Working conditions: what’s acceptable?

A recent investigation into a fast-fashion retailer revealed that their workers are paid as little as 35 cents for each item of clothing they make, and are forced to work 18-hour days.

The investigation also found that the workers do not get weekend breaks and are only given one day off per month.

It is obvious that these working conditions are unacceptable. But this got us thinking. We want to know what you think acceptable working conditions are?

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  • 1. Paying workers fairly means that u should pay them according to the effort they put in the work they do and I shouldn't be the one to say that they should be given enough to cover the cost of their home, bills and food in their country because if they were to be paid enough to cover all that the company would run bankrupt so it's up to the workers to decide to use part of their salary and a save some of it in order to live a happy life.

    2. Workers should not be overworked because if they are overworked and have no time to rest they will lose passion for what they are doing and the products they produce won't be perfect so I suggest the industry should let the workers work like 11 hours a day and they should be given the weekend to rest and spend time with their family or if not they can work half the 11hours on Saturday.

    3. A good working environment to me means that the worker has to work in a place where he or she feels comfortable. so I think the industry should see to it that they find out what they need in order for to have a good working environment.

    1. Great. You raise good points that workers should be able to cover their costs of living and that they should feel comfortable. You also raise an interesting point that if they are overworked, they will lose passion for their work. How do you think that companies can make employees feel valued?

      1. Thank you so much. I think in order for the companies to make their employees feel valued they should organize appraisals like giving out awards to most the hardworking employee that is to say "Employee of the Month" which will help the other employees to work harder in order to win such awards.

        In addition to that, the companies can also organize end of year parties for their employees before they go for their holidays to celebrate the achievements they have made through out the year.

      2. i think companies can value their workers by putting allowances for them inorder to motivate them to work hard for example transport allowances,housing allowances,medical and food allowances. The companies can also decide to arrange staff end of year parties where all workers gather and meet to share their happiness irrespectfull of the position one holds in the company,.

        1. Great idea jazzed_fact!

    2. I agree they don't get payed enough and it isn't fair

    3. I agree because... they should get more money because they work 18 hours a day.

      1. I agree because... 18 hours is a long time of work . At least they shod get more money at least 12 dollars.

    4. i agree with you,these workers should be given sometime to spend with their family members so that they donot forget their existance in the family forexample young children might forget their parents' face since their parents wake up very early in the morning and come back late in the night which makes it hard for them to get time to spend with their parents.

    5. I concur because...people work long hours without breaks in filthy settings for extremely meagre compensation, they don't have enough time to eat or drink, and they should be able to take 20-minute breaks, receive good pay, enjoy vacations, and work in a safe atmosphere.

      1. Thanks for this response wise_banjo. Explain more why you mention 20 minutes for break times.

        1. from a company poitn of view i can see why they are doing it however from a human rights point of view, people need the 20 minute break as they re working in very hard conditions working non stop having no breaks, having to work for a very long time for a miniscule pay.

  • A good working environment has a great breathing atmosphere which means that there aren't any toxic people that make working any difficult for a person, we have incivility in most cases were angry bosses make their workers feel less appreciated. I think that this wrong and based on how much one contributes in his field, it's only fair that he or she is rewarded as such. Working days shouldn't be stressful or so long that family time is neglected, a few holidays are okay and when it comes to payment, I feel that no, workers shouldn't be paid equally. After all, if people have different jobs they should also have different pays. What will stop a fashion designer from becoming a fulltime housekeeper if the pays are the same. This will cause a massive decrease in professionality and create vacancies for the need of certain jobs.

    1. i disagree,i dont think paying workers the same amount of money will cause massive decrease in professionately,i think it will only build confidence in people.

    2. I don't agree with your claim considering that some people actually apply themselves with jobs and some simply slack off doing nothing. For example, I don't believe a person who works for or with Barrack Obama and applies themselves should be paid equally to a housekeeper or fast food worker.The reason I think we should not be paid equally is simply because of the roles that certain jobs play.

  • What does a good work environment mean to you?
    It means to me an ideal environment for work, which endows the employee in his company and increases his loyalty and love for his work and relieves him of pressure when the tasks are heavy, so he feels psychological comfort, such as advancement in dealing with people and preventing hostility between employees and giving the most efficient employees prizes and promotion to reward them for their efforts and there must be team spirit and cooperation between employees

    1. I agree because rewards motivate workers to work harder

    2. You make some good points. Do you think a work-life balance is part of a good work environment?

    3. I think, my dear, that these words are true, but perhaps what you said is about the results that result from a good work environment / but a good work environment is a comfortable place, good colleagues, an understanding manager and other things.

  • Should all workers be paid enough to cover their needs? Yes, this should be done to meet their needs. This is a problem for my country. Salaries are not enough for their basic needs
    How much should a worker work? Depending on the difference in the work or if it is a worker, the commercial worker works for a longer period than an employee of institutions or centers or affiliated with something else
    How much vacation should a person get? The most appropriate two days a week, the worker takes a rest and loves his work even if he is tired. Should every worker get the same? There must be equity among workers except in a few cases.
    My opinion on this is neither for nor against, it varies from one job to another and from one employee to another

    1. Very interesting points - I noticed you said 'there must be equity among workers except in a few cases', are you able to share any examples?

      1. thank you for passing by
        An example of this is workers who do not spend full working hours and leave their work before it is finished
        Second / who works but with less effort than what is required to do it, or who do not fully perform the tasks on them, there are a lot of examples

  • Workers that make clothes should be paid a lot because they spend a lot of time just making clothes when they could be spending time with their family. Their maxim in my opinion would be at least 12 hours or less. Holidays should be only on important days like Christmas, Easter,Halloween,valentines day and summer holidays. every worker should get the same whether they work a little bit or more it should all be equal because the work that they do only a few people in the world can do and some of them is them so they should all get the same. For me a good working environment is a job that everyone is treated equally and a good job which also helps the environment.

    1. Interesting points perpective_vegetable. May I ask why you think holidays should only be taken on important days of the year? How would people be able to take holidays or travel abroad if they could only take certain days?

      1. In my opinion why holidays should be taken on important days of the year is to give an opportunity for families to have time with family members mostly for those families that are always busy and do not have time for their family in their busy schedule.

    2. I concur with Jen because I believe that they should be paid for holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, and summer, but I also believe that they should be allowed to take time off when they truly need it. I also believe that everyone should be treated fairly and without discrimination.

    3. To an extent I agree with your argument because if we pay workers that make clothes, more than the prices of our clothing, it will be more expensive then it is already and costs in our country have already increased since covid so our businesses may even go out of business if costs are too high because people just can't pay even if they want to. I also agree that they should have more holidays as it gives them time to rest and have a day with their family, recharge and be more work efficient. People have rights...sadly they are not universal.

    4. I disagree despite respecting their job, like any other, there are far more important jobs that need to be paid higher wages compares to clothing retail, of course, that depends on the country ,for example; Asia is the biggest owner of sweatshops and their workers are underpaid as little as 3 US cent per hour and mistreated employers; women abuse in sweatshops is daily if they refuse to work, in need to use the toilet, or for the sake of it. Underpaid workers in sweatshops should be helped by being treated with respect and using the human rights which they are not given and a drastic increase in salary, especially regarding their 60 hours per week. However, reflecting your argument, as about 60 million to 75 million people are employed in textile, clothing and footwear sector worldwide (2014 statistic), so evidently there are plenty of people who can fulfill their job, if necessary .Also, employers do have to spent time working and it goes for everyone that they would want to spend time with their families but that is regarding every sector ,I don't see why employers in the clothing retail sector should be an exclusion.

  • I think that working hours should not exceed 14 hours a day, because a person has rights and needs a rest to fill his energy again. And to take at least one day off a week.

    1. Think about this, you're at school for what, 6-7 hours, you just said it is acceptable to be forced to work double that amount for absolute minimum pay. This should not be acceptable. Yes they may get one day off a week, but im sure if you asked any of the actual workers, the majority would definitely prefer to work less each day but have no days off. As well as this, working 14 hours a day leaves only 10 hours for food, transport home, living time and sleeping, this barely leaves enough time to sleep, let alone do the other things, hence the reason even working 14 hours a day is unnacceptable

    2. I agree 14 hours are way to long. at least have 1 day off. i think its unfair for humans if they have to work over 12 hours making clothes. and yes people need rest to survive.

