#37 Skill quiz!

04 June 2021

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Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered the competition this week - we were very impressed to hear that these important skills come so naturally to you. The winners this time are:

selfassured_journalist of Manor Park Primary Academy and creative_moth of Upton Cross Primary School!

Both were natural problem-solvers who blew us away with their fantastic explanations about why problem-solving is so important for building back greener. Well done!

Throughout the Global Conversation, you've been working on your speaking, listening, problem-solving and creativity... but which skill comes most naturally to you?

To enter this week's competition:

1) Take the quiz

2) Leave a comment explaining which skill comes most naturally to you and why you think it's important for building back greener

Need some help to get going? Use this sentence structure!

I took the quiz and found out that speaking/listening/problem-solving/creativity comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because... (insert reason here).

The deadline for entries is Friday June 4th at midday. PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONCE and make sure your work is your own. Good luck!

Comments (144)

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  • I believe that the skill of creativity is very important to rebuild greener, and it comes to me automatically, as it is related to invention and excellence and it is one of the most important ways to succeed and invent new things that will greatly help the environment.

  • I believe that the ability to solve problems comes naturally, especially after listening to the causes and theories, and I believe that it is important to rebuild greener, because rebuilding greener is considered a problem, and as long as we know the reasons, it is obvious that we will be able to solve the problem.

    1. Rebuilding greener is not a problem but a solution , It is the logical solution to confronting climate change

  • I took the quiz and this is the result:
    "CREATIVITY comes most naturally to you."
    I think this skill will help the world to build back greener because it depends on producing ideas that you have designed in your mind realistically and with a little imagination, and these ideas after applying them to reality will clearly help in this process, and this skill works to expand the circle of ideas what It makes us look at the problem deeper and guess what we can do, and use the existing resources to apply it, for example when we said we would like to make robots that do environmental functions such as carbon emissions and we also said we would like to make machines for recycling waste, these are all ideas that help on the protection of the environment and the climate, but we have not seen them before, because they are ideas that were built in our minds through what we see applied in other areas and through the ideas surrounding our minds.

    1. Boys and girls have great ideas in terms of creativity, but we must give them a chance

    2. You're right, the machines we want to build are quite a bit out there, but with a little creativity we can develop and invent a machine that solves the waste and recycling problem.

  • I took the quiz and found out that the SPEAKING comes most naturally to me, so speaking is important for a greener return, because when people talk about the environment and so on and people listen to them, it helps people prepare for a greener comeback.

    1. It is the skill that many heads of state need, so they can talk about their country's problems

      1. But also don't forget that they greatly need the ability to solve problems in the best possible way. I don't mind your opinion that talking is the best, but problem solving has a big role. If the head of this country is not able to solve the state's problems, he will not be able to control the affairs, nor He made his country developed and prosperous.
        I hope you understand what I'm trying to say

        1. But first he has to talk about problems in order to solve them

  • The skill of listening is one of the most important skills that people can possess because it shows respect for the person speaking, as listening to him shows the extent of your desire to understand his point of view. Contribute to building strong and good relationships between the speaker and the listener. ... Conflict resolution, effective listening contributes to avoiding misunderstandings and preventing disputes and quarrels.

    1. Well, the listening skill is of course a very important skill, but do you think it is the best? Do you think it is better than the skill of problem solving and speaking? If you think this, I disagree with you in opinion, for me we must be able to solve problems in the best possible way and to satisfy everyone and convince them of our idea Also, to be good leaders, that would be better for me than listening.
      I hope you understand what I mean

    2. enlightened raccoon's but can you tell us how you can build a strong relationship with the listener or the speaker?

  • I took the quiz again, but with different answers, and found out that the CREATIVITY comes most naturally to me
    Creativity is important for a greener return because young people have creativity and may give you unparalleled ideas, but give them the opportunity and see what will happen.

    1. Yes , that's right that every one of us can do an amazing work but we should give him chance and time .

  • I took the quiz and found out that problem-solving comes most naturally to me.
    This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because :
    We are now facing the problem of the Corona virus, and we have not found a vaccine yet, but there are other problems that we face at the same time, for example, education: after stopping school and in face, we are learning electronically, and here we used the problem-solving skill
    For example, if we face climate change before we rebuild greener , people who have this skill can think of solutions to act quickly, or think of a solution to save people, industry and agriculture at the same time, problem-solving skill will always save us if we face an environmental problem and we have to act quickly so we don't stop to rebuild greener because of these problems

    1. Frankly, I do not think I agree with you in your opinion because problem solving does not come naturally, problem solving is a skill that not everyone possesses
      There are people who are unable to solve a particular problem, regardless of what the problem is, but they are not able to solve it because they do not leave the space for themselves to do so.

      1. I agree with you, because the problem-solving skill does not come naturally, you have to be creative to solve it, and you have to listen to others and benefit from their experiences to solve the problem better. All skills are related to each other, so every skill complements the other.

      2. Problem solving is not a natural skill, it is a skill that comes after a lot of work on oneself

  • In my opinion, I think that creativity is subjective, and it is very important to solve the problem of global warming and rebuild greener, because creativity is different from one person to another i.e. diverse, and each person can innovate in solving a problem in a unique and distinctive way, and creativity is not It is limited to a specific age group or to specific people, each of us can create without exception and in his own way.

  • I did the test and found that (creativity comes naturally) I think this skill will help the world to rebuild more greener because when you think about rebuilding greener, many ideas circulate in my mind using imagination to develop and adapt opinions in order to satisfy the needs in a new way or do something new. tangible or intangible in one way or another

  • I believe that the ability to solve problems comes naturally, especiallyafter listening to the causes and theories, and I believe that it is important to rebuild greener, because rebuilding greener is considered a problem, and as long as we know the reasons, it is obvious that we will be able to solve the problem.


  • The skill I think is the most important is problem-solving and it is the one that employed it
    Because problem solving is based on all of these things
    You need to hear what the problem is
    You were creative and think of a solution to this problem and suggest it to others.

  • I too the quiz and found that problem-solving is the skill that comes to me most naturally. Without problem solving, we wouldn't be able to understand what's wrong with the way we treat the world. This skill can also help us understand what steps we need to take to stop climate change. These are how I think we could use the other skills. Creativity will help to create solutions to reduce and recycle greenhouse gasses. If we listen to experts and climate activists, we will be aware of the problems we create and speaking out can keep others informed about the Earth's situation.

