Test your knowledge

A new topic means a new chance to test your knowledge of the news!

This short quiz is a good chance to recap what you learnt in class if you did the metaverse lesson. Don’t worry if you didn’t – you can also use this quiz as an opportunity to learn.

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  • I scored a 9 what I learnt about the metaverse are the following:
    1. It takes you to places that you cant normally not go to.
    2. It puts you in real situations where you can feel, anger, sadness, despair, annoyed, happy and excited.
    3. The metaverse gives you the ability to be whatever you want to be.
    4. The metaverse will be the next big thing after the internet it will allow you to create your own home workspace and area.
    5. People can go school in the metaverse make new friends.
    6. Some people in poor countries will not be able to join in because of how expensive it is.
    7. It will help in the medical field.
    I think it will be an amazing space but it needs the governments of all countries involved to come up with a governing body for the metaverse.

    1. I agree with what you said, but i agree more with number four and it's true, the metaverse will be the next internet. And not only will it allow you to create your own home workspace and area, but also like a new world for you.

      1. I agree with you.The metaverse will be anew revolution in communication.I have opposing feelings about that.I am so excited and eager for this technological experience,but on the other side I'm so worried about relationships and contacting with people.

  • I scored an 8. I realized that the metaverse is a universe of its own. It mirrors reality and with just a pair of VR googles or headphones, you could create a whole new look of yourself. This industry is one that will generate tons of income in the months and years to come.

    1. Well done @shining_introduction. Can you think of any positives and negatives that will come from the metaverse mirroring reality?

      1. One positive is that we get to sort of escape reality and all our struggles for a bit.

        And for negatives;
        1. People get addicted and disconnect from the current affairs.

        2. A lot of people will get cyber-bullied and vital personal information may be leaked. This causes insecurity and invasion of privacy.

        3. It's a huge investment- you'll have to pay tons of money to get the equipment, then get a service provider and also for regular maintenance.

      2. I re-took the quiz and scored a 9, I also realized that with the help of the metaverse, you can build your dream life; from cars, to pets, family and friends, etc.

    2. I agree with you shining_introduction the metaverse will be the " digital twin" of the real world. With just putting on a VR headset it will immerse you into a whole different reality. With that benefit alone it would rack in many forms income and revenue. The cons are also very overwhelming as well because it would increase the amounts of security breaches and online harassment. Also developing countries will be left out of the conversation because one headset by itself is expensive and its citizens do not have access to it. With the metaverse being the "digital twin" of the real world it could easily cause for mental health issues and increased levels of stress and anxiety. With the metaverse almost looking the exact same as the real world it could cause major problems when the headset is finally taken off.

  • I scored 10 and learnt that the metaverse is a virtual reality space in which users can interact as though it's the real world. From the video, in as much as it has huge benefits, there are also pitfalls that need to be taken into consideration. Necessary laws may need to be put in place to check this.

  • The most important thing I learned from this project is
    1. Not to throw rubbish on the ground from plastic, glass and rubbish.
    2. Maintaining a clean environment.
    3. Drink plenty of water, especially in the summer.
    4. Apply sunscreen to the body when going out, for example, to work in the summer.
    5. Intensifying tree planting to obtain abundant amounts of oxygen.
    6. Using the recycling process to reduce environmental waste.
    7. Breathe the morning air because it is free of factory and car smoke, and it contains an abundant percentage of pure oxygen and works to increase the activity of bodily cells.
    8. Organizing time and allocating time for reading and practicing hobbies such as drawing, playing and contemplating the environment.
    9. Exercising to get rid of excess weight and not wasting food and drink.
    10. Not to use cars and trucks that follow smoke, which helps in increasing the carbon footprint, and to use what is environmentally friendly, such as bicycles and others.
    The question running through my mind was that. How can we act in the event of climate change in an area?
    What is the duty of the residents of this area towards their town?

    1. I agree with you, but we must realize that one region cannot change the climate of the entire world, and if we are not cooperative in adhering to certain laws, we will not be able to control the problem, and it may worsen.

  • I scored an 8 , and I learnt that the Metaverse is a digital twin to the physical world , the Metaverse is a hypothetical literation of the internet as a single and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality and augmented reality headset . The Metaverse is a place where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world.

