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We’ve started the discussions about eco-anxiety – but it’s your job to keep them going!


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Comments (210)

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  • I think there should be a discussion about "what should be done". Because, we often see a lot of solutions on how to stop global warming and most of us are fully aware that this is a big issue, yet we still keep using AC, use fossil fuels and other harmful stuff, so I want to know, what my friends from all over the world think can be done so that we can still keep living in luxury while not harming our environment.

    1. I agree because... examples of a good way to reduce the rate of air pollution especially in underdeveloped countries include:
      1. More use of incinerators instead of open burning of refuse.
      2. Use of waste (solid or liquid) for compost manure.

      1. I agree to you both as we know that alone we can do so little bit together we can do so much:) Addressing global warming requires a collective effort. Key actions include transitioning to renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency, reforestation, sustainable agriculture, and advocating for policies that reduce carbon emissions. Individual choices like reducing energy consumption and supporting eco-friendly practices also contribute to the solution.

        1. Fantastic point Bold Artist, I would like to ask you a question I think will make a good topic ,do you think the " zero waste implementation" is achievable .
          In my own perspective I think the zero waste implementation depends on the choice of the government and the people. But if peradventure this law is implemented I think it will put an end to waste production.
          This is about making conscious choice to reduce waste in every aspect of our daily be able to achieve this ,we individual are to play a good role by reducing the way we waste product instead we should refuse,reuse ,recycle and reduce products.
          For example bottle water; when we purchase plastic bottle water ,we will find water inside and after consumption we just throw it away,instead of using that same bottle to take water from our home to save us from unnecessary spending.
          Zero waste implementation will help us financially because,their would be a decrease at the rate we spend daily.

          In my own opinion I think"zero waste"is better than Recycling.
          RECYCLING;it deals with the waste people produce. while ZERO WASTE;put an end to waste production.

          1. I totally agree with you admirable butterfly......and I think that the question which you asked me about "zero plastic implementation" so it's basically Implementing a zero-plastic lifestyle involves reducing single-use plastics, using reusable items, and supporting sustainable alternatives. Even in our school there are so many activities which works really hard to achieve sustainable development goals!!

          2. Without a doubt, Bold Artist, your perspective on achieving "zero waste" is spot on! It is a complex process that relies both on government initiatives and individual choices. Your focus on conscious decision-making in our daily activities is crucial to making progress. By reducing the use of single-use items and following the principles of "refuse, reuse, recycle, and reduce," we can truly make a difference. Your example of reusing plastic water bottles perfectly illustrates how small changes in our habits can lead to significant reductions in waste. And your point about the financial benefits is right on the money - less waste means less unnecessary spending. I appreciate your thoughtful distinction between recycling and zero waste, as the latter is about actively minimizing waste instead of just managing it. your insight on achieving "zero waste" is truly remarkable! Your point about the importance of both governmental initiatives and personal choices is spot on. Your emphasis on making conscious decisions in our daily activities, such as reducing the use of single-use items and adapting the principles of "refuse, reuse, recycle, and reduce," is vital to making progress towards a zero waste society. Your example of reusing plastic water bottles perfectly highlights how small changes in our habits can have a huge impact on waste reduction. Additionally, your mention of the financial benefits is spot on – reducing waste means reducing unnecessary spending. Your differentiation between recycling and zero waste is truly eye-opening. While recycling deals with managing the waste we produce, achieving zero waste requires actively minimizing waste production altogether.

        2. I strongly agree with you Bold Artist. One of the most basic lessons of life is that United we stand and divided we fall. If 8 billion people hold hands and take step towards the write direction, what isn't possible.
          If we talk about the World, when two countries have a war, it leads to bloodshed, loss of economy and life resources for both the countries. Whereas if the countries work together, share their resources instead of fighting for them the World and humanity as a whole would prosper.
          Connecting it to environment,I have personally seen how public policy and mentality together can prompt achievement towards the global goals, coming from the cleanest city of India.
          When all of Indore was inspired to join hands to achieve a target that seemed pretty tough to achieve, we joined hands to do what we could have at our own level. Instead of relying on cleaners and the municipality completely we put forward a helping hand, after all it is our own city. Today we have been the cleanest city of India for the 7th time in row, only because everyone joined hands to take a step forward for the environment.
          I would like to pose a question to you, 'Is it actually practical to do it on an even larger scale, say the country or even the World, if yes why, if not then why?'

    2. I agree and here are some ways in which we can reduce pollution;
      1. We should recycle plastic products. 2. Conserve water. 3. Plant a tree.

      1. I like the practical steps to take!

      2. I agree with you on this, because...
        1. Less driving can reduce the amount of carbon monoxides coming out of the car exhaust which causes air pollution
        2.planting trees in your own space alone can do lots of good, talk more of planting in numbers.
        Also, planting trees;
        1. Purify our air and help fight climate change
        2. Safe guards us against flooding
        3. Cools our environment.

        1. Hi,
          I agree with you valuable_reflection on your other points except the point where you said "Less driving can reduce the amount of carbon monoxides coming out of the car exhaust which causes air pollution". I believe that instead of encouraging less driving to reduce the amount of pollution with carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, we should rather encourage the use of renewable energy to power our cars such as hydropower , solar power and wind turbines.

      3. I agree because you suggest on how to reduce climate change.
        And here are some ways to reduce climate .
        1. By planting trees in order for us to breathe in oxygen.
        2. People cutting down trees should be arrested.
        3.people should stop using the car that brings out smoke instead they should be using electric/rechargeable cars.
        Am looking forward to corrections.
        Thank you.

        1. I get where you are coming from along with all the reasonable suggestions made above
          How about encouraging discussions about the eco anxiety ,ways to reduce climate change,and lots of environmental friendly discussions, precautions as well as actions to be done to be a subject of discussions in schools since after the family, school is the second place of socialization whereby students get to know more about the importance of it and why we seriously need it as it is going to make a very good impact in the environment

        2. I disagree because if people who are cutting trees are arrested then there will be a great demand for wooden furnitures , Tree removal is a topic of debate for many people. Whether you’re talking about a single sapling in your yard or acres of forest, many people view cutting down trees as harmful to the environment. While unnecessary tree removal is injurious, carefully considered tree removal can provide benefits for you, the landscape and native animal species. Clearing large swathes of trees with no intention of replanting is harmful to the environment. However, conscious logging and modern tree removal, combined with strategic replanting efforts, not only offer an efficient collection of essential natural resources but also improve the forest habitat .

          1. I agree with brave_ plantain because trees are very relevant in our modern day society. If trees are being chopped down the rate of global warming will be increased because trees also contribute to the prevention of global warming and damage of the atmosphere. Also, deforestation that is cutting down of trees can lead to soil erosion, desertification and destruction of natural habitats if not controlled.

        3. Hi,
          I do agree with you on the steps you just stated, but I feel that apprehending those who cut down trees is a little bit over the top, this is because after looking into it I realized that some of these people are left with no other option but to cuts those trees, I know that this reasons doesn't really justify their actions but just think about it what if the government is looking for a land to carry out a project that is meant to be for to betterment of the people especially those in the rural areas, if you notice most places were a lot of trees are found are where the rural areas are stated, so maybe they needed to find a site that will be easy for these people to access and the trees could be taking over possible suitable sites and to access the land they need to cut down the trees, I am not really trying to justify there actions because there could be other better options but sometimes they are left with no other option. In the case of using electric/rechargeable cars these cars are not easy to acquire due to the price, for example in my country, these cars are not produced in my country most of them if not all are imported and when they are sold in my country they tend to be expensive in price due to the cost of the car and the cost of transportation and many other expenses and for the fact that many countries currencies have more values than ours when the amount of money used is converted to Naira the price tends to be outrageous. So you see it isn't as simple as you think, many people do not have the funds to maintain a climate friendly lifestyle so unless the world is ready to make a means whereby everyone can maintain a earth friendly lifestyle this little things that contributes to climate change will continue. I hope you will see it from my point of view to.
          Thank you!

          1. Hello giving_snail
            I fully agree with you, and I do not think we can completely apprehend people from cutting trees, this is because people make their livelihood by cutting down trees, for instance lumber jacks [ people who cut down trees]. Trees are also sources of food and raw materials for example, wood, rubber, apples, paper among others.
            One thing about what you said that really caught my attention is that many people do not have the funds to maintain a climate friendly lifestyle and I fully agree with you. With our present human discoveries and technological advancements, I feel this is not something we are really meant to be talking about, I think that rather than focusing on using technology for some of the bad things we use it for we can use it rather to save our planet and finding efficient, long lasting and suitable solutions to saving our planet. Also, as you said the cost off some of these ecofriendly gadgets and technologies are outrageously high, this is where I think the government and conservation organizations come in to try and help publicize and cut the cost of these technologies thereby making this world a friendly and conducive environment. We all have to chip in to save our planet because one person or a group of people cannot do it alone. WE HAVE NO PLANET B. I hope you see this from my point of view.
            Thank You!!!

          2. I understand your perspective, and you raise valid points about the complexities surrounding environmental issues. It's true that sometimes individuals may feel compelled to cut down trees out of necessity, especially in situations where there are limited alternative options for livelihood or development. Similarly, the affordability and accessibility of environmentally friendly technologies like electric cars can pose challenges for many people, particularly in regions where such options are scarce or prohibitively expensive.

            Addressing these issues requires a nuanced approach that takes into account socioeconomic factors, access to resources, and broader systemic inequalities. While there are no easy solutions, it's important for policymakers and stakeholders to consider the diverse needs and circumstances of communities when implementing environmental initiatives. Collaboration and innovation are essential for finding sustainable solutions that promote both environmental protection and social equity.

            Thank you for sharing your perspective and highlighting the complexities involved in addressing climate change and environmental sustainability.

      4. I agree because you suggested on how to reduce climate change and here are some suggestions:

        1. transitioning to renewable energy
        2. Reforestation
        3. By planting trees
        4. By arresting air pollution

      5. I also agree to your points on how we can reduce pollution. My contribution to your point is also that people should embrace an echo friendly policies where by ,they might just start by setting up a group to cycle to school .
        They could also organise a litter collection by getting their friends
        to participate, it won't take long, and they'll enjoy doing it.

      6. Well that was a marvellous comment straightforward King but I will like you to throw more light on what you mean by recycling plastic products

      7. Well gathered information straightforward_king.
        Here are some other ways we can reduce pollution:
        - Recycling and waste management: Proper waste disposal, including recycling and composting, reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, which can release harmful pollutants.
        - Encourage tree planting: Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to reduce air pollution. Planting trees in urban areas can also provide shade and reduce the need for energy-intensive cooling.
        - Improve air quality standards: Governments can enforce stricter regulations on industries and vehicles to reduce air pollution.
        - Raise awareness and educate: Educating people about the impact of pollution and providing alternatives can encourage individuals to make environmentally-friendly choices and adopt sustainable practices.
        - Support environmental policies and initiatives.
        - Practice responsible consumption: Reduce unnecessary consumption of products, especially single-use items, and choose eco-friendly alternatives.
        By implementing these measures, individuals, communities, businesses, and governments can collectively work towards reducing pollution and creating a cleaner and healthier environment.

      8. I agree with you straightforward king about recycling plastic and plant trees and conserve water.
        In addition, we can do awareness campaign for people by our school support, so we can go to public places and start talking with people about there opinions, what they can do?, what they want to provide them?From my experience with my school when we had a marathon we was supporting cop 27 andWe were able to pass our idea through the marathon.

    3. I very much agree. We should never forget the little things we can do as well. Not a lot of things are in our power as teenagers, so I don't expect switching to renewable energy to be a thing we can do ourselves, but things like proper disposal of waste, switching off your lights, closing your taps, and even planting trees.
      Today I see myself and my classmates becoming global warming activists as we have engaged in planting trees projects, community service, talk shows, practical's, and presentations on climate change. Climate change is even often brought up in subjects like chemistry. Although we may not be able to do some things, we were able to accomplish this much with the power of knowledge and teamwork and that should be considered as well.
      Thanks for your comment, and I hope mine was impactful to you as well.

      1. Great to hear about some positive action being taken!

        1. I think Reducing climate change requires a combination of individual actions, community efforts, and global initiatives. Here are some practical suggestions for mitigate climate change :

          Energy Conservation:
          Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.
          Turn off lights, electronics, and appliances when not in use.
          Consider renewable energy sources like solar panels for your home.

          Use public transportation, carpool, or bike instead of driving alone.
          Choose fuel-efficient or electric vehicles if possible.
          Plan and combine trips to reduce unnecessary travel.
          Waste Reduction:

          Recycle and compost to reduce landfill waste.
          Avoid single-use plastics and opt for reusable alternatives.
          Choose products with minimal packaging.

          Water Conservation:
          Fix leaks and use water-efficient appliances.
          Reduce water usage by taking shorter showers and turning off taps when not in use.

          Sustainable Diet:
          Consume a plant-based diet or reduce meat consumption. Support local and sustainable food producers.
          Minimize food waste by planning meals and composting .I think it might be effect on climate change .

    4. I agree with you and I am here with suggestions on what to be done for climate change and some of which are
      Ending our reliance on fussil fuel
      We also need more renewable energy
      Also we need better forestry management and sustainable agriculture to balance the economic and cultural needs of human with protecting the environment. Those are some of the many ways to help climate change.

