If some women do have these jobs in other places, would that not suggest that women are capable of doing these jobs?

              1. I don't think so, because women do not work mechanics, the reason is that we are veiled. You can do these jobs like mechanics, but women are not able to do these jobs

                1. Hi pioneering_orca - actually women can and do do these jobs - for example, search for Najlae and Rajae, mechanics from Morocco. You say that women who wear a veil might find it more difficult. What could be done to support these women to do any job?

  • The whole gender FEMALE is not really portrayed as something I would like to be apart of I mean we are generally undermined around the world it's bad enough as it is but I mean we were never given a fair chance it was just concluded that we can't do anything useful. Politics for example of not for the recent efforts made to change the world which countries actually allow women in politics, we are all just beginning to want this woke reality but we have to realize that it's a two way strive both men an women are being treated unfairly. We should learn how to build up a gender equally positive world.

    1. Your comment really struck a chord with me, that women are represented in a negative light. Feminine qualities are considered weak, often undermined in the workplace and positions of power. However, personally as someone that works in an environment like that- I have realised that those qualities are so powerful and essential. In your opinion do you have any qualities you like in women around you that should be praised and even adopted by men?

  • I would like to say at the outset: Gender equality is equality between men and women and includes the concept that we are all human. Men and women are free to develop their own capacities and to make decisions. Equality means that the different behaviours, aspirations, and needs of women and men must be taken into account and valued equally. This does not mean that men and women should be the same but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities do not depend on their gender. Equality means fair treatment between men and women according to their own needs.
    However, the economic participation rate of women in the region is the lowest in the world, and despite the improvement in the educational level, there are several challenges facing women’s entry and survival in the labor force such as patriarchal stereotypes, etc.)
    This makes inequality exist!

  • Women are not the only feminists, men too with the sense to acknowledge the importance of gender equality. How can females show their strength in this male-dominated society they find themselves in? How can we stop the passing on of this mentality to the other generations to come? What can be done to let our voices be heard by seemingly deaf ears, will this always go on like this? I for one say a big NO to the patriarchal system, misogynism, and male chauvinism. And I cannot understand why women constantly face discrimination by some antifeminist men when they just seek not only equality but acceptance as well. Will our children tell the same stories that we have lived? To stop this negative practice and culture, we have to take a stand and lend a hand to support this cause. But our public demonstrations, rioting, and protests aren't enough because we are still being silenced and ignored, like I said before, NO MORE. This is something that needs more than just words and actions, we also need hope for change. Let our fight be peaceful but firm, sending the message boldly and clearly but also calmly. We must find support in ourselves as feminists. Let us find voices for not only ourselves but for the voiceless among us as well because together we can do more.

    1. A brilliant, inspiring comment terrific_acorn. You make a fantastic point about the next generation of people being key to changing beliefs about gender inequality. What do you think would make the biggest difference for gender equality?

      1. Well, in my opinion, I think the best way to start is by encouraging equal education for both females as well as males. Education is the gateway that leads to freedom from not only ignorance but injustice as well. Young girls should not be made to marry at such tender ages and be subjected to cooking and cleaning, instead of having knowledge impacted on them. Many girls dream of learning in a classroom instead of being in forced marriages. If we can stop the culture of early marriages for females and instead educate them to know their rights, we can help in this fight. The problem with this cause is that most women have lessened themselves to be just cleaners, cooks, and wives. They should see that they are more than just that. We can help them by educating them. And once they are educated, they have not only freed themselves but their children as well.

        1. Thank you for sharing your opinion @terric_acorn. A great way of thinking!

    2. I agree because men too can be proud supporters of the feminist club, however the only falsehood in males supporting could be for political gains and what-not. Considering the women population percentage in each country, there is a high tendency for the reasons why males are feminists could be only based on politics.

      1. brilliant_laboratory how do you know if someone is being authentic and not behaving in a way to be more likeable?

      2. brilliant_laboratory how do you know if someone is being authentic and not behaving in a way to be more likeable?

  • Equality is mentioned in the Qur’an between all races, and the criterion for difference is piety only
    There is no difference between a man and a woman in the field of work or any field as long as there is self-respect for the person because the woman, since she has applied for work, that is, she is charged with carrying the responsibilities directed to her and performing them to the fullest, and she may have won more merit in her field of work than the man
    And this is only achieved away from people who hate women who do not like success for them

    1. I agree with you although I am Christian, equality is still mentioned in both religions' holy books.

  • 1. What amazes me the most is the unpaid work, as women do the work 30% more than their working hours, and above all, they do not give them money, why?? Is it not the right of anyone to claim his right?? And I demand justice for these women who work day and night in order to provide for their livelihood. I demand their promotion and making them like men with rights in everything (Do men have the right to get money and women not?? This is not reasonable)

  • 2. It is necessary to issue laws that equal women and men and to spread the rights of women in all countries, as there are villages that do not know this, and women do it with an increase of 70%, and this is because women are ignorant of their rights. There are those who exploit women

    1. This is a fantastic point free_snail. What would you do to help women who are ignorant of their rights?

      1. We can teach ignorant women of their rights in several ways, including: Songs: Since songs are the fastest to enter the human mind and heart, celebrities can also teach them by making videos explaining to them their rights. Also, holding seminars and societies: for women to attend, in which they are educated and educated. Industrial companies can produce products labeled with all the rights of women, so that all women can read it. Educating girls in schools and universities to raise generations who know their rights. As well as the work of serials and films awareness of women .

  • 3. One of the biggest problems that women face is forced marriage, as 59% are forced into marriage, which leads to a high rate of divorce and problems between families, but the main reason for this problem is the persecution of women's right to marry, so there must be laws that prevent this

    And also the problem of depriving a woman of her inheritance under the pretext that a woman cannot raise or open a home for her and her children and that only a man can do that, but this is a wrong idea as there are many great women and mothers who raised and created great generations like the great mother or Edison who With his upbringing, his establishment, and the discovery of his talent after the death of his father, we must not deny the virtue of women in this world, as I am behind every great man a woman.

    1. I agree becausYour connected words and beautiful examples explain to me many pictures of women's suffering, and I agree with you in all your words. The whole world should appreciate and respect women
      I expect that because of the effort and exhaustion of women, they are to be valued and respected more than men

    2. I agree because... the way women and young girls are forced to get married is just violation of right because every individual has right to education so violating women from gaining an education because of her gender is just disgusting .So as long as this forced marriage continues there will be poverty and instability,high global maternal mortality rate and there will be a large educational gap. Well people like Malala Yousafzai and other female activist that are still fighting for women to gain and education and even at that people in the society are still against them.A way to stop forced marriage is to report any forced marriage or violation of women's right to the authorities.Another question we should ask ourselves in the society is how can we stop discriminating that fight for what is right and also when would this discrimination stop?

  • Women and men are equal, for our religion urges us on the level, so there is no distinction between small and large, strong and weak, a man or a woman
    And I am surprised that some people do not recognize the importance of women
    But women have a big role in building society
    It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that there is no distinction between a man and a woman
    We must help raise awareness that women have a right to have a role, so we have two types of leaders so that every society can spring up cooperating and hand in hand

    1. @spirited_snow this is a way of looking at things I would not have thought of! Can you think of any reasons why men and women are not seen as equal in society?

  • Women struggle so much in this society where men are glorified and are heard therefore, women should have their own voices just like men do. They should be able to voice their thoughts out. A women's place is not the kitchen and her job is not just taking care of her house and children. They are much more than this. Women can do the the jobs that men can do. And a women can help her husband just like him.

    1. Brilliant comment educated_queen!

  • Many countries and peoples practice gender discrimination as a result of a wrong social heritage, and these wrong ideas and habits must be changed in all possible ways.

    1. I agree, sensible_impression. What wrong ideas and habits you have witnessed in your country? What would you do to change them?

  • I do strongly consider gender inequality to be wrong because women have legal rights to be provided freedom, be allowed to make speeches and vote. To continue, women have fundamental rights to perform all the actions above and many more but unfortunately the wide range of people around the world, believe that women are only supposed to be used as housewives, sex objects and hahve occupations like cleaners. Whereas, this is not the case. Furthermore, there are mobs of women who miraculously gather up their courage and try to be heard but no effect takes place.
    This is the wrong thing which many do to people who are trying to create a glimmer of hope for them and others.

    However, all women should be provided justice. So, a message to all of the people out there, keep your stand, stay strong and keep your head high. It doesn't MATTER if you are a WOMEN because democracy is a thing and you DESERVE to be HEARD!

    1. It's great that you`re so passionate about this, illuminated_newspaper. But do you think it's really true to say that no effect takes place when groups of courageous women get together to change things? Can you think of examples in the history of your country where a group of women did bring about change and achieved more equality?

  • world’s leaders have to join the world’s women ; if they genuinely step up their action for equality, building on the foundation laid in the last 20 years; if they can make the necessary investments, build partnerships with business and civil society, and hold themselves accountable for results, it could be sooner.

    Women will get to equality in the end. The only question is, why should we wait? we’re celebrating International Women’s Day now, confident in the expectation that we will have still more to celebrate next year, and the years to come.

    1. I feel women have been kept in the dark for too long, it is time for them to come out and make a change in society. 49.58% of the world is made up of the female population. If all this women support each other it will make a great change. A woman needs support in whatever she is doing to boost her self-esteem. Male feminist should support women that are trying to challenge what society has to offer. In Nigeria women are not really supported to follow some certain things but today we can look at a feminist and role model Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala the director general or world trade organisations. She came out of the dark to follow her dreams .She is boosting the feminist spirit in other young Nigerian ladies and that is building a good foundation for gender equality in Nigeria.

  • The one that surprises me the most is the one for pay which is on average, women are paid less than men. For every dollar that men earn, women earn 77 cents. This is called the gender pay gap. The reason why this one surprises me the most is because even if the job might be highly rated for men and not women doesn't mean women should get less money than the men. Just because they are both 2 different genders doesn't make one better than another. Anyone can start a web page saying that women should be paid the same thing as men and people can read it and share it to any family or friends so that will be shared around the world and eventually it might stop . Women get judged if they play football,basketball or any sport games because people when they first think of the game football they immediately think of a boy but girls can play too just because a game is mainly said just for boys does't mean girls can't play too.

    1. Can you share any examples of where women have excelled in some of the sports you have mentioned?

  • A culture which treats its people like equals is one that warnants loyalty. In a workplace which focuses on equality, people feel valued and appreciated for their contributions and also feel that they will be listened to if they ever have an issue or idea to raise.

    Not only will this inclusive culture create loyal employees with lower turnover rates, by creating this kind of culture, you become an attractive employer to a wider range of employees too. It means you’ll succeed in boosting your talent pool and beating competitors to the top hires.

  • The world of humanity is possessed of two wings: the male and the female. So long as these two wings are not equivalent in strength, the bird will not fly. Until womankind reaches the same degree as man, until she enjoys the same arena of activity, extraordinary attainment for humanity will not be realized

    1. This is a great metaphor unique_reality, I like the idea of a balanced flight.

    2. I liked this idea, but now in our world there is a healthy wing and a wounded wing, so the bird (the world) cannot fly, so we must treat this wing and as soon as possible through
      - Not to judge her in terms of what she should and should not do, as she is free to make her own decisions such as wearing clothes
      - Changing the way of thinking, and not taking sides with young people just because you thought they were physically stronger
      - Paying equal wages and equal working hours in order to be in balance between the two wings in terms of everything
      - Educating girls who dream of learning and not forced marriage, so they should not be prevented from learning, because learning is much better than dealing with housework, and it works to develop girls mentally

  • For societies that differentiate treatment between the sexes I will tell you
    If you try to think about achieving equality for once and think about the effects that result from achieving equality and from these effects
    + Improving the standard of living and opportunities in life for all individuals in society.
    + Improving performance and providing high-quality public services as efficiently and effectively as possible
    + Building strong relationships and proving justice and transparency

  • The thing that amazed me most is that in the past, the greatest reason for pay inequality was the small number of women that got proper education.. Really, why? because this is infact a huge descrimination against humanbeings.. if it because she is a women she don't have to learn or is it because he is a man he needs to learn.. All of us need to learn to explore ourselves and know our true interests

  • Women and men must have the same opportunities and have the same rights and obligations. Society is still unfair between the sexes. We all know what happens to women's rights and how they treat women in society. Women must be able to learn like men Men and women must share domestic affairs and violence against women must end In society there are a lot of men who despise women as their slaves who think it's fair? That women are great and all men should appreciate it There are a lot of men.Ignorant people in society who think that a woman cannot learn and succeed and that a woman to the kitchen just what are you without women, ignorant?! Women must own like men's rights and more yet.

