What is the most urgent issue in the Russia-Ukraine war; the state of the armed forces, the state of education or the state of healthcare?

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

3 years ago, on the 24th of February 2022 Russia launched a full scale attack on Ukraine. Many people say the war started 3 years ago, but Ukrainian and Russian citizens have stated that the war started in 2014, when Russia used its military force to take control of Crimea (a part of Ukraine). Then in 2022, President Vladimer Purtin launched an attack on its neighbouring country because it wanted to recreate the dangerous Soviet Union. This leads me to my question, what is the most urgent issue in this war: the state of the armed forces,the state of education or the state of healthcare.

Many people might argue that the Russian armed forces are in an astonishing state. Soldiers are returning to the front line without fully recovering, people are dying like flies and food is scarce and not filling for a soldier. Ilya Adreev (a deserter of the Russian army) was promised lots of money if he fought in the war and this brought him to the battlefield because in the city he was deeply in debt. In his interview he quoted, “ We were given bullets, and painkillers, that’s all.” He also said “I have seen in one bomb all my friends and officers die.”

Alternatively, Anna Tuzova (a Ukrainian refugee) would argue that the state of education is the most urgent thing governments should fix. She has 2 children who went to school in Ukraine during the war and most of their supplies were destroyed by bombs. She quoted,

“At the beginning of the full scale war more than 1300 schools in Ukraine were destroyed and you had to learn online, and that was very difficult. Also the constant noise of air raid sirens makes it very difficult for children to concentrate when they are just waiting and listening to the air raid sirens.”

However, I agree with Roman Kuziv (Ukrainian) and Alexander Vanyukov (Russian). More than 1,582 health care centers in Ukraine have been destroyed and around the same amount in Russia. Because of the war, so many normal citizens aren’t getting the treatment they need due to all the doctors treating the soldiers. One of the comments which made me decide this matter was Roman Kuziv’s quote, “The Russian missiles have destroyed many of our civilian and military hospitals.” Alexander Vanyukov also quoted, “Many doctors are leaving the country due to the poor pay and conditions we work in.” Both doctors stated,

“The war has changed not only the military but also civilian medicine.”

The opinion but also the facts make me see what an urgent issue healthcare is and it needs to be sorted. All these things have made me form my mind.

All of these problems are a big issue and we can’t let the people of both countries suffer. The army is failing and education is at its worst but the poor healthcare service is killing many of the citizens of Ukraine and Russia. Hospitals are having to be built underground and medicine is changing in both countries. We need to solve this issue before a plague or something bad breaks out. I feel it is up to everyone to help find a solution for this problem.

“ We shall go to the end, we shall fight in France and on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and strength in the air, we shall defend our land, whatever the cost may be.” - Winston Churchill (Prime minister of England)

Comments (8)

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  • I believe this standpoint presents a strong argument for healthcare being most urgent issue in the Russia Ukraine war , but I would argue that all three , healthcare , education and the state of the armed forces are interconnected and equally urgent in different ways. While healthcare is undeniably crucial due to the destruction of hospitals and the pressure on medical professionals , the breakdown of education and the worsening conditions for the soldiers also have long term consequences.

    Without proper education , an entire generation of the children in Russia and Ukraine would grow up without the knowledge and skills needed to rebuild their country . Similarly , the poor conditions in the military not only affect soldiers but also lead to the death or injuries to many people , which would in turn increase the burden on the healthcare system . While healthcare may seem like the most immediate issue , solving it alone won't be enough , education and military stability also need an urgent attention.

    Overall , while I understand that healthcare should be the top priority , I believe that all three sectors are equally important and should be addressed together rather than separately.

  • I believe that healthcare is the most urgent issue amidst all issues shown on this post. Many soldiers have died from this war and as Vyhorodav Maksym stated in his video, it will affect the world for decades even if the war ended tomorrow. This is why I think that healthcare is the issue we need to solve; fatal injuries are happening every second. If anyone is reading this comment, I can guarantee that someone is war has just got injured. There are so many wounds affecting soldiers, that doctors and volunteers can’t fix them all immediately. We need to stop the war as soon as possible so that the military can recover because I did some research and discovered that an estimated 170,000 to 420,000 soldiers and officers have been killed in three years since the war started. We can’t go on like this; we need to stop! And start by solving the issue of healthcare.

  • In my eyes, healthcare is the most important factor in war.

    Imagine a soldier handed bullets and painkillers but no bandages. That seems insane, doesn't it? Armies falter as troops recycle to the front lines like disposable trash, hungry and broken. Yet, can wars finally end if soldiers aren't treated as disposable tools?

