vibrant_mandarin has not published standpoints yet. Comments by vibrant_mandarin Comment Post Date I have been inspired by my family because they taught me to always stand for the safety of... #36 Work for the world! 25/5/21 Nice! I think it will help reduce pullution because most pollution is caused by those factories... #36 Work for the world! 25/5/21 My rule is if you pick up you will be rewarded and if you litter you will be jailed. This rule... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21 My rule is that all plastic should be recycled, no bush burning and littering. This rule will... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21 Anytime😊 we should always think of how we can start bringing about change starting from ourselves. #34 Caption this! 12/5/21 Nice! we need to start thinking of the little actions that we do because every good or bad... #34 Caption this! 12/5/21 Nice caption! just like a child needs his parents care at all time when growing so does the... #34 Caption this! 12/5/21 Nice caption! I believe a hand could change the earth so together we can fix it to a better... #34 Caption this! 12/5/21 "A hand can change the earth to a better place" A single person can bring about change to fix... #34 Caption this! 10/5/21 Nice! We contribute to whatever is happening without even realizing how bad it's going to... #34 Caption this! 10/5/21 I will invent a solar car that won't use fuel thereby reducing the amount of air pollution... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21 I will invent a machine that will rotate around the earth detecting places with global warming,... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21 I will invent a machine that will absorb the polluted air and carbon monoxide in industries. It... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21 Great idea👍 It could perhaps be a satellite-like machine that will rotate around the earth... #33 Invention test! 03/5/21