  • Yes, it must, but on one condition, which is that for every hour spent in the day, a sum of money is taken for it, and they must get money because they are tired, and it is not fair that they do not get enough money. Yes, they should pay more for some jobs than others, because there are some tiring jobs and some are easy. If they give both tiring jobs and easy jobs, it would be unfair to have 6 days and leave every week, which is Friday. No, because some workers work easy jobs and some of them are difficult. To me, "new work environment" means a suitable place, suitable workers and a suitable manager for the company.

    1. Yes I agree with you. Some workers in some difficult professions must receive a higher salary than other professions, and they must take their right from the money that suffices them and suffices the needs of their home, but this thing does not make us detract from those whose work is easy there. It is an easy profession, but there is one or two workers in it, who work a lot and must take their right to the money with something because they get tired a lot in this easy work because there are only two workers at most, so at that time they must be taken into account, their fatigue appreciated, given their right of money and not insulted.... ..

  • Working conditions are:

    1. Paying workers fairly mean that workers should be paid based on the effort they put in their jobs. We should pay them an amount of money that would suit them,for example paying their bills and taking care of their houses and children. Some jobs should be paid more than other jobs because some jobs are important to society while others aren't.
    2.The working hours depends on the job that you work.For example a tailor's working hours should not exceed 10 hours .But some jobs differ from others because during the pandemic doctors and nurses spent most of their time taking care of the patients and saving their lives. In the end people are the ones who choose their jobs so they should be responsible for their choices.
    3. A good working environment to me means that a person should work a job that suits him and that he should work in a place where he feels comfortable in. It also means that you should have a helpful manager that rewards you on your great efforts that you put in you work. Having kind and friendly colleagues help people to settle in their jobs quickly .

    1. Hi @Educated_queen, great comment!
      1. If people were paid dependant on bills and children, do you think this would be far to people who decide not to have children or decide not to move out etc?
      2. Do you think there should be a limit on the number of hours people should work because of safety and wellbeing reasons? Or do you think it should be up to the worker how many hours they work?
      3. What do you think the most important aspect of being a good manager is?

      1. 1. People should just be paid according to the effort they put in their work and if they are to pay them enough to pay their bills the the employees should also not request for a lot because the company also needs the money to improve most things so that the employees can have a good working environment.
        2. Yes, I believe there should be a limit on the number of hours these employees work because some of them are mothers and they have to make sure that they make it on time back home to prepare for the family their supper. Some are made to work long hours where by they even live at night and this is the time when most crimes take place so they might end up being robbed so in my opinion I would suggest that they work like 11 hours a day and they should make sure that their closing hours are actually before night time like when the sun is still setting.
        3. The aspect of being a good manager is mostly to oversee all the activities in the company and also the employees. He or she should find out whether the employees are happy with the salary they are given. They should find out whether the employees are actually comfortable in the environment they work in. And to also find out whether the employees are also actually putting in effort to do their job very well.

  • Every worker should get his wages in the amount of his fatigue and currency, and all workers must receive sufficient salaries to cover the costs of their homes, bills, and food, and some jobs must pay more because there are tired and hard jobs that deserve more. 8 hours and they must have a day off at the end of the week, and every worker deserves to take the wages he deserves. The salaries must be paid differently because the work of the workers is different. There are tiring work, so the workers are hard, so the workers who do this work must take more salaries than the workers. Their work is simple and not very tiring. The work environment The good is to provide good machines and tools to make the best, and to put minutes of rest for the workers to rest so that they can work better

  • A good working environment for me is a place that there is a lot of positive energy and vibe, a place where I feel safe sharing my ideas and getting the cooperation and trust from my colleagues while striving to achieve the set goals. According to research for effective productivity a worker is meant to work for 6 hours but in my opinion I think the method of individuals taking shift is better off reason being that everyone would work equally and efficiently while at the same production is moving.
    Paying workers fairly is a fundamental thought and ideology, decisions related to pay are important as employee experience is largely affected by their salary so its best to pay in relation to how much they work and not the level or position they occupy if this cannot be done there should be a package which covers health, insurance, housing and electricity which is different from the salary that is earned.
    In my country people are payed according to level or position and am neutral to the thought, because based on morals some people say it is right because of respect for elders and level of experience and others may think that based on the level of work is not appropriate because lower rank members tend to do the strenuous work. Both thoughts can be validated but equality can not really be attained rather a level of comfort should be provided to the lower ranked individuals like instead of having vacation once a year they can be given like three times a year or even once a month while those at the top really do not need this, they go on official trips and are given enough comfort.
    If we all did the same exact job with the same exact effort, we could justify everyone getting paid the same but since we are not all professors or engineers or even teachers we definitely can not be payed equally. Every job requires individuals to make sacrifices but at the same time some jobs and the sacrifices being made are more costly than others. Jobs like firefighting, construction workers, pilot and others really put their lives on the line and deserve to be paid more. Am not saying some jobs are not important is the risk involved that should determine the pay.

    1. You make a really interesting point that fair pay is not the same as equal pay. You've identified the risk involved in the work as one important factor that should be linked to how much people are paid. What other factors should be considered when deciding what would be a fair wage for a particular job?

      1. Another factor that should be put into consideration is the number of years an individual has worked also the location should be considered seeing that the cost of housing varies from urban to rural. This is at least partially why salaries in large urban areas are generally higher than salaries for similar positions in more rural locations.

      2. I think the factors that would be considered when deciding what would be a fair wage for a particular job are;
        1. The effort one puts when doing the work, here you see that the employee is doing all his best to make sure that he or she completes the task they have been given and this needs a high wage but if the employee doesn't put in much effort to complete the task that has been given to them they will receive a low wage.
        2. According to the hours they work. You might find that a person who works the normal hours will get less salary than someone else. And what does this someone else do to get more money? This person goes on ahead to work extra time and this person is always very early to get to work and that's how his hardwork and determination are paid off.
        That's why people should work hard so that they yield the best from their efforts.

    2. You raise an interesting point regarding the equal pay, I agree that not everyone can be paid equally on the basis of the skills and sacrifices required to carry out the job, however I do not agree with the examples given, for example pilot. Yes, there most definitely is an aspect of risk involved with their job, such as having effective control over the survival of hundreds of people, and millions of £ of equipment. However, in the case of a pilot, I feel as though this is balanced by the fact that they are highly trained, and air travel is one of the safest modes of transport. Furthermore, the starting salary for a pilot (first officer - the position you can obtain straight out of flight training) is just under £50,000 per year, this increasing when you gain more experience and can become a pilot (a more developed and senior role) earning on average around the £100,000 mark, some less, some more, depending on the range of their flights (short/long haul). I believe that this pay would be sufficient for their job, and as you have stated that you believe they should earn more, how much more? How much do you think is acceptable and fair for them to earn? Now in comparison, a bus driver. A bus driver has to be a skilled individual, they engage in a "dangerous" job as there is a risk to life if they crash, and they can still be in control over up to 75 (on average) lives, but what do bus drivers get paid? On average, £26,000 per year, and arguably, they probably have less time off than the pilot. So why is this? Is it due to the pilots being more highly trained, professional individuals, or that air travel is more demanded than bus travel? Or is it that being a pilot is riskier, despite the level of intense training and the existence of auto pilot, which is the system which is in control of more of the plane than the pilot themselves? Are pilots fairly paid, should they be paid more? Yeah, I'd probably say they are. Are bus drivers fairly paid, should they be paid more? I do not believe they are. What do you think curious_contribution ??

      1. You raise some excellent points and provide fantastic evidence forgiving_plum! I think there is also an issue of supply and demand. There are fewer pilots than there are bus drivers, so this drives up their worth. What do you think?

        1. I fully agree with your point that there are fewer pilots, hence making them more "expensive" due to the sparcity of their availability, there are always more pilots needed and hence the demand is more than the supply it gives the pilots the opportunity to demand more money for their services

  • When I saw the displayed picture, I thought and found that it is present in one of the series that I watch. There is a worker who distributes the cloth, another is ironing, and another is sewing. Each work is different from the other. Therefore, we will distribute the money according to the work, but I do not think that many workers occupy this position because the work environment is not appropriate and sometimes they increase overtime and sometimes they do not sit on chairs. I think five hours in the morning and five in the evening is enough. It is possible to make workers work three days a week and the rest for other workers. Leaves are supposed to be taken when necessary.

