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One of the major cause of global food crisis is conflict when there is conflict farmer are force to abandon their farms in other to run or save their lives. As a result of conflict for example the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has casus a high sky rocking in the price of some agricultural product e.g. grains and oilseed. In Nigeria as a result of the activities of Boko harm terrorist the is a rise in the cost of some agricultural product e.g., onions. conflict goes a long way in the cause of global food crisis.


The issues of global food prices the major concern of everyone is the finished or matured crops no one is bothered about how the farmer go about in other to get their facilities, the main focus is meant to be on how the crops are produced because the are a lot of framer who have left the business as a result of lack of agricultural facilities.


Climate change causes rising temperatures, heavy rainfall, severe storms, and extended periods of drought.

Many crops fail due to these extreme weather conditions. This has consequences not only for the farmers themselves, but also for the food they produce, and thus for global food security.

Monoculture harms biodiversity

The mainstream form of agriculture, in which farmers only grow one crop on one piece of land, depletes the soil and negatively affects biodiversity. Monoculture causes soil exhaustion, while healthy soil is vital for CO2 absorption. Harmful chemicals exacerbate this problem. A monoculture also scares off bees and other essential pollinators. Without the help of these hardworking critters, our future food supply is in serious jeopardy.

2) Food sector emits a lot of greenhouse gases

The food sector is responsible for more than a third of greenhouse gases worldwide. This concerns all links in the process: the way we produce, process, package and transport food, up to and including consumption. We know that meat production emits significant amounts of CO2 and growing rice produces a lot of methane. But transporting food by boats or planes is also extremely polluting. And finally, waste: not only does waste processing release a lot of greenhouse gases, but plastic litter also causes great damage to the environment.

Forests disappear in favour of agriculture

About 80% of all forests that are being cut down worldwide, have to make way for agricultural land. The wry irony is: forests are indispensable in the fight against climate change because they absorb CO2.

Comments (13)

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  • I think that they can start by using more techniques to save wood and start to use wood less on houses and furniture
    which could save trees and could end up stopping pollution

    1. I disagree because but it is better that wood is been used on furniture because if wood is not used then it defiantly has to be plastic and when plastics are bunt the aid in depleting the ozone layer and reduces crop yield around the nation by 20 to 30 percent.

    2. I disagree because but it is better that wood is been used on furniture because if wood is not used then it defiantly has to be plastic and when plastics are bunt the aid in depleting the ozone layer and reduces crop yield around the nation by 20 to 30 percent. So to save trees the amount of tree cut down should be regulated, there should be a period for cutting and planting to ensure there is balance.

    3. I agree because it is important to stop pollution. Planting trees is the way forward.

  • i think they should start doing is they should start saving more food and not waste to much so they can feed there people

    1. I agree because the rate at which poor people around the world begging and wondering around the streets begging for food is becoming severe and unpleasant to see. Some people don't have the food to be seeing everyday like we do, so it will be very painful to witness the act of food wastage around the environment. We can simply eradicate such problems of food wastage by raising an opinion to the government to gather all the people suffering from lack of food in rural areas and supplying them with food and necessary agricultural facilities in order to grow and cultivate their own food, or give money to the people for them to provide food for themselves, and also to educate people on the consequence of food wastage to eradicate food crisis at its early stage when started.

  • In opinion that conflicts, climatic shocks and the dramatic economic and social fallout from the Covid pandemic.
    All things that start food crisis.
    -Poverty. Poverty and hunger exist in a vicious cycle. ...
    -Food shortages. ...
    -War & conflict. ...
    -Climate change. ...
    -Poor nutrition. ...
    -Poor public policy. ...
    -Poor economy. ...
    -Food waste.

  • The cause of global food crisis is the many crises, including state conflicts, as well as wars in some Arab countries, for example, which lead to the collapse of the economy and the lack of complete food for people, so their conditions deteriorate due to the lack of necessary medicines, and this factor has the greatest impact on the poor class in societies.

    1. Yes, I agree with you, because the problem of poverty is widespread in society, and therefore this problem must be addressed by providing support and assistance to these families, and most importantly, providing them with treatment.

  • There are many causes of the global food crisis.The three main causes of food crisis is:


    2.Food waste

    3.Climate change

    Climate change: People don't talk about how much climate change affects the food crisis,but it has a big impact.Climate change can affect food quality and reduce access to food.Floods, droughts, more intense hurricanes, heatwaves and wildfires can drive down crop yields, destroy livestock, and interfere with the transport of food.Meaning less food can get shipped out to the united states or anywhere.