      1. I totally agree with you on this, there are so many ways to curb climate change. Firstly, I've realized that the way the picture of climate change is painted makes it seem that it is very difficult to stop it and it is actually easy. For example when people hear about eating more vegetables they feel they have completely turn into vegetarians, but, actually it entails making sure most of your meals contain vegetables and you can also enjoy other foods but a limited amount. Also when people hear about cleaning the environment they feel they have to become street cleaners and it is not so. Instead it can be something like creating a community challenge where people in your community have to pick up waste and at the end everyone gets a reward. In addition, when people hear about spending more time walking they feel they have to abandon their cars which is not true. It should be rephrased into something like creating a timetable whereby there are specific days for walking, riding or driving. My family is an example, my dad has a timetable for days whereby he walks, then rides a bike and some specific days he drives. This will greatly improve the amount of people working towards making the climate better and gradually those unwanted things would be cut off naturally.

        1. I agree totally with you, the climate has always had it effects on vegetations.
          The use of turbines , solar energy, fossil fuel can help in the control measures of the climate change.

      2. Hello!
        I strongly agree with you on your points when you say we need to use more renewable energy and stop our reliance on fossil fuels. Presently with all our technological advancements and us being in the digital era I think we still should not be doing things the way we do. Take for instance the way we burn fossil fuels for our basic activities like cooking, this is a method that I think should be outdated because it has been done for so long and now it is coming back to haunt us in the form of climate change telling us that our mode and style of living has got to change. This is where I think the essence of our generation comes in. We need to use our technological advancements to drastically change our lifestyle and we need to do it fast. Burning of fossil fuels and dumping of garbage and refuse is not something that we can keep on doing because it is visibly affecting our lifestyle. The carbon dioxide released from the continuous and large scale burning of fossil fuels have to be completely stopped and other renewable sources of energy have to be turned to like the use of hydroelectricity solar energy among the likes of others have to be turned to and we must develop a faster and more efficient way of disposing our waste. These are things we need to do to change our style of living and I understand that we cannot do all this in one day rather we have to take practical and intentional step by step processes to accomplish this goal that will benefit us all STOP CLIMATE CHANGE.
        Thank You!!!

    5. I agree in your topic. Global warming is increasing day by day due to which major problems are being introduced. Especially snow of mountains are melting causing in the increase of sea level. Many islands as well as countries are drowning. Few years back Maldives had conducted a programme underwater leaving a message that if this phenomenon continues, then the islands like Maldives will vanish from the map of world. Some effective ways to solve the problems of global warming are :
      1 . Promote the use of solar energy and wind energy than fossil fuel.
      2 . manage the wastes from industries and old vehicles.

    6. Indeed, I have seen many of my community members try to solve the problem for a long time, due to the effects of eco anxiety on their mental health, they try to make a change but ultimately failed. For instance, that time when my mom told me to turn off the AC when the temperature was too high outside, but after an hour or 2 she gave up. My father also tried to go to his work by walking to conserve petrol, but after a day he too gave up. It's not that others are not trying to change their ways, it that they think that they face this problem alone and no one can understand them. They gave up because they felt that a small difference wouldn't save the planet. Truly people should be told what to do instead of just delivering bad news.

      1. Exactly, This is exactly what I am trying to say. People only show it on the outside but they are not able to do it from the inside. People are used to this luxury. But, I also have to say there is hope coming in the future. It's hard for people to walk because they are so used to driving. So we have got hybrid cars. For electricity, we are using hydroelectric power, however, these things might be too expensive for some developing countries, so we have to find alternative ways. The topic, "what should be done" was suggested so I can hear the opinion of my friends from different. We need solutions that are affordable. So I, by suggesting this topic, was hoping to hear some innovative thoughts of my friends that could be easy solution people.

        1. At least from this viewpoint can we know that some people are willing, some may stick to their word and try to make an effort, but only a few people are like like that, as letting go of the lifestyles we are used to requires courage and appreciation for the blessings of nature. And, since most of us don't want to let go, the hard work of the people who are actually trying, seem to not matter at all. Hence, they become demoralized and give up. As the saying goes, divided we are weak, but the situation is even worse as the people who gave up, in order not to feel bad for their actions of harming nature try to convince the people who genuinely care for nature saying stuff like that it won't work. They try to make you feel like it won't be worth the hassle, and you are the only one trying to make a difference. But, that perspective of thinking is flawed, and we should try to understand that small differences matter, and that's the main problem here.

    7. I strongly agree with you because even on the news nobody is ever talking on how to fix situations, and I feel here on the hub we should take that step forward to see what can and should be done about it.

    8. I think you are right,most of us talk about ways to prevent climate change but we do not practice it.In my opinion,we shouldn't just talk about it,instead we should talk about preventive measures and we should also act on it.We should always remember that we only have one earth and I believe that if we work together we can save the earth.

    9. As U asked all of us around the world..I too would like to present my views.
      As U said that there should be a discussion on what should be done, I think we aren't lacking the ways to overcome the problems but the thing that we are lacking is really the way how to apply the solution on those problems. We know that we are living in luxury for decades so, obviously it's hard to quit it as soon as we know the term eco anxiety, environmental pollution, climate change, deforestation and many more. It will surely take time. The proper use of energy in our life and reusement of the products can be proved helpful in overcoming these problems. We can reduce the use of plastic and bring paper products in use in order to help our environment to decay those substances and cause no harm to nature.
      Thank you!

    10. I totally agree climate change is a serious topic and whenever people say they are going to make a change they keep on emitting harmful gases like greenhouse gases. Instead they should actually make a contribution and help at least slow down climate change. Just that little thing like picking up rubbish near the sea makes a difference.

    11. I disagree because 2.4 million years ago there was an ice age and now the ice has to melt so that in a few more millions of years then it will all freeze again

    12. Yes I agree with your thought. We should save our planet earth. Here are some ideas for how to save the earth:-1) we should used recycle item which reduces pollution and follow system ♻️ Reuse Reduce and Recycle. 2)We should preserve water as well as other resources around us. 3)We should conduct awareness campaigns.

      That’s from my understanding

    13. I agree with you on this but we must look at the bigger issues of why it is hard not to. Almost every thing in modern day society is powered by fossil fuels or made unable to be recycled, this makes it hard for us as the younger genoration to combat climate change as everything we do goes against how we can do. I suggest we should try reusing stuff in better ways by our own hand. For example, plastic pollution occurs when plastic items accumulate in our environment, negatively impacting wildlife, nature and even humans. Plastics bottles are one of the most common packaging materials used due to their durability and inexpensiveness. Yet, its chemical structure makes it slow to degrade. So why dont we use it to make a watering can or a cool plant pot, pratical for use and also can be astetically pleasing to see. We can also use food waste as compost to stop the waste increase. These simple things a longer way instead of changing our whole lifestyle

    14. I strongly agree with you that we should know a cost-efficient and eco- friendly path for the usage of energy like one could promote the usage of renewable energy , on a large scale we can have solar plants, wind mills hydro-electric plants on our stage as students we can also contribute to this noble cause as every drop makes the ocean, we could save water, save paper and save food. Save electricity and motivate others to do the same as our little steps can help the planet at a great scale .

    15. In my opinion,we should inform The government to stop big and rich companies to use plastic and to find a more eco-friendly and alternative material instead of plastic as plastic damages the earth and pollutes the seas causing marine animals to die by eating micro plastics. Also stop rich people and politicians to use private jets for travels and for fun, stop wars as the machines, tanks are using lots of diesel fuel and causing huge emissions of CO2. We need to stop deforestation and destruction of the nature.plant more trees, stop using chemicals

  • In our society, many lives have been lost and properties have been destroyed due to pollution. There are various ways that we can prevent loss of lives and property in our society. For example, refuse should not be burnt, but put in incinerators. As long as we maintain a good hygiene, the growth and development of the society is assured.

    1. You are correct, but I don't totally agree on the use of incinerators to manage refuse waste disposal. Some waste can be reused to unable us reduce carbon footprint. Reused materials like plastic bottles, cans and used oil can be reintroduce to produce new products. It makes more sense than just burning everything.

    2. I have to disagree, property is not in the risk of loss, forests are, BECAUSE OF PROPERTY. We are destroying forests and trees so we can get more land to build socialization on. Also maintaining good hygene has nothing to do with the loss of property Or pollution. Pollution is their because of luxury. We want to live a luxurious life and thats why we are causing pollution and destroying forests for our properties. Better solutions would be to use hybrid cars and hydroelectric power for far more development of our society

      1. Hello Beloved Octopus
        I understand your point of view. Yes forests are being destroyed due to urbanization which may be because of 'luxury' as you have said but what I have to say is that based on Wikipediae 30% of forests has been lost and 82% of it is by human activities. Because we have lost some of our trees and forests does not mean we should give up instead we should protect our selves, our properties and our natural endowments by having good hygiene in the form of cleaning our gutters regularly to avoid flooding which may endanger plants.
        In conclusion we should maintain good hygiene in our society to avoid any casualty in the form of loss of lives and properties.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about the impact of eco anxiety on the mental health of an individual and the coping strategies individuals can adopt to navigate the emotional challenges associated with environmental concerns because every individual is facing an impact of this climate crisis in some or other way in their lives! And by discussing this topic we can understand that how climate crises is affecting our lives and our health, as individuals will be provided with a platform where they can express their mental health associated with environmental concerns and it is rightly said that, "The weight of environmental concerns can become heavy, but within that burden lies the potential for collective action and positive change."
    Moving on to the another challenge here, I want all of us to pay more attention to the topic 'Climate crisis;Regular reminder' as throwing more light on this topic we all will be to come up with more solutions for this urgent threat! By remembering the words of Albert Einstein, "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them doing evil"! Really, how true this is! To end this climate threat we all have to come up together as we cannot neglect this threat anymore! ....
    Moving ahead I'd like to that I have read many articles and news and once while reading the article of New York Times I read an article regarding Eco anxiety.
    It was an article which was consisting that how the lives of Generation Z is affected due to environmental concerns and climate crisis. It also consisted that how we feel regarding global warmings and climate crisis could actually be an eco anxiety!
    And how true this statement is, "Every tree cut down is a chapter of our planet's story erased, leaving behind pages of eco-anxiety in our hearts."
    Thank you!

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about biodiversity loss and it serious implications , because biodiversity is a very important topic that is crucial for the health and functioning of ecosystems , which helps balance and maintain the stability of nature Biodiversity is super important for ecosystems because it helps maintain the balance and stability of nature. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem, kind of like puzzle pieces fitting together. When there's a variety of species, it ensures that different functions, like pollination, nutrient cycling, and pest control, are happening. This keeps the ecosystem healthy and resilient, able to withstand changes and disturbances. Plus, biodiversity provides us with essential services like clean air and water, when we lose this biodiversity there will be disruption of ecosystem functioning, reduced crop yields and food shortages, loss of potential sources of future medicines making it harder to treat diseases. So, it's crucial that we protect and preserve biodiversity for the well-being of our planet and ourselves! 🌿🐾🌎.

    1. I totally agree with you. I have always believed that every life matters whether human life, animal life or even plant life. There are so many different kinds of life you'll find one earth. It is also really shocking how you can find more than one specie of life in a single area. The variety of animals, plants and even microorganisms that make up our natural world are amazing. Biodiversity is essential for the processes that support all life on Earth, including humans. Without a wide range of animals, plants and microorganisms, we cannot have the healthy ecosystems that we rely on to provide us with the fresh air we breathe, the clean water we drink, the food we eat and the raw materials we use. All life forms work together in ecosystems, like a web with different strands of thread connected together all in order to maintain balance and support life. We as humans are also part of this thread. But instead of saving the biodiversity we are destroying it. It is a really big issue we need to talk about. So I think that it is really important that biodiversity becomes a topic for a discussion.

    2. I agree because without biodiversity there will be no balance in the species that exist which will eventually cause alot of species to become extinct and some of them may be crucial to humanity

  • I believe that having a 'how to make a change' topic would be extremely vital because I would love to explore and share different ways to save our Earth with multiple people as I would love to get to know what there ideas are.I think it would be fun to communicate with people from other schools and share ideas about ways to save the planet.

  • I appreciate that this topic was included in this year's topical talk festival because whether it's said or not this topic is highly importance and crucial for the survival of humanity.
    The recent anomalies in the ecosystem calls for our concern as inhabitants of this planet, I'm offering that the topic ECOSYSTEM STABILIZATION should added to this year's topical talk festival in order to see opinions and ideas that may eventually save our ecosystem from destruction.

  • I believe there should be a discussion hub on what we are doing wrong such as burning fossil fuels which has a tremendous impact on our planet. I personally think this hub would be an amazing contribution to anyone who goes to it because it can raise awareness of a plethora of things we do that harms the planet without us even knowing.
    Think about this carefully, how many times have you hurt the planet without realising because its something you do often. An example of hurting the planet without knowing is luxury. Think about times you use things that aren't necessary and are rather hurting the planet such as leaving the TV on while you aren't watching it. Statics show that in the year 2022 Earth had used about 4.39 billion metric tons of oil. We can decrease this amount tremendously just by turning off electrical appliances in our homes while they are not in use.

    1. There are many thing that we, humans, are doing wrong which is destroying the planet day by day. Some of them being:-
      1. Using plastic everywhere eventhough we could use materials like paper and clothes to do the same work.
      2. Not encouraging the use of alternative sources of energy that are eco friendly.
      3. Developing the surrounding without thinking about the environment around.
      4. Polluting the sources of water.
      5. Using too much chemical products in every sector of work.

      And to solve these problems there are many solutions as well like:-
      1. Use alternate sources of energy like solar and tidal energy.
      2. Use material like clothes and paper instead of plastic everywhere.
      3.Use the 3 Rs to keep your environment healthy.
      4.Spread the infromation to educate those who are unaware.
      5. Shop for things wisely.
      6. Use less chemical products.
      7. Encourage the invention of eco friendly product and ideas.