    1. I agree. I also scored 8 and I learnt that the meta verse is a virtual reality designed to be the digital twin of the real world, made so people around the world can come together to socialize, learn and work together without even leaving their rooms in real life, also people can make their own pet without the fear of allergies and without parents permission. And I also learnt that the meta verse can be helpful in terms of reducing pollution since people wouldn’t have to travel to visit a place or someone, they can just meet them virtually.

  • I scored 7 in the test
    I’ve learnt that the Metaverse is a virtual reality game were we can be who ever he/she wants to be.This will give me an opportunity to be a scientist researcher where I can discover a permanent cure for cancer patients. I look forward to being part of this amazing team.

    1. I scored an 8.

      I find this medical part to be interesting as well. The thought of being able to experiment on a simulation without the cost of a real life setup. It seems to be successful with trainee pilots. As well as the thought of being whoever you want. I wonder about the pros and cons and which outweighs that.

  • I scored 8 in the quiz.
    I learnt that the metaverse is like a twin sister to the earth. I’ve always wanted to be a software engineer. Being in the metaverse will help me have more opportunities to learn about software engineering. I look forward to be part of the metaverse team in order to learn more about the metaverse objectives.

  • I scored a 10 in the quiz. i learnt that the metaverse is a virtual world with endless possbillities your imagination is your limit. I understand that the metaverse is technolgical break through in the human race which is acceced through vr headset . The metaverse is a wonderfull place which we can do all sort of job and occupation in it we can also learn in it. But even that ,the metaverse still has it disadvantage just as advantage . I learnt that the metarverse is softwere engineered programe which create an endless world to explore. This shows the metaverse acting our planet twin.

  • I scored a 7 on the test and I am confident and not shy because of this score. I have learned that metaverses are my digital twin to the real world and that every adult over the age of 18 who can use metaverses may benefit from them.

  • 1.The exhibit invites you to think about how you think. It's all about real life and what's happening inside your head everyday as your brain makes sense of the world around you.

    2.You'll zoom in to begin your exploration at the cellular level where neurons fire chaotically. Fire a model neuron to see how brain cells use chemical and electrical signals to communicate at incredible speeds.

    3.Where are those signals going? To the discrete pathways that enable your brain to control your body functions. When you see how parts of the brain control functions throughout body, you'll be glad that the signals travel so quickly.

    4.Your brain integrates those neurons into pathways in mysterious ways to manage its complex cognitive function. In other words, you become you when your pathways function together.

  • I scored an eight on this quiz as the result. Of course, I learnt about important things, but my concerns go beyond that. I feel this knowledge of something so amazing should not be for only some people but everyone. Digital divide is a very real problem which differentiates the societies we live in and the world at large. The matter here is to reduce that problem or better still, put an end to it. E veryone in the society deserves to see life in every way possible and that includes digitally as well. To be honest, technological advancement should not be the only thing we aim at but technological expansion as well. I feel most societies will experience the benefits in this way.

  • I scored an 8. What interests me the most is how advanced technology has gotten to be able to create an artificial doppelganger of our world and replicate some fragile detail into this copy. I had to let my brain digest one thing though from a constructive question. Since the number of children and young deal with computer software almost every day of their lives, does that then mean that the younger generation are more into the metaverse and this made up reality than necessary?

  • I scored 8, and i learnt that metaverse is a digital twin to the real world. you can do things in the metaverse but can't do it in the real world. you can play games, live another life outside the life you live in now, you can do all sorts of things in the metaverse it only stops at your own imagination.

  • I scored 8 in this test, from which I learned a lot of information, including: 1- The word vR is the virtual reality, which is a computer technology that surrounds the user and responds to his actions in a natural way, through display devices installed in the user's head. 2- The Facebook company changed its name to META in 2021. The values ​​of the global gaming industry have reached more than 214 billion dollars 4- Because of the Metaverse, I will be able in the future to be able to socialize and build new homes 5- Medical devices help in achieving progress in medical procedures and operations

  • I scored 8 in the quiz, I learnt that the augmented reality device are enabling metaverse technology to make a real difference to how vital service such as medical care are delivered. I seriously never new that the augmented reality device can help cure illness and I always wanted to be a doctor, saving people's life through the augmented reality device. I have learnt a lot.

