#32 - Give it a title!

24 April 2020

Winners Announced!

Thank you to everyone who took part - it was a record breaking competition for entries!

It was very hard to chooser two winners, but we have decided...

Our first winner is entertaining_strawberry of Birchwood C of E Primary School. The thinking behind their 'A Stone World' title was very original and showed careful consideration of the different meanings of words.

Our second winner is rhetorical_recipe from Rhemaville Christian Academy. Their title 'The Crumbling Cookie' was clearly explained and they used plenty of knowledge in support of it.

Well done to both of you!

We're beginning our next Issue on Extreme Weather, and we're welcoming many students from around the world to the conversation.

So this week's competition has a worldwide theme:

Can you give this illustration a title?

Once you've written your title, give a short explanation of why you chose it.

Remember, it doesn't have to be a negative title - you can choose how you want to describe it.


The title I would give this illustration is... because....

As we are welcoming lots of new students to the Hub, we will be awarding stars throughout this week, rather than on judging day.

The competition is open to everyone and all entries must be in by 10.30am (UK time) on Friday 24th April. Good luck!

Comments (387)

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    1. WORLD OF GOOD AND BAD. I selected this topic because you can see in the picture that, some parts are broken while some are not.which means the broken parts are bad and the unbroken parts are good

      1. I think the tittle of this photograph should be "Earthquake".
        Earthquake is defined as the shaking of the surface of the earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth lithosphere that creates seismic waves.
        I selected this tittle because the picture shown is about the cracks on earth.
        I have noticed that the earth gets crack when there's an earth crust. The ground looks very dry and there are many cracks on it that is the reason I choose this photograph.

        1. If it is an earthquake the ground must be destroyed not cracked and the must be water around at least little water do not agree with you on that

        2. I think the title is desertification
          We pollute our land, and therefore there are no fertile and arable areas. The planet is about to lose its plant life and biodiversity.
          For natural and human reasons
          We resort to overgrazing and poor irrigation due to poverty and soil depletion
          All are human causes of desertification and there are natural
          Weather affects the land and its fertility, for example there are in the frozen lands, no plant grows, so its soil is frozen

          So we must take care of our land to preserve it
          And we grow as human beings

          1. I removed a teacher's name from this comment - please could everything be from children and also with no real first names of anyone mentioned, thank you!

        3. I like your comment because the earthquakes cause ruin and destruction

      2. Weather life variables
        I give this title because weather affects severely our life in different aspects and different ways

      3. Can you tell me the reason why some part are broken not cracked because to me I know that when something is broken it is destroyed. For example when a cup broken it is destroyed not cracked and the ground does not look broken but rather cracked.

        1. Not all things that are broken is spoiled,and sometimes too when something is cracked it is destroyed, example is egg.

      1. Ozone layer depletion.I chose this topic because it symbolize that the ozone layer of the world has gone through damage due to various pollution such as emission of poisonous gases, as a result of that the effect of the sun ray on the earth increases and the earth surface dry up

    2. Drought. I'm saying this because the picture shows the continents with dry lands with no water.

      1. It can't fully be drought because in a situation of drought the whole place dries up with no vegetation at all

      2. If there is no water there won't be any sign of vegetation but there is

        1. Yeah! You are so right. The picture has vegetation.

        1. Can you explain why you agree?

          1. I agree with him or her because a drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water or there is no water for plants and animals to live or simply shortage of water and the photo looks a dry weather and the ground looks dry and has no water .

            1. Thanks authentic theory, for agreeing with me.

          2. This is so because during dry seasons we still have some vegetation on the dry land only that they don't look fresh as in rainy season. So during a drought some vegetation can still be seen. If there is no water around ,what can plants do to survive? Amazingly, all plants seem to have a number of gene for droughts defense strategies encoded in the DNA.Genes are small section of DNA,like chapters in a book. How the plant use the gene determiners their ability to survive the drought .This is why you can still see some vegetation on the dry land

    3. Global warming . I'm also giving this title because the illustration depicts exactly what happens to a piece of land which has been exposed to excessive heat.

      1. Yes it's exposed to excessive heat but what happened before the ground got cracked

    4. It can't be the end of the world because little vegetation can be seen in the picture

      1. I agree with you, persistent_photograph, that it can not be the end of the world because there is still water and green around so the chances are not lost.

        1. Thank you and I could initially say it is a dying world that can still be saved

      1. Why don't you think so,it is clear that vegetation is seen in the picture.Please point out your reason why you think is the end of the world.

          1. Why the sudden change of mind,please I want you to clearly state the reason why you did not agree at first,at least there must be a reason.You may be able to prove me wrong with your reason.

        1. Look closely that is the map of the world. In a place of total drought or dryness there can't still be vegetation because the water that those places with thick vegetation use could have been evenly distributed causing it to be sparse vegetation instead of thick vegetation at a part and other sides dry. Hope you get my point

    5. I think ( The return of the world)will be a good title because we can see that the map of the world has drawn on a very dry and cracked soil that means that even after all these hard situations that all the world are facing
      the world will return normal and safe.♥️

    6. The wold will not end bt the end of the wold is when a person dies

    7. WORLD INTERNAL CRACK .I support this because after the clay soil use water with no help it cracks this therefor the world experience crack after using alot of technology with no help

  • Earthquake World

    I called it earthquakes because when there are earthquakes there is a crack left in the ground and this one looks like the earthquake world.

    1. Earthquakes don't work on water so I don't understand

      1. Earthquake is majorly caused by vibration, and it can occur in water ,beneath the ocean

      1. Of course extreme weather condition like drought causes cracked soil

    2. Yes there cracks left but why isn't part of the ground destroyed

  • The title I would give this photograph is Hope in desolation. This is because desolation is the state of being laid to waste. Due to insufficient moisture,the earth in the photo is dry and cracked and cannot be used for anything productive. The imprint of the seven continents on this dry soil implies that the continents are all at risk of becoming like the dry soil. They are all likely to be "laid to waste". Yhe state of the soil in the photo is as a result of climate change which causes extreme temperatures and evaporates the moisture in the soil. Luckily,these continents still have hope of salvaging their existence from the "sea of climate change". These continents have already been hit by climate change but they have a chance to make a comeback and defeat the scourge of climate change. They have hope in desolation.

  • The World breaks apart...

    I. Said this because there are cracks on this map or something and it does look like a earth quake. Since it is about weather, I mean the whole world can't be broken yet. The UK has earth quakes very quietly so the its not that much broken. I think it might be about the Corona Virus because you won't be able to go to school or see your friends so it's very hard to cope and most of the time you're bored. The corona virus isn't a new disease. Last time it started in Spain and 30000 people died last time because of it. Now in England Death Tolls are becoming higher and higher. The weather isn't that bad today but other places around the world are suffering because of floods or droughts, storms and many more. We are all hoping the World will stay safe

    1. In real life, Brazil looks more like a forest in a map but according to the photograph, the country looks more like a desert.

    2. Can you tell us what you mean by last time it started in Spain? Are you referring to the Spanish Flu?

  • World over !

    I choose this title because the picture shows the world cracked which makes me assume that it is because the world is going to end . Furthermore , it includes a map on top of stone . Both the map and stones are cracked so that would imply that the world will become cracked.

  • THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW . I selected this title because the world don`t care about environment.

    i choose this title because the cracks on the map shows a globe that is breaking into portions without a designed shape, a world losing its original shape which could be because of; an earthquake , economic crises, health crises and psychological trauma especially now as we are affect and infected by corona pandemic.

    1. Yes things fall apart , due to this pandemic the world is crumbling , the world economy has fallen , people are out of work , the children are not in school. No body is physically connected anymore for fear of danger of contacting the virus . this picture shows how circumstances has finally divided the world making it in ruins.

  • The title i would give this photograph is " Cooperation? Never heard of that ... "
    Because during this whole coronavirus thing , every country only thinks about it's own safety, wich i think is extremely selfish . Because in such a hard time , we're supposed to help and support each other .
    ( and if you're reading this , stay safe ❤ )

  • Damage Earth's Surface Badly
    I select this title due to the current situation of the
    World because the use of huge amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
    cement production, heavy metals such as Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb) and the nickel.All
    these chemical and the substances damge the earth badly and it change their chemisty
    and the earth surface is react badly with human beings and animals. So we must reduce the
    use of such chemicals on the earth to save earth and its surface.

  • The Last Straw. I chose this title because I think it will reach a point where the Earth won't be able to contain this waste and climate changes that it will literary crack in bits.

    1. The title is: Crack Surface It is because, crack is a line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking part. And can be cause by humans when ' Turning ' and 'Braking ' motion of vehicles. And also, can cause by the heat from the earth.

  • "The Earth Cookie".

    This is actually a piece of cookie with the print of the earth to be distributed around the world, telling people not to waste our resources including food and water.

    1. Drought. I choose drought because the sun has made the soil to crack. It meant that there is no water, animals are dying,no food and some people are dying. This means that the world is suffering from drought.

      1. If there was no water, there would have been no green part in the photograph.

    2. Yes I agree with you because its looks like the world map being cracked

  • The face of the world
    I gave the picture this title as it incorporates the solid face of rock and the world. It also is a cliffhanger as you wouldn't know that is was crumbling.

    1. You have a point because the land is dry with cracks meaning it lacks water

  • I selected this title because water is the source of life.

  • Dangers of Dessertification

      1. the green in the photo ghraph shows where it is not affected.

        1. So I think it must be "A world becoming a desert"

        2. Look closely and you see that the green part is the map of the world

    1. Desert because it a dry land with no water

    2. I agree with you on that because desert is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs and, consequently, living conditions are hostile for plants and animals to live .The lack of vegetation exposes the unprotected surface of the ground to denudation. For instance
      the sahara desert there is no vegetation there.
      Desert are normally sandy and don't generally holds water and as such can not crack. In the photo the nature of the soil is a little clayey and hence there are cracks

  • i call it a desert reasons it has so many cracks which are formed during dry seasons

  • A Changed World

    The reason I chose this title is because, to state the obvious, in the image, it really is broken. But the main concept is because when we decide not to care for our planet, it breaks down the Earth bit by bit. Especially climate change, which is caused by us, makes the world become unprofitable and unfruitful, so we won't gain any thing good any more. And maybe it doesn't break the world in general, but the inhabitants inside it. It hurts them knowing that their many efforts are possibly, in vain.

  • I chose this topic because as we can see from the picture, it shows us the picture of of a dry piece of land which has the picture of the world.As we can see the land is dry and broken because,of desertification which causes erosion.This is why i decide to give it "Dangers Of Desertification Around The world

  • Earthquake
    I choosed this because i can see the earth cracken i assume the earthquake caused it

    1. I think you left out water. Because earthquakes don't work on water

  • Drought no Doubt. I chose this title because in the photo there is a picture of the map of the world on a drought so it kind os says that there will be a drought soon and nothing will stop it unless we act very fast and stop letting extreme weather come to us when we can stop it.

  • My title is going to be:
    'Global Inhabitance.'
    I am going to choose this because in the picture, I can tell there has been a drought and the soil has dried up and become barren. The soil is covered by a map and on the map Antarctica and the Arctic haven't been placed, which suggests that there isn't anymore snow, making it extremely hot. The only places that humans would be able to live are the green parts of the map, however that would be for limited time as well, due to the fact that there will be no supplies to help them survive for very long. The generation of people that are living there probably won't know of polar bears, penguins and other Arctic and Antarctic animals as they have become extinct. In my opinion, I believe that the drought dried up or melted the polar regions, causing a lack of water for humans to depend on. The drought would've also taken plants and trees (as seen on the barren soil), meaning there would be no fruit or vegetables to eat as well. That is my opinion on the image and my title.

  • The shattered world
    I gave it this title because of the cracks all over the world that will shatter it very soon.

  • The title I would give this photograph would be 'The split ends'.

    The reason why I would say, 'The split ends' is because if you look closely you can see cracks but it is on those yellow and green ovals. Without the cracks on top of those ovals, the ovals would originate as one, but since there is cracks it looks like it is two or more different separate parts. If you look even more closely, you will see that the cracks or lines are on the edges of the ovals, this is how I got my title. If you do not understand then here is a summary of what I have said in this paragraph.

