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Comments (178)

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  • Do you think that going on strike has more advantage than disadvantage vice versa or they have equal advantages and disadvantages?

    1. Good!
      I believe that the strike has more disadvantages than advantages. For example, when workers go on strike, the employee is likely to lose his job, and therefore will not have income, and it is likely that he will not be given his salary; Because he did not do any work, which in turn leads to delays in customer service, loss of production time, and in the end the business owner starts losing money.

      1. Do you think the worker will still loose his job considering the fact that he went on strike due to unfavourable working conditions?

        1. Yes, I think the worker will still loose his job considering the above mentioned facts because, the employer may have lost hope in the workers and might have hired other workers to compasate for the losses made during the demonstrations made during the strike.

      2. Those are interesting points. I notice you said that the employee is likely to lose their job, do you think that more people going on strike would reduce these disadvantages?

      3. I believe that the strike has many advantages, if achieved, that can hide the defects, as the most likely advantage of the strike is stopping demand, raising the level of income, and achieving most of the requirements, as is happening now in the teachers’ strike in the West Bank
        Also, the worst possibility of the defects of the strike is not obtaining the requests only, and it will not affect the job, as it is not possible to replace all workers with others when they strike.

      4. I do not agree with you. Most of the strikes are made to improve working conditions. Without the threat of a strike, companies will be able to increase their profits while allowing working conditions to worsen. I give the example of doctors, in many countries doctors go out to the streets to protest and go on strike, and they do not lose their job, another example could be the companies, which are there to generate money, if their employees go out to protest the company don't generate a good reputation, therefore they will try to change it so as not to have a bad reputation. Unfortunately, company directors do their work for money and need a good reputation, therefore creating a strike is the only way for employees to be heard.

    2. I think going on strikes has more disadvantages than advantage because strikes lead to under development in a way that people can easily lose their jobs and they do not get paid and have families to take care of and provide basic needs .

      1. I don't agree with you, because going to an strike have more advantages than disanvantages. And I am going yo explain to you why: first that the young people in a future will be an adult and I think is good to start to talk about certain topics with the young people.

    3. I'm not sure about this because... When some strikes are held, people affected are deprived of the universal rights while the people on strike's cause may not be met. Yes, sometimes when people like government teachers go on strike for an increase in salary their need is met by the giving them a raise. But in other cases like university teachers strike, the government gives a nonchalant attitude. These people will now be left on strike for months or even years, while students are left idol at home. Their learning and success is delayed and the financial profit of the business is delayed.

      There are students currently who have waited years to write exams because of strikes, which is why I think strikes have more disadvantages compared to advantages.

      1. I agree with you, but I 'll ask you a question, how can those university employees get their rights such as an over salary to improve their conditions???

        1. At this point in time, patience is key. In Nigeria now, the economy is not at its peak. As mucb as we am desire funds, there's none available so we just have to wait it out, hope and pray about it and go on with our daily lives.

        2. University employees do a lot to achieve their demands..such as demonstrations..strikes..most of all are strikes..universities are closed at the time, and the future of students is destroyed because of this phenomenon...we will not know how long this strike will last in order for university employees to obtain their rights and demands They do not think about the future of their students only in their own interests...
          If the government they say (the water will return to its source)
          If you do not respond, the students will remain the same and will deteriorate

      2. I deeply agree with your comment shining _introduction. I believe that when the people's needs(teachers, staff members, policemen, etc.) are not met by the government/authorities, strikes seem to be the only way the people can get their government's attention. I suggest the authorities/government should avail themselves people hence reducing or even putting an end to the disadvantages of strikes or strikes in general.

        1. I agree with you spirited_ gazelle and it is true when you say that people's needs are not met by the government but I don't think going on strikes is the best opinion because this will affect other businesses and it will lead to finical loss and strained employment relationships .but the must be other ways for staff members ,teachers, etc. to get the government attention rather then going on strikes.

