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Comments (173)

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  • The development we have reached is insane. People nowadays face problems in forming social relationships due to lack of communication and their preference for websites. It's great with the technology, but I think the idea of ​​the Matverse will add to the previous problem and may lead to other problems, so we have to be careful, because we don't want the (I,Robot )movie to come true.

    1. What steps should be taken to prevent other problems from arising regarding the development of the Metaverse?

      1. 1. Parents daily monitoring of their children.
        2. Set rules for users.
        3. Each person has one account under one name.
        4. International monitoring by governments.
        5. Setting a specific time during which programs can be opened.
        6. Delete programs that may cause harm to children.
        7. Each program determines the appropriate category for it.

        1. These are very good ideas outstanding_raisin. Restrictions such as the ones you have mentioned are always a hot topic for debate. Do you think adding restrictions on media can impact users' experiences in negative ways too?

          1. It can be negative, such as that some programs monitor their users, but these programs are private, such as that the user stores his pictures and personal data that no one should see this information, pictures and conversations, but those responsible for the program saw it .

        2. i like your ideas because deleting programsof course harm to children

      2. It's really interesting to answer the questions of the experts, they are really very meaningful questions and it's an honor for me that you read my comment and ask me about it. Now about the question, it's really amazing. I really don't know what to do but as a fan of sci-fi movies I think we should give the metaverse a boundary. It's more like a comment. There are three comments for each day. This is what I think of and I really want to hear your opinion and answer. Now I will ask you the question. In your opinion, does the world need more development? And why not be content with what they have achieved so far? And are those reasons sufficient?

        1. Thank you for your question glad_apricot. As someone who works in tech, I would definitely argue that we need more development. There are always improvements that can be made to make our lives easier, equal and safer. I think the key is to make sure that we are focusing on valuable and ethical development. I believe that development and ethics can be achieved side-by-side if we do things the right way ie. create ethics laws before we gain the discoveries and developments, and ensuring education and enforcement behind these ethics laws.
          What are your thoughts on the current developments in the world and their use within our everyday lives?

          1. I like your assertiveness, but I'm not an easy person to argue with. I liked your response, and I will not object to the fact that education and moral development are the basis, and we must pay attention to them, but with the passage of time and the preoccupation of the main element in education (the parents), the children will not find anyone to teach them these values. I know you said we should make laws, we don't always deal with the outward appearance, but with the essence of a person. The children of tomorrow will not find anyone to tell them this, and who knows. Perhaps parents will leave their children's education to robotics. Isn't the danger here? Regarding your question, what I'm going to answer with might seem strange as a technology expert. You know that all this development is for the sake of an easy life for people and providing for their needs, and it is done.Why might we need further development as long as the goal is being implemented? What I see now is that all this development is nothing but fun for humans, how?! In our time, we see that smartphones are developing, but tell me what is the difference between the iPhone 12 Pro Max and the 13 Pro Max, it makes no difference that it is only a matter of storage space or just simple features that companies deceive people with. Minds and deluding them of the need to buy their phones, otherwise they will be a mockery of others. What is happening now is that a person is distinguished by his mind and thinking. It does not need the latest phone to stand out. If it is a matter of storage space, he can buy a memory card to increase. I don't have my own phone, but that doesn't make me any less than others, because I can see, hear, smell, and other things. A person will not feel complete as long as they feel inferior to others.

            1. Thank you for your response. I understand your concern about the potential for parents to rely on robotics for their children's education, and I agree that it is important for parents to play an active role in their children's moral and intellectual development. However, I also believe that technology can be a powerful tool for education when used appropriately.

              As for your question about the need for further technological development, I believe that innovation and progress are essential for human advancement and improving quality of life. While it may be true that some technological advancements are primarily for entertainment purposes, many others have the potential to revolutionize industries and solve pressing societal issues.

              Regarding your thoughts on smartphones and consumerism, I agree that material possessions should not be the sole measure of a person's worth. However, for some individuals, having the latest technology may be important for their work or personal needs. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide what they value and how they want to allocate their resources.

              In conclusion, while there are valid concerns about the potential negative consequences of technological advancement, I believe that technology can also bring about positive change when used thoughtfully and responsibly. It is important for individuals and society as a whole to carefully consider the implications of new technologies and strive to use them for the betterment of humanity.

      3. The steps that should be taken to prevent other problems from arising regarding the development of the Metaverse is to create more rules regarding to the security and safety of the metaverse.

      4. People becoming more aware of the dangers and threats in metaverse is the simplest solution to the problem

      5. I think that the steps to be taken should be very cautious because since social media is rising more and more nowadays it's like social media is our universe. Also since even kids are being so influenced by social media that it shows mentally and physically in their apperence. So we should have warnings on what this could do to the brain to keep people very safe from the metaverse just because it doesn't seem harmful now doesn't mean it isn't at all.

    2. It's true that advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each other. While technology has certainly brought many benefits, such as making communication faster and more accessible, it has also created new challenges, such as the potential for social isolation and disconnection
      As with any new technology, it's important to carefully consider the potential consequences and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts. For example, it may be necessary to establish clear guidelines and regulations to ensure that users are able to interact in a safe and healthy way. Additionally, efforts could be made to ensure that the Mataverse does not replace or supplant real-world social interactions and relationships.

      Overall, while the Mataverse has the potential to be a powerful tool for social connection and collaboration, it's important to approach its development with caution and consideration for its potential impacts on society as a whole. By doing so, we can help ensure that this technology is used in a way that benefits everyone and doesn't lead to negative consequences.

    3. I agree with you because the Metaverse is a risky online world that can cause many issues. People nowadays are addicted to social media, it would be strange if one was not, but this generation is slowly changing due to social media, some may notice it but it changes people from the inside and the outside.

    4. I agree because the amount of time people spend on social media is impacting their real world experiences. People may have less chances with building relationships because they are too used to speaking online. I think that there should be a limit on the amount of time spent on social media to increase the amount of real world interactions. This could help with mental health, as well as physical health.

      1. Can people build meaningful relationships online though?

        1. It is possible that people could build meaningful relationships online, but this would still cause them to miss out on real world opportunities. Online relationships help people talk to each other much easier than in the real world. With this in mind, physical or real world relationships are much more meaningful than online relationships. It reduces the chances of their relationships being awkward and can help with their physical appearance.

        2. For many people, the relations they form online are just as strong as the ones they form face to face. Not long ago, people may have looked skeptically at some who met their significant either through a dating website or app, but today around forty percent relationships begin online

    5. As you, I have mixed feelings on this topic. I think it's a great innovation, where we're going to be able to experience a somewhat idyllic world for yourself, a new world, but I'm worried that this could develop so much that you end up losing skin-to-skin contact. Like everything, new innovations and more technologies have a great attraction that draws the attention of many people, especially adolescents and children. Seeing that they can be who they want to be thanks to avatars, they can get hooked and become addicted, lose social skills by spending more time in the metaverse than interacting with people in the real world, for these reasons I don't really like the metaverse, and I think we have to anticipate before this creates a big problem in our society

      1. You are right and I like your linking the subject of Metaverse with artificial intelligence and now from what you said teenagers will spend more time in Metaverse and lose contact with the outside world and now can you tell me why you use the phone or even why this topic is on the Internet or do your parents get annoyed when you hold the phone of course This happens to everyone, but when they see that you use this phone to educate yourself to share issues from around the world, what do they realize? Developers care about people's opinions about metaverses in order to know the negatives and address them before it's too late. As for your saying that teenagers choose the best avatar, this is foolish talk because they know that it is a false appearance. The essence of a person and that beauty is the beauty of the soul, not the appearance, so let me tell you that what you see as bad will be positive for others, so do not look negatively and be optimistic, because life is beautiful.

  • I think there is no single to access the metaverse.Unlike the internet,where you have access through your chosen browser,each metaverse must be accessed separated through virtual reality.

    1. Why then should there be separate metaverses . I feel a single global platform should be created. This has many advantages like countries can come together and brain storm on different global challenges.

      1. Maybe you could ask our expert Matthew Ball about the difficulties of bringing small "areas" of the metaverse together into one platform!

      2. Many countries wouldnt agree and it would turn out like the un with many countries not desing to show up and what language would it be in, would it be managed by the government or would it be run by a company and if it was a singular company running it we are promoting monopolistic practises

      3. I'm not sure about this because... if there should be separated metaverses people will have less profit because people might not buy them instead they will only buy one so this will cause a lot of lost to the editor of the game.

    2. I disagree because... To access the metaverse you only need a computer and a good internet connection...
      It may not be stated yet due to the fact that metaverse haven't be brought out to the open meaning that most individuals don't have an idea of it and it's advantages to the society.

    3. I agree with you as you would have to search for the world you would like to join, like in popular VR game, VR Chat.

    4. I disagree with you. Metaverse should be accessed separately? I will answer this question. No Metaverse shouldn't be separated. Because it is a platform where countries meet together. They are able to discuss with same minded people. For example, If you have a have a friend in abroad we can able to know about that country like culture, food, etc..
      Through metaverse we can able to know about different countries and their way of living.
      If metaverse is separated for each country, this is of no use to anyone around the world. Because interaction will be less.

      1. I thought carefully about the matter and found that there must be two forms of metaverses, as there must be separate worlds as individual states, so that each member of the state must join, i. Its services and the preservation of its data and account, and there must also be a collective Metaverse for all the world that everyone can participate in, and through it we exchange cultures, exchange knowledge and experiences, and it is under the management of a large company that has branches in all countries of the world to verify the security of everyone

    5. bold_moose do you think that it is a good idea to have a VR headset which can be used to access every game in the metaverse just like the internet ?

  • Last week our teacher discussed this topic with us and it was so amazing.
    We talked about how dangerously the climate change can affect on our planet.
    Also we talked about every one' responsibility to save it, in addition to the governments all over the world which have to enact strong laws to prevent pollution.

    1. How might people react to the "strong laws" you mentioned? And what might those laws be? I'm interested to hear more about this!

      1. People are obligated to follow the strong laws to protect our planet, they have no Choices, THEY HAVE TO
        The laws are many, but I 'll mention some of them
        *No more factories
        *Less transports.... what about walking?
        *Wearing clever clothes......less shopping
        *Eating vegetables and fruits.... reducing meats which needs fuels to be cooked.
        *Let's plant our own gardens.
        And more,and more
        Actually governments all over the world can easily controll this process,but they don't want!!!!!!!!!

      2. I mean by strong laws, the very strict laws that we should follow. An example of this, we are not allowed to build tall buildings in the villages. We have to increase the cultivated areas not reduce them for the sake of buildings. If anyone rejects this law, he'll be punished by the municipality by paying a lot of money.

      3. I agree because... I personally think that in order to fulfill our main goal which is to reduce climate change and find eco-friendly laws that are people-friendly. People might react differently to these "strong laws", Some people might find them understandable due to the intensity of the law whiles others might not understand them at all. In my opinion, the main priority should be; Laws we can make that are people-friendly as well as eco-friendly and don't distance us from the real world and push us toward the metaverse.

  • Yes,we had a lesson about Metaversa.Our teacher had explained how the metaversa can change people' lives .
    Yes internet now control our minds, how we think,eat ,wear, talk , behave,even how we walk .So sadly the metaversa took over us.

    1. Can you explain a bit more about what you mean by "the internet now controls our minds"? This is a very interesting point.

      1. I think internet controls our life in every aspect education,science , medicine, trade and tourism,even communicating with each other!
        There is not emotions, no feeling, not even humanity between people .
        It dominated everything in our life until kids..they count it as a basic in life .
        Thats my point of view.

      2. In old days, parents had a strong effect on their children who were imitating them in every thing.But now parent'role nearly is absent.
        Children like us are holding their mobile phones all the time,so it's naturally their minds are being controlled by the internet.So they will imitate the persons who they communicate.That is exactly I want to say.
        Do you agree with me miss Katie?