    What I mean is that the green/yellow ovals are split apart from it's one whole, that is how I got the word 'split' from. The next word, 'ends' comes from the description of where the lines/cracks are placed. On this photo, it shows that it is on the ends or edges.
    This is where my title originates from.


  • The title I would give this photograph is 'Collision of the earth' because, usually we have water surrounding the continents but according to the photograph there is no water surrounding the continent meaning there is a pandemic ' drought ' that is being faced making the earth to crack in relation to what is happening now we could relate the drought pandemic with corona virus and water with medical treatment the cracking shows that each continent , each country is struggling on its own to try to solve this pandemic. The collision comes about where each country has different ideas on how to solve the arising pandemic.

  • ‘Tomorrow is another new day.’

    Although everything might seem lost and broke, always remember, don’t give up ,tomorrow is another new day.

    Don’t give up, you have to keep going. The stronger, braver, better you is at the end of whatever battle that your fighting in. This is only the beginning. You have to get back up. Despite the numerous times you’ve been slammed and broken down. You have to dust yourself of and ask ‘is that all you got?’. Because you are strong, even if you don’t know it. Trust it. Know it. Feel it. Believe it. And win the battle you’re fighting.

  • Whats happening? I have chosen this label because of lots of confusing issues and rumors that have been spread around the world. For example, Overpopulation is something that is a worry globally, and viruses, when there has been many through out centuries, however, people still are afraid and losing hope. My message to people reading this comment is that You should never loose hope.

  • Drought. I choose drought because lack of water and excessive heat for a long period make water stored in the ground evaporate making the ground dry and break

    1. What about the land with fertile soil? What is their source of water

  • The cracks in nature

    I give this title because there are lots of cracks and some are cracking the world so that is why I chose this title. Also the corona is making it so the world cracks because we have to stay lock down and when people go out for there walk they litter and don't take care of the environment.

  • The title I would give to this photograph is EARTH BREAKS APART.
    The reason why I chose this title is because in the photograph there are cracks on the map

  • What happens next?
    I say this because currently our world is faced by so many plagues that one cannot help but wonder: "what happens next?"

  • Last hope. I chose this title because, as illustrated in the photograph,extreme weather affects our planet bit still I know there is still hope to make things right

    1. yes that is good some people can do that

  • If I could give it a name it would be: THE HUMAN’S WAR WITH MOTHER NATURE IS OVER AND HUMANS WON!!!
    Furthermore, I choose this name because, in a few years time the globe will be destroyed because we keep littering and and the plastic hurts the environment! Plastic hurts the environment because most of it can’t be recycled and then most people throw it in the ocean and it kills underwater sea life! And a lot of people throw rubbish out of the car window or any window and the stuff you throw into a bush or something takes a lot and a lot of time to disintegrate it isn’t like a few weeks it is about year and years!!!
    By loyal_lobster❤️

    1. This is a continue! There is a super hero called Greta Thumburg she is only a child and she is holding up a protest to help the world with all this plastic going around!!!

        1. Which comment are replying to? The first one or second one?

            1. That is true!! Because there is this girl called Greta Thumburg and she is a child and she is holding up a protest about helping the climet! And she is a nature super hero!

    2. If Greta can try and keep the world from going dead then why can’t we? We can do little things but it makes a big help!

  • The title I would give this photograph is “the crumble of Earth”.
    I would give it this title because the “wall” looks like that it is going to crumble as it has cracks on the”wall” and looks as if the “wall” is going to crumble down/ destroyed. I put the word Earth in it as it has a picture of Earth as a map.

  • The title I would give this photograph is 'help me before its too late!' I chose this title because it proves that the earth is in desperate need of help. I also think that the photo is trying to tell us that the world falling apart and that we need to join forces to come together again. If we did this, all the cracks would join up and the world would be as one again.

  • I think the title of this photograph should be "the crumbling cookie"
    This is as a result of the photograph looking like a dried up and already crumbling cookie.

  • The Title that I would give to this picture is Rocky Earth.
    The reason for my answer is because I know that the reason that we are all separated into different countries is because of the humungous earthquake which broke us up. The picture looks a bit like a mini version of what our planet had to go through hundreds of years ago. Relating to this weeks topic - Extreme Weather - I think that the reason you put this picture up is because of the big stone that fell from space to cause the earthquake. This is extreme weather. Thanks for reading,

  • A world of Drought. A world of environmental dryness

  • Before the coronavirus this was our world.

      1. Can you explain clearly why you think that is not true?

  • I think the title of this photograph should be "the crumbling cookie".
    This is because the photograph looks like a dried up cookie and it has already began to crumble due to the lack of fertility of the earth and therefore meaning nothing positive or productive could be obtained from such a dry and desolate land scape . This also implying that there can be no form or sort of produce from such an infertile land meaning that the economy of such a place is going to be in deep trouble as regards to its productivity in different dimensions. This land is thoroughly affected by harsh weather conditions dividing lands and even countries that were together initially.

  • if I would give this picture a name I would choose, dry earth crumble , the reason I have picked this is because crumble can be super dry or super moist like the weather today some parts of the world are flooding while other parts are struggling for a water or rain supply!

  • Before the coronavirus this was our world. It was all divided and people were not connected that much. The world was cracked and polluted. I think that now, the planet is less polluted because we are all staying inside and the earth is coming back to life and healing its cracks that we made. One good thing about the coronavirus is that we are spending more time together on walks enjoying nature and people are feeling more connected.

  • The title i would give this photograph is "Mud cracks" (also known as desiccation cracks or cracked mud).It is caused by loss or reduction in water content or dryness as well as soil type.Crack formation also occurs in Clay-bearing.During dry weather clay particles shrink and pull more tightly to each other.This shrinking is what leads to the cracks in the ground.

    I chose this topic because it defines the condition of the earth as illustrated in the picture. Most regions were covered in yellow showing the dryness of vegetation. Few areas were covered in green(rich vegetation ),very few bodies in blue (water bodies). The background showed a very parched land. It lacked so much water that cracks run all over. The picture screams at us, telling us how much the earth we know has been reduced to nothing but a wasteland.

  • I would give this picture the title of ‘Cracks of destiny’.This is as it brings a sudden shock ness when you look at it but at the same time it can bring niceness at this time

    I choose this because whenever there is drought, clay particles shrink and pull more tightly to each other. This shrinking is what leads to the cracks in the ground. Also, since a drought is an event of prolonged shortages in the water supply, weather atmosphere and groundwater the lack of moisture in the ground causes the soil to crack open making the ground look like the picture above.

  • Earth In Progress

    This is because the cracks represent all the flaws of the human race, like climate change, deforestation and plastic pollution, but the focusing vision of the green continents kind of reassures us that we are starting to slowly mend ourselves, as connotations of green are life, and healing. This infers it is not quite finished, and therefore the planet that should be earth is in progress.

  • Earthquake world. l selected this title because in the picture you can see some of the Part broken into big and smaller sizes. Due to the insufficient moisture,the earth in the photo is dry and cracked, and cannot be used in productive .It is the result of climate changes due to the earthquakes


    THE CLIMATICAL MYSTERY OF THE EARTH The above picture is showing how dry and cracky the earth looks .The earth is cracked and dry due to bad weather condition to climate change , and thes map drawn on it represent the seven continents of the world . Climate change is the weather condition of a region over a long period of time with regard to temprature ,rainfall or airpressure.
    The reason I chose to name the picture THE CLIMATICAL MYSTERY OF THE EARTH is because the picture is like a mysterious puzzle that tells hidden secret about the world condition which the coronavirus has led to a devastating trauma around the world. To unveil some structure , colour of the above diagram ; the picture was captured from space , the earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls . Some parts are brown ,yellow ,green and white , the blue part is water.
    The map like view represents the seven continet.
    In summary the cracked surfaces can be filter with time which means the world at large have hike of healing.

  • The title I would give this photograph is "This is not our world" because our world used to be lush and beautiful but now , because we have polluted it ,cut down two many trees and thrown plastic in our ocean. If we continue to do this our planet will look like this eventually but if we can find ways to stop these happening our planet will be rich with colours once again

  • The title I would give to this photograph is "The possible future of the world". I chose this title because the photograph teaches us a lesson. If we don't stop practicing deforestation, desertification will spread throughout the world. And since the ozone layer has been destroyed by air pollutants through greenhouse effect caused by air pollution, global warming will increase and cracks will be produced by the evaporation of water. We need to prevent this photograph from becoming real. We can do this by practicing afforestation and re-forestation. Also, we must reduce the emission of greenhouse gases so that greenhouse effect will be reduced. When we succeed in reducing greenhouse effect, we can limit the consequences of destroying the ozone layer.

  • the title i would choose for that picture is The End Of The World because on that picture it looks like the Earth is breaking apart and coming to the end of the world.

  • The title I would give this photograph is Drought because there are cracks on earth and no coastline

  • I choose the title,cracked world.This is because the picture is a map of the world which is cracked.Some parts are severe others are not.This is an extreme weather.It is certainly not an earthquake.I think the cracked part experience more extreme weather than the uncracked part.

    A CRACKED WORLD.I choose this title because the picture looks as if the world is cracked and has fallen apart due to a dry season where there is no rain

  • Drought - This is because there is no any presence of water body.

  • The Title I would give this photograph is "Mud Cracks".I selected this this because it is caused by loss or Reduction in water content or dryness as well as soil part.In the Photograph some part are broken because during dry weather clay particles shrinks and pull more tightly to each other.These Cracks also occurs in Clay-Beaeing.This is what leads to the cracks in the Ground.

  • The effects of depleting the ozone layer to the earth.

    The reason I choose this title is because, some human activities are depleting the ozone layer i.e. Smoke from factories and firms and also Gases from greenhouse. This makes the sun have direct effects on the earth due to the high rate of Global warming. Cracks begin to appear on the surface of the earth because of the moisture which has been dried. Which can result to human life becoming difficult. We could prevent this picture from becoming a reality by
    a. Avoid the consumption of gases dangerous to the ozone layer due to their content.
    b. Avoid the production of materials which content contain harmful chemicals which can deplete the ozone layer.

  • A world were cooperation is a myth.
    I would choose this name for the photograph because if we as a world were not cooperating we would not have made it this far and the world would be full of greed so much we would be a myth and our beatiful world will become a myth as well.

  • I'm saying that when the earth crack it holes into the ground and kill people and is the movement of the earth crust and divide into three different places.

  • Earthquake...because of the cracks worldwide but some areas experience a wild earthquake while some parts experience a mild earthquake and this is shown by the cracks that are in the area

  • The badly and roughly land.lgave it this title because the land has been broken even humanbeing cannot stay on the land .That is why i gave it The badly and roughly land

  • I am saying earthquake because when the earth is shaking the ground will divide into two and kill people and thei

  • Rocky road, I have chose this because the weather has been a rocky road and the picture has shown that there is alot of cracks and dryness!

    1. I did not finish

      I did not finish. Kill people and destroy people property's.

  • Heated Habitats.
    I have chosen this as my title because as you can see in the picture, most of the contenents are covered in yellow, meaning that where they are it is hot. The reason why I have chosen the word Habitats is because a habitat is a place where one dwells or lives and it is heated. I think the cracks resemble heat as drought and heat waves cause the Earth to dry and crack apart. The hotter the sun, the larger the cracks become, drying out crops and reducing food to famine level in countries closer to the Equator.


    I decided to suggest the title for the illustration above, due to the fact that, from the illustration above we could see that the earth is being split into different parts. This is as a result of climate change and other re-agents that aid in the loss of the earths basic nutrients such as moisture and the others. This happened due to most of the natural disasters and even some of the disasters caused by man. This include; bush burning, wildfires, drought and wars, causing the earth to loose its nutrients. and when this nutrients have been lost it results in the crumbling of the soil and as we have it above that would be the result.

    So i gave it the title CRUMBLING EARTH

  • I name this illustration “Fractured Earth”. My reason is that the word “earth” has two meanings. It is the name of our planet and also another word for the ground, both are pictured here and both are fractured. Fractures can be healed if everyone on the earth can work together to fix the cracks by reducing pollution and trying to stop climate change. So the title I choose is negative but there is also a message of hope.