  • I took the quiz and found out that creativity comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world build back greener because most people understand through creative art e.g when an art is displayed with description on the dangers of deforestation they may understand it better than when they are told without any description because most people believe by seeing.

  • I took this quiz and found out that listening is the skill that comes naturally to me. In the world we live in today, people do more of talking, more of wanting to prove their points valid than actually sitting down to listen. I believe that when we take the time to pause and actually listen to people, not just their opinions or ideas, but their complaints, their needs, their challenges, if we take the time to actually listen to them, finding solutions would be easier because then we would have more motivation to carry on in whatever tasks we find ourselves assessing, because then we would have the voices of other people standing together as a united force to support us.

    1. Who this is a good point so amazing

      1. Because it creates understanding to that particular group of people to be able to know and imagine how that information is being given

  • Art is good because it creates understanding to that particular grou

  • Wow that's great. Unique bee

  • It's important to speak to other people from around the world is to know other peoples problem and come together to solve it

  • It's important to speak with other people from around the world is to create peace and friendship among other countries

  • I took the quiz and found out that speaking comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because the capacity to connect with others with confidence, eloquence and impact can help us to develop stronger relationships both in and out of the workplace. It can help us to get what we want, to avoid conflict, and to even change the world to help stop climate change. Through the ability to communicate with clarity and spirit we can flourish in so many ways. Whether it’s personal or business success, reducing stress and influencing people. For every great leader, communicator and achiever in the world there are countless people who are suffering and struggling needlessly because no one has helped them to value their voice. So many of us have not been taught how to connect emotionally as well as intellectually with others. Because of speaking, we can help stop climate change and other crises by letting leaders know by the power of our voice, or by helping the planet by ourselves.

  • I took the test and I think that creativity is the skill that comes naturally to me, it is different from one person to another, especially since every person is good in at least one area, creativity comes through listening and solving problems and it has no specific form, I think that it is useful for solving a problem Global warming for many reasons, including:
    It will stimulate a spirit of competition in it, as it will compete with people over who will find creative solutions first, and it will let us know different ideas related to problem solutions or advice

  • It's important to speak to other people around the world about global issues because some people consume pre-packed food that is low in nutrients high in carbs and preservaties that increase their risk of obesity so because of the weather and the bad nature of the environment so if we come together we can solve it as one people

  • I took this quiz and found out that listening is the skill that suites me. In the world of today, people talk more rather than listening to other people's reviews. I think that if people took the time to actually listen to people, the world would be a better place for everyone. And also if people took the time t listen to other people's needs other than their own finding solutions would be easier.

  • I took the test and found that listening comes naturally to me because all people want to speak and prove themselves and no one wants to listen to the other so if we listen to each other we can easily solve all the problems we face and be creative in solutions

  • I did the test and found problem solving comes naturally to me. This skill is important to help the world rebuild in a greener way because ... because now in this time we are facing a lot of problems such as waste that is not distributed to plastic, glass or paper, so it is difficult for recycling workers to recycle and also like factories that take out polluted air to the environment In the end, we must think and think in order to solve our problems

  • I believe that problem solving has a great role in finding effective solutions to the various problems facing the environment to reduce losses as possible and increase the appropriate production for environmental development because solving problems has specific methodological methods that depend on analytical thinking to solve the biggest problem and make it simple and effective and yield economic, material and environmental benefit to society.

  • Speaking skill is the most important skill that helps us restore a life styleSpeaking skill is of great importance to individuals, most notably: practicing all kinds of linguistic activity, expressing what is in the soul, or what individuals see ... developing self-confidence, the ability to fluency in expression, and independence of opinion.

  • I took this quiz and found out that creativity is the skill that comes most naturally to me. In this world, is not everyone that can speak or understand the same language but are creative in one way or the other. So with the aid of creativity we can create something like collage which can stand as the voice of every one. Through that, those that have possible solutions and can not hear will come out and give their ideas or solutions about building back greener.

  • I took the quiz and found out that creativity comes more naturally .
    In that am able to link up alot of ideas from different point of view from the rest of the members who are involved in the pertake of building back greener, with this i will be able to link these ideas and try to come up with the best possible decision.
    I believe that with this i will be able to also make some corrections where need be in the ideas of the rest,and also they will be able to critic ma outcome..
    Ideas collected from different heads ,put together and seeing the best solution is the basis for creativity

  • I took the quiz and found out that problems solving comes out naturally to me because I focused on the ability to accurately assess a situation and arrive at a positive solution.

  • I answered the quizz and the result is that I love listening.
    Talking is an obligation, listening is an art.
    We must listen to others because all the opinions can change thinks and make a better world.
    We must unite, we must diversify, and we also must respect opinions and experiences of others, by listening politey and not criticize without thinking.
    We all have something to add, to build back greener !

  • Throughout the global conversation all the skills were important but the ones that always came to me were problem solving, they are very important today and also important to help the world rebuild in a greener way (by thinking we can discover solutions they have an important role in helping the environment for example During the epidemic, the Ministry of World Health gave instructions and a solution to problems in order to reduce the incidence of infection, and there is a solution for every problem. Thinking we can solve it. We must always identify the problem that threatens the world, even if this may not be as easy as it is required so as not to reach the roots of the problem and make it difficult for us, such as The patient, if we do not treat him in time, we may lose him, and so we must help the environment and slow climate change through innovation and problem-solving before it is too late.)

  • When entering the guinness book ,the idea was not of perference between the largest or the smallest , the tallest or the shorter ,but rather the idea of creativity ,which promoted many to challange it to enter it ,and this is what I found in this programme to dream and invent to innovate so I think it focused on the skill of creativity.

  • It says listening come to me. It says I love hearing people out before making my choice

  • Listening come naturally because if you hear other people ideas, you can merge peoples ideas to make a very fantastic idea.

  • I think that the most focused skill was on speaking ,as the programme was able to gather many cultures, exchange ideas,learn about problems and present them ,which gave it a character different from presentation ,but rather on serious speaking to solve problems.

  • I took the test and found that the skill of listening is also important to helping the world rebuild the environment before I start. The reason: Have you ever asked yourself why some students fail in this skill: Because we provide a synthetic language to the student instead of the student’s natural language, some teachers even take a deceptive way of presenting the language under imprecise assumptions. The skill of listening is not difficult for anyone, but it does need someone who understands it. The teacher always wants us to listen and that kills this skill. Hence, by listening to people's opinions, we can learn how to help the environment. We don't want to be like the students in school. We want to be like the teacher because many opinions help quickly find a solution so let's talk.