      But we can't just know about these things mentally or theoretically, we should also apply these practically in our daily life activities. If all of us work together and do even small bides of work for saving the environment, the small works will pile up and bring a huge change in saving the environment. Making the planet happy and healthy again.

      Thank you reading my thoughts to the very end!

      1. I completely agree with you. Many people around me say that one person cannot make a difference and continue to use harmful materials. However, nothing will change if everyone has the same mindset. As you mentioned, we need to raise awareness in our communities and work together to protect our planet for future generations.

  • I would love to have a discussion on the question
    "Which is more effective, Individual vs Somatic changes"
    Ever find yourself wondering if your efforts to recycle, reduce waste, and go green actually make a dent in the colossal issue that is climate change? It's a question that hits close to home. Are our individual actions, like using reusable bags or cutting down on meat consumption, just drops in the ocean of a much larger systemic problem?
    Asking whether the focus should be on personal eco-friendly practices or if we need a broader, top-down overhaul in policies and industries taps into the heartbeat of our daily lives. We all want to do our part, but is it enough? Can we truly make a difference on our own, or is the real power in pushing for systemic changes that reshape how societies operate?

    1. I agree because a lot of people believe that the actions they take do not make a big change in our ecosystem and this eventually discourages them. I believe that change does not just happen in an instant, it is the collective effort of many people who are being conscious of their actions on the Earth. This is a vital topic that needs to be discussed.

  • I think there should be a discussion on mental health issues. Mental health issues or something that we all suffer from and I feel like even in the 21st centuries in this present context a lot of people all over the world are not even aware of this. Which is really sad because it is very sensitive and very crucial for us to discuss. Discussing mental health is important for several reasons. First, mental health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, affecting how individuals think, feel and behave. Open conversations about mental health help reduce the stigma surrounding mental illnesses, creating an environment where people feel comfortable seeking help. Furthermore, discussing mental health promotes awareness and understanding, leading to early detection and intervention for experiencing challenges. It helps break down misconceptions and educates individuals . Furthermore, research also shows that the state of our mental health does affect our environment and the people around us, so it is important that we discuss mental health in order to be able to create a sustainable environment and society for everyone.

    1. Hi fantastic_song,

      You are right mental health is really important and definitely something which is worth discussing. What are some ways you think people can improve their mental health? What are some things you can do to check in on your friends?

      1. Hey Yarima, . Yes metal health is a topic that is worth discussing . In my opinion, the first step to improving mental health requires thoughtful consideration of our environment. Our surroundings play a key role in our personal growth. But we often are unable to provide people with the environment that they require for that growth and development. But you know what? And the reason why we are unable to provide people that attention and the environment they require is because mental health is often stigmatized and people feel embarrassed or blame themselves for their thoughts and emotions. This shame is reinforced by other people's reactions to their claims or feelings. Therefore, in my opinion, creating an environment that provides understanding and spiritual support is key to building a society free of mental health challenges, or at least a society that promotes stability for everyone. sometime Reaching out to people is crucial. Simple gestures, such as asking, "Are you okay?" or letting them know "I am here for you," can make a significant difference. Providing this kind of mental support is essential not only in addressing the immediate concerns but also in creating an atmosphere where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves and seeking help when needed.

      2. Mental health is an important aspect of our well-being that affects how we think, feel and act. There are many ways to improve our mental health, such as practicing gratitude, mindfulness, self-care, and positive affirmations. These habits can help us cope with stress, anxiety, depression and other challenges that we may face in life.
        Checking in on our friends is a good way to improve mental health you can also offer them support and compassion. Sometimes, we may not know what our friends are going through, so it is important to ask them how they are feeling and listen to them without judgment. We can also encourage them to seek professional help if they need it or join them in activities that make them happy and relaxed. By checking in on our friends, we can strengthen our relationships, reduce loneliness and isolation, and create a sense of belonging and community.

  • Since all you topical talkers are here, why not explore Nigeria using its climate.

    In my country, Nigeria, especially in the northern part where I reside, the climate has two prominent seasons: the rainy season, known as "Damina", and the dry season, referred to as 'Rani'. The transition period between these seasons is called 'Kaka.' In conclusion, Nigeria experiences only two prominent seasons – the rainy season and the dry season

    1. Interesting! What questions could you suggest to get people discussing this topic?

      1. Talking about the dry season and the rainy season, a big question I will suggest to get people talking about this topic is how global warming affects water availability in terms of quality and quantity during the dry season and its implications for communities who lack this basic essential commodity, communities like mine. You see in my community, families struggle a lot trying to water to meet the basic things that water is needed for like cooking, washing clothes and cleaning the house. You see our mothers rising as early as 4 am in search of water that will be used for the day. This is a big challenge not to talk about the health hazards associated with a lack of potable water.

    2. Hello dedicated strategy. I had hearted
      the word of climate in your country. That's really very interesting. But in our country it's totally different. There are 6 different seasons in my country. All this seasons come with different time and looks.
      The name of the 6 seasons are : summer, rainy, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. And this is our pride that we have 6 different season. And we enjoy different festival at different season.
      So everyone has a uniqueness with them.It can be a country, person or so on.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the potential of inhabiting other planets aside from Earth if things go down hill, because so many believe that we only have one planet like ‘Gregarious_bee’ in the ‘climate change:regular reminders’ discussion, this is a bold and frightening statement to make and it adds to my climate anxiety personally, however, what if there were actually other planets to go to? I’ve watched documentaries and read headlines about the possibility of an inhabitable planet light years away, and this is partly good news, it means that humanity has a second option! Although technology today might not be able to reach that planet let alone take billions of humans with it, it gives a glimmer of hope for the future, which I think is a great discussion! A contrast to Eco-anxiety.
    Participants can discuss about what they might do on the planet, how their lives might be drastically different from life here, how technology over there might be unalike, how humans might put mechanisms in place to prevent the same thing from happening again, the potential of new life! And so much more, the possibilities are endless!

    1. I agree because we may never know if we could actually live on other planets and if we could it could solve many problem we face today such as overpopulation and world hunger because if we move to another planet there would be more food to share

      1. I disagree comment because ,there is one home for humans and that is Earth. Humans are known as the caretakers of this planet, and it our duty to assure the safety and protection planet. Y

      2. I disagree with your comment because , there is no home for humans rather for than Earth. Humans are natural inhibitor's of planet earth and it's fair that we take care and dwell on it. On the other hand over population becomes a pending issue regarding the survival of humanity . I do think that migrating to another planet, even though scientist are are assiduously working on that , may curb the over population situation. It is a zone that would be outside their comfort and if you think migrating to another planet will provide more food for the remaining population then we may not solve the situation but rather we have to work together as people to find practical solution such as engaging in large and small scale farming around the world to increase the food production.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on ' what we can do to prevent or stop exo- anxiety and ways to spread awareness on climate change '.
    Because, if we can find ways to stop climate change we will surely help our plant and spreading awareness on climate change is a big to stop in saving our plant, the more people know, the more they can join to help this great mission today.

  • I think there should be a discussion about how to actually help climate change in easier ways and also to help people with Eco - anxiety. I think this is because people are always writing about how to help climate change and people say they do or they will help but yet people still keep water running even when it is not necessary. Most people don't recycle, they don't do many other things that would help. This is not a good thing as climate change might not be that effective now but in the future if we don't help it , it will certainly affect us.This is why we should create easier ways to help climate change as people will be willing to help if it is easier. I also think we should make a topic about how to help Eco - anxiety as if they keep seeing new things that are bad they might feel worried and probably a range of different emotions . This isn't good as this could lead to something terrible . They might possibly have to visit a doctor or medic as they are really worried and this results into possibly losing a lot of people as it isn't one person who has Eco - anxiety but loads of others. This is why I think we should introduce these topics so people can be aware how dangerous but yet important it is to help.

  • A question I have is if there was an easy stress free non inconvenient way to help the environment would you realistically do it? I think more environmentalists should give more real life examples such as the Salton Sea which I think is a very good example of pollution. What was once a beautiful sea has turned into a monument of decay. Luckily a lot more Americans have been highly concerned about pollution. I believe that with this concern will come change.

  • I believe we should have a discussion about "soil erosion" due to the hazard it poses.
    soil erosion is a major problem that has several negative impacts on the environment and the human society, when dirts gets washed away it lets out carbon that's been stored in the soil making the air dirtier and causing climate change, it's also messes up The homes of plants and animals making some of them homeless. This whole soil erosion thing is a huge problem that messes with our food, water, weather, and the ecosystem.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about mental health and self care among teenagers as it is a crucial topic to discuss because at the stage of adolescence is concerned,this stage can be a challenging time with changes happening both physically and emotionally with various pressures. It's important for teenagers to practice self care and prioritize there mental health.
    The important aspect of mental health and self care for teenagers can be thorough open communication in which teenagers can express their feelings,thoughts and emotions freely, and also they should seek help when needed such as seeking help from therapist or school counselors this can aid in their mental health...
    Note,Each teenager is unique, so it's essential to approach self care and mental health with understanding, empathy and open dialogue, this may work for one and may not work for another!
    A little piece of advice to my fellow teenagers is that we should try to prioritize self care and mental health as it is okay to put your self first sometimes and spend your time with your loved ones... Also talk to Someone you trust when you are overwhelmed and also pursuing your hobbies as you deserve it!
    Remember taking care of your mental health is as the same as taking care of your physical health and also don't be afraid of seeking help or apologising to someone when you are wrong.

  • I believe we should have a conversation about "What we have done, to cause climate change" i think this because, we normally use products and appliances that use a lot of carbon dioxide, and some also release fuels out, which hurt the environment. I think we should make a change to this, and use more appliances that use electricity, Electricity uses less carbon than our normal items we find laying around - Cars, for an example - Cars come in variation, electric, hybrid, and diesel, most are diesel..Which is bad, These types of cars can hurt the environment, and cause climate change to increase! Some of our animals are becoming extinct.

    Our society is also hurting habitats. People are chopping down more trees every year, on average, more than 15 billion trees are lost annually to deforestation! The heat is rising too, this causes water levels to rise, and more floods are being experienced. Most animals in the Arctic are endangered now, 882 extinct species have already been confirmed! I want to be talking about this more as people will become aware about global warming.


    1. I agree with your suggestion on this topic. This question is indeed crucial to examine the actions of past generations and our current behaviours, as neglecting this may lead us to a lingering cloud of Eco-anxiety.
      Reflecting on past decisions allows us to identify the missteps and areas where we could have made more sustainable choices. It's not about assigning blame but rather recognising that we have the power to make positive changes moving forward. Learning from our past can guide us toward more responsible and sustainable practices.

  • I belive we could have a conversation about global warming and what we could do to stop it because It's been a long time ago when global warming started and we should do something about it.

  • I would like to recommend something, as I have a great discussion about this topic.

    Firstly, I think there should be a meaningful discussion on "How can we preserve the climate and eco-system?". As my assumption, eco-anxiety is a term that has gained prominence in recent years, describing the psychological distress and unease individuals feel in response to the growing environmental challenges and climate crises our planet faces.

    As to preserve all of these we need individuals who can adopt a proactive stance by engaging in sustainable practices and supporting eco-friendly initiatives, fostering a sense of empowerment, building strong community connections and providing a platform for shared concerns, reducing feelings of isolation associated with eco-anxiety.

    These are all the things I wanted to share. If anyone has any doubts or disagreements, please feel free to reply with your thoughts on this topic.

    Thank You....!

    1. Hello there, I have something we should all be aware of, before talking about this topic.

      Climate and eco-system prevention is not at all, an easy task. Or at least, not an easy task for a singular human being to accomplish. This task requires teamwork, coordination and unity within humanity as a whole. The main reason for why this issue has not been fixed is ignorance and disbelief present in many humans, which causes disharmony between people. But, if we all work together, we can solve this problem within only a few years, which, at first glance, may seem like a long time, but, when compared to the time taken when we don’t coordinate, it is very short.

      So, everyone, keeping this in mind, please give some methods on how we can solve this major issue.

      Thank you

      1. A great topic. What good debate questions could you create on this topic?

        1. I do not have any good debate questions in mind. That is why I am waiting for someone to reply to me with any one of their own, so I can reply with any agreement or disagreement of my own, or maybe give a neutral perspective on it.

      2. I am so glad that you raised your thoughts on my topic.

        As you're saying that this is not an easy task at all but if we use the technological devices like cell phone, internet or any other substances, it will surely work. And as your second thought, the ignorance by people doesn't help us to do it but if we give good education and good knowledge to every single one of them, there will assurdely be an unity among people and many of them will get courage to do so.

        If we spread the advantages of climate and eco-system prevention all over the internet in a good way, I hope there will be some optimistic change in many people's mind. There will be unity among people and all of them will know how the advantage could change the view of every person's life.

        I hope all of these thoughts of mine will help your thoughts. If you still got some inquiries left, please feel free to ask.

        Thank you...!

  • I think there should be discussion on "the internet" whereby we get enlightened on how and why interactions on the internet takes place

    1. Can you expand on this discussion topic?

      1. Interactions on the internet are shaped by factors like accessibility, anonymity, platform design, algorithms, and cultural norms. These elements influence how people connect, communicate, and form communities online. Understanding these dynamics is essential for navigating the digital landscape and promoting constructive dialogue in a diverse and interconnected world.

