Prison staff

In a recent survey of prison staff in the UK, it was found that 42% plan to leave their job within the next 5 years. It was also found that 62% of staff felt unsafe at work.

Prison staff play an important role in keeping prisoners safe. However, for prisons to keep good employees, the staff must feel safe and happy in their work.

What’s the best way to do this?

  • Icon-Money

    Option A

    = Increase the pay of prison staff

  • Icon-Training

    Option B

    = Offer extra training

  • Icon-MentalHealth

    Option C

    = Provide support for mental health

  • Icon-HireStaff

    Option D

    = Increase the number of prison staff

Comments (157)

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  • I think that prisons should increase the pay of prison staff. They are certainly doing a hard job. I believe that they should feel like putting themselves in danger is worth it. Also, it does take a lot of willpower to deal with serial killers every day. So providing support for mental health is important as well. I believe that they should be aware of what they are doing for the population. They are keeping us all safe. In my opinion, another reason for which they might wish to leave is that they are feeling like they could be someplace better, doing something they enjoy. I think that it is quite difficult to say that being a prison guard is the career of your dreams. In fact, they might even feel like they haven't reached their full potential. From my point of view, they are protecting society, but not too many people are acknowledging it.
    I think that by increasing their payment, more guards will become more efficient and will wish to continue working for a longer period of time. For example, if someone is trying to break free and has some backup from the exterior. If the guards feel like they are not getting paid enough, they will probably put less effort into stopping them. After all, it means putting their lives at risk. Not all guards may be like this, but with so little support, I doubt that they would be feeling secure enough to stand up to the prisoner.

    1. You've given some thoughtful reasons for ensuring prison staff are paid fairly. You also say that that you don't think the job would be a 'dream job' which I want to encourage you to challenge. What might people like abut this job?

      1. Hi Tiff!
        I think one thing that people may like about this job would be the challenges it brings. Being a prison guard requires everyday effort. You don't know what would happen next, who would plan to escape next and who might commit a crime in the prison itself next. Being a prison staff is a very challenging and adventurous job. However, there are some people who like the adrenaline rush they get every time they are thrilled. There are some people who would like to keep experiencing this rush daily as a part of their job.
        Another positive thing would be the positive change in the society. Being a prison guard would mean that you are keeping the world safe from criminals who have committed crimes. Being a prison guard would mean you are treated with respect. Prison guards keep criminals separated from the outside world, so I think being a prison guard is a pride in itself as you are doing a job not many can even think of.

      2. I would like to say what I think may make people to like the job which is the fact that as a prison staff, you are touching the life and mindset of an individual from thinking negatively to thinking positively, I think this way because some of the prisoners may gradually develop bonds with the prison staff and the prison staff can be able to correct the mindsets of the prisoner in their daily talks with one another which can be able to make the prisoner to follow the influence of his prison friend. This enables the prison staff to make both an impact in both the society and the life of the prisoner. In conclusion I think the mindset that should be used by the people to make being a prison staff a dream job is "You can impact the life of an individual and also the society by just influencing their decision making."
        THANK YOU.

        1. yes i think that's a concrete point because the prisons staffs help regulate the prisoners so that they would not escape from prison. prison staff are like officers who keep an eye on their prisoners

      3. Hi Tiff
        What people like about this job is because citizens that want to help in assisting they goverment in they contribution and betterment of the society will like to be a police to be able to catch thief's and those that commit in The society, so that they will be able to teach them a lesson that it is not good to commit in the society or thief another person's property, and let them turn a new lives when they come out from prison. Those that want to become a police, their interest is not only working for the government or they salary that is paid to them only, what they also want is to help people to stop corruption and bribery that's happening in the society, and to make they country or society grow.

    2. Nice talk marvellous hedgehog,you see if they are paid a lot of money ,they will consenterate more on their job and work harder to get more money. If they are paid a lot of money more people will come to get employed so not to become jobless or poor.If more people get employed there will be more security according to amount of staff that got employed.
      Thank you🥰👍

      1. I strongly disagree with what you are saying money does not buy everything, yes people care for money but there is this saying, "the love of money is the root of all evil" and I believe it. Most people now adays cannot be trusted because people just come to do work for the money, I like your point "if they are paid a lot of money, they will concentrate more on their job and work harder to get more money." for them paying a huge amount of money so criminals who can pay more may find out and since you are working for the money Therwill be a high possibility of bride and the workers will fall for it and help the criminals, an example of a place that practice this act is Nigeria when a car is being cheeked and there is an illegal thing the criminals will just bring out money and the officers will let the go, so the use of money to make a country better is a really bad idea because people can easily be bribe.

        1. I agree because... In the first place these prison staffs were not forced to pick the job. Most of them use the money they get paid to fend for themselves.
          You might be right but in most case it is not like this.

          1. I agree with you that these people were not being forced to pick the job, they got it for so many vital reasons. I say increasing their pay is better and yes in most cases it is not likely going to be that.

    3. I agree because the job is really difficult and the prisoners could injure them or worse and that could affect their lives.

      1. I agree because... the prison guards should be treated right

        1. Can you say why?

          1. because they are in severely bad conditions and they should be paid more to make the city better

    4. I agree with your comment because I think they are doing a is a great job keeping us safe.And as you said they rather be somewhere safer than just guarding and that is why they should increase thier salary at all cost.Also they have to be represented because they are doing a hard job.

    5. I agree with you. Better payment has most of the times proven to stop someone from resigning from their job. Especially dealing with serial killers and criminals may be mentally torturing and therefore they deserve better payment. They may atleast be satisfied that they are doing a risky job for a good payment.
      Considering the statistics given also a good pay may stop the ones who are expected to leave their job soon.

    6. I agree! Jobs like these often go unnoticed and the least that they should get for protecting us from the prisoners is a good pay. It is not easy to be constantly surrounded and outnumbered by people who are very much capable of dangerous things. It can make them re-evaluate their career choices so the increased pay can even act as a motivator.

  • I think the best option out of all of them is option C. While having a good pay is really good and can make you feel happy, it will not protect you and make you feel safe while at work. Extra training might put them at ease a little but even extra training won't prepare them for every possible occurence. Increasing the number of prison staff won't really solve the problem. While there is strength in numbers, it won't guarantee that all of them will feel safe. Once again this brings me back to option C. Providing support for their mental health will be able to help them with which ever trauma they might face. It might not be able to predict future occurences and prepare them mentally for it but at least if something does happen, they will be able to rehabilitate them. When someone is not mentally prepared for something, they won't be able to physically handle it. I think giving them support mentally is the best out of all the options given. When their minds are strong, they will be able to think fast and act under pressure in case of an emergency.

    1. I agree with you. Mental support is what we need most for the prison stuff. They spend most of the time in prison with the prisoners, seeing the punishment of them which will generally make them feel insecure. Again, the prison atmosphere is not good enough for them to continue their works. Again, different types of thought can come to their mind like they haven't done anything then why they will stay in the prison with the prisoners. On the other hand, the people who are very compassionate can't tolerate the suffering of those people. For this reason, we should engage prison stuff with a strong mindset and mental health. We should provide support for mental health along with increasing the pay of prison stuff. We should also increase the pay because they endure a lot of mental breakdowns through working and taking care of the prisoners. Their job is also risky cause the victim may did something life threaten or dangerous thing to get out of the jail. For this reason, we should appoint the stuff with good salary so that they won't do anything to help the prisoner just to get a little money or bribe from them. We have to make sure that they are strong enough to handle the victims and are of no need in money due to low salary.

    2. I quite like the way you approach this! Mental training would definitely get them ready to face every possible challenge. Strength of mind, throughout history, has always been regarded as the most significant strength of them all! Mental support would make them battle ready, and maybe even increase their decision making skills. That way, they would be a able to rely on their critical analysis in time of a crisis...
      But, the thing with Mental Health sessions, the biggest drawback in my opinion, is that even therapies have weekly sessions. Towards the end of the week, the impact the session made on one's brain will be wearing off. As a result, even therapies take longer to heal the patients.
      Wouldn't mental health sessions also have the same drawback? Mental Healthcare requires a lot of individual attention! How many therapists or trainers can one mobilise? Can we actually successfully aid over 7000 staff members (This is just an estimate)
      That's why, my solution kinda leans towards providing training. The officers can train on their own as well. If a person gets confidence in his own abilities, he grows far stronger than before.

    3. I'm not sure about this because... In my opinion all options are okay when it comes to the care of prisons staff but I think offering extra training for the prison staff is the best Because with the training they can be able to guide and protect the prisoners which will make the prisoners feel safe.
      I also think the extra training we'll go along way in preparing the presence staff mentally so that they can be able to face the challenges ahead. With the extra training the prison staff will have the belief and mindset to do what is right not minding the pay.

      1. Yes, i agree that extra training will help the prison staff to be prepared. All the options are good. Let us analyze all of them to find the most effective.
        1. Option A: The option of increasing the payment of the prison staff is not really that effective considering the fact that some people might not want to put their life on the line for a few more dollars. Prison staff need to be prepared for anything and just increasing their pay won't do that. Yes, it might make them more willing to do the work but it might not give them peace of mind or the necessary training that they need.

        2. Option B: Offering extra training will actually be a great advantage on the side of the staff. They will be able to tackle any situation more professionally. This means that when they get the training, they might feel like they can handle anything, thus they will have a little peace of mind and confidence.

        3. Option C: Providing mental support to the staff will really go a long way in keeping them sane and secure. The thing is that the prison staff might not feel safe while staying in the prison. Providing mental support will help them with their fear and anxiousness. They will be able to carry out their duties comfortably and confidently. Of course for this to be really effective, they need to be trained accordingly.

        Option D: Increasing the number of prison staff might be based on the saying "There is strength in numbers". This means increasing the number of prison staff will make the operations run more smoothly or handling an emergency easier. This is quite true. When there are more people, they will be able to handle a situation effectively, with the right training that is. But it might not give everyone complete peace of mind.

        After analyzing all of them, i believe that the most effective is actually offering the prison staff more training. The training could also include mental exercises that will help them get over stress and anxiety. This will help them work better and more comfortably.

      2. I side with your point precious swan some prison staff require extra training because of the way how some are towards the prisoners. Some of them cannot even handle the work of rehabilitating the prisoners because they are scared of what will happen to them a very cartoon, yet real and practical example is the joker from batman and Harley Quinzell's relationship with each other, which led to catastrophes in Gotham city.

      3. Yes exactly they need extra training both physically and mentally because as a prison guard you have to be strong especially when dealing with prisoner in the maximum security chain because those prisoners put in that chain can decide to break out one day because they are sophisticated criminals Who can take advantage of any situation and do whatever they deem fit for the prison guards to handle such criminals they must attain psychological training in the sense they are able to find out the next move of the criminals they handle and likewise in strength so as to avoid being over powered by such criminals.
        If prison guards are not strong enough even though they are well paid and they lack adequate training there is no way prisons can be administered properly because they are not able to deliver even though they are paid for that.

      4. HELLO precious_swan
        I totally agree with you because if the staff are not at ease they have the right to say so. I think that extra training will help them because it will prepare them for the future and for what lies ahead and challenges they will face and that's why i agree with you. Because if they don't fell safe they can't work. They need to well equipped especially emotionally and mentally. This will help in turn to be able to reform the prisoner which the main aim of people being sent to prison.

    4. I agree because... indeed if a prison gaurd feels at ease with they're mind, it would increase they're confidence while ensuring prisoners are in check at all times. Increasing their training may not always give them a sense of safety while around prisoners and though this may be a good change that can help with better safety, if a gaurd knows how to fight but doesn't have the confidence and bravery to, it cannot be promised that society will be safe.
      THANK YOU 💘

      1. Hi
        I agree with you charming_mode. Yes if a prison gaurd feel at ease they're mind, it will encourage them while monitoring the prisoners and increasing their training may not give a sense of safety but increasing their training can only improve their skills in fighting but without confidence they will feel weak.