  • A CRUMBLED WORLD I chose this title because the picture looked like its cracked all around and cannot be put back together and it stays broken forever.

  • Drifting continents,I find this title Suitable for this picture,in the sense that;in the world we live in today,there is a a high amount of tension and suppressed conflict between continents to the point that,they drift apart,due to bad relations this causes cracking which signifies conflict.

  • A Stone World
    My reasons for this tile are, the cracks on the image look like the texture of a stone, rough and dry, but as we know, the Earth is mostly made up of water. Stone is very dry, and we cannot see any water on the image. This links as to how much humans can damage our home. Factories give of hot fumes that rise into the sky, in my perspective of this image, it is when those fumes, or plastic pollution,multiply and it damages the world. At the top of the image, you can see the map of the world fading. This can show how some people do not realise the natural beauty of Earth is disappearing, and being replaced with factories, buildings and many other man-made structure.
    Thank you for reading my explanation on my title,

  • I would name the tittle Damaged Earth.

    The reason I would put this because extreme weather would leave and cause many harmful effects and impacts for living on Earth. So this why I personally think the tittle should be Damaged Earth.

  • i give it a title World tear apart.reasons,there seems to be cracks formed due to pull and push of the earth surface.

    1. OK what could assisted the earth to be pull

  • blessed passionfruit when there is excessive heat for a long time, no matter how it is fertile and has water it can still dry

  • a drought around the world

  • I would call that image "The fracturing world" because in the picture you can see all of our countries with the rock is breaking which means that our world is breaking up like pieces of a puzzle

  • The title i suggest for this illustration is PARCHED EARTH because the picture reminds me of global warming. Global warming is the increase in temperature of the earth's atmosphere and when the earth is too hot it can lead to PARCHED EARTH.

    I have decided to name this phenomenon "segregation"... This is because...the world seems to separate into various parts..and it is dry as well..The world of today is separating due to political wars..corruption and rivalry among countries...all these breaks the forces that are supposed to be holding the world together..hence the breakage into pieces... This also contributes to people not working together...the droughtlike condition shows how people suffer in the end.

  • Helpless world
    our own actions have caused the. innocent world, built to our comfort now under misery and suffering. The world cries for help and if we listen with keen ears we will gain back our peace and comfort.

  • The title i will give to this illustration is "drought", because the soil is suffering from lack of water or we can say rainfall. As we all know that drought is an event of prolonged shortages in the water supply whether atmospheric, surface water or ground water. Therefore, i can say that this soil has being having prolonged shortages of water supply mostly because of lack of rainfall.

  • I would call this picture Death Drought because it only shows the continents without the seas and oceans. All living creatures need some sort of water. Also the earth has tectonic plates and i think that is what the cracks are. But if it was stating something i would say it ment that we have run out of time .

  • also it shows how everyone is involved with this battle against climate change but the problem is no one listens. All leaders are now trying to stop this pandemic and nobody has time for the climate change. They probably would say it would happen in like 1 million years but for us they created a world which we have to deal with. With hot temperatures, rising seas it to much. Also for our grandkids(if we even have one) they would have a harsher time than us. Its no good talking about it we need to take actions. If the authorities won't take care of it we will have to. Just one simple deed can change the world bit by bit. To save our beloved Earth!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I think the tittle

  • I think the tittle is Earthquake because earthquake is defined as the shaking of the surface of the earth


    Because the extreme weather characterized by hurricane, floods,wild fires, heat waves, all these bring about changes in atmospheric temperature from low to high, and this process leads to polygonal cracking of the earths surface...

  • The differences between our worlds.
    I choose this title because we were all people until races divided us,tribes divided us,nationality divided us,ethnic groups divided us.We all have differences .There are many things that differentiate us.We are divided by races,nationality,ethnic groups,tribes.And also Inter-National war,Inter-tribal war and also disagreement between countries,between tribes.Also divides us

    1. Of a truth this picture shows our differences, even as the continent are shown it mean we are different, in race , tribe religious belief and the rest

  • I think the green parts means the parts which are fruitful

  • This photo shows the devastating effects of extreme weather in relation to drought famine and misuse of the Earth's limited and precious natural resources

    I chose this title because,the image showed a cracked map of the world.
    This means there should be backup for future generations to benefit.
    Measures should be put in place.This is a desperate time which,therefore needs desperate measures.

  • What does drought have to do with plastic

  • It's really tough for me

    I chose this because it potrays how intense earth quakes can be.

    I selected this topic because when you watch this photograph you can see that some part of the rock are Brocken while some part too are not Brocken. That means the world is going to an end.

  • GiGb crafty
    Wonder kid model school
    Sierra Leone

    Gigb craft y
    Wonder kids model school
    Sierra Leone

    Because soil erosion is the displacement of upper layer of the soil. it is form of soil degradation which is cause by various agent such as wind, water,deforestation and overgrazing by cattle.

  • "Ignorance is a tool of distraction"
    It can also be the world getting distracted due to ignorance of people on very important matters like deforestation.... This leads to drought...but not many people consider the negative part of it...people look at it as their means of earning money for basic need...school fees...forgetting on how the world can break due to ignorance on such important matters

  • Earthquake
    Because the world is broken

  • Dry Land
    Why I called it dry Land is there is no moisture in the land this is why I called it dry Land

  • The title is Drought
    I will name it drought because drought let the surface of the earth looks cracked

  • Drought. Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. I chose drought because the sun have made the soil crack. Hot temperatures can make a drought worse by evaporating moisture from the soil.This makes the whole world suffer and put people's life in danger

    I chose this title because the cracks cut across the globe or all the continents. It tells me that the whole world is in shamble. This could be as a result of the devastating effects of the ozone layer depletion on the earth.

    The reason why I chose this title is because when we say something is disintegrated it means it is seriously weakened, divided or destroyed.
    Earthquakes are usually caused when rocks underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly; the rocks catch on each other.
    We cannot prevent natural earthquakes from occurring but we can significantly mitigate their effects by identifying hazards,building safer structures and providing education on earthquake safety. By preparing for natural earthquakes we can also reduce the risk from human induced earthquakes

  • I would like to name it as"HEIPLESS WORLD " this picture shows how the whole world has already lost it true ways and ending up breaking the relationship between the countries. The powerful countries cannot no longer help the weak countries due to many disasters that are facing the world example diseases, wars, natural calamities and many other.So each and every country by now is trying to concer with its own problems.The highways are all broken that were used to strengthen their relationships.

    The reason why I describe the illustration as so is because looking at the recent corona virus pandemic in the world, people and nations have been divided across the plain. The hopes of people have ruptured, we are all in desolation, we are dry and cracked like the illustration.

  • I would give it the title drought.
    Because in the picture ,the land(if the picture is a land) is experiencing inadequate water supply either from underground or rainfall and also the land is dried up making some cracks develop on it and it is an extreme weather

  • THE MIXTURE WORLD. I am giving it this title because the world is mixed with many things like PEACE,TROUBLE,WAR and so many things and there can not be happiness or war all the time.i am saying this to illustrate that the broken part of the earth is like trouble whilst the unbroken parts is like peace.

  • The map indicates drought;This is because during the period of drought,there are cracks on dry grounds. Also,rivers and other water dry up.In the above map,some factors which made me conclude that it indicates drought are as follows;
    2)dry land.

  • The title I would give this illustration is 'THE CRUMBLED WORLD' because the earth is very dry and cracking.This is caused by the problems faced in the world like corruption hence making the world crumble

  • The title I would give this illustration is THE EARTHQUAKE WORLD because the picture is about the ground after the earthquake happens with the world on it. This picture tells us to beware of the extreme weather.

  • The title is: Broken World.
    I chose this as the title as the image displays the countries of the world. It has deep cracks running through it. This is as such, the world is ‘breaking’. It is due to multiple different extreme weather scenarios, each harming the earth’s crust. It shows how this world is slowly splitting.

  • The title i would give to this picture is , simply Why would we do this ? Because we are polluting the earth and there isn't a lot of water so Why would we do this?

    I have given it this phenomenon because we know that desertification is where by desert like conditions encroach on a productive land which causes dryness just like the picture shows...we see that the picture shows no place with water or crops meaning it is a desert world.

  • world soil crack.............because of the lightness of the soil.

  • The reason ad to why i say coronavirus doesnt affect people equally is,example we have rich people who when they heard about lock down bought food for their stores and they are comfortable .unlike the poor people who may be living in slums.and who depend on hawking daily to get food on their table .they are not affected equally.

  • StoneFaced

    I chose this name because the illustration looks like stones and rocks with the face of the earth on it, also that I like the name StoneFace, to me, this name is relatively interesting and fits in perfectly with the illustration

  • The title I will give this photograph is
    because an earthquake (also known as quake ,tremor,temblor) is the shaking of the surface of the earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. At the Earth's surface earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and displacing or disrupting the ground. Earth quakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally ,volcanic activity.
    I selected this title because the picture shown above is about has many crack's . And when there's an earthquake the ground looks very dry and has many crack's

    I chose this title because the picture looks like it has been shaken up violently causing a great destruction and causing a breakup within the earths crust due to a severe weather reaction.

  • Diversity On Our Planet, I chose this because it shows you that the world is split up into lots of different places and cultures and that is a good thing because we are still held together even though we are split up.


    I decided to suggest the title for the illustration above, due to the fact that, from the illustration above we could see that the earth is being split into different parts. This is as a result of climate change and other re-agents that aid in the loss of the earths basic nutrients such as moisture and the others. This happened due to most of the natural disasters and even some of the disasters caused by man. This include; bush burning, wildfires, drought and wars, causing the earth to loose its nutrients. and when this nutrients have been lost it results in the crumbling of the soil and as we have it above that would be the result.

    So i gave it the title CRUMBLING EARTH


    I decided to suggest the title for the illustration above, due to the fact that, from the illustration above we could see that the earth is being split into different parts. This is as a result of climate change and other re-agents that aid in the loss of the earths basic nutrients such as moisture and the others. This happened due to most of the natural disasters and even some of the disasters caused by man. This include; bush burning, wildfires, drought and wars, causing the earth to loose its nutrients. and when this nutrients have been lost it results in the crumbling of the soil and as we have it above that would be the result.

    So I decided to give it the title CRUMBLING EARTH

  • 'A Divided World'

    I chose the title 'A Divided World' because the illustration shows a divided ground, which I would say to be clay, stained in the same colours we would see on a geographical map. There is very little blue, which suggests that this was caused by extreme weather.

    The word 'divided' can be interpreted in many ways. In my perspective, I see 'A Divided World' as countries that are alike but different. For example, some countries have mild climates such as England and New Zealand whilst others, such as Egypt or Antarctica, have extreme climates. Another example is that some countries suffer poverty whilst others do not.

    I believe that the world is divided by different causes and, therefore, the title for this illustration should be 'A Divided World'.

  • I think this is the result of man's hazardous activities on the Earth

    I choose this because it is like a crack in the Side of the world and it just looks like different parts of the world are splitting up e.g. UK and EU

    The reason I chose this title can be observe d from the illustration above. Humans have destroyed a tenth of the earth's wilderness in the last twenty five years and there may be one left within a century if trends continue, according to an authoritative new study. Some ways by which humans destroy earth is by overpopulation, pollution,burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

    I chose this title because,the image is a map of the world and it is cracked.
    It is global because it is the whole world(earth) that is cracked.
    It means that we must respond to it globally though responding to it nationally and locally is good,it does not re
    late to the globe because here,the globe has cracked.
    We must look out for each other no matter our skin color,tribe,religon or country.

  • 'Our world is breaking' because the world now is struggling because of pollution, global warming and much more.
    this picture shows how the world struggles, because it looks like its drying up and then cracking. Also, this picture shows no water, meaning no marine life, which shows that plastic pollution in the ocean does effect the world.
    In conclusion, I think the picture should be called, 'Our world is breaking' because it has all been dried up by global warming and before the sea dried up, all the marine animals were killed by plastic pollution.

  • Desertification is what I will give as a title because there is no sign of water in there. This land cannot be used for anything useful because of the cracks in it.