    2. I think you have choose the great topic to discuss on one major point of contention is weather online platform should be accountable for content moderation in order to ensure a safer online environment there are growing concerns regarding the right to free speech and the internet rises questions about the reliability and quality of content

      1. Thank you for your input! Indeed, the topic of online platform accountability for content moderation raises significant questions about balancing free speech with ensuring a safer online environment. As the internet becomes increasingly integral to daily life, concerns about the reliability and quality of online content have become more pronounced.

        While freedom of expression is a fundamental right, it's also crucial to address harmful or misleading content that can contribute to misinformation, harassment, or other forms of online harm. Striking the right balance between promoting free speech and protecting users from harmful content is a complex challenge.

        Exploring approaches to content moderation, such as implementing clear guidelines, utilizing AI technologies, or fostering user empowerment, can help mitigate these concerns while upholding principles of free expression. By fostering discussions and considering diverse perspectives, we can work towards solutions that promote a safer and more inclusive online environment. Thank you for highlighting this important topic!

  • The topic of climate change warrants extensive discussion in order to identify a preventative measure. However, a lot of people are unaware of how badly they are impacting our planet. While many people make every effort to slow down climate change, some people continue to live their lives without realizing the harm they are causing to the planet. It's said that little things, whether positive or negative, have an impact. It is now necessary for all of us to start a conversation about how to raise public awareness of the climate change situation and find opportunities for people to learn about it.

    1. A great topic to discuss! What questions can you create on this topic to get a discussion going?

      1. I'd like to hear from other topical talkers about the best ways for adults and kids to creatively convey the word about climate change. Should we employ AI technologies to do so, or should we assign people to spread the word globally? Additionally, I'd like to hear about potential rules and ethics that should be enforced in relation to climate change, along with the possibility of punishment for breaking them. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

    2. I agree with your opinion. The growing effects of climate change demand immediate action. The fact that there is still a section of the world's population that goes on with their lives without realizing the repercussions of their carbon footprint is concerning. Furthermore, I believe that the use of social media platforms to raise public awareness should be increased. This is not only to remind people of the worsening climate conditions but also to unite us to work for it.

  • One compelling question about eco-anxiety that could spark a meaningful discussion or debate is: "How can individuals balance their concerns for the environment with the everyday demands of modern life?" This question delves into the dilemma many people face when trying to adopt sustainable practices while still navigating their busy lifestyles. It prompts us to consider practical solutions and explore the complexities of incorporating eco-friendly choices into our routines. By discussing this question, we can encourage critical thinking and brainstorm innovative ways to prioritize environmental well-being without sacrificing personal needs and comfort.

    1. This is a good question, but please make sure all suggestions are written in your own words!

  • Hello ! I think that there should be a discussion on "do people really want change" and i know this sounds a little negative but to be honest i wonder if this question is a lot. I said this because even though we see these great activist movements that are helping for example plant trees and take waste out of the ocean we still have yet to make a big difference and i think people should discuss this so that we can see why people aren't helping enough whether it be time or not being told about how they can get involved, and how we can spread these activist campaigns everywhere so people actually know how to get involved and help genuinely make a change.

  • Nowadays, every region has been overwhelmed with new sometimes positives and sometimes negatives. Nevertheless, nobody can be sure whether this news are true and can be trusted. This bring me to my point. In the end, news inform us or misinform us? I believe this a controversial matter to discuss so i want to hear many opinions which might help us come to a conclusion

  • I think there should be a discussion on THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT. Firstly, the greenhouse effect is when Sun's radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases (Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide etc.) and not sent back into space. The greenhouse gases trap heat inside the Earth's atmosphere and keeps it warm.
    However, due to air pollution, the amount of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere has increased, thus, causing climate change and global warming which increases the Earth's temperature by 0.06° Celsius every year! This may seem like a surprisingly small amount but by 2030, water levels will increase by 1°C and will flood the coasts of countries all around the world.
    The reason why I think there should be a discussion about this topic is because The greenhouse effect is the base of global warming and climate change-which later leads to eco-anxiety. So upon discussion, a link will be seen between global warming, climate crisis, eco-anxiety and pollution. Although the greenhouse effect will not completely disappear after reducing the use of fossil fuels, it will help slow down its effect on our planet.

  • Certainly! If you're looking to keep the discussions on eco-anxiety going, consider asking questions like:
    - How can individuals cope with eco-anxiety in their daily lives?
    - What role should governments and corporations play in addressing eco-anxiety?
    - Are there effective strategies for raising awareness about eco-anxiety?

    Encourage participants to share personal experiences and insights to enrich the discussion.

  • As I think,Nowadays pollution is increasing alot and it one of the reason that global warming is increasing day by day. Pollution is damaging the people's health.So, there should be a management to reduce the population. Even, we citizens can help the government to reduce the population around the world by doing afforestation, by not using plastics,by conserving water resources and forest. We can solve the problem of global warming by managing the wastes from factories and industries and vehicles.By doing this kind of activities we can reduce the pollution and can make a healthy and managed environment.

    1. A great topic to discuss! Can you think of any questions to get a debate going about this topic?

  • I think the should be a hub discussion about the use of generators in homes and institutions. The power houses should give steady supply of light in houses so as to reduce the smokes coming from generators.

    1. Interesting topic. What questions can you create for discussion around this topic?

      1. Okay, I think the question should go these way, should there be lesser use of generators and higher use of solar panels and light from the power house?

        1. Well that was a critical question but I will like to give my own opinion. If I am to answer the question, my answer will be NO because, if people should depend on the solar panels, I don't think they will always have light due to the climate change, because the day is not always sunny and bright so how will the solar be charged.

          1. Well for that question talented cicada I think that before that's will happen it will take time before it happens for another 100 years it will take for a total eclipse will take before that time probably your solar panel will be changed. thanks.

  • The discussion topic should be on' how and why to collaborate with others to make a successful effort'.
    When discussing eco-anxiety, there's a common misconception that the responsibility for solving environmental problems rests solely on the shoulders of media and government entities. This perspective often leads to a passive mindset, where individuals feel disempowered, assuming that meaningful change can only occur when the influences and governments take try to solve it. Many people including me have been subjected to this train of thought which I believed for the longest time.
    Many people are willing to anything for the environment but thinking that only media and governments can solve environmental issues is a mistake. It's like using petrol to drive your car to work, but a thought intercepts you, you should change the environment by walking to work, you do that for a day, but the other day you stop and go to car by work. It's important to understand that our individual actions matter, and we shouldn't believe that what we do doesn't make a difference in the big picture of global environmental challenges. In reality, the scale of environmental issues demands an approach that includes active participation from individuals. It's essential to recognize the collective impact of small, everyday actions taken by millions of people. By doing eco-friendly practices in our daily lives, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and making environment friendly choices, individuals contribute to an area of positive change. Moreover, fostering environmental awareness within communities, engaging in conversations, and encouraging sustainable practices can create an effect that lies far beyond individual actions. Yet, people keep the anxiety in their hearts instead of making a change. Hence people should be informed about how the common people should take action in the face of eco anxiety as collective efforts matter. Therefore, to solve the crisis of eco anxiety, unity is the most essential. That is the reason that common people should be told how and why to collaborate to make a successful effort.

  • Eco-anxiety! Eco-anxiety! Eco-anxiety! My sister has experienced Eco-anxiety, and in her experienced that has been worrying about what life on planet earth will look for the Future Generation and finally gotten a way to deal with Eco-anxiety which I try my best to implement the three Rs ( REDUCING, REUSING, and RECYCLING) Into my daily life.
    That's all I have for my experience .
    Thank you .

  • I suggest creating a Hub discussion post to delve into the topic of 'How eco-anxiety impacts individual mental health' because it brings together two critical aspects of life: the state of the environment and mental health. Exploring how eco-anxiety impacts an individual's mental health can lead to finding a solution to this problem.

    Thank you!

    1. There are already discussions that are quite similar to this -- see if you can find and join one.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about what measurements our own country has taken for climate change because in that way we can compare the most effective ones. We can discuss its advantages and disadvantages and evaluate the most positive. For example I think my country is trying a lot to face climate change by recycling bins, decrease of public transport but there is still big road ahead of us.

  • I think there should be a discussion about the more positive side of the news, and tips to help with the outside world.
    Instead of telling people to help we need to find alternatives to the things that we already do.
    Some ways are:
    Using paper bags
    Electric cars/cars that don't use gas
    One thing I like is that people are slowly,but surely giving more attention to our planet.France in 2022 made it illegal to use plastic packaging.I think the US should follow in France's footsteps and start limiting plastic.

  • In my opinion I think there should be a much bigger discussion about this. There's many solutions to reduce the problem such as recycling, reducing carbon footprint, using public transportation, renewable energy sources, etc. We need to raise much more attention to climate change before its too late because no matter how many warnings we have from scientist we continue to ignore the problem.

  • I feel a topic about "human is a foe or friend to nature" is a good debate as this topic encourages discussion as it taps into fundamental questions about humanity role in the natural world... it prompts individuals to consider the environmental and practical aspects of ecosystem... People may debate the potential benefits of human intervention such as preventing extinction or restoring balance against the risks and consequences of destroying nature... It also inspire themes of environmental ethics, conservation, and the relationship between humans and the environment...

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about everyone's opinions on Electric vehicles vs. petrol/diesel vehicles because I think it would be interesting to see which side people favour more. electric vehicles are good for the environment but still, many people prefer regular cars with combustion engines. It would be interesting to hear the specific reasons for each opinion!

    1. Well said communicative engine,my concerns about the safety of introducing electric vehicles arise due to factors such as their high cost, range anxiety, fear of battery degradation, fire risks, expensive battery replacement, and longer charging times. Unlike traditional gas vehicles that can be quickly refueled, electric vehicles pose electrocution risks, especially during rainy conditions, raising significant safety concerns. Therefore, prioritizing health and wellness over wealth or fame suggests that alternative solutions ensuring safety should be explored.

      Thank you

      1. I agree with you admirable butterfly but why won't we use electronic cars.
        One thing is that even petrol cars are electronic all they need is petrol while electronic cars are charged.
        My honest opinion is to ensure that petrol and diesel vehicles should be prohibited if needed. Petrol is becoming expensive and scarce nowadays so it's better to use electronic cars.

        People like Elon musk knew what they were doing when they created electronic cars such as Tesla. If people use electronic cars, it would reduce the rate at which people use petrol, crude oil is an example of a non renewable resource,scientists know the time petrol would finish in the world. When crude oil is extracted, petrol is the maximum product which is gotten from it. If we use electronic vehicles, more products from petroleum would be produced and won't be scarce and expensive e.g cooking gas, diesel, petroleum gas and others. Nowadays, airplanes don't use diesel but they use blue hydrogen which is manufactured, this saves cost!

        Furthermore, we all know petrol is flammable, if people use electronic cars the rate at which cars burn during accidents would decrease.

      2. Well said admirable_butterfly.
        I understand the concerns surrounding the safety of electric vehicles, as there are several factors that contribute to these worries. Issues such as the high cost, range anxiety, battery degradation, fire risks, expensive battery replacement, and longer charging times are all valid considerations. Moreover, the potential for electrocution risks, especially during rainy conditions, raises significant safety concerns.
        In order to prioritize health and wellness over wealth or fame, it is crucial to explore alternative solutions that address these safety concerns. While electric vehicles offer numerous environmental benefits, it is important to ensure that their adoption does not compromise public safety. To drive widespread adoption of electric vehicles, it should be a priority to conduct further research and development to mitigate these concerns.


  • It would be insightful to have a Hub discussion post about animal leashes because, in most areas, domestic animals like dogs roam around without owners, and most of them have rabies. This can be dangerous to humans.

    1. Animals have occasionally made us uncomfortable through instances of unpredictability, perceived threats, or unfamiliarity. Encounters with certain animals, especially those perceived as dangerous or unpredictable, can evoke discomfort due to a lack of control or understanding. Additionally, allergies or fear of specific animals may contribute to discomfort. Despite these instances, many people also find comfort, companionship, and joy in their interactions with animals.

      Which can lead to various health issues,their are case where disease in animal affect humans, lices, thick and so many bacteria can be so dangerous to human those that
      have these animals should keep them away from our environment in other for people not to get infected by unwanted disease.

      We should respect everyones opinion,some love animals and so people dislike them.
      This is a very interesting topic enthusiastic buffalo 👍

  • I think there should be a discussion about what we think Eco-anxiety is and what we think about it because its important to look at it and understand fully what it is and what people feel about it. To notice how hard people suffer from it and find ways to help. Lets find out more about what others think and learn from others too.

    1. Yes, I agree with resourceful_opinion. People need to realise that environmental anxiety is a common feeling when attempting to stop climate change. In my view, eco anxiety is advantageous because, if individuals who experience it can seek to reduce it, then both the anxiety and the effects of climate change will diminish since we are all striving to lessen it through our lifestyle choices and important initiatives.

  • I think there should be a discussion post about how environment can be incorporated into education . We need to be informed from a very young age what we mean by climate change, what are some simple things children can do to protect nature and later on, on bigger ages they can even learn how governments can pass laws that will make sure environment is protected

    1. Hello ! I agree with you, i also think kids should be taught/informed about what climate change is and how big of an issue it really is, and by doing that it could encourage the youth to start protecting nature and doing things that help and so that in the future they are able to fight for new laws that ensure that the environment is safe.

