Who has the power to stop social bias?

Luba Kassova is an award-winning evidence-based storyteller, journalist and TEDx speaker. She is dedicated to speaking up for those who are silent or silenced and her writing has been quoted or published in over 300 news outlets in more than 75 countries across the world.

Watch Luba’s video to see why she thinks social biases are a problem for gender equality.

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  • many teachers and managers can teach children and managers can give a fair pay rise between men and women many women are seen as not useful but women are the mothers of your family a person when you need when you are sick.

    1. Hello best grasshopper

      I am in accordance to what you are saying because i personally feel that for years women have been treated wrongly in the sense that in the past, women have not been given some certain privileges in Nigeria like, then in the 20th century when elections just started it was only male adults that were allowed to vote and then in Nigeria women were not allowed to be native rulers. Now due to woman right activists, women have been given many privileges which I will have to say is a good thing.

      I feel that many people/professions have a roll to play to stop social bias towards women. these professions are:

      1.) FILM MAKERS: Film makers have a huge roll to play in stopping social bias towards women in the sense that they can make films that talk about the power women hold and what they can do to solve many problems in the world. A film that shows such quality is BERBIE because it shows that women can also be leaders.

      2.) TEACHERS: As you have said, teachers also have a roll to play in stopping social bias towards women by teaching their students to always respect their elders both male and female and also to remove the mind set of young ones that women are only made to be mothers.

      3.) GOVERNMENT: I feel the government can also stop social bias toward women because they can make rules that stop bias towards women meaning the rule should be like no one is allowed to be bias to women in job interviews or other places.

      In conclusion I am saying that every one has a role to play in stopping social bias toward women which if we are to indulge in such act I feel the world will become a better place for women to live in.

      Thank You!!!

    2. I agree because A fair salary increase for women and men can be provided by managers, who also have the ability to educate children. Many people view women as useless, but since they are your family's mothers, they should be paid more because they take care of us when you're ill and prepare meals for the household.

      1. Should it only be mothers (women) that do this, gentle_dragonfruit?

        1. In the terms of children upbringing and proper caring of the homes mothers are known to be in charge.
          But I don't agree with mothers being the only one to do all these, fathers need to be close to their children too in other to grow love for all genders.
          In so many homes and families, children fear their fathers so much , these creates more bias in the society.
          Fathers and mothers should be the one to stop 🛑 the social bias . Everyone should work cooperatively and unitedly to stop social bias.

        2. N0, men also used to take care of children and preparing meals for the family when women aren't at home. However, women used to put more effort to help the home than men, which is why they should be paid more.

        3. No it shouldn't be only mothers that do that, fathers should also contribute to stoping the social bias in the home.

        4. Hello, Katie @ Topical Talk!

          In my opinion, it's not only women that should cook meals and take care of us. It depends If a man treats children well, they will trust him to take good care of them. Additionally, they can cook food if they are trained and do not pose any harm to the children after they eat the food.
          In conclusion, a man can do the things a woman can do if they are trained.

        5. Hi Katie @Topical Talk
          I said that because women can do it more, I don't mean that fathers can't do it even though fathers are are supposed to help In some things but I think that women should be paid more to put more effort. Fathers are also supposed to do some things like take care of the family,men and women are the ones that are supposed to stop🛑 social bias. Both men and women should be kind and give their children proper care as well as not favouring any above the other. So I think this will be a better explanation.👍

      2. Hey gentle_dragonfruit.
        I don't totally agree with you. I do say that, both men and women should be equally paid and not one gender over another. I do understand from your perspective that women are often treated unfairly because some people see them inferior and useless in our society, but they aren't any of those, they are very essential in our society.
        To stop the gender bias, both male and female genders need to work unitedly and co-operatively to bring equity in our countries today.
        Thank You!!!

      3. Well you'v really made a good point by saying that A fair salary increase for men and women can be made available or provided by managers but I don't really think that the stop of social baise has any thing to do with the a fair increase of salary for men and women because it is the duty of the parents to educate their children on gender equality.

    3. Social bias can be defined as discrimination for, or against, a person or group, or a set of ideas or beliefs, in a way that is prejudicial or unfair. I agree with what you have said about teachers and managers. Here is a famous saying about fairness, Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same it means everyone gets what they need. Fairness can start from the home or in a business organization. An employee can avoid biasness by employing someone who fits for the job rather than employing their relative who is not qualified for the job.

    4. I agree with you that teachers influence the behavior of children in different ways , this include: teachers reduce problematic behaviour of children, help them in good decision making, help them engage better in academic perfomance.
      Teachers could make an effort to teach about the effect of gender inequality and social biases which would change the way children think about gender inequality. These children are the leaders of tomorrow and they will occupy the positions in the media, government and others and if they had the right education, they could make a huge difference.

    5. I also believe everyone is responsible for promoting gender equality including the use of social media. Parents and teachers can collaborate to educate the children on the importance of treating women equally from a young age. This can help children grow up with an understanding that everyone is equal. Social media can also help to spread awareness about positive contributions made by women around the world.

      1. I agree with you because, parents make the most impact on children especially when the children are very young.Young children are easily influenced, therefore whatever they are thought young, will continue to do it for a very long time.In my opinion, the parents make the most impact on children and the society at large.If parents fight against gender inequality the child would most likely do the same.

  • I think he responsibility for stopping bias rests on everyone's shoulders, regardless of whether they influence adults or children. However, those in positions of influence, like managers, colleagues, parents, and teachers, hold an even greater responsibility due to their direct impact on shaping behavior and development.

    Managers can set the tone by implementing anti-discrimination policies, fostering inclusive workplaces through training and open communication, and leading by example through unbiased decision-making. Colleagues can actively challenge biased comments, advocate for fairness, and hold each other accountable. Similarly, friends can engage in open discussions about bias, challenge assumptions, and offer support in overcoming personal biases.

    For those influencing children, parents can model unbiased behavior and educate them about diversity, while teachers can create inclusive classrooms, integrate anti-bias curriculum, and provide safe spaces for discussing and learning about bias.

    Ultimately, stopping bias is a continuous process requiring collective effort. Everyone has a role to play, whether through self-reflection, advocating for systemic change, or staying informed about evolving issues. By working together, we can create a world where everyone feels valued, respected, and free from bias.

    1. How do managers, teachers influence a mindset in which a person has held since childhood because what ever we do,hear and being thought as youngsters never actually change even when we grow as children. So if a person has been taught for instance the male gender is more superior than females so do you really think that mindset can be changed?

      1. I think You're right, it's true that early experiences and beliefs formed in childhood can be deeply ingrained and influence our mindsets later in life. However, it's important to remember that mindsets are not set in stone.New experiences, education, supportive relationships, and self-reflection can all act as catalysts for personal growth and mindset shifts.
        Consider the example of gender stereotypes. Witnessing successful women, understanding the harm of sexism, and encountering positive counter-experiences can all challenge the notion of male superiority. However, changing deeply held beliefs requires effort, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn. Role models, open dialogue, and societal change all play crucial roles in this journey. Remember, progress takes time and collective action, but fostering a growth mindset and working towards a more equitable future is an achievable and worthwhile endeavor

    2. I exceedingly agree with you active_rabbit, the reason being that I love that you stated that the responsibility rests on everyone's shoulders.
      As an adult, you should be able to tell wrong from right, thus when you have a biased viewpoint about women in media, there should be something persuading you to change your mind and think about the right side.
      On the other hand, children grow up to become adults, and the behavior they have been taught or adapted to is what they will use to grow up, thus if they have been influenced to view women only at the house, they will of course, have a biased viewpoint about women in the news.
      I solely believe what you say about people in higher positions having greater influence. By having this big influence, people would love to listen to what they will have to say and would like to follow in their footsteps. Thus people like this can change the viewpoints that people have of women in media.

  • Being bias is the act of preferring one person or thing to another, and to favor a person over another. I believe that people who can influence children’s behavior are the people responsible for stopping social biasness. I personally feel that the parents are one of the major factor responsible for stopping social biasness because it is what you teach your child the would do or what they see you do they would do. For example we can look at a school setting: Some teachers show biasness in the classroom by favoring the male gender over the female gender and this is not supposed to be so. Teachers also often praise boys differently than girls, saying 'You did a good job' to a male student and 'Try harder' to a female student.

    1. Hello clever_redcurrant!
      I totally agree with you, there are many people that think that 'X' person is better tan 'Y' person because it has something that the other does not have and that's not true. I think we can stop believing things that are not true with help and collaboration, because, in my opinion, everyone has the power to stop creating these false statements about how people are by knowing very little or nothing about them.
      I hope you understand my honest opinion.

  • I think the media has more power in stopping social bias. The media has immense power in shaping perceptions. Diverse representation in media across race, gender, sexuality, religion can help break down stereotypes.

    1. I agree because... As people get to listen to the radio and watch news and also read some news papers, they get to be convinced that what is been said in all these sources of communication are the right things, they get to believe that they cannot be deceived by these news.
      So I think And I strongly and solely believe that when this people (media) starts to educate the individuals on the implementation of social bias and start to educate the individuals and the citizens on how to treat everyone equally, I believe that many people who already have this mentality that one gender is preferable to another will start to rethink and to retrace their steps because they will think that the media is actually saying the truth and they believe that they cannot be deceived by the media.

      1. Hi educated harmonica,
        I solely agree with you that media can help to educate individuals. But here's a question for you, do you think that media only has a role to play to stop this problem?

        1. Not really because it is not only media the play that role even the parent, teachers, and governments. Parents should be able to teach the children about social bias and to avoid discrimination between men and women, teachers also support the parent in giving them more idea about social bias and avoid discrimination and associates with men and women, governments play an important role to bring social bias as a topic to the school so that teachers' can teach it to the students very well.
          So it is not only media that stop social bias even governments, teachers and parents should participate and assist each other so that they will be a stop to social bias.

          1. I totally agree with you educated harmonica that if they come together to educate individuals, social bias could be stopped but do you think social bias could be put to an end if all these are put together irrespective of individuals opinion?