  • ''Different life styles''
    The reason that I would pick this title is because everyone in the world is going through something different. Weather its trying to find food (the broken part of the picture) or going on a holiday to a lovely place (the fixed bits of the picture). Whatever the life style, we are all humans and we should all be treated the same way. A while ago, black people were treated differently but these days things have changed. So that's why I came up with this title. Thanks for reading,

    I chose this title because the rainbow looks like our world and the outside is cracking so I think the on the inside we make the world but on the outside the world is cracking and crumbling.

  • I say it should be called Inhabited Homeland

    Since it is OUR own land, humans and animals, but look what we did to it look how we evolved our machines tech and ourselves we grew beyond nature’s protection we are no longer part of nature it is kinda like our bonds been cut.Furthermore, we evolved such things as bicycles to rockets and it started with no pollution at all too nearly inhabited to plants and animals. I’m just here to say the way WE ruined our planet is highly disgusting it will happen again and again to other planets we get hold of if no one stops it even meaning if that ends our race. I just think humans are just getting greedier and greedier. My final words are ‘’humans are the real deal here.’’


  • I think the title is Drought. The reason why I called it drought is because drought let the surface of the earth looks cracked and in the photograph the ground is cracked

  • This land is cracked because it is very dry and lack a lot of water. This is because there is a long
    time without rainfall (Drought).

  • My title for the photograph is "We are all at Risk".
    This is because the picture shows the same features across continents. The colour in the Southern parts of each continent ( with exception of Australia) is kind of green. The Northern parts all have one type of colour. The Oceans all have the same colour. I think these similarities show that the effect of any adverse weather condition is felt globally. We are all at risk and should together find a common way to fight against what humans do to disturb the globe.

  • Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly; the rocks catch on each other. I believe it is Earth quake.

  • Endangered Earth. This picture reminds me of peaces of earth fading away as the are extinct. The top part of the world(in the illustration) is faded. As our earth is going through climate change, our earth is endangered. There is a possible chance the person who drew this could of tried to explain our earth going through Climate Change. I think this picture is also spreading awareness that our earth soon may be all gone. It may change people's minds thinking 'I need to do more for this earth' or 'I need to recycle more'.

    caring_crab. Thank you for reading my text.

  • Sorry in my text there is some mistakes...

    1. That's okay! We don't mind mistakes on the Hub, it's the ideas that count!

  • I would call it cracked earth. Because in the picture you see that some part of the earth is cracked resulting from extreme weather(heatwave) ,also the destruction of the ozone layer making direct Ray's of heat coming into direct with the earth causing the cracking

  • I think the title is drought.I chose this because there is no water shown in the picture and due to excessive heat from the sun all the oceans have dried up and the earth has become so dry to the extent that it has begun to crack.

  • Drouth refers to a prolonged period of shortage of water that affects the ecosystem and agricultural productivity A drouth may last for months or years Drouths typically occur in places with extremely high temperatures and adversely affects the natural environment

  • I would call mine "Breaking the barriers" Because the map of the world is cracked and this club used to be only British and now we have the whole world and I think my title is showing that we can do anything at this time!

  • Drought,why I give it this title it's because there's no water around

  • I think the picture is either an earthquake or it is a desert with no water and it's that dry it is starting to crumble

    I chose this title because in the picture there are part of the world that has fallen apart and some parts that are intact.The Fortunate ones are those that were not affected by the severe weather reaction and the Less Fortunate are the ones who were most affected by the severe weather reaction and are located at the cracked areas.

  • Dry Land
    The reason why I'm giving it this title because, it's like a dry place where there is no water over a month.where there is no water,there is no life and it is a hard place to live.

  • I call the picture ”Rock of the Globe” because it looks like all the continents. I can see Australia, Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia! I also think that it’s amazing for it to form just to get all those shapes to look like the globe (Sorry Antarctica...)

  • I would call it cracked up earth, because in the picture it looks as if the world is cracking or separating or even breaking from all the problems.

  • The title of this illustration is the continent of the world. The world has six continents namely; Europe, Asia,Australia, Africa,South America, North America

  • The title I would like to give this illustration is Segregation of the earth. This is because the earth is separated due to no rainfall and more heat from the sun, especially in dry seasons for a very long period of time. This causes the land to become very arid and starts to crack. Until there is a change in the season or attitude towards climate activities, the land will continue to crack and segregate.
    This is why I titled the illustration segregation of the earth.

  • Continents in the world. I say this because I could see the maps of the various continents. On those maps there are cracks looking like earthquake.

  • I chose the title Weather Wears The Rocks, because if you look, you can see that the rocks are cracked and also if you think about it, weather can sometimes knock down buildings, so what chance does a feeble rock have? There is also a pic of the world, and weather comes from the world

  • I would call this illustration: Earth Divided.

    This is because it reminds me that the lands of the Earth are divided by the waters.
    I immediately was drawn back to when the Earth was one large landmass (known as Pangaea) and how extreme weather, evolution of our beautiful planet and (sadly) humans altered and changed it into what we know now as the seven continents: Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, North America, Antartica and Australia.

    I also chose this particular name because I interpreted that the splits and cracks in the stone, along with the dryness of the rocks, were caused by climate change and extreme weather.

    According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_weather -and other sources of information- “Extreme weather or extreme climate events includes unexpected, unusual, severe, or unseasonal weather; weather at the extremes of the historical distribution.”. I also read that extreme weather can divide and split towns, cities and (if the weather was atrocious) countries by destroying pathways and roads to name a few.

    As each area of our divided Earth has a variety of weather extremes, I think that it makes sense that my title be what it is.

    In my view, this title clearly personifies the illustration.


  • I will name it EFFECTS OF DROUGHT because plants and animals need water to survive with. But since there is no rain or water they will all die. There is no water in the soil leading to the cracks.

  • This Depict Global Warning or Climate Change.

    This is because you see a land that has lost its moisture content (water) due to change in rescent climatic condition resulting in the crack of the land. It is evident that this affects all other continent in the world.

  • The title I would give it is 'THE POWER OF NATURE'.
    This is because nature is one of the most physically beautiful yet destructive things we know. The picture is showing what nature can do. It's showing the power it has in the world- the power to bring great things into the world, but also the power to destroy those great things.

  • I would give it the title desertification. Because there is no water available on the land and because of insufficient water to the land ,it has developed cracks and I don't think it can be used for something important or useful

  • The title for picture is EFFECTS OF LAND DEGRADATION. This is because land degradation is the reduction of the quality of the land. Which leads to soil erosion.

  • I thing this is when a Sevier hamatan ociurs the earth can be at tuhis or the picture shouw's that the earth has crack into pieces

    The reason why I gave it this title is because the world comes with many challenges .and those challenges is like the picture.where those cracks are the challenges but the unbroken parts are the moment.

  • The title I would give this is GLOBAL WARMING.Global warming because the earth has become so dry because of the activities of man the ozone layer has depleted leading to the earth making direct contact with sun rays causing the oceans to dry up and the land cracking.

  • I think the title is Dryland. The reason why l said Dryland is because there is no moisture in the land and in the photograph there is no moisture in the ground.

    1. Land of dryness because it looks exactly as after rainfall and the sun scotch hard how the ground looks

    I gave it this title because the world is like a chance and sometimes like a change.
    I'm saying this because the broken parts of the world will represent a change which is negative and the unbroken parts is the chance meaning positive.

  • "Fragmented Earth"
    I chose to give this picture the corresponding name as visually you can see the world in pieces; the cracks in the earth. The world is struggling, it's buckling over the pressure. It is slowly breaking down. You can distinctively see other countries are suffering more than others; more cracks. The dryness displaying not much water is there. Giving connotations absence, deficiency, or failure [of natural or ordinary moisture]. It is also giving a resemblance of a crumbling cookie, lack of fertility or something new. The cracks in the earth are our flaws; a mark, blemish, or other imperfection. But a problem in a puzzle always has a solution. A way for us to fix it. Is this a sign that the earth is trying to tell us, fix it before it gets too late? The earth is trying to warn us we need to come back together again, unite as one. Telling us to piece up the cracks; complete the jigsaw puzzle before its too late. Before one of the pieces is missing. However, the cracks are also a filter. It takes time before you realise we don't need/want this filter, we can remove it. Fix the flaws and blemishes help others not just one's self. Gather everything back together. Like one complete Jigsaw puzzle.

    This title fits perfectly, personally, because it links to human beings. It takes time but eventually we fix our problems no matter how big or small we always find a way to overcome difficulty.

    : )

  • The title I would give this is THE END OF THE WORLD.As you can see in the picture all the oceans have dried up,which will bring a halt to the water cycle and also plants will stop growing all living things will die of thirst and starvation.There will be no water for industrial and domestic purposes.Because water is life.

    I chose or selected this title because the world is cracking into pieces and as we can see anything that crack's into pieces.

  • I think the Title i would Give to this Photograph is THE WORLD OF SIN AND RIGHTEOUS.In the Photograhp You can see some parts are broken some are not which simply means the broken parts are for sinners and the unbroken part are for Righteous ones.


    I have selected this title because the world is a global world and has been departed because of the breakage of the land.

    1. Yes I believe indeed the globalization is broken into pieces.

    I have chosen such title because,a world or anything that is not connected but broken is unjoined.

  • World On Its Knees.
    This is because looking at the illustration,one can see the continents exposed to the mercy of the weather.

  • The title I would give this illustration is the EFFECTS OF SEMI-ARID CLIMATE ON EARTH because a semi-arid climate is the climate of a region that receives precipiation below potential Eva po transpiration but not as low as a desert climate that is why some vegetation can be seen in the picture

  • And also to add to my above comment the reason for the dryness is because of the precipitation is below potential Eva po transpiration and the reason for little vegetation is because there is a low amount of precipitation and if every where becomes dry it implies that it is has resulted to a desert climate and no life will exist.Furthermore this picture also illustrates a DYING WORLD which means it is not fully dead because of the little vegetation and there is a remedy to this dying world

    I chose this title because the world has been divided into parts indicating that the world has been broken.

  • I would title it global warming. This is because of the destruction of the ozone layer causing heat Ray's from the sun to come into direct contact with the land drying up water bodies and causing cracks to develop on the land as shown in the picture

  • The title I would give this illustration is DROUGHT and why I would like to use this title is that the land looks very dry and there are also cracks, which shows that there is lack of rainfall (water).

  • Loss and Gain is the Title I will give to this Photograph.I have selected this because the some part are broken and that part has loss water and due to that it has cracked.Some other parts are not broken Because it has Gain much Water and It cant be broken.

  • This diagram shows the geographic map of the worldwide countries.
    i can see The African Map And The South america Map in the Photograph

  • The title I give to the above picture is glowing through cracks because it reminds me of the flowers that grow in stony mountains. They are small and tiny but could push their stems out of the stones. Our world is facing many challenges but will find its way out too.I have hopes.

    1. Wow, what an elegant title. so inspiring.

    I chose this title because it is a cracked world that we see in the image.
    I can also see some cracked continents which has been divided.
    This are the past and present issues.we need to fight harder for our future generations.
    let's come together and combat extreme weather.
    We shouldn't look at the past but present and future.
    We all have a responsibility to deal with extreme weather.

  • Save mother earth
    I gave it this title because I see it asa call from mother earth to everyone to preserve it from wars, pollution and other disasters

  • It Droughts and famine because you can't see water that will help in plantation

  • It conquers nature and people
    The world falls and falls
    I chose this title because the world has become more like an arid desert land, meaning that it cannot produce, and this is all due to the Corona virus coved 19.

  • Desertification of the world and nature
    I chose this title because the world is falling, meaning no production is produced as before due to the pandemic of the Virus Covid 19
    The world became like the arid desert land where our work and our works were disrupted

    1. Good thinking 👏 keep it up, sweety😍

  • I think the tittle of this photograph is " protect the globe from drought" because the cracks are alot in this picture this mesns that we will be out of water , and without water all people and animals will not survive , and it will be the end of the wirld . So we must protect our earth from drought by making as our prophet mohammed said " dont go over board if if you are on arunning river" .

  • Heartbroken Earth

    I have selected this title because it shows us how the earth was masdively broken and damaged either by natural or man-made disasters

  • The end of the five ocean
    Becase in the picture the five ocean are dry and empty of water

  • Dryness of life, or There is no life without water.