  • Women and girls represent half of the world’s population, and therefore half of its potential. Gender equality is a fundamental human right and the foundation of all religions. A necessity for peace in societies and unleashing society’s full potential. Empowering women has been shown to stimulate productivity and economic growth.
    It is important to end the multiple forms of gender violence and ensure equal access to quality education, health, economic resources, and participation in political life for both women and girls, men and boys.

    1. I agree. There is zero reason for women and men not to be equal in their rights and responsibilities. Of course, there are things that men tend to be better at and things women tend to be better at. However, there's nothing I can think of where neither can excel if they want to.
      You are right when you mention productivity and economic growth too!
      Do you think religions help or hinder women?

    2. I also agree with you with what you are saying on how empowering of women has been shown to stimulate productivity and economic growth. And just like you were saying on the ways of crabbing gender inequality i wouldn't agree any better.

  • • women not being allowed to go to school in Afghanistan is so surprising because in this century everyone is being educated and when your not educated people look down on you and when your pairs are talking comprehensively you would not have that capacity to deliver you point well. Before you can work in an international or national organization you have to be well educated and this has closed so many opportunities for the women in Afghanistan.
    • Other Muslim religion leaders should come to an agreement with the Taliban so that they can consider some of the strict religious laws that are implemented on the people of Afghanistan.

    1. I think this is a very intresting subject, because of the power some men get when there are no women to express their own point out loud. It is actually pretty simple to cut women of the leaders or well paid list. If women get no education, then they got no good future. Without education, somebody can only stay at home and clean around. Overall, women are not that weak as some might think. Women are very strong, and can build their own future by themselves. They just need people to respect them. When it comes to asking men for equal rights, men should understand that women do not wish to be better than them, they just want to be treated the same. Women really mean equal rights when they say it. Also, when it comes to religion, nobody says that it should stop existing. It should only not force people to be in a way or another.

  • All the opinions are things we hear on a constant on the news, school and even at home but the irony is that more talking is done than action, as for the gender pay gap women should be paid equally especially if the job is stressful and time consuming also most people consider women working at home as a responsibility and duty even some women do not see this as unequal payment rather its best if they are appreciated by their immediate family.
    In my country women face a problem that I would like to term conceptive stereotype and is usually faced by married women. Sometimes when a couple have problems with conception everyone is quick to point fingers at the female regardless of the fact that the male may also have a problem and this has led to many broken homes and leaving the women to the judgmental voices of the society and everyone knows what happens next. It not fair because this is not really looked into as part of the problems faced by women.

  • I think this was not fair because the 22 year old Mahsa Amini"s veil was not tight so she was taken to police custody on 13 September, 2022 and she died on 16 September, 2022.
    This law in Iran was started in 1983, the Iranian parliament made wearing hijab officially mandatory and stipulated a sentence of up to 74 lashes for women seen not to be observing religious dress in public places. Girls and women suffer most of the negative impact of rigid gender norms and roles, they are more likely to experience restrictions of their freedom and mobility, they experience epidemic levels of violence and harassment across the globe and have fewer opportunities to choose how to live their lives.
    The Islamic veil signified modesty and was required for all women.

  • I feel shocked that lots of women did not have access to education because otherwise they won't learn new things. I think that the people could have let the women get education so that even they will have the chance to be smart and to be clever. Sometimes women don't get to work at any jobs they just work as house wives but I definitely don't think that is fair.

  • For gender equality to be one of the world's top problems especially affecting the females which are the most dominant sex in the world, doesn't this mean there's a high chance of this case reaching uncontrollable heights? I surprised of the fact that women are paid less officially at work, shouldn't the fact that they have rights ring a bell? I say that there shouldn't be such a discrimination especially when ladies are in a higher position than males at work.

  • In my opinion women till now are treated as slaves and everyone think that they are born for cleaning the house and child birthing so they are treated as not wanted and that is why women are not aloud to work in some countries and when a woman submit to work they sometimes get rejected from work.
    When I heard about Mahsa Amini and what happened to her I was so sorry for her and from the important things that made me sorry when I knew that she was unjustly killed and she was just killed because she was trying to express her opinion in woman freedom.

  • Gender equality can crearte cooperative society when the society members realize that females and males have the same righrts and duties everyone can produce and create with comfort and any attempt to prevent gender equality will lead to major consequncese like we see now in Arab world Such as the weak role of women in production and political activity which has led to weak production in countries that suffer from gender inequality

  • I will go to the dry deserts of Africa, India and Pakistan, and I will choose 100 sites and dig in each site an artesian water well, because water is life.

    I will not buy the ticket because the cost of going to space is very expensive, and this is limited to the very wealthy

  • Honestly, gender inequality is something that our leaders are not paying much attention to. Out of 195 countries in the world, only 15 are led by women. In some countries, women are not even given the opportunity to lead in politics or other leadership posts. Considering the gender pay gap, women should be payed according to their level of hard work and expertise, not according to their sex. Sometime ago where I come from, girls in some states were often married out at tender ages to some older men and this is a form of gender based violence. In some states many years ago, girls were not expected to set foot in the classroom, in the mindsets of old ,girls were born to serve men and their places of work were the kitchen. It is so unfair that great minds that could have solved a lot of world problems were shut down before they were even given the chance to function. Our leaders have to stand up for women,they can make the change by ending gender inequality. Unfair and unequal treatment must be put to an end.

    1. Fantastic comment.
      You have picked up on so many important points.

  • We are all human beings and our gender difference does not mean inequality for a particular gender, as is happening now with women all over the world who are subjected to injustice from society in their lack of participation compared to males on the grounds that they are more capable than them. But with the fact that cannot be denied, the woman is the basis for making a strong man who can be relied upon at this time, and the man is her brother, her father and her husband.There is no world and life without a woman or a man who complete the other half of each other. Let equality prevail

    1. 'Men are more capable than women and the fact can not be denied' - is it true? where does this come from?

  • I believe men and woman are equal but this doesn't affect the way the genders are treated in the community despite several governments attempts to archive equality of a woman and girl child in workspace and community environment. Women and Men should both be entitled to equal pay. The major issue that is holding gender equality in community is gender roles it should accepted by the community that men and woman can partake is specific activities not the assumption that women should stay in the kitchen why not men and women share roles, I pose a question is wrong if a man cooks and does the chores while a woman provides or both work and equally do chores.

  • I am greatly surprised by the fact that women are still doing 30% more unpaid work than the women and men . Personally I strongly believe that the problem of gender inequality can easily be solved once we get the world together to stand together and fight against it as a whole . we can do this though encouraging women leadership , making education gender sensitive, giving proper value to women's work ,fighting against sexual harassment and so many others. I also believe that we should not forget that over 156 countries in the world still part of the Gender Inequality Index meaning that plenty of women are still facing challenges such as the fact that many girls are facing sexual harassment hence leading to a higher morality rate than men , many women are also facing occupational segregation in many parts of the world so in my perspective I believe that the only way to crabbing the rates of gender inequality in through joining together as the world and fighting against.

  • First I want to say something is that we are all human beings like each other. The thing that amazed me is the number one example and it made me angry because I am a girl and I chose number one because they should not be separated and that the amount should be the same for both sexes because women also get tired like men and more. They put in their heads that women are not weak and women should be treated normally. If these laws are implemented, our world will be democratic and educated. There are some or most people who say that there are some jobs that are not suitable for women, such as construction and mechanical engineering, and this is not fair.

  • It amazed me that achieving gender equality will take many years, and this is disturbing. Therefore, women's rights organizations should practice many activities and activities that result in changing the status quo and achieving gender equality, and all women should struggle to prove their rights.

  • Non of these information surprises me. I see here that women are actually at the suffering side.
    I feel girls or the female gender should be given access to education. There are 130 million girls in the world who are not in school. Although there has been a significant boost in girls’ enrollment in schools, there is still much progress to be made. Education is an extremely valuable resource for both boys and girls.
    Women should also be given platforms to be in power and achieve economic success.
    Also, Globally, women have less political representation than men. Around the world, 62 percent of countries have never had a female head of government or state for at least one year in the past half-century, including the United States. The number of women in political positions compared to men is alarmingly disproportionate. Women should also be allowed to take part and have sources of income for their selves.
    Every day, thousands of girls and women around the world experience abuse, discrimination, neglect and denial of their rights. As some of the most vulnerable among us, children are often the most affected. These are other things women face. It causes stereotype and no woman should experience these things.

  • What surprises me the most is that most people don't believe in women. They always think females are a weak gender but to your surprise they are not ,we have seen women in life being awarded for doing their best in their respective careers .There is also this thins of women are bad politicians but we have witnessed women succeeding in politics with a good example of QUEEN ELIZABETH of England .Gender equality means equal rights in all genders so I think female is a gender and people that lie under it should be treated equal to other genders. Women are also taken to be weak so men take that chance to control them but this should not be the case women are strong and we all know behind a successful man there is a woman. There are also things like defilement and rape.I think it can be solved by putting security cameras in different areas and putting strict laws against women harassment

  • The information that surprises me the most is that women are paid less than men yet most of these women are single mothers and they need enough money to support their children's education, their medication and also to provide food in the household. To give an example in Uganda the percentage of single mothers is 52.3% and most of them have children and families to feed.

  • Honestly none of this information surprises me because ever since we reached an understandable level in school, we have always been told that there has to be change in the future and we are the ones to make a change but the thing is that nothing will change if there is no one willing to cooperate. If we were to go back in time like 10 to 15 years ago you will see that there really isn't that much of a difference right now that's because if a women for example is trying to apply for a job the employer may look at the woman as someone who is not that well educated and lacks the skills for the job.

    What could be done to make these situations more fair?
    Well first thing is first both men and women need to agree that they are equal and no one is above the other. With that in mind the other rules will settle in smoothly.

    Women still face sexual harassment in the work space, not being taken seriously, being afraid to ask for a good working environment. To mention but a few.

  • The information that surprises me the most is that the police officer that killed Mahsa Amini was a male. I think the situation could have been handled in a better way. Killing someone for not wearing their hijab was not the way to handle the situation, maybe a simple or less major consequence could have been given. Women have to face many challenges because of gender inequality. Like how people still under-estimate women, and say things like "Women belong in kitchens".

    1. How can we tackle some of these challenges?

  • In my opinion women being paid less than men has surprised me because in my country Uganda women are not paid less than men. If women do not stand up for they right the whole gender of women will get useless but if they stand up they will get their rights with out any person putting a hand . Women are denied their rights for example ; .a right to freedom. ,a right of speech. ,a right to be paid after working. and lastly about not least a right to be paid the same amount of money like men. If the women their rights the world will be a good place for some women to live in.