    2. I agree with your point. I think that social media has such a positive and negative impact on our society today and has the power to change the way people think. Through different platforms and creators people are influenced in many ways and believe that through the media social bias can be reduced. Many peoples opinions today are sculpted and formed through the media and I think reducing stereotypes can be done through this.

  • Hello, topical talkers.
    The issue of social biases is a very significant one in the society. We are all human beings, and we all have equal rights. Negative assumptions about a particular gender should not be made.
    Throughout my research, it is discovered that the case of women being discriminated is very high and I feel it is wrong. The issue of biasness exists in schools, the home, and even the workplace. It should stop because it could affect one's emotions as he/she may feel insignificant in the society. I have to mention that we all play a very significant role in the society despite our gender. As the young scholars that we are, both boys and girls are capable of achieving many things in the society such as cleaning the environment, offering help to other children who may be less privileged and many more.
    In conclusion, we are all capable of achieving a lot despite our gender.
    Thank you.

  • I think they people who have they power to stop social bias are ourselves,parents,leaders and teachers in school but I think they person who has they most power to stop social bias is ourselves and our teachers in school. For our teachers they teach us subjects like National Values Education and they teach in most schools the topic social bias,if they enforce correct and good knowledge on how to stop social bias on their students one day their students will be of higher positions to stop social bias. For us as humans we can stop social bias by forming protests,for us that have friends in higher positions we should try and tell them to stop discrimination because it is a bad virtue. If we try hard to continue disturbing people about how to stop social bias and how it is wrong they will consider our opinions and they rate of discrimination will reduce to about 20% in each country. Mostly women are they most discriminated because people feel they are not useful or they cannot do any work without a man to help them.

    1. I agree with your opinion. It's true that the power to stop social bias is in our own hands. We ourselves has the power to stop getting involve in social bias. We have to be aware of social bias and have to prevent us from getting involved. In our day-to-day life we may get influenced by people and involved in different social bias. Then no matter how much our parents, teachers and other people want to educate us, told us not to attached ourselves with those social bias but we don't pay any heed to them. Without listening to them, we remain attach with it and destroy our own life. For this reason, the main power lies on our own hand. WE have the power to make a change in our life. At the same time, parents, teacher and friends played the crucial role in encouraging and educating us about social bias. But it is we, who possess the maximum power. It is said that if you don't want to change yourself, no one will be able to change you. So, we have to be aware of social bias and also have to listen to elder people.

  • Honestly, I feel in every sector, everyone plays an important role, and we all have the power to stop social biases. I'm sure you must be wondering ''How exactly do children have the power to stop social biases?'' Well, if we as children choose to treat everyone around us fairly and we decide to put in conscious efforts to make sure that we are not being unjust or unfair. We can also grow to oppose and stop social biases.

    Parents also play a role in stopping social biases. As I was once taught by my teacher, a baby's mind is Tabula Rasa so the way they are brought up trains them for when they grow up and they have the mindset instilled in them by their parents and also the society they grow up in. So if from a young age the parents train a child to be fair and just to everyone around them and also to know that everyone is equal and deserves to be treated equally. They will grow up to learn to not support social biases.

    1. I agree with jubilant accordion; Every sector is very vital.
      I mean adults are the children's teachers, whether professionally or unprofessionally. Adults are to set example to children by treating every gender equally. Everyone is a human and has equal fundamental rights. Once a child sees or hears something repeatedly, he or she believes it and it is very tough to change that child's mindset on that thing. Therefore, adults should make the social environment conducive and equal. Adults partially run the world now so let's make the change now instead of waiting for the future. Examples adults can set include equal payment for both genders and fighting for women in power.
      Children also need to know the reason and advantages of gender equality, such as unity so when they also grow to be adults, they can also teach the next generation and set practical examples on gender equality. Adults teach children some things so they can carry the tradition on.
      Sometimes, children can also teach and influence adults. Children should be allowed to express their opinions on gender bias, e.g. through the mass media.
      Thank you.

      1. What's the best way for a child to influence an adult I wonder?

        1. That's a thoughtful query. Katie, @topical conversation, I believe that a youngster can influence an adult by expressing his or her feelings and opinions accordingly and by giving suitable, logical justifications. They should also be aware of how they behave with the elderly.
          I would appreciate your opinion on this.

        2. Hi.
          I think children can influence adults by expressing their opinions directly or indirectly. For example, girls and women can try to influence adults directly by openly protesting about the discrimination of the girl child. They are also humans which mean they have right to freedom of expression. Therefore, they can express their opinions on the unequal moral and social norms of the society, its advantages, disadvantages and solutions.
          They can also open blogs and post on social media on gender bias, its disadvantages and effects on the girl child.
          How can children express their opinions indirectly? Well, they through their actions. Students can ask questions about societal and moral norms. They can politely challenge such norms. This act of arguing with an adult doesn't mean the child is disrespectful but simply intelligent and eager to learn. Females can also show the boy child through their actions that the girl child is as important and efficient as the boy child. For example, women can challenge men in areas such as politics, decision making, teaching, influencing [motivational speaking] both adults and children and sports.
          For example, the former best female chess player in the world, Judith Polgar had once won Magnus Carlsen, the best chess player in the world, in a game. Serena Williams also used her talent as a platform for gender equality. Female journalists and elites also try to influence these societal norms.
          Childre influence adults' health and relationships, indirectly or directly, negatively or positively. For example, frustration a child gives an adult can negatively affect his or her health and a child's relationship with their peer can either makes their parents friends or foes.
          Adults are also extensions of childhood.
          Thank you.

  • Hi topical talkers,
    First of all,Luba Kassova's TEDx talk is really inspiring! I want to say a big thank you to her for speaking up for those who need a voice and for showing us how we can make a difference. Keep shining, Luba!

    In my perspective,Both adults and those who influence children can make a big difference in stopping social biases. Adults like managers and friends can help by speaking out against unfair treatment and promoting equality. Parents and teachers can also play a big role by teaching kids to treat everyone fairly and with respect from a young age. But really, it's up to everyone to do their part in stopping biases and making the world a better, fairer place for everyone.

    Thank you!

  • People who can influence children's behavior are teachers. After the growing age or adolescents of child, They do not share quite information to their parents because of the shyness and fear of getting scold. I think teachers are the people who can understand and create a fair and creative environment to the children. Teachers can reduce bias by ensuring that grading practices are fair, equal and based on standards. Teachers are responsible for stopping these bias by creating an inclusive environment and increase bias awareness to the students or Creating an open culture for everyone.

  • As painful as it is for us to admit it, the truth is that no one person or one group of individuals have the power to stop these social biases. First of all we need to understand that social bias may operate consciously, which is known as explicit bias, and unconsciously, which is known as implicit bias which implies that whether we aware of it or not, we are all a part of the problem either directly or indirectly but it all comes down to what is conceived inside our hearts. The truth is the only person that can solve this problem is YOU and ME. Each and everyone of us have to reform our mindset and mentality, check and put our perspectives in order help others see the right way of viewing things. In a nut shell the solution to this problem all comes down to us making an intentional decision within ourselves to foster change and with similar combined efforts, I believe this problem will be tackled appropriately. In conclusion I want us all to put at the back our minds that ''CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME''

  • The government holds significant power in addressing gender bias among both adults and children. By creating and enforcing laws, they can effectively combat this issue. Here's how:

    Firstly, the government can enact laws explicitly stating zero tolerance for gender bias. This means that discrimination based on gender would be illegal, and anyone found guilty would face consequences. For instance, if a leader of a company engages in gender bias, they could lose their position until they understand the harm it causes.

    Moreover, these laws would apply to everyone, regardless of their position or status. It ensures that no one is above the law and that all individuals are held accountable for their actions.

    Secondly, for children who exhibit gender bias, the government can establish educational programs or facilities to teach them about its harmful effects. These programs would help children understand why gender bias is wrong and the impact it has on individuals and society.

    By taking these measures, the government can play a crucial role in eradicating gender bias, creating a more equal and just society for all.

  • My thoughts are really very clear to this as it is whole hearted responsibility of everyone to provide women's their justice. As we go in our past at that time existence of women's didn't matter for anyone they were not involved in any assemblies or matters and we're even not allowed to vote as everyone believed that men are more superior than women but as the time changed women's proved themselves in every subject as no one talk stand for them they stood for themselves to get their rights and get justice. this league literally changed the world and now people's mentality has changed now women are more superior than men .

    1. I agree because nowadays many men are considered inferior at the work they do thanks to a female who supposedly does it better,workplace aside, many schools nowadays focus on the female gender and disregard the male, this had me thinking is it that schools feel they don't learn enough or is it caused by a bias?

  • Hi everyone!
    Since students are the future, they will need to be influenced positively to prevent bias in the future.
    I believe that the people responsible for stopping bias are everyone because we all have opinions, and they can make people feel bad, so we all need to come together to stop bias.
    Children are involved in bias too, because about 88% of children according to my research know about bias and about 48% do something about it like speaking up.
    For example, in the World Cup men are paid 42 million while women are paid 4.2 million this is unfair as both men and women do the same thing.
    Even in some industries, men are paid more than women some examples are the legal industry in which men are paid 59% more than women and the management industry in which men are paid 34% more than women.

  • We can't say that one group of people cam stop biases. It is a combination of a lot of things.
    First of all it is individual's responsibility to acknowledge them by self awareness.
    Additionally educational institutions can promote diversity by teaching about different cultures, traditions. They can implement projects that will promote equality and respect.
    Even the government has the power to stop biases.by making laws that avoid discrimination.

  • I believe parents and teachers both have the power to influence social bias. This is because they are always the first set of people children interact with, they also happen to be the most important people in the lives of growing children, and we know most social biases begin to form in growing children at such tender ages. Parents and teachers can instil confidence or a lack of confidence in the lives of children faster than any other group of people, they can also teach what group or fraction to discriminate against consciously or unconsciously.

    1. I agree with you, super_engine, because both parents and teachers can influence gender bias since they are among the first people children interact with. However, it's not just them who can have an impact. Children may also have role models, older siblings, or relatives they look up to. These individuals can greatly influence children because they admire them and want to be like them. Because of this special connection, they can teach children that gender bias is wrong and encourage them not to do it.