    5. I agree with you because working in a prison environment can be highly stressful. Staff deal with challenging situations, confrontations, and emotional strain daily, and mental health support services, such as counseling and stress management programs, can help staff cope with stress, prevent burnout, and maintain resilience. Also, prison staff face unique stressors, including exposure to violence, trauma, and difficult interactions with inmates. Mental health support equips staff with coping strategies, emotional regulation techniques, and resilience-building tools. This enables them to handle their responsibilities effectively without compromising their own well-being. In addition, regular mental health check-ins create opportunities for early intervention. Staff can discuss their emotional well-being, identify signs of distress, and seek help proactively. Awareness campaigns can reduce stigma around mental health issues, encouraging staff to seek support when needed. Not to mention the many prison staff who witness traumatic events or interact with individuals who have experienced trauma.
      Training in trauma-informed care helps staff understand trauma’s impact, respond empathetically, and avoid traumatization. Staff who also feel supported and mentally resilient are less likely to react impulsively or aggressively. That's why mental health services contribute to a safer work environment by promoting emotional regulation and conflict resolution skills. Another serious point is that prison staff are at risk of experiencing secondary trauma due to their work environment. This makes me think mental health support can identify signs of distress, suicidal ideation, or emotional crisis, allowing timely intervention. I think one way we can do this is by combining mental health support with other measures (such as training and staffing) to create a holistic approach. Staff who feel psychologically well are more likely to engage in effective communication, teamwork, and crisis management. In conclusion, addressing mental health is not just about individual well-being; it also impacts the overall safety and functionality of the prison system.
      Thank you.

    6. I'm not entirely certain about this because in my opinion, an increase in salary can have a positive impact on the employees' mindset and motivation to undergo extra training. If they are paid well, it is likely that they already possess a developed mindset and are physically and mentally prepared to perform their job duties willingly. As the saying goes, money makes the world go round.

  • Actually i concur with the first option which say that their payment should be increased, I believe in this because as we all know when we work in return we need to et paid not only to be paid but also we need to be well paid, and in a case were we dont get paid many negative things get to happen which include collecting of bribes from rich prisoner and also 0ne who has the right attitude to work might decide to quite the job and look for a more well payed jobs.
    so think that when wardens get to be well paid, they will have no excuse to leave their jobs, because as they work they are been paid well.

    1. Educated harmonica I actually concur with what you are saying why because, perhaps like in Nigeria prison officers are not being paid well in this country whereby leading to what you said like bribery, looking for another job but the case of the country Nigeria one has no other choice but to stay and continue working because of our corrupt government. So I still will say that yes what you said is concurring with my own point of view.
      So in conclusion I am saying that I am going with opinion A, because of the rate of one's mindset is to do the job well and to get paid well so, I hope I have been able to convince you that yes prison officers should be handsomely so as to give them the mindset that they are doing well and to continue doing their good deeds in protecting the citizens of the country. Thanks .

    2. I'm not too sure about this because the prison staff wanting to quit isn't just because of the pay. They feel unsafe protecting and guarding prisoners, so maybe even if they get paid more, it might not change how they feel.

      1. How do you think would better help them aside from pay?

        1. Hi Eva
          This is a good question to answer
          It can help them aside from pay through it's essential to focus on training, well-being, and communication. Providing more practicing training programs can enhance their skills and confidence, making them better equipped for the challenges of their roles. Dealing mental health support, such as receiving guidance support services, can help staff cope with the challenging aspects of their job that require skill and dedication . Creating clear communication channels ensures that concerns are addressed promptly, fostering a positive work environment. Additionally, recognizing and celebrating their contributions through awards or acknowledgments can boost confident and job satisfaction.

        2. Hi Eva, I would like to answer your question.
          I think that focusing on their training, mental health, and communication would better help them aside from pay. I say this because their training is important in being a prison staff. After all, this can benefit you in situations that occur in prison. For example, prisoners escaping from prison and taking care of prisoners carefully without any problems. Mental health is a crucial part of their job. Mental health is everything they have to stay calm so that they won't hurt anyone inside. And last but not least communicating is also crucial. They have to speak up about things so that they would be helped with or just to ask any necessary thing without them being nervous.

      2. I completely agree with the statement that prison workers play a crucial role in keeping us safe. They are not only there to earn money, but also to protect us from dangerous criminals. Their job is of the importante job because without them, our safety outside would be at risk. Therefore, we should express our gratitude towards them for their invaluable service.
        Thank you! 😊

        1. Definitely, I agree with you that prison staff play a very crucial role in the country or society. If we fail to pay them well, they will get discouraged and this will lead to making all those who have prepared their minds to join the prison work also get discouraged and go away leading the country to be in great danger. So the best thing we do for the society and them is always to encourage and appreciate them to keep the life of everyone safe.

      3. I disagree with this statement. The prison staff's decision to quit isn't solely about pay. They're also concerned about the pay. They're also concerned about their safety while guarding prisoners. Even if their pay increases, it might not make them feel any safer.

    3. I definitely agree with you, them being paid very well is another sign that prisons are at work. If they are being paid well, they won't have to leave their jobs for another causing chaos in prisons because they all have vital things to do with money and it is okay because it is something positive that is being of done to earn the money and it impacts lives.

  • In my view Option C ,providing support for mental health is the best choice. Prioritizing mental health support can address the under lying issues contributing to staff dissatisfaction and feeling of unsafety, Leading to more positive work environment and ultimately a improving staff retention and well-being.

  • Hi
    They should offer extra training to prison staff would be beneficial. It would enhance their skills, knowledge, and ability to handle various situations within correctional facilities. Ongoing training can help ensure that prison staff are well-prepared and equipped to maintain safety and effectively support inmates' rehabilitation. They should offer extremely training to prison staff to be to control and keep the prison going smoothly

    1. I agree with you because the prison staff don't feel safe. With extra training, they would gain more skills and will learn strategies to deal with any problems.
      However, what if the training isn't good and the staff do not feel fully empowered to do the job?
      For this option to work, the staff training must of a good quality and it needs to make the staff feel that they can do their job safely. They must feel that they control the prison and that the prisoners are not controlling them.

  • Greetings !
    In my perspective, I go with option C because providing support in mental health is the best in all the options , it is because prison is a place where no one can feel safe , as it may have the chances to be attacked, chances of hostages and the people that work in the prison staff should be supported to their mental health because alot of people just get off with the job of prison staff and the people who work in the occupation should be appreciated and supported.

    Thank you

  • I think the best option is B. Training provides more specialized skills to the ones they already have. Times change and even the types of crime change because the causes vary. Training is important but only when it has a specific goal. They can ne trained for prisons with minor crimes, major crimes or prisoners with mental health issues . Additionally training should be led by specialist trainers who can guide them to improvement of their skills

    1. I agree! We need to train the soldiers keeping a specific goal in mind. Like, train them for prison breaks, or how to deal with violent prisoners. I believe another drawback of our system is that we are often unwilling to invest more in training of government personnel's. Neither is the government likely to sanction such funds, nor will the public, in most cases, approve.
      Hence, mobilising funds for heavy professional training would be another difficulty, considering how it does not affect the masses.
      But if we do manage to mobilise such funds, I agree, extra training is the way forward. We need to make the Prison staff more self-depended and confident. And that can only come with advanced training!

    2. Thank you very much for that wonderful comment, but I think that the primary objective of any worker is to get enough money that can be able to sustain him or her, and also when one get paid it is like getting appreciated what he or she has done so far, and as we all know that when one get appreciated for what he or she has done, that is the only time that person will have the zeal to continue that particular job, so even though they are been engaged in special training, and they are not been paid well, they will not have passion for that job and this will lead to either them to quit their job or to start engaging into bribery because they feel like they are not getting in return what they are soppose to get, so i think that option A is the best

  • I think the best options are option A and D. This is because some prison staff might claim their unhappiness to be from their monthly salaries. Watching over prisons is a very important job, if the staff are unhappy because of their pay, when a criminal escapes they is a high chance that the staff that witnessed it can be easily bribed or will be reluctant in restraining the escape of the prisoner. The person might even conspire their release even without their own free will, as they might be threatened to do so. Option D is very effective, especially for the unsafe and scared. These set of people will be those that will gain from this option most, because they will feel as if they themselves are in danger and their families if by chance a prisoner escapes, so the best decision to make is to increase the number of staff. This will guarantee their safety to an extent as the number of staff to fight are larger and less recognisable in specific if seen outside. In conclusion, I think the best option really relies on their fears and unsatisfaction ( happiness and safety ) with is best solved with option A and D.

  • I think the best option would be A because honestly the main reason why people work is to get money. People work to get payed to buy what they want and need. Without the money being offered in the job I don't think anyone would accept it. It makes them happy to receive something valuable after working. And with an increased salary they could provide themselves with mental support. Example seeing a therapist.

    1. Hi @helpful_idea, do you think it could be a combination of A and C as you mentioned mental health support?

      1. I don't think it should be a combination of A and C. I think A is just enough. And besides no one really cares about their mental health and I think they should give themselves support till it gets out of hand.

        1. Can you explain why you believe no one cares about their mental health?

          1. I think no one cares about their mental health because people don't visit therapists or psychologists unless a situation is getting out of hand or when they have or develop a mental illness like drug addiction, bipolar, autism, post-traumatic stress disorder etc. According to the internet, in 2022 approximately only 23% of people visited a psychiatrist or other mental health professional. If people really do care about their mental health, they would probably be visiting mental health professionals at least once every half a year.

    2. Hello, helpful_idea
      I strongly agree with you. With everything you have stated in your comment.

      I agree that option A is the best choice to agree with. I say this because prison staff are putting their lives in risk by making the prisoners feel safe. I think they should be able to get a high salary for putting their hard work into it. I also think this because many people need that money to buy the necessary equipment. Last but not least the prison officers will feel appreciated by receiving a high salary.

      In conclusion, I think that option A is the best choice to agree with because money it’s important to the prison officers.

  • It is imperative that prison staff receive a salary increase to ensure their safety against the unpredictable nature of inmate behavior. As we all know, inmates can be unpredictable and may harass staff members. For instance, if the cook provides poor quality food to inmates, it is not necessarily their fault and they should not bear the brunt of this harassment. A salary increase would not only improve the morale of prison staff members but also ensure that they can perform their duties without fear of harassment.

  • I believe option B would be the best option to proceed about with this. Humans always feel safest when they can rely on their own strengths. Studies show, that as times have progressed, humanity has become increasingly lonelier. The current generation, thus, feels that it can rely most on itself, and only on itself. Extra training thus would increase the capabilities and skillset of Prison Staff, making them increasingly self-dependent. If the staff can rely on itself to protect itself, the sense of insecurity could be minimised to a great extent.
    Considering all the other options, while extra pay would be a good incentive to make them stay, it would only oblige them to keep working. They might refrain from giving their best because of their fear and this would definitely impact their mental condition adversely.
    Giving them therapy would be just a temporary solution and increasing the number of staff would just add on to the people who fear.
    They do say Quality over Quantity!

  • I think option D is the best among all the options listed it is true that being payed extra and offered better training is realy good to help improve your work and have better work ethic these things will help you have the right attitude to be work but its different in this case because you are dealing with prisoners who are dangerous people and these people can over power other individuals these prison staff are highly trained so they are ready for the unexpected with prisoners but prisoners can easily be over powered the prison staff because the prisoners can attack in numbers on one person can take others numbers over power strength numbers plus tacktik over power bruth strength this why i think more what prison staffs are better if you had more prison staffs you could put all those stuffs in all those little little areas which having shortage of staffs wouldn't be able to cover this would reduce the risk of prisoners from escaping rioting Fighting etc they would feel more secure because there are guards everwhere to assist and protect them as and make their work easier

  • I believe option C is the best. Option C believes that police officers should be provided support for mental health. Support for mental health would assist police officers in recovering their mental health problems, which I believe may lead to happiness and them continuing to work. Option D does not work best because though more police officers would be hired, the amount of police officers does not mean the new police officers won't develop the same problems as the current police officers. Though option A could be a solution, you know what people say, "Money doesn't buy happiness.", the saying is somewhat true. People can be having several problems, and money is not going to solve those problems. Sure, people are going to be able to pay people to do certain stuff and spoil them, but is that true happiness? If so, wouldn't you still be fighting mental problems or current problems? Option A may work though due to the happiness people receive once handed or given money, but it is not the best as it does not help with mental problems like option C does.

  • I can't actually decided because all is important A is important because if their payment is increased they will have money to take care of their personal needs which will make them feel happy and better to work in the prison.B because they need extra training to know and learn more about their jobs. C because if they are provided with support for mental health it will help them discover some hidden illnesses inside. D because it will reduce too much work on little group of people. Thanks 😊.