      3. The Internet has dominated our lives largely in all aspects respects, robbing minds and low intelligence, as people these days do not read books to find information and educate, but search on Google and find answers with all laziness and lethargy, and through trade, medicine, education and the field of electronic games that appear every once in a while and rob minds , Unfortunately
        this is my point of view .

      4. The internet now controls our minds.

        The sentence is very deep, as, for example, a child uses the Internet to watch video clips, and we know that the child has a nature that he imitates and learns everything he sees unconsciously and does not distinguish between right and wrong.

        Every family and every father and mother must be careful about what their children do on the Internet.

      5. We have constant access to the internet and we get slowly addicted to it. It impacts what we wear, places we shop, what we like, our opinions on world problems and other things. We’re always thinking about it, for example you could be in class and thinking about a video you saw, when you go somewhere nice instead of looking around you might be posting pictures of where you are, or you might be sitting at home looking at what someone else posted and wishing your life was like that, or a picture someone posted of themselves that’s been edited and wishing you looked like that. My point is the internet’s always on your mind and it’s very damaging to your mental health

    2. I agree because... The metaverse changes our live so easily, but if they was enough rules for the metaverse we might not have reached to this stage.
      warm mulberry do you think there should be rules like the specific time to visit the metaverse ?

    3. I agree because with over time the meatverse has been doing everything for us the change that they gave us and the virtual things that they give people can change everything when they actually go to the real world. The people are still also trying to go and get into the metaverse which wouldn't be that helpful because who knows what it can do to everyone.

    4. I kind of agree with you as the internet took over our lives, but the Metaverse is only a twin to the internet, and the Metaverse might not take over our lives as the internet did.

    5. I agree because l really think the metaverse took over us because instead of attending to the real world people will always be attending to the metaverse.

    6. I agree because l really think the metaverse took over us because instead of attending to the real world people will always be attending to the metaverse.

  • Metaverse, the Internet and Virtual world.A place where every human has been to these days . Talk to people and have fun .
    A Lot of people say it's really useful but others say it's not.
    Do you think a metaverse is to sided? Why?
    Children now a days play a lot of online games like Pubg and Freefire .what do you think of that? Is it useful?
    Is the internet causing a lack of humanity, emotions and human socialism. If yes what are the solutions?
    We would like to hear your opinions.

  • We had a discussion in class about Metaverse with my teacher. Very interesting questions were asked but there was a question which made us concerned about the future. I decided to bring it here to hear other people’s view. What happens to the world if all the people decides to live in Metaverse ? Will the world continue to exist?

    1. This is a great question!! I look forward to seeing what other people think!

      1. In my opinion, the *metaverse* or virtual headsets have positives and negatives as well. Some of their positives are: self-entertainment, and so on. As for its negatives: children, if they use them, may be exposed to danger, such as kidnapping, for example, as they make it easier for the kidnapper to reach the victim.
        In the end, this is my point of view that others may not understand. I hope you understood what I meant by this..

    2. Hi, that is the same question I have been thinking of but I think it is impossible ,because it is not everyone that has the technology needed and it is not everyone that knows about metaverse that is my own opinion .

      1. I agree because... not everyone has the technology and its everyone that knows about metaverse

    3. Proponents argue that, done right, the virtual worlds of the metaverse will increase teleworker camaraderie, improve collaboration, speed up training, reduce the need for office space and make work a happier place in general.
      For now, the metaverse is a great way to interact with people and experience things that you would not be able to experience in real life. However, it is still too early to tell if the metaverse can truly replace real life. Only time will tell.
      Two technologies considered important to the development and growth of the metaverse are virtual reality and augmented reality: Virtual reality is a simulated 3D environment that enables users to interact with a virtual surrounding in a way that approximates reality as perceived through our senses.
      And from my research, Tim Cook Says "The Metaverse Isn't The Future Because People Don't Understand It – They Might Not Have To."

    4. If all the people decides to live in the metaverse the world will exist for a short period of time, because it inhabitant (human beings) are not trying to help it stay alive, although i don't wishing for this but the world might not exist anymore.

    5. I think we can get a certificate through the Metaverse because it can be e-learning through online applications, online classes and courses.

      As for the job, there are some companies that accept electronic certificates and others do not, but if we looked into the matter, we would find that Metaverse is considered one of the jobs where it is possible for a person to open a YouTube channel and bring profits from it, but this method is not guaranteed.

      As for the money that the person won from the Metaverse, he can convert it into real money that can be used in or he can buy and shop from his money that he collected in the Metaverse .

    6. I think everyone will live in his own world . No one will communicate with the other . So , relationships among people will disappear . People will suffer of isolation , emotional deprivation and hostility .

    7. What would happen to the world if people decided to live in the Metaverse? I think the world will lose its privacy due to the presence of censors. In addition, we will lose smartphones because they are based on two dimensions, while metavers are based on three dimensions, and many things will change. We will lose our life as it is now. We will miss the beauty of these days when similar programs take over. For metaavers, this will lead to people getting addicted and losing their lives

    8. This question is very inspiring and brings other questions into the equation. In my class discussion we were questioning the effect it will have on the human population. Will it decrease the population because of the lack of actual communication in the real world? A few questions about economies were also brought up. Reading your question made me look deeper into the problem.

    9. In my opinion the metaverse would have many pros and cons to it, like many doctors use it during surgery and kids could use it to entertain themselves. But the idea of all people in the entire world being inside of the metaverse is impossible, there are people in countries with no advanced technology and if we are in the metaverse for the rest of time, what are those people in those countries going to do? I feel like the world would still exist but not in the way we know it now.

    10. Your question is very striking and draws my attention. From my point of view, If all of humanity were to live in the metaverse I think the world would still exist but the world would be deteriorating. I think that this would happen because the environment would not be taken care of. For example, If there are no farmers to tend to cows there would be no milk available therefore the cheese we eat in food would not be made.

    11. In my perspective Not all the people can decide to live in metaverse because of money 💰, poor peoples can't buy the Vr gadget which is expensive to buy. With that gadget only we can join in metaverse so not all people can join in metaverse but many can join in this world , so it brings a change in real world . When we play 📟, interact with everyone always in metaverse world , we will forgot the real world.

    12. In the world of metaverse, virtual objects will emerge from the screen to surround us in the real world through virtual reality glasses and augmented reality

    13. That’s a great question I believe that
      The world will continue to exist because people will have to come out of the meta verse for their physiological needs like, the use the of toilet or to eat food or drink water. They also need to shower! What if their head gear gets spoilt who will repair it for them since everyone is busy in the meta verse. That said there will be a reduction in the air pollution and thereby people will be saved from the effects of air pollution since they will travel less. Working virtually will help people work together where ever they are living and will help shy people to communicate easily. There are lots of things that could happen if everyone moves to the meta verse his are just my thoughts

  • One of the discussions we had in class on Metaverse which we couldn’t have a specific answer to was do you think people fall ill and die in Metaverse? If yes what happens to their body in the real world? I can’t wait to hear what you people think on this question.

  • Metaverse was really an interesting topic discussed by our teacher in class. After looking at all the positive impact it will have on us. It is said that one can go to school in Metaverse and be certified. Do you think we can get a job in real life with the certificate we have from the Metaverse ? Can we also use the money we earned for the Metaverse in the real world ? What do you people think ?

    1. Interesting!

    2. Indeed, it was a very interesting topic where we looked at the positive and negative effect on us and our daily lives, how we can be in control. However, in a virtual space that operates the same way the real world does the danger and pitfalls are also very real. Now the big question is how can we stay safe in this new world

    3. I think we can get a certificate through the Metaverse because it can be e-learning through online applications, online classes and courses.

      As for the job, there are some companies that accept electronic certificates and others do not, but if we looked into the matter, we would find that Metaverse is considered one of the jobs where it is possible for a person to open a YouTube channel and bring profits from it, but this method is not guaranteed.

      As for the money that the person won from the Metaverse, he can convert it into real money that can be used in or he can buy and shop from his money that he collected in the Metaverse .

    4. I think it can be possible to use the money earned in the metaverse in the real world, for example when playing games their are some game companies that can offer you the money you earned in the real world through some circumstances like when the game required much data and also their is a Mobile Page which can enable you withdraw the money in real life.

  • Uses of metaverse technology in education
    Information and communication technology is important in the educational process, especially after the crises the world has gone through, such as Covid-19
    Metaverse, virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence can be used to support student learning and improve communication between the parties to the educational process, including a teacher, student, and parent.

    1. Can you explain a bit more about how this might work, wise_penguin?

      1. Metaverse helps teachers provide distinct learning opportunities and capabilities, such as interaction between the teacher, learners, and learners and each other, 3D image technology, and metaverse technology allows the teacher to create the classroom environment to suit his scientific subject
        Choosing an educational environment that attracts his students through the existing models within Metaverse, and overcomes the difficulties of distance learning through direct interaction with students in a way that simulates the natural educational environment. Also, Metaverse allows the possibility of presenting any scientific material in an interesting way that attracts students and develops their mental abilities.

  • The metaverse and it's carbon footprint.
    We learnt from the earth day discussion that we emit 1250kg of carbon dioxide when we use our mobile phones for one hour daily and 1.41 tonnes of carbon dioxide when we use a computer for 59hours a week. The metaverse is expected to used by over a billion users. I believe there will be alot of carbon emissions. One of the aspects that the developers of the metaverse need to tackle is making sure the technology is eco friendly. The use of the technology should be limited to a level where the energy required to drive the technology can be harnessed without harming the environment. The hardware should be made from recycleable materials.
    The metaverse maybe something new and exciting but can also contribute to harming the environment if the environment is not considered when developing the technology.

    1. What a fascinating idea, I actually didn't think about this. Carbon footprint is defined as the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air because of the energy we use. So, as we use the VR headset, phone and other technological advancement, it increases carbon footprint. Expert has predict that the metaverse is the next big stage of the internet and that because of this, in future it will be used be billions of people. Now imagine the carbon footprint that will happen in the new world. For safety reason, we have to find a way. Now the big question is, how are we going to reduce our carbon footprint in the new world?

    2. That is a brilliant point, and one which is often overlooked. The metaverse (and technology industry in general) is extremely energy-intensive. The higher the demand for it and its related technologies, the more power we use. How do you think we can raise awareness amongst metaverse users about the environmental impact of their online activities? Also, who do you think should be responsible for limiting the carbon footprint of the metaverse?

      1. Yes, even though the meta verse is virtual, it does have a impact on the environment. And we can raise awareness by on its negative impact by:
        1. Use various channels, such as social media, websites, blogs, and public events, to raise awareness and disseminate information about the environmental concerns associated with the metaverse.
        2. Collaborate with environmental organizations, advocacy groups, and academic institutions to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the metaverse.
        3. Engage with Developers and Companies to advocate for environmentally-friendly design and development practices, such as using renewable energy sources.
        4. Encourage responsible use of the metaverse among users and reusing and recycling digital assets.
        5. Advocate for Policies and Regulations: Engage with policymakers, legislators, and other stakeholders to promote environmentally-friendly practices.
        6. Raise Public Awareness: Use media campaigns, public events, and other public relations efforts to raise awareness among the general public about the environmental impact of the metaverse.
        7. Practice what you advocate: Set an example by practicing environmentally responsible behaviors in your own virtual activities.

        Remember that creating awareness is an ongoing effort, and it requires consistent messaging, outreach, and collaboration with various stakeholders.

        The policy makers and the metaverse developers and companies as well as civil society organisations can be in charge of limiting the carbon footprint of the metaverse

    3. You are right, considering the technological development, Metavirus is a great and very good thing, but considering its effects on the environment, it may be dangerous, and that is why your suggestions are beautiful regarding Metavirus, but can this also reduce excessive use in it? Excessive use or attachment to it is one of the biggest reasons to make Metavirus dangerous.