  • I think the suitable title of this photo
    ( Breaking heart of the globe)
    I chose this title because the photo shows deep cracks.
    This is such as the world heart is broken, because of the big problem of drought and losing water.

  • The title I would give this photo is EARTHQUAKE.Earthquake because the ground can open up or crack during an earthquake as shown in the picture.

  • It’s Desertification
    Because there is no water and plants and the earth lost its natural life and biodiversity

  • The title is the consequences of human disdain for the environment.
    I have selected this title because incorrect consumption of natural resources and pollution led to drought and environmental damage.

  • A Changed world
    The reason l chose this tital is becouse the obvions,in main concept is becouse when we decide not to care for our planet ,it breaks down the Earth bit fspecially climate change which is caused by us,and unfruitful so we wont gain any thing good any more and maybe it doesnt break the world in general but the inhabitants inside it ,It hurts them knowing that their many efforts are possibly in vain

  • I believe that the world is full of natural disasters such as earthquakes, the eruption of the earth, a drought has occurred, and the earth has become two colors yellow and green, and the land has become unfit for living and cultivation, and I believe that the environment has become environmental pollution and rain has not fallen. Continents, cities and many earthquakes occurred in these countries

    1. Thank you for your comment - I translated it into English from Arabic, and please only use English on the Hub, thank you!

  • A World of Earthquakes

    I chose my title to be about earthquakes because when there are earthquakes there is a few cracks left in the ground after would and this one looks like a world of earthquakes.

  • The title for this illustration should be Broken World because it is literally a "broken" map. It is cracked as if it has been destroyed.

  • Desertification and cracking Because to Lack water

  • EARTH QUAKE. I call it earth quake because of the trembling and the shaking movement of the earth surface causing the cracks in them.

  • I see in this picture that drought and desertification prevail on the entire continents of the world because of the lack of water, so we must not waste too much in using water because water is the basis of life.❤❤❤

  • Perhaps desertification is a reason people neglect lands
    This destroys the world if the largest amount of lands is neglected

  • The title I would give this photograph is ‘Breaking Point’.

    I have chosen this because I think it symbolises what our planet has gone through over the years and how we are now seeing the difference. For example, as our earth is warming up our sea levels are rising. Between 1902 and 2015, the global average sea level has risen by 16 centimetres. On top of that, the ice in the Arctic is melting fast. It is already 65% thinner than is was in 1975, and if we do not stop this this number could increase rapidly over the next years. In addition, I also think this photo could be about how are world is divided in this moment of time. For instance, Australia has had to battle against fires at the beginning of 2020 but also our world has had to cope with the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • The Waste Earth

    When I saw the picture, nothing comes to my mind except the poem of T.S.Eliot " the waste land " . It shows us how we neglect Earth and this causes a lot of cracks . The Earth is so eager to our care . We should unite to protect it from being broken .

  • The title I have chosen is “splitting world” because in the picture it is showing a map of our wonderful planet with huge cracks and splits in which could (if this actually was to happen) end up leading to parts of continents braking off and colliding with other continents. From a positive point of view, this could create new and exciting countries or even new continents which could lead to new languages, styles and even new landmarks.


  • I have chosen the title to be ‘The world of broken pieces.’

    I have chosen this title because the picture shows the world crumbling into pieces due to extreme weather. I believe that the picture shows a drought as the colour is all brown barely any blue. The outside is also brown so it shows that there may be a drought soon. In my opinion it is trying to show dry ground which is why I think that it’s trying to tell us the world will end soon. I chose to write ‘broken pieces’ because the picture is showing broken pieces of the world gradually drifting away. Another reason is that when I say ‘broken pieces’ I mean that the world is crumbling apart because of a variety of things such as global warming and extreme weather. Extreme weathers could be a flash flood which could be very disastrous. This is because it can break down houses and throw the cars into the water, thundering through the water. I also think that it wants to show how the cracks are slowly going to grow until there is nothing left of the world.

  • The world is fading away ...
    I chose this title because our planet suffers from a lot of things that kill it and expose it to great danger, especially at the present time in the time of Corona, which left no spot on the earth but destroyed it. Other than the damage of nuclear weapons and environmental pollution that is ruthlessly destroyed. So we must stand up and stand together to help the earth and make it beautiful. # The world is in danger.

  • The Life and Death of Nature

    I chose this title as the picture shows a different state of the Earth. The picture shows the 7 continents filled with nature's beauty and evergreen forests. When in contrast the 5 oceans seem to have dried out. I think this is done to juxtaposition, as nature was lively and green before humans polluted it, this is shown by the continents, and the dried oceans represent what will occur to nature if there isn't a change.

  • The tittle i would give to this illustration is DROUGHT .
    My reason is because the earth is looking so lonely and deserted. It has been lacking water for a long period of time which caused the occurrence of the cracks. It can also be said it was due to desolation the earth cracked.

  • God will sprout from the cracks of the tribulation, a relief

    I chose this title because the world is going through a trial / delimma of coronavirus and will pass it

  • Title:Draught is a threat
    I choose this title because dry agricultural land is not suitable for agriculture, and therefore the inhabitants of these continents and their countries will not be able to cultivate with it. The consequence of this is the collapse of the economy and the spread of famines that cause danger to the lives of many poor peoples and continents such as Africa. African countries suffer from this human catastrophe

  • The world is thirsty for caring...
    The picture presents the world on an arid land. This is actually what will happen to our planet in case we followed our materialistic desires, giving a deaf ear to the earth's call for care.
    Therefore, all peoples should work hand in hand in order to help our planet prosper.Then, we can get back the clean air, water and crops, with no wars nor viruses attacks.I choose this title because when you care for the world, the world will flourish for you in return.

    Because the rock with a earth picture is cracked .It reminds people that our earth is broken.There are extreme weather’s everywhere. So I think it is a suitable name for it because it can either remind us to save our earth and also be aware to extreme weathers.

  • The world is fallen apart.
    I choose this topic because the picture shows a map of the world on a crumbled earth showing that the world is falling apart

  • The land under threat of destruction We don't recognize the value of Earth and we couldn't see how awfully we damaged it. We should wake up and take action to protect Earth from destruction before we regret everything

    I chose this title because the world is like good and bad.the cracked parts are the disadvantages and those uncracked parts are the advantages.

  • The title I would give this illustration is Earth: the Sahara desert of the universe.

    This is because one effect of climate change is that the Earth is becoming warmer and due to the rising heat drier areas are becoming drier. This makes me imagine that the Earth’s surface is shrinking because of the lack of moisture so sand and rocks split apart leaving cracks.

    I chose this title because the picture looks as if it has been cracked and has fallen apart due to prolonged period of drought,as a results of extreme weather reaction leading to shortage of water in the ground.

  • The last stand

    The reason why I would use this as a title is because the land is cracking and falling apart as it is being destroyed due to climate change. Eventually, if things continue in this way, there won’t be any life left on this planet. If we don’t act now to reduce pollution and look after our Earth, the picture might be the planet’s fate.

  • I have chosen " thirsty land "
    Because we have extremely polluted it and neglected it, so it was cracked and broken
    Earth is in a bad need for our help to protect it from dangers.
    Many people around the world like the mother " Earth " waiting our help to save them

    Let us be merciful to the Earth and those who are in need

  • The world is in immediate danger. I chose this title because the world is now threatened by drought. This is the work of our hands. We worked to raise the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the smoke of cars and factories. All of us face this dangerous phenomenon, the end of the world will be very close

    I chose this title because the picture shows that the world is cracked and it is as a result of humans cutting down trees(deforestation) and destroying our forest lands which protects the land and since the earth's protection is gone, it exposes it to the extreme weather to destroy it (by being cracked).

  • The title I would give this illustration is 'Crumbling World'.

    When I saw the cracks in the illustration, I immediately thought that it signifies that we are all slowly losing our connections as global citizens. To me, it represents how all the countries are slowly growing farther and are barely salvaging their connections to other countries. For example, during this period of time, some countries have taken different approaches to combat the virus without actually discussing it with their allies.

    The fact that the illustration is still being binded together, it showed me that we are still able to keep the remaining connections our countries have, for example, Taiwan has donated 10 million masks to Europe and the US.

  • Hi
    I'm openhearted_laboratory from Sierra Leone Freetown to be precise, one thing I like about my country is we are kind hearted people and we also have a beautiful landscape. I am a student of BNC and am excited to be part of this club, I know I will learn a lot from other students across the world.

    1. From the photograph, we can see the result of extreme weather condition or extreme climate events which include unexpected, unusual, severe or unseasonal weather, weather at the extreme of the historical distribution the range that has been seen in the past.
      In recent years, growing evidence suggests that human induced global warming is increasing the periodicity and intensity of some extreme weather events. Confidence in the attribution of extreme weather and other events to anthropocentric climate change is highest in changes in frequency or magnitude of extreme heat and cold events with some confidence in increases in heavy precipitation and increases in intensity of drought.
      Extreme weather has significant impact on human society as well as natural ecosystem. Extreme weather which result in global climate change such as drought (as in the picture) has ravaged most part of the world. Of all the ways climate change inflicts harm, drought is the on people worry about most , according to pew research centre survey. And its not surprising . drought have been drier and lasting longer in recent years thanks to climate change. Drought are not only hitting the us hard. Many regions in the middle east ,Asia and Africa are also experiencing higher air temperature, drier air, and more severe or frequent droughts. One recent NASA study revealed that a drought that's been affecting the eastern Mediterranean Levant region since 1998 is likely worst in the part 900 years. So, from the picture we see that the continent surfaced on the cracked soil are the continents that are mostly seem to be affected by drought. I give this picture the title of DROUGHT: an effect of extreme weather condition.

  • The title l would give this illustration is Earth is like the rest of the plants without water .
    Because water is the secret of the life with all it's forms and this is what made our earth distinct from othet plants that not fit for life .
    And we as a human being can live for a while without food but without water we cant even for avery short period.
    So, this wondrous liquid is invaluable wealth & made our earth in this breathtaking view.
    With out water -earth will be like a barren desert .

  • The World Band

    When I saw the picture, the first thing that crossed my mind was "the band", because of the earth cracks that included in the picture and we have a map of the world, so we can say " It reflects the conflicts in the world, where there are regions where cracks and conflicts abound, and this indicates their weakness, and also there are fewer of these cracks, and this indicates the cohesion and unity of these areas.

  • The title I would give is Our Broken World

    I chose this because as the dangerous weather surrounds the world as well as Covid-19 this will mean that just as disease sweeps the world and damages it, extreme weather and pollution also creates destruction. Both these things destroy lives, homes, animals, etc. It makes cracks in the world and gives danger to everyone.

  • Gasping planet.
    I named it so because there are cracks in the earth. The earth is gasping because it is suffering from human maltreatment.

  • I think the title of this photograph should be" earthquake". An earthquake is defined as an intense shaking of the earth surface the shaking is caused by movement in earth's outermost layer.

  • The title l give to this picture is EARTHQUAKE.This is because it shows the geographic map of the World
    We see deep cracks and immediately what rung in my mind is that it lives some parts broken or they crumble due to the climate change.
    This warns about extreme weather condition.which cause broken earth

    1. The cracks in the picture can not be as a result of earthquake. Earthquake cause a lot of damage that is worse than that. It preferred said to be drought due to global warming

  • The picture shows diffrent parts of the world which experience the change of weather which is extreme to the world
    The world is cracked down and the earth is changed

  • The earthquake is broken and the world changes due to the extreme weather change

  • The title I would give this illustration is AN UNSEEN DISINTEGRATED WORLD because people think the world is still united as one not knowing that the world has been divided as the picture illustrates with the cracks.This world has been divided due to lack of concern for one another.Everyone is thinking of how to combat covid-19 but no one has thought of the world coming together to combat covid-19 because people only care about themselves,why won't there be an UNSEEN DISINTEGRATED WORLD when people care about themselves alone without extending such care with people from other places.

  • WASTED LAND. This is because the land has lost it's usefulness and it can't be used for anything. Soil needs water to support plants growth but since there is no water in the soil, no plant will germinate on it.

  • The title I would give this illustration is content on drought

  • "Cracked world"

    I named it like this; because the world isn't united, it's like what the picture shows, so we need to be united at this period of time specifically.
    So we have to follow the saying:"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided".