  • lm scored 9 Here are some key points that can be gleaned from the questions:

    Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021.

    The digital representation of oneself in the metaverse is called an avatar.

    The global games industry was worth over $214 billion in 2021.

    It is true that you will be able to build new homes, create pets, and socialize in the metaverse.

    It is false to say that every adult over 18 in every country in the world will be using the metaverse next year.

    Augmented reality (AR) devices could potentially help advance medical procedures in the metaverse.

    Experts sometimes refer to the metaverse as a "digital twin" when comparing it to the real world.

    Approximately 3 out of 4 American children aged 9 to 12 use Roblox.

    Over a third of British children aged 10 use Roblox, as per a survey by Ofcom in 2021.

    These points cover various aspects related to the metaverse, virtual reality, gaming industry, medical applications, and usage of Roblox among children, as per the given questions.

  • I scored 7 in the cob and scored my grades by browsing the Internet and I had this information * I learned that Metaverse is a large virtual world that made the planet a small village. We communicate with all countries, no matter how far the distance is, and it is what made the far close and that it saved the hardships of traveling between people who are far from each other * The information I would like to know is if it can be hacked in order to protect my privacy

  • I scored a 9 and some of the good things I've learned about the Metaverse is you can play games, socialize, and help with medicine with the Metaverse. Some of the bad things i've learned about the meta verse is that it is very chaotic with not many rules, people could get addicted to it, and there has been a lot of money spent on it that could have been used towards more important things like hunger and homelessness.

  • I scored a 9 on the quiz, I learned that virtual reality could actually be helpful because it can help doctors replicate a medical situation. For example if someone broke their leg or is having a heart attack. Doctors can act fast if they practice what to do in a situation like that.

  • I scored an 8 in the test,
    I learnt that the metaverse is an online idea created to play games, go shopping, socialising with friends, create medical advancements, and also create technology advancements. This is virtual reality. Although it differs so much from the real world, people seem to like it. It can also damage your mental health, by being addicted to it. This metaverse idea isn't synced to the real world, it's a video game, you're not real. It's much more less important from the real world. It makes everything seem like a game.

  • Hi,
    I am very well good at software engineering but I have scored only 9. And I have understood the consept of metaverse, I have understood that metaverse is a virtual earth that is like a mirror image of our earth. And I told about the metaverse to my friends and they also taught me about the metaverse.
    I think that in the future I will be working as software engineer in the metaverse.

  • What I have learned from the metaverse is quite a lot but mainly what I understand is that
    1.The metaverse is a new horizon of new ideas and innovations virtually.
    2.It helps us view the real world diffrently, and opens us to a new mentally on how things can be done through the internet.
    3.It helps us travel afar physcoogically while in one place.
    4.It serves as test run for things that may happen in the real world.
    5.Individually it helps us beter ourselves by giving easy access to knowledge and resoures.
    6.lastly we see that the metaverse brins in advantage to the world in finding solutions to issues affecting it such as climate change, poverty , illiteracy and so on.
    There are also disadvantages of the metaverse but I believe the advantages are more than the disadvantages. Terefore for the good of the people, society and world at large I think that everyone accepts the metaverse and the new era it brings and work together to furter reduce the disdvantages of the metaverse.

  • The most important thing I learned from this project is

    1. Breathe the morning air because it is free of factory and car smoke, and it contains an abundant percentage of pure oxygen and works to increase the activity of bodily cells.

    2.Apply sunscreen to the body when going out, for example, to work in the summer.

    3. Drink plenty of water, especially in the summer.

  • I scored an 8 in the quiz.
    After going through all the comments on metaverse and quiz questions? I'll like to know if its possible for one to have more than one avatar in the metaverse. If yes, how would one be able o control the two avatars at the same time ?