    1. Hi @brilliant_personality, what do you think is the most important and why?

      1. I can't actually decided on a particular answer because all is required in my own prospective. Thanks.

  • I choose the option B. I believe in this because offering extra training to prison staff can be a affective way to improve their safety. Extra training can equip prison staff with the necessary tools and technologies to handle challenging situations. The training must include communication skills, cultural sensitivity and safety skill. So, there won’t be no chance of violation and they will be safe.
    Extra training offer them opportunities to expand their skill set and acquire new certification. This will motivate staffs to do their roles perfectly. Prisons face evolving challenges. Offering ongoing training ensure that staff stay updated on the current trend amd they tackle these challenges easily. Extra training can foster teamwork and communication between staffs. This will encourage the staffs to work together. They can maintain safety and help each other in high stress situations. When the staff members feel trained to handle their responsibility, it can boost their confidence. They can contribute to a sense of empowerment. By providing training, prisons can mitigate risks and potential liabilities. This can help prevent incidents that may lead to lawsuits and negative publicity.

  • Hi,
    Actually I will concur with the option A why because, as the survey went 42% of the people working in the prison are planning to leave which are in the UK and Wales, because of the payment they receive which is not enough for them and for those that has family wouldn't be enough. So probably to retain and also probably bring more workers the rare of the amount of payment should increase so as it will be enough for them personally and their family at large

    So in conclusion I hope that I have been able to convince you all that people working In the prison their payment should increase so as to sustain for them and their families. Thanks.

  • We all know that whenever people are much at work, a worker wouldn't be stressed out or get worried. That's the reason why I go with opinion D.
    Opinion D is the best because if prison staff increases it would make a great impact on both the prisoners and prison staff.
    If they are many prisons staff, prisoners like Fito who escaped from the prison in Ecuador couldn't have escaped from prison if they have been many prisons staff on duty he might not have escaped from prison.
    All other opinion are also important , opinion A which says that increase the in pay of prison staff; it's also important because if prison staff are paid well they would be eager to work and will not even collect bribes from prisoners if they want to escape,for instance we don't know if Fito has bribe some prison staff in order to escape from prison.
    As for opinion B which says offer more skill,if prison staff are offered more skills it could help them learn new strategies in catching prisoners that tries to escape from the prison.
    Lastly opinion C which says that provide support for mental health,if prison staff are you supported with mental health programs it could help reduce the fear of being hurt by a prisoners, we don't know if prisoners like Fito has threatened a prison staff in order for him to have escaped from prison.
    I think that all the options are very important in keeping both the prisoners and prison staff safe.
    Thank you!

    1. It's crucial for workers not to be stressed or worried when they are at work. That's why I support opinion D.

      Opinion A, which suggests increasing the pay of prison staff, is also important. Well-paid staff would be more motivated to work and less likely to accept bribes from prisoners trying to escape.

      Opinion B, offering more skills to prison staff, can also be valuable. Additional skills can help them learn new strategies to prevent prison escapes.

      Opinion C proposes providing support for mental health. This could reduce the fear of being harmed by prisoners and help prevent escape attempts.

      Lastly, opinion D is the best because increasing prison staff can greatly impact both the prisoners and prison staff. More prison staff would prevent incidents like the escape of prisoners, such as Fito in Ecuador, if there had been more guards on duty.

      I believe all the options are crucial to maintaining the safety of both prisoners and prison staff. Thank you for considering these important points!

  • I agree with option A because prison staffs need enough money to care for themselves,if we increase the pay of prison staff it will make them more committed to duty. I agree with option B because if we offer extra training to prisoners it will help them to become stronger and be able to stop prisoners from escaping. I agree with option C because if we provide mental support it will help them not to be afraid of able bodied prisoners. I agree with option D because if we have more manpower it will be tough for prisoners to get out.

    1. What option do you think would be the most important and why?

    2. I support option A because adequate pay is essential for prison staff to effectively care for themselves, and increased pay can lead to higher commitment to their duties. Option B has my agreement as well, as providing extra training to prison staff can strengthen their abilities and prevent escapes. Additionally, I agree with option C, as offering mental support can reduce the fear of physical harm from prisoners. Finally, I'm in agreement with option D, as additional manpower can make it more difficult for prisoners to escape.

    3. I agree with your views on option A. I think that the pay of prison staff should be increased because a pay increase gives them better incomes and motivates the staff to do more. It will also help improve the work family life balance as their family will enjoy more improvements in their daily lives. I also believe that it will encourage more people to apply for prison official jobs which will also increase the outlook on the prisons as other people with different views come into the prison system, the prison system will be elevated in different ways.

    4. Hi
      I agree with you succinct_cheater. A prisoner need some money to take care of his self and his family and if we increase the salary of a prison staff they will have some money to take care of their self and they will even be able buy equipment on their own and increasing their salaries will make them serious about their job through that they can have the courage to confront notorious criminals that are hurting the society.

  • I choose option B: "Offer extra training."
    When it comes to prison these staff need to be prepared for any possible situations. Training these staff for anything that can happen would be the most effective way to keep them safe. They can train them both mentally and physically and give them bonuses based on their performance's when working in the prison.

    Option A: "Increase the pay of prison staff."
    Analysis: Increasing the pay of prison staffs would not have much of an effect on these staffs. If you increase their pay this could influence more negative behaviors such as bartering and trading with the prisoners. I rather suggest giving bonuses to these staffs.

    Option C: "Provide support for mental health"
    Analysis: If we provide more mental health than physical training it could pose a problem to these staff. I say this because... prisons host nasty people who can do a lot of damage mentally and physically. If these staff are prepared mentally but lack the strength to fight, they could have a problem when prisoners begin to fight.

    Option D: "Increase the number of prison staff"
    Analysis: Increasing the number of staff in prison could be a bad thing. It would lead to room for more mischievous activities since staff are much, keeping staff low will help in room for monitoring the things they do.

    I personally think that if all of these activities were carried out in moderation the staff could become more effective, as human beings are not perfect. I suggest that the criteria for each position should be different to promote transparency in the prison.


    1. Hello glad outcome

      I agree to what you are saying but I personally feel that option B and C work hand in hand with each other because if they want to Offer extra training, they will Provide support for mental health because every one needs to be trained how to be mentally healthy so that they can do their work well. Based on my personal analysis, I respectfully disagree with you because:

      Option A (Increase the pay of prison staff)
      I personally feel that if prison staffs are paid more I feel that they will reduce the way they are being bribed since they are now paid more whish will lead to less corruption when it comes to prison staffs.

      Option B (Offer extra training)
      I feel this will go a long way in in reducing the rate of prisoners escaping because, if they are given more training I feel they will be more physically fit and more aware when it comes to how criminals escape.

      Option C (Provide support for mental health)
      I also feel this will go a long way in reducing violence by prison staffs to prisoners because I feel that prisoners are hard to control so I personally feel that every prison staff must be given this training to be able to control their anger and frustration towards prisoners.

      Option D (Increase the number of prison staff)
      I also feel that if prisons are to have many staffs firstly it will be a disadvantage which is that the country will spend a lot of money when it comes to payment of salary but I feel this will be worth it because it will guarantee the safety of the prisoners and reduce the rate of prisoners escaping.

      In conclusion I feel that all the points are important to make a prison a safe place and a place that changes people.

      Thank You!!!

  • By increasing the number of prison stuff, they might feel safer and it will also help their mental health.
    Prison stuff will feel safer because there will be more people around them to handle the criminals in case of a serious fight between them. And it will also help their mental health because there will be more people to talk to and higher chances to get along with someone.All in all In prison they can also use more protection to keep the stuff safe and prevent them from being hurt.

  • choose option D because if the prisons increase the number of prison staff then those prison staff that feels unsafe will feel more secure around the other prison staff because because they will solve and acomplish things together.
    And whith the increase in prison staff will reduce the chances of prisones escaping whith more guards on the job and even if the prisoner escapes with the increase of prison staff then they will find that prisoner in a nick of time.

  • Hi wonderful folks of Topical Talk 2024
    I agree with all of these options which will be an honour to explain my reason in this comment
    1. I strongly agree with option A which states that ” Increase the pay of prison staff” because when the pay of these workers increase, they will appreciate the job they do and feel happy when they do it. They will also put in their best when they are working. I feel that if their pay is not increased, they will never find delight when they are doing their work and they will not put in their best when they are working because they know that after all the hard work, their pay will be little. They will never appreciate the work they do which can cause most of the prison staff to resign and it will be difficult to hire more of them so the prisoners will feel that they can do what ever they desire because there is no one available to correct or instruct them.
    2. I also concur with option B which states that “ Offer extra training” because the prison staff can be overwhelmed by the behaviour given to them by prisoners and cannot tolerate them but the extra training can enable them to try and raise these prisoners to change their bad behaviour and they will realise how to tolerate and cope with the prisoners.
    3. I come to an agreement with option C which also states ” Provide support for mental health” because the prison staff might not feel alright with the event that occurs in prison and they can have long lasting trauma about an event, for example, getting beaten by a prisoner without being able to make a move. This might have caused them to get scars and when they keep on remembering the scene, they get frightened. So, I feel that they should have a psychological or mental treatment for all prison staff. They can have a psychological test to see prison staffs who need mental help and those who don’t so that in that case, then they can pay extra attention to those prison staff who have mental health problems and help them.
    4. Lastly, I personally approve option D which states that “ Increase the number of prison staff” because if the number of prison staff is increased with a good pay, there can be an extra eye on every prisoner and there will barely be a chance for them to escape or misbehave. I strongly believe that if there were many prison staff, the gang leader “Fito” will not have the opportunity to escape prison.
    Have a happy weekend!!😃😃👍👍😊😊👌👌

  • I think that all options would be a great help to keep the staff feeling comfortable. But, if I have to only choose the BEST one, then I would think it is B. Providing extra training is a great way to keep their staff prepared for what they are going to experience and could keep them calm. If a problem occurs, they would know how to act in that situation. Some staff don't have any experience and would freak out, which is mainly why they don’t feel comfortable in the prison. Extra training means having the experience beforehand. They would feel more comfortable in the prison when getting enough training.

    1. What do you think the training would involve?

      1. Hi Eva, thank you for replying to me! At first, I just thought that the training involves knowing what to do in a situation and being prepared for it. Either learning how to defend yourself or learning how to talk with the prisoners. But, once I thought about it further, I realized that it is a “two in one” since it also contains option C, Provide support for mental health. They also have to be mentally prepared for what they are going to see and experience. It includes extra training for their mental health too.

  • Each of the options presented plays a significant role in ensuring the safety and well-being of prison staff, but if I had to choose the best option, I would select Option C: providing support for mental health. Working in a prison environment can be incredibly stressful and emotionally costing due to the continuous exposure to potentially dangerous situations, high levels of responsibility, and mostly limited resources. Providing mental health services, such as counseling and therapy, acknowledges the unique challenges experienced by prison staff and offers them a constructive manner to manage their stress, trauma, and their emotional state. By prioritizing mental health support, prisons can create a sustainable environment that values the psychological welfare of their staff, ultimately aiding a healthier and more resilient/persevering workforce.
    Increasing pay (Option A) can improve job satisfaction and reduce financial stress, while offering extra training (Option B) can improve staff skills and confidence in handling hard situations. In addition, increasing the number of prison staff (Option D) can arise workload pressures and decrease risk of burnout among existing employees. Therefore, a vast and well thought strategy that contains elements of each option would likely bring about the most effective results in ensuring the safety, happiness, and retention of prison staff.

  • As it was stated above, many prisoners plan to leave their job and most of them fell unsafe and discouraged during their work. So what it should be done to make them feel better? One way is to increase the staff's salary. This way, the staff will gain confidence and they will know that if they work hard , this will be adequately rewarded. Another way is to increase the number of prison staff. They will feel safer and when they are in a difficult situation they will have more people to depend on.

    1. What do you think would be the most impactful factor to keep prison staff?

      1. The most impactful factor would be to increase the number of staff and especially staff with specialist knowledge so as to be placed appropriately.
        Some will be staff to support their mental health, others their physical health and some to provide them with communication skills.
        In that way they can be both trained and more staff employed.

      2. Hi, Eva @ Topical Talk!
        I have a suggestion on how we can support prison staff. We can promise them a safe working environment, where they won't feel threatened by the prisoners. Additionally, we can ensure that they don't miss any significant events such as the birth of their child, a family member's wedding, or the Christmas holiday.

