#23 Ten or less!
26 February 2021
Winners Announced!
Thank you to everyone who entered this week’s competition - we were amazed by how many different sentences you managed to come up with. Our winning entries this time were…
excited_grape of Faringdon Community College, who summed up their learning perfectly
crafty_panther of St Gregory's Catholic Primary School, who created a clear definition of protest in only ten words.
Great work!
It's time for the final competition about protest before we move onto our new topic: the infodemic!
We have decided to keep the task nice and straight-forward...but don't be fooled! It's trickier than it looks.
Your challenge this week is to sum up your learning from the the Issue in ten words or less.
You could explain what protest is, choose a favourite fact OR even tell us how your opinions have changed since the start of the topic.
The best entries will be clear, to the point and of course... no more than ten words!
Choose one of these sentence starters if you need some help to get going:
Now I think...
Protest is...
I have learnt...
The deadline for entries is Friday February 26th at midday. PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONCE and make sure your work is your own. Good luck!
Comments (55)
I’ve learned that protest is a social event for everyone
Protests has to be social because everyone garthers up on the streets
I’ve learnt that people stood up for their LGBT+ rights.
Yes this is quite important actually for people of LGBTQ must stand up for their rights
Protest is a change, for good or for bad.
I've learnt that we can use art to describe protests.
A protest is a platform that can raise awareness worldwide.
Protests are important because they give platforms for the silenced.
Now I think that only some protests are right .
I have learnt that there are many types of protests!
I have learnt that people risk there lives
Protest is when people go onto the streets
Did you know that the first age of a protest was forty six?
Protest is important for people who are being judged.
Protest gives a chance to stand up for your beliefs
I have learned that is a social event for everybody.
Protests can be used in many different ways.
I’ve learnt that protest are for making changes
Protest gives the power for everyone to share their views.
Protest gives power to people without power who want change
Protests are a change, to improve society and our lives.
Protest is fighting for what is right or wrong.
I learnt not all protests are peaceful, can be dangerous.
I leant that your american vote can make changes
I leant that staying home means i am saving lifes
Protestes are a change even if there good or bad.
Protests are a place where people will gather round and settle whether there should be a change or not and sometimes it will end in riots. It is a social gathering.
Protests change every thing even if there good or bad.
Protests change sometimes if they are good or bad
Protestes are somthimes a change even if there good or bad
Now I think protests are good to speak from heart.
Protests gives minorities a voice and power to improve
It is important to for our minorities to have a voice discreet_drum. Do you believe that minorities have other ways to be heard, and if not can you think of other ways in which minorities could have a voice?
Hi Nadia, thanks for responding to my comment.
For your first question my answer is:
Yes, it is important for our minorities to have a voice because those in power won’t understand how the rules they make, might affect minorities in many ways e.g. housing, health, education and welfare benefits.
I do believe that minorities have other ways to be heard such as; petitions, joining unions, protests, MP's, councillors, mayors including minorities who become famous or who achieve high positions can draw attention towards issues like Marcus Rashford who protested and gave all children free school dinner during lockdown.
'Protests demonstrate our values, and what we are hoping for.'
I learnt that protest can make good change and bad.
Protest helps people find their voices.
Protest is when multiple people fight for what is right.
Not all protests are harmful; some are actually quite calm
Now I realise how important protests are in society today.
People protest for what they believe in, good or bad.
Protests can make a change to someone's opinion which can either good or bad.
Protests help mold the world for the better
Protests give everyone a say in what they think matters
I agree, it is important that everyone gets their say, no matter what their gender, age, skin colour or religion !
I have learnt that protest is a very serious matter-you can get arrested for it- but that does not mean it is not right. Also Many protest organizers come across problems like people trying to stop them, events such as street parties and of the danger of being arrested. Also if you are working with a team of protesters, you might even get people within the group who dislike or disagree with what the team is doing.
Great learning, but can you put this into ten words or less?
Now I think protesting can also be bad as well as good
I have learnt that everybody should stand up for anybody and everythings rights
Protesting is a way to bring good out of the world in bad times
These are great easygoing_contribution, but together they add up to more than ten words. Which one of these would you like to be your competition entry?
Protests are both violent and calm.
I have learnt that all protests are not always positive.
I learnt that protest can make good change or bad
I have learnt protests aren’t always going to be positive
I have learnt so many things this completion that protest people come onto the streets risking lives even if there young
Protests can happen worldwide. Anybody can take part in them.
People protest on streets to express their issues and concerns.
Protest is speaking up pushing their demands,peaceful or violent.
protest helps us all
the best ways
Protests are about equal rights and fighting for what’s right.
Protests are a way people say their thoughts and feelings!
Protests allow people to say what they think should happen.
Protests are a way that people can express their emotions.