Weekly Competition #33
24 May 2019
logical_fish and clever_atom
There were lots of great entries this week. Check out our winners! They really sparked our curiosity and made us want to read the articles! 'Trump's Wall of Fame' used clever wordplay to suggest how important the wall has been to his presidency. The headline from clever_atom made us think about what the consequences might be of building a wall, and that some hard hitting investigative journalism would follow in the article. Well done!
It's headline time! We'd like you to write a newspaper headline for this Issue, which is Trump: borders and migration.
You'll want to grab the reader's attention so they read on and you might like to focus on something that has stuck with you after one of your sessions.
Winners will be announced next Friday. Good luck!
Comments (131)
Migration Mexicans and borders
All one thing?
Trump's wall: building lives or breaking lives
Donald Trump, creating border between Mexico banning thousands of immigrants from coming in!
Will this man try everything: Trump and Uncle Sam!
Trump decides to create a menace to immigrants.
Trump's Wall : Building it up, breaking families down.
Mexicans’ Dream Destroyed By Wall
Why Did Donald Trump Bild Wall?
‘Safe’ America over Dieing Immigrants
‘Apparently’ a New Way To Stop Illegal Drugs and Immigrants.
Racism and immigration. Will this be the end of socialising with people outside of our civilisation?
Walls Effects Lives and Families
Border Brakes Families
All one thing. Is it not?
Trump's Wall of Fame
Ready for the conflict?
Trump builds a wall, leaving people’s heart to crumble
Trump's: wall dividing family's and nations
Trump's wall: building his wall destroying families relationships
Trump's wall: Destroying the reputation of families and relationships.
Trump's wall: destroying families and jobs
This is crossing the line Trump, crossing it badly.
Trump stay the other side of the wall.
Attempt two: Don't cross the border trump
Attempt three: Trump; a man of mystery
Attempt three: Trump build wall!
Trump's wall: wasting environment, breaking people's heart and making conflict against other people.
Is Trump crossing his own border?
Can Trump trump the Mexican government?
Not the first wall, but the last one?
Building up racism
The construction of a new era
the future is separated
concrete wall or discrimination wall?
Trumps injustice
Trump wall and its consequences