poetic_hurricane has not published standpoints yet. Comments by poetic_hurricane Comment Post Date I agree because l really think the metaverse took over us because instead of attending to the... Suggest a discussion! 28/4/23 I agree because l really think the metaverse took over us because instead of attending to the... Suggest a discussion! 28/4/23 Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should there be any rules about the lives people create for... Suggest a discussion! 28/4/23 Yes, I think the reasons workers strike are justifiable because what affects them will greatly... Suggest a discussion! 21/4/23 strikes started way back in the the apetheid where by the workers in the gold mine only received... Suggest a discussion! 21/4/23 Might it be more or less difficult to manage people's behaviour in the metaverse compared to in... Metaverse poll results! 20/4/23 I think it might be difficult to manage people's behavior in the metaverse because metaverse is... A new realm to rule? 19/4/23 I in reply to strong_introduction, I really concur with him most especially in destruction of... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 Is it good or bad that people might be able to virtually visit wherever they want in the... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 How is the use of biogas environmentally friendly? Test your knowledge! 18/4/23