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We’ve started the discussions about Earth Day – but it’s your job to keep them going!

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Comments (263)

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  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Similarities and Differences in climate change around the world" because we need to know our planet is affected through climate change.

      1. I agree because... It's important to think about the Earth 🌎,and what we are doing to the atmosphere.

        1. I agree also with you but I think it will be a great that every politican of each country join together in order to discuss this important problem.

    1. I agree with you,but I think there should be a discussion of Awareness on climate change.

      Most people did not have access to phone and this is a major part of it. This will help in curbing the climate change situation.

      Thanks to topical talk,some of us don't even have ideas of what climate change was. We are very fortunate to be part of these program.

      I think there should be a way to alert the less privileged to know about climate change in our society.

      1. I completely agree with you. If people are interested in the planet and the climate, then they need something to care about. The planet is the origin of life. If the planet is good and free of problems, then it is natural for the animals on it to live a happy life free from every problem that may befall them after the planet, so we have to hold meetings. And discussions that guide the care and preservation of the planets, and watch the astronomer daily and the climate so that we remain in permanent protection ❤🥰🌏

    2. I am agree with you, the people need to respect more the planet 🌎.

    3. That's a great idea! Climate change is a global issue that affects people and environments in different ways around the world, and it's important to understand these similarities and differences in order to develop effective solutions. Creating a Hub discussion post about this topic would be a great opportunity for people to share their perspectives and experiences, and to learn from each other about the impacts of climate change in different regions and communities. Thank you for suggesting this!

    4. I agree with what you are saying because a lot of the time people do not know what is happening and what is being affected by climate change. They think that climate change isn't affecting the world when people are dying because of climate change and lots of animals are dying too. People need to know what is happening so we can stop the climate change before we all go extinct.

      1. You're right! lots of people & animals are dying, but climate changes not so everyday.

  • There should be a discussion about proper parenting because it plays a huge role in molding the behavior and character of children.

    1. I disagree because... no
      You should just educate your child good and if not he is going to fail in class

      1. I am agree with you , i think that the labour of a mom or dad is to educate your children good , so that when he is older he can face the problems that happen to him

    2. I agree because Good parenting aims to develop in children character traits like independence, self-direction, honesty, self-control, kindness, and cooperation . Showing love, support and acceptance, and spending one-on-one time with kids is ranked as the number one parenting competency . Every parent want to give his/her child a best live. Overall Our parents always work hard and face many challenges for give us a smooth life .

  • Can climate change affect our mental health?

    1. When we think of all the impacts of climate change on our environment, this can create anxiety and therefor affect our mental health.

      1. I agree with you . Therefore, we should train ourselves to control our feelings and use our mental abilities in solving this problem , so we should try to change the power of worry into a power of work.

      2. I agree because...
        because your words are correct, and I learned this in the school club for science, and there is a subconscious mind that is the deep thinking that a person thinks.

      3. I'm not sure about this because... when we do think about the impacts of climate change on our environment, it does create anxiety and affects our mental health but does climate change do anything good to our environment? People go hungry due to the loss of crops, People die due to floods and living creatures go extinct. I agree with your point passionate brain but I think we should find ways to reduce climate change so our environments will be impacted positively and our mental health remains intact.

        1. You make a valid point. While it is true that some people may feel anxious or overwhelmed when they think about the negative impacts of climate change, it is important to remember that climate change itself does not have any positive effects on the environment.

          The effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity, can have devastating consequences for both human and non-human life on our planet. As you mentioned, it is crucial that we find ways to reduce climate change so that we can mitigate these negative impacts and work towards a more sustainable future.

          Taking action to address climate change can also have positive effects on mental health. By working towards a shared goal of protecting the environment, individuals can feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Additionally, many sustainable practices, such as spending time in nature, can have positive effects on mental health.

          Overall, while it is important to acknowledge the negative impacts of climate change, it is crucial that we focus on taking action to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our planet.

    2. Yes, of course, climate change affects the mind because it affects our physical health. Thus, with the deterioration of physical health, our minds will be affected.

      So I hope that we will find a solution as soon as possible to the problem of climate change

      1. I agree, climate change situation affected so many people. Yes it will put so many life at risk. But I think there should be a discussion of Awareness on climate change.

        Most people did not have access to quality information and this is a major part of it. Quality information will help spread awareness on the emergence of climate change.

        We get to learn about climate change in some of our science classes. I'm grateful that it's a topic for discussion topical talk and the educational foundation. Some of us didn't even have ideas of what climate change was.

        I think there should be a way to alert the less privileged to know about climate change in our society.

    3. I believe that if the climate keeps heating up our mental health could get impacted for example in the situation where the air is so warm we wouldn’t be able to go outside and would have to stay at home under the air conditioning therefore creating isolation

      1. I agree with you: Climate change negatively affects our lives and spreads poverty due to lack of economic growth, for example in our country when the weather is rainy and windy, etc.. Not everyone goes to work or school to keep us safe, as this harms economic growth. Also, climate change makes us think more, and this harms our mental health. I hope that we will find a solution to this problem

    4. Some people in Gaza have bad and difficult economic conditions. As soon as they think about winter, their moods complain because the situation of their homes is difficult, and in winter rain falls on them.
      But some people suffer from another aspect, which is the constant illness in the winter, and this is a small part of people’s suffering, and this is what makes their mind always anxious and thinking, and this affects the health of the mind.

    5. Climate change produces hotter temperature and air pollution which can affect our mental health.

    6. Yes, of course . I completely agree . I think the majority of people know the bad effects of the climate change in the side of health , farming, animals, weather,.. etc. That knowledge leads people to think all the time of cancers, lack of food and starvation, floods,and the future of their children 's lives.I think all of these problems and thoughts lead to have unhealthy mentality full of anxiety and stress .As a personal experience,I can't sleep well because I always have dreams of huge floods cover my city which is near the shore of the sea . Really,I hope 🙏 that the earth will recover.

    7. I absolutely agree . Yes, climate change can affect our mental health in various ways. The impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, natural disasters, food and water shortages, and displacement, can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues.
      For example, people who have experienced extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires may suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Also, people who live in areas with regular flooding or droughts may experience chronic stress due to the constant threat of losing their homes, crops, or livelihoods.

    8. Climate change and increasing temperatures have been shown to increase levels of allergens and pollutants present in the air, leading to worsened air quality. Emerging evidence suggests that poor air quality can negatively impact mental health, in particular depression and anxiety.

    9. We as humans think about all the influences that affect the climate in our environment , And also that will lead to fear and anxiety It also affects mental health.

    10. I think that climate change can affect mental health, since thinking too much about what can happen to the plant can generate any type of disorder.
      It can also generate thoughts about "I'm not doing well" or "I'm not going to be able to leave the earth in good condition for other generations."
      Also, there are people who are very empathetic (like me) who may think that if we don't take care of the oceans, the other generations will not have places to go bathe and things like that.
      There are people who decide to fish, so if we start to dirty their work space, that can generate depression for not being able to get a job with a good salary.

    11. I agree because since it's so hot, it can bring our moods and health decrease throughout the years/months. So in a couple years from now, the population will be smaller than before and everyone will be struggling mentally and physically. Illnesses would be more common and more frequent rain and storms would begin to happen.

      1. It is true that extreme heat can have negative impacts on both our physical and mental health, and that climate change could lead to more frequent and severe heat waves, storms, and other natural disasters. These events can also have economic and social impacts, leading to displacement, loss of property, and increased healthcare costs.

        However, it is important to note that climate change is a complex issue that affects different regions and populations in different ways. Some areas may experience more frequent rainfall, for example, which could have its own set of challenges and opportunities.

        Regardless, it is important that we take action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and work towards a more sustainable future. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, and investing in climate adaptation measures. By doing so, we can help ensure a healthier and more prosperous future for ourselves and future generations.

    12. I think that climate change can affect a person's mental health. I think this because hotter or warmer weather can cause a person to be frustrated or angered. This change in weather can also cause them to have anxiety or stress.

    13. YES, climate change and related disaster can cause anxiety -related responses as well as chronic and severe mental health disorders . Flooding and extended drought have been related with upraising levels of anxiety , depression and post -traumatic stress disorders.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Global warming. I think we should discuss this topic because it has a negative impact on the environment Because it causes drought in the environment and prevents rain, and it may be a cause of high temperatures and death of plants

    1. I think that if everybody tries to save the earth by using less transports, recycling ect...
      There will be a HUGE impact on the Earth.

      1. Also stopping factory smoke and using renewable energies instead of modern energies. And working on growing a large amount of plants. ßy that we will protect environment.

      2. Yes, I believe that this change will bring about a huge change in the earth for the better and to ensure a longer life for humanity, as it will give a better, pure and unpolluted life, and many positives

    2. I agree with you, because there are many damages to global warming, such as: increasing health problems and rising sea levels, but it also has benefits such as: reducing freezing cold waves, and allowing the way in the Northwest Corridor more time for maritime trade, so in my opinion it is an interesting and wonderful topic to discuss it .

    3. Warmer temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and disrupting the usual balance of nature. This poses many risks to human beings and all other forms of life on Earth
      Nearly all land areas are seeing more hot days and heat waves; 2020 was one of the hottest years on record. Global warming increase heat-related illnesses and can make it more difficult to work and move around. Wildfires start more easily and spread more rapidly when conditions are hotter.

    4. I am agree with you , because I think that global warming is bad for the environment and for the people , because of the problems that this caused.
      So I think that if everyone take care about the planet , we are going to improve this .

    5. I agree because earth day has some kind of relationship with this problem. Climate change is the long-term heating of earth's surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere. This is something that affects the earth, they should definitely add this topic!

  • think there should be a Hub discussion post about the impact of individual actions on the environment because it is important to understand that even small changes in our daily lives can make a difference in protecting the planet. By discussing and sharing practical ways to reduce our carbon footprint and live more sustainably, we can inspire and motivate others to do the same. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize the power of collective action and how it can drive meaningful change in addressing global environmental issues.

  • I think that the third law will not be compatible with everyone.From my point of view, imagine the world's population is about 8 billion, and each person will take 10 trips. It will have a huge impact on the environment, so I prefer 5 trips instead of 10, so it will be even better. I have a solution, we discussed in the technology chapter that electricity can be generated through water, and according to my study about it, it is very environmentally friendly, but it does not require a large amount of capital

    1. I disagree because... limiting travel to only five trips per person, may not be practical or feasible in certain situations, such as emergency situations. Furthermore, while it's true that excessive travel can have a negative impact on the environment, it's important to consider that not all travel is for leisure or recreational purposes. Some travel is necessary for work, education, or medical reasons, and limiting the number of trips per person could have a detrimental effect on individuals' ability to access these essential services.It's commendable that the you are exploring environmentally-friendly solutions such as generating electricity through water, but it's important to also consider the practicality and feasibility of such solutions on a large scale. Capital and infrastructure are often necessary to implement these types of solutions, and they may not always be available or accessible to everyone.

      If flying were limited to only 5 trips per person, there could be several potential consequences, such as:

      Limiting access to essential services: People who need to travel for work, education, medical reasons, or emergencies may not be able to do so if they have already used up their allotted 5 trips. This could have a negative impact on their ability to access essential services.

      Reduced economic activity: Travel and tourism are major drivers of economic activity, and limiting the number of flights could have a negative impact on the economy, particularly in regions that rely heavily on tourism.

      Decreased cultural exchange: Traveling provides opportunities for people to experience different cultures and ways of life, and limiting travel could reduce cultural exchange and understanding between people from different regions and countries.

      Reduced opportunities for personal growth and development: Traveling can broaden one's horizons and provide opportunities for personal growth and development. Limiting travel could deprive people of these opportunities.

      Increased pressure on other modes of transportation: If flying were limited, people may resort to other modes of transportation such as cars, buses, or trains. This could increase traffic congestion, carbon emissions, and other negative impacts on the environment.

      Overall, while limiting travel could have some environmental benefits, it's important to consider the potential negative consequences and to explore alternative solutions that balance the need for travel with environmental sustainability.

      1. A well reasoned answer, flowing_chocolate. If you think limiting travel is not a feasible option for reducing our carbon footprint, what would you suggest instead?

        1. There are several suggestions that could help us to reduce carbon footprint:
          Choose low-carbon products: Look for products that have a lower carbon footprint, such as locally sourced food, products made with sustainable materials, or electronics with an energy star rating.
          Support green initiatives: Support businesses and organizations that prioritize sustainable practices and have a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.
          Eat locally and seasonally: Eating food that is locally and seasonally grown can reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation and storage of food. Additionally, supporting local farmers can help to strengthen local economies.
          Vote for climate-friendly policies and politicians: Electing leaders who prioritize climate change and support policies that promote clean energy and reduce carbon emissions can have a significant impact on our collective efforts to address climate change.
          Green roofs: Planting vegetation on the roofs of buildings can help to reduce the heat island effect in cities, improve air quality, and absorb carbon dioxide.
          Carbon taxes: Implementing carbon taxes can help to reduce carbon emissions by incentivizing individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. For example, in British Columbia, Canada, a carbon tax was introduced in 2008, which led to a 5-15% reduction in carbon emissions in the province.
          Bike sharing programs: Implementing bike sharing programs in cities can encourage cycling as an alternative to driving, reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion. For example, in Paris, France, the Velib bike sharing program has reduced carbon emissions by an estimated 10,000 tons per year.
          Zero-waste initiatives: Implementing zero-waste initiatives in cities or businesses can help to reduce waste going to landfills and promote circular economy principles. For example, in Kamikatsu, Japan, a zero-waste initiative has been implemented, where residents sort their waste into 45 categories, and the town has achieved a 77% waste reduction rate.