  • I believe that parents and teachers have the power to shape a child's brain and create a better future where social biases can be eliminated. However, changing the perspective of some parents might be challenging as they are deeply rooted in their cultural beliefs and strong social biases. But there still might be some parents who would try their best to understand this grave problem and try to stop it.

  • I feel everyone has the power to stop social bias because, we all have a voice which we can speak up one another. We all have equal power to do everything especially to speak. A child can stop a type of bias believe it or not, like just reporting to a teacher about a bully or an assault, it always starts small till that child becomes a Human Rights Activist. A women can speak up of being beaten by her husband and from there she will start to speak up for other women who open up to her. In essence, like I said earlier everyone can stop social and gender bias. Thank you.

    1. I agree with you. I also believe that everybody has the power to change gender inequality regardless of their gender, age or position. The small changes we can make will have a significant impact.
      At home parent can start by treating their children equally regardless of their gender, age or talent. In schools teachers can also start by treating children equally regardless of their ability to learn. Managers and heads of department should treat their employees fairly and offer promotions based on merit without showing any favoritism. I believe that no matter how small our efforts are we can work together to bring an end to gender inequality.

  • People who influence adults' opinions about gender equality will most likely be able to stop gender bias, now i have a very strategic reason for picking this, adults can influence children very easily especially males and then children will develop the mindset that women and men are equal and therefore women can enjoy the same privileges as men without anyone quarrying or complaining about it.

    1. I agree because as you have said younger ones are easily influenced by older ones because, I agree with this reason being younger ones usually see older ones as their inspiration and know they have experience more than them, so I also believe that adults' opinions on gender inequality is crucial in stopping gender inequality.
      I also think that the media has a role to play in stopping gender biasness because as we all know, social media and the news are sources of information and a way of learning about new things, so if the media are able to create television shows and news about gender biasness.
      I also think that we also have a role to play by taking action against gender inequality instead of just talking and waiting for others to start.
      THANK YOU.

  • Hello,
    When talking on the people who can influence our parents, they are actually quite a lot of people who can do this. Firstly, let's start at the grass root which are children, children as well as being influenced by parents can also influence their parents too. Children influence their parents by teaching them new knowledge and consumer skills, they can actually lead to internalized and lasting changes in values, self-concept and consumption behavior on the part of the parents. Secondly, we have leaders as influencers of adults, adults are like the highest form of a human beings, and they look up to leaders for advice because... leaders have more experience than citizens.
    I think that these are the most important set of people who can help in stopping social biases. Like seen in the topic "PREVENTION V PROTECTION" adults need to be influenced correctly by those who they associate with as they are the major factors which influence children. If all adults teach children, the right way to go about with social bias, they can completely eliminate it as they are the next generation.
    In conclusion I think that the power to stop gender bias is in the hands of both children and adults because... adults need to teach, and children need to be mindful of what they believe.


    1. Hello glad outcome

      I am personally assent to what you are saying because I personally believe that parents cannot only be changed by friends but also they can be impacted by their children so I feel that if children are to tell their adults about not being biased to humans I personally feel they will not be biased. Friends can also change the way some people think by also advising or enlightening their fellow adults about the dangers of being biased and what it can cause.

      I personally feel that adults and teachers are the ones who can actually teach people on how to be fair to all genders which if children are taught those morals, they will also impact the next generation with this. As children, we should love one another and we should know that we are not too small to impact the life of someone who can be an adult so we should not overlook something that is done wrongly by adults in the community instead we should correct them.

      In conclusion, with all I have said I am simply saying that any one can stop bias towards human beings.

      Thank You!!!!!

      1. Hello @ grounded seal,
        This is very true, I think that children and friends are one of the most impactive agents when it comes to the local social group of a person, but I believe that there are a set of people who can give even more information despite not being in contact with them. These people are the journalists and activists, they are not really recognized on a large scale but have a very huge impact. Journalists and activists inform people about social biases and break the issue down for all to understand, they create awareness and help to solve issues. They engage in leading friendly protests and involve the general public to actively oppose present policies and seek positive, constructive solutions some of which are biases. They also report news happening in a place for all to see.
        I personally think that it is the duty of everyone to stop bias because... it affects all of us, and if we all put our heads together, we can completely stop bias, but I have brought these jobs to the light because their works are being undermined even though they have a lot of effect on reducing bias.


        1. I'm not sure about this because even though we all know that journalists and activists work may be undermined, there are still some that their works are remembered like Emmeline Pankhurst who a female activist who fought till British women were allowed to vote in 1918. This should be a way to show that even female activists play a key role in stopping social biasness. I am not trying to make aspiring activists or activists to be discouraged, but push on and use their voices to stop gender biasness.
          THANK YOU.

          1. I'm not sure about this because... they are some notable works of activists and journalists, but what I'm trying to say is that the functions of these set of people when it comes to social biases is not that widely recognized.
            In the modern day we mainly focus on social groups around us when it comes to influence .e.g. friends, parents and children, while forgetting that they are people who impact us by coordinating us to utilize ourselves for our best interests; an example of a protest where the activist was quite neglected was the (end SARS protest) which was held in Nigeria. Even tough a lot of people were helped by this protest the respect was not given to the activist in charge. I am just simply trying to say that more can be done to encourage these journalists and activists because sometimes their work can be dangerous. After all, they have made a huge advancement in the reduction of bias.


            1. I think I now understand your point and see that it is isn't actually the journalist and activists that don't do much to the society, but it is us that see their works are useless by this good example of the (END SARS PROTEST) in our country that you have given to elaborate more on your point and now see why not so many people in the society want to be journalists or activists because we all want to have a big impact in the society, the lives of people and also a good source of income so I will encourage both present journalists and activists and also those aspiring to be journalists and activists to push on and maybe they could be one of the most famous jobs in the world. Besides even if the complete society doesn't recognise their work, there is always someone who is willing to listen to them.
              I would also like to say a big thank you to you for explaining from your perspective and giving me knowledge on this your idea.
              THANK YOU.

  • I think people who can influence adults behaviour have more power to stop social biases as they can teach their younger generations

  • People who can influence adults with women could be the media in general having a detrimental effect on how people view certain topics(including women and their rights.) People who can influence children's behavior also would be the media, and other adults along with their parents can force children to grow into a biased masojynistic household. People who could primarily could influence both would be anyone who has a job located in the media of social sites(EX: Snapchat, CNN News, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube.) Anyone who can manipulate facts around and make them construct around the idea that they support most, are people who can influence both grown adults and children.

  • I believe that we are all responsible for stopping social biases. It is our society, so no matter how old we are or who we are, we all have a part to play in achieving equality for all.
    However, I also feel that people who can influence children's behaviour have more power to stop social biases. Children have impressionable minds. They are inquisitive and observant. There are some things that one says or does to or near a child that will never leave that child's memory again. Studies show that children, at an early age, mostly learn by observation. They model behaviour picked up from the people around them. It is what we do around children that they repeat. To quote the popular idiom, "Monkey see, monkey do"
    Studies also show that it is harder for adults to drop bad habits. Older adults, especially people over the age of 55, change their habits less frequently than younger people. Those habits, whether good or bad, become "hardwired" in their brains, making them hard to forget.
    This means that children should be taught good values and behaviours that will stick with them for life. That way, when they are adults, our society won't have the issue of trying to remodel adult's bad behaviour. Children are the future. We need to focus on creating a future that is socially unbiased as well as trying to correct social bias in today's society.

  • Hello
    Well, in my opinion there are a few groups of people that can influence children's behavior.
    Firstly, we have peers. In the lives of children one of the major factor affecting the development of children are the peers, it just depends on whether positive or negative. In this case, if as children the issue of gender inequality and how the female gender is greatly looked down on is picked up as an issue of concern among us as children, it can become a decision among us as children to put effort into making change for the betterment of our future when it comes to the aspect of gender inequality .
    Secondly, another group of people that can help to stop this bias is the society. As children, it is very easy to adapt to our society. So therefore, if awareness is spread in school's, market's, and other areas of socialization about the increasing rate of gender inequality in our society today, children will take note of these demonstrations, so as to become curious and want to know more about it and want to do more and more about it.
    Thank you!

  • To begin with, social bias refers to tendencies or preferences towards certain groups, ideas, or concepts that influence our judgment and decisions. These biases can be shaped by our experiences, culture, social norms, and personal beliefs. They may lead to prejudiced or discriminatory behaviors. Social biases can manifest in many ways, affecting the way we see and relate to people.

    I believe that social biases are deeply ingrained in our societies and addressing them requires collective effort. But relating to this challenge, I feel that the people with the most power to stop these social biases are those who can influence adults' behavior, for example, managers and leaders. As leaders, they have the power to influence organizational culture. By acknowledging and leveraging differences within their teams, they can create an inclusive environment that challenges biases. Encouraging open dialogue and promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives can make a significant impact. Managers can also ensure an equal working environment where the population of female workers is equal to male workers; this can foster an inclusive and equitable workplace. And so, if parents or teachers who have managers or proprietors that engage in this noble practice can decide to carry it home educating their children on why they should not exercise these biases because of what their bosses have impacted in them.

  • As a group, I think we can all stop and combat social bias. We should also have confidence in our abilities to stop it, or at least try to, and act as members of the community who think that social bias is bad.As members of a society, it is our responsibility to stop negative things from happening. Furthermore, I think that because we are human and shouldn't ignore any wrongdoing around us, we have the power to affect the people and environment around us.

  • Hi there!
    I think both adults and those who influence children play essential roles in addressing social biases. Adults, such as managers and colleagues, can challenge biases within societal contexts by promoting diversity and equity, challenging discriminatory attitudes, and advocating for equality-focused policies. Conversely, parents and teachers shape young minds, instilling values of empathy, respect, and fairness, and challenging stereotypes from an early age. While adults address existing biases, parents and teachers have the crucial role of preventing biases from taking hold in the next generation. It's a collective effort requiring collaboration and commitment across society to foster inclusivity and create a more equitable world.