  • I think that the most focused skill was on speaking ,as the programme was able to gather many cultures, exchange ideas,learn about problems and present them ,which gave it a character different from presentation ,but rather on serious speaking to solve problems.

  • PROBLEM-SOLVING comes most naturally to me .I like figuring out what's going on and using examples and reasons to back-up my opinions.

  • My result was listening. I think in this world many people have their own different opinions about issues. You have to listen and tolerate other People's view in other to gain more knowledge. I also think the best skill in learning is listening because you have to listen to teachers and friends before you gain knowledge.

  • Problem solving comes naturally to me because we have a target to solve the problem of climate change all around the globe when we figure out all the key points are we will still end at problem solving because at the end of the result we have identify the problem and have solve it we will speak to people we will listen to what they have we will create a sense of understanding and we will solve the problem at the end

  • I took the test and I think that creativity is the skill that comes naturally to me, it is different from one person to another, especially since every person is good in at least one area, creativity comes through listening and solving problems and it has no specific form, I think that it is useful for solving a problem Global warming for many reasons, including:
    It will stimulate a spirit of competition in it, as it will compete with people over who will find creative solutions first, and it will let us know different ideas related to problem solutions or advice

  • I took the test and found that the skill of creativity comes naturally to me. This skill is important to help the world build back greener because it unleashes creative thinking in inventing many machines that serve the environment, as well as thinking of new ways to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the environment.

  • I took this quiz and found out that listening is what comes to me.when you listen to other people word we will find out that everything is easy.for example when the BNC ask us to write something in not more than 50 words some people will go ahead and write about 60 word that means they do not listen to the instruction.listeningis what comes to me first,when you listen you will know the problem and that is when CREATIVITY and PROBLEM SOLVING will come in

  • Creativity comes most naturally to me. I use my creativity to Reuse waste, Reduce pollution and Recycle stuff that has been thrown away . I can use my creativity to help Building Back Greener.

  • According to me listening is most important. In modern world people like to speak and not listen to others . They just want themselves to speak . We should have a little tollerance

  • I took the test and found that speaking skill comes naturally to me. This skill is important to help the world build back greener because through it I can present my ideas and opinions and through it I can discuss others and know their opinions and through that we can find the perfect idea for building back greener.

  • Listening comes most naturally to me ☺️☺️👍👍

  • I took the test and this is the result: I see that the skill of creativity is of great importance in rebuilding greener. When I think of rebuilding greener, many ideas come to mind using imagination to develop and adapt opinions in order to please in a new way or do something new. tangible or intangible in one way or another

  • In my opinion, all these skills are important, but after taking the test, I think that creativity is very important to solve the problem of global warming, and it comes to me directly, as it is not limited to a certain age, everyone can be creative even if they are children, and it does not require education, And we can be creative all the time, and there is no room.
    Creativity can mean invention, where we will be able to be creative in the invention that will help the environment, and it can be in business, where we will be creative in planting trees, and it can be creativity in educating others about the problem of global warming..
    Where creativity does not have a specific field or specific form..

  • I think that listening is important to solve the problem of global warming. We have one mouth and two ears. This is proof that we must listen more than what we talk. If everyone listens to other people's views, beliefs and advice, I will
    I am sure that the problem of retention will not last long. Unfortunately, people do not listen much and do not care about listening to others, although they like to be heard by others.
    It is also important to know that we must not only listen, but also understand what we hear.

  • This quiz suggested that I possess the skill of problem-solving.
    Knowledge is something that we all are in the quest to acquire. At the same time, we are looking for ways to apply this knowledge to make the process rewarding.
    For instance, you and I have some knowledge on the environment- which is why we are here today to discuss that knowledge and reward ourself for the research we had conducted.
    However, there are several obstructions on the path to applying knowledge. For instance- I have theoretical knowledge on how to reduce pollution (by cutting down C02 and other greenhouse gases’ emissions)- but practical issues such as a conflict of opinion, barriers to change and resistance may act as hinderances when I am in the process of applying this knowledge. That is where problem solving comes in. It tells us that a hinderance is nothing but a test of our knowledge and we must continue our application of knowledge by solving the problem. For instance- Tesla’s founders have knowledge about engineering and the environment. They encountered a problem that people were unwilling to buy electric cars because they are expensive. But they did not stop there. They solved the problem by starting to build cost effective cars.

  • The skill that I have, is creativity and I think that it is really important to have this skill as you need to be creative to have problem-solving, listening and speaking.

  • I took the quiz and found out that problem solving comes most naturally to me.This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because realizing a problem is the half way to solve it ,but I think we can not depend on one skill, all skills are in equal importance.First we need to talk about the problem and listen to peoples ideas,thoughts and complaints and use creativity in problem solving.

  • I took the quiz and found out that problem solving comes most naturally to me.This skill is important because when we come up with a problem, we have to think of possibilities and nearest ideas to solve it we can not live with problems and solving them is something necessary and scientific which depend on trials, false and correct.So we can not give up working to solve a problem.

  • This is what it said on mine! ''SPEAKING comes most naturally to you! You love letting people know what you think and sharing your ideas with others.'' I love this week's competition! Its simple and fun!

  • I took the quiz and found out that speaking comes most naturally to me. I think all 4 of the skills are essential to building back greener, but I think speaking is especially so because without speaking, you can't communicate your ideas to other people. We all rely on each other and need each other to make our ideas happen , and if we can't communicate our solutions to the problem to other people, then we can't even use those solutions. Besides, good speaking can also help you to persuade others and convince them of your ideas, which can be very useful.

  • SPEAKING comes most naturally to you! You love letting people know what you think and sharing your ideas with others.
    One of the most important achieved was that I was able to express and speak in another language that is different from the mother tongue ,and I was able to identify other dilaects and choose the method of expression that suits the culture of other societies, and I acquired many skills and developed my English language abilities.

  • The method of problem solving is one of the most important achievements that I have achived through my participation in the programme ,as I learned the modern of thinking and reaching good results ,as this method will help me overcome many difficulties in life.

  • Teaching thinking skills is tantamount to providing the individual with the tools he needs to be able to deal effectively with any kind of information or variables that the future brings. Teaching thinking skills and teaching for thinking increases the degree of excitement and attraction for classroom experiences, and makes the students’ role positive and effective.