          1. I agree with each of the suggestions especially choosing low-carbon products, support green initiatives, and eating locally and seaonally because it is just a few things us as citizens can do without the input of the government.

      2. I agree with your points. While limiting travel can have environmental benefits, it's important to consider the potential negative consequences, especially for people who rely on travel for essential services. It's also important to note that not all modes of transportation have the same impact on the environment, so exploring alternatives like public transportation, electric cars, or high-speed trains could be a more practical and feasible solution for reducing carbon emissions.

        Additionally, addressing the root causes of excessive travel, such as urban sprawl, could also help to reduce the need for travel. By creating more walkable and bikeable communities, people may be able to access essential services and amenities without needing to travel long distances.

        Overall, it's important to strike a balance between environmental sustainability and meeting people's needs for essential services and opportunities for personal growth and development.

  • I think there should be a central discussion titled "How can humans be part of the environment?"
    We see that most of the things around us affect the climate, and man is the biggest influencer in the world because he is the basis of all life activities. Therefore, my question is, how is man ideal towards the environment?
    What are the standards that a person who is 100% environmentally friendly must follow?
    I do not think that I have previously seen environmental certification standards, and from my point of view it will contribute greatly to resolving this crisis if every country develops environment certification standards that everyone should follow. We will eliminate this crisis quickly. I would like to hear everyone's opinion on this, thank you

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how to make people in society abide by the and respect laws that protect the environment in a way that motivates them to fulfill their commitment and cooperate to protect the environment because this motivations will have more advantages than obligatory restrictful ways.

    1. Yes, this is true. Man plays an important role in preserving the environment, but how?

  • How about this question...
    Is climate change the beginning of the end of the world? and how we can save the earth?!

    1. We preserve the earth through the use of technology and development, not by using machines that depend on smoke and harmful pollutants, using modern technical devices, recycling waste instead of burning it, using machines for different industries instead of factories and the polluted smoke that comes out of them and other solutions to save the earth and your question is this Climate change is the beginning of the end of the world? On the contrary, it is the beginning of a pollution-free world and a better life

    2. I think that climate change will have a HUGE impact on the Earth but I don't think that it is the END of the world. And to make things better everybody in the world should try to slow down the dangerous effects of climate change.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about"what will happen to earth in future"

    1. Yes, I agree with your choice, because it is a good discussion for us, as it works on realizing the mind by changing the negatives and supporting the positives in the present in which we live, and thus we had planned our future and saved the world from the dangerous things that might happen.

  • Why should people be forced to do everything?
    Why looking at people as other kind of beings needing to be controlled?
    I think Japan stood up after the Second World War by working on building good people. They understood their catastrophic situation, so they they worked together to stand again as a huge country.
    Governments should start to build people mindset to raise their awareness to save the planet. Many ongoing campaigns to cultivate people and children can be a solution. Schools and social institutions should have a basic role. Examples of these campaigns:
    1. Continous campaigns to volunteer to clean up the sees, oceans and cities.
    2. Recycling ♻️ campaigns.
    3. Well being walks in masses and with friends to encourage themselves to make it a daily routine.
    4. Children activities such as regular camps for planting and talking about the planet problems and solutions.
    5. School shows for students' work in helping the environment, such as recycling things.
    6. Programs for endangered species hosting people to talk about ther favorite endangered animals.
    7. Echo friendly market stalls.

    What other ideas do you suggest?

    1. You have some intriguing points here. Can you tell me what you mean by "Why should people be forced to do everything?" ?

      1. I think what s/he means is that governments should not force people to do or not do certain things. For example, governments should not force people to pay taxes on almost everything, such as clothes, food, drinks, and sometimes even healthcare. I also believe that people should not be forced to do everything.

    2. I do not completely agree with you. There is a part in which I agree and another in which I do not, in which I agree:
      “We have to force people.”
      Yes, in many brotherhoods we have to force people to do things for their benefit, but it should not be real coercion, rather it is like influencing their decisions, not Forcing them, I would like to narrate an experience that I saw on the Internet:
      “It is on one of the highways in America that many road accidents happen due to speed. When scientists and specialists gathered, they saw that they should plant trees close to each other more. He lowers it.” And for this example, later on, they became a few closely spaced columns in all the streets.
      The part in which I do not agree:
      “People must be forced to do everything.” In reality, you are not allowed to force someone to do anything unless you are his father and only want his interest. It agrees with him or harms him, especially if he is from the category of the poor and the weak, so if you want him to do something, persuade him, otherwise you do not have the right to force him.

    3. It is generally not advisable to force people to do everything because it can lead to resentment, decreased motivation, and even rebellion. People tend to work best when they have a sense of autonomy and choice in what they do. However, there may be situations where certain actions or behaviors are necessary for the greater good or for the safety of individuals or society as a whole. In such cases, it may be appropriate to impose certain rules or requirements.

      Here are a few ideas that may help encourage people to do things without having to resort to force:
      1-Education: Providing people with the knowledge and understanding of why certain actions or behaviors are important can help them see the value in doing them.
      2-Incentives: Offering rewards or incentives for desirable behaviors can motivate people to comply.
      3-Communication: Open and honest communication can help people understand the reasoning behind rules and requirements and encourage them to comply willingly.
      4-Collaborative decision-making: Involving people in the decision-making process can give them a sense of ownership and responsibility, making them more likely to comply with the decisions made .

    4. In my opinion, people are forced to do many things because of the society and culture they live in, which impose expectations and standards for behavior and performance. However, individuals should have the freedom to choose and decide in matters that concern them.

      The desire of people to control others can be explained by the power imbalance in society.

      Regarding increasing people's awareness of environmental protection, it is a very good and important idea. This goal can be achieved through many campaigns and ideas, such as education and training, using renewable energy, reducing the use of environmentally harmful materials, and encouraging local communities to create green areas and public parks. These steps can encourage people to care about the environment around them and contribute to its protection.

      Additionally, media and awareness tools can be used to spread awareness of the importance of environmental protection and motivate people.

  • How can we as school students help the health of the earth

    1. As school students, there are several ways in which we can help improve the health of the earth. Here are some ideas:
      Volunteer: You can volunteer with local environmental organizations or participate in community clean-up events.
      Support Sustainable Brands: Support brands that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness in their products and business practices.
      Start a Garden: Starting a garden can help promote biodiversity, reduce food waste, and provide fresh produce.
      Participate in Conservation Efforts: You can participate in conservation efforts such as beach cleanups or wildlife habitat restoration projects.
      Support Local Agriculture: Supporting local agriculture can help reduce the environmental impact of food transportation.
      Reduce Paper Use: You can reduce paper use by using digital documents and e-mail instead of printing, using both sides of paper when printing, and recycling paper.
      Advocate for Environmental Protection: You can write to your elected officials, sign petitions or attend protests to advocate for environmental protection.

      There are many examples of students who have made a positive impact on the environment by taking action. Here are a few:

      Greta Thunberg: Greta is a Swedish climate activist who started the Fridays for Future movement, encouraging students to strike for climate action. She has spoken at the United Nations and other international forums to advocate for climate change awareness.

      Boyan Slat: Boyan is a Dutch inventor who founded The Ocean Cleanup, an organization that uses technology to clean up plastic pollution from the ocean.

      Autumn Peltier: Autumn is an indigenous Canadian water activist who has spoken at the United Nations and met with the Prime Minister of Canada to advocate for clean water.

      Jadav Payeng: Jadav is an Indian environmentalist who has planted over 1,300 acres of forest in India's Assam region. His work has created a new ecosystem and helped prevent soil erosion.

      Remember, making a difference doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. By making small changes to your daily routine and encouraging others to do the same, you can help protect the environment and make a positive impact on the health of the earth.

  • Will the earth, for example, last for another 100 years, after all the damage it has been subjected to?

  • Did the existance of COVID 19 lead to climate changes and in what way?

    1. No doubt that covid virus was a bad pandemic disease that affect all the world and cause death for many people and other bad effects on their life. But on the other side people changed their habits for the better to protect their families as they kept cleanliness continuously, wear masks, and decrease the use of transport and crowding and this affects the earth and climate in a positve manner and contribute to decrease pollution..
      My point that why people can't adhere the better habits after covid disease ending? Why they must be forced to do good things?

    2. The existence of COVID-19 did not directly lead to climate change, as climate change is a long-term, global phenomenon resulting from a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. However, the pandemic did have some indirect effects on the environment that may have implications for climate change.
      During the pandemic, there was a decrease in global economic activity and travel, which led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This reduction was largely due to a decrease in transportation-related emissions as people stayed home and traveled less.
      However, this reduction in emissions is unlikely to have a significant long-term impact on climate change unless it is sustained over a much longer period of time. Moreover, the pandemic has also led to an increase in plastic waste due to the use of single-use protective equipment like masks and gloves. Additionally, the pandemic has led to a reduction in the enforcement of environmental regulations and a decrease in funding for environmental programs, which could exacerbate the impacts of climate change in the long run.
      Overall, while the pandemic may have led to a temporary reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on the long-term trajectory of climate change without sustained efforts to reduce emissions and mitigate its impacts.

    3. Covid 19 is a disease that has killed many people, but on the other hand it has benefited us and helped clean the environment:
      _ People adhere to quarantine, so they did not have waste thrown in the street
      - People depend on eating healthy food and staying away from fast food
      - Encouraging agriculture where everyone owns Agricultural land next to his house, which he used to cultivate for fear of famine due to the cessation of production (as happened in our country)
      _ Factories stopped working, thus reducing the amount of carbon dioxide
      _ People stayed at home, and therefore the use of cars was not used and the amount of carbon dioxide was reduced.

  • Will some continents be wiped out from earth due to climate change in the future?

    1. No. I don't think so because the climate changes cause a global warming which makes our planet hotter .people and animals can adjust with warm weather and using cooling devices will help to live comfortably.
      But if it goes into global freezing then whole continent will be vanished under the snow. Man .animals and plants can't survive in this freezing weather.

  • Will there be animals still living by 2050 after the huge damage that happens to forests through cutting a formidable number of trees annually?

  • I wonder how can governments make sure that a law can be passed easily and to what extent do they think people will respond to such a law?

    1. If the government has already made the law, they should make sure the law reaches every body in the country by putting it in the news, on TV or on radio or newspapers or social media.

      1. I agree because this helps spread the new law around the whole world. In this way everyone would be informed about these new changes.

    2. If the government is to pass a law easily, they should begin by the educating the elders who will give an example to the general public and they will also help to implement the laws.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on "The adverse effects of technology on the ozone layer and whether technology is harming our society or benefiting our society" due to the fact that our society has advanced due to technology there might also be alot of disadvantages and these disadvantages could have a lot of adverse effects on our planet earth.

    1. Hi..
      You are right, but if the technology has harmful effects, will we get rid of it, throw it away, or not return to use it? The solution to this problem is a little difficult because countries derive their energy from the technology that they manufacture, which may cause increasing harm to the environment.
      (and it is also difficult to abandon technology easily.)

      1. I'm not trying to say we should abandon the use of technology but there are ways to reduce the negative impacts of technology on our environment. An example of ways to reduce the negative impacts of technology is through the use of environmental technology also known as green technology .This form of technology was created to minimise and monitor the negative impacts of technology on our planet. An example of environmental technology is; renewable energy or clean energy this is the use of natural resources that can be naturally replenished to create energy or electricity. Solar panels, Wind turbines and Water turbines are all examples of renewable energy. Renewable energy helps us to put our natural resources to good use and it also helps prevent the use of fossil fuels which are one of the contributing factors to global warming . Environmental technology is a very effective method to prevent the negative effects of technology and it could play a major role in minimising the negative impacts of technology if we just embrace the use of green technology.

    2. I agree because... the ozone layer is recovering thanks to the Montreal Protocol signed in 1987 by 195 countries. The ozone layer, which protects the earth from dangerous solar radiation, is on its way to recovery within 4 decades.

    3. I agree with you that technology is a double-edged weapon that can be a blessing or a curse for people and the environment.
      So that human must use technology in agood manner to take the advantages and avoid the disadvantages.

      1. Can you suggest some ways about how to use technology in "a good manner"?

        1. I agree because technology is a double-edged sword. We can exploit the environment of good quality & The technology teacher showed us a lot of theses, and the ecological environment is correct. Example:
          💥Putting a solar mirror to heat the water.
          💥Using solar cells to generate electricity.
          💥General use to dry the environment from grains...
          💥 Using tidal energy to generate electricity.
          💥Using wind energy through wind turbines to generate electricity. And many other applications provided by technology. Ease of use and cleaning. You need a lot of money, to fly. 3-Solar cells not working in winter. 4- And when selling the dams that you benefit from in generating electricity, they work to crack the ground, reduce soil fertility and collapse crops. And other pros and cons.
          💫 Help technology overcome these obstacles?
          can you?

        2. This can be done in several ways, for example:
          1)by controlling the number of hours we use the computer and the mobile phone in useful work such as research and work instead of using it all the day for entertainment and wasting time. And to spend free time by practicing reading or sports, and thus we have reduced the use of electricity and electronic devices and we have good health and a clear mind because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
          2)Relying on renewable resources such as solar energy instead of fuels that pollute the environment.
          3)The use of technology by recycling waste such as organic waste, separating it and reusing it to produce organic fertilizer for plants, and thus we contribute to reducing waste in the earth.

        3. Some students don't use technology in the right way and some ways in which technology can be used in the right way is just like this platform for educational practices and avoiding encounters with wrong and fraudulent website

        4. Yes, I have a lot of suggestions for us to use them well, but we must not give technology all the importance at the expense of our time, as it wastes a lot of time and we use it in
          The fields of education, work, communication with friends and relatives, and reading some books that one is unable to buy, but it is not correct to use technology to read books on them. Rather, paper books must be read to increase culture and focus on the smallest details.
          For myself, I used to spend a lot of my time using technology, but I followed these methods and benefited a lot from them
          I hope you take advantage of technology in the best way ❤️

        5. Technology has advantages and disadvantages. As mam asked some of the advantages are:
          • It is productive
          • Availability of jobs
          • It has easy access to information
          • To learn new concepts
          • Easy and quick communication all over the world
          • Saves time
          • Helps to involve in discussion like this platform
          • Encourages creativity and innovation.