    4. I liked your way of thinking very much, as you linked 2Hub in one discussion, and you analyzed the two topics and deduced the connection between them, and their impact on society, present and in the future. Often we touch on the same issue in our thinking and forget its connection to other issues.

  • 1:I think there should be a Hub discussion post about what are the disadvantage and advantage of metaverse the effects, facts and more information.
    2: Yes ,Test your knowledge because it is just a quiz and give the reason why you said what you choose.
    3: My teacher explained metaverse to us and it was an exciting and exploring topic a little of what I learned is metaverse change how people live for example you can you be going to school,go anywhere you want and explore meet new friends and people create things online it helps you to treat your patient if you are a doctor.

    1. Indeed I agree with what you have said because metaverse has made life more easier . My teacher also explained metaverse to us in class we had a really interesting conversation about metaverse we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of metaverse. I have learned that metaverse has changed how people live for example you can make new friends online, play online games and also explore new things ,my best friend and I are always communicating online.

  • Should we care about metaverse ???
    I really don't think you’re asking me about why I should care about the Metaverse. Instead you seem to wonder why anyone should care about it. From my perspective, no one should care all that much. The Metaverse is a marketing ploy attached to technologies for “augmented reality” that are designed to make Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook investors richer. I would prefer that people care about actual reality and not concern themselves with other people’s plans to get rich off their dreams.

    1. You asked a great question, "Should we care about Metaverse?"
      The actual reality in which we live is really much more important, because we can coexist with people directly and enable us to know our true personality.
      But Metaverse will use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to create a realistic event experience. Instead of watching various events on the screen of electronic devices, you will be able to experience all your activities via the Internet, such as shopping, attending a singing party, etc.
      It is about transforming the Internet into a three-dimensional world in which spatial boundaries fade away and gives individuals the ability to move to any place around the world at any time.

  • We all have dreams. Sometimes pleasant and sometimes terrible. Sometimes we can meet our distant friends and loved ones in it too.But in all cases when we are awake, we are thrilled of these dream experiences. They seem real even when we know them to be unreal.

    Same is like metaverse - it is technology induced parallel universe.
    Metaverse is the future of social media and interaction. It connects people to people, businesses to business, real world to virtual world. Metaverse aims at building a global platform for digital assets and identity exchange. It is an open-source public blockchain with built-in digital asset functionality that acts as a distributed platform for many different decentralized applications. The project focuses on creating a basic framework for blockchain-based financial services and applications by combining features of Bitcoin with Ethereum's smart contracts.

  • Metaverse example?

    Fortnite. The popular online video game from Epic Games provides an immersive digital gaming space and social space that exemplifies a vibrant environment

  • I think as of now, we don't need a Metaverse and I would have given a similar answer 10 years back if you would have asked me do we need a platform to search and play videos but now we all know how much time everyone of us is spending on Youtube.

    Do we now need a Youtube. I would say yes.

    The metaverse is going to help us take this 2D internet to a 3D world. Imagine checking a 3D design file of a plastic mug online in a 3D environment and having it delivered by a 3D printer installed at your home within few minutes of making the order. This can be possible only with a convergence of all techs at an optimum points and Metaverse if one of them. Once the Metaverse makes our life easier It would become a need but right now it is just a buzzword and a new tech for early adopters.

  • Can people communicate with each other through the metaverse, and if they can, will the nature of their relationship that is in the metaverse be reflected in reality?

  • The metaverses can really replace reality for us soon. The Metaverses already offer us a vast range of opportunities to help improve our lives. We can see this in “Ready Player One” or some literary works. In addition, this is facilitated by the emergence of metaverses that use photorealistic graphics and VR technologies. Thus, in my opinion, metaverses like Homespace Metaverse may well replace reality in the future.

    As the metaverse concept is starting to incorporate Web3 technology enabled through blockchain technology (like NFTs and Cryptos), the future metaverse would be something very similar to our real world in many aspects and even replace some real-world activities (like working or hanging out). Some NFT metaverse vendors already allow their NFTs to be used in some metaverse games, such as clothes, shoes, furniture, and paintings in the Homespace Metaverse.

    1. Is there anything that we won't be able to do in the meraverse that measures up to the real world?

      1. Well, In the Metaverse
        1. You can’t promote Any Product
        Or Service Considered Harmful To Users.
        2. You Cannot Use Violence Against Anyone.
        3. You Can’t Own Another Avatar.
        4. You Can’t Use Racist Or Sexist Statements.
        5. You Can’t Exhibit Nudity In Any Form (Including art).
        6. You can’t Touch Anyone Without Their Consent.
        7. You Can’t Break The Law Or Break Any Of The Rules Of The Metaverse.
        But, these things can be done in the real world

      2. It's important to note that the metaverse will always be a virtual, simulated space and thus will likely have some inherent differences from the physical world.
        For example, there may be limitations in terms of physical sensations, such as touch or smell, that cannot be fully replicated in a virtual environment. Similarly, the metaverse may not be able to fully capture the complexity and unpredictability of real-world systems, such as ecosystems or weather patterns.

        Another example of a limitation of the metaverse compared to the real world could be the level of social interaction and communication. While virtual worlds and online communities already offer a variety of ways to connect and communicate with others, there may be aspects of human interaction that cannot be fully replicated in a virtual environment.

        For instance, non-verbal communication, such as body language or facial expressions, could be more challenging to convey in a virtual space. Additionally, the sense of physical presence and the feeling of being in the same physical space as others may be difficult to fully replicate in a virtual environment.

        Travel: While the metaverse may offer virtual travel experiences, it cannot replace the real-world experience of visiting new places and interacting with different cultures. Exploring new landscapes, trying new foods, and meeting new people are all experiences that may not be fully replicable in a virtual environment.

        Environmental experiences: The metaverse may not be able to replicate the sensory experiences of being in a natural environment, such as feeling the wind on your face, smelling the ocean, or hearing the sound of birds. These experiences are part of the physical world and may be challenging to fully replicate in a virtual environment.

  • Simply said, the metaverse is a virtual environment that actual people utilise and are represented by digital avatars. To better grasp the idea of Metaverse, it should be understood that it is a 3D virtual environment that is supported by both augmented reality and virtual reality (AR). The interoperability, real-time, and self-sustaining aspects of the Metaverse are its key features.

    Innovative technology like the metaverse is tremendously beneficial to the regular person in many different ways. The metaverse is influencing human communication in a way that hasn't been done before.

    Medical Sector

    Both patients and doctors may benefit from this new environment. Going virtual can increase doctors' accessibility and enable them help those who are far away.


    The loneliness that many remote workers experience could be alleviated by the metaverse. Employers might make use of digital workplaces to enable workers to work remotely. It could change what "face to face" means. Real-time communication with coworkers and superiors would increase engagement in remote sessions.

    Retail Brands

    Additionally, retail brands may leverage the Metaverse to let customers to try on items. A significantly more engaging online purchasing experience may result from it. People may create avatars that perfectly matched their physique as this technology advances and virtually experiment on clothing before making a purchase.

    The Metaverse has the ability to affect how we live our lives.The Metaverse could develop more effective means of communicating with others who are far away, even though people will still require genuine human connection. It may make it simpler for consumers to access styling, work, shopping, and medical appointments. The Metaverse, which is still in its infancy, may develop into something that alters lives all across the world.

    1. I agree with your point that people will still require a genuine human connection. Did you have this experience during the Covid-19 pandemic too? What personal connections do you think cannot be substituted by interactions in the metaverse?

  • (You can do what you want and show what you want , you can go anywhere without leaving your place) These were the words of the hero Wade Watts in his description of the virtual oasis in the science fiction novel "Ready Player One ". This film represents a metaverse-like image despite the great demand for metaverse , thanks to its many advantages and wonderful opportunities , on the financial , technical and social levels, and encouraging creativity in the field of technology and art . Metaverse , like any emerging technology , has many advantages and advantages , and also has a dark side with many disadvantages . It poses a challenge to the real and ideal world, the dangers of cybercrime , the negative impact on cultures and societies, privacy and security issues, mental health problems, and virtual bullying.
    The Metaverse is a struggle between tech giants and users' fears

  • Today we discussed this topic and we had a question ..

    Is metaverse the future of social interaction?

    I see that the metaverse hold limitless possibilities for the future of the social media.

    1. In what way?

  • Technology develops and progresses everyday and so therefore think there should be rules for the metaverse by humans in the real world because the metaverse is not a real encounter but makes use of virtual reality still developed by humans to have interface and act like you are in another world.

  • meta is the internet it’s the future of like the internet now reason why facebook changed to meta is? isn’t it obvious they want to reach it first before everybody like neil armstrong on the moon the space race, streaming wars console wars,meta wants to be first before google , apple, amazon, snapchat, byte dance the metaverse race began when mark announce to the world the next in world economy,trading, and everything so if meta makes it first they get recognized as the first company to lead into the next level of the internet. so the question is who’s gonna reach it first, even the military wants to reach the metaveerse first

  • I think this rush to embrace out of body ethereal expressions will not be a good phase of human development when you can instantly escape from any semblance of reality by viewing the world through something akin to total fantasy.. how can reality compete people with mental issues will surely find this world more interesting than the real world being able to do anything you like in the megaworld will include violent crimes like rape and murder people will produce the software that can create any reality no matter how evil or violent they want to make it hold on to your hats civilized people the zombies are on the way!!

  • What if our minds are now being washed by the internet to rule the world !!

  • Metaverse is a decentralized virtual world where each and everything is possible. You can socialize, play games, buy patches or lands, host an event, and can do virtual parties as well.

    To access the Metaverse you need VR glasses, Though it is not compulsory it depends on the development of the metaverse.

    It is going to change the way we live. We’ll be accessing everything while sitting on our couch, and we will be able to enjoy and earn money as well.

    1. I agree because The virtual world and VR glasses are sure to bring fun and entertainment but we must look at the negative side of everything as we look at the positive side in order to realize what is the right thing from the wrong thing and to use it well, you say that we can access everything while sitting on the couch and that we can make money from it does everyone tend to like this world? of course not, because people's opinions and interests differ So should we be more realistic and make our money by working in our real world and to make the metavrese just fun times and not a world we live in and get crazy about.

  • What will the metaverse lead us to in the end? Is it to a more positive life or to a more negative life in which we move away from the real reality in which we live and become more connected to a fictional virtual world that is not related to reality and makes us more distant from our values ​​and morals?

  • Metaverse will and have to change the future. If I start to explain you the whole metaverse it will be a novel, lol. I will explain you in short. Metaverse is a virtual world build by FB where you can o inside internet and can do all those things you never could have done in real life. In Facebook you might have watched seven wonders of the world, but in metaverse you would be able to experience it. You can live interact with people at the comfort of your home. Those who didn’t able to roam the globe can now do that in Meta. That’s the power of technology.

    If you want to know more about meta I would suggest watch movie Ready Player One.

  • The virtual world has a great impact on our society, especially on adolescents, as it causes addiction to electronics and games. Many of them are addicted to games, including PUBG and The Jawaker at the present time, as well as girls. When the virtual world was discussed in the school class, it became clear to us that the virtual world has negative effects. It affects our entire lives, the internet, games, or even devices have made our lives much easier. This is from the positive side. As for the negative, the most affected group is teenagers and addiction to electronics. How can we deal with the virtual class, is it cautiously or even easily? Is it easy to deal with or take care of it? Will it work to completely change our lives?

    1. Yes, it has its negative effects in order to avoid them. There must be specific laws and rules, and there must be oversight by governments and the imposition of the same laws and their penalties on those who violate laws in the virtual world, in order to avoid their negative effects that harm all their users if they are. . Badly and wrongly used.