          1. I disagree with your comment affectionate assumption, In my opinion, Before humans react to a problem they will sit down to discuss the matter just like these social workers have. I feel Strikes are the only way social workers can relate to the government. I honestly think it is not fair, Social workers work long shifts and go through stressful hours whether rain or shine just to be able to provide for their families. And I think when they back from work to see mountains of unpaid bills or their children saying "I'm hungry" it shatters their hearts. They are humans as well, and they will feel their restless effort has all been in vain. So I agree or stand with the fact that Social workers should go on strikes though there are disadvantages to this cause such as the lives of innocent civilians lost, delay in education for children and so on but Every human will put his/ her priorities first to survive before putting anyone else's. I feel that every social worker would want to work comfortably with good working conditions as well as be appreciated for the hard work they put in every day. In my opinion, I feel it's only fair if we give these social workers the freedom/chance to express their emotions. It hurts, and humans ,especially ;parents will do anything in their power to be able to provide for their families. I mean let's take a nurse of 30 years treating patients from dawn to dusk, saving lives and watching others fade away due to bad working conditions. Such as not having enough funds to provide for maternity care, extremely ill patients and more. After all these years of attending to sick patients only to be paid in peanuts is painful! Imagine this social worker has a family and can't feed them or treat them out on special occasions only because she has to use her entire pay to pay the bills and make sure they have a roof over their roof. In my judgement, Strikes are the only ways that people particularly, social workers can make their demands met!

    4. Any oppressed group has the right to go on a peaceful strike to obtain their rights... If the demands are met, it will reflect positively on the work environment.
      One of the disadvantages is stopping the work environment during the strike period
      As for the positives, the standard of living rises, the situation improves, and everyone gets the right to a decent life.

    5. I think it has more disadvantages than advantages
      Because if the strike was prolonged, the employees would lose their jobs, and he might not have other job opportunities

    6. I think that the strike is one of the shortcomings, and it is a big term because it is unfair to the workers, and it robs the workers of the rights of the workers and failure to install a number of daily employees.

      1. Yes you can say that but the employers aren't getting paid enough, well that's the most obvious case so I think why would they care like they are working for the money and the passion, but if they are not getting paid enough so that they can't pay their taxes and so on. Yes they most likely could be able to pay for their taxes but the money that would be left over wouldn't be that much.

    7. Interesting question 👍, but I think it has many disadvantages, so I expect that its disadvantages are more than its advantages. Let's give examples of disadvantages and advantages to decide the answer to this question.
      👍 Features of the strike:
      ➡️ Workers reach their goals and objectives (reducing working hours, increasing salaries).
      ➡️ Hiring many unemployed graduates.
      👎Strike Disadvantages:
      ➡️ Sometimes he resorts to strikes to pressure governments to change their policies.
      ➡️ The strike negatively affects society (teachers' strike causes misunderstanding of students, doctors' strike causes many deaths due to patients leaving the trainees, postman's strike causes delay in the arrival of mail to the person at the right time)
      The Council of Ministers or any party affected by the strike may resort to the Supreme Court of Justice to stop the strike in the event that the strike violates the provisions of a law decision, or causes serious harm to the public interest.
      In the end, I think the strike's disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
      I'm so glad I knew the answer. Thank you for your question☺️💚

    8. I agree because... In my opinion, the strike is a double-edged sword that has advantages and disadvantages Disadvantages of the strike: When employees strike, they may lose their jobs, and if they do not lose their salaries, their salaries will be reduced. The strike affects not only the employees, but also the society as a whole (sick, injured, students). Advantages of the strike: It is a tool used by the workers against their employers in the context of a dispute between the worker and the employer. It is also possible to improve the situation, but sometimes the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

