talkative_snow has not published standpoints yet. Comments by talkative_snow Comment Post Date Comment: I agree to opinion B because royals are also human beings and need their own space. The right... Post: Royal responses Date: 01/5/23 Comment: Technology has played a major role on our lives since 1880 when coal was used for the first time... Post: Competition #3 Making connections Date: 28/4/23 Comment: I think Strikes should be allowed because one may never know what another is passing through... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 27/4/23 Comment: I also agree with this because no matter what is done for employees, there is always that one... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 27/4/23 Comment: I believe that there is a place for royalty in the modern world because the modern world is the... Post: Are royals relevant? Date: 26/4/23 Comment: In my country, there are royal families who in their respective regions are given power over the... Post: The role of royals Date: 25/4/23 Comment: Strikes are the collective refusal of workers if they are not granted the appropriate terms and... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I agree with intuitive skill because it will depend on the person using the metaverse and his or... Post: Report back Date: 23/4/23 Comment: I also agree with this but I slightly disagree because even though the person might mix other... Post: Report back Date: 22/4/23