  • I think a topic that would be grate for a discussion is solution to floods we often pass through lands or territories that were destroyed by floods but we have never really thought about what we can do to prevent floods well here are some ideas 1,drianage system 2,creation of gutters 3, creation of dams 4,we should make sure that we clean our lakes,rivers,dams,gutters,ocean,and the sea and keep them away from impurities. if all these measures adhere to we might just be able to prevent floods

    1. Hi ! I really agree with you, it really saddens me when i see the news and see that a flood has happened in a place due to bad weather and see that these people have their houses damaged or destroyed, but never seeing an effort to try and create solutions which can help minimize these terrible damages that occur. I think your ideas are amazing and something that should definitely be considered and done so that we could be able to prevent floods.

  • Discussion Topic: "Navigating Eco-Anxiety: Balancing Concerns and Action in the Face of Environmental Challenges"

    In a world grappling and striving with the consequences of climate change and environmental degradation, the concept of eco-anxiety has become increasingly prevalent. This discussion dives into the emotional and psychological impact of the environmental crisis, exploring how individuals can strike a balance between acknowledging the urgency of the situation and taking positive action without succumbing to overwhelming anxiety. Participants may explore strategies for coping with eco-anxiety, ranging from fostering a sense of agency through sustainable lifestyle choices to advocating for systemic change. The debate could also touch upon the role of technology and innovation in mitigating environmental challenges and alleviating the mental toll of eco-anxiety. By fostering a creative dialogue, participants can contribute to a collective understanding of how to channel environmental concerns into meaningful, impactful actions, fostering a sense of empowerment in the face of a daunting global issue.

  • I think there should be a discussion about bush and rubbish burning, and water pollution because here in Ghana many citizens have cultivated the habit of burning rubbish on the streets. This air pollution affects many people, such as lung affections, Asthma and many respiratory problems. Apart from rubbish burning , bush burning is also a major problem in this time of the season, many Ghanaians burns many trees and bushes just to create space for farming and construction, because of this many trees in Ghana are reclining which is causing serious heat, drought and scarcity of food . Water pollution is a huge isssue in Ghana. Here is Ghana illegal mining is affecting many water bodies, small villages rely on theses waterbodies to do their daily necessity. Because of the illegal mining, a large amount of mercury affects the water, and because of this many animals, plants and even people die. Pregnant women drink this polluted water and give birth to disabled children . Apart from illegal mining affecting our waterbodies ,people our release their waste and chemicals in waterbodies which is affect many fishes and other creatures and their habitats.

    Thank you, I like to know how you think about my discussion.

    1. Well said @zestful artic fox, bush burning, water pollution, and illegal mining, all of these activities are harming both humans and animals. Here in Nigeria, many people burn down hectares of land to farm, build new structures, and hunt, what most people fail to understand is that bush burning invites air pollution, endangerment of animal species and humans alike, and many more casualties, these people should be educated about the casualties of their actions and how to curb them.

  • Good Evening,
    As the saying goes, it is better to cure than to prevent, so we will discuss how to protect the environment, how to prevent climate change. We can use as many different fossil fuels as possible, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide emitting screens with a saving attitude. Eco-friendly trees were planted on top of the balcony I can We will collect and recycle the wastes that can be recycled, the wastes that are left in the environment will decompose and turn into fertilizers and save them and use them on the soil.

  • Understanding the diverse ways in which eco-anxiety can impact individuals. I’ve learnt it influences many people lives and how they work. This could lead to depression and stress. When people learn and witness species extinction and other changes in their atmosphere, this causes eco-anxiety. This can also lead to change of behavior and life styles. lets stop eco-anxiety.

  • The Maitama explosion
    The explosion happened on January 3, 2024, on a Wednesday, next to a waste disposal site owned by the Bureau of Republic Enterprises in Maitama, Abuja State. The regrettable occurrence was triggered by an overheated metal garbage container that activated under tremendous heat, resulting in an explosion and injuring two refuse evacuators who are currently receiving medical attention, according to the Nigeria Police Force (NPF).
    The explosion had an adverse effect on the weather even though it had nothing to do with bombs.Concerning climate change, I saw a metal container burst due to heat. This is on a big scale, so my recommendation is that we figure out how to combat the environmental repercussions of climate change.

  • Hey there! After reading posts about eco-anxiety, I think we first need to hear what the people who are deeply affected have to say. With that said, I think there should be a Hub discussion about organizing community workshops in different countries around the world to openly discuss these anxieties and collectively brainstorm practical solutions. According to "The Guardian," there was a poll conducted that stated that 56% of people worldwide believe that climate change will have a more significant effect on humanity than COVID-19. The study, focused on "eco-anxiety," found that 78% of people worldwide reported some level of concern about global warming.
    The gap is quite wide, and I believe wholeheartedly that when the people affected are listened to, needs are met, and actions are taken. The gap will gradually close.

  • hello ! I had an idea, i think there should be a discussion on "how to widespread campaigns" that encourage people to join and make a change and ways where we can demonstrate to people how to make eco-friendly changes to their lifestyles, aswell and ways where we can help this major issue but also being able to connect and get to know each other and our community in ways like people volunteering to plant trees and greenery in their communities to help purify the air and add more beautiful trees but as well as a way to interact with the people of our communities.

  • I believe that it is crucial to have a central hub discussion on the topic of "indiscriminate bush burning ". While i know that farmers engage in bush burning as away to cultivate there lands,there are significant ecological issues associated with this practice. These include erosion,ozone layer depletion, deforestation, and elimination of wild life . All these six ecological hazards are a direct human-induced bush burning.
    However, there are still effective methods to combat it ,such as:1)raising public awareness about the hazards of bush burning ,2)imposing penalties on offenders,and 3)ensuring the proper disposal of refuse.

  • I think there should be a discussion on
    deforestation. Here in Nigeria deforestation is part of the causes of climate change the poachers that enter the forest cut, and burn trees so that there should find animals and make them extinct the world is losing its greenish color fast so people have to act to stop these poachers from cutting down trees and killing animals.

  • I think there should be a central hub discussion about "desertification ". It is dishearting to witness lands that were once abundant with vegetation transform into barren waste lands within a few months. This phenomenon occur due to various ecological problems, including bush burning ,overgrazing, climate change, deforestation, and prolonged drought. While it looks insurmountable to some,it is not impossible to address this issue. Here are some ways to avert desertification:1)implementing rotational grazing, 2)practicing cover cropping, 3)promoting afforestation,and 4)regulating tree feeling. Although these 4 measures may appear small,they will undoubtedly play a significant and crucial role in protecting our environment.

  • I think that there should be a central hub discussion focused on the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer plays a crucial role in protecting humans from the harmful effects of the sun's radiation. However,our own action and activities are depleting the ozone layer, eventually leading to its destruction. Fortunately there is still time to save the ozone layer by adopting specific methods.
    One effective approach is to shift to alternative fuel such as hydrogen fuel, which are less harmful to the ozone layer. Additionally, measures should be taken to ban bush burning, as it's contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer . It is also essential to promote the use of ozone friendly goods while banding or phasing out the products that contain (CFCs)
    Lastly encouraging afforestation can significantly contribute to the preservation of the ozone layer. Trees play vital roles in absorbing (CO2)will used up,helping to mitigate ozone depletion.

  • Hey there! I was thinking it might be interesting to have a friendly discussion on the Hub about whether climate change is getting better or worse. I know that lots of people are working hard to reduce the impact of climate change, but I'm curious to hear what others think about how effective these efforts are. If you're interested, it would be great to hear your thoughts in a discussion post!

  • Hey all
    I too would like to join the discussion here. Seems that everyone is so considerate about the topic, about our nature and about our mother earth. So I cannot control but join the discussion with you all.
    Everyone of us are suggesting the less use of power consumption but my point is..instead of stopping it why not change and exchange it except of removing it.
    Indeed we are using a lot of polluting substances but let's take small steps for a big change and let's not worry cause we r trying and I believe we will be successful either today or tomorrow.
    Here I want to suggest the use of electronic vehicles as all of us know that instead of fossil fuel/petrol we can use electricity to over come the problem of pollution produced by petroleum vehicles. We can produce electricity through water, if not water then through sun, even if not that then why not wind. We have many solutions but.. what we lack is proper way to apply it.
    So, I think we should discuss the way for solutions. As we all the solution but lack of the way to apply it.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about species extinction because A hub discussion provides a platform to raise awareness about the on-going problem. Species extinction is a complex problem that requires collaboration across various discipline including ecology, biology, social science and climate science. A hub discussion can bring together some experts from different fields.Such collaboration are essential for developing affective strategies to address species extinction. Participants can share innovative ideas, research findings and successful conservation initiatives that have shown promising result. The conversation can help to generate actionable strategies for Conservation efforts at local,social and larger scale. Engaging policy makers and influential individual can discuss about it on the hub. It can be served as a catalyst for policy discussion,leading to more informed decision making. It can encourage the individual to take action about it. By discussing about it Participants envision a future where ecosystems are resilient, species are protected. By discussing long term goal participants can collaborate to make a sustainable world.

    I choose this topic because species extinction is caused by climate change which leads to eco anxiety. As the climate are changing, the temperature of the world is rising. The world is becoming hot. Because of it the wildlife is hampered. Many parts of the world is becoming hotter than ever which is causing species extinction. Amazon forest has lost its a lot of land because of climate change. That's why many species are extinct now.

  • Hi
    I suggest about a discussion that we should concern about the reducing the Implications of eco-anxiety.
    Eco-anxiety is a terrible feeling on what nature is likely is going to bring in humanity in the nearest generation, I could be in the form of eartshquake,thunder storm, flood, uncuring disease and unknown diseases. Moreover, the worst part of this filling that this natural disasters can occur at any point in time, regardless of your location. Moreover, we can predict exactly what is going to happen in the nearest future, but it is at our own safety to always believe to be positive mindset, believing that God. Will protect us at any point whenever any of this natural disasters occurs.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about How can we help people feel less worried about the environment? Because, It's a straightforward inquiry aimed at discussing practical solutions or actions that can ease people's concerns and encourage a more positive attitude toward addressing environmental challenges. The simplicity of the question makes it accessible for a wide range of people to share their thoughts and ideas on how we can collectively work towards a less worrisome environmental future.

    Thank you!

  • I suggest we could make a topic called 'weather.' I think this because climate change will start to change the weather, for example droughts, storms and floods. In my lesson, we talk about how global warming will start to melt ice cubes which will cause floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. The earth will start to heat up causing warmer temperatures all around the world.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the role of media and messaging in eco-anxiety because this is a topic that has garnered increasing attention in recent years. With the growing awareness of the climate crisis and its impact on the planet, individuals are becoming more concerned about the future of our world. Media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and can have a profound influence on how people perceive the situation. The way in which the media frames the issue of climate change can either alleviate or exacerbate eco-anxiety among individuals.

    The media has the power to shape the narrative around climate change, which can either be empowering or disempowering. The way the media talks about climate change can either inspire people to take action or leave them feeling overwhelmed and helpless. For instance, if the media focuses too much on the negative aspects of the climate crisis, it can create an overwhelming sense of doom and gloom, leading to a sense of helplessness. On the other hand, if the media focuses on solutions and the positive impact that individuals can make, it can empower individuals to take action and make a difference.

    It's important to recognize that the media is not the only factor that can contribute to eco-anxiety. However, it is a powerful force that can affect how individuals perceive the situation. Given the crucial role of media in shaping public opinion, it is essential to have a discussion about the role of media and messaging in eco-anxiety. This conversation can help individuals become more aware of how media affects their mindset and can help them take steps to mitigate the negative impact of media on their mental health.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about "what is happening in this world and what should be done". Because we know what causes global warming but still we are using fossil fuels and other harmful or toxic things. We are aware of it but people aren't fully involved on the things that should be done. Global warming is increasing day by day. The sea level has increased than last year. Due to the breaking of the ice. And if we don't stop harming our environment now, it will be worse.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about some real life incidences about eco anxiety. Loads of people are facing environmental issues around them. When one gets to know what is actually happening in the real world, they tend to understand it better. Hence, by talking about our real life experiences where we have faced both positive and negative impacts of nature, then we'll be able to indulge in a good discussion.

  • Let's push for swapping re­gular plastics with bioplastics across different sectors like­ packaging, farming, and production. Doing so lessens the de­mand for fossil fuels and cuts down the carbon left by plastic production. We­ can make bioplastic by taking starch from biowaste - like potato pe­els - and use it to make bioplastic. That way, we­'re helping recycle­ and work against climate change.

  • I think there should be a discussion post about “why that happened “ because ofcourse behind any problem there’s a reason or more and I know this discussion might seem useless as we know the factors that caused eco-anxiety but most of the known causes are not the main ones, so what I’m saying is that when we get to know the main reason it’ll be a shortcut to solving the eco-anxiety incident and after that the whole world should start coming up with a practical and rational solution along with continuing to do the little things we do now in order to make a positive change.
    Thank you!

  • I really want to talk on bush burning. Bush burning is part of the causes of climate change. The smokes that goes up are part of the things that make the ozone layer fade. Bush burning affects people and animals. Bush burning leads to climate change and make the ozone layer fade.

  • I believe that it is crucial to initiate a central hub discussion on the issue of overgrazing. We are witnessing the rapid transformation of once lush green lands into barren,gray landscapes. This alarming phenomenon can be attributed to the determinal effects of overgrazing, where animals or livestock consume more vegetation than the land can naturally regenerate. The consequences are far-reaching and have negative effects on both ecosystem and society as whole . These effects include erosion,loss of soil biodiversity,and land degradation,among others. However,there are still ways to cease overgrazing, such as implementing rotational grazing and corporating rest and recovery periods, among other strategies.
    This is my point thank you.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about how local communities tackle eco-anxiety. How are they addressing environmental issues, and does it help people feel better? Sharing these stories could inspire others and create a positive approach to eco-anxiety and discussing the importance of community-driven projects in reducing eco-anxiety.