  • Learning communication and communication skills helps in many life matters. They have a positive and effective impact on the lives of individuals, and their importance is represented in: absorbing many things and thus achieving success in work and study, as studies have proven that communication and communication skills contribute to more than 80% of people’s awareness Lots of facts. So this is a skill through which we can communicate and get acquainted with people and benefit from new information

  • I took the test and found LISTENING comes naturally to me.
    I did not have this skill before participating in global conversation, I enjoy hearing others and seeing how other people think. Global conversation has greatly improved my way of thinking .

  • Speaking natural comes to me , through speaking I do researches and speak to people on natural issues.

  • I took this quiz and found out that listening is what comes to me naturally.when you listen that is when you will know peoples complain, problem, their challenges and what they really need and that is when you will think of creativity and how to solve the problem

  • If you want to be a good speaker, be a listener, and good listening is one of the pillars of dialogue, so let your ear hear what your mouth says
    The language needs renewal and development

  • I took the quiz and they said:
    "listening comes more naturally to me."

  • I took the test and it showed that LISTENING comes more naturally to me. I think that this skill is important to build back greener because it is a skill that most people take for granted. In order to get good ideas about how to build back greener, we need to listen to everyone's view about the topic. I think that there is a lot of pollution because people have refused to listen to each other and even to nature. This is why we need to listen more and build back greener together.

  • The importance of life skills in the life of the learner lies in the fact that they achieve integration between school and life by linking the needs of learners and life situations to the needs of the community, which helps the learner manage his life in a form of flexibility and effectiveness, self-reliance and the ability to positively adapt to his environment, keep pace with changes and face pressures.

  • I analyzed this quiz and speaking was my skill, the speaking skill is the basic skill after the listening skill, and the speaking skill includes conversation and oral expression. Effective speaking skills are considered one of the basic skills that help people interact effectively, whether at work or in education, and speaking is one of the Simple and complex skills at the same time require very strong communication skills. Persuasive speech may be one of the most important types of speaking skills, and it is the most attractive aspect of effective speaking, but it may require practice, using all possibilities to persuade others, and obtain their support, and examples of Which uses this type of skills clergy, lawyers who are distinguished by a strong and emotional language that affects others., Yes, I really like this skill because it helps me express my opinion, solve my problems, and share my ideas to improve this world.

  • I took the test and found that creativity comes naturally to me. This skill is important to help the world rebuild in a greener way because creativity skill means creativity in ideas, creativity in design, creativity in solving problems and creativity at work; So this skill will help the world to build back greener because I'm going to think of cool and exciting ways to help the world and I'm going to implement them too and share my ideas with others.

  • The skill that comes to me naturally is 'creativity'. This suites me therefore I agree with it; if I come across a new fact I like to link the fact to other info that I know. If someone disagrees with something I say I would ask them a question to find out more, if I am the only one talking in my class I would wait for other people to share their ideas first and there are many other questions but I won't say my answers for them. I believe that you can express yourself through art much more that through speaking.
    -Please share your opinions on this.

  • I took the quiz and found out that speaking comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because speaking helps us express our opinions and feelings. It also helps us communicate with others easily to exchange knowledge and cultures. I think that speaking skill is our gate to discover a new world .

  • I took this quiz and found out that listening is the skill that comes naturally to me. In the world we live in today, people do more of talking, more of wanting to prove their points valid than actually sitting down to listen. I believe that when we take the time to pause and actually listen to people, not just their opinions or ideas, but their complaints, their needs, their challenges, if we take the time to actually listen to them, finding solutions would be easier because then we would have more motivation to carry on in whatever tasks we find ourselves assessing, because then we would have the voices of other people standing together as a united force to support us..

  • I took the test and found that listening comes naturally to me, in our daily life we ​​face many problems that we have to find solutions to get rid of them, everyone has his own way of solving problems, whether these methods are positive or negative. But we should not feel satisfied with our thoughts and opinions alone because perhaps there may be better ideas and opinions from the people around us. We must listen to everyone's opinions and ideas, and we must know why this person chose this opinion, solution, or idea. This is a very important thing that helps us know whether a person's opinion is good or bad. Listening has many benefits, the most prominent of which is learning more and getting to know things the new we did not know before, this skill is important to help the world rebuild in a greener way, because with this skill we will know the best ways to return the world greener and we will unite the public opinion of all people by telling them why these methods are the best and in a logical and convincing way, and I do not think that there is anyone who can To say wrong about what is right.

  • problem solving i like to think of solutions to problems.

  • Mostly all skills come in sequence. If you want to talk about something real, you can’t say anything. You must listen and look at the issue and then start. Also, automatically after good listening, the internal and external mental analysis begins to solve problems, if any, if you are deep thinking, creativity will appear, and here You must see if this creativity is able to greatly help and solve either you adopt yourself and develop it, or you apply to international companies with its development to make you aware of yourself.

  • I think it is PROBLEM SOLVING because we can solve issues about government issues or environmental issues

  • Even if I got listening, I say that creativity is my aspect, I have noticed it, it comes more natural

  • A skill that comes naturally to me is listening
    The skill of listening can be of great help to the case of building back greener
    When there is a global crisis, a conflict occurs on social media or on television channels, and people begin to hear the news and believe what suits them and deny what does not suit them.
    We find here that the skill of listening has a great role in influencing people's opinions and directing their attention and concerns towards a specific issue.
    The listening skill, if used very well, such as choosing the right words, good diction, and the right music, will affect people from all over the world greatly.
    Social media has become an essential part of life, and most of the skills that can be used in this field are listening to the large number of news that passes us daily, and because the news spread on social networking sites is enormous and terrible, whether it is good or bad.
    These points can be exploited and reflected on the issue of rebuilding greener, like other issues
    This issue may be difficult at first, and not all segments of society will be interested in it, especially the elderly and the young
    But by repetition and continuity we may reach what we want.

  • I took the quiz and found out THAT LISTENING comes most naturally to me. I believe that if we are good listeners, we would be able to hear other people's opinions and see how they relate with ours. Listening brings about more peace among nations and then we would all be able to find a solution that could build back greener.

  • The skill that comes to my mind is that I listen to what people have to say before I make up my mind of what to say thank you for listening goodbye

  • I personally like listening and problem solving because before you can solve a problem you have to listen and understand the problem before answering.

  • Have you asked yourself what are these skills? What is the benefit in each of them? How can we help the world build greener?
    I will answer these questions in order:

    Speaking skill: It is a person’s ability to acquire positive attitudes and skills, the speaker tries to convey it with a specific idea, opinion or topic and transfer it to the listening party and benefit from it: Expressing the spirit and expressing all colors of language activity, how can we help the world in this skill: The environment is the surrounding conditions Which influence the development and behavior of the individual, and have a great impact on the skill of speaking, we have to make society speak and tell us its ideas. Lots of opinions and arrangement of ideas We can relate to each other to find a solution, and also if I am a teacher in the future I will explain to the students and explain to them the importance of the environment and the risks that may occur.

