Comments by splendid_satsuma

Comment Post Date
My rule is to use renewable energy sources My rule will help the environment because when using... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
"You are the captain" if you are careful and wise in your decisions and actions you will lead... #34 Caption this! 13/5/21
Be a lawyer for the land defend and preserve it and do not let others cause its destruction. #34 Caption this! 13/5/21
"Our behavior is reflected on us" If we preserve the earth we will live safely and if we do not... #34 Caption this! 13/5/21
"You are the captain" if you are careful and wise in your decisions and actions you will lead... #34 Caption this! 13/5/21
I would like to invent robots that build an underground city for humans to avoid damage from... #33 Invention test! 07/5/21
I would like to invent pots, spoons and water bottles made from legumes such as lentils and rice... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21
I would like to invent basins that can purify wastewater to reduce environmental pollution. #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent explosives that do not produce smoke harmful to the environment as they... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent robots that collect non-decomposable industrial solid waste to reduce... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent robots that recycle garbage that cannot be recycled and extract what can... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent a camera that visualizes the problems we may have due to the climate in... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent a robot that raises awareness about the climate risks that we may face in... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent a robot that raises awareness about the climate risks that we may face in... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent a machine that enables us to communicate with future residents and... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I'd like to invent a machine that creates a hole that eats up everything that damages the... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to invent a machine that works as an alternative to the action of insecticides to... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I'd like to invent a car that runs on solar energy instead of on fuel to reduce climate damage. #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I'd like to create robots Working onto replace traditional buildings with green buildings to... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to make machines that Working Replacement on chemicals that negatively affect the... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21