  • "I think there should be a Hub discussion post about ' why don't people change." People's have a bad habit and that is 'Greediness' . Everyone only want to be bigger than another person. So, they want to earn only money. For this reason, they forget about the importance of nature. They forget their humanity.None of them get the slightest amount of time to look at the nature around them just to earn money. If we all create an organization that encourages everyone to look at nature. Then maybe we can change ourselves, I think.

  • I think there should be a discussion about "How does it affect us?" Because we can get everybody's experience with Climate change. Everybody all over the world has their own unique opinions and experiences with climate change.

  • I think there should be a discussion on what we can do to stop eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety is when people worry about climate change, this is taking away from people's mental health. People might not be getting enough sleep or anything related because they're thinking about climate change. I think one thing that we could do is create ads telling people not to worry about climate change.

  • I feel like we should have a discussion on "What we should do to reduce waste" because we know what we're doing wrong so now all that is left is a solution to the problem. If we have this hub discussion we can come together to even not only give example on what we should do to reduce waste but also to raise awareness on things we do that adds waste.

    Some steps I think we should take in order to reduce waste are;

    1. Outline what is wrong.
    2. give examples on how to prevent it
    3. Develop a habit of not doing what is wrong
    4. Stop doing it entirely

    If we do these steps on almost anything not just reducing waste we could achieve any goal.

  • Climate change leads to alot of critical problems. Climate change causes some changes in water availability, making it scarcer in more regions. Climate change also increases water shortages in water -stressed areas which is leading to the risk of agricultural droughts affecting crops.we have already seen the effects that scientists predicted, such as the loss of sea ice ,melting ice sheets,and more intense heat waves. That is why I think there should be a discussion about "what else would Climate change lead us to in the future " because if we know what would Climate change lead us to we can raise people's awareness about it so they can take an action and protect the environment that we are living in for the sake of our countries.

  • Due to the increase in population in Lebanon, many orchards, trees, and gardens were removed and replaced with buildings, which led to many problems, the most important of which is that when a person feels bored, he sits on the balcony and enjoys his home with his sight, and his psychology changes. Due to the large number of buildings and the crowded housing in the neighborhoods, most of the residents suffer from difficult psychological conditions. We encourage everyone who has a space next to his house to plant it and take care of it in order to change himself when looking at the garden full of flowers and colors and reduce the percentage of psychological problems

    1. Yes, chatty_lake I agree with you. I believe that the ecosystem in my area and elsewhere has been severely hampered by deforestation. One of the primary reasons for the ozone layer's depletion has been deforestation. Since trees are necessary for even the existence of humans, I believe that we should cultivate them rather than destroy them.

  • I think there should be a Hub Discussion Post about the establishment of a World Government and how it would change the structure of Climate Action.
    I think the idea of a World Government is in need of deliberation today, since it has equally good and bad sides to it's coin. Would it result to decreased pollution due to curbed wars? Or will the climate be affected further due to an extravagant scale of development? Can a world government implement a One-Child Policy in the world? I believe all these topics will also change the way we view the current world today, and broaden our horizons on the field of development.

    1. What do you think needs to be discussed most?

      1. I think it's most crucial to discuss a World Government's Impact on climate action - It's contribution towards pollution or lack of it thereof. As of today, all countries are playing the blame-game, holding each other responsible for increased carbon emissions and pollution. Maybe a world government can change this? Because, climate change is an issue that is very easily affected by the minutest happening around the world. The butterfly effect is not a cause but rather a part of it. So a decision as huge as the world government is likely to impact climate action very, very broadly.

  • Personally,
    I feel like the causes of eco-anxiety aren't talked about enough
    Yes we all know what it is and how to reduce it but do you know 90% of what you do affect the eco-anxiety but the question right now is do you know the things as an individual you do that affect eco-anxiety?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion, on ways we can do to prevent eco-anxiety and some ways in which we can reduce pollution. Well eco-anxiety is the worry about the current and future harm to the environment caused by human activity and climate change. Some people might be troubled because they're thinking about climate change and how it can cause great harm. In my opinion,I suggest that we could make an advert telling humans not to worry about climate change and we need to find a solution to it.

    1. How do you think this advert would help?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about this. Recently, I NOTICE certain perspective in our global society across the world, where some segment of society think that climate change is a hoax. They believe its a made up story to put the world in an uncomfortable mindset and dump down their business, like the global oil value chain and petrochemicals. why do you think that is so?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about "What's your experience with eco-anxiety?". Here, Topical Talkers would share their experience with eco-anxiety. They can tell why they faced it, whether it was because of news that they read or something they witnessed in their country, and what it felt like. They can also share how they coped with this anxiety and mention if they took any steps to make things better. There should be a hub discussion post about this, as it will be interesting to read about different experiences that people have had regarding this topic, and it will also provide us with a lot of new perspectives. It will give us many suggestions that could help people facing eco-anxiety cope better. It will also make us aware of the climatic conditions in different parts of the world.

  • Discussing flood is essentially in Nigeria due to its frequent occurrence. Raising awareness about prevention, I'm promoting proper water management can significantly reduce impact. Education is key to building resilience and fostering effort to minimizing the consequences of flooding.
    Thank you 🌍.

  • I think there should be a HUB discussion on the impact of fast fashion on the environment. Fast fashion is all about cheap and trendy clothes that are quickly discarded. But this industry has a negative impact on the environment, like pollution and excessive waste. We can talk about supporting sustainable fashion brands and finding ways to reduce our fashion footprint. Let's chat about it and share our ideas.

    1. This is a great topic. Can you think of any questions around this topic?

      1. Hello Alicia @ Topical Talk this are some questions around fast fashion.
        1. How does fast fashion contribute to eco anxiety?
        2. What are the social and ethical issues associated with fast fashion?
        3. How can we make more sustainable fashion choices?
        4. Are there any alternatives to fast fashion that are more eco-friendly?
        5. What are the environmental consequences of excessive clothing production and consumption?
        6. How can we raise awareness about the negative impacts of fast fashion?
        7. What roles do consumers play in combating fast fashion and promotion sustainability?

        1. Some excellent questions here! Well done!

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about, Why we should change the environment? I think this could be beneficial because, if students or other people do the hub discussion they might stop and think, "maybe I can do something to help". If someone were to do the hub discussion post they could be presented with if not comments information on WHY we should change the environment. I also saw a hub post on how we can change the environment that was inspired by splendid_fish, so I thought if we know HOW to change the environment maybe knowing the reason WHY we can change the environment can make more people convinced or persuaded to help the environment. We can also learn from all of the comments from very smart people why we should change the environment and then maybe more people will help to save the environment and the Earth.

  • I would like to suggest a discussion about why climate change is happening in general and then going to the specific details. For example, what things that people did in the past that caused these effects that can be destructive. The discussion should also include the best way to decrease these effects starting from the individual and then talking about what society can do.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about Eco-Anxiety according to different ages.
    Because surely all ages respond to eco anxiety and it is very important to get every one to support this on going effort to end climate change for good.
    Let's think together of inventive ways to successfully get more of every age into the game.
    For example,we can inspire tricenarians by TV methods and more through advertisement.
    Adolescents can be drawn by spreading awareness through popular social media apps. Preadolescents by school programs or trips to just deliver the importance of our world and doing the three R's (Recycle, Reduce and Reuse)and much more ways to attract different ages.
    If we think together surely we could come with innovative ways to boost our progress against climate change.
    Thank you.

    1. Respectfully, while I appreciate the notion of delineating hub discussion posts tailored to specific age demographics to address eco-anxiety, I must express dissent with this proposition. I contend that a consolidated platform catering to a diverse range of age groups provides a more efficacious avenue for fostering cross-generational understanding and collaborative problem-solving.

      The segregation of discussions, in my estimation, risks impeding the potential for synergistic engagement and the coalescence of shared experiences. Eco-anxiety, being a pervasive concern transcending age barriers, necessitates a unified space where varied generations can confluence, exchange insights, and collectively formulate comprehensive solutions.

      Advocating for inclusivity rather than compartmentalization, I propose a discourse that encourages intergenerational dialogue, thereby cultivating a richer tapestry of perspectives. What are your reflections on adopting a more integrative approach in our pursuit of sustainable solutions?

  • Hello
    Here is a question about eco_anxiety that can spark an interesting discussion or debate:
    “To what extent does eco_anxiety contribute to positive action and environmental change, and how can we effectively control and manage these anxieties to foster collective action towards sustainability?”

  • I feel like there should be a discussion about whether going to the doctor or hospital should cost so much in America. I say that because healthcare is where people get the help they need. In America everything is already expensive so why does it cost so much to get the help we need.Don't get me wrong doctors and nurses and hospitals should get paid but does it really have to cost THAT much just to keep your life? I mean there is already a lot of people going to the hospital everyday in America, so why does it need to steal all this money from millions of people? Don't they have enough? The main goal of healthcare is to help people, not steal all their money. Think about people that are poor but need medical help, what will they do? Go into deeper debt? Sit their and stay feeling ill or sick so they don't have to spend all that money? I think that healthcare should not cost as much as it does. It will make the world a better place.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how kids have too much screen time because three billion kids and teenagers have an addiction to video games, social media,etc.Up to 4% of gamers are currently addicted to playing video games.There are around 60 million people that currently have gaming disorder.

  • I think in should be a HUB discussion on deforestation. Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees to make useful items. But deforestation is bad to the environment because the earth is losing its greenish color this makes the earth more dry.

  • I have not seen one but I suggest that there should be a HUB discussion on pollution (Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment). I say this because the world is gradually losing its once green form and turning into something else, one of the things that is turning the earth that way is pollution. I suggest that because pollution is one of the major things that is causing climate change and not much people in the world are paying attention to it.
    In summary pollution is one of the world changing ways effects negatively, I just thought that this needed to be brought up so that the world will turn a new leaf.

  • How could the new generation play a critical role in awareness for climate change?

    1. This new generation is filled with problems that we have to fix. I believe that this generation plays a gigantic role in awareness for climate change. I believe if we want to get things done, we need to inform other people about these problems and work together to fix them. We should not sit around and wait our whole lives until a problem is finally solved. We should fix these problems now so that we don't have to face these problems later. We need to stop making excuses and start solving our problems.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the organizations that work tirelessly every day to protect the environment. A lot of organizations are dedicated to safeguarding the environment, and I must admit that I used to be careless about throwing waste before I learned about their efforts. For instance, EFI is an organization in Chennai that has transformed many dirty lakes and rivers into beautiful ones. They have also built a machine on Marina Beach to reduce plastic waste, which is a significant problem caused by visitors. This machine can destroy 3 to 4 tons of plastic waste per day. They even visited our school and organized a bird-watching event, teaching us about birds and raising awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.

    There are many other organizations like Fashion Revolution in London, UK; Sierra Club in California, US; One Tree Planted in Vermont, US; ATREE in India; WWF in Gland, Switzerland; Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Washington, US; Rainforest Alliance in New York, US; WHO in Geneva, Switzerland; United Nations in New York, US; and Greenpeace in Amsterdam, Netherlands and so on.

    In conclusion, if we post about these organizations on the student hub, many students will learn about their efforts and be motivated to help. They can also share information about other organizations that have done commendable work for the environment.

    1. Thank you for sharing this idea, giving_seagull. Out of the organisations you've mentioned, whose work do you admire most and why?

      1. I admire the EFI organization because of their hard work and dedication towards protecting the environment. In my previous message, I mentioned that they have built a machine on Marina Beach, which cost them around 20 lakhs. However, they do not worry about the cost as their main aim is to protect the environment. This organization was started by Arun Krishnamurthy, who had an opportunity to work at Google but rejected it to focus on environmental protection. Out of all the organizations, I admire the EFI organization the most.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about "GLOBAL WARMING " because I think that people aren't being aware of global warming that much. Global warming can be described as rising in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the earth. Global warming is increasing so much that last year, In Antarctica, a flower had grown which was a big topic in the internet. There are many causes of global warming. Some are:
    1) deforestation
    2) fossil fuels
    3) agriculture and farming
    4) industries, etc.
    There are many effects of global warming. Like:
    1) Rising of the ocean - as the temperature rises, the ice of the mountains melts and the melted ice mixes with the ocean. So, the ocean rises.
    2) increased drought - Due to global warming, deserts are expanding, reducing land for growing food.
    3) shortage of water - the air sucks up more water from oceans, lakes, soil and plants.
    Thank you!

  • I feel like people should be more worried about global warming because this is causing droughts and wildfires in some places. This is also affecting states that don't have a lot of weather problems this is not only affecting humans , but also animals and the earth. I am worried about what will happen later on and if the weather will get any better.I am not sure if I am safe and if the weather will get any better .

  • Some ways to reduce global warming or climate change.

    Reducing climate change involves various actions. Some key ways include transitioning to renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, protecting forests, and advocating for sustainable practices in agriculture and transportation. Individual efforts, such as reducing waste and adopting eco-friendly habits, also contribute to mitigating global warming.

  • I think there should be a discussion about why people don't try to waste less without having to be told about what is happening to the world because people should just want to be eco friendly in general even if there wasn't anything like climate change or global warming and pollution

    1. That's an interesting point, frank_imagination. Can you explain why you think people should look after the planet even if there weren't the threat of global warming?

  • I think there should be a discussion about how can you tell when people have eco-anxiety because I think people should know when others have eco-anxiety and help them immediately so they would not feel bad for too long. I think when people have eco-anxiety, they would not seem to look at the news very much or maybe tell others to do something about it. Or maybe they would not want to tell others that they have eco-anxiety because they might feel bad if all of there friends comforted them just because they have eco-anxiety. They could be embarrassed of that. I think there should be something that can make them feel happy and forget about it for a while. I would really want to know what others think about how can you tell when people have eco-anxiety.

