Immigration: a pressing issue

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Illegal immigration is a pressing issue that everyone should know about and it kills thousands of people every year. In fact, over 52000 illegal immigrants arrive on our shores every single year. In this essay I will cover the positives and negatives of illegal immigration.


Some of the positives of immigration are that some of the people that come to England and other countries stay in those countries and get better lifes. For example, they arrive in the country they wanted to go to and the government lets them stay and gives them food and money and a place to stay. Not all immigrants are illegal, in fact the definition of immigrant is a person that moves from one region to another. Not all things are bad in this world.


Although there are good things about immigration, there are also bad things. Some of the most common types of immigrants are small boat ones. Most of the time they come to France, although they can come from other places like Ukraine, Israel etc. When they are travelling across the English channel the immigrants can die from storms, cold, drowing, and on rare occasions the boats can even pop.


In conclusion, immigration is a very serious issue that should be resolved right now by the governments of the world.

Comments (5)

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  • I believe that immigration has been a critical aspects of human history, shaping societies and culture all over the world. It plays an significant role in global economics, demographic shifts and diversity. While it can lead to challenges such as social tension and resource strains, but it also brings benefits like innovation, cultural exchange and labor force diversity.

    1. Interesting points! What do you think is the main benefit of immigration?

      1. I believe that there are enormous benefit of immigration in the country of origin and the destination country.
        In the destination country, I think that the main benefits of immigration may be that immigrants can fill labor shortage, contribute to economic growth, bring new skills and diversity and lastly enrich the social and cultural fabric.
        We can take United States for an example. Many immigrants in United States have played a crucial role in various industries like healthcare, technology and agriculture, contribute to innovation and economic development.

        1. I would agree with this but also governments should support immigrants weather they are illegal or not illegal as they have taken many risks to gat to one destination which would not be the case if the situations were not as bad or really dangerous for them and their families causing them to leave

          1. I don't agree with you, I feel that illegal immigrants should be firstly checked, and if they are genuine then only they should be allowed to stay in a country, because it there would not be any serious rules regarding in a country regarding immigration, criminals or people who can be dangerous, would also enter.
            Some people from some countries really want to seek asylum because they are threatened in their own country, but some people are forced to leave their country because of some illegal activities they have done, and therefore they immigrate to escape.
            Although, if illegal immigrants in reality require help, they should be considered the citizen of the country.

      2. I believe that there are enormous benefit of immigration in the country of origin and the destination country.
        In the destination country, I think that the main benefits of immigration may be that immigrants can fill labor shortage, contribute to economic growth, bring new skills and diversity and lastly enrich the social and cultural fabric.
        We can take United States for an example. Many immigrants in United States have played a crucial role in various industries like healthcare, technology and agriculture, contribute to innovation and economic development.

        1. I would agree with this but also governments should support immigrants weather they are illegal or not illegal as they have taken many risks to gat to one destination which would not be the case if the situations were not as bad or really dangerous for them and their families causing them to leave

          1. I don't agree with you, I feel that illegal immigrants should be firstly checked, and if they are genuine then only they should be allowed to stay in a country, because it there would not be any serious rules regarding in a country regarding immigration, criminals or people who can be dangerous, would also enter.
            Some people from some countries really want to seek asylum because they are threatened in their own country, but some people are forced to leave their country because of some illegal activities they have done, and therefore they immigrate to escape.
            Although, if illegal immigrants in reality require help, they should be considered the citizen of the country.

  • As you said that illegal immigration is a very big issue and you were true when you said that governments should resolve It right now. All your points were amazing and I have an extra point. Governments must make laws to control that serious issue.

  • Hello i agree that it both has positives and negatives but i believe it is serious because there are some people who might want to go on holiday but cant because the border is closed and it can make people angry and they will not think they got what they paid for and for example people from Ukraine can migrate to other countries but other people from different countries are not so this is unfair to them and can cause a lot of problems.

  • In my opinion I believe that illegal immigration should be dealt with as soon as possible. This is because it is very dangerous as you said some may come in by small boats. If the government would provide support then I think it would resolve the issue.


    immigrants are people who don't have a bright future in their country or their country is at war and try to come to other countries to have a new life however too much immigrants can cause some problems such schools being full but i think we should help out immigrants because they need a good future for themselves and their families but we need some important laws surrounding immigrants in conclusion we need to help immigrants

    1. Some immigrants might have bright futures in their own countries as well as bright futures in other countries.