        6. I think I can explain that.
          We can use technology right, but most of the time people use it completely wrong!!
          We can use evolution to reach things that were impossible to imagine we could reach!
          Discovery is always a good way to evolve and it definitely takes us to a better world

        7. I can take advantage of free applications
          That I only use technology where I need help
          Not to overuse technology and make it the center of my life

    4. When u say adverse effects on our planet ,what exactly should come to our mind?

      1. Although technology has helped us advance it also has its adverse effects and by adverse effects i mean negative effects. An example is this;
        Our technological advancement has lead to creation of multiple manufacturing industries and some these industries emit greenhouse gases and these gases are one of the factors that contribute to global warming. Due to this effect the world is now warming faster than any recorded point in history and global warming causes warmer temperatures which changes weather patterns. Warmer temperatures also causes warming of oceans and as water in the oceans get warm , the water begins to expand which could lead to more water and this could cause flooding. Also in the process of industry creation trees are cut down in order to create more space to build on and this causes invasion of animal territories or the territories of any other living creatures.

    5. I agree because... I think technology has been a blessing to mankind and has helped us to achieve various things that were before fiction but I think it is not something we can abandon due to the fact that developing technology has been and is still a way of life and even though it has some disadvantages it's advantages outweigh the disadvantages

    6. I agree with your comment that technology has destroyed the ozone layer to much UVB radiations would have reached the earth surface . Increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation on can cause skin cancer , eye cataracts, and damage of crops , plants and microorganisms affecting ecosystems and food chain but Technology affects almost every aspect of the 21st century , from transport efficiency and safety to access to food and healthcare socialization and productivity so if there is no technology in countries it will be impossible for security to tight and communicate with family and friends from far away .

  • Climate-smart agriculture practices help farms increase farm productivity and resilience to the effects of climate change such as drought, while also acting as carbon sinks that help reduce emissions. Forests are also useful reservoirs for absorbing and storing carbon in soil, trees and leaves
    Climate change mitigation consists of actions to reduce the magnitude or rate of global warming and its related impacts . Climate change mitigation generally includes reductions in human industrial greenhouse gas emissions. Mitigation can also be achieved by increasing the capacity of carbon sinks, for example through reforestation. Mitigation policies can reduce risks associated with human-caused global warming

  • How many years will it take the climate to recover and become a temperate climate? And after it gets better, will our planet be free of problems?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about “life when the ozone layer depletes “ to highlight and picture the way the world would be if we don’t stop these gas emissions and the ways of reducing climate change are not followed

    1. Interesting discussion point. Can you tell me more about how can stop it depleting?

      1. It can be stopped by reducing the use of substances that depletes the ozone these substances are the CFCs chlorofluorocarbons that are produced by refrigerators and air conditioner ,so it is advisable to turn them of when not in use .

  • As someone her father repairs electronic devices, I ensure every part I replace can be reused in some way, for example cracked screens are sold in bulk to someone who specializes in removing the glass layer from the LCD/OLED panel, so they may then be reused once again in future repairs. For those that are beyond recovery I ensure they are properly recycled where every bit of metal and plastic is reused in some way

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on "THE EFFECTS OF OUR ACTIONS WHICH CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE AND HOW THEY AFFECT US AND OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS". I feel this discussion needs to be held because people need to know and understand that little actions such as improper disposal of waste could add up and lead to global disasters which could not only affect us but affect our future generations who could suffer for their parents actions

    1. Hi caring_temperature. That's a very good suggestion. However, do you not think that discussing the topic of climate laws feeds into that already? The laws and discussions around them help raise the concerns of what our actions have already done and continue to do to the planet and the consequences for the future. How would you frame it differently?

    2. I agree with you. Aside the effects our actions may have on our generation we should look at what it may contribute to the next generation whether good or bad. Instead of taking decisions that may favour us but will not favour the future, we should even go the extent of making decisions that may be inconvenient for us but will set a good pace for the future. We should do this knowing that it is for the better of the future .

  • I think there should be a Hub Discussion Post about "Should humans prioritize making climate laws or prioritize making laws that will protect humans from violence"
    Because Although making climate laws is good for the Earth it wouldn't have much use if the inhabitants are all fighting, And the goal of making climate laws is to preserve and protect the environment for humans to use. So what is the use of protecting the environment if humans don't get to use it?

    1. Your point of view is good, and I respect it, but I want to make a point clear, which is that climate laws are no less important than laws for protection from violence Because, as you said before , there will be no benefit to the climate laws if the population is in constant combat,But I would like to remind you that climate laws protect the world from destruction, and if we do not pay the utmost attention to them, there will be no world or planet for humans to live on Or even to fight in it , Also there will be no benefit from the laws of protection against violence if the planet Earth does not exist to implement these laws on it And because humans They will basically go extinct at that time ,I do not oppose you, but I correct your idea, because climate laws are equally important as laws for protection from violence, and neither of them can be dispensed with.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion post about animal species which are in danger of getting extinct soon

    1. I agree because......
      Global warming affects a lot, whether it is on people, plants, or animals, and there are many animals that are threatened with extinction due to climate change:
      1. American Pika: wild rabbits that adapt in the cold Alps, and cannot adapt to high temperatures
      2. Giant panda bear: Climate change leads to a reduction in the amount of bamboo in China, and regardless of being its food source, it provides protection for it from weather factors.
      3. Green turtles: They are sensitive to climate changes in the temperature changes caused by global warming
      4. Asian Elephants: These species are particularly affected by high temperatures, and this is due to their need to drink large amounts of water daily, so global warming makes it more difficult for these elephants to live.

    2. I agree because these animals don't have much time on this earth, they should definitely add this topic! This would give us some time to show these animals love before we won't be able to see them again!

  • 8 actions to consider in support of Earth day.
    1- Measure your foot point.
    2- drive and fly less
    3- Eat more vegetables and fruit
    4- Join team power, smart take alot Reduction challenge.
    5- limit your use of plastics .
    6- Five to an enviromental organization.
    7- Use an app to called science data
    8- Get out the camping gear and book now.

    1. Interesting points! Can you explain more about point 7?

    2. I disagree with point 2 : "fly less"

      It is really important to see new cultures, and if we have to start reducing it, you can not travel around the world.
      True, it is very good for the planet, but I think it is really important to go around the world to discover new things.

      1. I agree with you to a large extent, because pilots have many benefits, such as transferring cultures, as well as commercial exchange and shortening distances. We also do not forget that ancient man made many sacrifices to invent planes and be able to fly, so we should not give up his dream so simply, but modern man must  Developing planes to operate with clean energy, such as charging their batteries on the energy of the wind and the sun, and perhaps using hydrogen as a clean fuel, but we have to reduce our trips in planes and cars as well this period so that scientists can develop means of transportation

    3. I disagree with point 2.
      It's very important to everyone to travel for work or another purposes.

  • I think that there should be a discussion on water pollution

  • I think that we should have a Hub discussion post about "diversity" because it is really important to know that we are all different, and important in different ways.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about declining biodiversity. Humans destroys the habitat of animals as they think that destroying animals will not affect their ecosystem but the truth is humans are mostly dependent on animals for their living.

    1. I agree because... Well, I understand you, but I have made it clear what is the biological diversity and its harms

    2. I disagree because Because 51% of methane emissions are caused by livestock and fodder, so we must reduce the consumption of meat, because this contributes greatly to the decline in global warming.

      1. Scientific evidence suggests that reducing meat consumption can have environmental benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock farming. A plant-based diet can also help to reduce deforestation and land degradation and preserve natural habitats. However, it is important to note that there are various factors to consider regarding the sustainability of meat consumption, such as the methods of production and transportation, as well as the nutritional needs of humans.

      2. I agree with you. Reducing the consumption of meat reduces methane emissions. Plant based diet can be followed but we can't ask everyone to convert to vegan this affects human rights.
        To reduce methane emissions caused by livestocks we can use feed additives such as synthetic chemicals, fats and oils. I have also researched to know more about this and I came to know that feeding one type of seaweed at 3% of the diet has resulted in up to 80% reduction in methane emissions from cattle. Anaerobic digestion with biogas is another way to reduce methane emissions which also provides many benefits.

  • I think there should be a discussion about how to raise awareness of the risks that damage the environment or the health of any organism within the environment because when we created groups with my classmates and teachers we discussed and arranged the cards that contain from the event or substance that has less carbon in relation to the events that contain more carbon. We have arranged it as follows. First, using a mobile phone for only one hour per day for a year. Secondly, using an affordable flight within 24 hours, for example, from London to Hong Kong. Third: Driving petrol cars for a distance of 8,000 kilometers annually. About 22 kilos a day. The goal is to reduce the use of petroleum-based cars. Fourth, eating a big burger with cheese and steak only twice a month for a year, and we arranged for the last cards, so we ended up using the computer at work and home for 59 hours a week, that is, the biggest event, and in the end we were all surprised by the result, the exact opposite of what We thought about it. Therefore, we must increase our awareness of what increases carbon, for example. I also wonder when we make laws that governments make the laws, how will you convince people to act in accordance with the laws? Can this be done without penalties? Because I wish our planet to be an orderly planet, how is that possible?

    1. It's great to see you enjoyed the Topical Talk lesson cards, assertive_introduction! You also asked a good question at the end there -- "can this be done with penalties?" What penalties would you suggest?

      1. Yes, I enjoyed gaining new information is a good thing, that penalties are everywhere and they are important in order to make people organized. I suggest penalties such as paying fines, imprisonment, for example, a person who sells food and is not interested in the cleanliness of his shop should close his shop, hard labor, these are really hard penalties But if we do not put penalties, I do not think that we will find commitment, but I hope that our lives will be organized without penalties, and this will happen if we raise awareness among others

        1. Thanks assertive_introduction! Could you have a go at suggesting a new climate law and what the penalty should be if people don't follow it?

          1. In my country, there are no laws that prevent people from throwing garbage on the ground or cutting down trees. This is what affects the health of the environment, so we suffer from the problem of pollution. This problem can be solved by setting laws that prevent throwing garbage on the ground or cutting down trees or anything that harms the environment. The appropriate punishment for that is Pay fines or compensate for what he did. I think this makes the violators stop their actions. What do you think?

  • I think there should be a discussion on disposal of biomedical wastes. Because medical wastes and treatment of it contributes close to 70% of the total carbon footprint of the entire medical Industry as per the research. For instance, discarded needles in hospitals may cause serious infections or transmit deadly diseases to individuals who come in contact with them accidentally. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that biomedical wastes are handled and disposed of safely to prevent any harm to humans or the environment . In fact hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are the largest drivers of emissions, according to the PLOS Medicine study.

    1. I agree with you, medical waste poses a great threat to the environment

  • I think there should be a big discussion about climate change: long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns. Among the causes of climate change (energy generation, commodity manufacturing, deforestation, food production). One of the positives of climate change: the creation of much more new jobs. Climate change negatives: severe droughts, floods, and melting of the polar ice. The impact of climate change on the environment / rising temperatures, more powerful storms, increasing drought. The role of humans in climate change (burning fossil fuels)

  • What do you think are the factors that most affect today's climate and its changes .. ?

    1. I disagree because... Unfortunately, the interests of states make states neglect the issue of climate because their economy is based on factories, but when danger falls on them, then they will know the danger of what they have done too late.

  • Will efforts to reduce global warming and its negative effects succeed in protecting the ozone layer?

  • I think there should be a central discussion about the production of carbon dioxide that affects the whole world. When looking at the word carbon dioxide, it is two separate and simple words, but its risks and misuses are many. We should start reducing its effects by: 1- Using the computer and the phone for five hours a day. 2- Using cars for four days a week. 3-Three planes leave for a week. 4- Reducing calorie intake. 5-Smoking only one cigarette a day, and if smoking is abstained, it is better. 6- Turn on the electricity for seven hours a day. Therefore, the world's population must abide by the following rules, and the punishment for those who deviate from those rules will be imposed on a fine of $1,000. This will reduce waste and wasteful carbon dioxide footprint.

    1. Thank you for sharing specific ideas! How do you think these ideas might affect people, aside from the climate. For example, what might happen to the working world if only use computers and phones for 5 hours a day?

    2. I agree with you because ofcourse production of carbon dioxide affects the whole world through burning of fossil fuels,woods etc.. Without Carbon dioxide, Earth's natural greenhouse effect is too weak to keep average earth temperature. Though CO2 is naturally present in atmosphere, due to emissions caused by humans through vehicles and industries which causes more CO2 emissions and it leads to global warming.
      But I disagree with some of your reduction tips because
      • Using the computer and phone only for 5 hrs per day is not applicable because it is used by the business men, in hospitals for reception which is working 24/7, in educational institutions.
      • Using cars four days a week is possible but all can't accept to it because in case of emergency one has to run with a car. Instead of using fuel based vehicles we can use e-vehicles.
      • Fly less is not possible for business men, sportsmen because for business men there will be more meetings and for sportspersons they have to travel to other countries to represent their country. Instead of fly less they can use waterways.
      • Using electricity for 7 hrs per day cannot be followed because electricity plays a main role in modern living. For example, In hospitals electricity plays a main role in diagnosing tools. Instead of using electricity 5 hrs per day, Electricity can be generated from water, wind and solar.

  • Why is there a deterioration in the state of the environment despite technological progress? What do you think in your opinion?