    1. My research shows that Uganda has quite a large gender pay gap. Can you find out more about this?

  • Well as the issue was brought out gender Inequality, in my opinion i think men have a very big say over men because in my country most women are subjected to domestic work girls are denied education. And I think the solution can be setting laws against people who are caught practicing these acts and making sure there are followed. and one of the other challenges women face due to gender inequality are ,some women are sexually harassed and since men are more favored they are not heard so some women is dreams are crushed, some are mentally crushed .That was my say thank you.

  • The information that surprised me the most was that fewer women had access to education. That was the most surprising because I thought most women were teachers so they would have better education because you need to have a good education to teach someone else. Something that could be done to make these situations more fair is by paying women and men the same amount for their work. The other challenges that women face is discrimination, snarky remarks, judgment from other people about what they should and should not do. For example if a person said women should not wear this or but something else instead.

    1. Also gender inequality takes place in areas of work for example, piloting(in aircraft piloting research has shown that women just comprise 4-5% of pilots in North America), firefighting have been stereotyped to only males because they feel that females cannot due this type of jobs because they are unfit, well i think this has to stop women should be given opportunities in different areas of work and we also have to break this stereotype on gender inequality.

  • the fact that many women are doing 30% unpaid work compared to the men surprises me the most. I mean women are capable of doing anything they set their mind to. why should their limit be unpaid jobs. they might not have the energy level as men but still their determination is not less. if men can be engineers then women can also be that because they have it in them that they must work hard to achieve their daily needs. the roblem begins with the culture which teaches women to think low of themselves that they can not do what men do. but if these cultures are changed and women are taught to raise their voices then the percentage of working women will increase.

    1. Is it just up to women to raise their voices? Are there things that men can also do to support women?

  • Many middle eastern woman including Indian women suffer from gender inequality or gender discrimination. unfortunately, it all starts when the child is still in her mom's womb . In some places girls about eleven to Thirteen year old are being denied from their rights , forced to marry , submitted to violence and kept from school to clean and cook . In the young boy's life they are always encourage to go to school , live a decent and happy life and have the right education to prepare them for potential work opportunities. On the other hand , the young girl's life is always based on carrying heavy household responsibilities , being affected and mentally damaged by physical violence and forced to marry thirty to fifty year old men in a young age . I find is very disgusting for women and young girls to face this horrible treatment.

    1. What are people doing to try to change this?

  • Well i think since the tutors and romans a lot has changed but it can still be bad in other countries . I think that girls or women not being treated equally is so unfair . The men sit back and do or did what ever they wanted whilst girls just did chores ,got paid less and didn’t have any opinion .

  • Gender equality is very important, but from my personal point of view, gender equality does not mean that women are completely equal to men because each of them has their own role to play in their own distinct and unique way, and many say the civilization in which we live everything built by men all the streets Everything we see, all the buildings, everything around us is built by men But when the girls say: We are of equal importance, not everyone agrees but I say: Of course you are of the same importance, but you have completely different tasks. It is worth mentioning, and the whole world should know that women are the foundation of the world, society and family, and that behind any successful and great man there is a greater woman than him.

    1. When you say some people say 'everything was built by men', do you think this is because men were given this opportunity or because they are the only one who could do it? What can we learn from these kind of attitudes in order to reduce inequality?

    2. The reason that society has been built by men is a result of gender inequality. Throughout history women have been given lesser opportunities in comparison to men meaning they cannot contribute as effectively. Moreover, many of women's achievements have had their credit taken by men like Rosalind Franklin's role in the discovery of DNA.

  • Due to gender inequity, women have numerous issues. One out of every four girls or women dies in childbirth every single day; they are paid less than men, receive inadequate education, and are required to be married before they turn eighteen. Many of them endure harassment at work as well.

  • On my part, the information about women doing unpaid work surprises me at some point cause honestly who would work without pay and stay silent as though its comfortable .For the situation of unpaid work ,women should come up and speak for them themselves because at times if you don't stand up for yourself in this world, no one does it for you since most leaders are corrupt and care less about others. In the political aspect, more women should be empowered into government posts so as to balance power and for women to have people they can rely on to fight for equality but what hurts is that they are instead considered weaker so they dont give them equal oppotunities in leadership yet they could even do better in promoting democracy and progress of nations.

    1. You have placed a lot of responsibility on women to make these changes. Who else is responsible?

  • In my opinion, we are all equal among ourselves, but this equality does not happen in reality, often the preference is for men, both at work, at home and in different places , for example, women always do housework and raise children , while men often do not do these jobs because society has entrenched the idea that these jobs are reserved only for women, and either in the fields of
    There is also a big aspect that we should talk about, which is the marriage of minors many families are in a difficult financial situation or other problems , and the solution for this family is the marriage of their minor daughter with a man who has money or has some position, so they do not care about the prevailing age gap that is between a minor and her husband , and often such relationships eventually lead to divorce due to inequality or the merger of spouses , and when this happens, the girl returns to the nickname "divorced", which some people consider an insult, it affects her psyche
    And I want to talk about the fact that there are a lot of women who have not completed their education or even started studying , and this is very bad
    In the end, I don't want to say that the situation that is happening now is the same as before, on the contrary, change has begun , there are many women who have been educated in political and other spheres , I mean that the restrictions for women are starting to shrink a little , and this is a good start for a future that will be equal for both sexes
    Thank u for reading!

    1. High levels of education for women is good for countries. Can you find evidence for this?

      1. Women are the half of society and as we say " mother is the first school in life " So if the woman take the best education she needed as the man had , she will definitely rise her child well, those children at one day in future could be your brother, father , even the teacher at school ,could be anyone in the society the idea here if they raised well they'll give thier best for their country .
        In the other hand if the woman herself take a chance to be educated
        she'll have a strong voice and position to share her thoughts , hard working , toutch of ceativity and anything cames to the country benifets, which can be a main reason of the bower, nobility and progress to the countries that have women sides with the men .

  • The thing that surprises me the most is the fact that the world is still backward to believe that women are supposed to be paid less because of the fact that they are women. This clearly shows us evidence that even with human rights and all that women are still not fully given their rights. From experience I can say that the world has to open its eyes to see that this is not the previous time whereby women are born at home and stay at home because their place is the home. And when they get married they still stay at home since their job is managing chores. For God's sake people should open their eyes to see the world for what it is and not what it was. For example in my country Uganda, women do all most every job that men do and with the fact that women are caring and more responsible than most men, therefore the work is done extremely well. The women in my country are hardworking and committed to know that any work in the world can be done by anyone and they should base it instead on the capability of the person and not on the gender. The women are nowadays engaging themselves in different work that they used to not do before, for example; welding metals, fixing cars, driving big cars like lorries, trucks and many more jobs. And this has opened my eyes to see the world from a different perspective for example it has shown me the following things:
    -The reasons as to why women are not given the opportunity to lead. For example they are excluded from participating in politics and when they do, they are not given the support that they deserve. Like in the world currently there are only 15 women heads of state out of the total of 195 countries.
    -The reason as to why in some places women are not allowed to study. For example people in those places say women are made to be under man's control and therefore they should just stay at home, take care of it and survive of what is given to them by men. And when allowed to study they are not to study past a certain level since it is considered to be only for man. For example in a village people can say women are to study up to S4 while women are to study up to PHD level.
    -The reason as to why in some areas women are not allowed to own some things like furniture, land, house, phones and many more.
    I can confidently say this has given me the zeal to fight for the rights of women. So I would definitely say in order to fight this issue of gender inequality, we should do the following:
    Supporting forums like UN Women, Womankind Worldwide, Association for women's rights and development and many more.
    Talking to girls and women and allowing them to use phones
    Stop child marriage and sexual harassment.
    Make education gender sensitive.
    Raise aspirations of girls and their parents.
    Empower mothers.
    Give proper value to 'women's work'
    Get women into power.

    Gender stereotypes affect behaviour, study choices, ambitions and attitudes about relationships. Girls are less likely to take part in organised sport. Girls are less likely to do advanced maths subjects in their final years of school. 1 in 3 Australian women over 15 has experienced physical violence.

    1. Where did you find your information? Is there a gender pay gap in Uganda?

      1. Well from what I know generally in all countries around the world there is some form of gender inequality and my information was got from personal research

  • I think that gender inequality is bad because women in Iran shouldn't be able to suffer if they are not wearing the hijab on their heads and if they don't want to where it.

  • What surprised me the most was that women had less access to education than men . Because in my knowledge I always thought that women were more responsible than men in alot of thing especially education. I'm not saying that men are not responsible ,but they are less responsible when it comes to education.
    And in my point of view I think that if a woman works hard ,and as hard as man does, then she should be paid the exact same amount .
    It is not fair for a woman to spend her day working hard and then she gets less than a man who worked the exact same work.
    Women don't get accepted in everything, lots of countries prefer men in their businesses more than women .
    And even if the woman has high qualifications and experience they mostly still choose the man.
    Men and women can't be equal in everything ,but in some things like jobs , education and the amount of money they get paid.

  • The information that surprise me most is education of women around the world woman still have less access to education than man. 1/4 of young women between 15_24 will not finish primary school . That group make up 58 ./. Of the people not completing that basic education . Of all the illiterate people in the world , 2/3 are women . When girl are not educated on the same level as boys , it has a huge effect on their future and the kind of opportunities they'll get .

  • The information that surprises me is that countries like North America, the Middle East and North Africa are the countries that are making progress with the gender pay gap. I would have thought that England, which is a wealthy country,would have tried to do something about the gender pay gap, but they are not.
    I think England should try to use their money for this and pay fairly for both genders. Women are faced with problems because we all need money to survive, so they will struggle with paying.

  • The information that suprised me the most in the lesson about Iran is that schoolchildren are also protesting and losing their lives because of the morality police and that they have actually beaten up a 22-year-old woman just because of her not wearing her hijab properly. I think the people in Iran themselves should decide what to wear every day instead of having someone else deciding for them. Women face discrimination, being picked on a lot and sometimes being beaten up by their husbands! Women should have the same rights as men because it's not fair if men always have higher rights than woman and continue to treat them cruelly. Women must achieve their goals and dream for the future and be a role model to kids, their message saying 'Don't give up!'

  • Unfortunately, our world isn't perfect, but there are certain things we NEED to change immediately, for example sexism. It is mostly women and girls, who have to deal with this sort of stuff such as: back in the day we were not allowed to vote, people think of girls as the less successful people or the weaker people. Although, this is very wrong we cannot ignore the fact that this also happens to boys and men. As an example of sexism towards men I would say that some people think it is weird when men have certain jobs like a ballerina or being the captain of cheer, but we need to understand that everything and every job is available for anyone that would like to have a go at it.

    1. I really like that you brought up how inequality and gender stereotypes also harm men as well as women, that is a brilliant point. Well done glad_bird!

    2. I agree because these days only women do not face inequality , men and women both are discriminated on the basis of their action . Society expects men to behave sophisticated , not to cry , not to dance , in their words “don’t behave like a girl” . Society has classified certain things as of men and women . They do not expect women to do jobs , live alone and lead an independent life . We need to break these stereotypes and create a new healthy environment for both men as well as women .

  • The information that surprises me the most is that some parents want to give education to their daughters but they are not affording while some are affording but they think that daughters are only mean to work at home.They believe that education will spoil our daughter and some think 'What will people say?' but the truth is that they also don't that who are that people. Believing that phrase "What will people say?" They don't allow ptheir daughters to do job and be independent.
    So I think that we can't change the minds of people but I am happy that our Government give opportunity to study that girls who are able by Government schools and by giving scholarships.

  • I think this discussion made me to think about different jobs people do. I think about the Covid-19 pandemic and how the women were more exposed to the pandemic because more of them worked in hospitals because most nurses are women. So I think women were more exposed than men.
    Also a lot of men work at home so they were protected from Covid if they stay home all the time.