    9. Yes strike are useful,as you know everything has advantages as well as disadvantages, in my country strikes have some advantages as it pressurises government to fulfill the needs of public due to this government gives relief to public , in our country there is long loadshedding hours but when people strike these hours of loadshedding reduce. Now a days due to inflation people are becoming very worried govt is nottaking any serious notice then strike isthe only solution of this problem disadvantage of strike is that it causes economic loss mismanagement our country Pakistan is suffering from these crises due to these condition Pakistan is suffering from catastrophic loss and it's condition is becoming day by day

    10. The decision to go on strike can have both advantages and disadvantages, and it largely depends on the specific circumstances and context of the situation. Some potential advantages of going on strike include:

      Drawing attention to an issue: Strikes can be an effective way of raising awareness about an issue and drawing attention to it in the media and public discourse.

      Building solidarity: By coming together and taking collective action, workers can build solidarity and support for their cause.

      Pressuring employers and policymakers: Strikes can put pressure on employers and policymakers to address the demands of workers and make changes that benefit them.

      However, there are also potential disadvantages to going on strike, such as:

      Financial consequences: Workers who go on strike may lose out on wages or face financial hardship as a result of not working.

      Damage to relationships: Strikes can sometimes strain relationships between workers and employers, or between different groups of workers.

      Risk of backlash: In some cases, going on strike can lead to negative backlash from the public or policymakers, which can make it harder to achieve the desired outcomes.

      Ultimately, the decision to go on strike should be carefully considered, weighing the potential benefits and risks of taking action. It's important to ensure that any action taken is done in a safe and responsible manner, with clear goals and strategies for achieving them.

    11. Strikes can be useful in some way but what the permanent solution of the problems face by lay man I have some solution in this regard
      1.every individual perform their duties with full devotion and every department appreciate the work of employee govt give incentive to good workers.there is need of keen concern of every department they sort out the problems of their employees but in our country there is hardly any institution that appreciate the abilities of their workers and facilitate them .when such a situation arise people have no option except strike .to avoid strike head of institution must be loyal and concerned about the problems of his workers and try to give them as much ease as he can

    12. In life, everything has its pros and cons. But from my point of view, I think that the strike has more disadvantages than its advantages, such as: 1. The teacher's strike affects the proper functioning of educational life.
      2. The doctor's strike leads to many people losing their lives and increasing deaths
      3. The strike of workers in public services leads to the inability of people to meet their needs by themselves
      However, there may be some advantages such as: 1. The government shall reconsider any decision it has made
      2. Employees can receive their demands
      3. Increasing the salary and obtaining their rights.
      And this is my point.

    13. I think that going on strike has more advantages than disadvantages. This is because most people who strike are already in unfair or unsafe conditions. This means that even if their strikes are ignored or shut down, they wouldn't be losing anything. If their strikes were heard and the problems are dealt with, they would only be gaining things. This shows that going on strike has more advantages than disadvantages.

      1. Thanks for your comment, succinct_peach. Do you think there are any situations where strikes are not worth it?

        1. I think there are situations in which strikes are necessary
          1. Non-realization of employee gains
          2. The employer's failure to pay wages to the worker during the strike period
          3. Not giving the full salary to the employees

        2. I do think that there are some situations where strikes are not worth it. A strike may not be worth it when the group of people who are striking are arrested or injured. It depends on the place in which you are striking. Some countries may be stricter than others when it comes to strikes. This is why I think there are some situations where strikes are not worth it.

        3. Yes, I think that there are situations when strikes are not worth it. Am going to use my country as an example in this case. In my country strikes are really not worth it for example strikes that include fighting for fair rule by leaders. This is because you will participate in a strike and when the police comes to the scene they just fire guns and tear gas and an top of that the gun shots can be administered on flesh because the president approved it so you end up losing your life or getting a disorder on any of your organs and the painful part is that the government or the leaders still continue with that very act. So I really feel like there are situations when strikes are not worth it.

          1. An interesting point you have made - are you able to consider any of the positives from striking. Strikes are at the forefront of the news in the UK at present with many strikes taking place across many different sectors. Can you consider why these people / sectors might be striking and the impact this might have for both the individual and the company. Do any of the positives out way the negatives for striking?