  • Here is some information that I gained in this project, including: 1- The company that changed its name to Meta in 2021 is Facebook. 2- We can do anything in the meta that we can do in virtual reality, such as construction, transportation, travel and education, but will this be free or like virtual reality? If this was free, it would be great, and the phrase would become (Palmeta can do anything we can't do in reality)! . 3- The legal age for enamel users is 18 and above. This would be good if the person using it is aware of the absence of problems. 4- Meta is the digital twin of the virtual world.

  • I scored a 10 and I learnt that the metaverse is a platform where its users can do things which they could not do in the real world, and it is based on virtual or augmented reality which is good because it helps various fields of work such as surgery, engineering, designing, software development etc. I also learnt that the metaverse is a digital twin to the real world and that means that it is very similar to the actual world and that is good because it does not take much for the users to adapt to this world of innovation and science and technology.

  • I got 8, but I got a lot of information about technology and the life of technology, and I want to give my regards to topical talk for this valuable information, because at first I did not know anything about metaverse, and now I am, I have become excellent in it

  • I got 9 degrees, and I got this good score through what I learned in this subject about metaverses. This subject expanded my knowledge about metaverses and delved into it, which made me feel as if someone took me and introduced me to this imaginary world and I explored it, and since I love The science of artificial intelligence and electronics, I found these two things in Metaverse, as it combines them in an interesting and fun way, which aroused my passion in joining Metaverse daily, and among the things I learned about Metaverse:
    1. Its negative and positive aspects and their impact on the world.
    2. The fields of metaverse and the various sciences that combine them from engineering, technology and others.
    3 . The great and important role of VR in Metaverse, as it constitutes a great gateway to this world.
    4. Metaverse's connection to the real world, as they are twin sisters.
    5. Seeing the world through metaverses, and knowing each country and how it deals with metaverses.

  • In this quiz I had scored 9 points, but I learnt some information about this new technology. I think that metaverse is almost like a universe. The word "metaverse" means 'beyond the universe'. It is the combination of virtual reality and augmented reality. The metaverse takes you to places where there are difficult to go and even real life situations can happen there. The most important fact is that you can even work and earn. But the problem is people get addicted and they can't return to normal life. Some analysts have concerned that widespread adoption of metaverse may lead to increase in emissions. My suggestion was people should use metaverse with some restrictions and they should be mentored by experts with proper guidance and the only way to safeguard yourselves is people should not share their passwords or any other personal information.

  • I scored a 9. And from this test I learned that metaverse is like a universe on its own. Although it may have a high possiblity of individuals getting too attached to it,it also has its positive sides. For example it gives individuals the life they were/are not able to experience in reality. Like a situation where a cure for a particular disease in reality have not been discovered,......the metaverse could give individuals the opportunity of finding the cure.

  • I scored a good mark in the test, I completed 9 correct points. I learned a lot from it.
    I learned that the metaverse is a virtual world and it can be said that it is a fantasy where we can imagine many things that are impossible to exist in the virtual world, such as discovering space and oceans, discovering and making places that do not exist.
    I wanted to become an astronaut to explore all Galaxies and black holes, and places that astronauts couldn't get to, where I can do this and more in metaverses, I'm excited to use metaverses to do these scientific things

  • I scored nine (9) in the test and i am happy to know that the metaverse is not just for having fun but also useful and very educative. It is useful at places like the hospital which is used for surgery (augmented reality).

  • I scored a 10 and I learnt a lot about the metaverse like how it helps to socialise with people and have new experiences.

  • I scored a 9.
    I learnt that the Metaverse is a virtual world in which you can do anything you can imagine.
    I also learned that the metaverse is a digital twin to the internet, as it will just be an extension of it.
    I finally learned that the metaverse is a place where you can be whoever and whatever you want to be.

  • I got 9 degrees, and I got this good score through what I learned in this subject about metaverses. This subject expanded my knowledge about metaverses and delved into it, which made me feel as if someone took me and introduced me to this imaginary world and I explored it, and since I love The science of artificial intelligence and electronics, I found these two things in Metaverse, as it combines them in an interesting and fun way, which aroused my passion in joining Metaverse daily, and among the things I learned about Metaverse:
    1. Its negative and positive aspects and their impact on the world.
    2. The fields of metaverse and the various sciences that combine them from engineering, technology and others.
    3 . The great and important role of VR in Metaverse, as it constitutes a great gateway to this world.
    4. Metaverse's connection to the real world, as they are twin sisters.
    5. Seeing the world through metaverses, and knowing each country and how it deals with metaverses.

