industrious_chemistry has not published standpoints yet. Comments by industrious_chemistry Comment Post Date O ne job which AI might not be able to take over is as a journalist. A role of a journalist is... People v robots 12/2/24 Some of the ways in which people might be able to help out is by using more public transport,... Why don’t people change? 04/2/24 I disagree about the part of writing as an AI cannot possibly write a book which itself,... Jobs of the future 02/2/24 One field I think that AI cannot take over is in the field of art. This is because the field of... People v robots 29/1/24 One such job which Ai can help is in the field of agriculture as they can help water, harvest ,... People v robots 24/1/24 I think that it would be hard for AI to take over in the field of human resources. This is the... People v robots 24/1/24 One job I think that cannot be replaced by AI is as a judge in a court of law or as a jury in... People v robots 24/1/24 I disagree because... AI are capable of scouring through the web and making sure that the meal... People v robots 22/1/24 I think that one field of job which ai cannot take over is the field of psychology. Because the... People v robots 22/1/24