    1. @honest_cat you say "Each work is different from the other. Therefore, we will distribute the money according to the work" - could you explain what you mean by this? How would you decide what pay each person gets and how would you do this fairly?

  • Work is a basis in the formation of the personality and the entity of the person. If you love your work, you will be creative, but here we will stand in return for this effort that he makes. Will it be acceptable or not? The nature of work varies from place to place and wages. I also see that having job security is very important because it guarantees the worker his rights and knows his duties Here, the role of the state emerges in enacting laws that guarantee the rights of the worker as well as the rights of the operator. Every profession or job must set a minimum wage that secures a decent life for the worker, such as food, drink, treatment and education, as well as working hours. Creativity will result. Either a good work environment is one that has job security and the absence of threatening factors or job loss and a feeling that there are no barriers to staying at work in the present and the future.

  • A good working environment is an environment conducive and suitable for the workers to produce a good output. It is also an environment and a workplace where the workers are safe, there is trust, companionship, team spirit, support and cooperation among them. The workers are also zealous, they are accountable and they have a positive mindset in setting and achieving the goals of the organisation.

    1. You make some good points about the need for supportive work environment. But surely pay, hours and working conditions matter too?

    2. This is a great description of a good work environment is @mesmerising_swan. What things would you do to make an environment like this?

      1. What can be done to have a good working environment, there can should be
        1.Recognition and reward of staff
        2.Create a comfortable working environment
        3. Hold social event
        4. Ensure the company values transparency

    3. I like your viewpoint on what makes a good working environment. What do you think of the idea that the employees are a firm's most valuable asset?

      1. It is a good idea because the employees are the companies greatest and best asset. The employees drive profits and innovation of the company. The employee's uniqueness is irreplaceable because the employees bring a special blend of skills, knowledge and personality to a workplace to produce a positive result for the progress of the company. The employees also help the company grow because the company rely on their employees for growth and longevity. For example, when it's time for company founders to pursue a new venture or retire, they rely on their employees to continue their legacy and keep their company operating effectively in their absence.

  • I'd say that paying workers fairly means like giving a worker enough money to pay for necessities like food and a place to stay.

    I agree that some jobs should be paid more than the other like a person who works in the marketing industry may not be paid the same amount a person in the accounting industry because some of these jobs require more skill than the other. But also it depends on the level a person is on in their department.

    I feel like each worker should at most work 10 hours a day because it would be enough time to get some work done and still have some energy to do some grocery shopping at the end of the day and meet with family. As for how much time they should get for the holiday I think one month a year is enough time to rest and catch up with friends and family.

    A good working environment means like a place that is convenient enough for a worker to do their work perfectly

  • In this case, we see the fast fashion workers working 18 hour days, and less money is given to them and this is the exact meaning of unfair paying. Paying fairly means paying someone according to their energy and time used for that job. For example, in Uganda a person who works as doctor should be paid fairly because we are seeing these people having restless nights due to their patients that need to be attended to so, they are spending most of their time to treat people, they really need to be paid fairly.
    A person who works as a janitor in a certain company can't be paid more than a permanent secretary of that company because of their differences in duration of work.
    Then a person should be working for 12 hours that's fair, and someone should have a holiday like every weekend and this should apply to every worker because they are all people who need equal rights.
    A good working environment refer to one working in a comfortable environment and this encourages people to work for example if workers are given holidays every weekend, healthy interaction with co_workers, appreciating the best workers with gifts and so on that is a good working environment and encourages people to work.

    1. I agree because we all need a comfy place to work in.

  • I think they should pay more money to the designers or make then work less hours

    1. I agree because its unfair for the designers because they will end upnot having enough to feed themselves or there familyplus they will get extremely tired if they worked for hours on end so good point

  • I think three days a week, day after day, and this is how he works for 3 days and makes up for 3 days, and Friday is always a break, and every worker must get the same thing so that there is no discrimination and hatred between them.

    A good work environment (a great sentence) I see means activity, cooperation, love, achievement, work and others.

  • What does it mean to pay workers fairly? For example, should all workers be paid enough to cover the costs of their homes, bills, and food in their country? Should some jobs pay more than others? Why and why not? My answer is yes, workers should be paid based on the effort they put in their jobs. We must pay them an amount of money that suits them, for example paying their bills and taking care of their homes and children to live a happy life. Some jobs must be paid more than others because some jobs are important to society while others are not. For example, the profession of a doctor, lawyer or teacher is a difficult profession and a great effort is made and they spend long hours in their work. This requires paying exorbitant wages. As for the carpentry or tailoring profession It is not worth paying exorbitant wages to workers; Because they do not spend long hours in their work. A good work environment is a job that is treated equally, a good job that helps workers to live a happy life.

  • I think the workers who work in the garment industry should get a bigger salary because they get tired and work so hard in their work that they spend 18 hours and that time is big for me and others, as a day has 24 hours 12 hours in the day and 12 hours at night will have 6 Only hours left he will use to rest. According to my knowledge, a person should rest 8 hours.
    He had no hours left to spend his spare time and be with his family. Vacation should be on great and important days and one day off per week other than great and important days. In addition, every worker should receive the same salary, and whatever the worker’s kinship or position, and whatever his work is more or less, the same salary should be for all workers.
    “Working environment” means to me that the appropriate and comfortable place for workers and managers, for example, when a company is in a suitable and comfortable place, far from factories and crowded places, so that they know work, where there are many people who do not know work in the noise

  • Not all workers should be paid highly because if paid highly the business can run bankrupt depending on their funds and they should be paid according to the jobs they work like depending on how big the jobs add on the business and if the worker is hardworking he/she should at least be given a raise at the end of the month

    1. @highspirited_king thanks for contributing. How do you decide which jobs get paid more? How do you make sure the pay for lower paid jobs is fair?

  • A good working environment is when like your surroundings favor you like the people around you are kind, hardworking and co-operative then also the resources around you also favor your job and you have everything that you need

  • A worker should work for less than 36 hours in a week which means they would have to work at least 5 hours a day because this enables one to relax at home and do some other activities that make him/her happy and not every worker should be given the same this should depend on how big or heavy their job is. Now if a worker works for 5 hours a day they should be given a 2 week holiday to settle themselves and work on their finances.

  • To be honest, I feel like better working conditions help us a lot in the sense of division of labour like to be honest the amount of work isn't bad as long as there is division of labour if someone gets the material and someone else handles the arrangements while someone else does the sales it's easier than when someone else does everything. To be honest I feel paying worker according to the amount of work they do is better. Not only the physical health of the worker matter but also the mental health of the workers matter, are they happy where they are working, are they being bullied by fellow workers or are they being treated differently. That matters doesn't it ?

    1. Hi @accurate_wombat well done for contributing. You say "paying worker according to the amount of work they do is better". What do you mean by this? By the number of hours they work or the amount of items (eg clothes) they produce?

      1. I mean there could be policies in a work place that says, we could pay workers per the cloth they produce per hour. For example 50 clothes could be made and 75 dollars could be earned.

  • its unfair for designers really because did you know they only get paid 2 to 4 cents for one pice of clothing where as you sell it for at least 5 to 20 pounds for realy high quality clothes that they spent lots of time on i dont think they would have enough money to feed there family and get a home or electricity and somtimes the clothes they make get thrown out to the dump

  • I think paying workers fairly means that the workers get paid the same amount of money. Yes, workers should get paid enough to cover the cost of their home, bills and food in their country because they might be going through a lot and are trying to work for their families. Yes, i think more jobs should get paid more than other because some workers do more than other workers do and it takes more time to do their work but, instead other might do less and get more and that isn't fair to other people. It really depends on how long someone should work because there are different people.
    No, not every worker should get the same amount of money because other workers do more work and parts, some do less some do more.

    1. You said that "paying workers fairly means that the workers get paid the same amount of money". Do you mean workers who do the same job should be paid the same amount of money? Or do you mean anyone who works should be paid the same? For example, a doctor should be paid the same as a teacher?