        1. I partially agree as this is much easier said than done as prisons are already under-funded in many regions, this will only increase the costs to run a prison which may be reflected in cost cutting across prisons unless funding is increased. this will cause more unrest among prisons resulting from a lower quality of life due to cost cutting.

          ensuring a safe work environment in a prison AND giving prison staff longer breaks will drastically harm prisons unless funding is increased leading to less security as they may become understaffed.

  • I strongly support option D as it would ensure that there are enough prison staff to maintain safety and order within the prison and reduce concerns about missed holidays such as birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. However, we should also consider the financial implications of hiring and training additional staff. This could be challenging, especially since many state budgets are already under pressure."

    1. "I agree that holidays are important, so if there were more prison staff, each staff member could have shifts to ensure that no important holidays are missed. However, you are correct that increasing staff would require budget cuts and other changes within the prisons."

  • In my opinion, the most ideal option is C because the prison staff need surely mental support. I mean that many of these are really scared of prisoners because they have done something illegal in the past. Some of them may have even killed someone. The staff could be scared because they may feel of prisoners reacting violently in prison. It could be ideal if prisoners and staff had a close and constructive communication throughout their jail sentence in order both of them to feel safe .

  • Hello,
    After considering all options, I have come to the deduction that the most compelling and valid options are A and C.
    To begin with the former, rising the income of the staff is a decisive factor for their financial ease and of course their desire to remain and gradually love their job. So, increasing the pay of prison staff can work as incentive for them to continue working at prisons.
    To continue with the latter, prison staff witness daily many brutal events, they associate with criminals and generally the job on her own can be very depressing and miserabling. Thus, the provision of mental support and help can be very beneficial for the phycological health of the staff.

  • Prisons are the places that we keep people with the most despicable actions. But society to feel safe and keep them from running away we have prison stuff. Each one of them may feel uncomfortable or wants to quit. The main reason is that they feel stressed with working the most dangerous people. Training could be a way to relieve some of this stress. Knowing that they can defend themselves is a good way to keep them positive. Even an increase in their paycheck could alleviate their uncomfortable feeling as it is tough being with prisoners. I think a combination with all of them is a solid choice.

  • Hello wonderful topical talkers
    In my opinion option B is the best way . Because if a person is trained to face anything why should they be scared or why they should quite . I don't think option A is practical because already a the average Prison Warden in the US makes $104,932. The average bonus for a Prison Warden is $16,308 which represents 18.4% of their salary, with 5% of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year. Prison Wardens make the most in San Jose, CA at $207,176 averaging total compensation 97% greater than US average . So in my opinion they earn enough .
    Thank you

    1. I completely agree with you option B is the best way to help prison staff feel safer while they are working. Increased training will help them feel safer because they will have been taught how to properly manage a negative or dangerous situation if it occurs. Prisons need to come to the conclusion that they can't stop all prisoners from getting into fights or arguments with other inmates, but what they can do is ensure that when they do happen their wardens know what to do to keep themselves and every other prisoners safe.
      So based on the option you chose I agree that training will be and is the key to ensuring the guards feel safest when they are working.

      However, I disagree with the statement you made saying "they earn enough". I think it is important to keep in mind these people are the ones keeping the outside community safe from the masses of convicts kept behind bars for their horrific actions. When deciding whether a warden makes enough we are deciding how much both ours and their safety is worth, and in my opinion society's safety is priceless. So when you think of it from this point of view they don't earn enough.
      These statistics you have found are abnormally high compared to the rest of the globe, as in the UK an experienced prison warden will only make on average £40,000 per year or around $50,000, which is approximately half of what the average US warden makes. So if they are earning this much in the US, then the rest of the world's wardens should be making the same.

      - Prison and Probation jobs UK

  • I must confide that movies had an impact on me when writing about this topic. First I thought about prison staff fighting with criminals but in most cases I believe that this is not the situation. They are just people that even some of them may feel frightened about an urgent event that could cause disruption in prison. So for me they need to be trained for the best and the worst with special reformative actions that can use for prisoners. They should also feel that are rewarded so an an increase on their salary would benefit their effectiveness.

  • I think option a is the best way because,increasing the pay of prison staff can be an importan way to improve job satisfaction among employees. Higher pay can help attract and retain qualified staff, reduce turnover rates, and improve morale. It can also show appreciation for the challenging and often dangerous work that prison staff perform. By offering competitive salaries and benefits, prisons can create a more stable and motivated workforce, ultimately leading to a safer and more efficient environment for both staff and prisoners.

  • I think Option B is the best choice because it will give extra training to all prison staff. This training will make them feel more confident because they will discover new skills and abilities. It will also make them stronger, more agile, and give better endurance, so they can handle challenges better than before.
    So, in short, Option B is great because it boost staff confidence and make them physically stronger and more capable. This will help make the prison safer and more secure.
    Thank you for listening to my opinion!👍

    1. I agree because... Increasing the frequency of training can have a positive impact on the overall learning and development of prison staff. By providing regular opportunities for skill building and professional development, prison staff can gain new abilities and knowledge that can enhance their performance and effectiveness within the prison environment. Such exercises can help them stay up-to-date with the latest practices and techniques, improve their communication and interpersonal skills, and enable them to better manage and respond to challenging situations that arise within the prison.

    2. I agree with you that training prison staff will equip them with new skills and abilities to use in prison. However, the cost of training them will be immense, as well as the cost of hiring new staff, as prison staff are required to work long hours and may be deprived of holidays to stay and guard prisoners. Therefore, I don't believe that hiring more prison staff is the best choice.

    3. Hello, pioneering_impression,
      I agree with you because having extra training can have a positive impact on the overall prison officers. The training that they will get will make them more confident and more comfortable in their job. They will have more skills and experience to develop their own abilities.

    4. I'm not sure about this because then this will cause less people to apply for the police force as there is more training and a higher chance you will fail as the new skills wont be easy and people will be mad that they failed and try go against the police force.

  • Hi, I believe option B is the best choice. Here's why: if the people who work in prisons (we call them prison staff) get extra training from someone who knows a lot about prisons (a highly trained prison officer), they'll feel more confident and safe while doing their job. I did some research, and guess what? Scientists and psychologists (they study how people think and feel) have found out that when prison staff get trained by someone they trust and who knows a lot, it helps them feel safer.
    Imagine this: you're learning how to do something new, like riding a bike. If a super good bike rider teaches you and says, "Don't worry, you'll be safe," you'd feel better, right? It's the same for prison staff. When a super knowledgeable officer tells them, "There's nothing to be afraid of," they'll feel calmer because they trust that person.
    So, option B is a great idea because it helps the prison staff feel safer and more confident in their work.

  • I think I’ll go with option C, Because the prison staff should be in proper mental state so that they can handle any situation with proper logic. Also, it is important to have a proper mental state because if you’re keeping an eye on the guilty, then it is important to stay alert because if once a guilty is on loose then there will be a lot problems . Everyone will panic and will loose their emotions and it will be very difficult for the police as well as the government to handle the case . So this is the reason why the prison staff should by in proper mental state .

    Also giving them good amount of wages , it will keep the prison staff more happy and will make them active . This would make them to do there work more properly ………

  • In my opinion, the best way to address the challenges faced by prison staff would be Option C: Provide support for mental health.
    Providing help for people's minds is super important, especially for folks working in really tough and stressful places. This means giving them things like therapy sessions and tools for their mental health and making sure the workplace is all about being there for each other when it comes to talking about tough stuff in our heads. By focusing on providing help for mental health, the people who work in prisons can get the support they need to deal with how their job affects their minds. This can help them feel less stressed and make the workplace better and happier. When the workers are happier, they're more likely to stay, and they'll enjoy their jobs more. This means the prison will have a steady team of workers who do a good job.

  • There are many things to consider when we are talking about prison staff. The best option would be B as I think that training can provide better results. However they need to be trained with specific goals. For instance they have to be trained to remain positive whatever the situation. They Aldo should be trained to have good communication skills so as to cooperate effectively with prisoners. We should also keep in mind that all these require time so prisoners could br financially supported to enter these training programs.

    1. I actually agree that the fact that training can provide better results. Training of prison staff will help the staff to gain better experience in handling prisoners. Training helps prison staff to gain knowledge on how to perform their duties properly. It will also teach prison staff job to properly treat prisoners with respect and dignity. I agree that working in a prison can be very life threatening and unsafe which means it requires a lot of skills. Though it is dangerous, good prison staff are very important because they can encourage positive behaviour in prisoners. They can also help prisoners rehabilitate faster. This is why prison staff need to feel safe. When prison staff are put through proper orientation and training they will know how to handle different situations in prisons and help them feel prepared. In my opinion, being prepared makes you feel safer.

  • Well, are class actually had a discussion about this during are lesson on it, and we were saying about money (option A) and how prisons staff aren't being payed enough, meaning some are leaving their jobs or even being bribed into helping prisoners, like Fito, to escape. I also thought about option D, because I usually feel safer when I am with more people, especially in the case of a prison, when there would be a lot of criminals plotting on a way to break out.

  • I think option C ,providing support for mental health , is the best choice because it addresses the psychological wellbeing of prison staff. This support can include counseling services,stress management programs, and access to mental health professionals ; By prioritizing mental health, prisons can improve staff retention , job satisfaction ,and overall morale,leading to a safer and more productive work environment for both staff and inmates.
    Thank you!

  • In my opinion, government should provide safety and security to prison staff. Because mostly staff face this difficulty and pressure from different high level supportive authorities. Moreover, continuous training is needed to change their behaviours to be calm and positive and be vigilant and create positive environment. Then they can manage all things and solve issue positively.

  • In my opinion the best option to go for is option A which states that " Increase the pay of prison staff". Some prison staff may have felt unsafe while doing the prison work because of the inmates and that may have lead to the leaving of their job. Some of the prison staff may also believe that it is better to leave the prison work which is not bringing in much money so they rather find a safer job that pays more. I believe that if prison officers are paid well they may begin to see that the money being paid to them is worth the risk maybe because the person is the bread winner of the family and if he/she dies as a result of the prison work they may be no one else to cater for the family.

    Thank You.

  • I think option C is the right option. Because if they will provide mental support to the health then they will also feel safe to work their and they will be happy to work there. Providing mental support and keeping the staff happy in any field will make them safe to work their. People are leving the job because of mental stress it can also be because of salary but this cannot be a big reason that people are leaving their jobs. I think it is option C.

  • I think that b is the wisest choice because if the prison offers them extra training they will have more confidence and will be ready for most situations. I expect that they will be happy that they have improved in skill , IQ , experience. The extra training
    can reduce the number of escaped prisoners.

  • I believe that Option C is the best option, because the work is already very high risk, I don't think a small increase in pay will change that, extra training won't be necessary because most prisoners escape from stealth, and increased numbers don't mean increased quality.
    Mental health is something that is deteriorating every passing day. Whether that be from thug beatings or incompetent officers. Improved mental health will also make prison guards better at their jobs, and they will also be more calm and mannered towards prisoners. They will also be more calm towards their fellow prison staff.
    They will also care more more about their jobs, making them stay as prison guards for longer, which will improve the pay, because prisons will always be in the lookout for new recruits.
    So, in short, Option C improves prison guards' mental fortitude, it also makes them more lenient towards the prisoners and more hospitable towards their fellow staff, and it makes them be more productive with their jobs.

  • I think the best options are A and B because most of the prison staff are looking for money, which they need to provide for their families to help and support them. So if they do not get adequate/efficient money they will leave their job to look for another job.
    If they are also given extra training it will improve their defense and attacking skills, if any dangerous prisoner tries to breakout or escape from their prison cell. It will also improve teamwork and working together.

    1. In what other ways do you think the prison staff could receive training?

  • I think there should be a combination of A and B. Training people to deal with prisoners and how to identify mental health issues is important to me. People have to be happy with the pay they take home, and also feel safe at the workplace. Training staff to avoid altercation and stop negative behavior is important in prisons which are mostly negative spaces. People are emotional, sad, upset, hurt, and most are dealing with mental illness, so to have a well trained staff is key. Making sure the staff is safe, trained, and making the money to match the risky job is what will make them stay longer.

    1. I agree with plucky_signature because I believe prison staff and prisoners will benefit if they have a more secure and safe environment that is why it is important to provide prison staff with extra training. This will help them develop their knowledge, skills and ability to deal with challenging circumstances. When prison staff performances are enhanced, the possibility of errors or mistakes is decreased as staff members will be updated on the latest and newest techniques and tools needed. Whenever staff members are offered extra training as in a continuous development program, they begin to trust their company more and believe that their company values the work they put in, this raises their morale and also increases their retention rate. We also know that more training and acquiring more degrees will result in an increase in pay.

