Standpoints by glorious_raspberry Written by: glorious_raspberry Protests in Iran 07 December 2022 0 comments Comments by glorious_raspberry Comment Post Date Comment: No because that would be unfair Post: Working conditions: what’s acceptable? Date: 07/12/22 Comment: Paying fairly means to pay each of your workers the same amount of money and all workers should... Post: Working conditions: what’s acceptable? Date: 25/11/22 Comment: Big shops could tell people not to throw away there clothes by making a give clothes to charity... Post: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Date: 25/11/22 Comment: Celebrities could put on there billboards to not instantly throw away there clothes and maybe... Post: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Date: 25/11/22 Comment: It is the customers fault for not buying the clothes that they like and almost instantly... Post: Who is responsible? Date: 25/11/22 Comment: I wonder where fruit 🍇 🍈 🍉 comes from like pineapple where does it comes from Like really... Post: What's on your plate? And where's it from? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: I agree it would be gross to eat it will make everyone ill Post: Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: I’m glad we have found something else to eat but it sounds gross 🤮 I would not ever try it Post: Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? Date: 11/11/22