  • Okay then; All workers must take their salary so that they can pay the costs of the house, their bills, clothes and food, and this thing is his right. Also, if he does not take the salary, he will be homeless, also homeless. The workers must also take their salary if they do the same work, so a person should not take his salary more than the other. Also, it is possible that the salary of each work is different from the other because there is more difficult work than another work so the worker takes his salary more since he worked hard and also according to the effort of the worker so if the worker worked hard he will take his full salary so it is agreed that the salary in each work is different from the other. The worker must work according to his work, for example if a doctor will work until the end of the day and then rest and take his usual leave at the end of the week, but if he is sick he can take sick leave until he recovers and if he wants a little rest he can take a vacation to travel or stay at home he does as he wants this from the doctor but if he is a teacher then his work will end when the students go to their homes and can take leave Also as desired. And it means to me a "good work environment" that it be a clean environment in which people work hard and sincerely and that they love their work and are loyal to it.

  • A good working environment can make you feel more active, productive, and motivate you to do your job better. It increases your concentration, encourages you to work properly, happily, and makes you feel fresh and boosted. A head full of fresh ideas and the motivation to get them on your plate comes with a good environment. For me, I consider a good environment to be a clean place where there’s no pressure on me and I’m assured that my work will be done justice.
    The time that should be devoted to a task definitely depends on what the task is. A worker might have a job which requires more skill, hence, more time. And if a worker is devoting their skill and time, their pay should be in accordance to that. Equality in work does not come with equality in pay. Jobs can be both mentally and physically exhausting for any working person. AT LEAST all workers should get one holiday per week. A worker should not be burdened with extra work that is out of their capacity. All workers should undoubtedly be paid enough to cover the cost of their basic necessities as it is one very important reason for employment. The basic needs of the workers should strictly be covered by the employer.
    We need to get our workers out of the vulnerability they face because that’s when they get easily exploited.

  • A good working environment for me is a place that there is a lot of positive energy and vibe, a place where I feel safe sharing my ideas and getting the cooperation and trust from my colleagues while striving to achieve the set goals. According to research for effective productivity a worker is meant to work for 6 hours but in my opinion I think the method of individuals taking shift is better off reason being that everyone would work equally and efficiently while at the same production is moving.
    Paying workers fairly is a fundamental thought and ideology, decisions related to pay are important as employee experience is largely affected by their salary so its best to pay in relation to how much they work and not the level or position they occupy if this cannot be done there should be a package which covers health, insurance, housing and electricity which is different from the salary that is earned.
    In my country people are payed according to level or position and am neutral to the thought, because based on morals some people say it is right because of respect for elders and level of experience and others may think that based on the level of work is not appropriate because lower rank members tend to do the strenuous work. Both thoughts can be validated but equality can not really be attained rather a level of comfort should be provided to the lower ranked individuals like instead of having vacation once a year they can be given like three times a year or even once a month while those at the top really do not need this, they go on official trips and are given enough comfort.
    If we all did the same exact job with the same exact effort, we could justify everyone getting paid the same but since we are not all professors or engineers or even teachers we definitely can not be payed equally. Every job requires individuals to make sacrifices but at the same time some jobs and the sacrifices being made are more costly than others. Jobs like firefighting, construction workers, pilot and others really put their lives on the line and deserve to be paid more. Am not saying some jobs are not important is the risk involved that should determine the pay.

  • First: Should a sufficient salary be given to the family's requirements? Yes, a sufficient salary must be obtained for necessities and household expenses, because he is already working day and night for his family and to meet their needs (food, cleaning supplies, clothes, etc........) then every worker must be given his right of money
    Should some jobs be paid more than others? From my point of view, yes, in some jobs the work is very stressful and difficult. A person who works is spending more energy than he can, and he is entitled to a high salary because he will take money according to what he has worked and worked hard

  • Secondly, that the worker works daily from 5 hours to 7 hours more, because if he works more than this, he will be very tired
    How much leave must be obtained? I think in this question that the worker who worked the hardest two days has a day off and they are daily (Friday, Saturday) to give the worker his right to rest and his right to talk to his children etc........ ........
    Also, here, not all workers should get the same amount of leave. It is possible that workers have two days off and workers on one day off, because it is possible that the worker is not exhausted or tiring, as he does not make efforts as the worker does who works seven hours a day
    Finally, a good work environment is one in which it is good to work and in which there are job opportunities for all workers and they give everyone his right.

  • Should all workers receive adequate salaries to cover the costs of their homes, bills and food in their country? That salary must not be according to the work in which the person works, for example, if the work is too tired and needs a brilliant and intelligent person to be paid a large wage such as the secretary, deputy director and permanent teacherBut if the work is normal and not too tired it is the opposite. How much should a workday be? How much time should someone get? He gets one day off a week I think is right.What does "good work environment" mean for you? It means that the work is good for me and the staff and the manager as well and the salary is good for the work I work on as well as the holidays.

  • As I am girl so good environment for me is that where I feel comfortable and having positive vibe where not force me to alter my mind and I am working freedomly where I feel safety and where I conversate clearly where the workers and all are cooperative

    1. That's interesting - is a good environment for a girl different to a good environment for a boy?

  • 1.Paying workers fairly means that people are paid a good salary that is fair and definitely more than 35 cents. Workers should be paid enough so they can get: food, a home, water and electricity. If they are not paid directly, the company should pay for these things and then give the salary that they can use on things they want. Some jobs should be payed more than others depending on: how important they are and how much work people put into it.

    2.A worker should work for a minimum of 6 hours (I think that, others may disagree) or more depending on how much the worker wants to work for. Someone should probably have at least 40 days of paid holiday. If workers contribute more they should be paid more, if someone’s job is harder than the other jobs in that company, they should be paid more.

    3.A good working environment to me means: people are not crammed into tiny spaces; that would definitely be a bad working environment. People should be treated ethically and should not be yelled at by their boss.

    1. Great points fiery_raisin! What do you think the most important job is? Who should be paid the most?

      1. I think the most important job is probably being the president or a government of a country, because a president or a governor is being depended on by an entire country. I think someone in the jury should be paid the most because they really need to think about the crime and whether the person is guilty or not. I think they should be paid the most because they have the life of a person in their hands and theirs only.

  • Paying workers fairly means that they should be paid according to the effort they put in the work and according to the amount of work given to them plus the time they use to make sure that the work is done.
    Workers shouldn't be overworked because if they are overworked and have no time to rest they will lose passion for what they are doing and if they lose passion for what they are doing the company will lose employees and production will have to reduce or stop. I suggest that workers should at least work 11hour a day on weekdays and half of the 11hours on Saturday then Sunday they rest and have time with their families.
    A good working environment is a place where the worker feels valued and what way do the companies make their customers feel valued;
    1. By organizing appraisals where they give out awards for the most hardworking employee (EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH) which will even help the rest to work harder.
    2. By organizing end of year parties for the employees to have fun and celebrate their achievements for that year and also giving them cash bonuses when going forholidays.

    1. I agree because lots of people need to have praise and be recognised if they want to continue working hard, like at schools, if someone does a good job they are often praised by the teacher. It makes people want to keep working hard. Good ethics means good workers.

  • 1. To determine the pay of a worker certain factors must be considered. Such factors include:
    a. The cost of living in a place: The pay of a worker should be in concord with the cost of living of that particular place.
    b. Experience of a worker: A very experienced worker should be paid more than workers having little or no experience. For example: people that have put in more years into working in an organization should be paid more than those just starting work in an organization
    c. Risk involved in the work to be done: A work with lots of risks involved should attract a higher pay to those with little risk involved. For example: a firefighter should be paid more because of the amount of risk involved in the work.
    d. Amount of time put into the work: Workers should be paid according to the amount of time spent on the work. Shifts should be used in organizations so that all workers get to work and have rest while production continues. In the case where a worker insists on wanting to work extra hours in order to make more money, I feel the worker should be allowed but the worker should not be made to work more than 12 hours and the pay that will be given to the workers for working extra hours should be given in full and employers should not try to cheat the workers.
    e. Amount of energy put into the work: If the work is very strenuous and energy draining the worker should be paid more

    If a worker is paid with all the factors above put into consideration, then that worker, in my opinion has been paid fairly but if not the pay for that worker is not fair.