  • The title I would give this illustration is content on drought

  • The title I would like to give this illustration is DESTRUCTION OF THE OZONE LAYER and why I would like to use this title is that we humans have been polluting the environment like cutting down trees, polluting the air etc which destroys the ozone layer be cause

  • Because all oceans.All rivers,all water bodies etc are all dried up. So plants can't grow on the ground.We cannot see the sky,clouds no sun light is shining. Cracks are all over,dividing the contents.

  • My title for this photo is: "Earth is at it's breaking point with Climate Change".

    I have chosen this title because the photo shows cracks; with countries/earth edited onto it. Also, most of the problems with weather lately is to-do with the climate problem at the moment. We are producing too much CO2 which is slowly destroying the old ozone layer and slowing down the new ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs UVB (ultraviolet light) from the sun which helps so the earth doesn't heat up. That is also why the snow caps are melting which is causing the sea levels to rise. I also said about "breaking point" because we are reaching the point of where it will be to late to help stop climate change from destroying our planet. Also to-do with Climate change the earth has been the best it's been with climate change for a while because of Covid-19.

    Sincerely, eloquent_grasshopper

  • I have chosen the title crumble Earth globally because the land is crumbled.

    Immediately what comes in my mind is how the land has been fairing on.
    The cracks on earth significance the world is wasted and broken .
    The world is facing alot of waste.
    The earth need to be cared for inorder to avoid land from wasting

  • Extreme weather or extreme climate events includes unexpected, unusual, severe, or unseasonal weather; weather at the extremes of the historical distribution—the range that has been seen in the past.

  • The title I will give this illustration is"DROUGHT "
    Firstly what is drought? Drought means a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of 💧 water. Drought is also known as dry spell, so with the illustration above 👆i think 🤔 is drought because drought is caused by drier than normal conditions that can eventually lead to 💧 water supply problems. Really hot temperature 🌡 can make a drought worse by evaporating moisture from the soil. And why I choosed the title "DROUGHT "because the picture shows the continents with dry lands with no water💧 water.

  • i would give it a title called : STATE OF HOPELESNESS

  • "The cracked ground "
    I like this title, becaue this picture shows many of cracks,slopes and earthquake due to weather changes

  • The earth is definitely going through pollutions that seem to cause global warming.

  • The title I would give this illustration is It is possible that hard person can have an good heart because in my openion ,there is a chance to him to become a kind and good person .

  • DEAD END : it looks like there is nothing more that can be done to save the situation.

  • Barren land
    The reason I chose this title is the lack of suitability of this land for cultivation due to the lack of water, and it is also possible that the reason is the neglect of the people of this land and not taking care of it.

  • Our world breaking apart

  • The incoherent world
    because No country stands with is neighbouring

    1. The dis connected world
      Because no country stands next to the other

    I chose this title because it is the first thing that comes to my mind when seeing the image and the reason i choose this title is...
    The world lives in areal catastrophe and abig problem that threatens the environment and vegetation which is
    global warming.There are many factories in the world in the world that produse polluted smoke and heat which are trapped in the layers of the atmosphere preventing rain from falling which leads to the deterioration of agriculture and the lack of vegetation.
    Human is responsible for this problem and he also can get rid of it by meeting and contracting to solve this problem and save the world.

    T choose this address, because the Land is expected to constantly Change of nature as climate change
    And also a man who is largely
    Like it's dividing into several continents...

  • Title: "Global Drought"
    I chose this title because this image shows that the earth suffers from many defects due to a lack of water and heat waves, and that drought has allowed the surface of the earth to have a cracked appearance.

  • The title I would give this photo is DISASTER.I chose disaster because the earth has been destroyed due to the activities of man and nature,activities of man like excessive mining and using dangerous chemicals like DDT for fishing also the release of gases carbon dioxide and carbonmonoxide from the the exhaust pipes of cars have caused global warming which have made all the oceans dried up.Earthquakes and droughts caused by nature has made the earth dry and cracked

  • I will name it land degradation because of the cracks

  • Desertification
    I chose this title because you can see the deterioration of most of the land,which led to the loss of plant life in it and the loss of its ability to agricultural production except for some areas

    I chose this title because in the picture it shows that the world is scattered even in this era of covid19 where no country wants other countries to come to their country to spread the disease that is why the picture has broken walls.

    1. I totally agree, the world is indeed scattered due to the coronavirus pandemic. The world has fallen apart. No country wants any other country's assistance to prevent spread.

  • My title is "End of the World."
    I will choose this because we do not have water as in the picture and it is the main ingredient for the continuation of life and we have a lot of earthquakes as well, and this indicates a decrease in the population and then life will die.
    Therefore, we must use natural resources well, especially water, and not waste it.

  • Title : Drought risk
    I chose this title because drought a devastating effect on the environment and is due to the lack of rain and snow and drought leads to less agricultural crops , loos of ability to develop livestock and distort the landscape of the soil finally it affects the economy of countries , especially developing countries .

  • Title : Drought risk
    I chose this title because drought has a devastating effect on the environment it is due to the lack of rain and snow adrought leads to less agricultural crops , Loos of ability to develop livestock and distort the landscape of the soil . finally it affects the economy of countries , especially developing countries .

  • my titile is(Drought thereatens the globe)
    l will choose this title because do Global warming and High temperatures which leads to less water and make drought

  • The title of this photo is The Degraded World

    I chose this title because of the deterioration of earth as a result of the human beings bad behaviors. Human Human beings are committing bad behaviors to cause the land degradation, such as cutting down and burning the trees, throwing the garbage in the sea and in the street, smoking, killing the animals, cars tailpipes, soil erosion.
    So, we should be a one hand to protect the earth from pollution and deterioration .

  • Scream of the earth
    (The consequences of human neglect)

    Because with increase in technology development ،people neglect the environment
    So , this is due to the negative consequence on the earth and tend to be worse .

  • An Earth with no water, I would give this title to this illustration because when I see this illustration I feel like I am looking at the map of the world but without any oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, just the continents and they look so dry and dead, and maybe that will be the reality in the future if we did not make any changes or acts to stop the Global Warming and The Climate Change

  • The title is End of the world at the hands of human
    I have selected this title because he is the only owner and the only con summer of this one either fix it or spoil it and the picture shows the corruption of the land.

  • just think green it becomes true
    I think if we reduce pollution then earth get recovered and we get better life

  • THE Title is the GREAT Earthquake of interstate relations.
    I selected this title because of wars,injustice and fierce rivalries between countries.

  • Wow, what an elegant title, so inspiring.

  • Does it have to be like this?
    I chooes this title because seeing this plant trying to overcome the terrible circumstances surrounding like drought triggers this question in my mind.
    Does it really have to be like this? Are not we support to figure out solutions to help these plans survive?

    The reason why I selected this topic is that when you watch this topic you can see that some part of the rock are Brocken while some are not. That is the ending of the world.

  • The End of the world.
    I choose this title because the soil is dry and there are cracks on the ground, which means the ground will not be fertile for planting food stuffs, which means no food which will make life difficult for humans and animals.

  • Thirsty earth.
    I choose this title because you can't see any water body and the ground is dry and has cracked due to global warming, which will make life difficult for humans and animals because Water is life.

  • Depletion Of The Ozone Layer.
    I chose this title because when the Ozone Layer is depleted,rays from the sun easily hit directly on the surface of the earth.This dries up all the moisture in the soil on the surface of the earth which leads to the formation of landcracks

  • Cracked earth
    I choose this title because the are cracks on the ground, which means there has been prolonged drought and has caused cracks and will make life difficult for humans and animals.

  • A Land without life
    I chose this idea precisely because this image describes the land without the most important conditions of life, which is water and the loss of the land for this thing is a very big disaster because it causes the lack of marine life from fish and other types and more importantly, the lack of drinking water and household consumption water and the absence of water has other consequences, so it is not valid for life Without it, this is known as drought. I also think that these cracks occurred due to earthquakes.

  • The cruelty of man to nature I chose this title because the globe was transformed from a very beautiful place to a place full of destruction and pollution, and all this is due to the people who did not appreciate the value of this beautiful land but we must not lose hope, there are still good people who can save the earth from this destruction

  • My title is "Weather and the World"
    The world is surrounded by many different weather types and natural disasters which occur every day. Some are drastic and some are normal. Some can be felt some will go by not known. But sometimes it goes to another level. Like the image above the world can break apart because of lengthened droughts and freezing temperatures. In this session of the Burnet News Club we will be discussing all of these in the Hub.
    Cheerful_ Photograph

  • When I looked closer at the picture, there was not only the contextual meaning but also a literary meaning such that it also shows how the world is at the verge of disintegrating. Nations of the world and continents are fighting for world power , nobody trusts anybody due to this. Disunity has taken over the earth making it crack due to distrust among nations. If we don't stop the quest for power, best economy, glory and fame it will equally reach to an extent where the earth will crumble. This illustration can also be referred to as the DISUNITED WORLD

    1. This world is indeed crying for mercy in the sense that pollution is drying it up. During this pandemic no county's government want to pay attention to the environment again. The earth is begging for our help. People now throw dead bodies of covid 19 patients in the sea thereby polluting the sea. Toxic waste from industries are thrown on land causing it to be too acidic where plants can't grow due to high soil pH. Bush burning and fire outbreak has burnt the earth dry of water the earth cracks. Together we can fight pollution , stop global warming so that the world won't suffer.

  • The disconnected world
    Because no country stands next to other

  • I chose the title THE EARTH IS DYING
    I chose this title because it seems that the lands are dry and muddled without water . this means that water is of primary importance in our lives , and without it ,the Earth will be destroyed . there is also agood amount of water this means that there is hope not to perish
    Also , I think it could be a malfunction due to the use of harmful gases.

    I have given it such a title because,in the picture some parts are broken while some are not meaning the world is broken and unbroken.

    I am saying this because,I can clearly see that the earth has succumbed to the blows of excessive weather conditions resulting to unrepairable cracks.The earth can make amends in this battle If it rises up to deal with the challenge global warming.

  • Drought sweeps the world
    The picture represents (Desertification phenomenon) significantly and this is because worsening climate change, rainfall elecreased soil erosion .
    And man also has abig role in that by practising some crimes against nature sush as forest fires,and the reduction of agricultural areas,this leads to an increase desertification rate .
    Although there are some plants and alittle water in the picture. However,it will be dissolved at an unexpected time

  • Weather life variables
    I give this title because weather affects severely our life in different aspects and different ways

    I am saying this because,I can clearly see that the earth has succumbed to the blows of excessive weather conditions resulting to unrepairable cracks.The earth can make amends in this battle If it rises up to deal with the challenge of global warming.

    I think this is so because human beings have joined hands with the weather in damaging the earth. Human activities like bush burning,deforestation and others have exposed the earth paving way for the weather to damage the earth to the nonsense degree.

  • The title I would give this illustration is GlobeDrought, because the ground is crack and there is a world map as in the picture.

  • My title is BROKEN PIECES; The scenario is of an earthquake that has cracked the entire world leaving it in broken pieces, this shows that the world is suffering band hence it's broken....

  • I would name it WOUNDED WORLD....This is because it is not in a good state...There is something that is bothering our world

  • I think this title should be called drought because on the picture above, there is lack of water and is very dry, causing the land to crack

  • Planet Earth is covered in 70% of water, but only 2.5% are suitable of human to drink. Water is a very important thing to our lives, and without them we will be dehydrated and will be perished. So therefore, we must not waste water in our daily lives.

  • My title is 'what we human have done, what tears we humans have caused. I have chosen this title because I think the picture is showing climate change and it's effects and humans have caused climate change through the meat industry and oils such as petrol, carbon dioxide, deforestation etc. I have said' what tears we humans have caused because this picture also represents mother Nature's emotional state as she sees what we human are doing to nature.

  • My title would be: "The cracks of earth's destruction"

    The title I would give this illustration is "The cracks of earth's destruction" because the illustration shows us many cracks on "the wall" and in my perspective, it looks like as if it is going to destruct/ fall down and fragments of "the wall" might scatter everywhere.

  • The title I would give this illustration is "The possibility of Earth's failure" because the illustration looks like as if
    there is a possibility of "Earth" collapsing apart. Also, the words "Earth's failure" means that "Earth" has failed and "the wall" will fall down (but might not as it says possibility that presumes it might not be able to fall down/ break apart.

