Comments by productive_redcurrant Comment Post Date Climatic changes affecting in my country : Near my place their is a bird sanctuary called... Climate change in your country 14/4/23 I think that if the 2nd law which says everyone must become vegan is implemented many people... The law in your hands? 13/4/23 I think the younger generation should be given awareness to stop climatic changes because what... Climate change in your country 13/4/23 My opinion about the law3 which states everyone can only use 5 hours of electricity per day is... The law in your hands? 13/4/23 I think that the law 4 which states cars could only be used 3 times a week is not strict because... The law in your hands? 12/4/23 The News story that is affecting my area is an issue which I hear often- "WILD ANIMALS INVADING... Competition #1 News near you 12/4/23 My opinion about law 1:If this law comes into action many countries which have tourism as main... The law in your hands? 12/4/23 I think that there should be a Hub discussion post about animal species which are in danger of... Suggest a discussion 11/4/23 I vote that "too many climatic laws are worse" because climatic change is not constant and it... Earth Day poll results! 11/4/23 Here are few of the impacts of climate changes in my country 1.In my country in the months of... Climate change in your country 11/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 5 6