    2. A worker should not work for too long on one hand the organization should not force workers to work for a long period of time like 18 hours. I think workers should be divided to work in shifts of maybe 6 hours each. But on the other, if a worker wants to work multiple shifts to earn extra money, he/she should be allowed to with the appropriate pay given for the extra work, but he/she should not be allowed to work more than 12 hours a day for the sake of every worker's health.
    Every worker should have the same amount of holiday because it is fair but I feel the holidays should be given at different time intervals so that work can continue to move. According to,,
    'Most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days’ paid annual leave a year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday.' I think this is an acceptable amount of time holiday time for workers and it should be enforced in companies.

    3. To me a good working environment is a workplace that encourages the happiness, safety, progress and growth for its employees. Things that make up this good environment are things like a comfortable working space, good interaction with co-workers and superiors, a good pay, fair and equal treatment to all workers, a good holiday period to enable workers relax fully. I think these things should be present in any organization that claims to provide a good working environment for workers

  • Paying workers fairly well means giving every worker amount of money that can satisfy them according to their working class. Every worker, in my opinion should be paid money that can cater for their personal needs as much as an employer can. I can't say that all jobs should be paid the same, but every worker must get what they put in for the prosperity of their jobs.
    In my say, a worker should work for ten hours. In Uganda teachers work for officially ten hours and the rest is extension, but the working contract should also be considered. So, workers should work for the time agreed upon in their contracts. Workers should be given holiday for at least one week every month to get time and spend quality time with their families. I also say that all people are the same so they should be given the same working time so as to show equality.
    A good working environment according to me is an environment where everyone has the confidence to do their work at its best.

  • What does “a good working environment” mean to you?

    "A good working environment" mean to me that the employees/workers feel safe and is fine with doing the job, also that they do it correctly with no problems at all and get paid fairly by what they are doing and how long they do it.

  • I think that workers are supposed to be paid normally,which means that each worker gets the salary or wages that they there are other jobs that deserve more or less salary, and this is due to the nature of the work the worker does. A worker who spends long long hours at work is supposed to get more than a worker who spends fewer hours. This is the fair and secure form of paying workers wages to cover the costs of their homes bills and food in their country modern machines must be provided in the work place in order to save time and effort. Instead of working for 18 hours, they must work for 6hours at most and the salary must be bobbled for worker's who work hard and diligently .Instead of taking and 35 Cents,they take 60Cets,and there must do be a weekly vacation instead of a vacation every month. As for a good work environment it should be suitable for avoiding negative thoughts, psychological pressures and ben signs,and getting. Closer to positive thoughts inorder to lncrease feeling of self _Confidence, comfort and reassurance ,and this suggestion increases the speed of the worker's intellectual and industrial production

  • A good working environment for me is a place that there is a lot of positive energy and vibe, a place where I feel safe sharing my ideas and getting the cooperation and trust from my colleagues while striving to achieve the set goals. According to research for effective productivity a worker is meant to work for 6 hours but in my opinion I think the method of individuals taking shift is better off reason being that everyone would work equally and efficiently while at the same production is moving.
    Paying workers fairly is a fundamental thought and ideology, decisions related to pay are important as employee experience is largely affected by their salary so its best to pay in relation to how much they work and not the level or position they occupy if this cannot be done there should be a package which covers health, insurance, housing and electricity which is different from the salary that is earned.
    In my country people are payed according to level or position and am neutral to the thought, because based on morals some people say it is right because of respect for elders and level of experience and others may think that based on the level of work is not appropriate because lower rank members tend to do the strenuous work. Both thoughts can be validated but equality can not really be attained rather a level of comfort should be provided to the lower ranked individuals like instead of having vacation once a year they can be given like three times a year or even once a month while those at the top really do not need this, they go on official trips and are given enough comfort.
    If we all did the same exact job with the same exact effort, we could justify everyone getting paid the same but since we are not all professors or engineers or even teachers we definitely can not be payed equally. Every job requires individuals to make sacrifices but at the same time some jobs and the sacrifices being made are more costly than others. Jobs like firefighting, construction workers, pilot and others really put their lives on the line and deserve to be paid more. Am not saying some jobs are not important is the risk involved that should determine the pay.

  • The salary of a job should be determined by how much your occupation generates, an occupation that generates 200$ cant earn an employee 300$ there are many things that determine pay and how much employers can profit, n the US the minimum wage is 7$ per hour but some times employers take a high percentage of the income and leave the employee with a very minimum salary this caused specifically to make products cheaper by reducing the cost of labor just how sweatshops produce copies of major fashion brand companies to make them more affordable.
    I believe a worker needs to have 3 breaks in a day each being at least 30 minutes to have meals and refresh themselves for the other period of work.And i believe every job should respect all public holidays and also give some workers breaks once in a while due to family,medical both mental and physical and also a travel break at least once a year.
    A good working environment is a place with good health conditions and comfortable condition and a worker should be free to express him/herself and a good employer with a wage that can accommodate all the basic needs.

  • Fashion
    1. I think that people should get as much money 💴 as they put into their job if they don’t they will probably get less money because there leader won’t pay them much

    2.I think that they should not have to work on long hours if they work really hard and they would have to work long hours if they don’t work as hard and they were lazy
    3. A good working environment is that everyone is comfortable with there working space

  • The worker is supposed to work for 6 hours a day, and the overtime hours must be paid, but the wage must be according to productivity and efficiency, and countries must set a minimum wage that guarantees the worker a decent and humane standard of living
    Workers’ leave must be according to the nature of work, health and family conditions, and maternity and paternity leave must be approved
    A good work environment is one in which there is security, safety, comfort and understanding

  • Good working envirnment means to me that the work places where there is trust,cooperation,safety,risk taking supprt,accountability and equity.I enjoy working in an envirnment where the members of team have a strong sence of camaraderie and a good work ethic.I like working with competent,kind,funny people who like to get things done.Its important to me to get that I can trust my team members to always do their best because I do.

  • For me a good working environment is a place where there is unity, trust, integrity and cooperation amongst the people working together. Where there is good vibe with every worker youll notice that work will be faster and easier because everybody is being creative and not keeping their ideas to themselves because of one or two reasons. A good working environment is a place where you know you can can have peace of mind in that area knowing fully well that no one will argue with for a particular reason and no one will steal the project youve been working on for a long time. A good working environment is a place that is hygienic to you in the sense of your mental health. When you work in a suitable and conducive environment youll notice that youll be more focused on your work and you wont stress your brain thinking and pondering on ideas. For me it is a place where you can gain your self good reputation.

  • In my view, fast fashion industry workers suffer most since they work for long hours and are paid less compared to the to the energy and time they put in. However, its also not fair to say that all workers be paid the same way cause paying fairly follows terms like how long one works and how much he puts in. A person with an essential job like a doctor can not be paid the same money as with a non essential like a gardener, janitor or hairdresser because there is a huge difference in their hours of working and input for example you could find that a doctors spends a maximum of 5 hours off his job since he is always working on saving lives some thing that needs maximum attention and focus whereas a janitor spends a few hours working since most even work in shifts. So following the odds, you have to pay these people accordingly.
    For the working hours, I think a worker should work for a minimum of 10 hours and a maximum of 15 hours plus a five day working course so that one rests over the weekend, this time frame is fair for a worker since it allows them to have enough time for themselves and family. This working time frame should be the same for all since it allows them equal rights as workers and people as a whole.
    To me, a good working environment would be an environment where workers are allowed to work at their pace without too much pressure and stress for example if there is a lot of pressure at work, workers will end up having less time for their families and themselves something you would consider uncomfortable and unhealthy. A good working environment is also one that encourages workers to strive the good cause for example giving workers advance payments, thank you parties, timely leaves due to worker's personal issues, promotions to better positions and raise in payments. A good working environment would best be described in such a way

  • A stress-free workplace is important to everyone. I think that normally a person should work for about 7-8 hours per day. Working for 10-15 hours not only destroys your health, but you also can't devote much time to your family and yourself. And after having a tireful week a person deserves a peaceful weekend which should be up to 2 days. Everyone is equal no one is less or more everyone deserves a fair salary. And yeah maybe some jobs should be paid more than others because it may depend on their working conditions and how much they work.