  • I think that the most shocking thing that happens is that women are doing the same or even more work than men but they get paid less. I find this thing really weird because first it's harder for a girl to do work that involves weight lifting or other stuff like that but men still get paid more just because they are men and they can even do nothing and this bad thing can still happen.

    My opinion is that we can stop this with equal tasks and salary for both genders. Companies that do not do this should be fined.

    As for other challenges women face, I read on UNICEF that collecting water is another big time-consuming task women and young girls have to deal with. Water is heavy and over time it can cause spine problems or if the woman is pregnant it can kill the baby. So maybe we should think about this.

  • Nothing surprises me at all because I've known for a long time that women are constantly being discriminated.

    I think that we should have laws against discrimination so that opportunities are based on skills rather than gender.

    I think challenges also depend on the country you're in but women do face a lot of problems. In the developing world they do not just face discrimination based on skills but also on the basis of beliefs or superstitions. For example, I learned in class today that women in one country are not allowed to row their own boats because it could be considered a bad omen. We were talking about how roles that we are expected to stick to from when we are born. Like how women are supposed to do all the housework and men are supposed to make all the money.
    Also, some women are obliged to get married when they are very young, basically children.

    1. Thank you for your comment @remarkable_peach. Can you give 2 more ideas on how to improve gender inequality? What can be done to protect those young girls?

      1. I think that we can protect them if we have laws against marriage under a certain age. We should make it illegal and also send those men who marry children to jail.
        To improve gender equality maybe nursery teachers should be trained to allow all the children to use the same toys. And shops not to divide toys by gender. This is how children learn that it is ok for fathers to take care of babies and for women to be mechanics and so on.
        Also, companies shouldn't be able to see if you are a man or a woman when you send them your CV for a job.

  • 1️⃣ The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap situation because my grandma was a teacher for 40 years and my grandpa was a bodyguard at some kindergarten. If you think my grandma's pension is bigger you're wrong! So I thought it was a system error but obviously I was wrong.
    2️⃣ To fix this problem, we, the community have to open people's eyes who think that this type of gender inequality is ok and maybe, this problem will disappear in time.
    3️⃣ Another challenge that women face because of gender inequality is child marriage. In Romania some people in the Roma community make their daughters marry a man starting at 10 years old! An example I saw was a girl that had to marry a man at 14 years old because her grandma told her it is a must.

  • What information surprises you the most and why?

    The paying is the most surprising because it should not be normal to pay someone more than the other person, if they do the same amount of work. Maybe in a job like construction where men are able to do more physical things this could be accepted.

    What could be done to make these situations more fair?

    The government should give the same amount of money to women and men, not making gender inequality. Or it should be gave for skill and looked at more fairer.

    What other challenges do women face because of gender inequality?

    Women face problems in sports because their sports are paid less than the man's sports. For example women's football is not as important as men's football so they get less money. This is the same for other sports. Women doing sport is not as popular this could be sexism. In my country you always saw the men in sport get the commercials and the sponsors but never the women. I don't find this fair. We need to finds ways to have girls doing more sports as this is healthy and woman can be just as good as men at sport's.

  • Pay shocks me! Why do I not get payed as much as a man? I do the same thing. Not fair. Everyone should be payed the same!
    There are more challenge also. In my opinion in politics are more man then women. Like in Romainia are just men presidents in this country, a girl wasn't a president ever. I think women and men should be treated the same Also, I read on U.N.I.C.E.F that women are exposed beacuse they carry very heavy thinks and they do not even get a lot of money. So I think the solution for this problem is to put men to women and make them fell bad for what they made.

  • I am most surprised about the fact that women often earn only 77cents for a dollar earned by a man. Some people argue that this pay gap can be good, for example at jobs wich require hard labor. I think that men and women are biologically different so maybe we should give women a choice. If they choose this kind of job, they should be asked if they want to do easier work and be paid less for obviously less or easier work, or if they want to do the same work and be paid equally as men. But they should have the option to choose. For example, would it be fair for a man to do the driving and the lifting as a delivery man and a woman only to just drive the van and be paid the same?

    Also, we can close the gap either by helping girls in poor countries go to school, so they manage to do better paid jobs or by introducing laws wich forbid employers to pay men and women unequally.

  • As a girl, I think that women should be treated the same way as men. Currently, in Iran the mortality police are making it a big challenge for women to live peacefully and not live in the threat of being killed if they don't have their hijab on properly. The fact that Mahsa Amini got killed is outragous, she isn't a criminal and I won't keep my words to myself. Don't people see anything wrong here! Now this question has struck me in my head: Why not men?!

  • The information , which surprises me the most , is the pay. This is because, people all around the world are still fighting for freedom and are seen by others who can make massive changes for women that are affected by the unfairness .However, what we can all do to help woman in this bizarre time , we could keep on posting comments on here, for you never know , people can see our hard work on supporting others. Also , people think that women aren't strong or determined enough and shouldn't show their faces, this could be a challenge

  • If you are girl or boy then it does not matter. Even it does not matter what you were.

  • if you are a girl or a boy it does not mater! if girls have to wear scarves so does the boys!

  • In our nature, we are women who feel inequality between the sexes, although all religions have urged gender equality. There is no difference between men and women, but we live in societies that work largely to create this gender gap, either with the priority of work or public opinion, as society has become more likely to men in all Professions, whether it is medicine, engineering, law, and professional business, the right of women to education and access to jobs has become a very unacceptable matter. Education and employment are the cause of the major gender gap. Women are working at the lowest wages, unlike men. Men do not accept what women accept, but there are countries that have worked to bridge this The gap, which led to the progress of these countries. Women are a hero who is able to fully confront society until she obtains her right and freedom. We are all one woman. We must all work as women and men to spread gender equality. We will not live a decent life unless we make respect and equality between us.

  • What other challenges do women face due to gender inequality? The first of these challenges is the failure of some women to obtain legal heirs. Secondly, women are deprived of their right to hold presidential positions, or from this thirdly, their access to jobs that do not match the degrees they obtain.
    This leads to a decrease in women's income, an increase in their poverty, and a lack of access to land and resources

  • I believe that gender equality is equal between men and women according to their own needs
    One of the challenges that women face due to inequality is poorer living in terms of health, education, and economic and social rights
    This results in grievances, hatred and violence and forces people to leave their countries in search of political, economic and social stability

  • To me, I feel like the Iranian government and the morality police are abusing their power too much, so they can have their way and are ignoring how cruel they are to people. Around 244 protesters have perished by just speaking out for themselves and trying to end the suffering and discrimination against women in Iran. Women are equal to men and we have been trying to fix that for years but people are not listening and are choosing to live in their 'normal' lives. A life where just because of a gender people around them are suffering and can't speak out or cry for help. When I found out that Masha Animi was brutally killed by not wearing a hijab correctly, I was shocked and so angry that just because of an Islamic law, a women had died. It is not even fair anymore and it was deliberate act of discrimination. She never got to achieve most of her dreams as she was only 22. The Islamic law is so strict on women and I am certain if it was a man that they would ignored him and carried on with their selfish lives. It would be very difficult to fix this disaster because the Iranian government does not care how many people die or anything in this situation. However, I think the best way to tackle this is to keep on spreading this message all around the world so men and women have the same rights as each other.

  • As a young woman, I understand that men and women were made differently with different strengths and weaknesses. I grew up in an environment where the man would work for the family and the woman would stay and take care of the household. However, I do believe that men and women should have equal opportunities and in this case, especially women ;women are facing an incredible weight of discrimination. Research proves that every 1 in 30 women have been faced with sexual assault or harassment,such facts like this really shows how little progress we are moving with gender equality. A woman should be able to go to work without being treated diffrently, a girl should have the same educational opportunities as any other boy.Gender equality isnt about being the same as a the other gender it is about equity and having the same chances without difficulty. I should not feel uncomfortable as a woman in a male-populated profession. I should not feel uncomfortable being a girl.

  • To me the fact that women are paid lesser than the men is the most surprising as for I thought that the women pay is the only thing in which they are on equal position with men but now I think my this hope is also on the death bed I think for its solution there should be some opportunities only fixed for women and they should be paid good so that they can stand on their foots and they can also serve for the nation as they have the capability and there are many other troubles for women that cannot be solved but main problem is that mostly girls after getting education does not apply for jobs because their family doesn't allow them because of risk of harassment especially in Pakistan girls are being harassed every where at the bus stops ,in busses ,in offices and everywhere so I think there should be a permanent solution of it so that women can live their peacefully as they have the right to.

  • What other challenges do women face because of gender inequality?

    COVID-19 challenges because more women are nurses, which means they have higher risk of getting sick and dying than men. The fact that more nurses are women, and that there can get infection easily surprises me because I don't think more lives should be risked because some people have COVID-19. Some nurses should stay home. Women face gender-based violence now more than ever because of COVID-19 lockdown. Also a lot of women lost their jobs because of their virus. That also means women have much more unpaid hour and less time for paid work. Do you belive women should work without being paid more than men or equally as much?

  • What surprises me the most is the pay of women i certainly agree is the pay of women i can certainly agree that many employers are sexist and could offer a higher pay for men than women and getting some jobs is difficult for women to acquire some white and blue collar jobs.
    Women in most families do most of the chores in homes and in my opinion it is an unfair to women, countries should implement a payment for house chores just like in India this can bring some fairness towards the chores done by women.
    Women face many problems due to gender inequality, many women around the world face domestic violence due to the inequality and being unable to provide support themselves in a family so have no option than to deal with suffering.
    Many girls face early marriages in under developed countries, in some countries women are seen as objects by their parents and sold of to old men for marriage at a young age and end up missing out on education and engage in under aged intercourse.

  • I think that in the past women didn’t work and they were just at houses sitting to take care of the house and cook and they sometimes sit to do nothing because some people thought that women can do nothing in the world and this was unfair to differentiate between the two genders male and female there is no difference between man and women maybe man are stronger but this doesn’t mean women are weak and women have the right to work and do everything like men , but every gender should respect each other’s abilities, weaknesses and shape. Some men see the women that they can do nothing but as I said the two genders have to respect each other and also some women see that men are the worst thing ever but a real fact is that god created us like each other and there wasn’t any differences between male and female both can work , create their own world and stay at houses to take care of the family and home both men and women can freely do whatever they want we can’t say that men can’t stay at homes and houses to carry the children and cook and we can’t say that women can’t work and get down to business both do what they want their gender doesn’t judge them . All what I wanted to say is that men have to appreciate women and women have to respect men and women can work and participate in any job they want like men because there is no distinction between the two genders men and women and we are all in the same world so we all complete each other .

  • The options above do not surprise me anymore. We have been trying to eradicate gender inequality and we are trying our best in eradicating it, but there is still one aspect that has not been solved due to downgrading of the female gender in this aspect not only men but women also discriminate the female gender that aspect is in politics. The female gender is not allowed to participate in politics even if they are the are not given the chance to express themselves. I have been a victim of this I have this dream of becoming the president of my country one day but any time I say it in my class every body laughs because the idea of the female gender can't participate in politics is already in their heads. Apart from me, in 2007 Sarah Jibril contested for president and instead of getting votes from her fellow gender she got only four votes in total. We can stop this bias against the female gender if we join heads together and hear what plans the female gender has for us on the seat .

    1. I think you have great dream and you shouldn't be deterred!

  • Coming to the issues of relationship I am most surprised on the fact that when some men cheat on their spouses they are seen as a hero while when women cheat they face the punishment which is not supposed to be. In some part of the world like Nigeria where I come from when a women is faced with the issue of infidelity she is condemned by her parents in law and even her own biological parents and she is no longer respected in society but when a man is faced with same issue most at times his wife is to be blamed for it which is not nice.

    married couples should go for constant counselling,set rules and regulations to guide their marriage and truthfulness should be encouraged in marriage.