  • Many managers want to be more inclusive. They recognize the value of inclusion and diversity and believe it's the right thing to aspire to.

  • Parents and children can influence their behavior towards bias towards humans. Children can teach their adults about the dangers of bias and its consequences. Adults and teachers can teach people how to be fair to all genders, impacting the next generation. Children should love one another and recognize their potential to impact others' lives. Adults can set examples by treating every gender equally and fighting for gender equality. Children should also learn about the reasons and advantages of gender equality, such as unity, and can teach the next generation.

    Children can also influence adults by expressing their opinions on gender bias through mass media. Peers can influence children's behavior, and if the issue of gender inequality is brought up, it can lead to a decision to make change for the betterment of the future. Society can also help stop bias by spreading awareness about the increasing rate of gender inequality in society. By educating children and promoting change, they can become more curious and committed to addressing gender inequality.

  • Parents and children can influence their behavior towards bias towards humans. Children can teach their adults about the dangers of bias and its consequences. Adults and teachers can teach people how to be fair to all genders, impacting the next generation. Children should love one another and recognize their potential to impact others' lives. Adults can set examples by treating every gender equally and fighting for gender equality. Children should also learn about the reasons and advantages of gender equality, such as unity, and can teach the next generation.

    Children can also influence adults by expressing their opinions on gender bias through mass media. Peers can influence children's behavior, and if the issue of gender inequality is brought up, it can lead to a decision to make change for the betterment of the future. Society can also help stop bias by spreading awareness about the increasing rate of gender inequality in society. By educating children and promoting change, they can become more curious and committed to addressing gender inequality.

  • I think that parents and teachers has more power on influencing children's behaviour to stop social biases.
    While adult's behaviour can be formed to stop social biases, their mind can be changed by the society where they are living. But their mind may not change to stop social biases as their mind is reflected by the social biases society. They could change it if their behaviour was formed by their parents from their childhood.
    On the other hand, Children's mind are at a stage of formative years. They build up their behaviour by observing things from their surroundings. Their beliefs are build up by the environment they grow up. Parents can educate their children’s about equality, empathy from an early age. Parents should teach their children divers perspective about equality so that they can break social stereotypes and dismantling social biases. Teachers must add equality in their curriculum. Teachers can promote equality and challenge stereotypes by teaching children's about equality of every fields such as economic, politic and educational. Teachers can empower children to become agents of change. By focusing on children’s behaviour, we have the opportunity to create a future generation that is more conscious to achieve gender equality and social justice.

  • Hey,
    Personally, I feel that in order to stop gender-based discrimination, the duty of parents and teachers in school play a major role. If the mentality is directed towards seeing all genders as equals, when he grows up it will remain with him. My religion tells me to train a child in the right way and when he grows, the teachings will not depart from him. It is of core essence that these important values are instilled in a child at the early stages of the child's life.

    1. How do you think parents and teachers can encourage an equal and fair mentality towards gender?

      1. Well in my opinion, parent and teachers have very important roles in encouraging an equal and fair mentality (especially among children). I will be speaking with regard to my country Nigeria. In Nigeria generally, research says that approximately 56% of secondary school students are male, while approximately 44% of them are female. This obviously shows that there is some sense of partiality or to say, gender bias in the admission of students. In my opinion there is supposed to be a certain level of equality in dealing with gender sensitive issues, especially in schools where this should be a major area of concern among the students to show that they are all equal born with equal rights, and no gender is superior to another.
        Also when we come to the role of parents. In Nigeria, there is a certain belief among the Igbo people of south-eastern Nigeria that places preference on male children to female. with this behaviour, children weather male or female grow up with the mentality that generally the more value is placed on male children, which therefore leads to the gender bias in the society today. so parents should be able to treat all their children no matter the gender with equal love and care.
        thank you

  • Hi Topical Talkers!
    To me I believe that everyone can stop social biases including children who are growing up but it will start from their background, how they are being trained. There are some parents who take their time to mould their children in such a way that they learn to tolerate everyone around them. As a kid growing up, they only look up to their parents for morals as we know that morals can be instilled into a kid by parents as a skill. So I believe that if the parent take time to teach them different parts of life that are good and the dangerous ones well, and also benefits of being at peace with everyone around them wherever they find themselves, the children will grow up with it and then put it into practice in the school, fellowship at church or other places where they are, this will make them to develop morals and make it a better society in the country.

  • I think that the people with the power to stop inequality are those who influence adults this is because those who have power and influence over others would most likely be the ones to suppress adults for speaking out about gender Bias because those types of people have control over their social and source of revenue because their source of income is from those type of people the main reason for me picking adults is because of the influence they have in the world the government listen to adults and not kids adults have the voice to stand out for gender inequality no one would listen to the kid, we have voices as kids which are loud with courage but adults have a louder voice they discover and solve these problems so this why I think those who could influence adults positively could solve social bias
    I don't like to generlise because people who influence adults are also good
    so I didn't list anyone

    1. Hi Charming synthesizer, I agree with you that more adults than children have power and influence, but don't you think that with the internet also kids now have a chance to make their voice heard globally? Like Greta Thunberg or Malala Yousafzai.

        Yes it is true that the internet is one of the many ways childrens voices can be heard and as you said the internet is one of the best ways for kids to have their voices heard it is actually the most effective way it is the fastest way to have their voices heard and the easiest because kids have more access to the internet than for them to go and start or to join riots for their voices to be heard it is certainly a safe way and as we have seen children's voice are being heard through the internet the internet has many positive features it it allows kids to gather knowledge speak out for themselves and truly have their voices heard
        I really agree with you on the fact that kids voice is have been heard and are being heard through theinternet and as you have listed Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai it is one the best ways to help kids speak out gather knowledge and band together with people of with kids of their same views and interest
        Thank you

  • I believe that we, as a community can stop social biases and change how society thinks of women. If everyone started doing things such as being open minded to other people's opinions, protesting, explore diversity, and educating yourself. To start, many people nowadays have a very negative mindset as they aren't open minded. Although, if everybody was open minded to other people's opinions, people would understand others perspective and learn how to sympathies with others. Also, people should start to educate themselves before speaking upon a sensitive or a topic that people debate over. For instance, before I comment I would always look at other comments to see their perspective and to learn from them. This helps me understand the topic more and how others feel about it. All in all, I strongly feel that we can stop social biases by doing things such as educating yourself, being open to diversity, and being open minded.

  • I believe that both men and journalists can play a crucial role in fighting social biases. Journalists have the power to influence the news while men can support women's protests in the pursuit of gender equality.

    1. @calm cloud. Can you think of an example of ways in which men and journalists can play a role in fighting social biases?

      1. HELLO!
        Journalists and men can play a crucial role in fighting social biasness by promoting inclusive narratives and challenging stereotypes. Journalists can ensure fair and balanced reporting, while men can actively support gender equality and challenging harmful behaviours.
        THANK YOU!

  • I understand that we need people who are sensible and wise to stop social bias but I feel that is all wrong. We have the right to stop social bias ourselves and we have the strength to hold on till the end. Social bias is experienced by those who are not bold and do not want to be bold and tolerantly push themselves away. In all American films I have watched, I figured that they are to scared, shy, they do not want to offend the person and that is what happens to so many people nowadays. So we should correct the sentence "who is responsible for preventing social bias"? instead ask "how do we all stop social bias"?. This should be done to let others know that we can only stop social bias together because one can never be able to stop critical cases alone, we need each other to fully stop this challenge that the whole world struggles to defeat.

    1. Well said.
      Although it is important to have individuals who are rational and perceptive to combat social bias, I believe the responsibility to address social bias lies with each of us. We possess the capability and resilience to confront social bias and persevere until it is eradicated. The experience of social bias is often encountered by individuals who may not feel empowered or assertive and may tend to distance themselves. In many American films, I have noticed a pattern where people appear too timid or hesitant to confront bias, often out of fear of causing offense. This seems to be a prevailing issue in society today.

      Instead of asking "Who is responsible for preventing social bias?" a more appropriate question might be "How do we collectively stop social bias?" It is essential to recognize that stopping social bias is a collective effort, as one individual alone may not be able to effectively address critical issues. Joining forces and supporting one another is crucial in overcoming this pervasive global challenge.

      1. Can you give me an example of a film where you have seen this straightforward_king? How have you seen this displayed by characters?

  • I think that teachers have more power, because they have the chance to educate young children. They can set children's minds. Also, from my own experience, it is easier to teach a new concept to a child, rather than an adult. That's because adults have been living their lives in a certain way, with certain ideas. They mostly find it difficult to adapt to something completely new. Children, on the other hand, absorb information after information. They accept things quicker because they aren't fixed on some ideas already. For example, after you have lived your entire life strongly believing an idea, because that's what you have been told, then you won't accept the fact that you were wrong, just because someone tells you that. You would try to defend the information that you believe is right and make others believe it too. It is hard to be open minded after living your whole life one way.
    Teachers play a vital role in this. What they teach, children learn. I believe that if teachers wish to, they can make a huge difference. In my opinion, it is all about education and the way you grow up. If children grow up respecting both men and women, then they are a lot less likely to underestimate women. Also, I think that they definitely need an example. Teachers can show them how to behave. Some of the kids nowadays will sit and interview others, maybe just 20 years from now. I think that it is crucial for them to grow up knowing that there is no actual reason to hire or not to hire someone, just because of their gender. If they know that, then I think that the pay gap between men and women will slowly close as well.

    1. I'm not sure about this because if the teachers have more power , so what about the managers , friends and colleagues . Today , friends and colleagues have more influence especially on children. Some managers are influential and some of them might tell you to do something and the consequence will be to loose your job and for friends . you said it is easier to teach a new concept to a child but in some country the voices of the youths and children are not heard and so that is why it should be to the adults.

  • The federal government has a responsibility to ensure equal opportunity for everyone in America. Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status.

  • It is widely known that one person cannot be solely responsible for gender bias, rather it is the society that can be the root cause of it. This bias can be shaped by the formal rules that govern an individual's behavior and attitude, which can lead to harmful inequality for women and girls. This can hurt women's mental health, increasing their stress levels and lowering their self-esteem. Societal norms, when enforced on women, can discourage and hinder them from discovering their true potential and even lead to their skills being overlooked.