  • Paying fairly for me, doesn't just mean paying a fair amount. I feel fairness should be there in terms of gender as well. Paying a worker as one's responsibility, capability, and work load is important but it must not differ for women. The wages should be the same for both men and women if they are doing the same amount of work for the same time.

  • Well, these factories exploit their workers badly, who are mostly from the developing world,

    1. Thank you for the inspiring idea, workforce in developing world does have more vulnerability. However, modern slavery and human rights abuses do happen in the developed world as well. What do you think can be done to tackle this issue? And what would be the differences in the solutions for both worlds?

  • A good working environment makes employees give the best out of themselves. Mostly, goodworking environment can make employees even go further than their potentials. It's best for most enterprises to adopt good work policies for best results

    1. Do you have an example of what makes a good working environment?

      1. An example about good working is environment for employees to have a weekend to have a comfortable environment such as not having to long hours of work and to have break between of them and maybe in addition to have friendly connection between them and the administrators of the workplace

  • paying workers fairly means that the salary can let them afford their home bills, to sleep with a full stomach, and being able to save some money for emergency situations or going to a vacation. A worker should work around 8- 12 hours a day, to have the rest for sleeping, relaxing and making daily life routines, as mentioned in the example some workers work 18 hours a day, so will have 6 hours for themselves by this time they can barely sleep, they won't have time to eat, relax or go shop. So this lead the workers to be in extreme fatigue, be less productive and not to work from their heart with passion, which can devastatingly affect the company. Last but not least, a good working environment for me means to have a comfortable interval of work time of a day, to have a weekend, to have a salary that cam cover life costs and finally to have a friendly connection between the principal of the company.

  • I think I only need 10 pieces. I can use a lot of pieces, for example, the jacket, dress, and shirt can be changed. We can do everything with a few things, but you need to think and be patient to become something beautiful

  • 1. Paying workers fairly means that u should pay them according to the effort they put in the work they do and I shouldn't be the one to say that they should be given enough to cover the cost of their home, bills and food in their country because if they were to be paid enough to cover all that the company would run bankrupt so it's up to the workers to decide to use part of their salary and a save some of it in order to live a happy life.

    2. Workers should not be overworked because if they are overworked and have no time to rest they will lose passion for
    what they are doing and the products they produce won't be perfect so I suggest the industry should let the workers work like 11 hours a day and they should be given the weekend to rest and spend time with their family or if not they can work half the 11hours on Saturday.

    3. A good working environment to me means that the worker has to work in a place where he or she feels comfortable. so I think the industry should see to it that they find out what they need in order for to have a good working environment.

  • Should workers get enough wages?
    In fact, all workers must receive salaries sufficient to cover their personal needs and the needs of their families, and this is a big problem in our country because most businesses do not provide sufficient salaries for their workers.

  • The problems we need to solve in sweatshops are the people working are too young and they get paid 3 cent per hour because the cost of living has increased. They have working conditions such as poor air quality and extreme heat. Also, I believe that the Nike, Addidas and Puma buyers need to contact them by email to improve the working conditions and pay them more to keep us buying their product. Consumers need to step up and share their voice.

    1. A thoughtful response, thank you joyful_chicken. How do you think consumers can step up and have the most impact?

      1. Consumers can step up and have the most impact be emailing their government and complaining about the poor working conditions and the amount the workers are getting paid. Not only that but the conditions that surround these places are often littered with waste (like Nike in Indonesia) can create health problems if rubber from shoes is burnt etc. creating lots of pollution. Governments need to ensure pay is increased for TNC's and ensure there are rules about the environment. The United Nations created about 18 sustainable development goals saying just this... These countries need money and donations/ investment to help.

  • I believe that all workers should be paid fairly and equally because the cost-of-living crisis, even in higher income countries, is putting house bills and food prices higher and without being paid fairly people in the lower income countries start to struggle more, and poverty will become a bigger problem across the world. If we look at the sustainable development goals, the main ones are poverty and hunger... and if we think about it, how are we meant to resolve these issues, if people are not being paid the right amount to do so? I also believe because of this issue workers may start to go on strike we will not be able to receive the clothing that we want. As someone from a higher income country we acknowledge that we need to pay more for our products or stop wasting them on fast fashion.

    1. I disagree because the part where you say "people should be paid fairly and equally" sounds like communism which has been tried before by the USSR which everyone excepted the leaders of the country. After WW2 and Germany was splint in 2 the west and the east. The east was run by Russia and was all the German people were eating rats and ether fled to west Germany or died of hunger.

      1. I do think you have misunderstood me as I was saying that people should be paid fairly as the gap in the industry of fashion is quite big as people who are making the clothing get paid 39 cents an hour. By no means was I suggesting communism but in an equal and fair wage (and by equal I mean gender equality/ age equality/ etc.) Luckily Germany have changed their mindset since...!

        1. I disagree because getting paid fairly in any form of Politics and Business will always be followed by human greed. It will collapse and fail due to the need for money. Because more money is equal to more power and people need power. And I think you misunderstood what I was just referencing a real life situation where thousands of people died for equal pay, how it fails over time as people relies the corruption and the down fall of the USSR due to Communisem and Marxism. Your original comment made me think of my favorite quote by George Santayana "Those who do not remember the the past are condemned to repeat it."

  • "A good working environment" mean to me that the employees/workers feel safe and is fine with doing the job, also that they do it correctly with no problems at all and get paid fairly by what they are doing and how long they do it. also a good working environment according to me is an environment where everyone has the confidence to do their work at its best.Things that make up this good environment are things like a comfortable working space, good interaction with co-workers and superiors, a good pay, fair and equal treatment to all workers, a good holiday period to enable workers relax fully. I think these things should be present in any organization that claims to provide a good working environment for workers.

  • 1.Paying workers fairly means that the workers/fashion designers should get paid on what they make or how much effort they put in to making that cloth.Workers should get paid between 100-200Dollars but of course it depends on what they made.

    2.In my opinion a worker should work 8-10 hours a day and they should be allowed to get 2 days off a week.And every worker should get the same rules and opportunities as everyone else beacause they deserve it.

    3.I think a "Good working Enviroment" means that the place you are working at,has a increasing economy rather then a decreasing one.

  • For many people, the desire for a higher salary is a major motivating factor in looking for a new job. Although this is not the only consideration, if you can make more money doing the same work elsewhere, it is at least worth exploring your options. But to do this, you must first believe that you can get paid more for the same work.

    According to a recent study, most people grossly underestimate what people earn in similar jobs elsewhere. Researchers believe that this hinders people from searching for better-paying jobs, or higher pay in return for doing the same work they currently do, noting that this is particularly harmful to those with low incomes.

  • Have you ever wondered: Why do you enter “fast fashion” stores and buy from them, without your awareness, a significant number of fashion? And how many times have you looked at your closet stacked with this type of clothes, yet you can't find what to wear for a particular occasion? Have you ever wondered: What prompted you to buy it? Especially after its fashion has gone out of fashion even before you wear it and benefit from it? If this is the case, then you are not alone, and there are others who suffer like you from the “fast fashion” epidemic, which is very similar to the “fast food” phenomenon.

  • Working in clothing design is very hard and tiring for the eyes. To open a successful clothing design factory, auxiliary workers must be provided and appropriate wages commensurate with their fatigue.

  • Fairly pay is to pay according to risk and effort is done at this the more Hardee and dangerous the job is the higher payment rate
    And here we will ask a question why can't we equalize the payment for any job ? Because if this happened people will choose easy jobs so no one would risk his life or hard work so many jobs will disappear just as fire fighting . and we need to give those hard workers good salary and good working atmosphere

  • good working environment for me is a place that there is a lot of positive energy and vibe, a place where I feel safe sharing my ideas and getting the cooperation and trust from my colleagues while striving to achieve the set goals. According to research for effective productivity a worker is meant to work for 6 hours but in my opinion I think the method of individuals taking shift is better off reason being that everyone would work equally and efficiently while at the same production is moving.
    Paying workers fairly is a fundamental thought and ideology, decisions related to pay are important as employee experience is largely affected by their salary so its best to pay in relation to how much they work and not the level or position they occupy if this cannot be done there should be a package which covers health, insurance, housing and electricity which is different from the salary that is earned.
    In my country people are payed according to level or position and am neutral to the thought, because based on morals some people say it is right because of respect for elders and level of experience and others may think that based on the level of work is not appropriate because lower rank members tend to do the strenuous work. Both thoughts can be validated but equality can not really be attained rather a level of comfort should be provided to the lower ranked individuals like instead of having vacation once a year they can be given like three times a year or even once a month while those at the top really do not need this, they go on official trips and are given enough comfort.
    If we all did the same exact job with the same exact effort, we could justify everyone getting paid the same but since we are not all professors or engineers or even teachers we definitely can not be payed equally. Every job requires individuals to make sacrifices but at the same time some jobs and the sacrifices being made are more costly than others. Jobs like firefighting, construction workers, pilot and others really put their lives on the line and deserve to be paid more. Am not saying some jobs are not important is the risk involved that should determine the pay.

