STEP FOUR: want to win? Include these things!
You’ve chosen your topic and created your Standpoint. That means you’re almost ready to enter the competition!
Standpoints must be submitted before Wednesday March 20th.
You can't win unless your work meets the success criteria... check your work one last time against the criteria below to make sure it’s ready to go.
Remember, we are looking for high-quality entries, so take your time.
We advise that you ask a friend to check your work for you too.
Standpoints that do not meet the success criteria may be rejected.
Check your work against the success criteria below

Is your message clear?
- Have you summarised the topic you’ve chosen?
- Have you used appropriate language?
- Have you made your points in a logical order?
- Have you explained your points within 400 words (writing) or two minutes (audio or video)?

Have you shared your opinion?
- Have you evaluated more than one perspective?
- Have you used facts and examples to support your opinion?
- If you’ve mentioned a problem, have you suggested possible solutions?

Have you checked your work?
- Does everything make sense?
- Are your facts reliable?
- Have you made it clear what’s fact and what’s your opinion?
When you've finished...
Come back here and let us know how you felt about making a Standpoint.
For example, did you enjoy sharing your opinion?
Were there any things that you found hard?
Or was there a part of your Standpoint that you’re particularly proud of?
We can't wait to see your work!
Comments (5)
Hi, though I haven't submitted any standpoints yet but surely these is really gonna be useful to me and I hope I'm gonna be among the people winning a goodie bag and yes my standpoint is surely gonna be on my favorite topic I'm yet to choose but it's eithe"enhanced games or "women in media" because I really know so much and really enjoyed this topics because I've heard so much about this topic and also seen it before the topical talk begun and is still happening in some communities around me.
Woman in Media are having a tough time since they are being bullied and being treated unfairly online. I believe that International Women’s Day isn’t enough to show people that they are being bullied and that it needs to stop. Online Social Biases are happening to women all around the world and it’s unfair that they are being bullied. It has to stop. Everyone should learn this somehow because it’s important and it helps us notice bulling online or Social Biases. Lots of children, especially girls are not going to school because of this issue but the big impact that happened recently has affected the way people treat woman. However, some people are still treating woman unfairly online. Everyone needs to try to make impacts and help online bulling be stopped.
Enhanced games are the most critical problems in my opinion. Because the players are using illegal drugs item to enhance their performance which I understood as a cheating which is illegal in games. There is not any single rule in any single game that they can do cheating. In my opinion they are using drugs for enhancing their performance but they don't know that how much big problem they have called in their life. Drugs cannot enhance their performance only drugs can take their life also.
So, at last I want say that the players should aware about the side effects of drugs. To control following one problem we all should be together and we should control these types of as fast as we can.
I have submitted mine, I followed all these rules and my standpoint went really well. Up levelling is very useful, especially if you can get someone else to check it for you. Also, remember to include lots of facts, and constantly be searching for more! Make sure to use all these very helpful tips!
I enjoyed sharing my opinion about Ai in education and in Life: To Be Or Not To Be! Ai also known as artificial intelligence has lots of pros and cons with different perspectives in each division. Like how Elon Musk think that Ai will help us but Scott Pelley wonders if we know what we are doing. I was reasearching for a WHOLE DAY finding evidence but the hardest part was to put all of it in 2 minutes so I had to talk some information that I thought might not be too relevant! Thanks!