  • Although my grades were a bit bad, but it was okay, I had fun while I scored some grades, and it was an enjoyable experience and I learned a lot of information about Metaverse, and it was an interesting experience, and among the things I learned are as follows: 1- Metaverse helps in the development of many fields, including the medical field 2- Metaverse works on interaction and sharing with people and our discovery of our beloved hobbies through our participation in video games and other games 3- Metaverse works 4- It also works to connect and coherence the world and the development of the world 5- Improving social media, where platforms such as Facebook depend on the social aspect of the Internet 6-Providing the largest number of job opportunities through marketing and advertising on its platforms and finally the question in my mind is what are the differences between Virtual Reality vs. Metaverse

  • I scored a 9, and I have decided to write 5 things that I have learned from the Metaverse:
    1. You are able to travel to areas where you are unable to go in the real world.
    2. You can be whoever you want to be, whatever you want to be, and do whatever you want to do.
    3. Water is an important part of your life, meaning that it would help you to drink water on a daily basis.
    4. It is possible that you can start a new life in a virtual world and live your dream life whenever you would like to, all because of this new invention that goes by the name of Metaverse.
    5. The Metaverse makes you feel like you are in reality however it is just a virtual reality that simulates real life events that occur within the normal world.

  • I scored a 9 on the quiz and I learned that the Metaverse is an expanding industry. Many companies have put billions of dollars to be a part of the new and upcoming Metaverse industry. Facebook/Meta being the biggest advocate for the new Metaverse. Metaverse as a whole allows players to create avatars and live their personal fantasies or to just live a simple life all while being virtual. It seems the creators of the Metaverse want it to be like a twin sister to the reality of the world. Personally I want to know how the Metaverse improves or worsens an ordinary person's life.

  • I scored a 9 on the quiz.
    I learned how the metaverse can be a direct replica of the real world thus calling it " digital twin". He could be made and programmed the same or it can be made to make life in the metaverse better than the real world. Many more job and career opportunities will open up for everyone in the metaverse. The metaverse could mean the world for people when you put on the virtual reality headset it creates the life you have always wanted. It will immerse you in the experience you have always dream of.

  • I believe the metaverse is a place were one can express themself and share ideas with others

  • I scored 7 and I realised that the metaverse is a twin of the real world in which you can learn so many things that we can use in reality. It is also a place where the unimaginable becomes reality. I can imagine how much more the metaverse can impact in the lives of people all over the world. It is definately a place I want to go to.

  • I scored 7 on the test .
    I learned that Metaverse It is a game of virtual reality We can also be whoever we want , And also it will give me more opportunities To be a famous researcher And also I can find out treatment For those with cancer , Also, I want to aspire to be part of this amazing team.

  • I scored a 10 i learned that the metaverse is Earth's twin and also that The Metaverse is a place where people experience their life in ways they could'nt in the physical world.

  • the metaverse is a wonderful place. Apart from all the educational stuff, the metaverse will also make room for more effective, efficient testing and training. The metaverse will do more than support remote work and collaboration beyond geographic and physical barriers, it will enable a whole new level of testing and training with great efficiency. That will honestly be pretty cool.

  • This is all new to me, I haven't studied this in school but I managed to score a 9 on the test. I learned the number of children from ages 9-12 who play Roblox and how similar the virtual world is to the natural world. I am really elated about this because I have untapped new knowledge due to the quiz. I would really want to know the effect of playing Roblox on children because I would want to see how they are able to relate to the people of the real world.

  • I have totally scored 7 marks in the quiz... As a learner I had learnt many things about Metaverse. And also learnt about the advantages and disadvantages about Metaverse. And the problems faced by the users of Metaverse by physically and mentally. Also learnt some of the ways to solve those issues in Metaverse. Also how Metaverse affects the earth. Because it emits greenhouse gases, it also one of the reason of climate changes. And I also learnt that how Metaverse involves in the economy of the country. I want to learn how we want to solve the cybercrime in Metaverse. And want to think of what are steps taken by government to those. And as an user of Metaverse how we should use it in right way.