    In my side of the world women face some of the following problems because of gender inequality;
    * Women are not allowed to hold certain social positions.
    *women face poverty and the case is not taken serious.
    *Muslim women are not allowed to go out without their hijab.
    * In states like Sokoto and Katsina girls are not allowed to go to school.

  • Gender differences can never be undone. Can man have private parts as those of woman - or vice versa? A man is a man and a woman is a woman. They have been created as different genders then how you can make them equal? Of course, the injustices advanced to a gender memeber can be objected to. Nature has created genders with specific targets, purposes, or functions they have to perform in their life routine. In Islam, both men and women have been given rights and responsibilities for running life. There is no restriction on what one can do and the opposite sex can not. Men have the same rights to their women as women have rights to their men. Man is responsible for protection and livelihood, woman is responsible for running household matters. But Islam does not say anywhere that a woman can not work outside, can not become a doctor, a warrior, a singer, or a teacher.
    I am surprised when I hear the news that women have been restricted to enter a park. I am surprised when I hear that women are compelled to wear shttle cock burqas - because this is because the implementation is because of misconceptions about Islamic concepts. Wherever true Islamic teachings are misused, women face challenges there, I think. Only true sense implementation of Islamic rules can undo the injustices in society.

  • I believe that gender equality is through creating the same opportunities for men and women and having the same rights and obligations in all areas of life
    In most countries there are debates about gender equality while there are countries that are becoming more gender equal but no country is completely gender equal
    Most likely, young women are the losers in a society that does not respect gender equality, and men have a lot of power and money in this world.
    To achieve equality first, violence against women must end, and schools, universities and workplaces must work to be gender equality
    Women and men should have the same opportunities for good health and good care
    One of the most important challenges women face because of inequality is depriving them of their right to vote and vote and depriving her of higher education and holding political positions

  • gender equality is a no for me. I feel that it would just make things worse than it already is. I feel like men already feels like they rule, trying to change that would be worse the inequality itself, sometimes it seems like we can never achieve gender equality the only thing we can achieve is gender superiority. We should try to get the female gender up and not decrease the male gender. We need less problems, and more solutions.

    1. It sounds like you are describing equality when you say 'getting the female gender up'. Can you explain what you mean by this.

  • What can be done to make these situations fairer?
    First, what interests me is to make women have the full right to education, thus reducing the unemployment rate in society. Just as males must complete their education, females also must not forbid them for any reason. Thus, the woman rises in her society by her testimony and advances the country's economy. When a woman completes her education, it increases. The percentage of her obtaining job opportunities, so she does not need anyone in her affairs that requires payment of money to her, and thus raises the society out of ignorance or poverty that almost afflicts the society, while she does not get an education.

  • In my honest opinion I truly believe men and woman should be equal. People may assume that men are better than women . or women are better then men. People think men should rule. But in my opinion its neither , both equal and need to be treated the same . Inequality is not a joke and needs to be treated men may have more rights in iran but . Please it's not fair we should all be the same and all have rights. Iran people should wear whatever they want they should show their faces. And their hair . They need to be helped.

  • I truly believe that gender equality is something we need,but in all honesty that will never happen.Women have always been looked down on by so many people,but mostly men.Men have been in control for YEARS,and i'm sure that will never change.I want men and women to be seen as equal individuals but the government is made up of mainly men,and men have always been in control.Men don't really care what women have to say,they just want to control them and be more powerful.Women have been through so much trouble and MOST(not all) of them were caused by men.Women have been protesting for so many years and we are still going through inequality.
    In life it's really hard to be whatever you want to be,unless you a cis straight white man that won't happen.
    Men have always been more "superior" than women and that stuff either will never change,or take another century to happen.Most women don't want to be better than men,we just want to be seen as equals to men.The government honestly doesn't care about men or women,they just care about themselves and making other people's lives horrible.I want women and men to be equals but we definitely need to do more in order to do so.

    1. Even though change at this scale often takes a very long time, that doesn't mean progress doesn't happen. What do you think would be the most important next steps to take towards achieving gender equality?

  • Women in Iran are being treated poorly. They can't sing, dance, or laugh. They are being hurt and killed because of these laws. Sure, men have been deprived of their rights in Iran but women are really, really deprived of every right. So they're on the front of the anti-riot police. They're getting beaten up. They'll do whatever is necessary to get their goal, which is the end of the regime and equal rights.

  • the fact that gender inequality is still a major problem in our society makes me furious! the audacity of some people telling women that they belong in the kitchen or that their duty is to take care of their children and stay at home and just clean all day is out of this world. I think our generation has a better chance of normalizing gender equality since we are more open-minded than past generations which means we should take advantage of this opportunity by spreading awareness and talking more about the topic not just to adults but to younger people as well. how can we spread awareness to younger people about the topic? by talking more about gender equality in schools and by raising respectful young boys and encouraging them to use their voice about the topic and teaching young girls about their worth and how strong they are and also encouraging them to use their voice and teaching both genders that women and men are equal and that no gender is superior to the other !!

    1. You said you think younger generations are more open-minded - and you're right, there is some evidence to support this. Can you try to explain why this might be?

      1. I think it is because our generation is flooded with a lot of mass media therefore, we are exposed to every race, different opinions, ideas, stories, diversity, etc. Which causes us to easily welcome new views or different opinions. I think it's unique!

        1. Do you think mass media is helping us to welcome new views or influencing us to form views with the majority?

    2. I agree because... the minds of people have somewhere been crafted with a specific statement that women are meant for household chores. Perhaps, young voices like ours can advocate the suppressed voices. Moreover, spreading awareness about these sensitive topics may lead to a positive society the next generation may encounter.

  • Gender inequality is the most emergent issue that we need to talk about . Women are facing a lot of hurdles and difficulties in getting education and jobs even it is more difficult for a women to become an entrepreneur or start her own business . This is because of gender inequality. The era when feminism was defined the major issue was unequal pay. Women do the same work as men but they get half pay just because of inequality .
    many female activist like Mary Wollstonecraft,Susan B. Anthony , Alice Stone Blackwell, Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Zahra Esraghi, Fatemeh Haghighatjoo are working to raise awareness about gender equality . They are educating women about their rights and changing ideology of many peoples.

  • Women make up almost half of the world's population, so they always seek their rights that will enable them to manage their lives and independence, always looking for opportunities in life equal to those of men. From my point of view, this does not mean that gender becomes the same in everything, but that women should have women's rights, eliminate the idea of discrimination, provide opportunities for both sexes, and women's participation in decision-making, both in the private sector and the public level.

  • Today we will talk about gender inequality (male, female)
    As for me, I am a girl, but, thank God, I do not feel any difference in equality between a girl and a boy, but there are many girls who are oppressed from this point of view. Through the treatment at home, you find that the parents do not care about the girls and they always tell them hurtful and negative words that affect them, but from the point of view of the children they pamper them And they bring everything they ask for, and they do not refuse any request, for by doing so, hatred and malice are built between the brothers and between the daughter and her parents.
    And in some societies, girls are deprived of their right to education, so that they only study them in the third middle school. You can imagine the amount of sadness that the girl feels at that time. They also deprive girls of their right to work, and the parents say to the girls, “We do not have working girls.”
    Where are their rights?
    There are also fathers who completely deprive their daughters of the inheritance, so the sons take their shares, but as Islam legislated that the inheritance is distributed to the boy twice the inheritance of the daughter, meaning the daughter is half of the inheritance that the boy takes

    1. A lot of the examples you have mentioned here are because of traditions in cultures, which are not always easy to change. Why do you think this is? How do you think people could begin to change harmful traditions successfully?

      1. IYes, I know this because of the traditions and cultures in some societies, but we find that some people in society do not agree on the same customs and traditions. Some of them do not deprive their daughter of work or inheritance. We can spread these customs that some people follow, such as giving the girl full rights such as work and study and Inheritance, thus we will overcome the story of the lack of equality between the sexes, and this society, which is free from the difference between gender equality, becomes more and more developed because it helps men with women in work

  • I would have to say that male genders are like more superior but women also are at the same amount of equality as males.Lets take a example like Stan Lee,he was the creator of marvel and he was famous for some little thing that he started on his own,just by his mind only and he created a whole community and he was a male and Harriet Tubman was a female that made racism less common for people and she was smart and superior to other people.This whole paragraph is about just how gender doesn't matter for anything and not all males and not all females are equal and perfect but some are.

    1. You've given examples of how people of different genders can make a big difference to the world.

    2. I agree because women can also do great jobs if they are given chance to do that. Women can prove all the superstitious wrong regarding they are weak and can't do anything other than working in kitchen or take care of the house.

  • None of the information surprises me . Women face inequality every day but we often turn a blind eye and don’t take the issues seriously . It is true even though on an average women work one hour more than an average man every single day yet most of their work is not paid and therefore not valued . Women should be given the respect they deserve and rewarded for their work .

    Many women are uneducated and this results in fewer job opportunities for them . I think women above 18 years who could not go to schools and complete their education should also be allowed to attend schools and have proper education .
    The companies and organisations should be supervised by an authority which keeps a check that everyone is paid equally for equal work .
    Women should raise voice for their rights and not let anyone oppress them .

    Women face disadvantage , discrimination and oppression in various ways . Often independent , educated women after marriage are forced to leave their jobs and become housewives even though men do not go through any such changes . I think this system of patriarchy still continues after years .
    Women usually don’t get a cricket coach / basketball coach or any sports related jobs as they are considered weaker than men and are often made fun of even if they get it .
    I think women are now proving themselves and earning the respect , equality they deserve . If strict action is taken against these issues and laws are implemented these inequalities will soon end .

  • I am a resident of India and I have myself encountered Gender inequality in my society. The thing that astounds me the most is …
    When I was born my grandmother perceived girl child as a curse upon the world. Nonetheless, her mindset has now been shifted. However, to make all these situations as fair and predictable we need to inculcate the idea of inclusion amongst gender equality.
    The most prominent thing we all emphasised the most is by downgrading female and making false stereotypes about them which are encrypted as true in today’s time. If these assumptions weren’t made in medieval time we could have lived a life with less gender inequality conflicts.
    I do also feel that somewhere our ancestors are also responsible for spreading negative comments and rumours which in turn are perceives as true.

    1. I completely agree with your point about the assumptions made around gender stereotypes. Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of religious beliefs and texts. However, one should not force their own interpretation upon others. Many core ideals of religious texts have been amended and changed throughout the years and lost through many translations. The core philosophy of Theology is to provide love and inclusion to all the people in our society. However, these days religious principles are being used to spread hate and prejudice among people.

      1. Yup I absolutely agree because I do believe in Theology and the idea of every god is same that is spreading love! but remember during the millennium time or the advancing era these gender inequality issues were at the peak. No-one certainly stopped them but yes there were protests. To be honest, we all know the gender equality means even a man’s right so se can also discuss about the topic of male harassment. Don’t you think?

  • the info that surprises me the most is that for every 1$ a mam earn a woman earn 77 cents. I think that first women should assure an equal quality education just like men to be hired in equal positions and shrink the gender pay gap, since still in undeveloped countries women are still on the line of the gender imequality catastrophe and left uneducated. In addition, women will their their mouthes blocked because of inequality, meaning that their voices, opinions and vision won't be heard or considered.