    Listening skill: is the ability to turn your attention to the person communicating with you, where you make a real effort not only to hear what the other party is saying, but to absorb the full message that this party wants to convey to you. The benefit of this is to show respect to the person speaking and to build strong relationships between the speaker and the listener. How we help the world: By listening to officials and people who specialize in helping the environment, there are people who haven't heard about the dangers that come from, we must broaden our conversation to everyone. Or we run a competition in the city and invite everyone and explain to them about the environment and how we can build greener and give out prizes at the end of the competition to people who listen and repeat this every month to give people information that will help the environment.

    Problem solving skill: It is a skill that depends on analysis, thinking, proposing and testing alternatives or hypotheses, and its benefits help the learner to gain knowledge about himself, provide him with mechanisms of independence, and how to help the world: This skill is very important that everyone must possess, not only for the sake of the environment or the climate, But for everything if you are a future teacher. I will ask the students a question about returning to the greenest area. I will ask them to study this problem and observe various phenomena. I will offer valuable prizes for every solution I like, and I will expand the competition so that people go deeper into this phenomenon and research the environment. .

    Creativity skill: is thinking outside the box or lateral thinking, which is the ability to notice patterns and things that are not clearly visible, and the benefit of it is to develop capabilities and organize human energies, how to help the world: creativity is really difficult because it always needs to think outside the box, the creative person is always confident From himself and be classy, ​​always the opinions of people who are competent to preserve the environment are not so creative. We have to do that, for example: to run a program called Global Green Creativity, and this is carried on the phones, and you write a creative opinion on how to help the environment, as the large number of opinions and creations lead to a solution.

  • I took this test and found that the skill of creativity comes naturally to me. This skill is important to help the world bring back the environment greener because it depends on the realistic production of new and great ideas. And then applying them to reality will clearly help in this process. It makes us think deeper and guess what we have to do and people with this skill can come up with business ideas ASAP. A skill will always be available if we encounter an environmental problem, and we must act quickly so as not to stop rebuilding the environment greener.

  • I took a test and the result was (Talking to you comes naturally! You love letting people know what you think and share your thoughts with others.) The test I found that this skill I use a lot in my daily life Why is it because it benefits one of my talents and who finds it to some strange, which is writing reports decorated with information to bring the reader's mind to think so this skill serves one of my talents In that, after writing the reports, I have to talk to convince others of the information in the report and convince them of my point of view, my problems, my solution and change their point of view. I can develop this talent thanks to this skill and can benefit a greener building process using it in
    First, writing reports for all age groups, but it serves the same goal, which is to spread awareness of the dangers of the climate and start the process of building greener
    Secondly, persuading others about the problems of climate change and changing their view of climate change and the building process is greener, and this opens the door for us to cooperate with others and other countries to serve the climate and develop a greener building process.

    Third, talking to other people about information about the dangers of climate change awakens in us feelings of fear about it and motivates them to do the greener building process.

    When we talk to other people about a positive view of climate change and the process of building greener, we change people's opinions about it and this motivates them to serve and develop the process of building greener and this process aims to reduce climate change and help the world, so we should all try with all our strength to field Hobbies, skills, material and moral support for the process of building more to support and develop it to eliminate climate changes, a dream of a new world from which these changes disappear

  • I took the test and creativity is a skill that comes naturally to me. This skill is important
    to help the world rebuild in a greener way . Because most people use art to express
    how they feel through painting. to release energy and show talent....

  • The ability to think fast is very important in building back greener

  • eager_reflection here,
    I took the quiz and found out that creativity comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world build back greener because people need to come up with innovative and creative ideas that can help build back greener. Inventors need to think outside the box, they could eventually think of an idea that will be essential in the fight against climate change. By using imagination, people can achieve anything. Inventions were made because of creativity. When people make speeches about climate change, creativity is a key part in convincing the audience and get their attention. For example, Greta Thunberg is very creative in the way she writes her speeches and inspires others to join her. Also, in newspapers and advertising, a catchy headline (which uses creativity) will attract more readers to read it.
    Thank you for reading.

  • Speaking. I love explaining. This could help by explaining to as much people as possible about thd environment and global waking so they understand how important this and help us BUILD BACK GREENER.

  • i was a creative at most times i link ideas with other ideas all the time i mostly be reading something and i an instant to another meaning of the subject

  • When do our accounts close?

    1. Tomorrow!

  • I took the quiz and found out that speaking comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because people understand each other by talking and solve any problem they may face and that everyone has a special and different opinion and this will help us to put forward more ideas and develop our ideas and agree with each other on the best solutions because the solutions And good ideas come from many ideas. Each idea builds a new idea, and this is what scientists do is build their ideas on other ideas until they find the solution.

  • Creativity is an important skill in the world, especially in schools
    Speaking is a skill that must exist because without the skill of speaking there is no listening skill because if no one is talking who will listen and without the skill of speaking who will solve the problems

  • Speaking is a natural skill for me
    Creativity I use a lot in my personal life, especially at school
    Listening is a skill that must exist because without this skill we will not return to a greener life
    Problem solving will not solve a problem without the previous skills because by listening you must hear the problem from all sides and creatively to find a solution that satisfies all parties in a creative way and through speaking you tell them the solution that came to your mind and suggest your opinion Do you see all interconnected with each other

  • Creativity is one of the most important skills ever, because when a person is creative, he gets praise, and this makes him happy to offer more and more

  • I took the quiz and found out that listening comes most naturally to me.
    When you listen to others you can learn to speak to others from their speech. When you also listen well you become creative and become a problem solver.

  • It was 6 weeks full of passion and excitement with the beginning of each week I was happy to start a new competition and learn new skills and vocabulary,but also a little sad because I feel like time is passing by so fast and it was an indescribable feeling that I was part of this conversation I improved my in English and I'm very happy with that I have developed my skills including reading, spelling innovation skills and thinking deeply about many things. I felt like I changed the world . I contributed to spreading awareness among many of my friends and family and I was always inquiring about their opinions about climate and repeating the environment is greener (building back greener)and we were discussing many causes and solutions. The wars were among the most important reasons that affected the climate in Palestine. Even if the percentage of carbon and toxic gases from the air were reduced the harmful effects and have previously affected water, air and soil especially ground water will remain. I hope that we can find the solution sooner rather than later.