  • 1: How does climate change affect our lives ?
    2: What are the factors that lead to climate change?
    3:Why are there difficultes to limit climate change?
    4: What are the risks of climate change?

    1. Can you answer any of those questions yourself, interesting_location? See if you can spot any answers in the discussions that are already live!

      1. I picked these two answers for my guestions from the student's comments 1:How does climate change affect our lives? Answer:it prevents precipitation and causes drought, which leads to sand storms and causes high temperatures and the death of plants 2: What are the factors that lead to climate change? Answer: Through excessive use of transportation, factory gas emissions and power generation by burning fossil fuels

    2. Can you answer any of those questions yourself, interesting_location? See if you can spot any answers in the discussions that are already live!

    3. The answer to the third question ..
      difficulty separating economic growth from emissions, multilateral negotiations impede rational decision-making, failure to solve the "collective solution" problem, absence of strong leadership, words not matched by action

  • I believe that the climate laws should not be severe, because some times we need necessary uses for the car, travel, industry, or anything. I'm in favor of the laws being tolerant, or we're proposing ideas such as more tree planting and use hydrogen or solar car like tesla, I hope to be an active member In the community

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the ways each individual can make a difference by taking a step in taking care of mother earth and the various ways of caring for mother earth

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about people who are unaware of the huge problem that the world faces because of the big amount of pollution. This pollution is created by mankind. Let's discuss the suggestions that could alert people everywhere about the dangers and the suitable practical solutions for this serious problem.
    Let's save our planet!!

  • The percentage of plastic use is high for us, and certainly plastic negatively affects the environment, as it takes a long time to decompose and affects crops and agricultural lands, and this negatively affects the environment. I think the most appropriate way to reduce this problem is to recycle and use an alternative to cardboard, glass or even wood

    Also with regard to the transportation that we use daily, it certainly has serious damage to the environment, as we said, which leads to a high carbonation rate, and there are countries that have developed special laws in order to limit the use of cars that run on oil, but perhaps the majority will not abide by these laws because not everyone is aware of the danger what affects it. Transportation, I think people should first be informed, of the climate risks of transportation, so that everyone adheres to these laws

    1. I agree with you because I see the amount of waste generated by plastic and other waste and the huge damage it has on people

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the dangers of plastic wastes in society, and how can we as citizens help in solving this problem?

  • my question
    What is the purpose of celebrating Earth Day?

    1. Hello, Nice question, We celebrate Earth Day because it is Mother Earth Day celebrated during the United Nations Decade of Restoring Ecosystems that support all life on Earth, Restoration will help eradicate poverty, fight climate change and prevent mass extinction.

    2. To emphasize the importance of the earth and the need to take care of it because it is the home of man and the place suitable for we must preserve that it is the only planet suitable for life. But is one day enough for that? In my opinion, every day is Earth Day, every day we have to do our best to protect the Earth. However, this day has been set as a reminder and activities to support that. I think if there is no specific day for the Earth, we will forget that issue along with the concerns of life.

  • I think there should be hub discussion about saving water and saving plants because there are many countries suffering because of water scarcity, the water is the potential liquid in our lives and if we plant more tress ,they provide life-giving oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide exhaled by animals ,gives us rain and it helps in agriculture.So I want these 2 topics in hub discussion

  • hi everyone..
    Forests give us so much to our health. They purify the water, clean the air, capture carbon to fight climate change, provide food and medicines moreover they improve our well-being.

    It’s up to us to save these precious natural resources we should reduce or stop cutting and harming them .we should have alternative sources .
    From here I seriously call for a strong stand against harming forests because they are a good weapon against climate change!

    1. How do you suggest people make a "strong stand" warmhearted_eel? This would be a great question for our experts -- maybe Clover or Ben?

      1. I know there are many fountains and associations that call for caring about forests but the strong stand must be a little bit different now ..there should be a big financial penalty or fees for those who harm forests (by government ) besides having certain employees who monitor and manage the life of forests.

    2. oh yeah,i agree with you that forests give us so much to our health, in terms of medicine,most drugs as in my thinking are made from plants which are got from forests these drugs enable us recover from particular illnesses,hence protecting and saving our health.We therefore ought to conserve our vegetation since they are in our hands for our own safety.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the person who contributed a lot to the Earth like Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam who gave awareness for planting trees because we youngsters will get inspired by them and we will also start to contribute

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about "child labour".
    In our country in many shops there are children below 14 are working. I don't no whether why the government is not taking any action for this . They need money for education. Why the government could not provide "free education." Even though it will help for our countries development only .so when you see a child working in a store/shop kindly help him with some money what you can....

    1. Can you explain which of our topics this links to please?

  • I think there should be a discussion post about pouring polluted water and sewage into the sea of ​​the Arab world, especially in Gaza, which suffers from this thing, which caused the death of all fish, which led to a lack of fishing and caused disease to humans when swimming in the seas, and an example of that sea The Mediterranean is a completely polluted sea, the water is dirty and its color is dark black. The reason for this is the pouring of sewage and impure water into the sea.

  • I believe that we can work on laws to limit climate change, but at the same time, these laws do not affect people's lives and their daily activities, because most laws do not suit people's lives, such as that people can travel ten trips in their lives, and we can use electricity for five Hours only. These two laws are not commensurate with people's practical lives, because some people depend on travel, and factories also need to consume more electricity

  • Because cars are a cause of climate change, I thought that the solution to this is the dependence of cars on electricity in their work, but electricity is also a cause of climate change, so I think that cars can rely on renewable energy in their work

    1. yes,maybe cars can be used on solar energy,for example

      1. Yes, and in my opinion, renewable energy can depend on the energy generated by man through certain technologies through his movement on the ground, for example

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about "effects of climate change on economic activities" because extreme weather can lead to the inflation of food supplies and reduction in labour supply.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on "Ways those in the authority can impose and enforce certain laws in order to control the effect of climate change" this is because we need to know the rules that are set in place and how the authority can impose it in order to eradicate the global threat

    1. I think there is a very similar discussion happening within the Earth Day discussions. Take a look through the replies and join in!

  • The issue I want to raise now, I think, is important. The water cycle is essential to life on Earth and plays a major role in global climate and ocean circulation. Climate has an effect on precipitation, or more correctly, let's say changes in the water cycle have a critical impact on infrastructure, agriculture, and biodiversity. Therefore, it is important to understand the way in which climate change affects the water cycle now and in the future, so people must be aware of the dangerous trends to rationalize water consumption.
    1- Can you tell me ways you think are appropriate to conserve water??
    2-Some laws that must be put in place to conserve water?
    3- As students, what is your role in the community to get others to care about this issue?
    In the end, we have a role to play in influencing society, and it gives me great pleasure to read your suggestions, which I hope you will work to achieve.

  • Yes .l want to ask qustione .when was the first time the peple celebrat of earth day and what occasion made them call it this name l think this good to make great discussion ?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Artificial Intelligence . It is really important to understand the new technology, and forge an opinion, wether it's good or not.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Unemployment" because the rate of unemployment around the world has become very disturbing and it has caused people to suffer.

    1. Hi wonderful_kiwifruit, what are some of reasons contributing to this rise that others can discuss?

      1. The causes of unemployment vary around the world. We studied in school that one of the most prominent reasons for unemployme.
        1-This population explosion leads to an increase in the population and a lack of job opportunities.
        2-And mediation has a great impact as people who are unable to work hard and diligently are appointed in high positions while there are those who are good at work and master it in their home.
        3-Economic activity is slowly growing, which has led to a lack of job opportunities.
        4-Unequal opportunities. There are large differences between men and women in most indicators of the labor market. Men are present in the labor market and in all fields, unlike women.
        5-Fiscal policies tighten this term contradicts the peaceful policy that describes keeping unemployment low as a top priority at the expense of low inflation.✨👍🏻

  • I think that plastic waste is very harmful to the land, so the land becomes plasticly polluted. Plastic waste greatly affects the land and the oceans. This negatively affects land and marine animals, especially if living organisms are suspended or swallowed. Plastic contains substances that affect the biological functions of the animal. It is also a non-degradable material that takes millions of years. So I think we should limit the use of plastic bags and use cloth bags that are used more than once, stay away from the use of plastic in the garment industry to be used again when they are damaged, use iron water bottles instead of plastic.👍🏻
    Do you have other suggestions??

  • The question is, what is better for technology, food or water... What is the priority of life if you wake up one day and find that water has become as expensive as oil and gas? Would you buy water or oil??

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how can youth change communities into green ones?

  • I think there should be a hub about animal habitats and how we are killing poor species just to make money.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about raising good and responsible citizens who are aware of the importance of the gift of life and earth because responsible and intellectual humans are the key to solve all the problems of our planet.

    1. This could link closely to some of our existing discussions in the Earth Day topic. Have a look and see if you can raise a point in response to something someone else has said.

  • I am a student who participated in the International Earth Prize competition, and I wrote in my comment that the problem is a lot of waste in the Gaza Strip that you suffer from in the seas in public places such as streets, parks, and beaches. The solution was to convert the waste into energy or fuel, for example, by burning it, and it can be converted It is converted into heat, often electrical energy or thermal energy, and the rotting materials of fruits can be transformed into natural fertilizer for the soil. This is important for planting more trees, which works for the tree to grow well and appropriately, and works to encourage farmers to cultivate their lands. It is possible for the recycling process, such as the plastic that It spreads widely in the environment, it may be the manufacture of the machine to collect waste from the sea, where it divides the waste into the existing sections and recycles each section alone, and this is a good thing and re-downloading it in the market

  • why not all countries are supposed to abide by all these climate laws ?

    1. Good question. Why do you think different countries have different laws? Is it fair? Why or why not?

      1. I think countries have different laws due to difference in social dynamics, political system, history, culture and I think it is fair because the country or leader of the country have made a decision to help the country

  • There should be a discussion about climate change ia sometimes a natural phenomonon

    There is a lot of climate change that is natural, for example the glacial advances and retreats over hundreds of millions of years were all natural and scientists understand most of how that happened. But in the last hundred years climate change is mostly due to the increased greenhouse gasses added to the oceans and atmosphere by the activities of humans. Scientists also have studied this extensively and understand most of how that happens as well. Cimate change does not take place as lightning fast as human caused. Companies that mine and burn fossil fuels do not want you to know the true facts and send out lots of false information to confuse the issue. listen to the real scientists about this.

  • Is climate change really dangerous? What is its impact on the individual and society?

  • I believe that we must begin to educate ourselves about the dangers that our daily habits may pose, and begin to improve our habits before identifying others

  • Will there be life for humans “people” after climate changes, and can we preserve this life?

  • The topic I need to discuss is why is tax is important ?

    1. Can you explain how this links to one of our Topical Talk topics please, dedicated_sea?

      1. In my opinion, Tax is very much related to Climate change. The tax which is related to climate change is environment tax which is also known as Eco tax. It is an excise duty which has been introduced on goods that causes pollution. The main aim of this tax is to reduce pollution.
        Environmental tax can contribute to multiple sustainable developing goals. For example, it reduces the consumption of fossil fuels.
        • Need of environmental tax:
        1. Motivates company to be in sustainability
        2. Promote energy saving
        3. Discourage of anti - ecology behaviour
        • Aim of Environmental tax:
        It aims at punishing the people who pollutes the environment by charging he/she a penalty for the harm caused.
        • Carbon tax:
        It is a tax for controlling greenhouse gas emissions that causes global warming. But it is limited because of its concerns over economic growth, income distribution, etc..

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about pollution because it is hurting the atmosphere and causing climate change.

    1. Air pollution is due to many causes that can be solved by: removing materials resulting from fuel, using solar energy, benefiting from technology, in addition to establishing factories and laboratories outside London, as it constitutes one of the major environmental risks to human health, as it is a cause of respiratory diseases, lung cancer and strokes, so it must be reduced and controlled on this bad phenomenon

  • Why is petroleum price is increasing day today life

  • Why literacy rate as decreased in some villages

  • I think it should be a pivotal discussion on the subject of astronauts. An astronaut is a person who is trained by space flight programs. How much admiration this specialty receives. It has many defects, including the lack of guarantee of the return of the person in addition to the lack of gravity there, which requires the provision of large numbers of capable sensors. To reach space in order to reduce the amount of fatigue on the astronaut, and thus we discover the strangest things with little effort, in addition to reducing the death of the astronauts

    1. Can you explain how this discussion would link to one of our topics: Earth Day or the metaverse?

      1. The subject of the astronauts is related to Earth Day, as they are the ones who discovered the planet and they discovered many creatures on the earth, so they betrayed and reformed the earth with their discoveries

  • I think we should have a discussion about the positive impact on the climate with the use of advanced technology and its impressive impact on the climate

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about technology or mobile phones .What boundaries or restrictions should be imposed when using a mobile phone? Are their offline relationships healthy and strong?Does it preserve or destroy biodiversity?Does it preserve or reduce ecosystem integrity?What are its effects beyond its ability to the individual?What is lost in using it?

  • I believe that we must pay attention to the issue of diseases that are now spreading and that have caused bad damage to the environment, and how people see that problem and show the extent of the seriousness of the problem and take immediate solutions to it

  • Yes, I agree with you. People argue a lot about not restricting their freedom by laws. But in my opinion, I see that setting strict laws is in the interest of every individual, whether he rejects or accepts these laws. Because a person is by nature left without laws, and even if he has a mind, his mind is deficient, and there must be guidelines that guide him to the right path. And man is still human until now learning. Indeed, I was amazed when I learned that simple behaviors in our lives cause the destruction of our environment while we do not know.

  • It is good that we share topics. Our topic talks about the climate and the carbon footprint and its impact on the planet and humans. The topic that I want to discuss with you is the ozone layer. The ozone layer is of great importance to the planet. What will happen to the earth if the ozone layer is penetrated, and can we protect ourselves from harmful rays when the ozone layer expands? and how?
    I'm waiting eagerly to hear from you.