  • Many women struggle to make ends meet because of gender inequality women nowadays try to join "men" jobs that's not suitable for women... A woman would try the same position as a man and she could be as clever as he is if not more and they would choose the man because he is a man or they would work the same job but the women would get lower salary
    Women struggle all around the world because of gender inequality many countries out their think that a women bring shame to the family people are in old generations that think a women isn't capable of anything as a man... People think that a woman isn't capable of anything expect for household chores why wouldn't both genders do both? Work in the house and work a stable job and divide everything into two equal half because if a man is capable of the hard things I'm sure he can help out in the house he lives in same as the women she can work a stable job outside the house too

  • There should be no reason that every woman should be treated like that, women may be able to have jobs , but they get paid less than men. This might be because of their poor education they don't get at normal schools. Many women around the world have less or no access to schools, meaning they get less jobs. So they either do work around their house or have a low paying job. If people are going to treat their genders like that, at least give them the attention they need!

  • In many countries across the world, there are still instances of gender inequality. In some countries such as Afghanistan and Iran, the measures of gender injustice are more extreme. Women are often judged as not having the same qualification as men in some areas but preferred over men in other subjects as stereotypes, such as cleaning, babysitting, and teaching. It is surprising to see how often women are neglected even in well developed countries. Every woman should have the same rights as men and be treated equally in society.

  • In Iran only women have to wear hijabs. That is truly unfair and that shows the inequality of rights between women and men in Iran. The police are brutally beating women if they do not wear their hijabs. While men can walk around with no hijabs and stay untouched. Women are treated so unfairly in Iran it's disgusting.

    1. I disagree because... gender inequality isn't limited by what happened in Iran, the hijab thing that you are talking about isn't related to gender inequality but to a religion thing adding to this, Iran is a Muslim country and from it's duty is to spread the Islamic rules which contains obligating Hijab for women. Going back to our main topic which is gender inequality , the only thing that we can judge Iran for is preventing women to work and have equal rights as men in their constitution.

      1. Hi remarkable_philosophy. Many Muslim women choose to wear the hijab as an expression of their faith, however, it is their choice to wear the hijab, not the choice of anyone else. When someone else makes a choice for you against your will, and forces you to do something you don't want to do, it can cause upset and anger. This is what the women in Iran are experiencing now.

    2. I agree because now days in my country people are treated fine but in other countries woman are not treated well .

  • Well,I think that the most surprising information is the 'Pay Gap'.Because most times women are the ones who do more work than the men themselves,why would a person be paid less because of their gender?.Research has shown that women earn 81.8% of what men earn for thesame work performed by men.Meaning that a woman and a man will do thesame thing but the woman gets paid less just because she is a woman which makes no sense.According to Hive, which is a productivity platform,women work 10% harder than men in todays offices.
    Also,according to the latest census data,80% of all single parents are mothers and the remaining 20% are fathers.Meaning that most women work alone to provide for their families and probably other extended family members and after working hard and even being given more work,a man who does less work and also probably has a working wife still gets paid more just because he is a man.
    I feel that women should be more listened to and they should get equal oppurtunities as men.Research shows that for every additional woman appointed to a corporate board, the company experienced an average 1.5% reduction in litigation risk.Meaning that in most companies the corporate boards do not have women and even if they do,the opinions of the woman is not listened to. A lot of men and even some women believe that the only thing a woman is good for is staying at home and taking care of a family, yes a woman does that but she can also do much more if she is allowed to, the world today is called a "Man's World" because women do not even have a say, women are undermined and can do nothing about it.We should be able to express ourselves and be listened to as women,we should be able to live knowing that we have equal rights and we are not being mistreated or looked down upon because of our gender.

  • The surprising thing is that males see themselves superior due to their strength but strength is not al in this life their are other factors that one gender can do that the other cannot do so none of the genders should have any sense of superiority. Males should try changing the toxic masculine view and view the world with a new set of eyes that do not judge nor do they discriminate, they should lower themselves so as to work hand in hand with the females and hear their point of view that could change their opinion on the world view to make this a better world. Women face stigmatization and can only agree to others trains of thought without being allowed to share their opinion or even adding or commenting thus feel they are slaves in a world meant for us all to live in harmony side by side.

  • This is not something new that we are seeing . this is a race between man and woman where the man wants to be superior .This should be a thing of the past not in this modern world where equality is something that should be respected . They Iranian government should not oppress the women because it has the power to do so but we should let them to be able to do what they want.

  • Overall, in our daily life we can notice that women give more effort and have more courses to do than men, as she manage to take care of her family, house and job all at once, daily without anybody's help. So you want to persuade me that this woman who is capable to do all those things by her own without any help cannot manage to do a man job? Well lets be logical for a moment, the truth is that any human who can take care of all those thing and more without having any difficulties or problems really deserve to be greeted on this incredible power, and all what women are asking for in return for this great effort is to get the gender equality she's hoping for.

    1. You make a really powerful point remarkable_philosophy. Do you think a man would get the same respect if he looked after the home?

      1. A man is already getting this respect and all the privileges for a job he didn't even do. And if he did it then he will impresses all the people by the idea of doing a house job as if he did something very great and hard forgetting that this special man is doing any other woman daily job

  • The thing that surprises me the most is that they don't really have a choice to have internet nor have the choice to wear a hijab on their head. This shouldn't be acceptable anywhere in the world or in Iran. Something that could be done to make situations more fair is stop mortality police , defund them completely. If police brutality wasn't so harsh there wouldn't be as many protests as there are . People would respect the police and they're here to help and keep people safe not hurt innocent people that are trying to get their voice heard because of the police actions. Other challenges women face because of gender inequality is that police don't think gender liking the same gender is right nor do they respect the people's options and beliefs .

    1. This is fantastic reasoning marvellous_region, I really like what you said about police brutality causing the protests, rather than the other way around.

  • I also think government orders shouldn't be too strict on the women in Iran as on the man if everyone really know their religion right they would know that the man also have to wear something that covers their knees which basically after the knees but to people only foucs on the women and their hijabs if it's right or wrong i think inequality here plays also a big role in this if we gave freedom to both like we do to the man it would help improve the country besides islam says to do not force anyone on anything that's why prophet noah spent 950 years trying to help people convert to his religion and he didn't force anyone so i think letting women have their own choices would be great as they do to the man

  • The most painful thing is the inability of girls to receive education because of gender inequality. Until now, in some countries, girls’ right to education has been denied, including developing countries such as Pakistan, in which we witnessed a very painful story and it is the story of “Malala Yousafzai,” Malala, whom the people of her town tried to kill her because she wanted to learn!  they tried to kill her with treacherous bullets, and she was shot, but she miraculously survived from a bullet that lodged in her head.

  • Gender inequality is a problem that I find is dismissed commonly; Misogyny is so deeply entrenched within our culture now that simple criticisms can be ineffective due to how normalised they have become; Our language and actions whether conscious or not are commonly a result of this integration. A common criticism of the fight for inequality is the issue of men's mental health. Many use it as a 'gotcha' when women describe their experiences with the patriarchy. The problem with this argument is that it is another consequence of gender inequality. The expectation for men to fulfil a certain role in society leads to some being trapped in a box not being able to express themselves. Furthermore, I think a step toward dismantling the gender inequality issue is understanding that it benefits none overall; Many men don't agree with it as an issue, perhaps due to its possibility of benefitting them in society. But whether it benefits them this way or not, they still suffer the effects of inequality whether it be through an expectation to act a certain way or dress a certain way. I also find that the opposite of antifeminism in movements like KAM are ineffective in the issue. I don't agree the misandry is anywhere close to misogyny however. Misandry is merely a result of misogyny within society and couldn't have the effect misogyny could; It isn't embedded within society therefore cannot offer the systemic discrimination the misogyny does. Misandry and KAM despite their lesser impact, I find are detrimental. The men who partake in the patriarchy are unaffected by such words, and those who don't are attacked either way. I believe they push some more towards antifeminism than feminism and therefore are counterintuitive.

    1. How do you think gender inequality can become an issue that is not so dismissed. Who do you think could help?

      1. I believe to tackle this issue of gender inequality education is the biggest factor; Politicians could help the issue by not implementing laws that affect women like the overturning of Roe vs Wade. The population could help by becoming aware of the language they use and how they treat each other and changing if it is rooted in misogyny.

  • The information that surprised me the most was how long it would take to end gender inequality at our current rate. Why will it take so long? Why should it take so long? Women have fought for over 100 years to be treated the same as the men in society and yet it still seems like we are so far away from true equality. Why is our world like this? Why do I have to live in a world where a woman can do the same, or a better, job and still get paid less?

  • In my ernest opinion i feel men have a say more than women because they are superior over us. We can use Malala Yousafzai as a clear example in this topic she was born into a family that encouraged education for females. Her father wanted her to be treated equally. When the Taliban's took control of their town they changed everything girls should not go to school.They should only be at home doing chores and getting married at an early age. While the boys could have proper education and get jobs. Malala loved school and didn't let their rule get to her. She started to protest and fight against gender inequality. She was on a bus with some of her classmates and she was shot in the head because she was fighting against education right for girls. Luckily she survived the attack and is still protesting. This is simply setting an example for girls to try and stand strong for their fundamental rights no matter how fierce the consequences maybe. We shouldn't let men bring us down because they may be stronger or braver than us. We should learn to prove ourselves to them.

    1. I think you mean that they act as if they are superior in your first line. Thanks for sharing this inspirational example that also highlights inequalities that exist.

      Is it also the responsibility of men to address inequality themselves?

      1. It is definitely the responsibility of men to address inequality themselves. Men could start participating in the protests for gender equality as well and promote it in their communities. They could make a change and inspire others to do the same as well. If the whole world starts sailing in the same boat of gender equality for men, the world would become a better place for all of us.

  • In my opinion men do have more rights they were called more masculine then girls.We had to get married at a very young age also had to have babies.If you had a girl the would have to work with you when they come of age.So more likely men had more rights than women. We had to protest for our right men just had it handed to them.

  • It seems to me that Iran isn't very supportive with gender equality. But why? Everyone should be treated equally whether man or woman. It isn't fair how women are paid less than men because of their gender. Also, they won't be able to pay the bills if they are only getting 77 cents when a man is earning a dollar. How is it fair that men are getting privileged jobs whilst women are sitting at home doing unpaid work such as household chores? Iranian government needs to make a change as soon as possible.

  • In my opinion, Men always have had equal rights while girls are always doubted or judged and are always struggling, like they'll say things like "oh you should be in the kitchen" or a "woman can't be a doctor!" like people are so judgmental especially, men and we had to fight for our rights as woman in the U.S. and now Iran is working on it it's very sad to see the world hasn't changed.

    1. If someone hears the discriminatory phrases you mentioned, how should they respond?

  • In my opinion, I think that everyone should practice gender equality. Each and every woman should have the same rights as each and every man. Ali Khamenei has totally pushed aside that. Ali needs to be stopped. In iran is living in almost a separate world from us. Women and men being killed, children that have lost parents. All because of lack of equality and the doings of the mortality police.

  • At the outset, I want to say that all people should be equal, so that we do not differentiate between them in language, religion, customs and traditions. We do not differentiate between women and men. I feel that men have a greater opinion in society, so that women work at home without a salary. But women have a lower salary than men Men evaluate women from the outside. Men have positions in which they make important decisions, such as the president of a company, a school teacher, or a university teacher.

  • Women have been looked at like servants and less.For many of years women have fought for their rights, such figures as Dorothy Height, Lucretia Mott, and Betty Friedan. Through bloodshed and tears right after right has been gained, and some lost. Misha Amini's death is tragic and senseless, as well as all the other names that have fought for the right to choose what they want to wear. The things going on inside iran should be shared so that if there is any way to help the women there.

  • Personaly i would say that men nowadays have a say more than women this should not be encouraged because we are all equal but in most countries people are now aware of this fact and are emphasizing of the two third gender share of power in the government.