  • I scored a 10 and I would like to learn more about the purpose of trying to get all people to live in the metaverse. The metaverse does not have any real food that we can consume so what will we be eating? And the world will not be in good shape if we decide to stay in the metaverse because we will not be able to fix broken buildings after earthquakes or just rebuild after a natural disaster.

  • I scored 7 points and i learnt that metaverse is a new gadget (Vr headphones) which is more expensive 💰, So Poor people can't use this gadget.
    Metaverse allows to create our own world🌃. It is the next internet after the smart phones📱 and a new technology .
    The metaverse is a digital twin to real world .

    1. Great summary.

  • I got 7!! But I still fell that I still have to know more about metaverse and about the virtual reality. This thought of visiting places virtually is really amazing I just can't wait for this!!!! I would go to the space and invent many things as I always wonder about black hole if I could get inside the black hole then I will go there first and clear my clarification and also I will see if their is any other planet where life is existing. Are aliens are real?? I can clear all my doubts with this. It is going to be very useful for scientists and doctors. I will know more about this metaverse and learn about it

  • So that we do not fall into the trap that the Metaverse set for us, which is considered a new future for the world.....
    Since we are in a vast, developed world full of information and inventions.. I decided to give you, my student friends, advice that is more valuable than gold.
    1 Don't overplay the Metaverse.
    2 Use metaverses for useful things.
    3 Learn what is useful from metaverse in terms of important techniques and applications.
    4 When you want to enter the metaverse world, first of all, decide which of the areas you will enter.
    5 Do not be afraid of the change in the world and start learning, because you do not know what will happen tomorrow.

  • I scored a 10, and from the lesson I learned:
    1. The gaming industry is HUGE, and the Metaverse is something that many people have hopeful prospects for, as many millions of dollars were poured into Meta to fund it.
    2. The Metaverse will not just be a game, but will act as an actual virtual world, allowing people to go places they'd never before and have jobs.
    3. The Metaverse will have customizable avatars and will allow you to be anything as you want and will give you the ability to live any life you want.
    4. The technology utilized in the Metaverse can be utilized for good, such as medical surgeries.

    1. Hello ,
      You say that metaverses can be used for good, such as performing surgeries. This made me think, why don't we use this to our advantage and apply it in our real life?
      We now see our urgent need for devices that help us in the various fields of our lives to eliminate many of the crises that face us, for example the problem of strikes, strikes of workers, doctors and others. Why don't we put Metaverse as an alternative solution in light of this crisis, for me it will contribute to reducing many crises .

      1. Interesting comment. In what ways do you think the metaverse could assist when people are striking? We still need doctors and nurses despite advances in technology.

  • I scored 9 points in this test. For me, it was an opportunity to learn more about something I love. I am a person who loves to watch anime, which are cartoons. I found that metaverse is a world in which I find what I love without harming me, but rather benefiting me. A world in which I can be the person who I dream of being him and having the opportunity to meet people who share my love of watching anime, so it was a wonderful test for me, I came out of it with new information about how to use what we love in our favor and to think in a different way to get something creative

  • I scored an 8 and I realized that the Metaverse is a virtual world where you can express yourself in any manner. I believe it is called a digital twin because it looks like just the real world but it is digitally the same. It helps you feel real world emotions which allows it to seem like the real world even more! This place, VR, is a world where you can do anything that would be impossible to do or something that you always wanted to do in real life.

    1. Great score! Do you think there's a danger that if you can do all the things that you've always wanted to do in the Metaverse that people might become more insular and lonely?

  • I scored a 9,
    I learnt that the metaverse is referred to as the physical world's 'Digital Twin' because you can design homes, have jobs, and socialize with other people just like you can in the real world.

  • The metaverse is the next evolution in social connection and the successor to the mobile internet. Imagine a set of digital spaces that can move seamlessly. The metaverse will help with connectivity amongst people, when you aren't physically in the same place and get us even closer to that feeling of belong together in person. We will be able to connect, play, learn, and , shop. We will be able to access the metaverse on different devices like your phone, or computer, as well as virtual reality( vr set) where you are fully immersed.