            1. Since we are talking about a country like UK there I 100% believe that the positive effects may out way the negative effects. This is because in this country first of all people are given freedom of speech and expression and this freedom can be exercised by striking. Some of the causes of the strikes can be low wages and poor working conditions and when the people strike it is not considered bad it's just called demand for what they must truly have. And the good thing is that when the police comes it has no right or authority to hit anyone but rather find peaceful means of stopping the strike. And you know what makes it even better is that in this case the government can even come in to see that people get the right wages and good working conditions as well. Whereby this is beneficial to the individual in a way that they finally get their demands and their struggle is worth it and the company in a way that when it resolves the issue it's progress continues with Labour and everything though not everyone will like it but since they pay well people will just work.

      2. I agree because, the amount of factors that support the ideas of strikes outweigh the amount of factors that don't. If everybody goes on strike, the government is forced to change the working conditions and will have to increase payment for workers. A lot of teachers are going on strike at my school we have had 4 days of strikes and possibly another 2 days in the next two weeks. This is why I think that striking has more advantages although people are losing days of education but if the strikes work then this won't have to happen again.

      3. I agree with what you said that strikes have more advantages than disadvantages. Just to add to some of the advantages of strikes
        Strikes help employees to discuss with their staffs on things they can do to improve the business during strikes. They have a chat with their staffs and listen to their own side or their own point of view. It's also a time for lectures to plan their lessons so that after the strike they are ready for a full session without any interuption.

      4. I agree because striking is very safe and it is the right to everyone citizens. So strikes will gain things not lose things. As per law the strikers should be very calm and they don't have right to break things like bus,auto, etc in the name of strike. So strike gain things than losing things.
        THANK YOU.

      5. I totally agree with you .
        Going to worker strikes are a chance to he listen! Even though you may don't get what you want or the things you have propose , it's a very effective way to be listened and to let the people know about something you don't like when your working.
        Strikes are so necessary in society. Thanks to them , workers could get many rights like the 8 hour journal . Strikes helped constructing our society .

    14. I agree because... we should have the advantege to beacause it is our rigth to srike

    15. Yes, strikes have many disadvantages that outweigh the advantages, for example when doctors strike for months because of their long hours of work and low wages that do not suffice him and do not meet the needs of his family, and also do not provide safety for patients and the medical team, so the doctor resorts to a strike to solve his problem, as this strike negatively affects patients. They need to see doctors daily, and if they do not see them, their health condition will deteriorate, and some of them need urgent surgeries. If they do not perform this operation, it could lead to their death, and thus this doctor will lose his profession and lose health insurance for him and his family.

    16. I think going on strike has more disadvantages because there are more problems that can be made like, missing out on school, children lose out on education, which is very important for their futures this has affected me because I have missed out on lessons that will have a big impact on my future life. Furthermore, critical care is very vital to help the people in bad conditions and in need of help, if strikes are in place the vulnerable people will have less care leading to further illness or possibly death, this would be horrific and would make paramedic staff look like they can not do their jobs. Lack of transport is another possible issue as train strikes will interfere with peoples daily life of getting to work, school etc. Making them look unprofessional and making them look untrustworthy if they turn up late because of strike issues. All of these points way down and make the advantages look less important.
      Thankyou for reading my comment.

    17. I think that going on strike has equal disadvantages, depending on the topic. Topics like going on strike for equal rights is understandable to get your point across, however the topics against hunger and not eating can affect your health majorly.

    18. I think that going on a strike has equal advantages and disadvantages because a lot of the time when people do strikes they are actually very effective and they work. But sometimes people get killed and beaten to death because of police brutality,they get tear gas thrown at them, etc.

