Luba Kassova


Luba is an award-winning evidence-based storyteller, journalist and TEDx speaker. She is dedicated to speaking up for those who are silent or silenced and her writing has been quoted or published in over 300 news outlets in more than 75 countries across the world.

Luba is a Festival topic expert on women in media.

Comments (10)

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  • Hello,everyone.

    If I had the opportunity to meet Luba Kassova,a festival expert on women in media, I would ask her what role women's participation in media can play in reducing gender inequality in society, country and the World at large. I would also ask her how media can make a woman economically independent?
    Thanks a lot.

  • If I could meet Luba Kassova. I would ask her several questions :
    1.How can we encourage media outlets to actively challenge harmful narratives and stereotypes against women?
    2.How can we create safer online spaces for women in the media and combat online harassment?
    3.How can we dismantle gatekeeping structures that limit opportunities for women, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds?

  • Hi, if I could meet Luba Kassova I would ask her what advice would you give a group of women who are being harassed and discriminated by men in their workplace and how would you take care of a business that is committing gender bias.

  • If I could talk to Luba Kassova, I would ask about her thoughts about gender inequality. How is it affecting the world? What is being done about it?

  • Hello, I like the fact you help speak up for those who are silent and silenced. What inspired you to do so. How do you help those who are silenced. I also want to learn from you so that I can help others around me. What made you want to help those who are silent, have you witnessed those who are silent discriminated in the society, as a result, this gave you the inspiration to help others in the future. Did you use your career as a medium to help those who faced gender inequality, did use this medium to help solve other people problem. I have been inspired by you seriously speaking.

  • If I could meet Luba I would like to ask her about her professional life and your normal life when it comes to profession are you going to always stay committed to your job no matter what because I can tell that you are very true to your work, for you to be known as an award winning evidence story teller it means that you are very good at doing your work, I would also like to know the stages and struggles you went through for you to be dedicated in speaking for those who are silent or silenced, has one of the stories you have ever heard made you feel emotional as woman.

  • If I could meet Luba, I would ask her about her experiences as a woman in media and how she navigates the challenges and opportunities in the industry. I would also be interested in learning more about her storytelling techniques and how she uses evidence-based approaches to advocate for marginalized voices. Additionally, I would love to hear about her TEDx talk and the impact it has had on raising awareness about the importance of amplifying silenced voices in media.

  • One of the believes we need to challenge from what I got from Luba is that women can equally as good as men in any industry. If I meet Luba, I will like to ask her if legislating the biases could help bridge the gender gap. I said this because there has been call in my country to allow certain percentage of political office to be held by women. It is still at the debate level.

  • If I meet Luba, I will ask her what she thinks is the remote cause of gender biases and also what what could be done where these biases are lazed with religion.

  • If I could meet Luba, I wound want to ask her that what is the reason of such discrimination between genders in the field of news-editing and journalism??
    Also I would want to ask what would be our responsibility as students to stop these social biases and to achieve complete gender equality?