  • The title I would give this illustration would be "Perfect picture with a broken frame" because the illustration looks very beautiful but it is cracked. I would also name it that because in my opinion it is a perfect picture yet it his broken and destroyed. Another reason would be because all the green , blue and cream colours are very pretty yet the surroundings are not as colourful because it only has one colour.

    I chose this title because picture looks like the world has come to an end, and is falling apart due to extreme weather reaction which has caused lack on water in the ground causing the crust.

  • Human neglect of nature
    The world was not like this before, but it was negligence on the part of the person who made it like this, but I do not think that he will remain in this condition if we take care of it and save it before it is too late.

    I choos this title because this picture is showing poor and dry land so it's need to give any attention and it need water to be rech.

  • The world cracked
    I chose this title because of the circumstances that are sweeping the world these days, such as the climate change caused by floods, earthquakes, some fires, global warming and weather fluctuation.

  • The title that I will present is (The Sparse World), the reason for choosing this title: As shown in the picture, the world is divided and dispersed. At this time, the coronary pandemic (Corona) separated from each other and closed all its land, sea, and air ports, which led to the separation of the continents from each other. Some; so the picture looks as if the world is collapsing

  • i would give this the title 'nothing is perfect'. I would do this because the picture looks very beautiful but has some cracks in it. As we all know nothing and no one is perfect so that is why i would give it this title.However it is sill beautiful just like everything in this world

  • The countdown to the end of the world
    I felt as though this is the appropriate title for this image, as it is completely devoid of the necessities of life, and most likely that the human being is the offender and the victim, so we have time to bring the world back to its beautiful nature, so let us be one hand together and preserve the natural resources and the necessities of life.

  • I will name it a (world without the Ozone layer )
    Because the ozone layer protects the earth and if the earth doesn't have the ozone layer, it will dry up, therefore it will lead to the cracks of the earth surface.

    1. I agree with you but there is rainfall to keep the ground moist and prevent the ground from cracking

  • Title: Drought threatens poor continents
    I think that this is the appropriate title because drought really threatens poor continents like Africa. When drought affects agricultural lands, then the people will not be able to cultivate in these lands, and therefore will not get food, causing the collapse of the economy of the African countries and their inability to feed their people.

  • My title is: Blue Planet No More . I have written this because, in the picture, you can see hardly any blue(water) . If the earth continues to dry and crack like this, the world will indeed be blue planet no more.

  • The title is (There is hope despite the difficulties)
    I chose this title because if we look at the picture we will see that although it is cracked and dry, there are green areas where if we look desperately we will see drought and lack of life only but if we look at hope we will see that despite all the difficult conditions there are flowering areas then hope makes life another color

  • The dead world

    I chose this title precisely because the picture talks about the shape of the world at the end of it after a period of time through one of the harsh weather conditions, which poses a great danger leading to the lack of life, but it is the drought that is accompanied by desertification.

  • I will name this the DESTRUCTION OF HABITATS OF SOIL LIVING ORGANISM. This because the soil serves as habitat for some living organisms . But in this picture the soil has been destroyed due to insufficient rain or no water causing the destruction of the homes of these living organisms.

  • Destructive earthquakes
    It is possible that earthquakes are the cause of water loss, and we can say that what is meant by water is people , that is, earthquakes are the cause of human death, because earthquakes are a natural disaster that causes the death of many people.

  • " water shall emanate from the cracks"
    i choose this title because water is a life for every thing, without water we cannot live on the earth

  • I think the tittle of this photograph should be "Earthquake Haven and Hell".
    Earthquake is defined as the shaking of the surface of the earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth lithosphere that creates seismic waves.
    I selected this tittle because the picture shown is about the cracks on earth.
    I have noticed that the earth gets crack when there's an earth crust. The ground looks very dry and there are many cracks on it that is the reason I choose this photograph.

    1. I liked your reasoning behind this answer adventurous_tennis, but remember that an earthquake is not an extreme weather event. Can you think of another reason the earth might be dry and cracked that relates to the Issue of Extreme Weather?

  • When I saw the picture, the first thing that came to my mind was "the disintegration of societies", in my opinion that this land is full of cracks due to our bad treatment of each other, that is, this land like society disintegrates if we move away from each other, treat us in a rude way, and hold together if we unite together .
    So let us deal with each other with love and sincerity and steer clear of bad traits such as racism and arrogance until this land germinates and returns productive.

  • Hope amid this destruction
    I thought about this title because continents still contain crops, because I believe that hope still exists and that water may come out of these cracks one day.

  • My title is: '195 countries, 7 continents, this is the Earth's reply to our despondence.'

    I think that this name suits the illustration above because I think the Earth has had enough of us being despondent. First, we notice the Earth's health is deteriorating, then we make protests to save the Earth, but we then give up as we see that it was a waste of time and that the Earth's health is not 'improving' when it is. This is the aftermath of us being too quick to judge the Earth and thinking that it is okay and that it is fine. Therefore, the picture above is our actions. I know there is child abuse and animal abuse but has anyone thought of how we abuse the Earth? Especially when some people are wise enough to talk about it on the streets and make books about how we should save the Earth, people rarely buy them, but instead, they sit on the sofa and watch TV, burning fossil fuels. Now the Earth has come to its breaking point in that picture, because of our illogical actions. It is better to give than to get, but we should be mindful about how what we give will affect the thing that gets it. My title also shows that the population can't come together for once, even if it includes destroying their dwelling place. The government hires thousands of people to pick up our mess and litters, however, wars still happen and toxic fumes go into the air. Like the Hong Kong crisis, gasses polluted the air, more toxic gasses emitted into the air, making more masks. Even though the Earth can't speak and tell them that what they are doing is bad, they give them signs such as extreme weather. Nobody listens. Therefore, the picture above is the consequences and results of our actions. However, solar panels are eco-friendly for electricity but require a lot of Sun, making extreme heat vital for their living space. In conclusion, we should be wise about our choices, so our future will be good for us and others.

    Thank you for reading.

    1. You make an interesting point, but it's worth bearing in mind that there are lots of activists and groups campaigning for climate action. Can you do some research and find any examples?

  • "The productive land"
    Let's take a look at the image in a positive way.
    Maybe the earth swallowed water until it sprouted after a while.

  • I will give this illustration DESERTIFICATION because desertification is the process by which fertile land becomes desert,typically as a result of drought,deforestation or inappropriate agriculture.
    I will love to put my concentration on DEFORESTATION AND DROUGHT.Deforestation-because the area that is dry and cracked don't have trees and the bare land has been exposed to sun and heat while the place that has vegetation implies that there are trees that is why that area is not dry neither does it have cracks.Coming to DROUGHT,drought means a long period when there is little or no rain.So it could be that there is little rain and why I said little rain is because in the picture there is a higher percentage of dry land than the vegetated agrees meaning it is possible for vegetation to be there because of the little rain but a higher percentage of dried land because the little rain will not be able to make the whole area to have vegetation.

  • My title is: Never the same
    I've chosen this title because as we can all tell that this world can't be fixed, and if we don't work out a way to help our planet this could be what our planet will look like, to prevent things like this we can stay indoors (coronavirus), save electricity (global warming/climate change), make sure we don't throw anything away into the sea (to save the creatures in the ocean) and washing/sanitising our hands. If we work together by doing these suggestions, we can prevent any more dangerous matters.

  • Desertification,drought and land degradation
    I chose this title because the yellow color predominates on the map ,which indicates the dryness of the land and the lack of wather . And the cracks in it indicate the impact of earthquakes that he destroyed the land , but man could not intelligently manage to repair this land ,but he worked to increase the drought and desertification by reducing the areas of agricultural lands and transforming them To huge buildings.

  • Like we know it must not be a negative title so i would will give this illustration DIFFERENT CULTURES OF THE WORLD because as we all know there are millions of cultures worldwide so these different cultures illustrates the cracks on the map.

    1. The cracks also indicates our differences as a continent , country , state. There is the world with racial difference ,tribal difference , religious difference, even in language. The picture with the world map on it also symbolize a world with differences. Even in our differences we inhabitants can still come together overlooking that difference and make something good out of it. I give this picture THE EARTH WITH DIFFERENCES

  • Dry Earth.
    Because it is a message about climate change and how the cracks are starting to show. Cracks can be repaired. Dry Earth means that there is no life, as all life on Earth needs water.

  • I think the title is cracked world. The reason why l said that is because in the picture is a map of the world . Some parts are cracked others are not. It looks like the world is breaking apart.

  • The world is like an episode in this vast universe. We must preserve our world, which gives us golden opportunities. We must contribute to being one hand, preventing spoilers and division, and removing injustice from marginalized peoples. We are honored to be human beings and we have the ability to think and judge the mind

    1. Can you think of a short title to summarise your thoughts here?

  • My title is: 'Climate change has made the Earth change.'

    Climate change has made a very bad change to our planet, Earth. First, it started with ice age ending, killing thousands of animals and making then become extinct. This has resulted in the Earth's life expectancy diminishing, which is forcing us to move to another planet, as the planet Earth is sat risk of being 'eaten' by the Sun. In the picture above, is the next stage of the world-changing from a healthy, fresh planet to the picture, which is showing the world at its breaking point, because it is breaking apart! This could be because there are lots of things that affect the weather such as aeroplanes as they put lots of pollution in the air. However, climate change campaigns such as Extinction Rebellion changed the mind of some people, which is why the Earth is harmed but not fully harmed all the way, because everyone is not doing bad things. That is why I said climate change made the world change, but not broken because we still have some time left to change the thinking of others for the good and we can save our planet, our home.

    Thank you for reading.

  • I think this picture are indicates desertification and cracking Because there is no water

  • I think this picture are indicates desertification and cracking Because there is no water

    1. A good description of the picture - can think of one word or sentence you would give the photo as a title?

  • Crumbling Countries and Climate Change.
    I have chosen this as my title because the cracks of the picture make the Earth look like the countries are crumbling apart. The yellow means that it is quite hot and there is not much water. In South America where the Amazon Rainforest is, almost the whole map of the continent is yellow even though on a normal weather report, it would all be either blue or green to symbolise water and moisture. The fact that there is hardly any of those colours on the whole piece of art means that the artist is trying to say that it is hot. The reason I chose Climate Change in my title as well was because if the world was to end up like this, it would mostly be because of extreme weather or Climate Change itself.

  • I think the title should be destroyed and okay, because some parts are really falling apart, however, some bits of the world are still fine to live in. The bad thing is, there is not much water on the land which is a big problem. We use water in different ways like drinking it, making food and cleaning. Unfortunately we are wasting way too much it. This is why it has ended up like this, with barely any water.

  • I would like to give this illustration VARIATION OF CLIMATES IN PLACES because in the picture some places are dried up and have cracks may be due to desertification and the places that has trees are experiencing rainfall.

    I selected this because the earth becomes cracked like this usually when there is earthquakes.

  • I think the title is drought. I chose drought because the sun has made the soil to crack. It means there is no water,animals are dying,no food and some people are dying out of this. This means that the world is suffering from drought

  • I would name this: losing grip
    because as u can see the cracks are separating a few countries, you may ask what does losing grip mean.
    Well i believe it means that humanity is now out of control, many thing are getting out of hand like climate change, deforestation, covid-19 etc, a lot that we have started, a few completely natural.
    All in all i think this image is called losing grip.

  • The Earth in crisis. Because the earth surface always suffers from various changes of the weather conditions such as drought and earthquake.

    Global warming is one of the biggest problem that threaten the environment , which leads to less rainfall due to heat retention in the atmosphere which hinders the downfall
    of rain which leads to a lack of vegetation .
    As for it is causes , it comes from the increasing industrial activity carried out by humans in this world and is found in the world thousands of factories, the human being is the only one responsible for this problem that threatens our world, so we have to contract to save the world.

  • I would give this illustration AN ENDANGERED EARTH BECAUSE OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES because the earth is going extinct meaning it is going out of existence due to human activities that brings the occurrence of harsh climate and making the earth to go extinct.