  • I took the quiz and found out that creativity comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because with creativity we can impress people with our ideas, for example, drawing. When we express our thoughts on building back green, it is more acceptable through drawing and creativity. This makes people receive our ideas and act upon them. Therefore, art and creativity are very important to building back greener.

  • Problem-solving is important for helping the world to build back greener because as we are all facing the same global issue that is climate change, we have to tackle this problem , set the causes and effects and try to collaborate to find an agreement . Only by doing so , we will help all the nations solve this problem and preserve our planet for us and for the coming generations.

  • This is a good opportunity to know what someone is good at and this encourages him to upgrade this skill more and more and also to tell him what he should develop more than the things that already comes to him naturally .
    For me it's problem solving and it really surprised me , then now I can focus on what I miss more than before ...
    Good initiative and very helpful one too , thanks.

  • To me all the skills are implemented but, the one that is mostly used is Creativity. Because if you look at the world today there are lots of new innovation that people came up with using their creativity skills to rebuild a greener world with their insight or inspiration abilities to solve problems.

  • After taking this really fun quiz, the results showed that I’m skilled in listening . Actually, I am really fond of hearing people’s opinions, so I can get the most essential information I need. Also, listening makes you think and be careful with your actions. It is also a great way to communicate with others because listening and respecting others’ suggestions is a really important thing in our community and that’s the first step towards dealing with and solving global issues like climate change.

  • The speaking skill is great, but not all people can express it. My sister took two speaking courses, but she could not master it. She does not like to speak at all. She loves to write, my opposite, but in the case of re-making the world greener and international meetings depend on the international speaker I have, the speaker must be In the name of any country he masters it, as well as for the people and the media as well.

  • In the shops, written complaint boxes are adopted to know what the shop can provide to the customer or the buyer to satisfy him. I suggest that this solution be adopted for all global issues in general and the issue of making the world greener especially for the people because not all people like to stand in front of the cameras and on a specific day it is done Withdrawing some of these complaints and looking into them, thus giving the people freedom of opinion and seeing some things that might help them.

  • There are several steps that must be followed in all skills, the skill of speaking comes in an increased and beautiful way, I love pulpits and meetings, because I am in the home stone period, my meetings on Internet applications have increased, which led to my development

  • I took the test and I think that creativity is the skill that comes naturally to me, it is different from one person to another, especially since every person is good in at least one area, creativity comes through listening and solving problems and it has no specific form, I think that it is useful for solving a problem Global warming for many reasons, including:
    It will stimulate a spirit of competition in it, as it will compete with people over who will find creative solutions first, and it will let us know different ideas related to problem solutions or advice

  • I think that listening is important to solve the problem of global warming. We have one mouth and two ears. This is proof that we must listen more than what we talk. If everyone listens to other people's views, beliefs and advice, I will
    I am sure that the problem of retention will not last long. Unfortunately, people do not listen much and do not care about listening to others, although they like to be heard by others.
    It is also important to know that we must not only listen, but also understand what we hear.

  • I took the test and found that my speaking skill comes naturally to me.
    As this skill is very important to solve the global warming problem, by sharing what they think of ideas and opinions, discussing between them, and gaining experiences..
    And if people talk to each other, this problem will be solved gradually. Speaking means that one understands the subject well, and because talking increases self-confidence and eases the burden on our hearts.
    It would be great if scientists, experts and all people, especially the media, talked about the global warming crisis. This would mean their understanding of the seriousness of this problem and their quest to find a solution. Speaking also represents the sharing of ideas, which means acquiring new knowledge.
    Of course, we must not forget the manners of speaking, which are:
    Do not interrupt others, and respect their opinions and ideas.

  • I took the test and I think that creativity is the skill that comes naturally to me, it is different from one person to another, especially since every person is good in at least one area, creativity comes through listening and solving problems and it has no specific form, I think that it is useful for solving a problem Global warming for many reasons, including:
    It will stimulate a spirit of competition in it, as it will compete with people over who will find creative solutions first, and it will let us know different ideas related to problem solutions or advice

  • I took the test and it turned out that speaking is a skill that comes naturally to me because in companies and offices there is a special room for thinking and the mental age is told about opinions and ideas about the topic in general, which can be followed in making the world greener and thus the choice of the idea is clear and with better results.

  • I took the test and I think solving the problems comes naturally to me.
    I have noticed that it is a skill the world needs to solve the problem of global warming, and it is very important to solve life problems that disturb our day and our lives.
    I think it's a skill that most people have, but only a few have the courage to do it.
    If everyone solves problems for the sake of the pollution problem, then they will volunteer to clean the streets, they will not throw garbage on the ground, they will resort to recycling, they will protest against state decisions that violate the interests of the environment, and others.

  • I took the test and it turns out that writing comes naturally to me! Because by writing, we can communicate the idea to more than one person around the world, and most importantly to the topic of making the world greener, when international institutions and laboratories do research that is issued in the language of the country, but by translators, it is translated to the whole world, and also the deaf person who is unable to hear or speak can read without the need for a person To explain to him on the news screen.

  • I took the test and I think all the skills are very important to solving the global warming problem, but listening comes naturally to me.
    And it is very, very important to solve the problem of global warming
    For example :
    Listening means getting new ideas and exchanging experiences, and it also means solving problems, and listening is also a way to fight rumors that greatly affect our society, and therefore means striving to achieve the best for it.
    If everyone listens, this blinds everyone's understanding of the problem of warming and thus the search for solutions to it, and thus solving problems, and knowledge of new things that we did not know.

  • I took the test and I think creativity comes naturally to me, and is important to solving the global warming problem.
    As creativity means giving our own distinctive mark in almost everything, whether it is inventions that support the environment, discoveries that support the environment, or ideas that support the environment.
    In our planet there are many talented and creative people, and many people are creative in various fields that can support the environment.

  • I took the test, and I think listening is very important to solving the problem of global warming, and it comes to me automatically.
    I believe that listening is the solution to the problem, and it is a sign of understanding and interest.
    Or we listen to each other's points of view, then we will understand each other more and accept the difference, we will realize the danger of global warming and we will seek to solve it, our self-confidence will increase, and we will distinguish between the good and the bad.
    Listening means maturity, growth, and knowledge. The more we listen, the more we understand, the more knowledge and understanding we become, and the more we increase our judgment and maturity.