  • Imagine When peopIe their ConstantIy Iooking at a Smartphone aII day Iong for being in the metaverse aII day Iong .
    This WiII reaIIy be the END of CiviIization.
    We'll have onIy a muIfitude of zombies

    1. Can you see any advantages to the metaverse peaceful_politics?

  • To see what the metaverse is in action, we can look at popular multiplayer virtual reality games like Rec Room or Horizon Worlds, where participants use avatars to interact with each other and manipulate their environment.

    But the broader applications beyond gaming are amazing. Musicians and entertainment companies are experimenting with hosting concerts in the Metaverse area. The sports industry is following suit, with top franchises like Manchester City building virtual stadiums so fans can watch games and, presumably, buy virtual goods.
    In the year 2021-2022, virtual headphones have witnessed impressive progress, as they witnessed fantastic sales.
    Even children are using them, which makes it easier for kidnappers to reach children by tracking them through them. In the end, the use of virtual headsets must be limited.

  • The Metaverse is a mirror of the real world.

    The Metaverse is a mirror of the natural world; therefore, it is not just a place where people can meet and interact, and it's also a place where they can create, share and consume content.

    A Metaverse is a place where people can live their dreams. You can be an astronaut or an artist if you want—or anything in between!

  • I hope to discuss this..

    How artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, quantum computing, and space exploration will help and intervene with the metaverse?

    1. AI will allow avatars to speak in different languages or be present in multiple spaces at the same time. Artificial Intelligence will also help in translating voice notes from one language to another. For example if you are having a conference with different people from all over the world who speak in different languages, you can decide to speak in English but by the time the message is getting to the other end, it will translate it for them.

  • I wonder though once people get used to making and living in their own computerized world, if something were to happen and they were yanked out of their own creation.
    * Would they be able to function in the actual world?
    * Would they become insane, and be completely unable to tell the difference between reality and their imaginations?
    * Would this kind of technology cause or bring out mental illness in people, like schizophrenia?
    * Is it really a good idea to flood the brain with all of this information?
    * Would there be some kind of effects on the brain as a result?

  • Metaverse is not important at all. In fact, it will be harmful to your physical and mental health. Don’t ever use it, and stay in the real world, in reality. Otherwise, you are nothing more than a mindless, thoughtless tool of a consumer.

    1. that is a serious critique, active_tradition! Why do you think the metaverse will be so harmful? Do you feel that way about other digital technologies?

      1. This will make work and learners so much easier.

        Having lectures or lessons or just learning a new skill would be amazing. Having meetings would be awesome as well. Problem is all the other applications... 'having fun' appears very different from person to person. In the wrong hands it could amplify socially destructive behavior.

    2. I do not agree with you. Everything in life has its pros and cons. Metaverse has its pros, including:
      1- Connecting the world and canceling physical distances.
      The most notable positive of Metaverse is the fact that it makes geographic barriers unimportant. Once you enter the virtual world, your physical location is no longer important and you are no longer bound by it
      2- New and different job opportunities.
      In a similar way to how social media has helped create many business opportunities and created a new form of marketing and advertising on its platforms, metaverse platforms are likely to provide much greater opportunities. Instead of displaying everything through a small screen on your phone, Metaverse technology offers a completely immersive way to promote and consume products and services using marketing and advertising strategies.
      3- It works to encourage creativity in the field of technology and art, and one of the most important examples of that is the exhibition that was inaugurated by Mark, the founder and owner of Facebook, in which many artists participated.
      The Metaverse has its downsides:
      1- It makes a person live in a world on his own, and makes his communication with others almost non-existent, as it helps the person to be completely isolated from the world and the individuals in his surroundings in a realistic way.
      2- Negative impact on cultures and societies.
      One of the disadvantages of approaching everyone and merging the different cultures of the world into one culture is the loss of the beautiful cultural diversity that currently exists in the world. If people were to spend most of their time in the metaverse, they would no longer feel connected to their immediate community.

    3. I agree with you to stay in the real world because it has many negatives, and I want to ask a question directed to you and the speakers, what are the negatives and positives of the Metaverse

      1. There are many pros and cons of metaverse and you can go to the Hub and read the discussions you will find the answer as many students mentioned the pros and cons

  • Do you think metaverse is necessarry ??
    Completely unnecessary. It's just another buzzword. It’s a gimmick to put more advertising in front of you and further detach you from reality.

    How are people supposed to deal with real other people and real problems (poverty, war, injustice, climate change) if they're spending all their time in artificial worlds looking at stuff to buy?

  • As much of a technology nerd I am this can potentially become something very scary We could end up living lives like in The Matrix, Ready Player One or Sword Art Online As interesting as it sounds to me I really do hope the Metaverse fails.

    1. Do you think there could be any rules put in place that could stop the metaverse becoming something scary?

  • This will make work and learners so much easier.

    Having lectures or lessons or just learning a new skill would be amazing. Having meetings would be awesome as well. Problem is all the other applications... 'having fun' appears very different from person to person. In the wrong hands it could amplify socially destructive behavior.

  • We wonder what the metaverse holds for us in the future? In fact, it is a virtual place where we work, learn, entertain ourselves, earn and spend money, and most technology experts agree that it will radically change our lives. The metaverse, says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, "will change not only the way we see the world, but also how we participate in it, from the factory to the boardroom." A recent study conducted by the Gartner Research Corporation predicted that about a quarter of Internet users will spend at least one hour per day working, shopping, learning, social and recreational activities within the digital metaverse space by 2026.
    The study also expected that 30% of institutions with their products and services around the world would participate in the metaverse space, given the opportunities for communication and cooperation that it provides at various levels, and its impact on how business is done, as institutions will not need to establish their own infrastructure to carry out their work, given the provision of metaverse. The possibility of working in virtual offices, and the metaverse world heralds innovative achievements in all areas of life.

    1. Do you think you will be amongst the quarter of internet users who will spend time in the metaverse by 2026? I would be interested to hear the reasons behind your answer

  • It will take time for people to catch up on every other technology.... but this will happen sooner or later.

    I believe metaverse will be the ultimate entertainment and shopping experience . I remember VR rides at Universal Studio and it was great.. imagine you walk into the VR mall and shop instead of clicking through boring websites with your VR friend who can be in any where in the world and do stuff in VR as if they are right next to you..

    This company will be way ahead of other competitors by then... hopefully it will take off soon.. need more PR and contents.... Gaming got popular because of interesting games.. the same goes for have to build the metaverse with interesting stuff in in real all the fun things you can do in VR like traveling to Mars or Moon or something..

  • The only thing that wasn't mentioned is how much this is dependent on making them money and not help humanity.

    It is very easy to see that metaverse will simply be an extension of real life, so forget about teleporting to any place you want and building the perfect "home", you will probably not be able to afford any of that.

    Their socioeconomic status is something that they wouldn't loose and will certainly appear in the metaverse. When you are poor, IF you can afford getting into the metaverse, you will have very few belongings in there for sure. But Mark? No! I don't think so! Probably a god, the gap will persist and probably worsen.

    Also, when comments are not allowed in the official video and people are not allowed to express their opinion freely about this new technology...I can imagine the rules in the metaverse.

  • Yes, we absolutely require a Metaverse, and I will undoubtedly use it in the near future. But you must understand everything there is to know about the metaverse.

    The Metaverse is a simulated digital world that combines augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), blockchain, and social media concepts to create rich environments where users can interact as if they were in real life. It allows users to socialize with their friends, travel to work, visit local attractions, shop for goods and services, and participate in virtual events.

    Metaverse is becoming increasingly popular, especially for crypto projects, in my opinion. They put them to good use. I keep a diverse crypto portfolio in case it doesn't stay number one indefinitely. The ETH SHIBA, a project for ethereum lovers, is a community-driven project that aims at the welfare of each and every one. The developers of this project care greatly for the crypto community. They aim to help individuals and their families grow financially and emotionally and create the biggest community in the crypto space. I think it's a pretty cool project that you might want to take a look at.

  • Yes, of course... I have many questions running through my mind to discuss, including:

    How do we become a Metaveres expert??

    What is the role of VR and AR in Metaverse??

    What is Facebook Metaverse??

    What are the uses of Metaverse??

  • What do you expect to happen in the world due to this great development and artificial intelligence that we see today??
    Well, I expect a lot.
    Technology really controls every part of our lives. I see this progress that we have reached today in a very positive way, although there are always negatives in the positives.
    But the ease of life that we can live makes me see this in a positive way for sure. I absolutely love technology, as this is clear. I think that if we are able to properly exploit this development, the world will turn into a real paradise!

  • What is the metaverse, is it a real world or a hypothetical one, and to what extent can it affect the human world, and has man reached a certain stage in this field, and will it affect man positively or negatively?

    1. A lot of these discussion ideas are already being covered, busy_library. Take a look at some of the metaverse discussion posts here -

  • It struck me that the metaverse is a double-edged sword, positive and negative. Positive that people can move from place to place and achieve dreams in the metaverse. And my negative and interest interest is that there are a lot of people who want to go to the metaverse, what if everyone went to the virtual world. For this there must be rules and laws for the metaverse 1- Back to the real world. 2- The metaverse is nothing more than an experiment. 3- Everyone will take responsibility for themselves in the metaverse. 4- Not to exceed the permitted hours. 5- There should be parental control for the children.

    1. Thanks for sharing your ideas, focused_clam. How do you think these rules should be enforced?

  • Does metaverse pose a threat to human life, and who rules reality or technology And is it still what man has not discovered and has not reached in this field?

  • The internet controls every aspect of our lives. It is a double-edged sword that either has positives or negatives. With regard to the negative aspects of the Internet, it is very bad and may lead to risks and affect health and psychological state. So I would like to ask a question: How can we reduce these negatives?

  • I hope we reached the point as society to notice or be aware of all the intentions behind this is to keep us there as long as he can and sell us as much as they can, he did not once talk about how you are going to have to pay memberships, watch commercials etc. Is time to WAKE UP!

  • I can generate a question about the metaverse for further discussion:

    Question: How do you envision the future of the metaverse and its potential impact on society, economy, and culture?

    This question can stimulate conversations about various perspectives on the metaverse, including its potential benefits, challenges, and implications for different aspects of our lives. It can also encourage discussions on the ethical, social, and economic considerations surrounding the development and use of the metaverse, such as issues related to privacy, ownership, accessibility, and inclusivity. Additionally, it can facilitate brainstorming and sharing of creative ideas about possible use cases and applications of the metaverse in different industries, fields, and communities.

  • Is the metaverse the Aladdin lamp we dream of ? And is it a coincidence that the announcement comes after years of global terror from the Corona epidemic that shut down the planet ? and Froze the economy and life , and forced the world to go to communication technology , to work, to education, to trade and everything related to human activity? And is it the extinction of the man organic?

  • What would your country climate be look like in ten years from now?

    1. I think if our government does not take charge in implementing the laws it sets, our country will have the worst climate changes by the end of ten years because deforestation is rapidly increasing in the country especially in my district[TORORO] and the worst problem is that the leaders are not trying their level best to see that this issue is solved.

  • As long as the concept of Metaverse is now trending and technologically developing, I wonder who will rule the world 20 years ahead from now? Will robots be responsible for that?

  • Hello Kim, the metaverse now is going viral and people started questioing themselves or even searching about it and I'm one of them.
    I wonder how schools are going to be in the future. Do you think that each student will be given a laptop and learn from home without coming to school and what would the teacher's main job be? Programming computers, maybe?

  • Who and all can use the Metaverse? And for what purpose to use the Metaverse? It is helpful for them or not ? What is the advantage of Metaverse? What are the disadvantage of Metaverse. It is good for use or bad for use? Who can create the rules for Metaverse?