  • The thing which surprises me is unpaid work because in Pakistan every one including me consider that household work is compulsory for women and it's the part of her life after marriage a woman has to lookafter the house and her in-laws but you know women are given money by their men to fulfil their requirements.
    It's true that women do more work than men for living happily (moderate couple)
    In Pakistan the otherchallenges which a women face is of job like she can't work because it's not consider a good thing in society and mostly if she by chance get a job she might not have equal salary or rank to men.
    Mostly women can't even go out of their homes alone without their brother or elder because it's also not consider a good thing for her in society that ehy she is alone.
    I think this type of thing should be eliminated from our society because women should get atleast primary rights
    I really hate those parents who give priority to their sons rather than their daughters. And such type of thing cause inferiority in girls and they consider them selves less than women
    A man could remove the gender inequality by giving the women a complete right for her survival
    I personally think that a man can really change this..

    1. Hi educated_ladder - thanks for joining the discussion and for sharing your opinion based on things you have seen in your country. One thing to be careful about when doing this is presenting your opinion as though everyone else feels the same way. For example, you made it sound like everyone in Pakistan agrees that women should do household work, however this is untrue because many people might not like this idea. You mentioned other challenges that women in Pakistan might face -- how might these problems be overcome?

      1. Being very honest majority think that the women are brought to houses after marriage to manage the entire house and even sometimes in schools and at home we are told you have to resist on the wishes and ego otherwise it won't be good. but truly i really hate that way ,sometimes i really think that it means a moderate women has no independent life but unfortunately we can't change the mindset of our society on this view.
        And the question how could we overcome these problems i think the main thing is to change the mindset of our society and our elders who really don't like for a women to work outside. Although now many women are able to get their right but the second major problem is that the women are unaware of their rights
        I think awareness should also be made in this way.

        1. I agree that it's very important for women to know their rights. What could be done to support the women with this in your community?

          1. Firstly the awareness campaign should be started and women should be awared that they should not be used by someone and then
            *By giving them opportunities so they could work as equal to men such as providing them jobs.
            *I personally think by rising awareness that married women are not slaves of their laws that what they say she has to do that
            *By giving equality to men

  • Based on the tidings provided above, the fact that surprises me the most is how our mind goes directly to women inferiority when we talk about gender inequality, and how normalised that is. Gender equality is not about whether or not a woman can do everything a man can, it’s about whether she has been given an option to. If a man can provide for the family financially, the same option should be given to the woman, if a man can drink and smoke without being judged by the society, the same option should be given to the woman. If a man can wear shorts and not be catcalled on, so should the woman because women deserve the same respect, the same rights, the same opportunities maybe even more. After all, it’s women who brought 8 billion people in this world. It is our biggest failure that we haven’t treated genders equally since inception. At the same time, let’s face the fact that gender equality is not restricted to only men and women in this modern era. All existing genders need to be treated equally. Respect, dignity and opportunity seem like basic human rights every gender should have. This can only be achieved by reaching out to people. Make a man face the challenges a woman does and he’ll realise the kind of prominent disparity that still exists- Not only economically but also socially and politically.

  • The pay gap surprises me the most. If you think about the smaller comparison, 100: 77 cents, there is a difference but it is only by 23 cents. Scaled up, if over a period of time a man earns $10,000, a woman would earn only $7,700, the woman earning $2,300 less than him. Despite how far we've come to overcome sexism, there's still a shocking difference between the treatments, rights and opportunities of the separate genders, and I think that is absolutely unacceptable, and must be changed.
    This could be done by protests, speeches, posters, petitions and other forms of awareness raising.

    1. I feel that protests are definitely a great way to voice our opinions. However, several times these protests are suppressed and the protest in Iran is an example of that as well.
      Awareness raising is very important. I feel that the opinions people form about women are from a very young age. Schools should try including more activites that promote gender equality. Co-ed schooling should be promoted more as well. I feel that as much as it is important to raise awareness about the problems face, it is equally important to raise awareness among women about what they could do about this.

  • I'll say everything I know frankly, gender inequality is something our leaders don't pay much attention to. Of the 195 countries in the world, only 15 are led by women. In some countries, women are not even given the opportunity to lead in politics or other leadership positions. Given the gender pay gap, women should be paid according to their level of hard work and experience, not according to their gender. At a time where I'm from, girls in some states would often marry young to some older men, and that's a form of gender-based violence. In some states many years ago, girls' feet were not expected to set foot in classrooms. In the mentalities of the old, girls were born to serve men and their workplace was the kitchen. It is unfair that great minds that could have solved so many of the world's problems have been shut down before they were even given a chance to work. Our leaders have to stand up for women, and they can make change by ending gender inequality. Unfair and unequal treatment must end. The information that struck me most was that fewer women are getting an education. This was the most surprising because I thought most women were teachers so they would have a better education because you need a good education to teach someone else. The thing that can be done to make these attitudes fairer is to pay women and men the same amount for their work. Other challenges women face are discrimination, stinging remarks, and judgment from others on what they should and shouldn't do. For example, if someone says women should not wear this or wear something else instead.

  • Frankly, gender inequality is something that happens a lot in our society and people don't care about it and prefer the male over the female because he is able to protect his family and build his community. ?? The woman has a role as the man has a role. Women played a pivotal role in the renaissance of ancient and modern societies, and through this role proved their ability to bring about positive change in those societies. process of change in society. Why is she treated this way in her community???

  • In my honest opinion, why are women being treated differently because of their gender? This can mean that men might be thinking they are more superior than women. Also, why do men get to work exquisite jobs whilst women are having to do unpaid work? Such as looking after family members or doing household chores. Mothers are probably struggling to afford supplies for their children because they are only getting 77 cents and the men are getting dollars. The Iranian government needs to sort this issue because this is gender inequality, it isn't right. Also, what about the LGBTQ+? Two women were sentenced to death for supporting the community in general how are tourists going to look at that because, if they are of the community then they shall not come because they will know they aren't welcome even though they are just normal individuals.

  • It is a great injustice that a woman is subjected to obliteration of her identity and the erosion of her abilities and rights through mistreatment, discrimination between males and females, fewer job opportunities, neglect and deprivation of the rights that are supposed to be obtained as a human being before she is a woman. Supporting and shedding light on our usurped rights and raising our word through social media so that our voice reaches the officials until we obtain our legitimate demands in a way that guarantees us a decent life

  • Girls and women suffer most of the negative impact of rigid gender norms and roles, they are more likely to experience restrictions of their freedom and mobility, they experience epidemic levels of violence and harassment across the globe and have fewer opportunities to choose how to live their lives.One of the major causes of gender inequality is the lack of awareness among women about their rights and their ability to achieve equality. This lack of awareness is often due to the prevailing cultural and social norms, which dictate that women should be subservient to men.Example Gender inequality in girls education. Even before the pandemic, girls were more likely than boys to never set foot in a classroom and be denied equal opportunities.

    1. Thank you for your comment @eager_seed. If you have the ability to change rules what would you change to reduce gender inequality?

  • Women are regarded as weak humans, people that should be doing laundry and housework instead of driving, playing sports or political roles (in some countries) To add to that, some places only make men the monarch even if a girl is the oldest. This is an example of gender inequality.
    In my opinion, how are women weak if they give birth? That is a strenuous job that men cannot do. I think more women should be involved in politics and sports because these are the things that are most widely regarded as things that only men or boys can do. Another idea is that women should start jobs or companies to show men that women are not weak - they are equal. We are all human so we are all equal. Men and women need to coexist so the Earth's flow remains smooth. Without women, men are nothing and vice versa.
    Women also face challenges such as applying for a job or being a part of a monarchy.
    What is your opinion - why are women believed to be weak?

    1. What do you think could be done to make those situations more fair?

      1. I think that whatever men do - such as cricket or rugby - there should be tournaments for girls/women too. This way, there will be more equality. Another thing people could do is make rules or laws that are just to men and women, not just towards men. For example, in Iran there is a rule that if women do not wear hijab, they will be killed. If men do not do this why should women get this burden?

  • It is my opinion that gender inequality is wrong and should be stopped.There are many reasons for my opinion:one is that all males,females and transgender/no gender people should be treated equally as they are all humans.In addition,many males are thought to be the 'breadwinners of the family' but this is not always the case in most families.Girls and women also have the right to education and earning money for their family.For example,Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban for going to school with her friends.This happened as the Taliban were opposed to girls and women having an education,which they thought was not worth the money becuse the women were in charge of the family while the males went to work and earned the money for their wives and children.The women were in charge of the household chores and jobs.

  • From my honest opinion I do not think that it is fair that women are not paid the same as men and cannot get a good education. This is because women and men are all humans. We are the same species and do not deserve to be treated differently. Women should speak up and show that they have rights but unfortunately they get killed, arrested or imprisoned.

  • I feel that for all the unpaid work women do, they should be paid in the form of support. A woman would never ask for money for all the household chores because she perceives them as her responsibility.
    It is never too late to start learning and there are great examples of the same as well. Multiple times women do not get a fair pay because of them being uneducated. If families could become more supportive to women, they could start learning at an old age as well. This support can be mental support where they motivate and encourage her rather than crushing her dreams or physical support where they help her in her household work.
    Women are very capable. All they need is a push.

  • Gender equality, still struggling to achieve it! Women have come a long way from having no rights to the present, having nearly all the rights as men. I would like to emphasize the phrase 'having rights '. The government has provided women with these rights but it is our duty and responsibility to ensure them. We, the society expect them to marry, have kids, and take care of the household chores. Why?? Why follow all those prejudices that are senseless? Everyone deserves to be treated equally, then why are women not paid equally, treated differently, are expected less? In my country, India, rural girls are still struggling for education, and the situation has improved, but why was there such kind of a problem in the first place? It all depends on our mindset, if every men and woman themselves work on their mindsets towards gender discrimination, the world will become a better place.

    1. How can individuals change their own mindsets?

      1. I feel that gender equality is a big game of mindset. Even hundreds of years ago this mindset existed. However, we are living in the 21st century and there is nothing that is impossible for us anymore.
        I believe that it is going to be a really difficult task to change the mindsets of the older generations. They have lived with this discrimination and it has been emphasized in their lives. They have been taught that the lives of women are different from men. That God has made women differently just so they could live different lives.
        I strongly support educating the present generation more about gender equality. We should bring more awareness among them. This can be a part of school curriculums where both boys and girls group together to work equally and feel at par with each other. We should ensure that they grow up believing they are equal. Our generation would pass on the same values to the next generation and the chain would continue. This way we are ensuring the betterment of the lives of this generation and all the generations to come.
        It is also crucial to encourage our women to voice themselves, to stand up for themselves, and to go against the prejudices and the discrimination they bear. Our women have been taught to not dream of gender equality because it is wrong. In their own homes, they are discriminated and taught that this is right. With time, they accept this discrimination and that they are supposed to live this life and this is actually correct. And as victims they make their children live under the same pressure. We should work towards improving their lives. This can be increasing their access to women organisations as well.

  • Women also face violence because of the gender inequality. In our society and particulary in non-developed countries they still think that woman should be abused on every small mistake she does, they also force girls to get married at a very young age at 11-12, other than that they say about them spinsters.
    They also get abused just for wanting to learn, not for wearing hijab and many other examples, here we can say that gender inequality exists!
    In the end gender equality should replace gender inequality because we need to stop violence against women and when we say gender equality we mean that there should be equal rights to both genders and what men take woman should take!.

