Comments by successful_horse

Comment Post Date
Fast fashion is the rapid or mass production of large quantities of clothing at low prices.... Who is responsible? 09/11/22
1.What do you think celebrities could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes? ~... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 04/11/22
1. With all my respect for all religions, cuz I'm Muslim I have to donate for a poor people and... Money, money, money! 03/11/22
I'm interested in astrophysics, astronomy, aeronautics and space . I want to know a lot about... What makes space 'out of this world'? 02/11/22
world’s leaders have to join the world’s women ; if they genuinely step up their action for... Gender inequality: have your say! 02/11/22
I see access to the internet as an ancillary right that can facilitate the realisation of basic... Should the internet be a human right? 01/11/22