    1. Could you make some suggestions about how you could tell, thoughtful_peak?

      1. I think you can tell by seeing how they react when they heard some bad news about global warming or news about it, they would look stressed or tell others around them. Maybe they could act alone. They might be doing things like telling people to plant more trees, recycle stuff, switch off lights and compost. Those people would ask people to do it, but I think it is more likely they would just do it themselves as they might understand that others think that it is not yet time to act because they are not effected by global warming.

  • In my opinion, there should be a Hub discussion post about food crisis. because, this topic all around the world are talking about these days. I'm not very sure if in year 2022 we call it a year of unprecedented hunger. We all know that we are facing a food crisis of unprecedented proportions, it is the largest in our modern history. Billions are in danger of worsening hunger unless if we didn't take action now to respond at scale to the causes of this crisis :conflict, climate shocks. If I'm not mistaken These two causes are affecting on people in Pakistan 🇵🇰, Nigeria 🇳🇬, Kenya 🇰🇪 and more. These people who really need support to adapt climate change.and we also are going to discuss :effects of food crisis
    The problems that causes food crisis.
    The solutions.

  • I think there should be a HUB discussion on deforestation. Deforestation is indeed a pressing issue. It refers to the clearing or removal of forests. Often for agricultural purposes, urbanization, or logging. Deforestation has significant consequences for our planet, including the loss of biodiversity, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and disruption of local ecosystems.

  • In my opinion, there should be a discourse on "Why we are not helping others with eco-anxiety as much as we should." I think we should perform neighborhood surveys and checkups each month to see how many of our people are suffering from eco-anxiety and what they include in the surveys that we can improve/help with. It is a matter of what we're not doing in life as a whole. This is our planet, so we MUST do what we can and SHOULD to make it a better home for the rest of our ecosystems and species to come.

  • I agree with beloved octopus because climate change is becoming a huge problem in the world and we have to make a change. Every time I see four or five pieces of litter on the floor and it’s because of some people in the world who are not taking care of the planet. If there is too much climate change, the world won’t be able to hold it much longer and wee’l all die. Without the universe, you wouldn’t be alive right now, so the least you can do is take care of it.

  • I feel like there should be a discussion about some more ways on how we can stop climate change which will make a large amount of difference to it or about how we can really help together as a whole world because many people are aware of this but yet keep using fossil fuels and produce green house gasses, which is just going to make global warming more worse.

  • I agree because... ways to save the planet and environment is a good way to learn more about it and to discover more things. Also, Ana I have some spider plants at my house which is also a good way to start to save the environment!

  • I think we should discuss the future of bio-humans. I heard on CNN 10 that Elon Musk was working on inventing a chip that can go into the human brain and be used to be able to control your phone from your brain. So what if we discuss the theory that human beings are completely bio-engineered?

  • I think that global warming and climate change are big issues that need to be solved yet they still haven't been solved. You see the problem is not that we can't fix global warming and climate change, it is simply that people don't care about the environment and the harm that our society creates. Our ecosystems are in a constant balance. Once the balance is gone, there is chaos and destruction. Without a balance in everything, the structure or base will crumble. We have to act, and we have to act now.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on "How can we turn eco-anxiety into positive environmental action?" (Turning Eco-Anxiety into Positive Action).
    As people are becoming more aware of the threats to the planet, they are also experiencing eco-anxiety, a sense of helplessness and despair. If left unaddressed, this anxiety can hinder action. Thereby this topic is crucial as it focuses on the emotional impact of climate change concerns and aims to redirect that energy into constructive actions.
    Under this we can discuss strategies, personal experiences, and success stories which will provide valuable insights to motivate individuals in making positive changes in their daily lives. By fostering this conversation, we have the potential to inspire a collective shift from anxiety to proactive engagement in environmental efforts, nurturing a sense of empowerment and hope for a more sustainable future.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about the role of educational institutions in educating students about Eco-anxiety. I haven't seen many students discussing about the role of their schools on this topic. I think schools can play a very important part by educating the students from the start. If the students would already know about what's happening and how to deal with it, they wouldn't be stressed. If the schools tell them about how to handle all of this they would be better prepared. Hence, I think there should be a hub discussion post about this.

  • I got a lot of idea about climate change from this festival. This climate change is dependent on several regulators; Such as biological processes, changes in solar radiation received by the Earth, geology of crust formation, volcanic eruptions, etc. However, we find that climate change from a social and political point of view today refers to climate change due to recent human activities around the world, commonly known as global warming. Climate change changes the temperature, air pressure, winds, etc. of the Earth's atmosphere.We see that the burning of fossil fuels for energy production increases the number of harmful gases in the atmosphere including carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and these gases are warming our atmosphere and as a result the polar ice is melting, due to which the sea level is rising and so onLow-lying areas near the sea are being flooded.We need to save this beautiful world and maintain its biodiversity. Otherwise we will lose this beautiful world.We should not use plastic, plastic is non-biodegradable, it pollutes soil, water, which causes climate change. We need to plant more trees to save our environment, society, state, world and thus we can prevent climate change

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "How you think it affects others" because I feel like we as humans think too much about how we feel instead of worrying about the other people who are being affected, like the tribes in the Amazon forest. Thinking about another individual's point of view could also help us learn the best things to do for the environment. Like planting trees, using less plastics, and volunteering to clean up trash.

  • I would like to discuss about "The future of sustainable waste management ". Waste is one of the biggest challenges faced by world today. Food and vegetables wastes can be used for composting instead if ending up in landfills.

  • Climate change has been greatly affected by majority of people in the society. climate change has given most people more and more thoughts on how to stop it. in times like this people will be greatly affected even young children can be greatly affected not only adults. there are more negative news than more positive news about climate change. let's give it a try on how to stop this climate change before it gets worse day by day. THANK YOU AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

  • I feel that one topic that can be discussed is how eco-anxiety affects mental health and well-being. Explore its links to stress, depression, and feelings of powerlessness. Share strategies and coping mechanisms to help individuals manage eco-anxiety. if we all share our ideas we can definitely come up with the best solution to manage all this."Working together to manage eco- anxiety is not just a responsibility; it's an opportunity to cultivate resilience, innovation, and collective stewardship for the planet we share."

  • I think there should be a discussion post about the "GREAT PACCIFIC GARBAGE PATCH AND OTHER PRESSING ISSUES" it is really important to discuss this and other complicated consequences caused by our carelessness as such issues are not taken up by any specific government itself but rather can only be solved by global collaboration ,it is hence very rational to have a discussion about the same deliberating on the possible solutions and course of action to be taken up for the redemption of such consequences caused by us.

  • I believe that our next subject that we should be debating about is the statement 'reduce reuse and recycle' and if people really follow this. This is because in the streets we see a lot of littering and we know that it may never change. We get told to pick up our rubbish and we do it. We put it all In the bins. But most people just ignore the the state of our wonderful world. If we recycle then the plastic or cardboard or even the paper that we dont use then we can at least do our bit to change the place that we live in. When we reuse we can collect water that is not fresh and clean to water the plants or clean garden utensils. This would stop us from using too much clean and healthy water on things that dont really need fresh water. And finally when we reduce we mean to use less plastic or toilet paper so we can save money and save the environment. Thank you for reading my response.

  • A hub discussion that i would like to suggest is " technology and climate change". This discussion should talk about the technologies that have been developed and what new technologies we should think of in order to try to decrease the bad effect of climate change. This discussion should also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new technology that should be introduced and what are the best places to apply this technology whether for example the place is with cold or warm climate.

  • hello everyone,
    I think agriculture has a negative role in changing the climate of Bangladesh, an agricultural country. Farmers are harming the nature without their knowledge. Farmers extract water from underground to irrigate agricultural land. Due to which the amount of water in the soil decreases. Due to which drought also occurs. We use more water than required during irrigation which wastes water. If we irrigate before the sun rises, the soil will absorb some water and the irrigation water will not be wasted. If we irrigate in the presence of the sun, the water will absorb more heat than the soil and turn into water vapor.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the causes of climate change because many need to know how their actions in their everyday lives are impacting the world. I believe if people are aware, society may see some changes as people would be aware what is causing climate change. The post would inform people what causes climate change which would lead to people coming up with new and creative ways to prevent climate change from proceeding to become worse.

  • In my opinion ther should be a hub discussion on the effects of climate change on animals and birds because we shaare the earth with them and we should know how are they effected and we should aalso discuss that do animals feel eco anxiety? if yes then how also are animals adapting to climate change?

  • Currently, global warming due to human-caused greenhouse gases is considered one of the main causes of climate change. In the scientific model of climate, all these indicators are sometimes called Climate Forcing. Glacier shrinkage is considered as one of the most sensitive indicators of climate change. Glaciers increase in size when the climate cools and glaciers decrease in size and number in warmer climates. During the winter or ice age, a large area of ​​the earth is covered under the glacier and snow layer. Carbon dioxide, one of the green house gases in the atmosphere, has increased by 50 percent compared to the nineteenth century. It has increased by 12 percent in the last two decades. Increase the use of renewable energy to prevent climate change

  • good night everyone,
    I think prevention is better than cure.
    One is prevention while the other is re-pollution but remediation is the elimination or neutralization of the pollution or problem. People cannot reduce water consumption but they can reduce wastage. People can reforest even after cutting trees. Extinct animals and plants can be re-conserved, transformed into superior varieties. Avoiding unnecessary damming of rivers and slow moving of ships to protect nature. Remedies are the best way to solve problems. The environment will be polluted but work must also be done to prevent pollution.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on Understanding Eco-Anxiety such as What is eco-anxiety, and how does it differ from general anxiety? Explore its roots in concerns about climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and other environmental issues, if we all share suggestions and discuss together we all may knowingly or unknowingly help each other I know it's a common discussion but it can come out with a tons of thoughts that can be shared and helped.

    1. Can you tell me what you know about eco-anxiety?

      1. from my understanding eco-anxiety is a term that is used to describe feelings of fear, stress, or worry related to environmental issues and the state of the planet. It's a type of anxiety that one may have from the concerns about climate change, pollution, deforestation, land as well as many other environmental problems the one who is experiencing eco-anxiety may feel overwhelmed by the scale of these issues and may worry about the future of the planet and the impact on ecosystems, animals, and human communities, I also feel that It's important for young people like most of us to know that it's normal to feel concerned about these issues, but it's also important for ourselves to channel these feelings into positive actions we can do many actives such as participating in community clean-up efforts, organize small drives in our schools or in the area we live ,supporting eco-friendly practices in their daily lives. one quote I live by is
        "Let us not be driven by fear, but rather let us be empowered by hope. Our collective actions, no matter how small, have the power to shape a better, more sustainable future for our planet."
        eco-anxiety can be a bit overwhelming but we all can turn those thoughts into a better idea to save our planet. This is my understanding of eco-anxiety.

  • I think we should have a topic, "What causes climate change?" or "Why is the Earth is changing?" because it would be important to know the main cause of how and why the Earth is changing to be able to contribute to it. We could also explore the small causes that adds to climate change too. It would be an informative topic for people to learn and find out different ways our planet is changing and why.

  • I think we mainly talk about how the planet is changing effects our mental health, but we don't really talk about the physical health. How does climate change affect our physical health daily? Is there any positive affects, or all negative? I think it would be a good topic for people to understand when the earth is changing, our body also changes in different ways. We would be able to discover new things and learn more about human body.

    1. Hey discreet_harmonica, thank you for your suggestion. How do you think that climate change is affecting our mental health?

      1. Hello Eva, thank you for replying. I think that climate change is affecting our mental health by putting more stress onto us. Like the whole discussion about eco-anxiety, it affects people’s mental health, making them lose hope in the world and even their lives. Climate change can affect people’s daily lives by closing down a community or workplace because of bad weather. Moreover, climate change could destroy homes and pets could get sick, or even worse, they pass away. It could disconnect people’s social lives too. This could lead people to feeling bad and lonely, and could even cause depression if it’s too much. But, there are many ways we could fix this.

  • I suggest a Discussion Topic on Eco-Anxiety. It is "How It Happens". In this topic we all Students can tell on how Eco-anxiety took place. I think that that this will help us to tell how Eco-anxiety happens and also tell which sources
    are giving us Eco-Anxiety. This will help us students to encourage even more to say how it occurs and which sources keep on giving us Eco-Anxiety. Some of It's Causes are : Deforestation, Overpopulation, Carbon Emission Level High etc... Some of It's Sources from where we hear it and it's side effects are: Television, Smartphone, Laptop etc...

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about CAN ANYTHIN REPLACE EARTH . Because , recenty there has been many discoveres that earth would soon be destroyed and mars will be our future planet I would like to hear from everyone's opinion regarding this topics.

    1. I totally agree with this becoming a discussion because... Scientists often get carried away making alternatives and they forget the original. WE are the cause of the earth's destruction. Scientists should try to find ways to PROTECT the earth and not replace it. I totally disagree with the idea with going to another planet. Earth is our home, we cannot abandon it because of problems WE caused.
      I believe that nothing can replace earth. Earth is the safest and most habitable planet for humans that is found in our solar system. There might be others but earth is one in a million. This earth would have been a lot more habitable if not for the pollution WE caused. WE are the cause of our problems and instead of fixing them we are running away. To be clear, scientists are trying to find another habitable planet because WE polluted the earth, if scientists discover a more habitable planet and people migrate to live there, WE WILL DEFINITELY POLLUTE IT because of our human activity just like we have done with the Earth. I would also really like to hear the comments of others, which is why I believe this should be made a topic.