  • I scored 7 , I learnt that VR stands for Virtual Reality and an avatar is the digital representation of yourself in the metaverse. Facebook changed their name to Meta in 2021.

  • I received an eight. This is an excellent learning environment, and it is an honor to be a part of the Topical Talk Festival. I like how you can build new houses, have your own pet, and socialize in the metaverse, and how it will be a great tool in healthcare because doctors can interact with their patients and gain valuable insight into their health conditions in the virtual world of the metaverse. It is a truly fantastic invention, and I can't wait for it to become available to me.

  • I received a 9, and I now know more about the metaverse. I understand that, while it has some advantages, such as e-commerce businesses interacting with merchants in the virtual space where product inspections, negotiations, and deals can be finalized, and customers can be influenced using interactive and realistic marketing content, it will also have some disadvantages, such as it will be difficult to identify people in the metaverse, a slew of scammers will appear, and privacy concerns will be a major issue to deal with.

  • I scored a 7 and I learned that 3 out of 4 children in the US play roblox.

  • Scored 7
    I think Metaverse is an intriguing invention that I'm only now learning about. Thank you, Topical Talk Festival. I must say that I am learning a lot, and I must say that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused businesses all over the world to adopt digital ways of doing business. While the platforms used failed to provide a compelling and engaging experience, metaverse users will have a more engaging experience through its graphically virtual environments.

  • I scored an 8. I came to understand that virtual reality is simply a digital replica of the real world, with the exception that there seem to be no restrictions on what people may do or who they can be. A few of the many things I learned include the fact that Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021 and that an Avatar is the term used to refer to a digital version of a person in the metaverse.

  • i scored a nine. i learned that a lot of kids play roblox

  • I scored a 9, I was not sure about a few questions, I guessed 2 or 3 I want to learn about things I guessed

  • I never knew most of the stuff that the questions were about

  • my score was 9 . whilst i learnt about the metaverse i learnt that you will have your own secret life and your own avitar but will you have to pay for it or not

  • Hi everyone.
    I scored 6 and I learnt that.
    People can express themselves in the metaverse.
    They can be whoever they want to be ,what they want to be and make their own life decisions.
    They can go anywhere they want.
    They get a chance to express their imaginations.
    They get a chance to fulfil their dreams, hopes and desires.
    The metaverse also helps in the medical world.
    this one's are disadvantages;
    The reality equipment is so expensive that people like the needy and the poor can't afford to buy.
    People get too addicted and they disconnect with the real world.
    They don't get time to socialize with family and friends.

  • I scored 9, I realised that the metaverse is a virtual reality place where you can interact with other people and create your avatar

  • I scored 8 in this quiz. I am happy with my result I scored one more than I did last week. I learned that a lot of children in the US and the UK play a lot of Roblox. I don’t really know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Roblox is a good place to interact with other people but it can also be dangerous for many reasons.

  • I got ten but the metaverse is a theory not a reality yet

  • I scored an 8 I learnt that the metaverse is the digital twin of the reality world ,Is a 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world but create their own families, dream car house ,your own pet and live in an avatar form in a different character using virtual reality

  • Yes, the information you want more about is how to appreciate the school, respect the teachers, and love our friends in the classroom. I would like to hear more about this because I noticed his lack of schools, so we should work to educate people With this thing and guide them to the correct and always the way of knowledge.

  • I scored an 8. Metaverse is almost like a mirror of our reality when it would be fully developed. It has a lot of great potential coming with downsides. Here are some of its advantages and disadvantages:
    New opportunities for social interaction and entertainment
    Potential for innovative business models and economic growth
    Enhanced education and training experiences
    Increased accessibility for individuals with disabilities

    Potential for addiction and negative impact on mental health
    Privacy and security concerns
    Potential for exacerbating existing inequalities
    Environmental impact and energy consumption

  • I scored 8. And i learnt that the metaverse is a virtual reality world and that anything is possible in that world like when you are playing video games and you make an avatar of yourself then you make your own world to play in and win.