  • On this earth what is worthy of life
    I chose this title because if we look at any person, we will find him despite the difficulties he faces, but every day he wakes up, accepts his work without tiredness or boredom, and if he is under difficult circumstances or even climatic conditions, he continues his work until he is satisfied with himself.

  • I don't know the specific tittle to give to this picture but it seems that the ground had experienced rainfall and suddenly there came sunny that dried up the ground.That's all I can see

  • I think the title should be (Dehydration: premature aging of the earth)
    because day after day, the area of drought is increasing in the world. It has many and serious impacts facing the ecosystem. It is a deficit in water resources in general, and it has several reasons, including the lack of rain, increased evaporation and passive interference to humans, and all of this negatively affects the needs of living organisms.

  • "The death of nature"
    I chose this title, because man’s neglect of nature led to austerity and drought.

  • I would give it the title Destruction of the soil's fertility. This is because ,due to the effect of extreme weather(heat wave) it has cause the soil to dry up and develop some cracks, losing it's fertility and nutrients because it lacks water and also cannot be used for anything profitable such as; farming and construction

  • "Social desertification"
    Technological development led to the approximation of distances, but in reality we are far from this connection.

  • The world towards the hell .

  • I choose this title because i think this picture has alot of meaning and all of these meanings at the end take us to one point that is there will be hard end for the world in the future may be there wont be water or plants or may be illness as we are living it now all these situations may take us and lead us to as this end of the world and thats i wont hope it for ever

  • School//Al fukhary proep Girl
    from my mind title shoud be "Dehydration is anatural phenomenon of complex structure"
    As you see in the photo "the Dehydration"
    From my mind I think "The lack of water causes the ground to dry"

    in the end thats my mind

  • Mis .Fadwa sheath
    School.AL -Fukhari
    The next wars willbe water wars
    Baraa Shaat

  • I think the title should be (Dehydration: premature aging of the earth) 
    because day after day, the area of drought is increasing in the world. It has many and serious impacts facing the ecosystem. It is a deficit in water resources in general, and it has several reasons, including the lack of rain, increased evaporation and passive interference to humans, and all of this negatively affects the needs of living organisms.
    Deema Eid Shurrab
    Mrs.Fadwa Shaat
    Al_Fukhari Prep.Girls school

  • Future drought
    I chose this title because the picture indicates drought and lack of water on the face of the world due to the large consumption of water by humans, and because of the high temperature, frequent earthquakes, slopes and lack of rain

  • The unifying line of globalization in the world.

  • I think the title is dry land. I said Dryland because there is no moisture or water in the land and in the photograph there is no water in the land and the land is dry.

  • The title of this illustration is the unifying line of globalization in the world. The illustration clearly shows a unifying line amongst the whole continent of the world. The cutting accross the line amongst the whole continent shows that no continent of the world is isolated from others. What this means is that each continent, people and race are interdependent for their survival. A crack on the Fortune of each continents affects the other continent directly or indirectly and it's supports the call for the globalization of the world.

  • There is no life in this fragmented world
    I chose this name exactly because it reflects the importance of unity in the Arab and western world and that there is no life in this world because there was no unity

    1. I translated this into English for everyone - please write in English in future posts, thank you!

  • I think the title should be *THE LAST STOP FOR THE WORLD *.
    because the picture shows that the earth is dry and will not return to life because there is not water.

  • Ther isNo life in this fragmented world
    I chose this title because it say the important life with unity and association...

  • The way to spring
    I chose this title because i see beginning grow the world and revival the life After the multiplication of extreme natural and climatic disasters, earthquakes and droughts that reigned in the world, the world is interconnected, hand in hand, reviving millions in the world

  • I would give this illustration is
    But it appears on the map that the world is divided into two parts, cracked, and the other is not cracked, and this indicates that the world is breaking
    This indicates that the world is in a state of escalation and difficult disintegration, so in the picture there is little water in the world, and there are also green areas and other areas similar to deserts, meaning that they are in a state of drought.

    And little water indicates the presence of drought throughout the world, and this indicates the death of many organisms, whether alive or not

  • We need to stand hand in hand to save millions of victims of extreme weather threats like drought and earthquakes facing the world

  • 'Pathways Through a Dehydrated Planet'

    I have given the image this title because the picture shows coloured stains on a dried mud surface, which, in my belief, represents a dehydrated planet. It was once made of Earth and water, however, extreme weather caused it to dehydrate and fade away. The cracks in the dried mud are our pathways- our choices. When we reach the edge of one, we make a decision, and with every decision comes a consequence. Majorities are making the decision to ignore climate change when people could be doing their best to reduce it. If not, these choices will lead to a bigger consequence, increasing temperature, and dehydrating our planet.

  • Life on Earth ends little by little
    I chose this title because drought leads to the death of many living creatures on the earth, and therefore the more drought on the earth the greater the probability of death and the end of life more and more.
    We must conserve water and use it to preserve our planet and our country from drought
    name: raghad shaat
    miss: fadwa shaat
    Alfukhari school

  • Dear people of the Earth,

    We call this image ‘Memories from Home’ because it reminds us of how our once green and blue planet became an inhospitable and toxic world, incapable of sustaining life as we knew it. That is why we left. It has taken us thousands of your Earth-Years for us to travel through space and time and that is when one of our scout ships spotted you – between Venus and Mars – in just the same perfect orbit as our world was, before the Great Fall. Please learn from our mistakes. It is too late for us, but you can prevent the same fate; you must act quickly. Time is running out…

    With peace,

    Commander Stitchen.

    Chief Ambassador of the Nirvana People.

    Previously of Planet Niburu.

  • I think the title is Weathering. Weathering is the gradual disintegration of rocks or breakdown of rocks into smaller particles. This normally occurs as a result of heat and pressure,which causes the rocks to crack and crumble due to the rapid cooling and heating after sunset.Other factors can also be biological,physical and chemical factors.The excessive pressure sometimes leave cracks on the Earth surface to allow movement of air within the earth crust.

  • The title I would give this illustration is" Life may come back again " because as we notice in the picture the land is dry and the whole world is suffering and we can bring the lovely life back again to the land using water which in our world Love.

  • The title I would give this is WASTE lAND.Waste land because the land has lost its usefulness.The micro and macro-organisms I'm the soil have all died.Also all the water in the land his dried up causing the land to crack

  • The title I would give this is Pangaea.Pangaea because all the continents have been joined again by the dried up oceans which are now land

  • I think the title should be Collapsing Hope, because i think the parts that are crumbling and falling apart means how the world will be if we still don't see the importance of climate change and keep on damaging our earth, the world will eventually collapse. But the green and water can mean hope, we can still save our earth if we or the countries understand how important climate change is.
    I know this title is a bit depressing but that's only my opinion. <3

  • The title i will give this illustration is "A dying world." Because looking at it it looks like a map and am under the assumption that the crscked an d brown part is the dead side an the green side is the part that is not dead
    So am saying there is still hope yo save the word. Going further am also saying that the world is dying because of the evil happenings in the world. There's no part of the world you won't see corruption. It's up ui to us the younger generation to think straight and save the world.

  • The title I would give this illustration would be 'Water's Edge.' The reason I would give the picture this title is because you can see small streams of water running around the dried out continents. This picture is showing water on the edge, it's going extinct in it's liquid form. Looking at the picture, I think that this drawing means more than just climate change, it means that we need to act to save our waters. Secondly, I would call this picture 'Water's Edge due it being mostly dried crust and dry seabeds, showing the terrible events which had taken place here, the greenhouse effect. Thirdly, just looking at the immense amount of cracks all over the picture, It could mean that because of having access to little water, we are divided, can't use boats or ships to go back and forth...and planes are no longer flyable due to the runways with deep canyons in them. To conclude, I would name this picture 'Water's Edge' because water is scarce, and we are divided due to it. This picture shows our future if we don't act now. Just like fulfilled_starfruit said, our planet is dehydrated beyond repair.

  • The title I would give it is “Help Save The World”,
    I would choose this title because our world is full of chemicals that are damaging our Earth and we need to change how we are treating the Earth. Global warming is causing the Earth to heat up and we are not getting enough rain to balance out the heat so the ground that we walk on is crumbling under our feet. By not driving everywhere so much and by not having factories produce the toxic air, and many other things we might save the World. Many areas have had long periods without rain leading to a dry ground, and this is called drought, which is happening because we are sending greenhouse gasses out into the air which is causing the Earth to not have enough water in it. Even when it is raining this isn't enough rain to stop the heat.

  • I think the title suitable of photograph is Drought Choose the Drought because Lack of water and cracks of nature

  • I think the title suitable of photograph is Drought I Choose the Drought because Lack of water and cracks of nature

  • Changing Climates
    I chose this as my title because usually, the World map would look mostly green and blue for the plants and oceans but it is yellow meaning that the Climate has changed from cool to hot because of Global Warming and Climate Change. The main background of this picture is splitting the world apart and cracking but there are only a few parts of green and blue. The fact that the background is not blue means that the person who created this art wants to say that the oceans have dried up like a Global drought across the world.

  • The flood in picture 2 is caused by poor drainage system indiscriminate dumping of refuse into rovers stream e.t.c also release of excess water in dams and heavy downpour.
    While wildfire is caused by lack of pipeline tight security, misuse of eletrical appliance ,lack of maintainance for our home appliances ,not following rules of electrical safety measures and not being cautious of some electrical appliances that needs repairment , not being cautious about leaving things , liquids that should be out of the reach of children. E.g carelessly leaving a container of petrol while there's a naked wire around and a child get hold of the container and pours it on the naked wire near the house ,the house will get burnt.

    1.widening or straighting of rivers
    2.There should be a stricted law against disposing of refuse in lake river , stream e.t.c
    3. Anyone caught disposing his/her refuse in a stream, lake or river,the victim should be arrested and be made to face the wrath of the law.
    4. There should be diversion of streams ,so that they do not overflow into rivers.
    5. Building of high walls to keep rivers from overflowing the banks.
    6.Building of dams to hold back water in rivers.

  • I definitely agree with you

    Loss of building, factories e.t.c
    Loss of lives
    Damage of many properties
    Damage of crops.
    It makes land more fertile.
    Seasonal fresh water.
    It also makes swamp useful for growth of rice and other grains.

  • A conquered planet...
    This is say because there is a saying that goes "United we stand, divided we fall". This world is full of countries that are making weapons, not for acting but for destroying other countries. In this century ( the 21st century), countries are literally fighting for oil like; Nigeria and South Sudan, Iraq and Syria. These are non-ending wars. Apart from the world wars, countries like China are making deadly weapons to annihilate other countries . Like the Covid-19 virus and these are examples of division that bring the world apart. And to add, these atomic bombs and missiles deplete the ozone layer. That is one consequence we might all face if care is not taken.

    1. Pipeline should be buried in such a way that it will be difficult for anybody to get in .
    2.Detection system can be built along the line or drone to monitor the pipeline.
    3. There must be a ready intervention system .An intervention system means when you have detected it,and something that must be done immediately.
    4.There must be ready level system such that when you catch somebody , you prosecute if after nothing happens , that encourages negative action.
    5.Encouragement of stakeholders.The government community and all manner of people that have direct impact on the pipeline for example . People living around pipeline areas should report any case of vandalism to the appropriate authority and the authority should take immediate action.

    I chose this title because it looks like the protection of the earth such as the ozone layer is destroyed due to the release of poisonous gases by humans and has given way to extreme weather reaction which has affected the earth causing it to crack and fall apart.

  • Meaning of the listed words
    1.Flood:can be defined as an outflow of water from rivers , lakes or the sea on to dryland .It can also be defined as any overwhelming flow or quantity of something .
    2.Wildfire: A highly flammable liquid originally used in warfare or a sweeping destructive fire and also to spread fire rapidly and extensively.

    3.Heatwave : A prolonged period of unusually hot dry weather, and it is also an extensive mass of hot air in the atmosphere , especially one passing from one place to another.
    4.Hurricane :An intense,often devastating , cyclonic tropical storm with speed exceeding 118kph, can also be defined as a wind or storm of extreme violence.
    5.Extreme:The highest limit, the greatest degree of any state or condition.
    6.Response :An act of responding ,replying or reacting to something .

    1. Great thinking, but be careful to add this under the correct post - you've added this as a competition entry when it should be under Session 1!