  • HELLO!
    I think the best option is option C because the staff feel unsafe around the prisoners but if the prison provides support for mental health the prison staff will feel more safe and secure around the prisoners and work the prison staff will work with passion

  • HI
    I agree with option A because increasing their salary can change their mind about devoting themselves to duty and it can encourage them to put their life in danger it worth and it can give them a lot of willpower to deal with criminals and it is important to give them mental support because it is important and it is important to give them what they want because they are keeping the city safe.

  • I think that the options C and D are the best choice. Having more prison staff makes you feel more comfortable since there would be more company around for your insistence. More prison staff means that you can make a lot of friends so you would be happy and not depressed or lonely. Providing medical support for prison staff would interest the police men to stay back for longer or even maybe until retirement. If the prison staff has a close relative or a friend, it would interest the prison staff enough to make them stay and serve in the prison knowing that the prison will support in your/relative's or friend's mental health. Police work is a hard and dangerous job, so being able to have a way of interesting prison staff to feel at ease and be able to be happy with the job is essential for keeping up with the large quantity of crimes going around in the world.

  • Prison staff plays an important role on mainting safety in it.
    It is a very demanding job both physically and mentally.
    Therefore we need to support them by providing training and resources.
    They should be well trained to handle any difficult situations such as conflicts .
    We also need to reward their hard work and the dedication they have.

  • Although all of the options are worth considering, option C probably has a greater effect on the retention of prison staff in such a highly stressful situation. We think this because even if you increased the pay of the staff, how much money is enough? When these people go home at night, or morning after a night shift, can they enjoy the money if they are stressed or scared about returning to work that they just want to recover from incidents at work. Option B would only work in certain situations because it relies on the experience of the trainers, and as we have seen, the prison and judicial system in each country varies greatly; whilst option D, reducing workload for some tasks, wouldn't remove the stress of responsibility for more managerial staff / team leaders. Because of this, B is the best solution overall, but the use and effectiveness of A,C and D shouldn't be ruled out for unique situations.

  • I choose option D. I chose option D because if the government increased the number of Prison staff it would be less likely for stuff like prison fights and prison murders to happen that makes the other prison guards feel unsafe .

  • I think that prisons should increase the pay of the staff. To be honest with you, it does not seem like an easy job. Let's be for real, you are around dangerous, vicious and scary prisoners all day long and you are getting paid little. They should even be paid like doctors; they are basically saving you by keeping an eye on the prisoners. To add up to it, I think what happened in Ecuador has something to do with prison staff; I am probably sure a prison staff helped him escape with a little bribe. Here's the problem bribe, prison staffs probably collect bribes from prisoners to let them go. And I'm sure if their salaries are increased, they would not accept bribe that easily. I am not necessarily saying the escapes will stop after their salaries are increased, I'm just saying they would not be as bad.

  • In my opinion I think that option D would help the most for multiple reasons. I think that first it would support option c as it would provide more time for the current staff to focus on their mental health and seek support if needed. I also believe that people will want to go into different areas of the job whether that be helping prisoners physical or mental health so the prisoners could be supported more effectively in different areas. This would also provide more time for prison staff to be with their families or doing activities they enjoy so they have a more positive work/life balance. When staff are at work additional prison staff could help to take some of the pressure off of a very stressful job and make their work place safer. having more staff could mean that unhappy or upset staff could share their feelings or emotions with people in similar experiences and seek comfort through expressing and relating struggles prison staff face.

    1. I agree because it is very important to make sure the prisoners mental health is good, as well as making sure they get their punishment! :)

    2. I agree. Most prisons are understaffed and this leads to rioting and makes the prisons more dangerous for the workers.

    3. i agree, prisons are intense places and prisoners deserve their punishment aswell as a good mental health environment. every deserves good mental health no matter who they are :)

  • Hi!,
    In my perspective,The best choice is Option C: providing support for mental health. Here's why:

    1. Feeling Good: When people feel mentally well, they're happier and more able to handle tough situations.

    2. Avoiding Feeling Exhausted: Mental health support can help stop staff from feeling completely worn out from their job, which happens a lot in stressful workplaces like prisons.

    3. Staying Safe: When staff feel good mentally, they can do their jobs better, making the workplace safer for everyone.

    4. Staying for the Long Run: Helping mental health makes staff want to stay in their jobs longer, which is better for everyone in the long run.

    Thank you!


    All the points that are listed above are very important and necessary when looking at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of prison staff however, I feel option D which looks at increasing working numbers of prison staff is very good but may cause problems if not applied well. The thing is criminals are quite mischievous and cunny so, if there is a stagnant set of wardens, they may have enough time to study their movement, identify their weakness or blind spots and strategies when to catch them off guard but, if there are many wardens there will be proper and random rotation of duty therefore giving such prisons no chance. A method of random rotation of duty also helps to check and identify corruption in the system.
    Where the problem comes in is if the prison management deploys too many staff to operate simultaneously. Situations like that often lead to confusion and distractions as many people are left to perform basically similar tasks and most times, wardens get distracted by the company of their colleagues and are therefore rendered off guard and prone to ambush. As it is said ''TOO MANY COOKS SPOIL THE BROTH''.


  • Prison staff plays a very important role to keep prisoners safe but that would happen without them?
    According tos statistics a big percentage of prison staff feel unsafe when they do their jobs and want to quit.
    Tahta would be a disaster for humanity so we have to prevent it. One ofvthe best ways is that we could give them better and stronger equipment so they can feel protected in prison.
    Another way is to make prisons and prison cells more secure with a lot of security cameras, alerts, laser doors maybe in the future. Technology always develops.
    Last but not least we could inspire young people to become police officers too. Then if they actually become we could increase prison staff and both work as a team. I hope that one day my ideas will be implemented so that prison staff can finally enjoy their jobs.

  • I think option B is the best because some prisons just train them a little bit. Next they should train them better for when a prisoner escapes.

    1. Yes but if there were more staff then the outbreak could be prevented instead of the workers scrambling to fix it

  • Hello,
    From my point of view, I think opions A an C are the ideal choices. As Money is important for all jobs especially prison staff because this profession is hard and very dangerous and they spend long times in the work without seeing their families, therefore it is preferable to ensure a standard of living suitable for themselves and their families if they are harmed in any way.
    Also, they need to maintain their mental health due to the stress they are exposed to and the abnormal people they meet in the prison.
    Thank you.

  • A prison is a very hard place to work. The pressure prison staff feels is big and a very unpleasant feeling. I think that in order to solve the problem the government should increase the salary of them and offer extra training. By increasing their salary the prison staff would feel like that their hard work is paying off. By training the staff would be more prepared for extreme situations like a prison escape.

  • I believe that option A should be the top priority for prisons to improve on. I am being completely honest, money is one of the best incentives for people to do work, and better. So believe that we should increase the pay of staff, because they will most likely work harder to prevent prisoners from escaping, and surveille harder to stop gangs from forming in prison. If we increase the pay of the staff on certain days, like if they prevented prisoners from escaping, then they will attempt to repeat the action they did to earn more money. In conclusion, I believe that option A is the most viable.

  • A prison is a hard place to work in. this is because of the sacrifices made to ensure that work is done with maximum security. A prison staff social life is mostly altered which is usually a big sacrifice to be made especially by young people. I thin that increasing the pay of prison staff is a good way to compensate the staff of their sacrifice.
    On the side of the prison staff, the increased pay should not be taken for granted and should not be a distraction to the staff. There should be increased output with increased pay.

    1. Hello straightforward_beaver
      I agree because the prisoners are becoming more notorious and too much by day and I think that for the prison staff to feel a little comfortable in the prison I say that they should have increased pay.
      I say this because I think that if a prisoners pay is increased they will feel a little bit safe and do their work more effectively. I think that a prison staffs pay should be increased because they have a lot of responsibilities like:
      Supervise, manage and control prisoners lawfully, safely and securely
      Act as first prisoner contact on entrance to the prison
      Keep an account of those in your charge and maintain proper order
      Perform security checks and search procedures on prisoners, staff and visitors
      In conclusion I think that a prison staffs pay should be increased for the following reasons above.This is one of the reasons I agree with you straightforward_beaver, it is because of the prison staffs sacrifice that they make.
      THANK YOU.

  • I think staff should get paid a high amount because most of the prisoners there can be very dangerous and working with those dangerous prisoners can cause the staff to risk their life. Like in this movie where this dad was interviewing this prisoner with his daughter and he had gone out to talk to another staff member and the prisoner ate the kid, that's what i mean by risking a life. Yes, i feel that people working at prisons should be trained because you never know when that training might come to use. They should most definitely provide support or mental health because most people might need to just talk and by talking most things out it can solve the problem.

  • I can understand that being a prison staff is a hard job to do. This job is almost like parenting, taking care of someone. In this scenario, prison staff have to take care of people who have done not very bad stuff, like stealing food, to people who have committed manslaughter and murder. Clearly, a pay-raise would not be enough to satisfy a staff's need. As you can probably imagine, prison is not filled with friendly people. Many prisoners have broken out of prison and even started gangs. Some even beat up the innocent people who were framed. Extra training would certainly not do the job. The two best options are for prisoners to be provided with support with their mental health so they will feel "happy" when they go to work. An increased number of staff can also be useful too when gangs try to break out.


  • We all know that prison environment is quite stressful because of the violence, and the pressure.
    We need to improve the working conditions of prison staff by putting g first their mental health and well being. This means that prisons should not be overcrowded so the staff ca regulate better any dangerous situation.
    They also need the suitable resources to protect themselves but also the prison as buildings to be more human so as both prisoners and staff to feel more relaxed.

  • In my opinion I choose C because if your staff are feeling anxious or uncomfortable it would make them feel less uncomfortable and relived

  • I think that prisons should increase the pay because then the workers are persuaded to work there. Most people these days really like earning lots of money. I also believe in option D which is more staff because then the workers will feel safer with more people around. Also, it will be trickier to escape from the prison with more guards watching. In Ecuador, the prisons are very low quality and I really support the workers who are scared. Trying to make option A and option D possible would make the workers feel much more safer. They really would help the workers and the prisons in Ecuador.

  • I think they are all very helpful in a way… but option A is the best, increase the pay of prison
    staff. It would make the prison staff more willing to do his job and would be better at it. I think
    the prisoner had traded something to let him escape so option A would make him not accept
    the offer or trick. Option B is also very helpful, offer extra training. It would make the prison
    staff an expert at fighting this would make the prisoners feel safe and won’t escape. As every
    person, even prisoners have the right to be safe, but still punished for what they have done.
    Thank you ❤️

  • I agree with point D because staff have to be in large numbers so prison stuff can get benefits from the time they spent in the prison protecting some people setting in jails from escaping from thier jails.
    We need to increase the number of stuff working in the prison so each worker in the prison will have less shift and more time to spend time with thier families so thier mental health will sure be better.
    We should let the strongest stuff take the late shifts because we all know most of the ESCAPE ATTEMPTS were done at night so the strong stuff wont be afraid from the prisoners at night as much as weak ones like if some prisoners tries to escape for sure the strong policer will be able to handle this problem more easier.

  • I think that prisons should increase the number of prison staff. I think if the staff were increased the guards would feel safer. Prisons are very dangerous, so it's almost like walking down a dark road alone. If you walk with more people with you, it might feel a little safer, and less eerie than if you were to walk alone. The prison will be more strong and hard to escape if there were more prison staff. I do not think that the money is what makes them feel safe and happy. A lot of people get paid a lot of money to do their jobs, and they still don't feel happy or safe doing it.

    1. Hey steady_studio! I'm not so sure about this. First, I do agree that having more prison staff could make the staff more comfortable and safe, knowing that they could protect each other and work together. But, even if there are 1,000 staff members, if they aren’t mentally or physically prepared for a problem or situation, then they would still feel uncomfortable about their job. It isn’t the BEST solution, but it is a good one. I would say the best one is getting more training. As you have stated, staying in a prison with prisoners alone is like walking alone on a dark road. But, if you are prepared to defend yourself, even if you are walking alone on a dark road, you will still be able to protect yourself.

      1. Thank you for this response, discreet harmonica, and I do agree that getting more training is a very important factor as well, when it comes to this kind of job.

