Standpoints by supportive_flower Written by: supportive_flower King Charles’ Coronation 19 May 2023 0 comments Comments by supportive_flower Comment Post Date That’s a good point but it doesn’t affect my opinion, I just don’t agree with the idea of... Suggest a discussion! 09/5/23 They should be paying you, many people in the uk are struggling with money, and are having to... Suggest a discussion! 08/5/23 I agree with that, because in England for example they have a prime minister who does all the... Suggest a discussion! 08/5/23 I think royals are outdated and have no place in the world today. No offence to anyone who's... Suggest a discussion! 08/5/23 We have constant access to the internet and we get slowly addicted to it. It impacts what we... Suggest a discussion! 07/5/23 I agree with this I think that if the metaverse was accessible for many people they would spend... Suggest a discussion! 07/5/23 I agree with this because it gives people too much freedom in a bad way, people can access other... Suggest a discussion! 06/5/23 We need to stop talking about helping the environment and actually help because everyone talks... Classroom spy... 21/4/23