  • A good work environment is one of the important elements that make employees feel comfortable and satisfied while carrying out their tasks and work. Since employees spend a long time at work, which is estimated at about a third of the day, it also plays a key role in maintaining employees and pushing them to commit to their work to bring out the best employees' skills and talents

  • Working conditions is one of the most important things to look out for when looking for work. Personally good working conditions should look like this, first a worker should get 30$ a day to be able to live a normal life (especially if the worker has a family). Second, workers should have about 10 hrs a day of work while have breaks in between (half an hour break should be enough). Finally, workers should be able to relax while working, meaning that their shouldn’t be any loud noises or distractions

  • A good work environment is a positive work environment where there is a level of respect, empathy and good understanding between colleagues and employers. It has a significant impact on an employee’s motivation, job satisfaction, productivity and morale.
    To create a good working environment, employers need to:
    Have good communication with their staffProvide health and safety training to their workforceEncourage work-life balance among employeesReward high-performing employees

  • A good working environment is such in which employer listens nd fulfill the salary requirements of workers the employees feel a sense of confidence nd trust working for his boss in such environment every one works honestly nd sincerely .such workers dont need not to b supervised whether they r working or cheating .. besides a fix amount of salary workers should b offered incentives nd financial aids to fulfill big needs like if workers daughters is goin to b welder the worker need some type of loan to make his Newhouse etc.
    The ideal working hours r 8with one holiday per week so that the person could take proper rest to get ready for next days working.
    In my surrounding home r getting reasonable wages like tailors in big boutiques nd with designers they r in very much demand due to rising fashion trends but some workers like sweepers nd other sanitary staff r not getting enough money becoz in my country for this no skill is required any needy uneducated nd unskillful person is willing to do this becoz they can not survive even they dont do these tasks .even they r better people as thy know the dignity of work .

  • Firstly i highly resist that worker are paid less than their needs that's really bad at least they should be paid enough to run their house cycle.
    It really seems that these workers don't have another choice of work and that's the thing of which their owner takes the advantage and utilize them more than their power.
    And secondly how long should a worker work?
    I think for a work 8 to 10 hours are enough for enough. I can't say it clearly but as being a student i think i could feel their pain. I just spend 6 and half hour in my school and got so tired to that I can't do any other co curricular activities . I just have to study by sitting but the workers have to work a hard work and for 18 hours this should be highly restricted.

  • I think workers should be paid according to there level of productivity and quality of the production, if all workers are to be paid enough to cover their basic needs this may run the company dry and bankrupt however it would be necessary for the workers to receive medical insurance from the company for both them and family minimal wages are at times set by the government to ensure that workers get enough money to get them basic needs and day to day services .
    some jobs should be paid more depending on the filled , time and what they are dealing with , the time taken to learn and the experience a person has got from the years he /she has been in the business in the job .
    I think a working day should be eight hours a day in shifts because the human body gets week and needs rest from time to time minus the international holidays and emergency Brecks one mustn't have that much of a holiday . Women could be acceptable to have holidays when pregnant due to there venerability .
    A good working environment means that the working environment is less harsh with breaks time to time for lunch or have a rest , a clean healthy environment where worker's health is considered and valued .
    With all that I say workers shouldn't be over worked .
    thank you

  • I think it is not fair that they only get one day off per month and they have to work 18 hours a day!

  • i think that the working conditions are not fair just like their payment.

  • Paying fairly means to pay each of your workers the same amount of money and all workers should be paid enough to cover there bills ,food and country.

    1. Should workers with more skills be paid more?

  • The fashion companies sell it for like 10x the amount or even more when they pay the workers to make the clothing. The makers get 0 profit what so ever,and they should at least pay them half of what its worth.Its a fair deal and The makers would be happy I'm sure they would be!

    1. Good point @crafty_butterfly, and what do you think a "good working environment" would look like?

  • Heres what i think is acceptable for working conditions when it comes to fast fashion.

    1.They need to get paid more:
    The workers that make the clothes only get paid up to 2-4 cents or 1-3 pence for every item of clothing made,so they would be lucky to get £3 or 3$ every week!
    In these payment conditions, there moneys at their mouth, this means most of their money goes too food, and not much of it,they will have no spare money,this is unfair considering thats about 0.01% of the money made at the companys.

    I ran out of time, sorry!

  • A good job for me is a place where there is a lot of positive energy and vitality, a place where I feel safe to share my ideas and get cooperation and trust from my colleagues while striving to achieve the set goals. According to research for effective productivity a worker is supposed to work 6 hour days but in my opinion I think the way people shift is the best cause everyone will work equally and efficiently while in the same production moving. Paying workers fairly is a basic idea and ideology, wage decisions are important because employee experience is greatly influenced by their salary so it is best to pay in relation to how well they work and not the level or position they occupy if that is not possible. There must be a package covering health, insurance, housing, and electricity that differs from the salary earned. In my country people are paid according to level or position and I am agnostic to the thought, because based on morality some say it is right due to respect for elders and level of experience and others may think that based on work level it is not appropriate because lower ranking members tend to do the hard work. Both ideas can be validated but equality cannot really be achieved, rather a level of comfort should be provided to the lower ranking individuals such that instead of having a vacation once a year they can be given three times a year or even once a month while they are at the top really not They need this, they go on official trips and they are given enough rest. If we all do the same job with the same exact effort, we can justify everyone getting the same salary but since we are not all professors, engineers or even teachers, we certainly cannot be paid equally. Every job requires individuals to make sacrifices but at the same time some jobs and the sacrifices that are made are more costly than others. Jobs like firefighting, construction workers, pilots, and more really put their lives on the line and are worth paying more. Not saying that some jobs are not important is the risk that should determine the pay.

  • A good working environment is important to employee productivity and morale. Healthy work environments include many components, including a positive culture and comfortable physical space. If you want to improve your office environment, you can make changes to key areas of your workplace. In this article, we describe what a good work environment looks like and how to cultivate one, and we answer several other frequently asked questions.

  • Firstly I believe that you get paid as you work and people who work should be paid based on their work and I also feel that some works should be paid more than other for example doctors are meant to be paid higher than cleaners because a doctor's roles are more important than a cleaner's role not to be work bias. Also I feel like the holidays given to workers should be flexible. And their work hours should be comfortable to them. To me a good working environment means a place where workers have positive mindset, relaxed and productive atmosphere.

  • A good working environment will lift the spirits of the employees. A conducive working environment will boost them to contribute their best consistently. It’s the positive vibe that a place gives to the people, and their reciprocation makes for an ideal workplace
    Let me share some of the benefits of a good working environment.
    1. One of the biggest factors in employee productivity is how they feel about their job and workplace.
    2. A good working environment can make all the difference in whether or not an employee feels motivated, satisfied, and valued by their employer.
    3. A good environment can help employees feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to high levels of engagement, productivity, and retention.
    4. Good working environments can also improve morale, reduce stress and burnout, and facilitate collaboration among team members.

  • 1_ Give them an amount at a price higher than 45 cents per piece, so we suggest, for example, a dollar per piece.
    2_ Granting them holidays over the course of the month, not the year. Let us assume three holidays in a month, that is, according to three consensus, every Friday is a day off, and it is more appropriate for it to be Sunday.
    3_ Reducing working hours from 18 to 12 hours a day, i.e. half the day.
    Thus, workers are attracted to the grants and opportunities provided, so that their performance becomes higher and with greater creativity, and they present their work with the utmost love and appreciation.