  • Learning in Metaverse is a necessity or a luxury?? Metaverse is characterized by easy access and communication with others by overcoming barriers through the virtual world. Metaverse in education through my research:
    _ It overcomes_ the difficulties of distance learning, as distance learning can be done with direct interaction of students in a way that simulates their natural educational environment. _ Also, I believe_ that it contributes to education, even in crises and emergencies that require distancing from places of education, such as the Corona virus, wars, and natural disasters.
    _ Metaverse technology allows the possibility of presenting any scientific material in an interesting and attractive way for students to develop their mental abilities.
    _ Metaverse technology allows the possibility of presenting any scientific material in an interesting way that attracts students and develops their abilities. Metaverse technology allows students to move to a virtual world that matches the real world to display natural environments (mountains - plateaus - deserts), and this provides a technical environment in which students see and examine the subject of study in real. .
    _ And since everyone is now integrated with technology, Metaverse will attract students to the lesson, due to their attachment to technology and the atmosphere of luxury that will prevail in the lesson.
    But on the other hand, someone will tell me that education on Metaverse is not good and that it is just a place for luxury, and he will say:
    _ The teacher and the learner cannot communicate feelings to each other Feeling bored and declining motivation with the desire to learn, by sitting for a long time in front of computers or in the virtual world (Metaverse)
    _ Reducing the innovative and creative ability of the learner due to the hypothetical restrictions set

    So, is Metaverse a place for correct learning that will provide all the possibilities for the student, or is it a place for luxury and play only??

  • The technological development that we are currently experiencing is very dangerous. It may affect the minds of adolescents, especially those who spend most of their time on the Internet. I see a negative thing if a person takes Robert’s opinion in matters related to his life, as this will weaken the person’s personality and become introverted

  • I think the issue of digital divide should be a good discussion. I mean why is technology aimed at benefiting mankind but not all of it. It is obvious that not everyone has access to to technology and this is a problem, so why can't something be done to ensure we all share the same priveliges. The concern should not be only to advance technology for the benefit of the majority who can afford it, but to rather expand the allowance of access to technological advancement to the minorities without it. However, we should not allow this justify the downsides. Technology can be good and bad thing depending on how it is used and what it is used for just like everything else. If in the process of reducing digital divide, we give rise to larger problems like pollution and the possibility of the real world no longer holding any value to us, then should not safer yet effective technologies be more on the agenda for creation and access rather than just narrowing it down to the benefits while ignoring the detriment.

  • Meta's metaverse is literally the worst example of what VR is capable of. It's so stripped down to a general audience that it's boring. Community driven metaverse platforms like VRChat and NeosVR are the only places where the metaverse has a future. It has to be bottom up (like the web) instead of top down, Meta's attempt to build everything themselves then squeeze money out of the people who chose to use their platform will fail

  • There's a lot of people here complaining but they don't understand that everyone has a choice to do what they want. At the end of the day you'll choose your path and then die, whatever happens afterwards you won't witness. There's good people and bad people in this world, everyone has their chosen role. Some people don't care about others starving in other countries and other issues, they are selfish and it's ok. Some people do care, they are considerate and it's ok.

  • The only real benefit I can see to the meta verse is a situation where in person contact would be impossible (such as another pandemic or say friends from across the globe wanting to hang out) occasionally, but anything more than that would be impossible and honestly horrible

  • Meta's ultimate goal is to get people out from reality, the real world, the physicality of human.

    The only real world. The best world, The real world even though bad things happen, but is the first and only world real is. Emotions, feelings, reality. Virtual represent what real is, not what real is. The realm however is a place in reality

    somewhere people just don't see

  • Has man developed and evoledin the field of technology and its related matters to the extent that it has become excessive, transgressed, and become a threat to him? Are the features of a different reality that we are governed by technology clearly taking shape? Or will technology and the tools it produces be the magic wand in solving humanity's problems since time immemorial? Will humans live in unreality and infinity and there will be the beginning of the end? Are we unconsciously walking behind technology or are we forced to? Perhaps I do not have an answer to these mysterious questions, but perhaps time will answer them, and with the passage of time the facts will become clea.

  • 1. If you're going to spend time anywhere you need to be comfortable. So make sure you have the accessories to do so. That head strap wasn't made for long play/work time causing extra weight on your face.
    2. Make sure you have it set up for your eyes. Having the wrong setting can cause eye strain which leads to being sick or give you a headache (just like staring at a tv/monitor).
    3. Don't sleep in it. That's like wearing headphones all night, you can hurt yourself.

  • The best way to understand metaverse is to experience it(by not experiencing reality,ya know)
    You can do almost anything you can imagine in the metaverse -get together with friends,work,learn,play,etc.(oh wait that reminds me of something-ahh,yes...reality)
    This whole metaverse thing sounds like the new best drug around the block and to be honest,Facebook already is another such one.
    So Metaverse is a new from of escapism and addiction for those that don't want of face reality in it's full brilliance because they just can't handle it.
    I saw a post about metaverse today that was referring to us - humans- as an in- world avatarl?
    Thanks but no thanks-l'm not an avatarl of myself. I prefer to live in the real world!

  • Metaverse is a model that simulates the future, blends imagination with reality, and gives you ideas that you did not know before. Metaverse is fun and wonderful. Among the advantages and advantages of the application: -
    It simulates a virtual world, expresses the future, and gives science the path to success
    And who knows, it may give you ideas for what you want to be or achieve
    Among its downsides: -
    It may affect children's behavior and turn it into a bad one, or it may harm the eyes if attachment increases, and perhaps the mind
    Metaverse is an advanced technology phenomenon, and it is one of the best human inventions. Keep your dream alive and know your goal with Metaverse

  • great awesome , metaverse makes you more lonely , maybe you can lose your ability to establish friends , lover whatever , real world becomes boring , it just makes you connect to virtual reality world , you start to disconnect your real world slowly , I think this is a bad innovation , because the company always keeps you full on metaverse . They want you to connect , so they're trying to prevent you from disconnecting from

    your real world and reconnecting to the real world , that's all I know .

    1. I do not agree with you on that, because we are in an era of development, resurrection, and revival, and with the progress of time, developments begin, and since Metaverse is a new and very developed world, it is certain that many social media companies will appear in it, and they will have many users, since the users of Metaverse are on a permanent increase and greater number Proof that social media companies Facebook and Microsoft are planning their future in Metaverse to be the approved company in social communication in the world of Metaverse.

  • The question is who will control the meta world... Using it they would have many variable to controls human.

  • Years ago, things used to take time to be done like sending messages or letters but nowadays it is just a click. So what we can say is that Matverse creates a giant leap in our life. It is as said “makes the world as a small village “. People can chat with each other day and night freely and with no effort what they need is a smartphone and internet connection. Is it good or bad ? We can’t decide. Those who claim it is good mentioned the benefits of using internet in our life in different fields like education, health, transportation, and communication. On the other hand, those who claim it is bad argue with the disadvantages of social media and mobiles such as social division, illness, and wasting time.

  • I felt this is a bit biased, I cannot even spend 24 hours playing PC games or watch TVs, which also makes me headache and exhausted as well. Technology is changing our lives but we applying them with a balance with real lives. Just like Al we are debating now. Honestly, the only thing I can think of to do for 24 hours without too much issue is sleeping.

  • Last week, we hold a discussion in the class intitled “How can we stop the bad effects of Metverse in our life” Many of us participated with the teacher in this topic because it is social and controversial topic. Actually we cannot stop the bad effects of internet in our life since we depend on it for the whole issues in our lives. We can avoid some of its effects like addiction on mobiles or social media applications. Some students say that they are happy with social networking so why to stop it and it doesn’t affect their lives.
    So do you think it has bad effects that we must stop or avoid?

  • Imagine how depressing it would be to celebrate your birthday with VR with a virtual cake and friends and then you take off your VR headset and realise you're actually all alone...

    1. Do you think the metaverse can help with loneliness?

      1. First of all, balanced social media usage can help combat loneliness, especially in populations that have a hard time meeting people face-to-face, such as the elderly. People can also use the technology to meet up with a group that shares their interests, or find a romantic partner on the metaverse.

  • It's our responsability to protect future generations and prevent them. This is utterly harmful. We can't fail future generations, if we don't di anything, they're going to grow up thinking this is normal. Real life is way better than any of these addictive tools. Sure there are hardships, but this is part of life and makes us stronger, these toolse, make us weaker.

  • An interesting question I have regarding the metaverse is "What impact would the meta-verse's attributes have on human's mental health in the real world." In class we discussed the potential inappropriate and appropriate changes that may occur in a human's attitude and lifestyle after exiting the meta-verse and returning to the real world. For example, when returning to the meta-verse mental health will be at risk because of addiction. However after viewing the fake world and truly seeing everyone's point of view in life people may try to help out more or improve their ways of living.

  • We had a discussion in class about how we can get addicted to the metaverse if we don't have as good a life in real life as in the metaverse. People may want to stay in the metaverse because it might be so much better than their lives, and that brought up the question of how are people going to eat food in real life they are eating fake food in the metaverse.

  • I think a good discussion would be what rules should be in place in the Metaverse and who should enforce and create the rules. Should the rules be similar to real life, or completely different? Should cops police the rules or completely different group of people.

  • 1* Will virtual reality become our workplace in the future? 2* How can metaverse be used in the field of education?
    3* How can metavirus change a person's hobby. 4* How can we combat diseases and crimes in the world of virtual reality "Metaverse"

  • I believe that the virtual world makes a person communicate with the other world and gives him freedom which differs from freedom in real life. It is a world of imagination. Users of the virtual world can create their own avatars that express their personalities, create games and participate in some activities... For myself, I tried to enter the virtual world through games... I used to communicate with people from other countries.. I could not control the behaviour of some people.
    I used to spend hours of my day living with my virtual world...
    Can you tell me a little bit about your experience in using metaverse?

  • Yes.. This rapid development may be a way to drown in the metaverse. The question here is, will the important things in real life be important in virtual life, such as money and markets?
    Will there be more hard work or will people work virtually?
    It's an interesting topic

  • I don't know why no think of this. What if we learning in virtual reality. Like think about it you can go on field trips in virtual reality, We can learn in virtual reality, a lot of stuff in virtual reality.

  • What is the reason for naming Metaverse
    (New world to rule)

  • I think there should be a theme about death in the Metaverse
    Does anyone who dies in Metaverse die in real life as well, and what will happen??

  • The metaverse is aworld where people can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users in real-time. It is often described as the next iteration of the internet, but I wonder :
    * How might the metaverse change the way we socialize, learn, work and play?
    *How might the metaverse evolve over time, and what new applications and use cases might emerge as the technology develops?
    *How might the metaverse impact our understanding of reality, identity, and human nature?

  • How might it affect people if they can't join the metaverse? Should anything be done about it?

    According to my research, I have found out that the metaverse has a lot of purposes such as gaming, travel and tourism, education and learning, virtual event opportunities, real estate, social media and entertainment, finance, defense, medical and health purposes and many more, just to name a few.

    A person could feel emotionally down when he or she knows about the metaverse and can't get it. So, yes, I think that things need to be done. To get the metaverse, you need a range of money between $25,000 to $40,000 to start metaverse and that's to bad. I live in Nigeria and to get something like that will be very tough.

    My point is that people don't have good access to the metaverse maybe because they don't have connections or can't afford the money to start it. And the things that need to be done is:

    Firstly: The money should be reduced.

    Secondly: Awareness should be created for people to know about the amazing things you can do there.

    Thirdly: It should not be limited to only the rich kids but to everyone.

  • The pros and cons of the virtual world
    Among the advantages of the virtual world: -
    Allowing to share different virtual reality environments with people from all over the world.
    Helping the user to reach the required level of skill.
    Work in a field with a promising future.
    Disadvantages of the virtual world:
    Lack of flexibility.
    Reducing human contact.
    Teachers and educators are not convinced of the full effectiveness of these applications.

  • The metaverse makes a person live in a fantasy, so can this imagination make a person develop himself and his society with the development of technology ??

  • hi there ,
    metaverse technology that strikes the space these days has negative and positive sides .
    Regarding its negative effect it's similar to gaming, addiction can become an issue. Some argue that there is a bigger addiction risk with the metaverse, as you’re fully immersed in a virtual world. Besides your essential physical needs like eating and sleeping, you don’t need to leave your VR setup.