    1. Do you have any ideas about how we can fight against social bias?

      1. We can fight against social bais by admiting and be honest to your self about the fact that you can be bais, we have to acknowledge bais, we need to know about our selves and understanding how we can control our feeling when it come to these bais in the society, and when we can take responsibility for mitigating bais in the society, we can fight against social bais in the society.

      2. Hi Chloe
        We can all fight social biases by taking small but necessary steps. For example - a child facing social bias in school can stand up to it and complain, a working woman being downgraded for not doing house chores can explain to people about the efforts she puts in, a man being told not to cry can tell the people around him to stop creating stereotypes. I think all of us face social bias in one way or another in our day-to-day lives. However, most often we fail to recognise it or ignore it. But to fight and eradicate social bias we will all have to take some steps and bring changes in our environment with that. All of us should spread awareness through plays, dramas, recitals etc in our schools, neighbourhoods and houses. Only then we can fight social bias.

        1. You say that we fail to recognise or ignore social biases. How do you think we can make people more aware of them in order to bring about change?

          1. Hi Harriet
            I think that we can bring change by educating young children from their childhood. Schools should organise dramas, plays, musical performances to tell students about the existing biases and how to eradicate them. Parents should inclulate the values of equality and equity in students. When students will learn about such things in their day to day life, they will be able to be free of bias. Films should be made on themes revolving around social bias. Stepping up respectfully to our elders who display biasness should be encouraged. I think some of these measures will help us to bring change.

  • I believe that all of them have the power to stop biases.
    But the root of all are teachers along with their parents. They educate and transmit knowledge from a very early age where children are still in their development
    When they are taught from a young age daily from their role models , teachers and parents that they are equal no matter the race or the colour then in their later life will continue these perceptions.

    1. I entirely agree, every single person has the power to stop biases. Whether this is just in your home, the wider community or the country everyone has the ability to have a say and stop current and prevent further biases.

      As you have said, teachers and parents are the base of our education on the world and people. So for us to destroy these biases that have been created, they are the ones who have the ability to share this power with the younger generations so these biases can be diminished.

      It is important that these positive views are embedded into the minds of young children so we can help stop the continuance of biases in society.

  • I think both grown-ups and adults can help make the world fairer by stopping biases. Grown-ups like bosses, friends, and people we work with can teach others to be fair by showing good behavior and talking about why it's important to treat everyone equally. They can also make rules that make sure everyone gets treated the same.
    Parents and teachers have a big job too. They teach kids how to be kind and fair right from when they're little. They can do this by showing how to be nice to everyone, teaching about different people and cultures, and explaining why it's not okay to judge someone because they're different.
    I also believe that stopping biases isn't just one group's job. Both grown-ups and adults need to work together to make things better for everyone. Grown-ups can fix things now, while parents and teachers can teach the next generation how to be fair and kind. If everyone helps out, we can make the world a better place where everyone is treated with respect.

  • In my opinion it’s everyone’s responsibility, whether they are teachers, manager, colleagues, friend or anyone you know.
    In case of children, their parents and teachers are most influential figures for them. So for children, it’s the responsibility of their guardian, parent and teacher to protect children’s innocent mind from the poison of gender biasness.
    In case of adults, their friends, colleagues are the only one to stop spreading gender biasness. The owner of the place where they may also help by providing women with equal salaries and equal privileges.

  • Hello.
    Well I believe that Both groups have significant power to address social biases, but in different ways and contexts.
    Those who can influence adult's behavior, such as managers, colleagues, and friends, play a crucial role in challenging and changing societal norms and attitudes. They can educate others, promote inclusivity, and lead by example, which can have a ripple effect on a broader scale.
    But according to me I feel the people who have most power to stop this biases is people who influence children's behavior because the parents and the teachers are mostly the ones who train the children who often teach the boys that they are more important of they should be respected or they are the leaders which eventually makes them think less of women and the biases continues. The Parents and teachers also teach the girls that the boys are to be respected and obeyed, they are your leaders and care takers. This leads to the girls also feeling inferior of herself and superior of the males which creates a male dominant atmosphere in the family. So I feel its the Parents and teacher's duty to teach the boys that they are no superior but equal to the girls and the girls should be taught to stand up for her own rights and that she is no less than a man.
    As it is rightly said "Whatever a man can do, a woman can do, if not better."
    So I feel the adults are only responsible for stopping these biases by training their kids well.

  • Hi brillant Topical Talkers!!!

    I think that both people who can influence adults' behaviour and people who can influence children's behaviour can be held responsible for stopping social biases. It will be my pleasure to tell you why in this comment.

    People who influence children's behaviour. (parents and teachers) These people can influence children's behaviour because if they train children to have gender equality and not underestimate their opposite gender, they will have this positive mindset to have gender equality with opposite genders until they grow and will even influence others to have gender equality and this will help to stop social biases.

    People who influence adults' decision (managers, colleagues and friends). These people can have an influence on them because they can be close friends so if they positively advice their colleagues to have gender equality, the news will spread which will start to stop social biases and very soon, opposite genders will not underestimate themselves which will increase self confidence of both genders.

  • Firstly, our class really appreciated the insight from Luba about social biases and her experiences within her profession. We believe that social biases needs to be tackled by schools across the world to allow a new generation of children to grow up and uphold good values that tackle social biases. That would be the long term plan. In the short term, we believe that lawmakers, governments, media and advertising would need to push to tackle social biases.

  • Individuals have more power to fight against social bias. Firstly, by thinking about their own biases, they can recognize and change them. This helps them treat everyone with respect and kindness. Secondly, when they stand up against discrimination and unfair treatment, it makes a difference. By speaking out and showing kindness, they encourage others to do the same. Lastly, they can learn more about different cultures and histories, and support groups that promote fairness and equality. By doing these things, individuals help make the world a better and fairer place for everyone.

  • I personally feel that it lies in citizens themselves children have there own opinions but are shut down or suck what they see like a sponge they absorb what socitey says and what important people do like parents and teachers.Then as adults they belive the information that was ingrained into their brains as childern and the cycle continues.

  • I think that people who can influence adults' behaviour for example managers, colleagues and friends have more power to stop social biases. My reason for this is that adults are more mature enough to tell those who make social biases to stop and have an equal right to speech.

  • I feel that for a child the influences that one child takes is up to the parent to determine what is acceptable and what isn't. The parent should actively try to monitor the media a child takes in. As for adults and young adults I feel that it's also up to the person to have a good discretion and filter what they consume. It is up to the person to be stronger mentally .

  • In my opinion, it's super important for adults who can change how others act, and also for those who guide kids, to fight against unfair thoughts about people. But I believe that adults, like bosses, coworkers, and friends, have the biggest power to shape how everyone thinks at work, in hangouts, and in our communities. When they stand up to unfairness, celebrate differences, and show everyone how to be respectful and fair, they really make a big difference in fighting those unfair thoughts. To me, stopping these unfair thoughts is everybody's job. Grown-ups who can change how other grown-ups act and folks who guide kids both need to work together. If we fight against unfairness when we're adults and also when we're kids, we can make a big, lasting change. Grown-ups can fix unfair thoughts that already exist, while good influences on kids can stop those unfair thoughts from even starting.

  • According to me, if children are carved in the right manner with all the right beliefs and values, then there is no need to be concerned about social biases. The foundation must be laid perfectly so that these unnecessary discriminations don't occur. Wrong foundation may give severe feelings of detest relating to gender discrimination.

  • I think everyone person living in this world can help in stopping social bias. Whether it is manager's, teachers, friends and colleagues. Parent's should teach their children's that there is no difference between a men and women. Both are equal. If they are taught these things from young age then when they grow up they will not act like the men's are always inferior then women. They will also let their friends know about it. Manager's when they will not discriminate between a men and women and pay equally the the workers in office or companies will get to know that the manager does not discriminate between a men and women so they will respect these decisions and support the womens. In school teachers should also teach the students that never be bias to someone whether it's a boy or girl. People are usually biased towards men, but if mens support women then there will be discrimination. That's the reason education is very important for every person in the world. And if people are feeling that the manager is biased towards someone then they should speak up.

  • There are still some places and people that believe that a woman's place is in the kitchen and home. This ideology should change. Women are standing up, protesting, and defending their rights. I also believe that women should have more relevant positions in society. Without women, the world would not be what it is so we should give women the opportunity to do what they want and have more opportunity.

  • I think we all are responsible for or stopping societal bias however social bias occurs when we unknowingly or deliberately make a judgment on certain individuals, groups, races, sexes, etc., due to preconceived notions that we have of that group. These can be both positive and negative beliefs and are often instilled in us based on our own culture and environment.
    What are the forms of societal bais ?
    There are many forms of social bias but I will provide two that I think are most prominent in society, the first one is the halo effect,this type of bias happens when our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about them.For example, if we think someone is pretty, we may also think they are smart. Similarly, if we think someone is rude, we may also think they are unintelligent. By taking one positive or negative attribute about someone, we extrapolate and apply it to all aspects of their life.
    What do we have to do ?
    We have to eliminated societal bias however you must have personal qualities that help you understand others, such as commitment, good listening, dialogue, curiosity for knowledge, courage, intelligence, awareness of other cultures, cooperation, and awareness of bias.

  • Hello everyone!

    In my country, most girls are trained to become housewives and are not given access to education. Since children are the next generation, I believe that parents and teachers hold more power to stop bias in children, as the old saying goes "nip the weed at the bud."

    I believe that stopping bias is not only limited to the world of jobs and politics but can also be present in our daily lives. Therefore, we all have a role to play in fighting against bias. Additionally, fair treatment is necessary to combat bias.

    I agree with Polite Pomegranate that a person's upbringing can influence their behaviour. For instance, if someone is raised in a home where girls are deprived of education, they might feel that this is right and do the same thing to their children.

    1. Thank you reliable_lobster! I would love to hear more about your point about stopping biases in our daily lives, can you give any examples?