  • 1. Paying workers firmly means nonresidential long-term care workers are paid 80% of the average national hourly wage.
    2. yes workers should be paid enough to cover their homes family etc. but it is still likely not enough to cover enough of all that unless you work one of those really good paying jobs.
    3. Well I think not because if jobs got paid more than other jobs that wouldn't be very equal also some people get those jobs with big cash because when they go to interviews and they ask for resume it says what there thing is about then they decide and sometimes its not always yes.

    In conclusion these are my reasons.

  • Paying workers fairly means that they should be paid for how much work they put in, for example people who work very hard should get paid more than people who slack off. Workers should get enough to cover bills, food, and their homes. Jobs that are considered more professional than others, then they should get paid more. A worker should work for at least 4-5 hours. Hard Working workers can have 4 off on the holidays, but workers who slack off should have 2-3 days off. Every worker should not get the same, because it's unfair to pay hard working workers the same amount that slacking workers get. A good working environment to me is a working environment with nice, hard working, cooperating workers.

    1. I totally agree when you say hard working workers can have 4 off on the holidays

  • A good working environment and a good pay would make working condition acceptable, I feel like the condition that the workers are going through isn't right, there working a dirty factories, And their pay isn't good either, they should get paid for what they made. In the video the women made a dress and got paid 60 cents put her design got sold for 60 dollars. This pay effects how they pay for their homes, food, children, wants and needs.

  • In my opinion paying workers fairly means when you pay the worker the time they do. I think some jobs that deal with chemical things should be paid more due to health issues, I think workers should work for at least 9 or 5 hours maybe 9 and 12 hours but of course with breaks. In my opinion a good working environment is when the employee doesn't deal with toxic things and if they did they of course have the gear to use it and they get at least two breaks and they get paid the amount they work

  • How much should a worker work? For example, how long should the working day be? How much holiday should someone have? Should every worker get the same? Why or why not?
    Yes every workers should get same holiday. If there is no any discrimination between any kind of work regarding holiday, salary, people will be influenced and will be ready for working any kind of works.

  • Paying workers fairly I think means that someone should be payed according to what he or she produces for example these people who work in the fast fashion factories should be paid much because the price of the clothes they produce is high and they are on a high demand these people also wirk for long hours so I think if they are to be paid the least should be enough to cover for there home expenses the least not what they should be paid. In my opinion i say some jobs should be payed more than the others because some jobs are more valuable than others for example some body who cleans the hospital can not be paid the same as the doctor who works there, there effort is different and the need for there work is different. I think the maximum hours one should work for is 10 hours except for those jobs that can not abide from working for longer hours like the doctors and others and people who work should get day offs and holidays like the weekend holidays they should atleast get 1 day off a week and weekend holidays except for doctors who don't have to work everyday and they work on appointment so for them they have no foular of working but some times they also get weekend holidays. A good working environment to means means a wurking space that is worker friendly for example an environment that can inspire a worker to do greater thing tkae an example the fast fashion factories or the sweet shops there working environment is not good because one is worked for longer hours and over worked no holidays and little pay but for a good wirking environment one can get weekend holidays and dayoofs atleast eveyday, work for sustainable hours and also get enough payor wage one also get awards fir pitting more efforts than the hours those are the characteristics of a good working environment to me.

  • A fair wage is a wage that is considered “fair” by the employee. This salary, received in return for individual work performed, will encourage the employee to invest more or less in their daily tasks, but also to keep their current job for longer or less time. The employee makes a real trade-off between the level of salary they receive and the quantity and difficulty of their day-to-day responsibilities.
    I feel most jobs should not be paid the same because Some jobs pay more than others because of the demand of the job, location of the job, industry, level of education, and experience required for the job. For example, a doctor is paid more than a waiter. Why? It's because you need higher education to become a doctor.
    The countries with the highest average working hours are also the ones with the lowest productivity. And those where work days are the shortest are the most productive. As well, there are also studies saying that companies that impose their employees daily working hours are also less productive. Scientists generally agree that the ideal daily working time is around 6 hours, and more concentrated in the morning. This is what is being practiced in Sweden, and they are currently experiencing significant success.
    I think that every worker should get a good amount of holiday, rest, and should be able to spent quality time with friends, family, and loved ones. Most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days paid annual leave a year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday.
    And a positive work environment is something that makes employees feel good about coming to work every day, and also motivates them constantly to sustain them throughout the day and give their best effort.

  • Working conditions in LICs and NEEs is the major problem. One of the biggest TNCs (transnational cooperation's) is located in Indonesia and the workers are extremely overworked and are treated poorly. This TNC is actually a Nike TNC - yes Nike, that famous fashion brand that is all over the world worn by the majority of people but no one understands what goes on behind doors. Around 1 in every 15 workers get hit each hour (most of these workers are women) and women are also forced to take pregnancy tests if there is any suspicion. These TNCs are dominated by men who get all of the profits leaving the workers with almost nothing. Some workers earn £1 an hour and this is ridiculous - working long and difficult hours in an unhygienic and not air conditioned workplace - they deserve so much more. We see selfishness when celebrities wear the products; for example, Tiger Woods (a famous golfer) could wear a Nike hat for an advertisement and he will get paid hundreds of thousands for a 5 second ad. the workers would have to work over 1000x more to earn what he does in a month. Workers are overworked, underpaid and the work conditions are appalling. not only is it bad for their physical health as they may develop an illness but also for their mental health - they're stressed and still do not have the right money to provide for themselves and family. it is mentally draining and they will have no time for themselves or the people around them

    1. Hi dedicated_trombone, thank you for your comment. You raise some valid points. What do you think would help improve the working conditions in LICs and NEEs? What can be done and by whom?

      1. I honestly think the most we can do is educate EVERYONE on the conditions, not just geography students. For example, I spoke to one of my parents about it and they didn't know about the conditions some people have to work in. Not a lot of people understand what people in LICs/NEEs go through. I think educating everybody on it helps, making it headline news, possibly a peaceful protest. But also a major part of it comes down to the companies and people that run the TNCs. They're all capitalist and selfish; once someone is like that and embedded in that mindset, its hard to get them out of it. I would say maybe the government of that country speak up but they cant exactly because TNCs are privately owned businesses. I guess all of the workers could just go on strike and demand for better conditions but then that means they wont be in work and they wont be getting any income, additionally, certain countries are quite aggressive so there may be major consequence if they did this. I honestly don't know if there's anything we or the employees can do about it,. the employers just need to realis that what they're doing is wrong and it is literally killing thousands of people each day

  • Working conditions in LICs and NEEs is the major problem. One of the biggest TNCs (transnational cooperation's) is located in Indonesia and the workers are extremely overworked and are treated poorly. This TNC is actually a Nike TNC - yes Nike, that famous fashion brand that is all over the world worn by the majority of people but no one understands what goes on behind doors. Around 1 in every 15 workers get hit each hour (most of these workers are women) and women are also forced to take pregnancy tests if there is any suspicion. These TNCs are dominated by men who get all of the profits leaving the workers with almost nothing. Some workers earn £1 an hour and this is ridiculous - working long and difficult hours in an unhygienic and not air conditioned workplace - they deserve so much more. We see selfishness when celebrities wear the products; for example, Tiger Woods (a famous golfer) could wear a Nike hat for an advertisement and he will get paid hundreds of thousands for a 5 second ad. the workers would have to work over 1000x more to earn what he does in a month. Workers are overworked, underpaid and the work conditions are appalling. not only is it bad for their physical health as they may develop an illness but also for their mental health - they're stressed and still do not have the right money to provide for themselves and family. it is mentally draining and they will have no time for themselves or the people around them

  • they should be paid for how much work they put in, for example people who work very hard should get paid more than people who slack off. Workers should get enough to cover bills, food, and their homes. Jobs that are considered more professional than others, then they should get paid more. A worker should work for at least 4-5 hours. Hard Working workers can have 4 off on the holidays, but workers who slack off should have 2-3 days off. Every worker should not get the same, because it's unfair to pay hard working workers the same amount that slacking workers get. A good working environment refer to one working in a comfortable environment and this encourages people to work for example if workers are given holidays every weekend, healthy interaction with co_workers, appreciating the best workers with gifts and so on that is a good working environment and encourages people to work.