    Kids and teenagers are the most at risk, as experts suggest that exposing individuals under the age of 18 to the metaverse and letting them spend too much time in it will cause some serious harm to their development.
    my question is ..what tools are provided for adults to protect their youngs from addiction??

  • The metaverse is going to require a fast and reliable internet connection to make the shared virtual environment .

    Another issue is the fact that it discriminates between those who have the ability to acquire and use the hardware and digital tools needed to access the metaverse and those who do not. Less fortunate people and communities will not be able to enjoy its benefits.
    Even here in my country this will appear obviously since we have limited internet connection in some places in addition to limited income for most families .
    so , do you think that this technology will get some modifications to suit all level and communities?

  • As we know that many people around the world have become fond of the virtual world but during our discussions on this topic, a question comes to mind what if the metaverse and the virtual world suddenly disappeared how will the result be and what will be the people's reaction?

  • We had another intresting discussion In class about metaverse and we all look forward to having our own avatars to achieve our goals. My question here is if someone has multiple ambitions that he/she wants try out in the metaverse, is it possible for one to have more than one avatar in order to achieve this purpose?

  • Hi, I think that metaverse and its virtual world is a very good solution for those people who suffer from psychological problems that make them afraid of facing people or treating with them . So, how do we moderate social interactions within the metaverse in order to avoid racism, sexism and homophobia? Really, I want to know what do you think?

  • Recently, technological development has led to traffic congestion, and the consequent air and noise pollution, so we must quickly solve this problem.

  • I think that should be a central pivotal discussion on how to use metaverses in education. Metaverse has been used in many fields, "health, economic, social, and financial", which has led to making technology the backbone of human life. Information and communication technology is used in the educational process in order to support student learning and improve communication between the parties to the educational process "student, teacher, guardian "Metavirus is used in emergency conditions such as the Corona pandemic and natural disasters such as earthquakes, snow, etc... So people in academic work in the classroom ... and administrative work in educational institutions ... depend on the use of information technology, and this has led to the activation of artificial intelligence techniques and virtual real communication in environments similar

  • Is it if the students control the study subjects, will many succeed or not? Therefore, I want to discuss the subject of the study and the danger of leaving it on the individual and society, because if it is left, it will have great and negative effects on the world

  • one problem with vr is that it uses only two of our senses,so people don’t want to use it for a long time. for example: the reason why people get sea sick is because their visual experience doesn’t correspond with the swaing motion of the ship and your body

  • What aroused my curiosity the most and made me realize the magnitude of the danger that humanity might face is "people's loss of a sense of reality". Can people kill each other or even destroy the planet? What do you think and can you solve this problem if you encounter it? It is a pleasure to read your opinions.

  • Imagine you're in 2050, what will changes in our life with metaverse ?

  • Recently, we conducted new questions with the teacher about the metaverse, and we found that it is a double-edged sword, but sometimes its defects affect its advantages. If people get addicted to using it and forget the real reality in which they live And I have another question that came to my mind at the end of the discussion, which is whether children are affected by the Metaverse program negatively or positively? I am really looking forward to know your opinions on my questions.

  • I suggest we discuss how to prevent addiction to the metaverse because addiction is one of the biggest problems we are facing globally.
    Presently we have young adults and children addicted to social media and the internet. So i think discussing how to prevent it will be very impacting.

  • I think There should be a hub discussion post on "how the metaverse would result in impacting or developing the real world and how it would bring about a greater future for the good or better of the global society".

  • I have a doubt that why is the metaverse can't reach all the people in the world? And From my point of view metaverse is neither bad nor good it is neutral. But everyone are scared to use this metaverse because they are thinking that what if they are addicted in the metaverse itself? So I suggest the metaverse company to set a timing in the metaverse and give it to the people. A movie named "Ready Player One" shows an example if the timing is not maintained. So please insert the timing option in the metaverse.

  • Metaverse a new reality, what does the future hold?
    Everyone with no doubt knows how interesting the world is becoming with the growth of the internet and the metaverse. A lot of problems are being solved with new machines and gadgets that make life easier and faster being invented, better ways to socialize, get things done, impact knowledge, grow economically and even the political race is also being influenced by the internet/ technology.
    We know that there are also disadvantages and with resilience, people are determined to exterminate the disadvantages down to the last one to make this new realm "Perfect".
    But my question is are we doing too much?
    "Atlas" is considered the most dynamic humanoid robot in the world was designed to deal with dangerous tasks for the U.S. defense and was developed by Boston Dynamics. This robot is so advanced it operates so human-like, it is as fascinating as it is scary. What if we create something that we can't control anymore this seems to already be happening as social media takes up a lot of youth's time and even controls the way they think, act, speak, and their lifestyles! If we continue developing more technological facilities and gadgets, advancing the metaverse could we create something invincible !? something dangerously unstoppable that could destroy the earth? "We may say that just happens in movies" but now I think we can say "what happens here, happens in movies," I think this should be a discussion so we can rub our minds and air our views.

  • Yes, we had a conversation in class about Matversa. In fact, I think it poses a threat to our social lives. Many people are cut off from the world due to their excessive use of Matversa. We must use it properly, and if we do not, it will affect us negatively

  • We received a lesson earlier in school about how the Internet controls our choices (such as clothing, food, and especially the mind), because the Internet means a change in the structure of the mind, and this poses a danger because it can affect concentration and memory. My question is, will there be significant carbon emissions because there are many people who use computers to play virtual games (Metaverse), which emits 1.41 tons of carbon dioxide when used 59 hours a week.

  • After the metaverse lesson was explained to us, several questions came to my mind.
    1_ After the full use of the Metaverse in our lives, will people remain the same as they were before the discovery of the Metaverse? Will the relationship between people become aggressive and bad, greedy for things that can be made? Will they remain in full mental and physical strength?
    2_ Can people in Metaverse do everything as in the real world? After thinking for a long time about this question, I came to the answer, which is: No, they cannot, as they cannot eat in Metaverse, and if they eat in Metaverse, this will not meet their needs in the real world!!
    3_ Can people in Metaverse use mobile phones and communicate with people in the real world??
    4_ If the Metaverse was really applied in our lives and a person entered the Metaverse and obtained many things and then left it, and then entered again into the Metaverse, will the things that he obtained remain in the Metaverse or will they disappear??
    I really would like to know the answers to these questions

  • We really had a great session and Metaverse was really a bit complicated ,new and interesting topic. When my teachers were sharing about it I was amazed and I really thought we ough to develop this technology cause it has many advantages as well as some disadvantages the advantages are we can learn ,experience and explore and disadvantages are our privacy gets affected and it can also make us addictive so we ough adopt good privacy laws .So that cyber crime must not affect the people but this is an great idea to implement in our world .

  • ✨🤍Despite the many risks and cons involved in metaverses, I believe they can be confronted and dealt with.

    Can you expect developments and updates that will address the risks of metaverse??

  • I have questions that arouse my curiosity about metaviruses / 1- How can we ensure that there are no problems and risks during the development of metaviruses 2- Does metavirus have mental, physical and psychological damages. 3- Does a person feel lonely and depressed?

  • Metaverse is the virtual world of our real world, and it is a double-edged sword that we can deal with in many ways, and it is very related to technology, and I want to ask and discuss
    -What are technology-led confrontations
    with Metaverse

  • Yes, of course! Here's a question that could spark an interesting discussion about MetaVerse technology:

    "Do you believe that MetaVerse technology will revolutionize how we interact with the virtual world and real life? What are the potential challenges and effects that may arise from it?"

    This question opens the door to discussing the future prospects of MetaVerse technology, including the potential opportunities and challenges that this new technology may pose to our societies and daily lives. The discussion could encompass innovative and creative use cases of MetaVerse, its impact on communication and social interaction, privacy and security concerns, potential psychological and social effects, digital divide issues, economic and environmental impacts, and more. This discussion could be inspiring and thought-provoking in understanding the potential effects and future developments of MetaVerse technology.

  • Technology controls our lives. If we can use it moderately, we will learn about its positives and benefits. I hope everyone tries to use it moderately.

    Can you suggest methods that I can use to reduce my use of the metaverse?

  • One of the questions I had on the subject of Metaverse. Although it has many benefits, such as: education, training, medicine, and psychological treatment by making people meet new friends... tourism is entertainment, etc.. but can digital currencies be used in the Metaverse as real money..? and does it cause addiction, nausea, and loss of consciousness Then what will happen to our bodies in the real world? Also, when he provides friends in the digital world, this will lead to - the lack of human communication - that we need to move away from spinning and introversion.. Finally, the question that baffled me. How does the Metaverse use and is it similar in its work to virtual reality glasses? Which doctors also warn us against because they are dangerous to the eyes... These are questions that I hope to find answers to...

  • I think I have a good question and that is from my research and knowledge about Metaverse I want to know how data is used in Metaverse and can we shop faster on the Internet and will this be a comprehensive source of income

  • During my search for the world of metaverse, some things caught my attention, which is that technology companies are building plans for the metaverse to be the Internet of the future (we will be without contacting it), but how will these companies convince the world about that? Since we see the worsening crisis of poverty and famine, how can people relate to it when they are in a crisis like that?
    Since the Metaverse will be the Internet and future devices for communication, what will happen to smart phones and other devices during the coming time? Will it be reduced or are companies exploiting it?
    And if it will be less, then where will the trade of the famous companies like Samsung and Apple go?

  • I discussed this with my female colleagues to hear their opinions, but I was amazed by their answers, as they moved away from their families, and they also reduced their social relations. What a pity, but I talked to them about the dangers of that and what is our responsibility towards that, as I said that our attachment to the Internet, which greatly dominated our lives, kept us away About our real life and the problem of addiction and virtual bullying, so how can we get rid of that?

    My colleague answered by organizing and performing daily tasks according to a schedule, reducing the hours of using the Internet, organizing the daily sleep times, writing down the achievements that you achieved during the period of not using the Internet for encouragement, and we ended up learning to stay away from the Internet

    I have a question, will we continue to live with Metaverse and how far can we go?

  • one of the most important things to be safe from side effects of metaverse that experts and educatinalists should arouse international campaigns of how to stay safe on the internet while using such high quality technology . In addition , there should be certain tools and settings that prevent children under 15 of misusing this privilege.

  • We humans make a lot of mistakes, but when there are laws in the metaverse and one of them makes a mistake, the person responsible for it punishes the person who made the mistake.

  • We had a wonderful session with our mam who clearly explained us about metaverse giving wonderful ideas like Pokémon, avatar to relate and understand about this concept. I have a doubt someone please clarify it?? We need few limitations and will we be safe I mean many cyber crime are happening in social media so will we have protection if yes who will protect us??

  • When I was in class, two strange questions came to my mind: 1_ Could Metaverse ever be a cure for the mentally ill?
    2- Is it possible for people to become addicted to metaverse?

    1. Hi artistic_language. You raise interesting points. What do you think? And in what ways would these manifest?

      1. I think that the Metaverse may become a treatment for the mentally ill, but it may affect them with positive and negative effects such as isolation. I am sure that some people will get addicted to Metavirus.

  • The metaverse is a digital space that can be accessed via virtual reality enabled devices unlike the internet which uses the users preferred browsers. Yes, the metaverse comes with lots of opportunities for young people to explore their environment in different ways. But, many are cut out of this technology as a result of poverty and lack of the necessary infrastructure needed to be able to enjoy access to this great platform. In my country for Instance, majority of the people dwell in the rural areas where, in some cases, access to the internet is completely unavailable not to talk of virtual reality. Consequently, a large chunk of the youth population can not get to partake in this enormous industry. Invariably, opportunities are lost except something can be done to ensure inclusiveness. Though, the various governments in my country are trying hard to ensure that young people are given computer education. However, a lot still need to be done if the indigent are to be carried along.