    19. Hello, Well, I think that the strike has more disadvantages, and risks than its advantages.
      Well, if the strike takes place and the workers go on strike, then surely this will harm society and the people, and it will also harm the worker himself.
      For example, the disadvantages of a strike, if workers such as doctors, civil defense, police and others are not present at their work, then this will certainly cause danger to people's lives, and people will feel sad and insecure.
      Therefore, I do not support the idea of ​​striking, and if the workers strike, it would be preferable for it to be for a short period to preserve the safety of their people and their society, and their sense of comfort and safety in their country.

    20. I think going on strike has more diadvantage than advantage.because going on strike can lead to delay in student's education,it can also lead to death and idleness which can in turn cause students to partake in armed robbery,theft and kidnapping.

    21. This is an interesting question...
      The following are the advantages of going on strikes:
      1. It enables workers to press further their demands.
      2. The needs/demands of the workers are attended to.
      3. Perceived imbalances in the working conditions are addressed.
      4. Unfavorable policies that affect workers are addressed.
      5. Good working environments are attained.
      6. Management excesses against workers are addressed.
      7. Issues of poor remuneration are addressed.
      8. Issues relating to advancement of workers/career progression are addressed.
      9. Labor dispute between management and union is addressed.
      10. It addresses issues relating to workers welfare.
      11. It creates a balanced working environment for both management and workers.
      12. It leads to harmonious working relationship between management and workers.
      Disadvantages of going on strikes include:
      1. It paralyses economic activities of the organization.
      2. It reduces income accruing to the organization.
      3. The organization is unable to meet up with its financial obligation since income is not generated.
      4. It leads to malfunctioning of the organization.
      5. It leads to lack of payment of staff salary.
      6. It creates enmity between management and union.
      7. It leads to witch-hunting of members of the union.
      8. Shutting down of organization as a result of strike may lead to damages.
      Deducing from the above, the advantages of going on strike are more than the disadvantages of going on strike.

    22. I believe that strikes bring more disadvantages than advantages. Although strikes have chances of bringing workers more pay and fairer working conditions, there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. Workers may miss a multitude of work days which lowers their pay even further and even risks them losing their jobs as a whole. This may even effect others that are dependant on those workers. A good example would be teachers and students, teacher strikes can cause students to fall behind on their studies, and ultimately affect the the school's reputation and performance.

    23. I agree because... For example,an employee is most expected to face problems like harsh weather conditions,poor transport and more effects that may delay him/her to arrive to the job in time which may lead to salary deduction(loosing/reducing of money) yet a person who is on strike doesn't have to be worried anything

    24. I agree because... We should have the edge/advantage to strike because, most strikes are about pay and better working conditions .

    25. I think going on a strike has more disadvantage because sometimes they lose their jobs.

    26. I feel as though there can both be advantages and disadvantages, however I think the medical and teaching professionals (among others) have thought this through and are making the right choice. Also, close to half of strikes are deemed successful and can often lead to better working conditions, higher pay, and shorter hours. On the other hand, people striking can be fired and their asks can be refused. In conclusion, I think that there are equal disadvantages and advantages.

    27. It will have more negatives than harms. The example of a school strike has its drawbacks
      Learning is interrupted: Schools provide basic education, but when closed, children and youth are deprived of opportunities for growth and development. The disadvantages of closure are more severe for learners from disadvantaged groups, who have fewer educational opportunities outside of school.
      Nutrition: Many children and young people depend on free or low-cost meals provided by schools for proper food and nutrition, but when schools are closed, their nutrition is negatively affected.
      Parents’ unwillingness to educate their children remotely or at home: When schools are closed, parents are often asked to facilitate children’s education at home, and they may struggle to do so, especially for parents with limited education and resources.
      Inequality in access to digital learning platforms: Lack of access to technology or poor internet connectivity is a barrier to continued learning, especially for students from disadvantaged families.
      Disparity in childcare: Working parents often leave children alone when schools are closed when no alternative options are available, which can lead to
      To these children to engage in dangerous behavior.