    Now, meet Anna, a Ukrainian mom whose kids study between air raid sirens. Bombs turned 1300 schools to rubble and ash, swapping whiteboards for Zoom screens. Education's collapse steals futures and destroys the socioeconomics of a nation.

    But in the end, healthcare prevails due to one thing only. When healthcare flatlines, everyone dies, soldiers, students and grandmas with flu. Missiles don't check IDs before striking. Imagine a child's asthma attack from shrapnel from a grenade, that does seem bleak, doesn't it? Without hospitals, even peace becomes a graveyard of poor souls, victims to war.

    In conclusion, armies fight battles, schools rebuild minds. But healthcare? It IS the heartbeat. When flatlines, everybody dies. We have to fight wars, no matter the cost to protect our land and today, the cost is hospitals. Let's stitch up this wound first, lest plagues or despair finish what bombs started.

    War turns life into a grim game of "Whack-a-mole". But healthcare isn't just the mole, it's the board. Fix it, and maybe, just maybe, the other pieces fall into place.

  • i fink that the most urgent issue is the bombing because it stopping people from learning and the future of people

  • In my opinion the most urgent issue is the state of the armed forces, because it directly affects the course of conflict, the safety of civilians and territory of Ukraine. The capacity of the army, weapons and soldiers are key factors of how will the war develop. The state of health is also important, especially due to injured soldiers and civilians, destroyed infrastructure and lack of medical help. However, without security, not even the health system can fuction normally.
    The state of education is always important, but in these conditions not as others, because many schools are closed, but they can be moved to online classes or used as shelters. So I think the most urgent priority is the state of the armed forces, because everything else depends on it.

    1. I completely agree that the state of the armed forces is the most urgent issue. The strength of the army, weapons, and soldiers determines the safety of Ukraine’s people and land. Without security, hospitals, schools, and other services cannot function properly. While health and education are important, they depend on the protection provided by the army.

  • The Russia-Ukraine war has created a vast diversity of issues; however, the question is, what is the most urgent issue in the Russia-Ukraine war: the state of the armed forces, the state of education, or the state of healthcare? So, let's examine all of the situations.

    On the armed forces, there are two sides Russia and Ukraine, the conflict has placed an immense strain on both sides of the war; as well as a lack of morale especially in the Russian armed forces including a lack of military supplies and food supplies. There were such problems as manpower, recruitment and maintaining, and military capabilities, especially in Ukraine.

    On education
    The war had a severe impact the education. It led to the destruction of 1600 schools including 700 health facilities.
    The war has led the children to mental problems too such as Trauma, anxiety and self-depression. Teachers and students have been displaced which severely impacted education. The long-term effects of the war could have lasting consequences on the country's educational future.

    On healthcare
    The state of healthcare in Ukraine is overwhelmed by the war. There were 1682 attacks on healthcare, only in Ukraine; moreover, it had also a lack of medical supplies. Most of the citizens passed with mental problems too ( mostly seen Trauma ).

  • As you may know, the war between Russia and Ukraine remains a devastating and
    far-reaching conflict that goes beyond the borders of both countries, affecting global politics, economy, security and many more aspects of the neighbouring countries and the war has also generated repercussions at the global level.
    It started on February 24, 2022 and was caused by the struggle for control and influence in the region. The fighting in 2014 and the annexation of crimea were decisive causes for the war. Ultimately, Russia invaded some southern and eastern regions of Ukraine this was one of the main causes for the start of the war.
    Unfortunately, the war has caused many deaths and damaged international relations with NATO and the EU and thus its economy. Moreover, some of the most important consequences include the destruction of many infrastructures that has had negative effect on society, such as in the case of schools, because the education system has been disrupted. As a result, lot of students have been obligated to study online learning or, in some cases, not study at all. This can affect not only children´s personal development but also would affect the countries´ economy, as I have already mentioned before. This means that people´s knowledge would be nonexistent, which would lead to a lack of jobs and a paralized economy. And I believed the stated of education is the most urgent issue in the war.

    To concluide, Ukraine and Russia have caused many international consequences over these three the rebuilding of the education system will be key to starting the nation´s recovery.

  • The most urgent issue is healthcare because more people will die with lack of healthcare. Some people may argue that it is the armed forces because otherwise how will Ukraine fight back, but I think that Ukraine would be able to repair the army if more soldiers' health is improved. Others may say education which is a big deal, but if the soldiers are able to defeat the Russian army, education will be restored and the army can only do that with proper healthcare.