    Food waste: Each year, 108 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States. That equates to 130 billion meals and more than $408 billion in food thrown away each year. Shockingly, nearly 40% of all food in America is wasted.
    Thats a lot of money wasted a year,and thats only in the united states!Food waste has a huge impact in the united states,and it can harm other people who are starving aswell.

    Poverty. Poverty affects the food crisis because, a lot of people cant afford to buy food for their familles or for themselves.Which can cause people to starve or beg for food.

  • Though I wouldn't hold my breath, the way that things are developing now it will be years before any semblance of "normality" is back in many parts of the world. Some places will be irreversibly changed through these next few years sadly.
    They are right though, that it is all about bad incentives, so we need to focus on building smarter incentives!

  • My thoughts clearly people should re adjust to survive, dependence on certain foods should be limited and other alternatives should be put into focus. The tradition of people having small gardens should come back especially With more billionaires purchasing farmland world wide I think it's time we became concerned. He who controls Food Controls the world.

  • l don't think lMF a chance here. Countries should see this as an opportunity to grow and expand grain sports.

    Meanwhile, in this austere times of hyper inflation and recession, protecting your capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if you lose your capital, making money is much harder. "Missing the train" vs "losing your money". There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over. This is for stock holders.

  • There are two additional questions that should be considered when it comes to food security and sustainability: Are the right crops being grown in the correct areas / climates? Do we really need to dedicate such a massive proportion of our productive land to growing animal feed and indeed raising animals?

  • them locally. The biggest cause of food insecurity in some areas is the ridiculous overcrowding in those areas that they cannot support their own population. The best humanitarian aid that can be sent to these places is birth control. Low supply and high demand in the world trade market cause prices to rise significantly above the real value, even in self-sufficient countries, because world prices artificially inflate the value even for domestically produced and sustainable resources.

  • All the solutions suggested will never work due to the internal resistance if the system. The best is to teach the people to roll up their sleeves and start growing their own food . Yo can grow food anywhere and you don't need to DEPEND on other for survival.

    1. Can everyone just "roll up their sleeves and start growing their own food"? What challenges might people face?

      1. Not everyone can work in agriculture but they can contribute and encourage the agricultural some of them can work in the equipments and other provide with water resources and other services in order to end the global food crisis. But unfortunately this domain faces alot of difficulties especially in Arab world i think the main problem that
        1-there is a large areas of agriculture but it isn't suitable to for farming
        2. The lack of water resources in arab countries exactly "Non-exploitation of renewable resources" because of lack of capabilities.
        3. Lack of human resources because most of them prefer to live in cities rather than countrysides .
        4. We don't forget also climate changes.
        But I think we can face these problems by many ways
        1. Ecological agriculture .
        2. Sustainable agriculture.
        3. Urban and peri-urban agriculture
        But the main problem that these solutions need high budget this consider a big impediment .
        But I hope we can do them in order to improve the circumstances and end try to end the global food crisis.

      2. I would have actually been nice for everyone to roll up their sleeves and start growing their own food but some people do not have the capital to start growing their own food as a result of the economy of the country the find themselves in. A very good example is a country like mine Nigeria, due to the bad economy it is hard for people to purchase seed to plant but if they are able to afford it then the start looking for money to get insecticide to aid pest control, herbicide to aid weed control the still need it to purchase fertilizers for the crops on the farm. Another reason is the cost of buying land to farm. The cost of land is very expensive that a normal middle class person cannot be able to afford it. But for others it is the workload of their jobs that will not give them time to multi-task (farm and work) for examples we have professions like Engineering or Nursing which are very time consuming.

  • What stares in our faces when we look at the picture of the globe, is all those green pastures which no doubt could produce enough for everyone.

    Therefore, it is quite clear that food in and of itself is more of a political issue than an issue


  • ⭐Having seen the problem heading our way 40 years ago, we prepared for it by becoming self-reliant and fighting inflation/recession. Owning a home, having no debts, and refusing to participate in consumer culture. That means cycling past McDonald's and Starbucks and refusing to set foot in Walmart or any grocery store. There are always alternatives for each

    One thing you think you need. Choose the alternatives before they choose the alternatives for you. And if it is necessary to eat modern wheat, let the narrator know that the protein content of this grain is more important than “carbs.”💫