  • We have learned in school how to contribute to preserving the protection of the environment and examples of this
    _ Recycling
    - Conducting workshops with children in schools and adults in universities
    _ Volunteering with environmental organizations
    - Managing volunteer campaigns
    _ The use of solar energy, which is considered one of the most important sources of energy on the surface of the earth, and there is no life on the surface of the earth without solar energy

  • I believe that there should be a central discussion on "discrimination against blacks" and I brought this topic up for discussion because it means a lot to me, we are all born equal and being human means that we should have the same rights,The difference in skin colour or race is not a measure of human superiority or even a reason for treating them differently, but in our society people with black skin face great violence, whether from school bullying or police actions towards them,They also suffer from inequality in the law like the American legal system, and we must eliminate racial disparity, and we must introduce peaceful ways to promote justice and equality to solve this problem

  • How effective is the impact of teaching climate issues and environmental conservation in schools?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about. the way it changes and affect the planet : the reason why it affect the planet is because of the rapid inrease in temprature it all causes glature melt due to the increase in temprature some animal are affected by it and may be facing starting to extinct (animal) such as polar bear a rear breed of pig which will go extinct not only animal it will also to plant

  • There should be a discussion about Is change changless ?

    In a global, general sense, change will always exist. Things will always change.
    However, the rate of change of specific qualities and phenomena is variable. Some changes slow down, some speed up. For example, you can make foods last longer (slow down their decay) by placing them in the refrigerator or freezer, while if you leave them out in the heat, they decay (spoil) faster.

  • I think there should be a central discussion about "harmful effects in natural phenomena" How can it be solved such as: earthquake They can build buildings against demolition from earthquake.

  • Climate change is one of the most vital problems in our life . It has a bad effect in many ways to our environment such as raise and fall of temperature, the amount of rain falling and wind we should do our best to reduce it.I this k we all have to contribute in solving this dangerous problem.

  • I think as of now, we don't need a Metaverse and I would have given a similar answer 10 years back if you would have asked me do we need a platform to search and play videos but now we all know how much time everyone of us is spending on Youtube.

    Do we now need a Youtube. I would say yes.

    The metaverse is going to help us take this 2D internet to a 3D world. Imagine checking a 3D design file of a plastic mug online in a 3D environment and having it delivered by a 3D printer installed at your home within few minutes of making the order. This can be possible only with a convergence of all techs at an optimum points and Metaverse if one of them. Once the Metaverse makes our life easier It would become a need but right now it is just a buzzword and a new tech for early adopters.

  • Climate change is a global problem .
    That affects all countries around the world including my country palestine .
    It is caused by pollution . However,We all need to take responsibility and make efforts to reduce this crisis at least .
    Governments and schools should spread awareness among students and make strict lows to reduce pollution .
    There are lows which can reduce pollution one them cars can only used for three days aweek [low 4] which give an opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint as well as give people a chance to enjoy walking even they can cycle which is useful for health .

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on how world problems like Homelessness should be curbed like in my country I've seen lots of people on the road begging and it pains me to see them like that

  • I think there should be a central discussion about that we work on reclaiming and cultivating deserts and dry areas because urban sprawl has increased on lands and we must stop it and increase the number of agricultural and green lands

  • Well, actually, there may be a lot of opinions and ideas, but I think we should think in a more appropriate way, I mean we are in a big world now, a different world than it was a few decades ago, so we should develop our thinking..
    so my question here is ،How can we take advantage of space to solve our pollution crisis ?!

  • I think there should be a discuss on "Insecurity"because the rate of insecurity in some countries have become very alarming and it has caused loss of lives and properties.

  • How can we, as school students, face pollution problems that affect the environment?

    1. By planting and preserving flowers and plants , and by throwing garbage in the appropriate place and the cleaners become happier when we help them , even with the simplest things.

    2. We as students can go by the slogan, plant a tree and save a life which means when you plant trees, you save millions of lives not only humans but also other animal species . We should also participate in cleaning sessions around our environment and we should also put up posters banning people from dumping rubbish any where.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on "Inflation" because we need to know what
    inflation can cause around the world.

  • The climate bad changes mainly occur because of the air, land and sea
    1. In your point of view what are the alternative clean fuel people can use instead of other polluting fuels?
    2. What is the responsibility of the government towards the climate change?
    3. What should we do as individual to help in reducing the pollution?
    Waiting to hear from you?

  • I think that there should be a discussion about racism and bullying in schools and public places, because this thing has become a normal thing for the modern generation, but this is not true, it negatively affects the personality of the children who are being bullied because of this the person feels that he is a worthless person and makes him feel unwanted Therefore, I think we must limit these actions that some children take against their friends. As for racism, it exists in many countries of the world that distinguish, for example, between black-skinned people and white-skinned people, and this thing is completely unacceptable because it also makes them feel that people are eccentric and that they are different from people, so we must punish those who practice racism, And they bully others, not to repeat it and to spread love among the members of the community. Thank you

  • What are the things that you should do towards the environment as a student in the school?

    Do you have any ideas?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "how to be environmentally friendly as individuals and groups " because I think this is our ultimate goal to have sustainable life.

  • I think there should be a discussion about the impact of climate change on our lives and how life will be in 10 years from now if we don't stop climate change?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about 'the hole in ozone layer' because that is also very important and many people don't think about our ozone layer. It protects us from harmful UV rays.

  • I think there should a hub discussion on
    Time management tips
    How to bring awareness about some life threatening diseases which not lot of us know
    How to increase children's access to education, healthcare.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the ozone layer,"it's effects and it's affects".
    What will happen if there is no ozone layer ?
    What emissions from human activities lead to ozone depletion?Why has an “ozone hole” appeared over Antarctica when ozone-depleting substances are present throughout the stratosphere?
    *Is depletion of the ozone layer the principal cause of "global climate change"?*
    *What should be done to avoid " global climate change?"*
    How is ozone expected to change in the coming decades? will it affect humans or living beings in the world by allowing UV rays?if the ozone layer is completely depleted , the UV rays will cause any problems to living beings?
    We should take precautionary measures to avoid it.
    We should avoid using more vehicles which to pollution.
    Controlling pollution.etc.....

  • There is a question that really excites me. We have discussed in the festival’s topics all the causes of carbon dioxide emission, where we have set laws even with food, but no one has addressed the issue of smoking, as it sometimes negatively affects the climate more than eating beef, as smokers in my country smoke an average of about 5 cigarettes per day, and he admitted that almost two-thirds of men smoke, because the carbon dioxide that comes out of it affects the environment, and the cigarette butts that are thrown on the ground cause pollution in the soil, and the ash resulting from the combustion of tobacco negatively affects the environment, and if we move away from its dangers from the environment a little, then let it go The lion's luck in the causes of unintentional fires and the resulting health risks to humans, and the consequent excess pressure on natural resources, so we must put a discussion on this topic, and governments must put laws prohibiting this product and put laws for the producers of films and television programs not to use it in Works of art understand the most influential in society

  • Why are there some insufficient climate laws? Why do some people go so far and not care about it? Why is there no end to this topic? This matter is very important because it is related to the present and the future and also affects our health and our environment.

  • Sewage water has a great impact on my area because in the summer, municipal workers work to pour waste water into the sea, so the sea is polluted, and we are prevented from swimming in sea water in sea water because it is polluted and full of diseases such as Entamoeba hostletica, meb, and some germs and microbes, so I suggest that they recycle this water And use it after recycling it in agriculture and cleaning (Do you agree with me in my opinion)

  • I think there should be a central discussion about the "climate crisis and its risks" because it threatens our existence as a species and viruses can be transmitted through the climate, so there must be a solution before diseases spread.

  • The main reason the Metaverse is important is due to its industry and process-agnostic nature. Like the internet, one could apply it to virtually any use case – from gaming to work, and socialization to research. It has the potential to transform every aspect of our lives, both in our professional and personal spheres.

    1. Thanks for your comment, active_ant. You have posted about the metaverse on a discussion post about Earth day. You can join discussions about the metaverse here -

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post " Future Gazing " to To predict what might happen in the future I think it is a wonderful topic "Future predictions" 🔥.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion daring_dinosaur. This would definitely be an interesting discussion but how could you make it relevant to this conversation about Earth day?

      1. It is so much related. If we were to know what happens in the future, we would avoid doing all the dangerous and bad habits that can lead to serious climate change. People will be strongly deterred from doing any harmful because it will be reversed back to them either good or bad. Moreover, they'll understand and obey the law that they used to neglect and disobey because the whole thing is about mutual interest. A final word I can say is: Take care of nature, it'll make you happy.

  • In many countries, there are not enough climate laws, and this, in my opinion, is not good at all. It is necessary to have climate laws that people adhere to in order to preserve the environment.

  • What impact can Earth Day have on a person, and what can this day mean for the person and the state itself?

  • Metaverse is hands down the best Augmented Reality Creation App. Giving interactive dialogue to AR characters allows students to interact with the content in ways previously unavailable. It is powerful that students can also take charge of their own learning by creating and publishing their own experiences for their peers.

  • Is enough being done to reduce climate change?
    Enough is being done to reduce climate change, they have made many laws to reduce climate change. Now where is the problem coming from? It is coming from the people that has being passed the laws to, some are obeying the rules while some are there making it worse for man and animals. Do you Know as carbon footprint increases it has negative effect on on the natural habitat of animals. Have anyone think that as we destroy their habitat we are indirectly making it worse for man. How, if climate change worsening and animals do not have any homes to live in, they will then come to our own habitat (our homes), destroy our homes and take over it, how would it be for humans if this happen. So we should we should help them, educate them and make them understand.

  • I think there should be a discussion on the issue of Bad leadership because that is the issue that presently affects my country. We should be able to talk about the
    1. Problem.
    2. Causes of the problem.
    3. Ways the problem can be
    4. Effects of the problem on individuals, society and the nation at large.
    5. Reasons why such problems keep occurring.
    6. Ways citizens can contribute to the curbing of such problems.
    7. Ways in which PUBLIC can be enlightened on the effects of the effects of bad leadership.
    And I stongly believe that if we are able to have this discussion many can take ideas contributed here to improve there societies.

  • When I read about Mr. Joe Burton's attempt to discuss the issue of equality, so I thought why there is no central discussion about "the importance of equality in our lives" because equality is an important element in our lives, and it is, as you know, one of human rights, and this brings us to another topic, and it is "human rights" and must That all people have all their rights, then it is assumed that there is nothing that prevents me and you from possessing our rights without any deficiency, because we are all equal and similar, there is no difference between brown and white, no difference between poor and rich, and no difference between ........

  • i suggest to do a discussion about eating healthy food in the teenager age

  • i suggest to make a discussion about the pros and cons of social media

  • i see that any problem that occurs in the world, humans tend to solve it. In your opinion, if humans don't care about any problem, do you think someone other than humans would turn to solve it

    1. My opinion is that nothing but humans will solve any problem that occurs in the world

      In my opinion, this is the most appropriate question to ask those who do not apply the laws, to make them feel their importance and role in life

  • i think there should be a Hub discussion post about disabled people , in this project our miss wafaa who is the coordinator in our school for this project encourage two disabled students to joined with us in this project she said that is your right to participate. they really interested and feel happy. so i hope to make a discussion about success for stories done by disabled people

  • i think the topic of pollution is important to make a discussion about it

  • I think there should be a discussion sharing about cultural exchange scholarships that are offered by governments and universities from all over the world,And how can these opportunities play a role in finding solutions and innovations to solve several environmental problems and other fields! Because cultural exchange has become more active in these years due to the spirit of curiosity that communication sites have cultivated in us to discover other corners of this world!
    So how about if we invest our ideas in it, especially since there are many countries that neglect the ideas of their youth under the pretext that there is not enough budget to support their projects and ideas, Here, students often resort to traveling abroad to countries like U.S and the U.K to see the results of their imagination and efforts
    So how if we focus more on opportunities for cultural exchange in several environmental disciplines!

  • I want to ask you will the metaverse succeed??
    What do you think ??

    Personally, I want the metaverse to succeed. I think that the metaverse offers possibilities and opportunities that go far beyond anything that anyone is talking about right now. I might share some of those thoughts in a future blog post. Unfortunately, “do I want it to succeed” and “do I think it will succeed” are two different questions. Sadly, I am not overly optimistic about the metaverse’s future, but I really hope that I am wrong about this one.

    The reason why I am skeptical of the idea that the metaverse will gain mainstream acceptance is that there is a historical precedent that predicts the metaverse’s failure.

    Consider for a moment, the history of 3D movies. 3D movies have literally been around for a hundred years. The first 3D movie was shown in 1922! In spite of the fact that 3D movies have existed for so long, they have mostly been regarded as a novelty.

    So with that in mind, consider the history of 3D TV. 3D TVs were first introduced in 1935, but never really caught on. They were reintroduced a few times over the years but failed to gain mainstream acceptance. In 2010 several manufacturers introduced a new generation of 3D TVs at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This time around, the manufacturers did everything that they possibly could to ensure the success of 3D TV. The studios began producing lots of 3D content and electronics manufacturers also began creating ancillary devices such as 3D camcorders. By 2016 however, the industry had all but given up on 3D TV.

    So why did 3D TV fail? It really depends on who you ask. Some people claim that the demise of 3D TV can be attributed to the cost of the devices and the glasses. Others claim that the devices were unappealing because of their narrow viewing angle and less than vibrant colors. Still others believe that the medium’s failure was because the industry tried to convert 2D content into 3D, and the converted content didn’t look very good.