  • I genuinely think that option A is a better idea to increase the pay of the prison staff because there are many prison and many prison staff who are working very hard day and night to support their family and not to create a harmful environment .
    Their may be many dangerous criminal and terrorist in the prison figuring out how to run away but ,their are many strong prison staff working hard after all they known they are risking their lives .All the prison staff are working very hard to save the world and the world population.Option C is also very important to deal with all the criminal and what kind of crime they have done,but I think option A is a better idea to increase the pay of prison staff because they can feel like it is very worth it.Thank you. 😀

  • Prison could be a real challenge to prison officers in both physical and mental factors of our health. Prison officers should get the right to increase on their salary for such dangerous as well as difficult work (on the terms of option A). Such promotion could help to increase in order to setup their mind while the danger and difficulty remains the same. They could get a amount of salary, but they have the possibility of getting mental issues as well as a permanent injuries. Such promotion are not a total support for the prison officers to handle a prisoner. Option B could help the prison officers to get motivated as well as such trainings could help them to handle the prisoners with new advancements. Prison officers can get a better understanding as well as new ideas to handle the prisoners due to such training. On terms of option C, it could be the best option among all, as mental support and preparation drill would be the most necessary activity for a prison officer to handle and deal with dangerous prisoners. Mental health determines the overall activity of a person, so it could be a necessity for mental preparation drill. They are the shield which determines whether a society would be peaceful or be in vengeance. People should be respectful for such officers to ensure their safety from violent prisoners. On the following of terms of option A, option D would be more efficient as having a good pay amount on such jobs could really attract young people to join on the prison, as well as, many situations have been out of control due to lack of officers. On such amount of prison officers, backup reinforcements could be really necessary as well as there could be listed as a chasing team to neutralize the prisoners before they run out from their escape point.

  • Hi, how are you all?
    Accordingoption D ie "Increase to me the number of prison staff" is the right way to solve this problem. Prison staff consider them unsafe mainly because of the abnormal behavior and bad mentality of the inmates. Sometimes prisoners do very unusual things. Moreover, the inmates have some bad records which makes the staff afraid of them at times. As a result they quit their jobs fearing for their lives. To solve the problem we should increase the number of workers. Because when there are multiple workers they will have a courage and they will all work together. As a result, they will not feel unsafe and will not leave their jobs. Also I think the remaining three options are quite important.

  • Hi everyone,
    I think that option C and option A are the best because nowadays most of the prison staff aren't mentally fine and healthy. So if we could provide them help with their mental health then maybe they could feel much more safe to work. There are many ways we can support their mental health by giving them a day off to rest, and many more. Prison staff is a risky job and they are working day by day but being barely paid. They are doing so much hard work and less paid. It isn't fair. So if the pay of the staff is increased, they think that for the things that they are doing , they are being paid enough money. By the way, people work to earn money. So if they are being less paid form what they are doing then they are willing to left the job.
    But I totally disagree with option B because Extra training will stress the staff even more which will make them feel to leave their job and less happier.
    Thank you!

    1. I respectfully disagree because the mentality of the prison staff would not help them in the event of them being attacked by one or more prisoners. It is only physically and/or by wit that the prison staff can overpower the prisoners. Option A can definitely encourage harder and happier work so I agree with you on that point.

  • I agree the most with option A.
    "Increase the pay of prison staff"
    I believe that this is the most suitable alternative because an effective way to increase the general morale of any worker is by increasing their salary or wages.
    This would help to boost their esteem and therefore the prison staff would perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently.
    If their pay is increased to a significant and reasonable amount they would then believe that yes indeed they have something to truly work for.

  • I think that there should be more mental health support for prison staff. I think this because in prison, they may see things they don't want to such as fights , murders and other traumatic things. I think having more mental health support would make them happier therefore sticking with the job. On the other hand though, I think that they could also raise the salary. I think that because in todays lesson, me and my friends discussed that the reason that 'Fito' may have escaped prison was because he bribed the guards with the money they just didnt have at that moment in time.

  • I think option A would make prison staff more determined to do their jobs but it won't make them feel safer.
    Option D would make the prison staff feel safer because there are more people around that can help them if they end up in trouble. Option B could also be beneficial because in the event of a prisoner attacking one of the staff they would be strong enough to overpower them. In conclusion, option A, B and D should all be put into practice for the happiness and safety of the prison staff.

  • HELLO!

    In my opinion, I think the best option that describes best out of all of the opinions is definitely option C. In order to keep your prisoners safe, you must keep your staff safe because without your staff, no one can look after the prisoners and keep them safe. Mental health is EXTREMELY important as it helps you feel calm, relaxed and comfortable with your job. If you don’t have support of some kind in prison, why should there be a prison?


  • Hello everyone! In my opinion, I think that prison staff, should be provided support for mental health ( option C) because if you are in an aquarium and house full of serial killers, drug dealers, which Fito was a leader of, blackmailers and child abusers, then you might feel trapped and a bit scared. Imagine all of the doors to the prison cells brock open, well the prisoners can be wild as they want to escape the deadly prison so you might feel traumatised. Especially, as they might injure you on the way, to stop stopping them from their achievement on acquiring freedom.

    If you feel overwhelm, than you have to much preassure on yourselves and you need help. You can relax!

  • The prison staff will need more training because if some people can escape they need to get better security and train more of their security to do the work properly otherwise anyone won't learn their lesson really and can escape. Another reason is that they do have to be paid, they start to not care at all because they don't get what's the right money that suits them well

  • I think that prison staff should get higher pay as they have to deal with many diffrent things if it be riots and prisoners trying to escape they do not get payed enough for it all.

  • prison staff are definitely risking getting hurt,shouted at or even their life they should be treated better and have higher pay and not have to be scarred to go to work because of any reasons.Prisoners should be treated with a little respect as well or they wont respect the staff back. I know it could be hard to respect someone who is telling you to do stuff you don't want to but if you respect them they should respect you back

  • i think prison staff are doing a very difficult job they are risking being harmed and they are putting themselves in dangerous situations.I feel they should have a higher pay then what they do actually get because of how often they put themselves in danger and how many times they could be killed doing their job.

  • they should care about everyone's mental heath even the staff that shout and get shouted at every day

  • I believe that option D is the best solution because by increasing the number of prison staff, they can provide mental support to each other. Moreover, if they are more in number, they can ensure safety around dangerous criminals, and the prison can be efficiently guarded. If there are more staff members, each one of them might have less duty time, which would provide them with more free time apart from their work.

  • In my opinion, option A is best because the pay of prison staff need to be increased. The hardship in most countries like Nigeria is making a lot of people depressed and according to what I heard some time ago, some people were selling their children to help themselves. These prison staff also have needs to be taken care of and if we just continue to push them to do more without paying them extra it will be so difficult for them because they also have families they need to take care of. If it continues this way without pay, I believe that there will be a lot of resignins in most prisons and this can also lead to the mismanagement of prisons which will cause a lot of disorders in the society. There is also the fear that prison official may collude with prisoner to facilitate their escape for monetary rewards since they are not being well paid.

  • I think all options should be used increase the pay of prison staff, Offer extra training
    ,Provide support for mental health, Increase the number of prison staff. Officers need to feel safe and only one way wont do it. This problem requires more than just one option.

  • The option I think would be best is option A- "Increase the pay of prison staff." Firstly, being a prison worker/guard is dangerous and hard work. You have to put up with people who might have no care for the guards lives, or others around them. That in itself merits increasing the pay of prison staff. The average pay in the US for prison guards is about 19.03 hourly at the state level. That's only about $40,000 a year! Paying these prison guards more actually justifies them putting up with dangerous incarcerated individuals. Secondly, pay also ties into mental health. When you are paid less for a job you think you should get paid more in, it's easy to feel trapped or frustrated, akin to the 42% thinking of leaving their jobs in the next 5 years. When people feel unsafe, they want to leave. The effect of not increasing the pay of prison staff - not just guards - is more people leaving the job. The lack of guards in prisons can cause things like the crises in Ecuador of Fitto escaping somehow while he wasn't watched. Increasing the pay of prison staff can be great to improve all the other aspects and options provided.

    1. Hi methodical_harp! You have clearly done some research, including on prison staff pay, to inform your choice. I would be interested to know whether you think option D would make any difference to the situation.

      1. When it comes to option D - "Increase the number of prison staff", I think choosing to focus more on this option would do more harm and good. As well, in my opinion, I do not think increasing the number of staff in my opinion would be doable without the prerequisite of option A. Increasing the staff in prison would certainly change the situation, and make the prison more strict than regular prisons tend to be. With this, I do not think option B would be suitable because it would be more of a prison run off of fear and with more people in a higher position, abuse of power can be more common. Therefore, I still would stand by option A. An increase of prison staff cannot be possible when the staff are underpaid correlating with the 42% of who are thinking of leaving their jobs in the next five years. Also, an increase of prison staff can lead to power abuse and corruption in the prison system.

        1. Thanks methodical_harp, its great that you have the arguments to come to your conclusion!

  • the prisons staff don't seem all that reliable because i've heard that prisons are ruled by the criminales in Ecuador. this makes me think they aren't taught or know how to properly ran prisons and i to fix this i believe they should increase training so all staff have a chance to control their prisoners. They could even be given combat training to help them brake up prison riots or appear more intimidating. Maybe the guards could learn a bit of medical training to help any sick prisoners and not put other citizens in danger. That is why i believe extra training could not only motivate the staff but also help them feel safer when they protect their city from murders.

  • I pick option C, if the prison wants to make their staff stay they needed to make their staff feel better and comfortable and by doing that they need to make sure there are more prison staffs so the other staffs would feel more safe.

    1. How do you think prisons can ensure their staff feel safe?

  • I believe we should offer more training for prison staff. A close second would be hiring more people. Training the staff in the proper way allows them to feel more prepared for taxing situations and respond in a leveled way. The more experience we give them the more comfortable they will most likely be. Adding more staff would also be a good idea. Having more staff to assist with controlling what happens in the jail.

    1. What training do you think that prisons could offer that would be the most beneficial to staff?

  • Working in prisons is a challenging job in many ways.
    They face poor working conditions, violence, sometimes inadequate safety.
    First of all we need to provide an adequate number of staff that can share the work equally.
    A good management team is also necessary so as the prison staff to feel that are treated fairly and the guidelines they are given are the right ones.
    Well being is another challenge that can be overcome with providing mental health because of the pressure they experience.

  • I think all of these options are great because it offers prison guards a way to feel safer (because of extra training and the fact they have more colleagues). It would also be more rewarding since they are getting paid more. It is very important that prison guards should be just as safe as prisoners.

  • To make sure that the safety and status of prison staff, it's vital to deal with various factors that aid to their job satisfaction and security. Providing help for mental health, as suggested in Option C, is essential. Offering resources for mental health aid recognises the psychological impact of working in a difficult environment and improves a cooperative workplace habit needed to maneuver complicated situations successfully, advancing their sense of competence and job diligence. Increasing the pay of prison staff in (Option A) can help to their overall satisfaction and maintenance, it may not tackle the basic issues such as stress and fatigue. Likewise, while rising the number of prison staff (Option D) can increase workload tension and pressure, it may not directly face the status and safety issues of existing employees. So in conclusion, highlighting mental health aid and extra training appears as the most efficient strategies for enhancing a safe and peaceful work environment for prison staff.

  • In my perspective, the best method to make sure the safety and peace of prison staff is to increase their pay, as emphasized in (Option A). Working in prisons is unquestionably difficult and demanding, requiring individuals to work through potentially dangerous situations every day. By providing greater/higher salaries, prisons can acknowledge recognition and appreciation for the strenuous work experienced by staff, motivating them to stay in their duties. Also, elevating pay can improve job satisfaction and zeal among prison staff members, resulting to a more beneficial workplace. While offering aid for mental health (Option C) is important, tackling financial issues through increased pay can reduce stress and aid to their overall state. To take it further, higher salaries may bring more qualified applicants to the profession of being a prison staff, enhancing workforce levels and improving operational effectiveness. So in summary, emphasizing impartial compensation for prison staff not only recognises their significant role in maintaining society safety but also aids security in the workforce, increasing and job diligence.

  • I agree with option c the most:provide support with mental health. I think this could help the prison staff to feel more comfortable and confident at their work.I concur because if you get support for your mental health then it can really make you look at things in a different way and make you feel more positive about the world . I think getting support with your mental health is also good because after you have it you feel less stressed like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. This will help prison staff feel more secure when they come to work well in my opinion.