  • I took the test and I think
    Listening comes automatically to me, and it is important to solve the problem of global warming because it means
    Show respect for the person speaking, as listening to them shows how much you want to understand their point of view. Contribute to building strong and good relationships between the speaker and the listener. Gaining deeper information about the topic, as listening attentively motivates the speaker to delve deeper into the topic and provide more and more important information.
    And thus increase awareness, and contribute to solving the global warming crisis.

  • I took the test and I think
    The speaking skill comes automatically to me, and it is important to solve the problem of global warming, because the use of the speaking skill is of great importance to individuals, most notably: practicing all kinds of linguistic activity, expressing what is in oneself, or what individuals see, getting used to logical thinking, speed in thinking, expression, and arrangement. Ideas and linking each other, and thus discovering new things, increasing awareness and understanding, and striving to solve the problem, especially because speaking is linked to increasing self-confidence, so one realizes that it is important in this society.

  • I took the test and I think that creativity comes automatically to me, and it is very important to solve the problem of global warming, and it is also important in our daily life because it
    Creativity helps to effectively develop the economy. It provides job opportunities for young people, thus preventing the community from being exposed to unemployment. Production increases, and creative thinking helps reduce large production costs, and invent new things that can solve the problem of global warming.
    It also helps to improve performance, especially in solving various life problems, and increases self-confidence.

  • I took the test and I think that the problem-solving skill comes to me automatically, and it is important in our daily life and in solving the global warming problem because it:
    The problem-solving skill is a skill that helps the learner to acquire knowledge on his own, and thus he will realize the seriousness of the global warming problem and will increase his awareness of its seriousness, and provide him with independence mechanisms, as he will realize that he should not depend on others to solve it, and that he must rely on himself. The problem solving skill helps the learner to make important decisions in his life, and makes him control the circumstances and situations that you propose.

  • I took the test and I think that the speech comes automatically for me, and is important to solve the problem of global warming, for example:
    Speaking does not necessarily mean talking, but we can publish articles as well, which would show the extent of the danger of global warming, show proposed solutions, and spread awareness, and talking also means conducting press interviews in which we can explain in our own way our belief about the problem, our solutions and our actions Which you support as students, and talking also means publishing posters and posters in which we talk about the seriousness of the problem to raise awareness.
    But we must also be wary of spreading rumors, and we must verify the information before spreading it.

  • I took the test and think that creativity is very important in our daily life, and it comes to me automatically, and is necessary to solve the problem of global warming, because:
    Creativity is the main part of solving problems in life such as global warming, because it means understanding, and creativity is part of the basics of science such as reading, writing and science, where we will be able to read about global warming, and we will be able to write about the problem, its solutions and its danger.
    Creativity is not limited to one field, it is creativity in every field, and creativity increases awareness and understanding of the seriousness of the problem, and leads to the search for solutions.

  • I took the test and I think that creativity comes automatically to me, and it is important in various areas of life, and it is important to solve the problem of global warming because:
    Creativity is defined as positive energy, high efficiency, ability to reach a goal or goal, and human readiness by regulating mental abilities and imagination with the presence of will and determination until reaching the goals, so creative people will be able to contribute to awareness and research to find solutions to global warming.
    Creativity is not limited to one field, where the artist will be able to be creative in drawing drawings that reach people's hearts showing the danger of global warming, and the teacher will be able to spread awareness among students and encourage them to find solutions to the problem of global warming, and students can search for solutions to the problem of global warming..

  • I took the test and I think listening comes to me automatically, which is important for solving the problem of global warming because:
    It helps to understand words, take information more accurately, and write down the important ones, this will increase the sense of responsibility to solve the problem of global warming.
    Enhancing the meanings of friendship, when giving them interest in their proposed ideas and experiences, which will bring closer relations between them, and increase their curiosity about the seriousness of the problem.
    Showing a person's understanding. Listening reflects curiosity, shows interest in events and others, and spreads this awareness and new ideas.
    Good listening helps to speak in front of the public, as it contributes to recognizing how people negotiate, and how to present information, which leads to gaining the ability to analyze good and bad ways of speaking, and increases self-confidence and the ability to acquire new ideas, and thus the problem of retention will decrease. greatly thermal.

  • I took the test and it turns out that creativity comes naturally to me! Because in international tasks and global issues or even in combating crimes, employees with creativity, deep thinking, high skill and most importantly in the global cause are chosen to make the world greener. All ministers or employees with competence, creativity and thinking must be gathered from all countries of the world to discuss and come up with a solution that satisfies everyone. !.

  • I took the test and I think listening comes automatically for me, and it's important to solve the global warming problem because:
    It leads to asking good questions, instead of blaming or accusing in the interrogation, in order to search for hidden meanings, so that open questions are asked in an honest and confident voice, this will increase this self-confidence, and increase awareness and curiosity towards the problem of global warming.
    It will lead to not judging what the other person says, not assuming what they think or mean, and verifying the correctness of the information.
    Listening is an opportunity for acquaintance and cooperation in solving the global warming problem, an opportunity to correct misunderstandings about some of our information, and also gives a sense of interest to the person speaking and increases his self-confidence, and spreads awareness.
    Listening leads to acceptance of the thoughts and feelings of others, regardless of the person's view of the subject.

  • I took the test and I think that listening comes to me automatically, and it is important to solve the problem of global warming because:
    It encourages diving into details and linking them to oneself, in order to reach the reasons that led to the things that caused the problem of global warming, which will lead to research.
    It encourages clarification, to know things in a non-superficial way, and to understand the global warming problem more clearly.
    Listening makes a person not judge the other person's ideas even if he does not agree with them, so he is highly receptive, which makes the interviewee honest in what he says. It separates criticisms and disagreements in a beautifully peaceful way.

  • I took the test and discovered that the skill of being creative in problem solving comes automatically to me. As a problem and the issue of destroying the ozone layer that protects the globe from the harmful rays of the sun, whose destruction results in the entry of ultraviolet rays into the earth, which results in a lack of plant production, and many diseases that affect humans, such as: immunodeficiency diseases, skin cancer, cataracts or cataracts The eye, and others, not every expert can treat it, but it needs an expert analyst and thinker to elicit results or even causes and treat them.