    Any or all of these reasons might explain why 3D TVs didn’t catch on, but I think that there is another, much simpler reason. Remember, 3D content has been around for 100 years – far longer than the latest crop of 3D TVs – and yet it has never become a mainstream standard. It could be that people just don’t want to have to put on 3D glasses every time they want to watch something on TV. If this is truly the case, then it doesn’t bode well for the metaverse, which requires the use of a digital headset.

    If the metaverse is to be successful, then it will need to prove itself to be more than just a one trick pony. Having a spatial environment is great, but the technology companies are going to need to convince people that there are significant advantages to embracing the metaverse and that the metaverse’s 3D environment is more than just a novelty.

  • I think there should be a hup discussion on how artificial intelligence (AL) can be employed to solve the problem of climate change because AI has become increasingly important in many areas of our lives, including healthcare, transportation, education, and finance. It has the potential to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity while reducing costs, errors, and biases. Moreover, AI can offer solutions to problems that would otherwise be impossible to tackle with traditional methods. However, as with any technology, it is important to ensure that AI is developed and used ethically and responsibly to maximize its benefits and minimize its harms.
    In fact, many countries, including the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, Germany, and France, are at the forefront of AI research and development, but many smaller and developing countries are also beginning to implement AI solutions.
    How can AI help in solving the problem at your country?
    Think and join us!

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about waste putting in the waste bin because people are wanted to put the waste in the dustbin not in the road so we should do our best to say the people to put in the garbage in the waste bin

  • I think there should be a Hub discution on the impact of climate change in the futur.

  • Hi,
    I think there should be a hub discussion post about ' Challenging negative thoughts'.
    I feel this discussion needs to be held because people need to see that there is a simple way to defeat negative automatic thinking by reevaluating the thought in a positive way and also surrounding themselves with positive people, just so to avoid an outlay of depression, chronic worry or even apprehension in our various societies.
    And i strongly assume that if we are able to place emphasis on this topic many can pick up motives to enhance their various societies.

  • I would like to ask a question about whether the problem of climate change can be solved if people adhere to laws to limit this change, and also whether climate change can have advantages that benefit humans

  • I think we should look for some of the successful experiences of other countries in terms of implementing some climate laws which proved their positive influence in their communities such as Japan and other countries. Then we have to spread the results and make sure that other countries can apply it in the way that suit their circumstances. To learn from others' experiences is very important because it will give us feedback and save our money, time and effort.

  • I see the benefits for making experience more accessible when limited by strength or physical ability , reduce commutes and the impact on the environment for remote work - it's true - remote working is isolated and unstimulating in the long

    term . Of course this would never completely replace IRL , it's adjunct to it . Sounds fun and with lots of potential . Even stuff we haven't thought to

    be beneficial yet . Be good to solve poverty and basic housing so everything can feel safe when venturing into the metaverse . Cities will expand if you don't need to live close to transport or cities .

  • I think there should be a discussion a bout the topic (bullying)that happens everywhere because some people who may not be confident in them selves and start bullying successful people ,and people with special needs and this bullying makes their psyche destructive and they become unsure of them selves, so this thing must be stopped so that they can live happily.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post "Trendsetter" because I wanna know like  how the unknown book suddenly became bestsellers , TV programmes became instead classic , toys that were adored by generations suddenly lost there appeal ? It's a really controversial topic .

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post centering on how climate change affects the children of today, and how climate change is due to affect the children of the next generation.
    Secondly, There should also be a discussion on how parents of today can train and ensure that their children should practice and execute habits that help slow climate change.

  • I believe that the problem of the high dowry in Palestine must be resolved so that many young people can get married

  • Hi everyone, I'm so glad I benefited from these comments, and I'm so grateful to all of you. I am proud of this achievement that we are achieving, and I am confident that this festival will be beautiful and beneficial. On Earth Day, I take information and prevention, be careful when anything happens, I am grateful to you, and I hope all students are like how I feel 😍

  • I think that the topic of discussion will be about climate change and the countries most affected by this change. I read yesterday that Somalia in Africa is the most affected country

  • Could scientists invent a new substance that is environmentally friendly and that could be used frequently instead of plastic ?

    1. yah! I think scientists can invent environmentally substances because if they can make harmful using chemicals, why not try using materials that are friendly to the environment like; leaves and so many other things . this will even help to clean up the environment.

  • To discuss whether you have ever participated in voluntary work to help an environment or an organization specialized in an environment and have you participated in it, and are you a volunteer???

  • I am a student in nineth grade .My teachers,my classmates and I worked alot in Earth Prize Project.we wrote about recycling the used oils inorder to turn on cars.That's much better throwing them in the sea which causes seas death and pollution, in addition people can turn on their cars without payiny money especially in our bad circumstances that we live in Gaza Stip.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about " Cyber security and Climate change " because cyber security is most important to save our personal things but at the same time misusage of it can result in loss of control of critical equipments and warning systems and has the potential to cause damage to human beings and environment from catastrophic spills, waste discharges and air emissions. If there is no proper maintenance of computers, cyber trash will become a big problem in future. To reduce cyber trash, we must limit the usage of computers or we should switch to green computing technology.

  • My question is: can we completely replace plastic with glass and pottery? I recently heard in our society a talk, and there was a lot of talk between mothers and the elderly about the harmfulness of plastic in drinking. For the environment, as then everyone keeps his bottle if it is empty, because that is why he threw it, it will injure others, and if we adopt the large pottery system as an alternative to water tanks, and of course it must be of a different type, and we replace all plastic with glass, pottery and metal, will this be beneficial to the environment as it is useful to the human body

  • I think that there should be a central discussion about the Internet, because the Internet is a double-edged sword, both negative and positive, and we are in a time when all age groups are excited about the Internet, especially adolescents.

  • It is good the be here because always I have some questions and really eager to see some response as follows:
    First, what could I do as a student to help my earth?
    Also in the side of my family what should they do?
    Third, Gaza is famous of its sea How can we benefit from it in helping our people in terms of water polluted?

  • Yes, this is permissible. Climate variability can affect a person’s mind, health, and food, the air he breathes, and it is also difficult for him to adapt to low and high temperatures. It also affects the environment, as it greatly affects the quality of food, air, water and natural resources, and these climate changes also result in diseases such as 1- Asthma. bronchitis 2-depression 3-heart disease 4-seasonal allergies 5-sunstroke

  • “I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the ballooning amount of plastic waste in the world because it is a growing problem that poses a great threat to the environment.. Some people will say that the solution to this problem is simple that we can replace plastic with paper bags .. But can the problem be solved From its roots 🤔 ? , which lie in the long life of plastic in decomposition.. Can we find a solution that will save the oceans? 🌊 , Will save people's lives👥? , A solution that will make us leave our habits of waste disposal represented by burning🔥? .

  • I think that there should be a central discussion about "bullying", for example bullying at school. There are many students who suffer from bullying and fear in their schools, and it may come to their threat so that they do not tell anyone about what is happening with them or bullying women. There are many societies that do not The woman is valued, and the matter may reach her, and it may lead to her illness, or even lead to her death, etc.........

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on the topic "learnings from COVID 19,so let's have a recall about how the lockdown days was, what things we learnt from COVID 19,how people suffered from poverty , what was the financial status of the country and so on ...

  • I think there should be a pivotal discussion post about there being thousands of animals, plants, and insects that are at risk of extinction. This topic attracted me because the environment is affected and biodiversity on the planet are affected, and this threatens food, water cleanliness, medicines, and oxygen, and thus human life becomes threatened...
    For example, bees pollinate more than 250,000 species of plants that benefit humans and feed animals, so when bees become extinct, plants become vulnerable to the disappearance, and this is a simple example of the danger of extinction on earth and the environment.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about what if doing a nature walk not only about celebrating the Earth Day BUT there is an opportunity for learning experiences in a variety of subjects such as science, geography , math and arts.
    Simply I will make my nature walk educational and fun at the same time.

  • In my local area people get rid of waste through burning it.This affects the air badly.Also,because cooking gaz is expensive,some people cook on fire.Another thing to talk about is using gaz instead of petrol for cars,which causes heavy smoke with bad smell.I think we have to do something.Government must find solutions and put strict laws.Universities should make researches and surveys.Schools should spend awareness among students.

  • Why does global warming exist in these years, and does climate change have a role in it and its consequences?

  • I think there should be an discussion post about.. Why the farmers in Agriculture field is less and the workers in software companies is high? Does providing food for people to eat is not a good job or work? Instead of being a owner for the field, why people want to be workers under someone? Because the number of farmers is less compared to the workers. And we want to know the importance of farming.

  • you can lose your soul living in dis_reality you can destroy yourself by living in virtual _reality which really is living alie .Getting lost in imaginations is a threat of life ,to survival ,to happiness and to healthy of your body

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about how climate change affect country and how we can solve it. In my point of view we should work together as one, give ideas of how to solve it because climate change doesn't affect only one country.

  • Environmental pollution refers to the pollution of natural resources such as air, water, and soil through human activities, resulting in adverse effects on the health of ecosystems, wildlife, and humans. It can cause various health problems, environmental degradation, and climate change; And we should not stand by without doing anything about this. If we remain in this state, the air will be polluted and we will not be able to breathe properly. Therefore, every home and every family must plant plants and trees in its home, and the state must establish gardens and plant reserves,This is my opinion, and I hope that we will reduce environmental pollution and live in a pure, pollution-free environment.

  • Will the metaverse world cause people to separate from the real world and increase the incidence of schizophrenia and mental illnesses, which leads to physical illnesses?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on "Healthy Living" because living a healthy life is important and it would help us to be able to be physically fit.

  • I think that the important pivotal issue that should be discussed extensively is the methods of mitigating and slowing down climate change, because after people know the factors that help mitigate climate change, they will certainly adhere to them more than before for fear of changes that affect them negatively, and thus people will beware of The causes of climate change.

  • I think there should be a discussion about solar energy and using it in a safe way to preserve the environment and health
    Due to its importance in my area due to the continuous power outages and the high electricity bill
    It is a renewable resource for the environment
    And it needs little maintenance

  • Why no people are tock about"water pollution".Water pollution effects the earth so mash I shock there little people trying to fix these problems.We should Hub discussion post about "water pollution" so people see how mash that water pollution effects us,animals and ecosystem.If we hub discussion post water pollution people can tall us more
    way to fix these growing problems.

    1. .
      Yes, I agree with you
      We can make a large pump that converts polluted water into drinking water through evaporation and then condensation, or we can recycle the used water, and in this way we reduce pollution.

  • In fact, climate change is caused by us, because we are actually doing a lot of horrible things that are harmful to the environment, such as: throwing the rubbish, and cutting down trees, from my point of view this is one of the many causes of climate change.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about human rights violation which would create a great impact on this platform because many people across the world face their rights are violated such as freedom of expression, right to health, right to education, children's right, discrimination, and so on. un security council should create a special law to allow all the country to follow human rights without violating them. This discussion in this platform will give more thoughts and ideas to the world.

    1. I agree that there should be a hub session because we can talk about it to reduce the amount of climate change

  • I think there should be a discussion of Awareness on climate change.

    Most people did not have access to phone and this is a major part of it. This will help in curbing the climate change situation.

    Thanks to topical talk,some of us don't even have ideas of what climate change was. We are very fortunate to be part of these program.

    I think there should be a way to alert the less privileged to know about climate change in our society. most especially people who don't have access to phone.

  • In all we do, there has to be balance/moderation. There should be laws set in place to guide the use of materials but at the same time, too many laws can cause a dreadful life.
    Also, as good humans we should be able to make good choices and adequate daily decisions to protect the eco-system. We can start by using degradable, eco-friendly cutlery instead of plastics that can't decay, there should be days we just give up the luxury of cars and walk or cycle to places. The little things can make a lot of difference.

    1. An interesting point you have made here about humans being able to make good choices - can you delve further into your ideas about how humans can support the balance of using materials and what effects this would have on the environment?

      1. Humans are most dominant. For the continuity of the planet, there are a few things we can do. We can reuse aluminum foil and paper, reduce water wastage and recycle paper cups or plastic bottles to make stationary organizers, and do one. We just have to be creative!

        Humans are intelligent and so they use earthly materials to their advantage (make business products). This causes imbalance. Imbalance is the sense that there is abundance of artificial products but limited natural resources, which are most relevant for survival. If all humans focus on building natural resources, planting trees, rearing animals, growing crops, etc., Humans and animals will live in harmony with the environment.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "our healthy planet and the dangers we have caused it"because we need to know how the earth was much healthier before the use of harmful chemicals, toxins and so on that brought damage to it. We need to learn that the use of old methods to save our climate will pay off because now we just sit back and wait for a new technology to be realised that will magically help and sustain our earth. We have caused our earth harm by deforestation,bush burning, use of toxins etc and as we cause all this negative effects we are being exposed to diseases caused by the depletion of the ozone.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on "Corruption" because this is an issue affecting my country today.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about ways we can reduce or stop climate change in our countries. This topic is important because even though we have found ways to stop climate change and we are practicing in our homes and communities, it is not enough. Although we are practicing it, it only affects a small amount of a country, so we should get the attention of the government and help them ponder on ways we can end climate change in a country and if possible the whole world!

  • I think there should be a discussion about development. This word is not limited to the development of technology, but the development of oneself, the country, work, etc. to make everyone give his opinion and benefit from each other about what he wants to develop.

  • After the discussion we had in class, I think there should be a hub discussion about what should be our next step if all the necessary precautions taken to stop climate crisis fails? Should we look for another planet to live in ?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post "equality" because it is one of the most important topics that he likes to talk about. It should be present in our society, but us! We have a long way to go to reach equality. I believe that it must be achieved so as not to spoil society. Failure to achieve it poses a great danger to both sexes. Rights must be enjoyed by men and women without discrimination .

  • In light of the expansion of the ezone hole.
    What factors should be followed in order this expansion?