  • Option C is the best way to improve the comfort and happiness of prison staff because it provides mental health support, which could relieve staff employees from things like anxiety or stress and enhance satisfaction while at work. Option A increases their income and would increase morale but doesn't help them feel any safer, neither does it protect them. Option B offers extra training so they can do their jobs more efficiently. However, coaching prison staff would not encourage the safety of employees, and could decrease happiness. Option D hires additional prison staff to assist current workers, but that wouldn't change the fact that already existing staff members are still uncomfortable or feeling unsafe at work.

  • I think that prisons should pay staff more because they are doing hard jobs to protect the city from criminals that should be in prisons.

  • I think that offering extra training will be important because then when they go out to help people they may need these new skills to arrest someone instead of requesting backup you could just arrest them and take them to prison but police may take advantage of these skills. Also this may become a disadvantage because if there is more training them people will start failing and we will have less police in our communities.

    I also think providing support for mental health will help improve this because the police force will have a improved mindset and are thinking what they do is important to the people around them. This may also make a disadvantage because then the police force will not be working when there might be a important suspect found which needs backup but they are in a mental health meeting.

    In conclusion, i think providing more mental health support will help because they will ahve a better mindset of helping the world become a better space/place.

  • In my opinion, I think that option c will help significantly in helping prison staff maintain their job in terms of reducing the number of people that plan to leave their job as part of the prison security system but I will give my reasons on the other options briefly.

    Option A: Increasing the pay of the security system would not be an ideal suggestion to put in place as it would only persuade the staff to maintain their job. As well as them doing an outstanding job within the system and deserving a higher pay, increasing their pay will not exactly be the best option as it does not touch on the topic of the people in the security system and their desires to feel more safe. An estimated 62% of prison staff claim they feel unsafe while at work and I can fully understand how they feel as though their safety is in jeopardy hinting at the fact that they are working with highly dangerous people convicted of either minor or major crimes and the majority of the time the convicted criminals are explicitly violent. On the other hand, I do believe that increasing their pay will help them maintain their job due to the fact that the security system will be paid higher for putting their lives in danger to allow us to live our lives in minimal fear

    Option B: offering extra training to member who plan on joining security systems in prisons would be a relatively ideal option as this ensures that the staff will be fully trained in the event of a violent attack from inmates. Figures released in January show there were 8,516 assaults on prison officers in England and Wales over the course of 12 months to September 2023, which resulted in an increase of 16% from the previous year - which works out at 23 attacks a day. Out of the 8,516 assaults that took place, 765 attacks were categorized as serious. This could also be a disadvantage as it would acquire more time to become part of the security system giving more time for the staff to leave and it would be inconvenient for training staff to take members out of the training staff in order to retrain them in a more advance way .

    Option C: Providing support for mental health would be the most ideal suggestion as the security system will have a newly improved mindset and prioritize what is most important to them hopefully giving them a newly founded mindset. This will also allow them to deal with traumatic events in a more professional manner, by having a trained professional aiding their mental health in order for them to maintain their job and keeping the city safe.

    Option D: increasing the number of prison staff would also be an efficient option as it allows the opportunity for incidents within the prison to be handled more efficiently and quickly so the prison can be under control quicker and inmates can settle down ready for their duties as an inmate. but the disadvantage could be that not everyone wants to be an officer in a prison so it would be inefficient to increase the number of staff.

  • i think the best thing to do for the 62% that don't feel safeis provide mental health support(option C). mental health is the best because if you have the mental health to overcome the fear of being unsafe you wouldn't need to be afraid of the prisoners and as for the 42% that plan to leave the only option is to hire more staff(option D) to fill in the gaps they left

  • My opinion is that prison staff should have more training so then they can feel safer than before so then they are not afraid of the criminals. I also feel that there should be a higher pay as some people may want to work more if they have a higher pay, and would motivate them. Another idea is that if they do a good job with what they are doing they get a pay increase and if not their pay stays the same.
    I also feel just in case people are going to leave their job there needs to be a backup plan and should think about increasing staff often. So then if people do leave their job they have more people. I also think that when people have an interview i think before that they should have a training session and should have around 1 or 2 days as a practise time around the prison so then they have an idea of what their life would be like if they choose to join.

  • I feel confused between option A and C, because -

    Mental health is really required in such kind of jobs, when the person is needed to spend most of their time with prisoners, which is quite stressful and demotivating. Also because, I feel mental health is more important then physical health, as if a person is positive and happy, except whatever challenges he face in day-to-day life, he can be prevented by various psychological and physical health issues. So, better mental health can become a cure to many disorders.

    Secondly, I feel option A also correct somewhere as if there is an increase in the pay of prison staff, they may get a motivation from this, to work more cautiously, seriously and more accurately, so that they get more salary than before. Additionally, if a staff's getting a good amount of salary, this can actually lead to better mental health conditions, reducing the financial burden.

    So, I think both options, A and C can be helpful and significant for the staff to feel happy, safe and motivated at work.

  • I think that option A would be a good thing to do because I feel like if prison staff are offered a good and fair amount of money they will be more willing to stay. I also believe, this would be something good as I don't think many people's dream job is a prison guard leading to so many not wanting to join or leave but if they are paid a good amount of money it would look better to them. I also think, option C would be something good as it;s something that would improve the happiness of staff as it takes a lot of courage to always be around dangerous people who have done something super illegal (even though this isn't always the case) and their jobs are extremely dangerous. Staying with option C I think having the job of a prison is something that takes a hit on your mental health as if their is a escape or something you could be blamed and then that could put you in a really bad place mentally.

  • I think prisons should offer mental health support so less people are scared of doing something they do everyday which means less people will leave their job

    1. Hello Polite_night

      Yes, I agree with you that they should offer mental health support because many officers are scared of doing their job and it is most likely the new officers because they are just starting and that are scared. Mental health support will take that scariness away and the officers will feel more confident in themselves. This will make them stronger and they are not going to think about leaving their job.

  • I think option And B are the best because if staff are not working well increase of payment well boost them to work harder to earn more money to spend and if you give them extra training help them because they will learn more about their job and work hard, get more information and get more strength.

  • I think that h tho e best option would be C because being a prison officer must be so mentally draining. Fighting prisoners, keeping things until control, and keeping them safe at the same time. It must also be physically exhausting to because they get abused physically and verbally they have to get involved in the fights they are assaulted daily simply because prisoners have no respect for the officers. That’s why I think they should offer mental health support to make sure that they are coping well

  • The chronic overcrowding of Ecuador's prisons has fueled the violence. Inmates have previously told CNN of people having to sleep in corridors without mattresses, and according to data from SNAI, the prisons were between 3,250 and 4,150 people over capacity last year.

  • increase the number of prison staff so it can be more save then right now prison

  • I think that the government should upgrade the prison staff because, the way that its guarded now its not safe

  • Option C, providing support for mental health, is th best choice because it directly addresses staff well-beinh, reducing burnout and promoting a saferwork environment .

  • I feel like they should increase salary so my pick well be Option A. If you get paid well then you people will be more tempted to work there

    1. What other incentives do people have to do jobs, besides salary?

  • I think the best option out of all of them is option C. Because, if the employees increase their salary, they will be a little happy. It will not give them peace of mind. They may feel reluctant to fulfill their responsibilities. If they are given extra training, they will be able to ensure their safety, but it is not sure if they will be able to concentrate on their work. Again if the number of prison staff is increased, then they will be able to take care of the prisoners, but before all this, mental health is needed. If the workers are mentally healthy, they will be able to take care of the prisoners and perform their duties properly. They can keep themselves safe. You can work cheerfully. You can become a good worker yourself. Can gain trust and love of common people.

  • I think option A is because if they get more pay then more people will still want to work. Also i would think option D because they will feel more safe in their work space.

  • I think the prison staff are very inattentive to the prisoners.I believe this only because in 2013 there were 18 people able to escape,one of those people happened to be Jose Aldofo.Also known as fito.He has also just now escaped in 2024

  • Although there are currently a variety of models of prison health accountability across the Region, the WHO Regional Ofice for Europe recommends leadership from health ministries to achieve health equity. Most importantly, a whole-of-government approach is required to improve health.

  • When considering the options for improving prisons, I believe that increasing the pay of prison staff is the most important. By raising their pay, we can attract and retain experienced staff who are crucial for maintaining safety and order within the facilities. Well-compensated staff are more likely to stay dedicated to their jobs and perform their duties effectively. This can lead to better outcomes for both the staff members and the inmates they supervise. In the long run, investing in the well-being of prison staff can help create a more stable and secure environment for everyone involved.

  • Providing support for mental health is crucial for overall well-being. I agree that offering assistance and understanding to individuals facing mental health challenges is important. By offering support, we can help those struggling to cope with their emotions and mental health concerns. Showing kindness and empathy can make a significant difference in someone's life, potentially leading to better mental health outcomes. Your support can truly make a difference in someone's journey towards healing and recovery.

  • I would agree with option C because many prison staff leave their jobs reason being many prison staffs are traumatized by the fact they are in charge of watching over criminals that are of huge threats to the nation and may even be daily threatened by the prisoners to release them, so if the prison staff are given mental encouragement, they will be able to face these challenges boldly and reduce the number of prison staff leaving their jobs.

  • I think that the pay of prison staff should be higher. I think this because the salary of a prisoner staff is the same as the salary of an average wage in the UK and prisoner staff are in a dangerous job which deserves more pay because logically if you think about it they work with dangerous people like serial killers that have been put in jail because of something bad they have done, people in jail usually try to escape and are very sneaky with everything they do. A pay rise could make a guard more motivated and a better guard in general and help them remember their worth in their job.

  • Increasing the pay of prison staff is an important matter to consider. It can help attract and retain qualified personnel who play a crucial role in maintaining safety and order within correctional facilities. A well-compensated workforce is more likely to perform effectively and uphold the standards of their profession. By addressing this issue, we can promote a work environment that fosters professionalism and accountability among prison staff. Ultimately, investing in the well-being of correctional officers can lead to safer and more secure prisons for both staff and inmates.

  • I think that Options A, B and C will do a great job at helping the prison staff but if I had to choose the best one I would choose Option A. I decided to choose that because we need money so we can buy food or else we do not have energy to do things. The prison staff would be the same. They are also humans and they often works really hard so no prisoners could escape from the prison. I think they deserve more paying as their job is really hard. I think that more paying would make them more eager to continue. I think Option A would work better with Options B and C because they will get more training as well as more money as a result of their hard work and their minds will get more healthier.
    This would be better than just finding random people to do the job because you would not know whether they are well trained or not so that is why I think Option D is not a good idea.
    As a conclusion, I think Option A is the best idea to keep the staff happy at work. I also think Options B and C is a good idea but not as good as Option A.

  • I strongly believe that is good to increase the workforce of the prison,provide mental health and extra training to maintain prison employees but what stands out is the pay of the prison staff.
    The pay of every worker is the first motivation likewise a prison staff. Everyone will sacrifice anything for a better pay and so irrespective of what their interests are, they will not consider quitting as an option for anything. The pay will rather encourage them to work harder to be retained. Thank you

    1. Can you tell me what extra training you think would be beneficial to prison staff?

      1. Hello Eva@Topical Talk
        Another extra training that I think should be given to prison staff is vocational skills such as: carpentry work,dressmaking, hairdressing, beading and to mention but a few. If the prison staff are equipped with all these skills, they can then train the prisoners for them to also acquire these skills which I think if the prisoners are equipped with these skills, integrating them in society after serving their term in prison will not be a challenge. Secondly, if the prisoners have these skills, the government will not spend money and resources to employ other people to train different batches of prisoners but rather rely on the skilled prison staff to train prisoners as and when there is the need.
        Thank you.

  • I agree with option B because if we offer extra training to business staff it will make them more fortified and prisoners will not be able to escape easily.I disagree with option D because no matter how many prisoners you put it will not make any difference.For example Nigeria we have many prison staffs but it does not make any difference because the are corrupt and are easily taken advantage of and very lazy to do their work.You can put five men to guard a prison and the will do well but if you give hundred men they will not do their work because the will feel that the have to many men and so the prisoners will be afraid to escape.

  • I would suggest extra pay for commitment and bravery for doing the job and extra training. Since 62% of police officers feel unsafe at the job the extra training can not only upgrade their skill but knowing the skill can make them feel safer as well. Not only this but we have to consider some may not want to do the extra training but the reward of extra pay may convince them to stay at the job longer. Therefore I feel options A and B would be the best to fulfill all the requirements and even contribute to options C and D as well.

