AI education and the future of work

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


AI is becoming so smart and powerful that it's starting to take over jobs and students at school or at home aren't benefiting. I believe that this needs to change so that AI does not take over in the future. In another perspective people such as students may disagree with this since they find it easier for AI to do your work for you. Otherwise people will agree with this because if they have to go to work and all of the sudden AI takes over it won't really end up that well since they will lose their jobs and students won't pass their GCSE if they carry on using AI. In this essay, I will present the positives and negatives of using AI.


Firstly, AI is very helpful for gavering variable and valuable insights in a much faster way which is helpful when you're in a rush and do not have a lot of time. Another point similar to this is that when students are stuck on a question they can just ask AI to help them and it answers within seconds. AI is also very creative and if you ask AI to make you an image of whatever you want it will create an image within seconds. AI can also be very helpful working with new employees since it could help them improve more with their jobs.


One of the main concerns in AI is that it could affect people with jobs. For example it is taking over people's jobs which means the person will get fired and they will stop earning money which will lead to a worse situation such as won't be able to pay bills,buy food and provide for children. Another point is that if your children are using AI at school the teacher won't know if you're using AI or not. Also when it comes to doing GCSE it wont go well since they have used AI and it has not increased the knowledge because all they have been doing is copying what AI has said. Furthermore The drawbacks of AI include job displacement, ethical concerns about bias and privacy, security risks from hacking, a lack of human-like creativity and empathy.


In conclusion I have stated the negatives and positives views about AI taking over and impacting students at school. In my opinion although AI is amazing and talented, I still believe that AI should not be able to take over since it won't be very good if it does.

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  • For my standpoint I would like to talk about artificial intelligence also known as AI, when we talk about artificial intelligence in education we are talking about the possibillity of bots that are able to teach you versus real life human teachers.In my experience I work with a reading program called Amira in my school. Amira is a artificial intelligence program that helps each individual student with their reading on an individual basis although I find that Amira is helpful to me in reading,I also desire to have a real life teacher who can help me emotionally and socially as well as academically.Therefore I believe that while AI is beneficial and AI can not replace a teacher for educational purposes especially in lower grade like in elementary schools.

  • Hi everyone.
    Artificial intelligence now plays an important role in the industrial and scientific fields. Artificial intelligence is used in programming and controlling mechanisms in the factory, and students do research that helps them in their school. I expect that in the future, artificial intelligence will be used extensively in the scientific and industrial fields. It is expected that artificial intelligence will replace Teachers, or at least some students learn at home, but I see that as something that may come from education. Of course, the teacher is better than artificial intelligence in interacting with the student, and it is my opinion that parents teach their children how to deal with artificial intelligence, as in the future it will be relied upon a lot.
    Thanks for reading.

  • Artificial intelligence is gradually becoming more advanced and useful in many professions .This can be seen when AI completes tasks for humans, and its even capable of doing the task better than humans. This is a big achievement for many in the computer science industry, however, in my opinion it endangers the levels of employment due to many being fired because of the wide range of skills AI has to offer. This could result in a developing increase in unemployment which would hugely disrupt the economy

  • Hello! In this piece of writing i will be talking about my opinions on AI ,how it might take over and what consequences it will have.
    First, I think that AI will eventually take over teaching. This is because people might think it would be easier and quicker for an artificial all knowing robot to teach children for it would leave the stress of having to plan lessons every day when the AI can automatically make one in just a few seconds. Although this may sound more conveinient , it has VERY bad downsides. An artificial inteligence might know all about the subject and become a great teacher, it hasnt got the ability or power to control the class if they deside to misbehave . It would take away too many job opportunities and children might not like it because the whole point of leaving the house to go to school is to have the experience of being taught by a human being who understands you and knows how to help you in any and every situation you have. Robots on the other hand dont know how to help kids with personal problems because they dont have feelings so they couldn't possibly understand what your feeling.
    I have also seen AI take over the music industry , in this situastion HATE this idea. First of all , music is a massive job and if artificial inteligence took over , millions of people would loose their job to a computer. In my opinion, I dont think that AI could possibly make music as good as Taylor Swift or Ed Sheran .