      1. Hello Siriliya @ The Economist,

        When it comes to combating bias in our daily lives, it's important to address how we treat others based on their gender, especially at home and in schools. For instance, if a girl is treated unfairly by her male siblings or guardians, she may internalize those behaviors and perpetuate them with the next generation.

        In my country, boys are typically trained to be breadwinners while girls are expected to be cooks and cleaners. This gendered division of labor can contribute to bias and inequality.

        It's also worth noting that the media we consume can shape our perceptions. For example, if someone watches videos that degrade women, they may begin to think that this behavior is acceptable and emulate it. Additionally, the neighborhoods we grow up in can influence our attitudes towards different groups of people, leading to further bias.

        To combat bias in our daily lives, we should work towards equal access to education for both males and females. We should also encourage girls to pursue their own career paths, rather than conforming to traditional gender roles. These steps can help us create a more equitable and just society.

        1. Thanks reliable_lobster, these are well thought through examples

  • Biases are norms affected by so many different countries.
    First of all the country one lives and raises up is the root of such biases. Because according to laws and perceptions of oil can influence people from their birth what to believe.
    If a country thinks of women as the leading roles only in family, then they have to overcome many obstacles to prove them in workforce.
    Secondly our parents and how we are raised. If they follow a life against biases, then again from a very early age our perceptions will be shaped like these.
    And finally teachers, friends can have an impact on Overcoming biases because they are close to us and some of them role models.

  • I think the person who has the power to stop social bias is the government. Because if the government does not give women positions in places of high authority, gender equality will not be achieved. When several women do not take up most positions of high authority like the other gender, a lot of women will be segregated against. And when this continues, it can keep on going for as many years and it may get worse in a few years’ time. At that time, women activists and journalists will have to do more than what they are doing now. Hence the women activists and journalists will have to put in more effort and do better than they are doing now to prevent such negative occurrence against women in the future. That is if they really do want gender equality to increase.

  • Hello,

    I am here to say that nobody controls anybody in this life we have been brought up to live a happy and safe life. we live ones so be there for each over that is the only way to live a happy and safe live.
    STOP BULLYING it is not fun.
    Many women are seen as not useful nut women are mothers of your family a person when you are ill u can go to and when u need to talk to mothers are all ways next to u

    1. I disagree with you. You said "nobody controls anybody." It is not true. We human beings are controlled by our surrounding. We do what we learn, what we see and what we hear. We learn from our surroundings. We started to learn from our formative years. Our formative years start when we were children. Children are at their formative years. They learn whatever they see around them especially from their parents and teachers. If parents teach them about gender equality, they will be able to learn that each person deserve equal opportunities. Parents can teach their children about humanity, honesty, punctuality etc. Teachers can also put good things on their curriculum that will positively effect the children. Thus, they can make a society where there will be no gender discrimination and racist. If children's are learning all the good things, they can make a better society. That's why I think the person who has the power to stop social bias is parents, teachers and those who has the ability to influence children's behaviour.

  • I think that the responsibility for stopping social bias rests on everyone's effort but mainly to people who can impact children's behaviour.
    To illustrate my point, young people learn and follow standards from their personal environment while growing up, they adapt to their family's and school's prejudices and stereotypes and they follow their way of perceiving inequality. Thus, if parents and school support both genders without any discriminations, then the children will be urged to take action in order to eliminate them and move the best way further for the generation of a planet where the female and the male gender is equal.

  • Social biases are a big problem which all people experience in their lives. The sure thing is that this have to be limited early, when the person is still shaping his personality, like the child.
    So the family is the key of that matter. Specifically parents have the influence to make their child understand and realize that all people are equal and have the same rights. Personally, I think that with this way this child will later become a fair citizen without any social biases.

    1. What do you think has the potential to alter social biases, aside from family?

      1. Hello Eva! I believe that when biases are faced earlier it is better for the society . Apart from parents surely education can shape the rights perceptions on what is equality. These can be achieved by using textbooks and materials that confront these biases and instill equality in different sectors. Intercultural awareness is an example.
        When children are instilled Wirth the correct perceptions it is easily later in their life to be included in a society respecting equality.

  • In my opinion I believe every one has the responsibility to stop social biases. Over the years girls have been told by parents, friends or relatives that girls are weak and can't do the opportunities that men get do. In some countries girls are tried unfairly and are given the mindset that they are can only be housewives and they do need to work. Girls are not allowed to go schools to a studies instead they stay home to learn to cook and clean. In some businesses women are not allow to work in high positions and are given low class jobs. Women are sometimes paid unfairly. Women are sometimes not promoted instead their promotion are given to men because they think women are unqualified and weak. Here in Ghana mothers trained their daughters to becomes housewives and not allowing them to go schools to study. Some women in Ghana are not to work in mining industries and some women do not get promoted and are paid every little by their bosses. But over the centuries I seen people trying to make a difference by stop social biases. Barbie was the first ever dolls to inspire both women girls that they can be anything. Barbie should that women can start their own companies, they can walk on the moon and can make a huge impact on the world. People Like Theresa Mary , Margaret Thatcher, Ade Lovelace, Florence Nightingale and other great women in history have inspired women around the world that can do anything , if you just believe and fights for whats right. A quote from Michelle Obama " There is no limit to what we, as women can accomplish"

  • I think that every old and wise person has a responsibility to stop bias. If a man is older than everyone else in terms of his conscience and age, he will be able to easily stop any prejudice. Because his intelligence will be different from everyone else and his opinion will attract everyone and everyone will follow his words. It does not exist only in one particular person it can be in all types of people like teachers, parents, friends, managers or colleagues. This issue is a bit like protecting the environment where everyone has a responsibility. Hope I have been able to express my opinion to everyone.

  • It is true that many people believe in biases not always because they believe them but because they are affected most of the times from their religion, background, government and community. Sometimes even people don't have the voice to express their disbelief on them because of being the minority and so being isolated from the community.
    People first of all should be educated how to speak out with no fear, to react to biases and find support through organizations.

  • I believe that teachers and parents have the most power to prevent social biases. They are the foundation of a child's upbringing and character development, which is crucial in teaching them good behavior and preventing social biases. However, colleagues, friends, and managers can also help by pointing out mistakes and correcting them. This can be especially helpful in situations where teachers and parents may have missed.

    1. Could you explain why you think teachers and parents could stop social bias?

      1. I believe that parents and teachers have the power to prevent social biases by educating young minds about what is right and wrong. By teaching them the necessary skills and values, and children will be ready to handle such problems when they arise.

  • As I see it is more important people who can influence the adult behaviour because all around the world is them who have the power, if we do not have any influence in them they are not going to change or even to teach us to stop social bias.

  • I strongly believe that people who influence children's behaviour, parents and teachers, play a crucial role in stopping social biases. Children should be taught young about how social biases are unacceptable and should be frowned upon as you can't simply describe a person to me from just knowing their gender or another small characteristic, which does not affect their personality (such as race). An extremely common expression, which many of us have been taught since we were young by people such as our parents or teachers, is 'We can't judge a book by its cover'. I believe that this is a very effective way of spreading the message to the younger generation in simple yet meaningful terms. In addition to this, children listen to their teachers and parents and believe what they say so if they were told this young, by people they trusted, shouldn't it last with them forever?

    However, in the adult world managers and owners of companies should still be leading by example through paying women and men with the same job the same money. To me, it seems that if people are taught the problems with social biases young, when they are older and may own a company, they will stick to what they know and pay men and women the same. This would lead to a much more equitable and fair society for all.

  • The government can stop everyone's behavior because they have all the power and change laws. So if they wanted to they can stop biases. Such as, parents being able to influence adult's behaviors and managers that are able to influence other adult's behaviors.

    1. What laws do you think would need to be changed to see a change in social bias?

  • “Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model.”
    – Confucius

    This quote directly relates to our question, underlining the need for dual influence!
    For example, let’s say you have a workplace where you have a manager who actively encourages gender diversity by making sure that women and men have equal opportunities for advancement in the workplace. This manager has an impact on the behavior of adults within the organization by challenging traditional gender stereotypes and promoting an inclusive workplace.
    In contrast, a teacher who promotes diversity in the classroom and challenges stereotypes shapes the behavior of young minds. Through inclusive education practices, the teacher helps to cultivate an open-minded mindset that is less likely to form biased beliefs as they age.

    Both managers and teachers are examples of people in positions of influence who actively work towards a more just society by challenging biases among adults and influencing the behavior of the next generation.

  • I believe teachers have a significant influence, about 70%, on social bias. I admire my teacher and often mimic her behavior in class. If a teacher promotes biased attitudes, it can decrease interaction and demoralize students due to gender discrimination they observe. This mindset can make students feel unappreciated by the teacher, affecting their motivation. Therefore, it's crucial to address bias starting at the grassroots level and a teacher is the first person that can handle that at children tender age, because most children love their teachers.

    1. Can you tell me who you think make up the other 30% to influence children?

  • Social biases are a big problem in our society. Those beliefs most of the times are wrong and disconnect us from others. To stop it I think it is better to support our education system to instill equality notions. I believe oldest people at age won't change perceptions easily so we need to teach kids from an early age that these biases are totally wrong.
    Parents also play an important role on influencing their children's ideas.
    They have to teach their kids that those stereotypes can't judge a person.

  • In my opinion, everyone take responsibility to stop bias. I think it is not possible for one person to stop social bias. Besides, it is not possible to make overall development in the society due to bias. So,bias should be stopped.

    Parents and teachers will play the most important role in stopping bias. They teach children that it should not be right to discrimination between men and women. They will aware students about the evils of bias. In this way, social bias be stopped.

    Managers also play a very important role in stopping bias in the workplace. Office officials should pay salary both men and women based on their performance. Also,government should be composition various laws and implemented properly in stopping bias. Filmmakers can create awareness among the audience by showing unbiased film.

    Finally, all the people of the society come together to stop social bias. In this way, a beautiful world without bias will be developed.

  • Each one of above mentioned have the power to change biases. In my personal view the country and its powerful people in top positions can establish laws that will protect equality in every field. Culture prejudices have to be faced as our world is progressing fast towards to a world that respects every one of us and our decisions.