    1. Do you have any suggestions for how the metaverse could be made more equal and inclusive?

  • The metaverse is a plan that will carry on into the near future. Should something be done about availability if it is such a technical development with so many opportunities? Obtaining the technology to reach the metaverse would be difficult for the impoverished. It is especially challenging now, when the prices of many basic needs of living in the U.S. are skyrocketing.

    A person may be tremendously disappointed if they are not given the ability to participate in the metaverse and freely explore the world. If so much money and effort is being invested in it, the metaverse should be able to reach out to everyone. Technology is likewise pushing its way into more and more aspects of daily life, so the metaverse should be made well known to a large crowd of people.

  • Should behaviours in the metaverse be judged by the same standards of the real world?Are there any exceptions?
    Yes, I think behaviours in the metaverse should be judged by the same standards in the real world because there are more people who are good in the real world than those in the metaverse which would ruin the reputation of people in the real world.
    Is it right for people to spend much time in the metaverse? Who might say yes?
    I may say yes, why? because the more time people spend in the metaverse, the more technology is learnt, brought and taught to people in the world. Through that people may explore places they could not reach.

  • I think metaverse will have a positive impact on the real world.
    People will procure the things they need through online shopping e.g Jumia and Cafe Javas.
    The problem of being solitude may be solved since robots will provide company.
    Avatars will also be used in the film and television industry hence generating income and entertainment.
    In the metaverse , I think that the security will also be tighter because there will be more security devices like CCTV cameras, fighters, tracking devices, guns etc.
    Robots will also be used to fight enemies since they are valiant and controlled by people.

  • I think it is not right to spend that much on metaverse because in the real world there are essential things people need like food, shelter, security not to mention but a few. In my opinion not every one will be able to access the virtual world.

    1. If not every one is able to access the meta verse in your words then why worry about people not being able to access essentials and even then people will know when it’s time to get off even kids have a limit

  • people been watching tik tok and cant focus on the real world like now they focus on fortnite all these new games people been playing has gotten to the point no one is focusing on goals drems or goals they focus on things in real life

  • Is it good or bad that people might be able to virtually visit wherever they want in the metaverse? Should there be any limits?
    I think it's good. Why? Because people get chance to see, know and learn about somethings like what is deep in the oceans and seas.
    I think limits should be there, why? Because people may do things in the metaverse and bring it to the real world and that may not be right.

  • The loss of loved ones is very painful and leaves a wound in the human heart, and the closer the person is to you, the deeper the wound. Do you think that also in the virtual world we will be exposed to death or even injuries and physical wounds?  Will there be real pain?  Will we grow old or do we choose the age we want?

  • I think the metaverse might affect people if they cannot join it but others can because priority will be given to the
    majority more than the minority and this will cause misunderstanding among people and countries, for example common wealth countries may highly contribute to the metaverse unlike other countries that may sparely contribute to it .

  • Every coin has two sides and every thing in life has its own plus and minus points.As far as metaverse is concerned,it gives us so many benefits which could have a real impact in life.Its application in businesses, for promotion of products and services,In health sector,for providing connectivity between doctors and consultants,in the field of education,where students are able to learn in a virtual environment, enabling people to be creative-the benefits are really impressive.The other side,it has its own limitations as well.In a world wherein privacy and bullying are real headaches,it gives the bully a upper hand.Addiction to the virtual world is a real cause of concern.To me personally,it all depends on how we manage and make use of it.There should be features to overlook the amount of time spent in metaverse and as far as the bullying part is concerned,strict and right laws and punishments should be put in place.If these two aspects work right, metaverse will definitely be marvellous.

  • My question is, if any fraudulent activities happen, who will be responsible and how does investigation take place?

    1. Just like the Americans have the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate cases about cyber crimes there should be a governing body that would watch over whatever is going on and any cases of cyber crime or cyber bullying would be reported and the perpetrators would be punished accordingly.

      1. Metaverse is a virtual world and has no political or geographical boundaries. So some globally common organization should handle this.

  • Now, technology is so advanced, some company's have introduced AIs ( artificial intelligence). This is where you can ask the AI to write absolutely anything for you such as debates, outlines for books, essays. On one hand, this can make homework more efficient, however, on the other hand, is this the same as cheating if you ask something else to do your school or tutoring tasks. Cast you votes! Do you think AIs should be allowed and at what cost, or do you think they should be banned and how this would benefit us?

    1. I'm not sure about this because AIs could become the new norm for homework assignments and classwork. If people are using AI for just reference or something to build off on then no, I would not consider it cheating . But, If people would use the AI for direct copy and pasting it will be a different story. Aswell , a very popular AI called Chat Gpt can remember whatever it has put out, meaning that if a professor or teacher think that a paper was plagiarized they could know for sure. Many students would benefit from this and would not want it banned but teachers and the older population of the world would probably want to back away from the AI version of hard work and not putting in the effort yourself.

      1. Strong_thought, I would like to fight my case. Yes, I have changed my mind when you have said that students would benefit from AIs and plagiarised papers can clearly be identified, but students need to develop imagination. The reference and build- off is the hardest part and requires imagination when writing a creative piece, so it is not necessarily a benefit to children. More and more pupil's grades are dropping in creative writing due to the lack of imagination. Personally, I do not believe the AIs should give them a build off but ask questions for them to discuss with their fellow peers in classrooms when doing an essay. This will enhance their cognitive development and make them look at different aspects of learning. We should stick to the traditional work that will benefit future generations the most: without any help but your own.

  • One topic that our teacher discussed with us that we enjoyed was the' Metaverse'. But i usually had this question to discuss and which is Will the Metaverse influence sustainability? I have been wondering if the Metaverse could change the abilities for observing, modelling and acting in the physical world to develop a better understanding of our environmental impact.

  • I believe the metaverse will create more jobs in ways that cannot even imagine now. I believe the metaverse has the potential to enrich the quality of our lives, especially for people who lack physical resources. But like any new tech nology ,the derived benefits are contingent on how the technology is designed.

  • One thing we should consider is leaving the real world behind. What will happen to the real world if everyone switches to the metaverse? Will you have to earn that degree again or graduate high school twice? What will the farmers, entrepreneurs, and construction workers do? All that hard work just for nothing to come of it?

    1. Strong_thought, I partly disagree with leaving the real world behind. People develop strong relationships with one another and if we start a new life completely, will their be any emotions or feelings when speaking? In the metaverse, everything is programmed, so I personally believe we will be prevented from expressing our true feelings to one another. The greatest thing in this world is love. Do you really believe that should be wiped out forever?

      1. Accurate_atom, I am just suggesting what we should consider talking about. I do not agree with leaving the real world behind. I never said that we should. I said that we should consider the upside and downside of what the metaverse could do to the real world. To answer your question I do not think the world should be wiped out forever. The metaverse could really go really good or really bad. The cons really outweigh the pros. If we leave the real world behind nobody knows what could happen.

        1. Thank you strong_thought. Based on your comment, I have changed my mind as you have convinced me that we should consider the metaverse as a new life. As you have suggested, the real world should not be wiped out forever. I have an idea. What if we could have the real world and the metaverse together and can switch between the two worlds? At the same time, you can still have strong relationships with close friends whilst also coming face to face with people around the world depending on what game you are in. You are certainly right about one thing: nobody knows what could happen. We just have to seize the right opportunity and hope for the best.

    2. After comprehending your statement, I have taken a strong thought and have a few things to point out. When you said that we should leave the real world behind, I sincerelly disagree. First and foremost, the real world is what we revolve around. Without the real world, the strong relationships which citizens globally have been formed would be broken. Moreover, starting a new life would define that our families and friends will float away from us like iceburgs from Antarctica.

      Furthermore, research suggests that people who are fantasy-prone have a difficult time discerning their fantasies and false memories from reality. It's estimated that 2%-4% of people are in this state. When one acknowledges this, they can realise the vast numbers which will exceed from the diminishing quantity of 2% to 89 - 95 %. This will have a negative impact on people and their lifestyles.

      To conclude, I don't believe that people around the world are willing to separate from their loved ones and become stray.

      1. Enlightened_goosberry, I do not agree with the act of leaving the real world behind. I was only suggesting something we should discuss. This is because if the metaverse takes off the ground leaving the real world behind will be a real issue. What would all the people who put so much work in just for them to have to start over. Also if your family does not want to join you in the digital world you will be on your own without anyone to care for you, which could be too much of a risk for others. So leaving the real world behind could be a long shot that nobody could be really ready for.

  • We all know the development the United States has reached, so what is expected to happen when it moves its development in the Metaverse to an undeveloped country like Gaza.

  • A question that l think would make a great discussion is "Are robots allowed to go on strike and why" Recently in China robots have been taking over people's jobs and because of that Chinese are getting furious. This got me thinking "Are robots allowed to strike?"

    1. Robots basically are intelligent machines purchased or manufactured by an owner. This means the machines don't have the freedom to sell as time. Their freedom is calculated and paid for in full as a result they can't demand any privileges through a striking instrument. All robots are considered property and properties don't own rights. So they can't strike.

  • Do you think somebody can be in-charge of the metarverse?
    No, I think no one should be in-charge of the metaversa because if that person in-charge gets intimidated negatively, he or she can destroy the world easily or within the shortrest time for example when he or she is denied from having more developed ideas what he or she wants to bring and the public see it as risky steps.

  • Is it right for people to spend so much money on the metaverse? Who might say yes? Who might say no?
    I say no, why? because most things in the metaverse are not real and some things don't exist in the real world.
    Who might say yes?
    The rich people might say yes, because they can afford the money and they will say it is marvelous because they can go anywhere.
    Who might say no?
    The vulnarable like the poor, elderly might say no, because it is too expensive and they can't afford the money to boost up the process of working in the virtual world and some don't believe in this virtual reality.

  • I think people have rights to virtually visit wherever they want in the metaverse and people might say yes or no.
    To me I think the poor might say no because they don not have money to visit the metaverse and the rich will say yes because they have money to venture on what is required in the metaverse and other places. On same the same note even some countries like Uganda can't have enough money to visit the metaverse.

  • I think the rich countries will say yes because they are well developed and have the technology which can acquire metaverse and on that if they spend a lot of money on the metaverse it can mean to be interesting because most people wish to reach different destinations or places like the moon, the deep seas and different planets like Jupiter and metaverse enable them reach there virtually. But one would wish to reach there in real life but unable to reach in time.

  • i think the metaverse is almost good but not quite

    1. Can you explain why you think this?

  • The metaverse simply means a virtual reality space in which users can interact with a computer generated environment and other users.I think it is a bad thing.So, there should be rules about the Life people create for themselves because some people especially the girls and women tend to dress badly and Post bad pictures and videos which can result to immorality.

    1. There can be problems with the metaverse, but I don't think it's true that it's especially women who might post inappropriate pictures. What rules do you suggest should be put in place to keep people safe?

    2. Hello stupendous chicken,
      I disagree with your comment because your making it seem like its only girls or women that post inappropriate pictures sometimes men also do post immoral things, but I think that instead of shifting the blame from one gender to another we should try to promote the establishment of rules in the metaverse which will prevent the spread of immorality especially for the safety of younger users, because accusations wont help solve the problem.

  • I have some unanswered questions in my mind about the world Metaverse... Who takes the responsibility to govern the Metaverse?... Does one person can supervise the whole Metaverse?.. Does certain laws and regulations can conclude the computer crimes? What are steps taken by the government to stop the cyber bullying?? How we secure our privacy in Metaverse?

    1. How would you answer your questions, ambitious_wildcat?

  • Metaverse is Zukerberg's attempt to create that "3d virtual world" replacement for the internet. Modeled like what see romanticized in movies, novels, and other pop culture, particulary from cyberpunk gener, and seen in such movies as "The Matrix". The thing is its been tried several times. Take a look at Second Lifte. It's effectively everything he wants to do, and it's basically a dead-end service.

