Comments by straightforward_beaver

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I am exicited about the future of AI. Look at the things humans have been able to achieve... What's your reaction? 23/1/24
In as much as AI is a very good idea to human development, if it gets into the wrong hands, it... What's your reaction? 23/1/24
An Average human will work for 4–6 hours a day excluding the breaks. Humans are built in such a... What's your reaction? 22/1/24
AI will better the way school operates. There are many advantages but one that stands out for me... AI and the future of education 22/1/24
As I said earlier, the issue of salaries is the major factor on why health workers go on strike... People v robots 22/1/24
I agree with you but then there are also some things that AI has advantage in than humans. This... People v robots 22/1/24
I agree with you but in Nigeria, there are issues of health practitioners going on strike which... People v robots 22/1/24