Comments by students of St Mary's Catholic Primary School B | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
noble_saxophone I think B because they should be ready if something like that happened. AI accident: who is responsible? 30/1/24
forceful_trumpet I agree because we could know the other peoples opinion's and they could see ours and it would... Balanced discussions on the Hub 26/1/24
committed_shrimp AI is an amazing thing. It helps so many people today! What I think is some jobs are always... Jobs of the future 25/1/24
bright_orange A self-checkout helps people to scan our items quicker. A self-checkout is a piece of technology... Jobs of the future 24/1/24
bright_orange My reaction to artificial-intelligence (AI) is that in some ways it can be helpful but sometimes... What's your reaction? 24/1/24
discreet_woodpecker If AI is this big of a thing we need to make sure that there are no errors in the programming ... Classroom spy! 24/1/24
bright_orange I am going to choose a job: cashier A cashier is a fairly easy job. Most of the time you are... Jobs of the future 24/1/24