Comments by quiet_horse Comment Post Date Comment: Some people think that climate change is not happening. Some people, like Trump, would think... Post: Weekly Competition #40 Date: 09/7/19 Comment: A person who I know of who is denying climate change is Trump. This is my... Post: Weekly Competition #40 Date: 08/7/19 Comment: Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, at... Post: Weekly Competition #40 Date: 08/7/19 Comment: This may sound weird but... I think Brexit links with Trumps wall a bit and the climate... Post: Weekly Competition #39 Date: 05/7/19 Comment: I had my own idea. I thought about plastic pollution and thought if we had some sort of edible... Post: Weekly Competition #38 Date: 28/6/19 Comment: There are satellites monitoring global warming.The satellites are monitoring and keeping tabs on... Post: Weekly Competition #38 Date: 24/6/19 Comment: I researched an idea about plastic eating enzymes. If we continue without stopping, 12 billion... Post: Weekly Competition #38 Date: 24/6/19 Comment: I have had my own idea of having remote controlled helicopters or drones that can be adjusted to... Post: Weekly Competition #38 Date: 24/6/19 Comment: Saudi Arabia - the worlds largest oil producer - has now been expected that they will double up... Post: Weekly Competition #37 Date: 18/6/19 Comment: 635 million tons of carbon emissions is a lot. But if 635 million is shown as one of the lowest... Post: Weekly Competition #37 Date: 18/6/19 Comment: Saudi Arabia ranks 14th among the nations on 2008 fossil-fuel carbon emissions with a whopping... Post: Weekly Competition #37 Date: 17/6/19 Comment: I think that children should be able to miss school so they can go and protest. I think this... Post: Weekly Competition #36 Date: 10/6/19 Comment: We should work together And follow Greta To make the world better Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 07/6/19 Comment: Fun fact: Climate change is real Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 06/6/19 Comment: If you want a work disaster Your getting warmer Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 06/6/19 Comment: If you want to kill humanity Your getting warmer Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 06/6/19 Comment: System change Not climate change Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 04/6/19 Comment: We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 03/6/19 Comment: What I stand for us what I stand on Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 03/6/19 Comment: Change the politics, not the climate. Post: Weekly Competition #35 Date: 03/6/19 1 2 >