  • I took the test, and I think that the problem-solving skill comes to me automatically, and it has an important role in solving the global warming problem because it:
    Problems are very healthy and important for our continued development and success in life, because they increase awareness and understanding, but they will not achieve that benefit unless we are able to deal with them properly. Therefore, problem solving skills are among the most necessary skills that we all have to learn. It enables us to deal with problems on sound scientific grounds.
    Having the skill of solving problems means feeling the problem, and therefore realizing the extent of its danger to the environment and the human being.
    It means searching for the causes that led to the problem, and trying to avoid it.
    It also means finding all possible solutions and employing them in our daily lives.

  • I took the test and found that problem-solving is an important skill to help the world rebuild greener because: This skill helps us discover a solution to a problem and makes us think critically. For example: If the teacher says to his students I want this question is a duty and he will take a mark for solving it, they will think about home to solve this problem so we have to apply this in our daily life to help the world rebuild in a greener way For example in the school the teacher increases the marks of the students if they search for it and give A solution or suggestion to improve the environment that's what makes them actually realize what a green return is.

  • I took the test and found that the listening skill comes to me automatically, and it is important to solve the global warming problem because it:
    It doesn't just mean listening to the people around us, it also means listening

  • I took the test and think that my creativity and problem solving skills come to me automatically, and are necessary to solve the global warming problem because they:
    Creativity means distinctive ideas that would create creative solutions to various life problems, for example getting rid of plastic bags and replacing them with paper bags.
    It means the great understanding and awareness that we have to solve the problem of global warming, and it means the ability to do everything we can to solve the problem.

  • I solved the test and found that speaking skill is one of the most important skills for me, it is a means of understanding between people and has great importance to members of society, which is {Practicing all kinds of linguistic activity, expressing what is in oneself, or what individuals see, getting used to logical thinking and speed of thinking, Expressing and arranging ideas and linking them together

  • I took the quiz and this is the result:
    "CREATIVITY comes most naturally to you."
    I think this skill will help the world to build back greener because it depends on producing ideas that you have designed in your mind realistically and with a little imagination, and these ideas after applying them to reality will clearly help in this process, and this skill works to expand the circle of ideas what It makes us look at the problem deeper and guess what we can do, and use the existing resources to apply it, for example when we said we would like to make robots that do environmental functions such as carbon emissions and we also said we would like to make machines for recycling waste, these are all ideas that help on the protection of the environment and the climate, but we have not seen them before, because they are ideas that were built in our minds through what we see applied in other areas and through the ideas surrounding our minds.

  • I did the test and found that the skill of creativity is very important in our daily life to help the world rebuild in a greener way because: Every human being must have creativity, a creative person deals with a lot of positive and negative situations and is prone to fail many times for example: an artist can draw paintings He knows that she may never see sunlight, and all this makes him more able to discover that failure is something that can be dealt with and survived, and this will help him achieve a better job and get rid of fear and failure and this increases his self-confidence. Scientists always use creativity and innovation in the manufacture of aircraft and lunar flights. They should think about helping the world rebuild in a greener way, for example, destroying the ozone layer, waste, global warming. All of these things threaten the environment and the world. They are creative people who are able to solve these problems, rather than approach the problem with a picture. Ordinary logic, they can be creative in different ways and see the situation from other angles, because they are creative.

  • I took the skill test and I discovered that the problem-solving skill comes naturally to me,I think this is a very important skill because you can use it in any other thing,it can help especially if you use it in making the environment better and also it help in your everyday life,this is because:
    This skill make a person feel confident in themselves and not depend on other people,e.g.if a person is thinking about how to save water and uses this skill they can come up with a number of ideas and not have to depend on anyone else,every time they use this skill they will be more confident in themselves and solve more problems,this skill also makes the person more knowledgeable and learn new things,this is because when he’s trying to solve problems he need to know how to solve those problems and on the way he learns how to solve new problems resulting in learning new things and acquiring more knowledge.Another thing that may occur because of using this skill is you becoming better at your reasoning skill,both of these skills in a way link,as when you are solving problems for let’s say global warming you will have to come up with a list of solutions and reason for them which leads to thinking on that topic more and having more questions.This is a very important thing you can get out of problem-solving is that you make really good decisions,the reason is because you think of all the problems that could happen and then find the solution so you end up making good decisions on how to save water,build back greener and of course stopping climate change.As you can see problem-solving skills are really important for you in your daily life and help a lot.I think I good idea for the next competition would be ‘what do you think the most important skill is” because then we would be able to listen to other peoples opinions.

    Thank you for listening to my ideas and reading them,I had a lot of fun in writing this.

  • The skill that comes naturally to me is creativity
    Even those around me noticed that I am creative in design and thinking and a lot of things
    We can use that skill in creativity to find solutions to pollution problems that occur threatening the environment and also creativity in how to building back greener reconstruction using innovative and modern methods that suit the countries to be applied in and suit their conditions
    As we previously knew that there is a group that denies climate change. When they see creativity of it, they may be attracted to it and they also begin to find modern methods to confront climate change and support a building back greener
    The human spirit by nature loves creativity and innovation and is attracted to it, and because of this skill the number of supporters of greener rebuilding may increase, and the youth group can be greatly attracted to support this cause and implement huge projects and competitions around it.

  • I took the test and I found out that listening comes most naturally to me. I think listening is an important skill to help build back greener because we live in a polarized world where everyone has different opinions about different things. It is good to always listen to different ideas because they might be helpful in solving the problems at hand. I always like to listen to other people's views because it might be the missing piece of a puzzle. By listening to different opinions, you can build a stronger point or arrive at a more quality decision making towards climate change. Don't forget we are all in this together and everybody's opinion matters!

  • I took the test and my results said that problem solving is a skill that I a very good at. I think problem-solving is a good skill because with this skill you can research and tell others more about the situation rather than sticking with the information that you have been given. This makes me personally look at an issue in many different directions. For example, to save climate change we must use sustainable energy but many people are unable to afford these electric cars to travel. The skill,problem-solving, makes me think about the positive and negative side of the argument.This skill also makes me use a wide range of keywords verbally and when writing.

  • I took the quiz and found out that ‘listening’ comes most naturally to me. This skill is important for helping the world to build back greener because if you listen to other peoples ideas, then you can decide if that idea is up to the standards of the project that is being presented. Listening could contradict your ideas and reform them into smarter more relevant ideas as well as expanding your understanding of the project.

  • While taking the quiz, I found out that problem-solving comes most naturally to me. This skill is vital for assisting the world to build back greener since problem solving can enable your mind into thinking out side the box. It can also be used for improving past ideas that have the potential to be greater. With this skill, helping to fight climate change couldn't be more easier as you can surely find more efficient solutions to fight problems and obstacles.