  • In light of the expansion of population numbers (population) on the globe, is this a real danger on Earth, and is there an alternative planet suitable for humans?

  • We think a lot about the interest of the planet or what is inside it and the like, but what if we think about those who inhabit this planet? For example, interest in the issue of malnutrition in people

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post " Time travel " because that's my dream and I believe that time travel is possible , I know that the idea is outside our imagination, we can't see our parents as a little children takeing their first step , or our grandparents youthful , when we read history books the past always sounds exciting. but humanity makes progress slowly ,
    If time travel is ever possible in the future, time travelers are probably with us now . If they are with us, Why don't they give us directions on how save the planet ? Why don't they give instructions about the environment or how to stop war ? There's a sad thought : maybe they don't know the answer either ...

  • I think it should be a central discussion on "exploiting physical movement to produce electric energy," as we suggested in previous conversations that one of the solutions to reduce climate variability is to provide electric energy and move away from the use of gas and heat that emits CO2 and global warming, and since movement It produces mechanical energy that can be converted into electrical energy. I thought about the most bodies whose movement we can exploit in producing this electrical energy. I found that the human body is the biggest example of that because we are constantly moving to meet our needs, which made me think of making movement a source of electrical energy, and with modern technologies We can do that, and the simplest technology for that is to light an electric lamp installed on a bicycle by converting the movement of the feet on the pedals (mechanical energy) into electrical energy, and this thinking prompted me to share this idea as a principle in the future to provide electrical energy from the movement of bodies and thus help reduce Climate variability.

  • l think laws should be enforced on climate because our living is supported by climate. If we improve on our climate we can live happily. The government should get tougher on challenges affecting climate. If someone is to cut a tree that person must have a license that has been approved by the responsible persons in the ministry, and not only that but the person must be monitored until he or she plants two trees to replace the cut one.
    The number of rice farmers in my country are increasing every season hence increased destruction of wild life in the swamps. Rice growing contributes a lot to the destruction of the earth, this is so because when rice is grown in paddy fields, methane is released. Another source of methane is cattle, methane is produced during the digestive process of cows. As the demands for food such as beef burgers has rocketed, the numbers of cattle raised for meat. As the cattle farms are made, deforestation has to take place another factor causing global warming.

  • I think we should give suggestions on ways of using technology in a good manner and how it should be implemented for the better universe by 2030.
    Secondly, I think that this is a rightful platform for us to discuss how best can we handle the issue of proper waste management most especially plastics which are a threat to the soil like in my country most of the places have been highlighted as being poor in waste management.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about How are insect populations changing ?
    This is because I believe insects play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems as they pollinate much of our world's plants. including important crops that humans rely on for food.
    A recent study found that 70% of the populations of flying insects had been lost over the last 30 years These threatens our global agricultural system as well as the overall health of our planet's ecosystems.
    I STRONGLY believe there should be comprehensive data and global action to be taken round the world.

  • I think the law 2 is good idea,but not practical .all types of food are important for our bodies.but we should have some balance. Eat everything but not too much or too less. I think we should focus on the quality, not quantity

  • We think a lot about the interest of the planet or what is on it and the like, but what if we think about those who inhabit this planet? I think it's interesting to talk about such things. For example, how do they find food, or do they suffer malnutrition due to the lack of resources? For how long can they live? Does it rain on planets or it's hot?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion, that should allow people to post about certain healthy atomic habits, that could bring in some greater change towards a positive climatic condition. All said, the next generation is always full of ideas and a small step which is practically possible to implement to work, should be encouraged.

  • l love the future . Everyone is going to be inside with their headsets on exploring the virtual world . That will Ieave the real world empty and free for me to explore . lmagine the rivers, mountains, forests, beaches, cities and Seas that l'll get to, imagine all the books l'll be able to read, the mouis l'll be able to listen to. l can hardly wait.

  • Do you think that early marriage has negative effects that spread problems among people on society, or is it a positive thing that solves a number of problems?

  • Do you think that all beggars really need money or they are lying and how should we make sure that they really need money and that they are honest so that we do not wrong people and what are the ways we should help them ?

  • Welcome*
    I think there should be a central discussion about Earth Day 🌎 because the Earth is threatened by climate change.
    And since we were created and existed for the sake of building the earth and benefiting from its wealth, and we were not created for the sake of spoiling it, why do we not take the initiative and hasten to limit this climate change? We can do it with strength, will and determination because nothing comes by itself.
    We as students discuss many useful topics in this project and our mental ideas expand day by day. We are better than others distinguish between right and wrong.
    Why not be an example to others?
    And why do we not advise the unaware children and youth whom we should advise about the harms of climate change, because that may lead to the destruction of the planet 🌎, including humans, animals, plants, and others?

  • I think there should be a hub that discusses how diets/food can be used to cure individuals. Like for example,if the sick individual's body is not capable of taking in drugs due to some particular reason,a list which contains what the individual is to eat and what not to eat can be used to cure the individual.....
    It's simply just the use of a particular diet/food to cure an individual's sickness.👍

  • A few alternative ways to approach a discussion on climate change:

    Cultural perspective: Different cultures have different relationships with nature and the environment. Discussing how different cultures approach climate change can be a valuable way to broaden the conversation. For example, some Indigenous cultures view the natural world as a living entity with which humans must live in harmony, while some Western cultures view nature as a resource to be exploited for economic gain.

    Ethics perspective: Climate change raises important ethical questions, such as who bears responsibility for the problem, and who should pay for the costs of mitigation and adaptation. Discussing the ethical dimensions of climate change can help us understand the values and principles that underlie different policy approaches.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about How AI could support climate change because...In today’s modern world, we have good data from various sources, where machine learning can analyze inputs from various domains and can contribute by giving us real-time data on short-term impact and long-term impact with prediction and which could support effective large-scale action. This will also be helpful for the young generation like us to get more interesting facts digitally.

  • I think there should be a discussion about economical crisis in different part of the worlds

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about whether climate change can be weaponized because if climate change should progress any further, the economy of weaker countries can break down therefore the stronger countries can use that as an advantage.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on "Wars and military conflict" because we need to know what can cause the conflict and we need to come up with ways to avoid having wars and conflict.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion "Human right violation" because in some countries human right is being violated and the government are not doing anything about it.

  • If we set important climate laws that help preserve the climate, what are these laws, how will they be applied, and what is the penalty for those who do not act according to them, and who is responsible for directing these penalties

  • I have a lot of important topic at the same time for a long time and I want to spread his idea and I want to do it but I need to be in a high position and I need a huge amount of money how to implement it.

    The theme is “Building a city for the homeless around the world.”

    As you know, wherever you go in this world, at any time and place, you will find many homeless people, so I thought that I would build a city for them or they would live in one family like brothers, because I love the family atmosphere since I was young.

    Imagine that you live in poverty or your mother or father lost you while you were sleeping on the road and everyone looked at you with pity and sadness while you were asking for help. What a very difficult thing so I thought we should collect donations from all the people in the world to achieve this idea.

    Do you agree with me or not? And tell me why?

    Please leave a comment, I would love to hear the opinion of others.

  • I suggest that a discussion forum should be held to examine the detrimental impact of technology on the ozone layer and evaluate whether technology is impeding or facilitating societal progress. Despite the fact that technology has propelled our society forward, it is also accompanied by a multitude of drawbacks that could potentially harm our planet. Thus, it is imperative that we critically assess the potential downsides of technology and its impact on our environment.

  • "I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Climate Change in individual's continent, because we need to know how climate change affects various continents".

  • Is there a relation between armed conflicts and climate change 🤔?
    Yes, I think there's a big relation for example the instability in Palestine in the climate like drought, lack of water. This reflects on the economy and causes poverty so poverty makes conflicts because we suffer from the lack of water in Palestine this affects on agriculture and lack of income.

  • I think there should be a discussion about our future professions and how we can make them sustainable green professions even if with a small impact!
    All these small traces will gather and become a green canvas, which is our world and we are part of this world, but how will we paint our part?!
    Where each of us has a future vision and a profession in which he sees himself, but with changing environmental conditions, the conditions in which we will see our future professions will change,How can we link our goals with our common goal of environmental sustainability, and how can we turn our profession into a green profession? This is what we have to think about
    And it is the first adaptation step that we start in order to transform our lifestyle into a sustainable green one, because change always begins with us when we start with ourselves!

  • In our school, we have learned how to preserve the environment, and we have learned that our role begins with preserving the school environment, and what requires a set of daily practices from us, such as maintaining the cleanliness of the school, maintaining and advancing its facilities, and preserving the surrounding environment. We have established an environmental club in the school to which students, their parents and those who care belong. Environmentally, under the supervision of a professor who is well versed in this field, and within the capacity of the club, we have carried out various environmental projects and activities, such as planting a tree for new students every year. Creating a green section in the school library that includes various environmental books and publications.

    1. Great idea I will tell my principal so that we will make our own club. In it we will plant shady trees and fruit trees. We will also clean our environment to reduce pollution.
      I will share this idea to my friends and family and ask them to spread the news.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on what happens if we do nothing to stop climate change and if we can stop it by using renewable energy then how much renewable energy is needed to control climate change ?

    1. Honestly, I'm more than certain that renewable energies are the future of the world, for those who can afford it . Nonetheless I wouldn't be so sure if they could be used to try and combat the idea if climate change

  • I believe that there should be a hub where we can talk about the so called "climate change" not from an statistics or scientific point of view, buy rather an economic one. .Like for example the banks position towards climate change and ocean levels "rising"

  • I believe that all the PM's need to have a global discussion about using to much resourced because the more cities they create the less habitat space they animals have and this means animals will slowly drop down to extinction.Because of climate change there are less lakes for animals such as frogs,fish and many more so we need to reduce everything.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion about what forms climate change and what people can do to try and stop climate change becuase if people know what forms climate change they can try and think of something to stop it by if plastic pollution forms climate change then they will know to try and stop littering.

  • Hello.....👋🏻👋🏻
    First, we're going to know about strikes: to stop doing something until rights are respected,
    ➡️my view is that what teachers, doctors and others are doing is good and bad at the same time. How is that? Do not worry, I will explain this to you, for example :(If the doctor strikes)
    ➡️first we will start with the positives:
    1-Realizing Physician Claims of Salary Increase.
    2 To achieve their goals.
    1 - Increased incidence of disease by spreading epidemics and increasing deaths.
    2-It will become a society that is collapsed in terms of health and will be a polluted society........
    ➡️If I were his manager, I would let my workers go on strike; but before I let them go, I would meet their demands and be tolerant of them, so they would not go on strike.
    Everyone has to respect others and meet their demands; this reduces or ends the strike altogether.

  • I think there should be a discussion about what is happening to the rain forests.

  • I think there should be a topic about the good and the bad things about the earth

    1. Can you be more specific, thoughtful_dragonfly? For example, what might be some of the good things or bad things?

      1. Like keep complimenting people for trying to fight climate change as well as pushing to do more. It doesn’t seem like people are doing anything but everyday someone is doing something good for climate change eg we have started recycling so much more but people in my family only do it sometimes because others aren’t bothered and they don’t think they are making a difference. So I think they should show any improvement they can on the news to encourage people to think they are helping 😁

  • Second hand Smoke from smoking and vaping is damaging our planet. Should smoking and vaping be allowed?

  • In today's live lesson we had a debate about whether everybody should be vegan or fast fashion should be banned. That was my first time hearing the term fast fashion. From our debate I learnt that fast fashion is low-priced but stylish clothing that moves quickly from design to retail stores to meet trends, with new collections being introduced continuously. It is cheap and affordable so poor people can purchase them. According Heather Seely's article on 5 negative environmental impact of fast fashion, the negative impacts are:
    1. Textile waste: the clothes donated or recycled in America is 15% in a year while the rest gets thrown out.
    2. Carbon emissions: According to the guardian the fashion industry is also the second largest industrial polluter, just behind oil. In fact the textile account for 10% of the world's total carbon emissions.
    3. Water used and pollution: according to the United Nations environment programme (UNEP) just one pair of jeans requires 3,781 liters of water and also the fashion industry is one of the most thirstiest industry.
    4. Public health hazards: the Chinese EPA has actually declared 70%of rivers are contaminated with most of them considered to be too dangerous for human contact.
    5. Exploitative labour practices: to get the cheap clothes the industry has exploitive labour practices used in fast fashion are Child labour, forced labour, abysmal pay and exposure to toxic chemicals

    The fast fashion has caused severe damage to the environment and thereby needs to be reduced or stopped for the sake of the environment and to reduce climate change for the benefit of the environment.

    1. It's great to hear about your learning from the Live Lesson! Thanks for joining, active_black_bear!

  • In Endland, it's not sunny alot but it is getting hotter than usial.

  • I believe that there should be a comprehensive Hub discussion post about Earth because there are many areas of the planet that we are unfamiliar with and need to learn about. This discussion should include issues affecting the environment and how to best resolve them; we must not forget to cascade these discussions to students as young as a year old.

  • Are there significant short stories about climate change that can inpire readers?

  • In my opinion there should be a discussion on why we still choose to cause harm to our environment when we are aware of the consequences of it and how we can change our perspective.

  • i think there should be a Hub discussion post " Machines of the future " because there are many machines that can help us in the future like a " Recycler that makes drinks " imagine that , A machine that recycles all food waste by blending it with proteins and chemicals to produce nutritiousdrink.The drink can be used as a supplement for undernourished populations, it's a great idea thus reducing pollution and preserving the environment, also imagine againv"Driverless car", a car that drives itself safely everywhere, navigating the roads by using artificial intelligence and information that provided bysatellites, it's amazing 😍🔥!!! , and we can create others.

