Standpoints by students of Pointe South Middle School C | United States of America This class has not published any standpoints yet. Comments by students of Pointe South Middle School C | United States of America Student Comment Post Date accurate_potato The purpose of prisons is to keep thiefs and criminals away from citizens and keep the citizen safe. What’s the purpose of prisons? 28/2/24 quirky_philosophy What i think a prison should be like is where they are treated based on what they did or how bad... How should prisons be run? 28/2/24 talkative_atmosphere Although there are currently a variety of models of prison health accountability across the... Prison staff 28/2/24 highspirited_yuzu I think the prison staff are very inattentive to the prisoners.I believe this only because in... Prison staff 28/2/24 reserved_poem I think option A is because if they get more pay then more people will still want to work. Also... Prison staff 28/2/24 quirky_philosophy There are many reasons why people don't change their behaviour to protect the planet, It may be... Why don’t people change? 06/2/24 balanced_lynx CUBA AIR POLLUTIONS I think air pollution is very dangerous because people can't live how they... How to make a change 05/2/24 strong_ant I think we should really talk about pollution. IT damages our water and air. It can harm animal... Suggest a discussion 05/2/24 accurate_potato It is because they think others will do the work or the good deeds for them. Why don’t people change? 05/2/24 composed_chameleon The reasons people won't change is because people are always on social media and they always... Why don’t people change? 05/2/24