Standpoints by hopeful_map

Comments by hopeful_map

Comment Post Date
I think that tradition and history are the most important when discussing the royals because... Royalty poll results! 08/5/23
I scored 9 in this test, I am happy with my results because I like the royal family and I think... Test your knowledge 08/5/23
54%of teen social media users agree that it often distracts them when they should be paying... Teenagers and social media 06/5/23
57% of all teens agree that using social media often distracts them when they should be doing... Teenagers and social media 06/5/23
I scored 8 in this quiz. I am happy with my result I scored one more than I did last week. I... Test your knowledge 28/4/23
Cars can only be used for three days a week shouldn’t be passed because people need to get to... The law in your hands? 21/4/23
In the quiz I scored 7 I am happy with this result because I felt that I learned a lot from this... Test your knowledge! 21/4/23