  • I personally think that people who can influence children's behavior will be the most effective in stopping these biases. You see, when a child is young, they will be able to learn new things easily and they will grow up with that belief. Though there is a lot of discrimination against women now, but if the younger generation is taught against discrimination, in the nearest future, it will be reduced to the barest minimum. They will know that everyone deserves to be treated equally. If they are taught now then the world of the future will be better as they will see themselves as equal. We need to also think of the coming generation. If they are taught well then they won't discriminate against anyone.
    Moreover, something that caught my attention in the video was when she said that some people believe that women and men can only do specific jobs. I believe that anyone can do any job they please. A good example is how people think that only women can be good at cooking or can become cooks but a surprising fact is that one of the best cooks in the world are men. Anyone can do anything they want if they please. We should not limit their dreams by putting so many restrictions.

  • Children, in my opinion, have the ability to stop social bias. The young is one of the elements that comprise a society. Our society is made up of the young people. Thus, the ability of educators, parents, and guardians to shape children's action is a very positive aspect that can benefit society. Some say, "Tomorrow's students, tomorrow's leaders." The children may be able to get rid of social bias. They can take it up and act on this subject once we have educated them about it. The most powerful segment of society is its youth. So, they provide a lot of assistance with this problem.

  • Hello Topical Talkers!
    I believe that the people who have the power to stop social biases are people themselves, because if people have these stereotype in the society that -
    "Men can't cook. Men can't do things women do,"
    "Women can't fix a car. Women can't do things men do,"
    who on earth told you that they can't? The constitution recognizes men and women as equal then why do people find it it difficult to accept the fact that men and women have no difference at all when it comes to their capability...The society has no right the differentiate or get biased against someone just because of their opposite sexes! Men and Women are equal. They were, they are and they will be.
    Thank You!

  • I think that some children's behaviors are influenced by their parents ,I say this because some working parents don't have the time to attend to their children emotionally, but can provide physically so the only people they would have to addapt to is people around them which are friends. Different children come from different background so when other children come together and become friend definitely the child would start behaving differently and ,their parents would not know the change he/she has developed. In most cases teacher contribute to children behaviour because some teacher are very ignorant they think their job is to come and teach and go they don't even care of if the children is distracted or not . Just like my principal said he is not here to teach us only English language and Mathematics but to make us to be mentally intelligent.

  • The one who has been cheated should only raise the power and voice. Then only a change will come . Just sitting and doing nothing will not make any difference. It is just the voice , and everything will be completed . If anyone has to stop social biases, then there will be always some problems in their way , which need to be resolved and then everything will be equal. If you want equal opportunities then you will have to fight for it . It is not about the power it it about the hope and passion which makes us do a particular thing . So here also if there is hope and passion to shop social biases, then the results will be in your favour

  • You said who has the power to stop bias right? So I am going to tell you who has the power to stop bias and I know who can stop it. Its woman, woman can stop bias if they work together and for they can be excellent leaders.

    1. Please could you expand on your idea that women can stop bias against them if they work together?

      1. Woman can stop bias if they appear on social media and do a lot of great things together and be famous to appear on the news in the world.

  • I believe that influencing children's behavior is the most effective way to stop social biases. Young people can learn new things easily and grow up with the belief that everyone deserves equal treatment. Teaching the younger generation against discrimination can reduce the world of the future and make them see themselves as equal. I also highlights the importance of limiting people's dreams by putting restrictions on their abilities. The youth, being the most powerful segment of society, can help break down social biases.

    I agree that women have a lot to contribute to society and should not be denied the right to express their ideas. Women play just as important roles as men and should be treated equally as men. Women face multitasking, family responsibilities, and professional demands, which can lead to financial problems and hinder their ability to support their families. I believe that women can achieve the same success in the workplace as men, and that they deserve equal treatment.

  • There is a saying that goes" If you have taught a man you have taught a person , but if you teach a woman you have taught a nation.

  • Hello! In my opinion, people who influence children's behaviour have more power to stop social bias. I feel this way because, parents and teachers both have a very important and valuable role in a child's life. Adults have a very high authority over the way that a child can think. If the parents and the teachers teach their children something it's more than likely the child will take that into account as they grow up. The future generation will learn about social biases, how to stop them from spreading and also why and how not to start one. I rest my case.

  • I believe to stop social biases we should influence children's behavior. I said this because as a child I think we feel empathy really quickly meaning we can quickly understand what others talk about. The child will understand quickly and grow up to care for gender equality and work against discrimination, meaning that the next generation will have the ability to end social biases. Children surely can change the world.

  • Hello Topical Talkers!

    I think adults have more power to help stop social biases. I think this because adults have more understanding and others have experience with social biases, and so they would have more knowledge of social bias, especially women, although I believe that its not just women that can experience social bias, I believe that it is worse for them than it is for men. If you have a mother (mom) or father (dad) that has been in the middle of social bias or has knowledge of social bias you should ask them these questions too. In conclusion I think that adults should have more power in stopping social biases.

    Bye Topical Talkers!

  • During our class discussion today after hearing some different perspectives from my classmates, I've been kind of in the middle about if people have more power to influence adults' behaviour or if people have more power to influence children's behaviour. One good point I had for influencing children's behaviour was that most parents raise their children to be the best they can be. They also teach their children about things that are happening in the present so they can be prepared in the future. A teacher helps a student by teaching them about the future and what might happen. On the other hand, I heard some other good points about how people have more power about adults' behaviour. One of my classmates said that if people influence adults' behaviour it can help solve the problem that is happening right now. That point made me change my mind but I also didn't change my mind, and that's why I'm kind of middle about this part of the topic.

  • I think that adults can do a better job to stop social bias. One reason I think that adults do a better job at this is because Kids these days don't see the news because they are on their phone, ipad, computer, tablet, and etc with social media and games,so kids might not know much about this let alone to stop this huge problem we have in this world. Also parents might not want to let kids look at bad news. Another reason why I think that adults are better is because even if kids did care and want to help they can't do much about it because they are still too young to do stuff that they need to stop social bias. Another reason if kids want to help out when they grow up adults can have already stopped social bias so kids would have waited all that time for nothing. Lastly I think that adults would do more to help out their kids because they are older and can do stuff that kids can't do, like vote or protest things they don't agree with.

  • Hi, y'all! 😃

    I think that people that influence children have more power because parents and teachers can get children on their side. When the children turn into adults, they can choose easily because of their parents!

  • I say children could play a part in helping out with social biases so in the real world, or when we grow up, they could know what to do and how to work with people in an equal way.

  • I think the social media has responsibility because if one person will post something like on Facebook or Instagram and it will harass women or girls it will carry on on and on because if someone does something it can easily attract more people.

  • In my opinion,it is my parent because they are more special than anyone.They help us and care us.Without them we could not be alive.Parent do everything for children.

  • Okay according to my own understanding, I will say that parents and teachers which influences children has more power in stopping these biases, this is because students believes what ever that is been taught in school to be the right thing and the right part to follow and also children strongly believe that their parents will never mislead them, that their parents always wants the best for them in all thee time so they follow everything which their parents has said which I will attribute also to as obedient which is also written in the Bible.
    So I believe that parents more especially is responsible for putting an end to this social biases because as we all know that in some rural areas that some people can’t afford to go to school more especially in some African countries, so in some occasions like this it is the parents responsibility to impact to the young ones on how social biases con be terminated in the society and the world at large.
    So in conclusion As we all know that a baby's mind is Tabula Rasa and so the way they are been trained when they are small, is definitely going to be how they will behave when they will grow up.

    1. Actually, I agree with you but in a higher scale I don't, we all know that the world is now turning into the world of media whereby people try to make their decision about what they which to make on any topic concerning their own perspective of action. So about the topic Social Bias, we should all know that it actually depends on what goes on the media platforms.

      So in conclusion, we should know that people mostly believe on what ever people say on the media platforms and also not forgetting that their is a possibility that one's account in the media platform can be hacked so about all whatever that happens online it all can be real or fake so, according to my own perspective social bias can be stoped only if people on social media platforms agree to only say the truth about what goes on in the world especially on the topic Gender equality. So I hope I have been able to convince you that yes social bias can only be stoped though the help of the events and comments that goes on in the social media platforms. Thanks.

  • When they reflect on comprehensive classroom behavior management, teachers should always keep in mind that one of the major influences on behavior is the students’ culture. Culture is a word we use to loosely describe any of the beliefs, norms, and practices characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. And because teachers themselves come from particular societies, groups, and places, they must be mindful that their own beliefs and practices can be likewise influenced, as can the broader policies, practices, and expectations of the schools and districts in which they teach.

  • Hello everyone!

    I would like to bring to your attention a topic that I believe is of great importance: gender bias. In many countries, girls are trained from a young age to take care of families and household chores, while boys are encouraged to pursue their interests and dreams. This gendered division of labor is not only unfair but also limits the opportunities available to girls and women.

    I strongly believe that girls and women should be given the same opportunities as boys and men to pursue their interests and careers. It is important that they are allowed to choose their own paths and are not limited by societal expectations. By doing so, we can empower girls and women and help to close the gender gap in various fields.

    Moreover, I think that adults have a crucial role to play in stopping bias. Adults, having more life experience, can better understand the impact of bias and can use their power and influence to create a fairer and more equal society. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and others about the importance of gender equality and to work towards creating a more inclusive world for all

  • I believe that women themselves own the power to stop this social biase everytime we have observed that whenever women stepped out from their limits their is always a change in the world and at this moment also women have the potential to change the stereotype thinking of the people .

    1. Do you think it is just women's responsibility to change the stereotypes?

      1. Hi Aimee
        I think it is not only women responsible to change the stereotypes because Social bias can be defined as discrimination for, or against, a person or group, or a set of ideas or beliefs, in a way that is unfair. It is not only women should stop it but men should join hands with the women to stop social biases , most especially men practice it more than they women and they do it to the women, so am suggesting that men and women should come together to stop social biases.

      2. No it is not just women's responsibility to change the stereotypes of the people . This is not only women's fight everyone In this world should join them to change this uncessary scychologies of the people . These stereotypes effect each and everyone including poor people and handicap . All people those who face the streotypes should stand against them and support women to stop this act .