  • Unfortunately, our world is not perfect, but there are certain things we need to change immediately, for example sexism. It's mostly women and girls who have to deal with this kind of thing like: Back in the day we weren't allowed to vote, people thought girls were the least successful or the weakest people. Although this is a big mistake, we cannot ignore the fact that this also happens to boys and men. As an example of sexism towards men, I'd say some people think it's weird for men to have certain jobs like being a ballerina or being a cheerleader, but we need to understand that everything and every job is there for anyone willing to try it. Gender inequality is something our leaders don't pay much attention to. Of the 195 countries in the world, only 15 are led by women. In some countries, women are not even given the opportunity to lead in politics or other leadership positions. Given the gender pay gap, women should be paid according to their level of hard work and experience, not according to their gender. At a time where I'm from, girls in some states would often marry young to some older men, and that's a form of gender-based violence. In some states many years ago, girls' feet were not expected to set foot in classrooms. In the mentalities of the old, girls were born to serve men and their workplace was the kitchen. It is unfair that great minds that could have solved so many of the world's problems have been shut down before they were even given a chance to work. Our leaders have to stand up for women, and they can make change by ending gender inequality. Unfair and unequal treatment must end.

  • One of the problems that women face is preventing them from testifying in the courts, and this causes a lot of harm. If there is no witness other than a woman and her testimony is not accepted, then this is unfair.

    Also in my country, she is prevented from traveling alone, she must have a person or a man with her, and this was said because the woman is weak and cannot bear to travel alone, but the woman must be made responsible for herself and make her own decisions

  • I think there should be equal rights all around the world. It is not fair if woman have to do what men are telling them to do because they are there own person and they have there own designs. They should have there own rights .it has really amazed and interested me. I feel that in some countries men are just looking over woman like they would be there boss. But no they should be equal. It should stop

  • I have a lot against inequality I personally think that it’s wrong why are there laws on this am against the government of Iran. Things must change!

  • The fact that little women have access to education suprises most because I thought most people who go for teaching courses are women because such courses are underestimated by men, and even were I go for school our principal is a woman so 8 thought they inspire and support the young girls to complete there studies so I didn't expect their to be Gap in the education sector.
    I think what the government should do is to create or fund public schools for only girls because some times girls don't attend school because they fear to be exposed to boys, the government should alsoput onkt female teachers in these schools because they will be able to understand the problems girls face and be able to help them it will also provide jobs to women and this will attract more girls to study since there are jobs.
    I think the other other challenge they face is political inferiority women are underestimated on some posts for example in our country we have LC1 chairmans as the leaders of the villages but people can not choose a lady fir this post, and also some other big posts they think they are for men for example the president's position little countries can have ladies contest for those posts and even they contest they are not voted by the locals because people have a mindset that the position is for only men.

  • i think that we should all be equal and have the same rights as well being looked upon
    in the same way .

  • The fact that surprised me the most was that women get paid less a month. I think that both men and women deserved to be paid the same for their hard work, and not because of their gender. Women also suffer gender equality by not being let into places that men can only go to, etc. I think that women should be treated the same as men, because women can and will do the same work men can do.

    1. Can you give an example of women not being allowed in the same places?

  • One of the most ridiculous things I've heard from narrow-minded people is that females should not be allowed to receive an education. It's strange because this harms the country more than anything else.
    Let me explain.
    I think many people don't understand that a mother and her child share a bond deeper than love or what is visible on the surface. That bond moulds the mind, body and soul of the mother and her child. Thus, no matter what, the child will end up thinking the same way as the mother. If the mother is ignorant, so is the child.
    Say the entire female generation of a country isn't allowed an education. Now let's imagine three-quarters of that generation gets married and has kids. That's an entire generation of ignorant people, which means an ignorant leader, authority and community. I don't think any country could survive that.
    And I haven't even factored in the loss of potential geniuses that could've been found in females and would've in turn gained the country global recognition.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, we females are a force of nature and any attempts to smother our voices will be met with rage and fury, not unlike that from the deepest depths of hell.

  • I think it is unfair that men have the right to do anything yet women are looked at as weak and don't have their say in things that should be a simple human right.

    Women don't get the same pay as men. Women don't make as much progress as men. Women don't get education like men. Women don't even get paid for their work. Women struggle with those things because they are Women, and inequality towards them just makes no sense.

  • Today in the world we talk about the causes, the areas where people are affected and the solutions. But the question that we do not ask is "WHY?". Why are men treated or seen as higher than women?, why are women the gender that is suffering from this global issue?, why are women excluded from some things?. This is a question that I,ve tried to answer on my own but i've found it very hard.

    1. An interesting perspective @receptive_editor. Have you looked into the history of how the role women play in society has evolved over the years?

      1. Firstly the role of women in the society has increased in the society because of education. Nowadays more women are educated than before. Also women are no more "full time house wives". Women now go out and perform their professional duties. Women have also become independent. They no longer need men to make all their decisions. They are now self employed and earn their own personal income. Lastly women can now fight for their rights. Women can now fight for their marital rights (they are no lnger forced to marry) and they can now fight sexual abuse through different means like giving of speeches or the internet(audio,video).But the fatest means of fighting this issue of gender inequality is the internet, specifically usage of videos.

    2. I believe that the reason behind this stems from prehistoric times. As caveman, males would fight against males from other tribes, and the females of the defeated tribe would be taken as wives and concubines for the victor. This led to an idea that women were "objects" or "spoils of war". However, many ancient civilizations also revered and worshipped women. That is the respect that modern society lacks. We must remember that for every man alive today, there was a brave woman who gave birth to him.

  • I believe that the reason that women are not treated as equals to men is that their voices are not heard. Lack of women in the administrative sections of the government in middle eastern and Asian nations play a major part in this. Women are the ones who best understand women's issues, and female policymakers will certainly go a long way in solving these problems. Men have had their shot at ruling the world, so why not give women a chance?

  • In a discussion regarding gender equality, why is it that no one talks about people who don't identify as either male or female? Homosexuality is illegal in many countries, and even in countries that it is legal in, they are ostracized and shunned by society at large, and sometimes even their own relatives! In fact, it is a taboo to even speak about homosexuals in many households and schools. In India it is common to see them begging at traffic signals, as most companies deny them employment opportunities. Aren't they human too? Don't they deserve a chance at living a normal life? Are they exempt from the right to the pursuit of happiness?

  • To be honest none of these actually surprises me it's is common. But what pains me the most is the education not allowing women receive education is an infringement on their rights and it just holds a country back to be honest. The facts that the world uplifts one gender over the other, it's like women should cook and clean while men should work, sometimes I feel like it's a written rule somewhere but I have never seen it. It is literally the most retrogressive thinking ever. We all know the common saying equal work equal pay. I mean we all say change begins with you and things like that but does it really, personally I don't think so change begins with those not opportuned to have this information, change begins with our leaders, we can't keep having conversations like this and still have the same mindset everytime. Another problem we face that no one talks about is the objectifying of us to be honest, also to be honest we hurt ourselves no one wants to be seen as less so the moment they get the opportunity to use a fellow woman ad an uplifting stool they go for it. This is what I feel.

  • Gender equality, still struggling to achieve it! Women have come a long way from having no rights to the present, having nearly all the rights as men. I would like to emphasize the phrase 'having rights '. The government has provided women with these rights but it is our duty and responsibility to ensure them. We, the society expect them to marry, have kids, and take care of the household chores. Why?? Why follow all those prejudices that are senseless? Everyone deserves to be treated equally, then why are women not paid equally, treated differently, are expected less? In my country, rural girls are still struggling for education, and the situation has improved, but why was there such kind of a problem in the first place? It all depends on our mindset, if every men and woman themselves work on their mindsets towards gender discrimination, the world will become a better place.

  • The fact that men are paid more than women and the fact that women do 30% more unpaid work than men. These things surprised me the most because many countries pretend to have solved the problem of gender inequality though they are still leaving women to suffer.

    I think women should be given good education and I think education should be made free to all in order to prevent gender inequality. And they should teach women their rights. Women should stand up to claim their rights and they should work hard to prove it wrong that women are only designed for domestic work.

    Due to gender inequality women face problems like
    - Unemployment even after education due to the backwardness of believing that women are supposed to depend on men.
    -Some women are not given the opportunity to finish their studies.
    -Women have more needs than men though they are given less income for the jobs that they do.
    -Women are also undermined to do some jobs since not a lot of women are working
    -Women are not given the freedom of speech

  • Gender inequality is a despicable thing you can do to someone. For an example in my class we have been learning lots of different themes in topical talk and one of them is the protests in Iran. Yet in Iran there is currently a lot of hatred towards women and there rights it doesn't always have to happen when you are face to face with somebody. That is what leads me on to my second point, gender inequality can also happen in films or online. In one of our many lovely topical talk lessons we learnt about black panther - diversity and responsibility. Now this is race inequality but also gender. I believe this because in lots of films the main characters are most of the time male roles. We need to stop gender inequality rapidly! Do you agree with me? If not say why?

    1. You make fantastic links between our topics glad_bird! Great comment well done.

  • I also think government orders shouldn't be too strict on the women in Iran as on the man if everyone really know their religion right they would know that the man also have to wear something that covers their knees which basically after the knees but to people only foucs on the women and their hijabs if it's right or wrong i think inequality here plays also a big role in this if we gave freedom to both like we do to the man it would help improve the country besides islam says to do not force anyone on anything that's why prophet noah spent 950 years trying to help people convert to his religion and he didn't force anyone so i think letting women have their own choices would be great as they do to the man

  • Gender equality, still struggling to achieve it! Women have come a long way from having no rights to the present, having nearly all the rights as men. I would like to emphasize the phrase 'having rights '. The government has provided women with these rights but it is our duty and responsibility to ensure them. We, the society expect them to marry, have kids, and take care of the household chores. Why?? Why follow all those prejudices that are senseless? Everyone deserves to be treated equally, then why are women not paid equally, treated differently, are expected less? In my country, rural girls are still struggling for education, and the situation has improved, but why was there such kind of a problem in the first place? It all depends on our mindset, if every men and woman themselves work on their mindsets towards gender discrimination, the world will become a better place.

  • Based on the tidings provided above, the fact that surprises me the most is how our mind goes directly to women inferiority when we talk about gender inequality, and how normalised that is. Gender equality is not about whether or not a woman can do everything a man can, it’s about whether she has been given an option to. If a man can provide for the family financially, the same option should be given to the woman, if a man can drink and smoke without being judged by the society, the same option should be given to the woman. If a man can wear shorts and not be catcalled on, so should the woman because women deserve the same respect, the same rights, the same opportunities maybe even more. After all, it’s women who brought 8 billion people in this world. It is our biggest failure that we haven’t treated genders equally since inception. At the same time, let’s face the fact that gender equality is not restricted to only men and women in this modern era. All existing genders need to be treated equally. Respect, dignity and opportunity seem like basic human rights every gender should have. This can only be achieved by reaching out to people. Make a man face the challenges a woman does and he’ll realise the kind of prominent disparity that still exists- Not only economically but also socially and politically.

  • Based on the tidings provided above, the fact that surprises me the most is how our mind goes directly to women inferiority when we talk about gender inequality, and how normalised that is. Gender equality is not about whether or not a woman can do everything a man can, it’s about whether she has been given an option to. If a man can provide for the family financially, the same option should be given to the woman, if a man can drink and smoke without being judged by the society, the same option should be given to the woman. If a man can wear shorts and not be catcalled on, so should the woman because women deserve the same respect, the same rights, the same opportunities maybe even more. After all, it’s women who brought 8 billion people in this world. It is our biggest failure that we haven’t treated genders equally since inception. At the same time, let’s face the fact that gender equality is not restricted to only men and women in this modern era. All existing genders need to be treated equally. Respect, dignity and opportunity seem like basic human rights every gender should have. This can only be achieved by reaching out to people. Make a man face the challenges a woman does and he’ll realise the kind of prominent disparity that still exists- Not only economically but also socially and politically.