  • i think there should be a Hub discussion post " playing video games" because nowadays, all the people adults or children like to spend their time by playing videos games with their friend or in families. but can we always says that video games are good way to keep fit? First of all, like all the people already said, video games are a good entertainment because there is a lots of different games who can help you improve your reflexes, develop your abilities etc.... and in this way you are doing sport because you are moving. for example the dance you need to move your bodies so you're doing sport because dance is a sport.So in this case we can says, video games are a good way to keep fit However I believe that can also destroy your health because you are sitting and you're watching the screen. So you can be have a eyes problem or a bodies problem's. and don't forget that some people think you can be addict and their right and this can seriously destroys your health because you dont want to go outside you stuck on your room so your losing friend because you're not listening someone and you can be have brain problem that can conduct in death or you can't even move you body. To sum up we can't says video game is good to keep fit without knowing the disadvantage. what I can say is there is a lot of positive and negative case so you mus't be careful don''t spend more than 2 hours playing do also outside exercise and don't play all the day spend also time with your friend and family by society games etc..

  • A question about Earth Day that I have is why "what effect does one singular person have on the environment?" I think this question would be a good topic for discussion because it would give us insight into how much that we alone contribute to global warming and rising carbon emissions.

  • I had a good discussion in class about the earth that I would like to share, and it is about how people behave/act towards it. For example, when people burn waste, smoke erupts and goes to the ozone layer, which protects us from the hot sun, and this is also part of how people increase their personal carbon footprint. My recommendation is that we increase neighborhood patrols and hold everyone accountable.

  • I think we should educate parents to encourage their children to preserve the environment and educate them about their small behavior that may lead to the destruction of the environment around us

  • Yeah I have shared this topic with my frds and they me very interesting ideas and informations about this topic. I would like to share the informations which my frds told to me. The informations are:
    • We can see the global warming by the melting of the ices in the artic and antartic regions.
    • We should stop or reduce the global warming. If not the earth could be heated and it can change as sun and we can't able to live in this planet.
    These are some informations said by my frds.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about poverty and unemployment because people in many countries were unemployed due to war and conflict, political causes and even climatic conditions. Some countries depend upon agriculture, and some depend on industries. As we can see, unemployment is the cause of poverty. How can we reduce poverty? We have to create more job opportunities which would reduce poverty. Education for everyone that is teaching people with technology handling skills also improve employment opportunities. Instead of planning and creating new laws to reduce poverty, government from every country has to create an organization to create more job opportunities from both agriculture side as well as industrial side. We cannot say that government are not taking steps to prevent poverty when they start to implement action to prevent poverty. People from that country already started to migrate for betterment of their life. As we talk about this situation in this platform will provide better ideas to overcome this problem.

  • how can we make less carbon footprints

  • i think we need to protect the animals because of climate change.

  • If there are too many climate laws then people won't take notice and no one will care.

  • "I think there should be a Hub discussion post about earth because..." the earth I important and people should think before they destroy it

  • we shouldnt lose our jobs over climate change, this is getting out of hand. imagine saving an animal that could cost your parents job, say that the bills were getting expensive, what would they do when they lose their jobs? you'll have to give them money, but what will you do when you cant afford the heating in winter?

  • I think we discussed this topic properly and we talked about the pros and cons for some laws we suggested as well. I think we need more tougher laws in this world we live in. I say this because we need this place to be safer than ever, so no one has to worry about anything and the world would be in balance.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about if more laws should be placed to prevent climate change. I think this is because there are not many laws about climate change currently.

  • Tomorrow is the Earth Day. It's the day of our nature mother. I suggest a discussion based on these questions:

    What do you intend to do tomorrow for your mother (the planet)?

    How will you say THANK YOU to our environment?

    The Earth gives us miracles, love and patience, so It deserves some sacrifices..

  • I think we should discuss how effective carbon emissions to our planet and how it destroys our ozone layer. I’m my opinion people and students don’t know enough about how damaging petrol or diesel run vehicles are for our planet. If you really need to take a petrol/diesel ran vehicle, take public transport. Say if there’s 25 people on a bus, that’s 25 less cars on the road and less fumes being emitted and they’re only using one bus. We should promote taking public transport so more people can be aware and take advantage of the buses and trains.

  • I think it would be a great idea to have a discussion about whether there should be "reverse vending machines" in more countries because in most countries that do have these machines, the recycling rate is above 90%. If you don't know what reverse vending machines are, they are machines that can be found in shopping centres and other places, and they reward people that recycle plastic and glass bottles, and cans. They issue receipts which can be exchanged for cash and can be used to pay in most shops and shopping centres. Countries that have reverse vending machines include Germany, Canada, Lithuania, Norway and Finland, and in these countries, almost everyone recycles because of them, I think this is an amazing idea because lots more people will recycle because of the fact that they will be rewarded with money. More countries should have reverse vending machines because they will be highly beneficial to reducing climate change, landfill, and global warming.

  • I think laws of driving old vehicles should be banned in all the countries of the world. Should it be implemented? If it should be implemented, why? and if not,why not?

  • Many people throw rubbish and most are biodegradable. However, insects such as flies eat rubbish and we need insects to survive on this planet. So, instead of tossing garbage in the bin, why not leave it some place for insects to eat?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about questions where you are given two options and you have to pick which one you agree with and say why, for example “Would you choose a world with perfect human rights where everyone was equal, or a world were climate change doesn’t exist?” Then you could reply to another person’s comment and say whether you agree with them or not.

  • Tougher climate laws should be allowed. why?
    people will follow the ordered laws if the government puts tougher climate laws for example no cutting down trees.
    cutting down trees leaves the land bear and it causes soil erosion.

  • I think there should be a discussion of the causes and effects of climate change in your local community. It should be about if you notice the temperature getting higher, or the sky getting cloudier, which are all consequences of climate change on our community and the world.

  • I think that there should a topic on ‘ Can deforesting sustainability really save the Earth or education can do the thing ?’ Or ‘ Can afforesting really do the job for our planet or can afforestation through education do the job?’ because many people ( who want a hand to save the earth) don’t know anything about planting local species and plant any foreign species to that area.

  • I think a good discussion on the hub would be on the things that cause the biggest harm to the planet. A lot of people don't know that they are harming the planet, if people knew a lot of them would stop.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "system change not climate change" because it's a common responsibility. Everyone of us all over the world in developed and undeveloped countries should love our planet and try to protect it as much as we can

  • I think there should be a discussion about " how many young people are ruining their life by spending most of their time on their phones and devices." This is a majorly growing topic that many young people should be aware about, as it also impacts the environment as we use much more electricity which is made from oil and water, in this process a lot of smoke is produced so, ultimately using electricity so much impacts our environment.

  • I have a good question for this topic that would make a great discussion the discussion would be "What are non-renewable resources". and a smaller discussion that I've seen on the web is "Strikes: should hey be allowed?" and a good discussion that my class has had is "Can cars only be used 3 days a week?".

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about effects of climate change and how we can solve these effects if negative and if positive we must find way of making people use it productively .I have suggested such a discussion because here in my country the government is finding it hard to save for other social services but has to spend it on resettling refugees giving them food , clothes , and all the other basic needs they need plus maybe educate the young victims if this is suggested people will know what to do to prevent the negative effects of climate this will also help to promote development in my country and maybe high rate of population decrease will be reduced and my country will develop.

  • Earth day is specifically not a holiday because I learned this in school & it helped me a lot how to understand what earth day is about, what it means, & there are some traditions that we can do on earth day but we can't do those type of things on every earth day.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about "Changing and Effect" in the climate changes because we effect most things that I feel like is lazy because even though it sometimes help with some resources but it hurts our environment with chemicals and gasses. So I think changing would be a powerful move by reducing systems or objects that affect us the most, so we can be better than more and more chemicals and gasses to out body environment.

  • A possible Hub discussion would be one that primarily focuses on climate laws ideas or other methods to environmental improvement and how they benefit us. This way, we can acknowledge both the smaller and larger benefits of climate laws. We can come up with ideas that more people are willing to apply to in their everyday lives.

  • In my opinion more public money must be inverted in science in order to help scientist to find new ways of producing energy in a less pollutant way .

  • i think there should be a Hub discussion on the positive ways the climate is affecting the environment.

    1. I support this hub discussion because if people know the positive ways the climate is affecting the environment people will be encouraged to do productive work to promote that positivity of climate change in the environmen by doing this things like famine , drought and so many other negative effects of climate.

    2. I agree because... we need to know this too

  • i suggested so cause i think we should not only no the negative ways we should also know the positive ones

  • i think we should also discuss abut the factors that affect climate change widely

  • We should consider talking about how climate change is not just affecting humans but also plants and animals . With the trees gone how can we breathe as good ? With animals gone what will some people eat?

  • i feel like we should take more action for our planet

  • I think we should take care of our world and what we are doing to the atmosphere so that it does not cause harm to it and also global warming

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about positive ways climate change affects the environment. I think its important for people to know about these positive ways because if people know how they are going to be helped this will prevent laziness in that community I say this because I know positive way cannot come from thin air it also needs some activities to be done to bring about the positive outcomes so all people will be busy trying to prevent the negative outcomes of climate change like drought,famine,global warming and so many others,if these outcomes come they will lead to death of people and so many other bad outcomes which people don't want.

  • I think stopping the factors to be really good. it where we stop the pollution. And so we can save the earth.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about " Space Technology : Boon or Curse " because we humans have created more satellites to monitor climate activities such as weather, crop production, managing air pollution and to track ice and permafrost conditions. But if we continue to create more satellites and release into space, there is a huge possibility of the ozone layer being damaged, which in turn causes radiation exposure which is very harmful to humans and the plants and I living on the earth. It can even cause light pollution, which will become a constraint to the future scientific discovery.

  • Should we destroy forests to save our climate? As more and more demand for electric vehicles increases, we are cutting down rainforests for valuable minerals which are essential for our future EV.

  • I can suggest a good question about climate change for discussion, which is: How can individuals and communities balance economic growth with the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions? This question tackles the issue of balancing economic progress with environmental sustainability, which is a pertinent issue that requires a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach. It opens up avenues for discussing potential solutions that can incorporate scientific, technological, economic, and social innovations to achieve a low-carbon future.

  • In my opinion, there must me more hard climatic laws . We are conscious about climate change , but most of us don't to anything to stop climate change , maybe because we are lazy , or maybe because we think it don't affect us . Climate change affects everyone in the world . We are paying more money for food because everyday there are less fresh water .
    If our politics make more restrictive laws for climate change , we will start paying attention to our world and start taking some action in these topic .

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the "Effects of Climate Change" because we need to be informed of the hazardous effects of Climate Change. One example would be that it generates Global Warming which extends seas and makes it more frequent in our cherished envrionment.

  • How can someone stop people who make money from the decline of the earth?

  • I think people who are protesting about climate change aren't doing anything to help stop climate change. I think recycling plastic is not doing enough to help save the planet.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the fact that we are loosing regional languages and culture .

    It will be very interesting , because , for example in my region , people used to talk 2 more languages than spanish , these languages are fala and castuo . These oangu

  • A interesting topic would be ' Should humans be eating meat?', this would cause an abundance of debate and different viewpoints.

  • Since we are in the topic of Earth and it’s protection, I suggest there should be a hub discussion post about bees.
    I feel like many do not know how bees can drastically change our entire lives if there were to go extinct. They contribute so much to our ecosystem that it’s just simply unimaginable to think of life without them. It is not talked about enough, do you know that according to the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) over 75% of global food crops rely on pollinators, including bees. That’s insane!
    I don’t know about you but I can’t imagine a life without my favorite rice, tomato stew and beef. #Nigerian if you know what I’m saying

    1. Are there ways to support the protection of bees?

      1. Yes I believe there are ways to support the protection of bees , by planting a bee garden. protecting ground nests bees, providing trees for bees to create homes and go chemical free for the bees to survive .

  • I think there should be a discussion about, Climate Laws: Should they be tougher? All over the world, countries are making changes to society and the way they live for the better of the planet, but is it enough? I do believe that if the whole earth works together we can reduce carbon emissions but for that to work we would need everyone (all 8 billion) on board. If we introduced tougher climate laws, it could lessen pollution and also raise awareness to the severity of our earths situation. People would start taking more action and changing their ways of life to better suit the earth. If it is a law then people are more likely to follow it. On the other hand, introducing new and tougher laws now will most definitely not go down well with businesses that make their money in a not environment friendly way and they would be angry as they would lose a lot of money on changing for the better. If the big businesses don't agree with the laws then it is likely that most of the public will follow. This could then lead to the country falling into arguments and that would be horrible. Hearing others thoughts on this topic would help to balance out the opposing sides of the arguments and it would also be interesting to hear some others thoughts on the topic and how they would change the laws for the better.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about whether living with climate change is beneficial or tackling climate change is beneficial because measures such as building flood-resistant and drought-resistant crops are going to be very costly, and what about heat waves and pure air? Where are we going to generate that from? Tackling climate change had very little effect on rising populations.

  • I think there should be a discussion post about " Replanting our forests" because we know the benefits of trees and wonder what they can bring to our environment. Replanting forests can increase our oxygen levels and reduce our carbon footprint. Ecosystems will be revived and there will be fewer rains and fewer droughts. Preserve species native to the areas, fertilizing the soil and there will be more shade to avoid the sun heat and light, and the breeze will increase. There will less natural disasters.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion post about 'Can Strikes affect our Environment?' because if Conservationists and Environmentalists or Zookeepers go on strike, who is going to serve the animals? Who is going to maintain the zoos, forests, or sanctuaries? What is our biodiversity is affected very severely?

  • Climate change is unique in the way that it affects everyone on the planet, no matter your importance. The only people it will not affect are those that will pass away before it has the chance to affect them, and more often than not those people run the companies that contribute to climate change the most.