  • From my point of view, in the case of children, parents have more power to stop social biases, because they are ones who are with children since they are little, and they will follow their sayings and beliefs and act as their parents in different situations.
    In the case of parents, I think their friends, goverment and social media have more power to stop social biases.
    But who has more power to stop them, people influencing adults' or children's behaviour? This is a controversial topic because nowadays adults are the people who take decisions about everything, but children are the future of the world, so it is very important what they think about social biases because when they grow up, they will be the ones who take decisions and have opinions about social biases.

  • I think it would be parents and teachers who would be responsible for stopping these biases. This is because it might be too late to educate adults about biases since that is what grew up with, so it would be smarter to try to influence a child's behavior to the extent that they would learn to treat everyone equally . For instance, they would not be pleased to see their mother and father doing the same job, but the mother being paid less.

  • Parents and Teachers carry a major and vital responsibility of what a child learns about it's culture and tradition. Influencing a child's behaviour is necessary for they will be the future of the society, it is essential on influencing good behaviour towards child's behaviour. On what behaviour and culture they have been grown up, they follow the same. They have the potential to control the social biases. Teachers and parents take the responsibility to raise a voice against such biases. Teachers and parents can teach children about the negative effects of such biases, so that, on the future other children will also raise a voice against such biases.

    1. That's an interesting point. Do you think there are any other factors that influence children's social biases?

  • I think we have to create the atmosphere of gender equality at each and every place whether it is our home or a workplace. We all have to take this responsibility as a responsible citizen. So everyone has less or more power at his own place to stop these social biases because if not others, at least he is able to control his own behavior towards social biases as the saying is, ”Charity begins at home”.

  • I think that, parents have an important role in this issue. For example, as a child grows up, he is affected by everything he sees or hears, and if the parents try to remove the idea of ​​racial discrimination from his mind, and the school staff also plays a not insignificant role in how the child grows up, and it is their duty to remove any Ideas of racial discrimination.

  • According to me everybody is responsible for stopping these biases but I think that teachers and parents play a crucial role. As the children are the future of our world and they are like clay, we can easily mold their thoughts and teach them new things so it is easy to teach them to avoid such social stereotypes. There are many ways teachers and parents can do this teaching children an inclusive mindset that makes them understand the importance of equality. They can also promote diversity by providing children with different kinds of perspectives. They can help a child understand what kinds of biases the child has by making him/her more self aware. If a child has any existing biases/stereotypes then they can rectify their thinking. Teaching children empathy, fairness, collaboration and an ethical dialect also helps alot. This way parents and teachers can shape children and also the future to become more inclusive.

  • Hello,
    From my own point of perspective, I honestly think that it is parents and teachers that are meant to influence the behaviour of children.Reason because, it mainly parents and teachers that are responsible for the upbringing of children and how the children behave depends on what they are taught. If they are taught good things, they would exhibit remarkable characters. But if they are taught otherwise, they might acquire bad behaviours.
    It is up to the parents and teachers to teach children not to discriminate the opposite gender but to treat them the exact way that they treat people that have the same gender with them. They should be taught that each gender was created for different purposes and that they should learn to respect that fact and to live up to it.
    THANK YOU!!!

  • I think the government and social media has the power to stop social bias because for the social media if one person does something another person will do it and another and another and another( because it will become popular and they will post something like « only men can do any types of sports only women are fit for cleaning baking and feeding their babies » and I think it is not right

  • We talked about this in class because we all had different thoughts on who can really help stop social bias in society. We figured out that friends, colleagues, and families can make a difference by sharing their ideas. But we also thought that kids have some power because if they learn about it in school, they can talk to their parents about it at home. This doesn't always happen, but it's possible. We also think schools should keep teaching about it, and social media can be important too. Many young people use social media every day, and even though some people say it's not good, it can spread the right messages. In the end, we agreed that there are many ways to make a difference, and if everyone says the same things about social biases, it can really help.

  • During childhood and adolescence, which is the most formative period for one's worldview, individuals primarily interact with family members and teachers. These adults hold significant influence over a person's views and perspectives. Thus, I believe that parents bear the responsibility of imparting neutral education about gender to their children. Furthermore, teachers should be able to address and correct any one-sided views, aiming to avoid social biases from developing in the first place.
    Additionally, I believe that adults require more influential individuals to help them challenge and overcome social biases. Politicians and writers, who frequently represent societal views, could have the power to cease social biases, because they always have to be persuasive, it will be easier for them to change people’s stereotypical views.

  • I think that in order to stop social biases people who can influence children, mainly parents, are the ones that need to stop social biases, I think this because when we are young we learn different things from our parents or teachers, and these comments or opinions that we heard are the ones that will determine our personality and our way of thinking in the future.

  • I'm not really sure how you can stop it but, I have a few guesses on how you can stop it. The first thing i thought of is: When someone is being bias at school you can tell a trusted adult there. However if that is happening online you can report and block that person because that is counted as breaking the app's terms of service. Everyone has to agree with the terms of service when entering the app, if they go ahead and just break the rule without caring that they broke the terms of service, they could get timed out from the app or even possibly banned. If someone is being bias at work you could report them to the manager so they could sort out that person. There's many things that can involve being bias and there's also many solutions to them. But most importantly, if you don't know how you can report someone on the app then you could tell a trusted adult in your house or any of your parents that you feel safe talking to.

  • I think some people think that men only can do jobs or start a business and women are looking at the children, cleaning the house and also cooking for the people in the house.Men also used to take care of children and preparing meals for the family when women aren't at home. However, women used to put more effort to help the home than men, which is why they should be paid more.That time if women can go to jobs and help the family is also going to happen.

  • I think it's not one person's work or effort that would help us stop these bias like everyone has to contribute today to achieve equality tommorow..like we can teach our children to respect both genders without making any gender superior like from childhood boys and girls go through these inequality like girls are given dolls which indicate their future and boys are given cars,robots etc which means we are the ones who sow these seeds of gender differences in children from childhood which grows into a tree tommorow that is on a huge scale...then a citizen we should give equal opportunity to men and womens for choosing their careers to secure their future..we can also motivate women to come up with ideas and show up them to all...and last but not least as a women we should always raise our voice when we are made quite against any wrong things..we should never feel hesitated or shameful for raising our voice also we should not think of what society thinks what matters is our self respect, and dignity!!!

  • people who can influence our behaviour could be presidents, friends, celebeties and so many more, but the most important person that can influence you is YOU. only YOU can influence you so before you say anything ,think about it maybe being bias towards a certain subject.


  • I think 🤔 school authorities and president have the power to stop social bias.my reasons are ,the president or school authorities can make a rule to stop social bias and anyone that breaks the rule will face the following penalties:
    1. Detention.
    2. Punishment.
    3. When someone breaks this rule to many times instead of detention he/she should be taken to jail.

  • I believe that people who influence children have more power to stop social biases because children are born curious and learn much more when they are young then when they get older, so if we teach them not to stereotype early, they will grow to not stereotype. People who have been stereotyped can tell children why how they were stereotyped was bad. For example, A common stereotype that Chinese people are smarter has been disproven many times, however kids do not have access to this information and they grow up with the bias that they are unintelligent because they aren't Chinese.

  • People who have the power to influence how kids act, like parents, teachers, leaders in the community, and media experts, have a really important role in fighting against unfair judgments in society. Here are a few ways they can help stop unfair judgments:
    Support Different Cultures and Inclusion: Encourage kids to learn about different ways of thinking, different cultures, and different experiences from a young age. Show them how important it is to include everyone in all parts of life, like school, TV shows, and friendships.
    Set a Good Example: Show kids how to treat everyone with respect and kindness in their everyday lives. Stand up against unfair ideas or stereotypes when they come up and show that everyone deserves to be treated fairly.
    Teach About Unfair Judgments: Teach kids about unfair judgments, discrimination, and unfair treatment in a way that they can understand. Help them see how harmful stereotypes can be and why it's important to treat others with fairness and understanding.

  • Good Day Everyone,
    In my opinion, everyone around us influences us and our thought processes in many ways. For a little child, his/her parents, teachers, relatives and classmates, all are influential, as at such a young age, they are learning new things in all ways, and have no idea of what is wrong and what is right, and so, can get easily influenced and will believe anything they hear.
    In adults, colleagues, managers and especially friends can influence their thought processes a lot, as people have a lot of faith and trust in their friends and want to agree with everything they say (Fear Of Missing Out) and so, sometimes, would even agree with things that are wrong, just to fit in, not realising that, that wrong idea may remain in their head subconsciously and may influence them in a bad way.

  • Hello,
    Personally I think it is people who effect adults behavior such as managers , co workers and friends . I think this because your are legally allowed to vote at the age of 16 in the UK this means that overall there will be a lot mote adults than kids . Also kids may not pay attention to elections and voting's because they can not get involved . Relating this to stop the social bias if adults get taught that women have the same amount of power as men they will be able to teacher their kids that which will stop a bias generation .
    Thank you .

  • I think that teachers have the most power, because they can form the way the next generation thinks. Personally, I have seen how much it matters what a teacher tells the kids, since at a young age they tend to copy whatever they see around them. For example: If a teacher is always nice and polite to children, then they will automatically earn the students respect. The kids will follow their example. I have met teachers that scream at children and demand respect. But for me, respect has to go both ways. I think that due to this, teachers should be carefully selected. There are plenty of teachers that tell students that they can curse, start fights and throw trash on the ground outside school, in their free time, but never at school because it would be "disrespectful". How do these kinds of people expect to bring a positive change? In my opinion, this is not something kids should hear, because behaving badly is never allowed. There is a difference between having fun and being childish and misbehaving. From my point of view, teachers should take advantage of the power that they possess and teach students how to properly integrate into society. In addition to that, I think that kids are easier to influence, because their brains are like sponges that absorb information instead of water. I believe that some of the children of today will become leaders of their countries in maybe just 20 years. With the right moral values they could change the world and then influence others into following their example. However, in my opinion, it all begins with what they learn from their teachers, their role models.