  • I agree with option A because if we increase the pay of prison staff it will make them willing to work because some workers complain about salary and when the do not increase it they stop doing their work that is what some countries are facing now.I agree with option C because if we provide mental support it will make prison staff not to be afraid of strong people.It can also make them to tolerate the mental problems of some prisoners which can drive someone mad if not taken care of.It can help prison staff to counsel prisoners in their mental issues so that they can be healed of their physiological problems.

  • I think that they should increase the amount of staff. The Inadequate amount of staff make it hard for the guards to put the prisoners in control, the ratio of staff/prisoners are not equal this means that one guard may have to take charge of more than one prisoner. This task creates stress and anxiety meaning prison staff have been leaving the job due to this problem.

  • I believe option c would be the best choice as prison staff have to deal with violent individuals who most likely give verbal abuse to the prison staff who are on duty. Over time this would slowly affect their mental health from all the hate and harassment which would affect their life out of the prison and in. This could make it harder to do their job as they lose self esteem and are depressed. If they cant do their work properly the prisoners may realise this causing riots and them trying to take advantage of the situation.
    However I also agree with D as with more staff the prison staff wont have as much pressure on them and don't have as much work to do meaning that they can solely focus on making sure the prisoners are where they need to be and are not escaping or trying to spark violence.

  • i think that prisons should increase pay as they are doing a job that gives people recognition criminals can become friends with prisoners and they end up after there sentence is done they become happy and full of pride

  • I think option A is best because like stated above, prison staff definitely play an important role in this society. Just being in a prison could bring off a lot of negative vibes and also some prisoners are strong and could tend to threaten staff or possibly break out. Prison staff risk their lives so that we are not put in harm's way if a prisoner were to escape.

  • Offering extra training is crucial for continual growth and improvement in any field. By providing additional training opportunities, individuals can enhance their skills and knowledge beyond what they learn through regular lessons or practice. This extra training can help them to stay ahead of the curve and achieve greater success in their endeavors. Therefore, it is important for organizations and individuals to invest in extra training to maximize their potential and reach their goals effectively.

  • Ensuring access to mental health support in prison cells is crucial for the well-being of individuals behind bars. Providing adequate mental health services can help inmates cope with the challenges they face and improve their overall mental health. Without proper support, inmates may struggle with issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, leading to negative outcomes for both the individual and society. By offering support for mental health within prison walls, we can contribute to rehabilitation efforts and promote a safer and healthier environment for everyone involved.

  • I feel like they should increase the pay because these staff are offering their time protecting the prisoners in prison.I think option C too because they to give the member of staff(only if needed) mental health support,the prisoners should get the support too,just because they have bad things(or a bad thing) in the past doesn't meant they can't have support for mental health.I don't think B and D are really that helpful because increasing staff would just make the prison pay even more for more members and extra training,maybe it's useful but it's depends when they started working for the prison.
    Health and well-being is really important for humans,it helps us live.Increasing the paycheck will allow the staff to start to adjust well to the job because they are keeping people safe,doing a really hard job and they are getting paid for it.Back to my point,extra training can only be done if the staff member joined recently or there are new.Other staff(the ones that have been working for a long time) won't need the extra training because they had probably done this job for a very long time.

  • Option A and C because the prison staff should get higher payment they work a hard job and risk there lives to work there to get paid. It takes lot of brevery to deal with killers and more ever work day they should get mental support is important too.
    I wanted to add more but i did not have much time.

  • I think the government need to invest money into training the prison staff to deal with these situations. I also think the wages need to reflect the hardship of the job in the prisons.

  • I think they should provide mental health support for prison staff. Maybe some type of survey or one to one chats with the staff would be helpful to them so that they can get worries off their mind and say how they have been feeling. Then they take this into account and provide the things that have been requested if needed to. I think it would make prison staff feel more heard and comfortable if they talk to someone and that way changes can be made to make everyone happy and safe when working.

  • I think that option B is by far the best, but that the extra training shouldn’t be offered; it should be enforced. This is because, of all the other options, this is the only one that will be useful long term. Money can only motivate you to a limited extent, and increasing the number of staff will not change the felling of the already existing staff, if anything even more people will start feeling unsafe and in danger in the prison environment. As for mental health support, it will not remove the threat and no matter how much it helps, the feeling of imminent danger will come back because the prison will have remained a dangerous place; it will not have changed. However, increasing the training and knowledge of the prison staff will build a wall of confidence and courage around the employee which could be helped by the mental health support. Having that extra knowledge gives the staff a foothold and makes them more effective and efficient when doing their jobs. I believe that when you learn something, you cannot unlearn it, so the extra training will the best solution because it will always be there to back you up. Simply, it makes them better at the job and more knowledgeable which in turn decreases the threat and removes some of the fear.

  • It would be nice for them to have other guards around them for some company. After all, there are quite a lot of dangerous prisoners. I think they should not require more training but have more training if they wanted as well, because they already probably have a lot of training. Maybe they could also get more pay, after all, they are doing a very big job. They could also have some mental health support to help deal with their jobs.

  • I think that option B would be the right way to go about things. Giving them training in self defense and such makes them more confident in themselves and makes them feel that if something were to happen they would be able to help themselves instead of relying on others.

    If you were to do something else like option A: increase pay rise, I don't think many people would feel different about their safety. If someone truly feels unsafe then surely they would rather save themselves then get paid. Think of it like this; would you rather be healthy and poor than injured or dead and rich. I think most people would pick healthy so increasing pay rise wouldn't change the opinions of many staff.

    These were just the 2 opinions that stood out to me since I don't beleive the other 2 could do as much as option B but aren't as bad as option A.

  • I agree with B and D because many staff don't have a training every day,this leds to some escapes of prisioners such as the one on Ecuador,also many staff help the prisioners to escape so i would increase the number of staffs so they can supervise the corrupt ones and tell the policeman

  • I think option c is best, this is because the staff may hear or experience stuff like violence. This will make staff feel unsafe in the workplace if certain prisoners are being violent between each other and the employees. I think personally if something bad happens to one of the staff members like they witness a traumatising thing happen or be involved in something dangerous then they should be paid a bit more for a few months and be able to get therapy for cheaper for as long as they really need. Also if they don't feel comfortable in the work place they should be able to get paid leave for a few days so they can calm down from what has happened to them. Lastly the staff member should not have to work with the prisoner that has done something towards them as it will make them not want to work at this job.

  • I think that prisons should increase the payment of prisons staffs. This is because it will make the people more willing to work because they face very dangerous people everyday which puts their life in danger, especially when they have families which could loose them at any time, their life is uncertain and for the pay they get that is not a risk many people are willing to take, which is why I believe we should increase these brave peoples pay. In my personal opinion increasing the pay of our prison staffs also encourages and builds up the patriotism of citizens to show more respect and recognition to them because sometimes they feel less recognized and not appreciated in the world enough. So therefore, increasing their payments could be a really big push in the society on how we see prison staffs and show valuable respects to them because they keep the world safe from horrible criminals.

  • Hi !
    I agree with option C as it states that the prison staff should be provided with support of mental health , since it is a physically and mentally tiring job , they have to stay in the premises for almost a day amongst people who have committed heinous crimes and constantly live in fear of a jailbreak or a release , this can cause trauma , stress , anxiety , PTSD and at times even depression . This can affect their lives and leave a permanent scar , they even might be scared to face the outer world , sometimes staff doesn't voluntarily join these services but are compelled to do so due to the situations at their home , in this case they are stressed due to such pressure amongst this the prison staff should be given regular therapies and get themselves checked so that they are relieved and as it is said that " A happy mind , means a healthy body . " They won't even feel stressed and they will be fit physically .

  • In the UK, Clink Charity helps prisoners by teaching them to cook and work in hotels. Singapore's Yellow Ribbon project supports prisoners in finding homes after they finish their sentence. In New Zealand, the Youth Court lets victims talk to prisoners and receive apologies. Which of these methods do you think is most effective in aiding prisoners' rehabilitation?

  • I think option is A . They always have to do very dangerous things to keep everyone safe and away from harm . They also risk their lives every day but it is worth it.

  • I think option A would make them happy because in every job that is what everyone looks out for - increase in payment/basically payment but I don't think It will make them feel safe in any way. I think what would make them safe is the extra training because just in case crazy prisoners gets out and tries to harm them, they would know how to handle it. Putting their lives in danger is a huge risk the staff have taken.

  • I agree with option B because in case someone feels unsafe they will know what to do. They will also know what to do in dangerous situations. If someone tries to fight the person, they will know how to handle the situation. It is always good to have extra training. This job is very difficult but with the extra training, they can defend themselves.

  • I think that increasing pay in prison guards salary is crucial as for these people in Ecuador as these people are drug dealers and murderers and their life is in danger as for the danger these criminals can cause havoc and if they are popular in the prison they could start uncontrollable riots or fights as they are in gangs who also may be in this prison as well which could put life at risk for a lot of people.

  • The Prison Staff has many debates. The have different options. They have A, B, C & D. I feel that option A is best. That is what I choose out of the 4 options.

    1. Can you explain why, versatile_atmosphere?

  • If you proe mental health support for the prisoners and the staff it can make it easier for them together.THis can allow the staff to releive stress and vent about their job.THis allows to prisoners to try to stay calm in jail and possibly realize their mistakes so they dont make the same ones when they get out jails.

  • I think prisons should increase the safety of the prisons so the staff feel safe and I also think prison staff should earn more money because they are protecting their city and town

  • I will go with option A. Increase the pay of prison staff will make them can make them serious about their jobs and increasing the pay of prison staff can make the staff eat more healthy and have more strength to takel any treat.

  • in my opinion the people that work in the prison of Ecuador are not really doing there job right since they have let Fito escape and also i would describe fitos cell as comfy since he had partys,eletrics,weapons and the list goes on.
    I dont think that is very appropeate since it is a prison they should be learning there leasion and becoming a better person.It is a prison cell not there home.

  • I know this seems harsh but I believe increasing the pay would make them want to stay more. Corrections is a form of working that puts you in a lot of danger. I only think it is right they should get paid more being that correctional facilities are owned by the government.

  • I would choose (C).But before I tell why I want to address why not.I did not choose (A) because Increasing the pay of prison staff will not really make them feel safer it will only increase a small bit of having a reason to work.I did not choose (B) because while that is a good idea it would take to long.I say this because if some of the guards leave for training there wont be enough staff to contain the prisoners.And I disagree with (D) because I'm not sure of how big of an increase in number of prison staff you would have to have to make it better.So that brings me to why I choose (C).I choose (C) because if mental help is provided then people can feel more easy and going home to there families not feeling uneasy.So if they get some mental help then that help can show them to do there job to the fullest and make the prisoners better people too.

  • Hello
    I believe the pay of the prison staff must be raised becsuse they are doing a tedious job and they deserve more pay. Also looking at the statistics that 42% of them plan to leave sooner or later, we may be able to stop that by the pay increase

    Also looking at the statistics that 62% of prison staff feel unsafe I think the number of prison staff should be increased. They must be given extra training too to overcome their fear and can feel safer at their job
    Something I believe we can do to increase the safety which is not among the options would be better security. The prison staff must be given special security so that they don't feel unsafe while doing their job. This could be through several different methods

  • I personality agree with Option C most, which is providing support for mental health, is the best way to ensure the safety and happiness of prison staff. Mental health support can address the stress and trauma that comes with working in a challenging environment like a prison. By offering counseling services, stress management programs, and access to mental health professionals, staff can better cope with the demands of their jobs and feel supported in their well-being. This not only improves staff morale and job satisfaction but also enhances their ability to effectively perform their duties, ultimately contributing to a safer prison environment for both staff and inmates. While increasing pay or hiring more staff may address certain issues, addressing mental health concerns directly targets the underlying factors affecting staff retention and job satisfaction!

  • Hello,
    Personally I think prison staff should be offered support for their mental health . The staff that are working at prison have to see violence and all sorts of horrible things ever day . So it means that overtime dealing with this dangerous criminals ever day you mental well-being might start to deteriorate over time . I think it would help if you offered mental health support such as therapy to help these staff to make sure that they are okay on a day to day basis . They could do this in their breaks so it will only last 5 minutes so the staff can talk about anything if they want to .
    Thank you .