    1. Hi super_wilddog, what would your concerns be if something like 'second life' worked well and was appealing to users?

  • With the metaverse situation going on. Would there be a possible chance to know who would be able to lead this because even though the metaverse might expand and become into this big thing it could lead to many issues. Due to how it can make people lose physical touch between the real world and even with that it could be affecting children like it could damage them in the way that they might not be social or they might just not be able to function without it. It really depends because it can't only affect the children or anyone who uses it, it might affect the whole entire world due to how in the metaverse you can travel anywhere. Would that mean that people's jobs would be taken or what would happen to all of the money being made in those places? What would really happen if the metaverse would take over the world.

  • As we were talking about the topic there was this one person who mention that what would happen to the people’s job if the metaverse would take over it, and what would the people do it that situation and how might they react.

  • This is what I came up with from this👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾

    There are laws guiding owning pets thereby making the owner accountable to well being of the pet. Similarly, I believe people in the metaverse should be held responsible for the activities of robots in the virtual world. Therefore it has become imperative that the operators should begin to set up codes and conducts guiding the VR world. There should be Human-Virtual Reality Identification Number (HVRID). This number ties every robot to the operator without which it is impossible to enter the Virtual Reality world. This will make it possible to trace and track robots in Virtual Reality. The rights exercised by bots in Virtual Reality are the access granted by the operator(s) thereby making the operator(s) responsible for the actions of the robots. This will ensure safety in the Virtual Reality space.

    1. Great idea loving_significance! Are there any potential problems you see with this model?

  • Can't the metaverse have its own persons as the real world or is it a must that the people in the real world must join the metaverse? Is the metaverse meant to change the real world or to be a world of its own?

  • I think it might affect people negatively if they cannot join the metaverse and others can because they won't be able to virtually visit many places like the moon of which will cause enmity between the people who are unable to join the metaverse .

  • I think the metaverse might affect people if they cannot join it but others can because the people who cannot afford to join it can feel neglected and this may cause misunderstanding among some countries because some of them cannot contribute to join the metaverse and I think that something should be done like in those countries that can sparsely contribute to the metaverse , the government should improve on people's salaries ,employ more government workers and teach people skills that can bring income.

  • Technology is on a higher level. So how do we limit ourselves from obsessing over it and try to balance it with reality and how our normal daily activities will be affected by the metaverse.

    1. I agree with this I think that if the metaverse was accessible for many people they would spend their whole lives obsessing over something that’s not even real and it could result in mental health problems, such as depression, only feeling happy in a simulated world instead of in real life. As technology has progressed the numbers of people with bad mental health has grown and we don’t have proper support for those people so this would make it much worse.

  • Do you think the same programme that is found in the metaverse should be used in reality? If yes why and if no why not.

  • I think the metaverse is useful because you can be educated and socialise and stuff.

  • The metaverse investing is insane $120,000,000,000 and great but people do find problems in socializing and it's a bit expensive over £300 and people can afford it and maybe jealous of people having VR Headset and it's a great technology to use and we do need to be careful because we can hurt ourselves but it's great tech.

  • i think the meta verse is good and bad because what happens when ur charge finishes and ur doing ur job or maybe school and its good because if ur phone dies and u have a vr headset and its lock down then u can call ur friends or family and talk and maybe play games with them and also if the outside is a bad weather and you want to do exercise u can just do it from the vr and its not even that much money its just like 300 to 700 money.
    But it is very bad to because the screen is very very close your eyes so if your in a poor contry and u can only buy a vr head set then u will be blind FOREVER so if u do buy it use it less and the metaverse pays 120,000,000 pounds for investing and u only need to pay 300 to 700 pounds

  • my opinion is that people cloud get very lazy by just siting down and talking to there friends

    1. How could we encourage people to be active AND enjoy the metaverse?

  • I had a discussion at school about the metaverse. Very outstanding questions were asked, but there was a particular question kept me thinking. so i decided to share it with the students to hear their opinions.
    if the metaverse makes us value the virtual and digital world more than the real world, will it move us to care less about real world ?

  • We all know that the metaverse is a place were anyone can be and do whatever he/she wants to be or do. Royalty is also a position of a king or a queen. (Monarchy). This get me wondering, can we have a king or a queen in metaverse ? If yes who set the rules to be followed in the metaverse ? The King/ Queen or the creators of metaverse ?

  • We didn't have a class discussion about the metaverse , but this topic has lead me to do a lot of research and from my research I've learnt that the metaverse is a VR(virtual reality) universe, it aims to help make people interact through the internet it reduces the need to travel or make use physical resources when we can make use of a 3D dimension where we can interact and visualize any object without putting in much effort and time. The metaverse is a digital space created to help people socialize,learn,play and do many more things without having to actually do it in the physical but in a 3D space.

  • in the metaverse ,will there be a ruler ? if so, will they be elected like the prime minister or born into it like the royal family ? personally I think that they should be elected ,because being born into power and wealth is unfair to me.

    1. Can you explain why you think that's unfair, memorable_elderberry?

      1. I think it is unfair because when you are in the royal family , the moment you are born, you immediately inherit large amounts of power and wealth and the only way an ordinary person can become a member of the royal family is through Marriage and
        The metaverse opens an opportunity for anybody to become the ruler of a new realm .
        In my opinion, the current king and royals should not have power or wealth but instead being the king or queen , a prince or a princess should only be a title, nothing else

  • I have heard that the Metaverse enables us to see people around the world while we are sitting on our seat, but there is a question that baffled me very much, which is:
    (I speak Arabic, others in Hindi, others in English, others in Italian, and so on.... when we communicate through the Metaverse space, how will we understand each other’s language, or will there be a program that takes care of the matter, or will the company develop more??!)

    1. Oh really great question about languages! How do you think tech companies could overcome language problems within the metaverse? For example, could any existing technology help? And how could it be developed?

    2. I think I heard for the first time about Metaverse here in this contest, so excuse me...but I have an answer that might be useful...
      They may use the simultaneous interpretation system, such as the meeting of heads of state, they all speak different languages, but there are those who translate for the rest..they put headphones in each other...perhaps this is a way...
      Dear Speakers: Share your thoughts with us

  • My class has talked about how the metaverse can be used like meetings,playing games/socialize

  • NO! The metavarse should not be held at the same standards like the real world because it affects the interactions with the physical life of the world.

    1. I agree with this because it gives people too much freedom in a bad way, people can access other people's homes which takes away their basic right to privacy in their own home. I think the metaverse should be restricted to things like important landmarks or public buildings so people can still explore the world without invading anyone's privacy

  • After my study of the subject of metaviruses, I heard that Netaveras affects most fields. My question today: How does metavirus affect each of: electronic commerce, participatory design and creativity, artificial intelligence. Who is the first to implement the idea of ​​Metaverse, how did he arrive at this concept, and how was he able to convince the world of its existence

  • After my study of the subject of metaviruses, I heard that Netaveras affects most fields. My question today: How does metavirus affect each of: electronic commerce, participatory design and creativity, artificial intelligence. Who is the first to implement the idea of ​​Metaverse, how did he arrive at this concept, and how was he able to convince the world of its existence

  • The metaverse could be a big or positive step as it would expand the opportunities to make new scientific/medical discoveries, expand the range of ways of communication, present newer learning methods, shop at one’s own consentience and many more. It presents a lot of opportunities but every good thing has its bad side or side effects. In this cause, it could cause people to:
    Get addicted to their screens – in this cause, their VR headset
    Cause eye problems – due to the constant exposure to blue light rays that damages the retinal cells of the eye
    Lost of interest or attention span – mainly when using electronics (especially those that the screen constantly changes during short periods of time), it causes people to get bored easily especially when dwelling on one topic in a short period of time
    And many others
    In terms of the rule makers and those in charge, those should be done by the original leaders in real life(as the metaverse is meant to represent the real world), in partner with technological experts.

  • After my study of the subject of metaviruses, I heard that Netaveras affects most fields. My question today: How does metavirus affect each of: electronic commerce, participatory design and creativity, artificial intelligence. Who is the first to implement the idea of ​​Metaverse, how did he arrive at this concept, and how was he able to convince the world of its existence

  • The Metaverse - to my understanding - is extremely controversial. There's VR headsets, vocaloids, etc. I recently saw a "Metaverse born" girl called Polar explode on the internet. She's completely AI, and another vocaloid. I find her to fall into an uncanny valley, and she's been exposed for being a clone of Hatsune Miku, another vocaloid celebrity. Polar has a TikTok account, and despite massing 1 million followers (which were all purchased) her videos struggle to reach over 100,000 views.
    There are many other reasons people hate on the Metaverse, or absolutely love it, but I thought it was worth giving an example I've witnessed myself.

  • I think VR is a very cool addition to technology in this modern era as it is so realistic and it’s a great experience to have .

  • Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should there be any rules about the lives people create for themselves online? I think it is a good thing and there should be rules about the lives people create for themselves online.why? Because metaverse should be made like the real world because metaverse is the twin to the real world if rules are in the real world they should be in the real world.

    1. I agree because... in every society rules and regulations are important. The metaverse is just like the real world which means criminal and unacceptable activities can also occur there. Rules should be given to prevent these activities. The law will regulate any harmful activity perpetrated by users against other participants.
      Another use of rules in the metaverse is that it prevents plagiarism. If an artist creates content in metaverse that is similar to a copyrighted content in the physical world, then they can be held liable for it. For instance, if a person created an avatar of an NFT similar to a copyrighted avatar or NFT, the copyright owner can sue the person for plagiarism.
      Rule in the metaverse can also prevent virtual fraud. This entails the use of false identities or false information to deceive others in the metaverse. Virtual extortion is also prevented. It is intimidation to gain control over virtual assets or information.
      So I believe laws in the real world should be applied in the metaverse so crimes in the real world will not be committed in the metaverse.

  • I think augmented/virtual reality is going to be very useful in the future because of simulations imagine learning to do surgery on someone but in virtual reality so if you mess up you don't kill someone you could even lean how to fly fight in battle and more . this could revolutionize learning!

  • Meta-verse is a set of digital spaces that uses the metaphor of the real world to help people socialize, learn, work and do a lot of things.

    There should not be limits because the Meta-verse helps a person to feel like they are actually seeing people and things they want to.
    The Meta-verse could be of help to the depressed as it could be of help in form of entertainment.
    It can help one to learn at his or her comfort zone, an example is that of the high school I'm pretty sure that close to 90% if not 100% of the schools world wide taught virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Also communication is not interrupted when the Meta-verse is used.

    It might be more difficult to manage people's behavior in the Meta-verse than in the real life because there is freedom more in the Meta-verse than real world people would want to express their feelings more this could lead to bullying or even mental disorder of others.

    The realistic graphics could change the way people behave in the real world in the negative way by causing them to lose connection with the real world they do not see anything realistic any longer rather they see them as virtual reality and it could help in the positive way by helping the users to retain whatever they have learnt. I believe that whatever one sees practically he/she remembers.

  • I think there could be a discussion about gender equality in sport as I have as well as many people in my class have a large interest in Gaelic especially as well as other sports

  • The Metaverse is a hypothetical iteration of the internet as a single, universal and virtual world which is facilitated by augmented reality headsets.
    The Metaverse is dynamic and interoperable space and popular in culture.
    The Metaverse also allows you to explore, virtualize 3D spaces where you learn, play and socialize.
    It is immersive and persistent three-dimensional virtual realm that is shared with many users.
    The Metaverse had its positive of it which includes
    Better collaboration and it's productivity will not only be faster but also better. It also holds promise for education, opportunities, upskilling and exploring new careers.
    The negative impacts are as follows:
    Cyber bullying, higher equipment costs, potential risk of addiction, social comparison and it can threaten the physical and virtual well-being of children.