  • Hello everyone,
    I want to share my deep concern about climate change which can effect us in future. We all knows the importance of water but no one cares to safe it. We all just waiting it as we can. But we don't know our whole system is dependent on water, health, irrigation, lands, fields, rivers, even this is important to hygiene as well. If water is wasting continuously than we will face very horrible future. It will deeply effect climate change and will suffer from eco-anxiety.

  • Greetings!
    The topic I would like us topical talkers to discuss is.
    We will ever feel safe and secure
    This generation enjoys unprecedented technological, scientific and financial resources and yet this is perhaps the first generation to take the world to the brink of a( political, economic,and environmental)
    System breakdown.
    Why areSo many people concerned about our future and that of the earth?

    Some challenges afecting our world are :
    The internet is increasingly proving to be a dangerous place to is a heaven for pedophiles, bullies,trolls and hackers.
    Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world......
    The internet also provides another reason for one of the worst traits in the world of humankind.
    The capacity to be vicious and cruel.
    According to a recent oxfam report,the eight richest people own the same amount of wealth as the poorer half of humanity.
    Our broken economics said oxfam:are funneling wealth to a rich elite at the expanse of the poorest in society,the majority of whom are women.
    This mainly states that the growing inequality might trigger social unrest.
    Biodiversity is be ing lost at mass extinction rates "states the global risks report 2018.
    And pollution of the air and sea has become an increasingly pressing threat to human health.
    Also insect numbers are in steep decline in some lands . Because insects pollinate plants, scientists are now warning of a potential ecological Armageddon.
    Coral reefs are in trouble also, scientists estimate that about half the world's reefs have died in the past 30 years.
    All of this and many more are enough reason why need to ask ourselves

    Some feel education should be part of the answer.
    If so ,what kind of education?
    I would like Us topical talkers to input their intelligent opinion on this.

  • When I was thinking about this topic I came across many such points like over population, greenhouse effect, etc. which should be discussed on this platform, but the topic that grabs my attention is 'resource depletion'. This topic should be focused as in the upcoming years, it will cause significant and considerable problems to the society. If we solve it now, it might not make a huge, uncontrollable change in the future. Everybody reading this comment, knows that resource depletion occurs when resources are taken from the environment faster than they are replenished and this makes the resources decrease in number. Due to this, these resources become unavailable to the ones who can't afford them. This can lead to very serious and dangerous situations in the near future and should come to an end early.
    In conclusion, the natural resources we use in daily life should be utilised wisely for secured and happy time ahead.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about "YOUNG PEOPLE AND CLIMATE CHANGE". I personally chose this topic for discussion because many youth don't know about climate change, but are unknowingly contributing to the problem, also many youths may know about climate change but they do not even know how to solve the problem. This is one of the factors that is taking us backwards in the fight against climate change because young people are full of energy and will do anything to make this world a better place. So if children can be taught about climate change, we can combat climate change before it is too late.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about " how to cope with eco-anxiety " because it is a common and valid emotional response to the climate crisis. Many people, especially young people, feel anxious, depressed, angry, or hopeless about the future of the planet and the life it supports. These feelings can affect their mental health, well-being, and motivation to take action. Therefore, I think it is important to share and learn from each other how to deal with eco-anxiety in healthy and productive ways.
    Some coping strategies that I have found helpful are:
    -Educating myself about the causes and effects of climate change, and the possible solutions and actions that I can take to make a difference.
    -Joining a community of like-minded people who care about the environment and support each other in taking action and raising awareness.
    - Practicing gratitude for the natural world and the things that I enjoy and appreciate in life.
    - Seeking professional help if my eco-anxiety becomes overwhelming or interferes with my daily functioning.

    And the questions that i want to ask other students about : What about you? How do you cope with eco-anxiety? Do you have any tips or resources that you would like to share? Please join the discussion and let me know your thoughts."

  • In the Eco-anxiety section, I think there should be an area devoted to marine life because millions of tons of plastic pollute our oceans every year and I find it quite concerning. So I would like it if the topical talkers around the world could start committing to a small act that across the world together could make a noticeable movement that would help save the oceans and all marine life. For example we could each pledge to something and follow our progress.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about "Why are people saying No to plastic, but still using it?" I believe the majority of people from our planet know about the hazards of plastic so why are they not boycotting it? I guess the countries should take some real-life actions instead of just signing the protocols. The government should ban plastic from places where other things can be used. Such as plastic bags, spoons, bottles, etc. I know there are some real-life examples where people have taken a step to save our planet and I appreciate it. But I think if people are not boycotting plastic and waiting for others to do so then they should be forced to do it.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about 'Anxiety to action' .Because I observed in all the discussions , posts and comments everybody is writing about how anxiety is affecting youth , how is eco anxiety dangerous and in even the posts with description on innovations to reduce climate change points like the change by these is not enough, is prominent . Thus i think that a discussion should be done full of positivity welcoming ideas , news , thoughts , perceptions and look of the diverse student community here from around the world this discussion full of mindfulness might decrease eco anxiety and show all those who are slowly getting afraid of the climate change that , being afraid or have anxiety won't help our planet instead taking steps and spreading positivity will . So that they overcome their anxiety and become eco leaders encouraging everyone to take actions and save our beautiful planet earth..

  • I think there should be a discussion about ''speak up'' which contains being confident and speaking about the climate. Because, we often come across a lot of solutions which are great ideas but people lose interest. That's why you need to speak up and be convincing. Thank you!

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about “can people have the same eco anxiety?”
    I think on the possibility that people can have the same eco anxiety even if they are in different locations and the possibility that people cannot have the same eco anxiety even if they are within the same location.
    Some people can have the same eco anxiety because they might be living in the same area, they will be experiencing the same climate change and vice-versa. While some people can also have the same climate change while not living in the same area and vice-versa.

  • In my own opinion I think there should be a general hub topic on water pollution, because water pollution is indeed a significantly global issue with the far-reaching consequences. A dedicated hub topic could help raise awareness and foster discussions on potential solutions.
    Thank you.

  • I think we should really talk about pollution. IT damages our water and air. It can harm animal habitats and make some become instinct. So we should discuss ways to prevent this problem and save our ecosystem.

  • I think that "sustainable method of generating energy" is a important topic about our environment and it should be on hub discussion post because the most of the pollution that is present in our environment is caused because of the power generating plants like coal power generating plants and nuclear plant. We can consider nuclear plants as more efficient but they also release Radioactive waste that last for more than a billion years. The hydro power generation plants are eco friendly but they are not efficient to full fill a countries electricity demand. I am supporting this topic because I think that it will influence and uncourage different people to invent supportable power generating method. And a
    conversation is not Limited it can reach to its further extends.

  • I really think that there should be a discussion on "HOW WE CAN STOP AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES FROM AFFECTING THE ENVIRONMENT " People think that only carbon emissions, burning of fuels, industrial activities and deforestation are the only major things that affect our environment. This belief is wrong. Did you know that 47% of climate change is caused by agriculture? You may ask how. Well, things like fertilisers have a lot of nitrogen and nitrogen can pollute and even harm aquatic organisms. When it rains these fertilizers can get washed from the farm into natural water sources. This is just one way agriculture pollutes the environment.
    Agriculture really affects climate change, but it is something we cannot do without. This is why I believe that we need to make this a discussion. We need to find a way to carry out important activities like agriculture without affecting the planet. One way we can do this is by stopping runoff water and fertilizers from farmyards to flow directly to a water source, especially not a natural one. Farmers can also reduce the amount of chemicals in agriculture. This can be done by applying bio-fertilizers and manures like animal and human waste instead of chemical fertilizers. This way even if water should wash the fertilizers into water bodies, it will benefit and not harm the aquatic organisms.
    I really want to hear other opinions and ideas on how we can stop our agricultural activities from affecting the environment because it can really help our environment.

  • I think that there should be a student hub discussion post about Pollution. Pollution is a major problem that affects every country in the world. If we don't take action to prevent it, our quality of life will suffer. Land and water pollution affects all living organisms. For example, if birds are thirsty, they will go to the nearest lake to drink the water. But if the water is polluted, they won't be able to drink it. That's why we need to stop polluting the environment and water. If this becomes the topic of the student hub discussion, everyone can share their thoughts on how to protect the environment and prevent Pollution caused by humans.

  • I believe that starting a hub discussion on "How Climate Change Impacts Our Health" sounds like a fantastic idea. Many of us have heard about climate change, but it's true that we might not fully grasp how it directly affects our health, one example is the melting of ice caps we know it is going on but how does it affect us?

  • I think we need to discuss the risk of climate change to the environment.
    climate change impact on society is very dangerous life gets destroyed roads and so many other things so why are people not taking it seriously has it should be taken.
    most people don't even know the things they do that affect the society and the consequences of not knowing
    that why i feel like the hub should discuss about the RISKs of climate change

  • Hello
    I think there should be a general hub discussion on "Drought". Because this is dangerous to the world, it is a prolonged period which causes water to eventually dry out. So by talking about drought we can learn how to prevent it, also to inspire others to spread news on how to stop it.
    Thank You.

  • I suggest there should be a Hub discussion post on whether the media and educational institutions have a responsibility to address eco-anxiety and its potential effects on mental health because it intersects with multiple aspects of society. It raises the question of societal responsibility in addressing mental health issues related to environmental concerns. This provides an opportunity to explore the role of media and educational institutions in shaping public understanding, attitudes, and responses to eco-anxiety.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the emotions of people. In a sense, I believe that the weather has something to do with our emotions or moods. So if it was a rainy day, most people tend to feel down or upset.

  • I think there should be hub discussion post about poverty. Basically, poverty is one of the major problem in today's world . Due to covid 19 pandemic , the number of extreme poverty has increased. It is projected that by 2030, a shocking 575 million people will still be living in extreme poverty.. I think that we should debate and discuss on this topic

    1. This is a challenging topic! Please share your sources for your statistics.

      1. If I personally talk about my country, the recent news in India about poverty is approximately 15% i.e 21 crore of the Indian population is living in extreme poverty.. and if I say about global poverty it is approximately 47% of population is living in extreme poverty .

    2. I agree because... Poverty is a main problem in my country too. About 88.4 million people in Nigeria are living in extreme poverty. The rise in the price of dollar daily is also not making matters better. The main cause of poverty in Nigeria is UNEMPLOYMENT. People do not have jobs and therefore become poor. Government needs to make more employment opportunities to help graduates get jobs.
      Another cause of unemployment is laziness. Though the government is at fault, we cannot completely blame them. Sometimes, the masses themselves who are to be looking for jobs are too lazy to go out there and make a living. This also increases the number of unemployed. The common saying, "an idle man is the devil's workshop" is very true. So I also believe this should become a discussion.

  • Hello,
    I think there should be a hub discussion about "how to encourage people in recycling? " I think it would be very fascinating to read what people might suggest for this situation but in my perspective, there's alot of ways to suggest in that case, such as:
    We could hang Posters in streets and neighborhoods just as a reminder for people to always recycle and help their street look clean .
    - Donations
    This also another very useful and helpful way which is to donate things that need to be recycled such as metal, glass or paper to specific factories that could recycle them to be reusable. But how can we encourage people to donate to factories for the sake of recycling and saving our planet? - we could make some advertisements on the internet .

  • Headlines in news over react because people have lived throw ice age so they will be fine. Meaning that the world will change not make you suffer.

  • I think that the hub discussion should be on "Extinction of species" because each species has specific role and importance in the ecosystem. It is the biggest cause of concern. There are so many reasons of extinction such as climate change , habitat loss , pollution, hunting animals etc . If the species of plants and animals would extinct, then there would be nothing to show to our future generations and they wouldn't be aware of these species .
    thank you

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Who Can be more responsible to curb This eco-anxiety, i.e the Government, local people or someone else? Because this will help make one aware about its responsibility towards handling such conditions like eco-anxiety.
    Also there can be a discussion on they ways to reduce eco-anxiety either by the indivisuals or government.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "How can one individual make a difference?" because if a lot of people see the post, then a lot of people will take action, because small things add up to bigger and bigger things.

  • I think there needs to be a conversation about good news about climate change. Not enough people know the good things being done about climate change. Less people would be mentally and some physically damaged. It should have everyone share what good they see being done around them.

  • A discussion that I would love to share is, "Our Trees Are Dying!" Deforestation has been an ongoing thing for years and years. Trees have been getting cut down; for instance, Brazil has high levels of illegal logging and deforestation as Brazil contains the Amazon Rain Forest. The Amazon Rain Forest has medicine and other things in it, cutting the trees down has multiple impacts on the rain forest and us. In conclusion, the topic "Our Trees Are Dying!" would be an amazing discussion as it has an very important impact in the world.

  • What is Eco-anxiety

    Many people feel anxious about the environment. This worry, called eco-anxiety, happens when they see problems like climate change and pollution. But what is it, and how can we deal with it?

    Eco-anxiety is when people feel really worried about the environment. They see things like pollution and deforestation and feel scared about what it means for the future. But this worry can also push people to take action. They might start using less energy or supporting environmental projects.

    Dealing with eco-anxiety means finding ways to feel better. This could be talking to friends, learning more about the environment, or doing things to help, like planting trees. By working together and taking action, we can make the world a better place for everyone.

    Try to find more information about Eco anxiety like if there's types of Eco anxiety or no . Reply to this comment and tell us

  • Hey everyone!

    I think it's important for us to chat about the upsides and downsides of AI in the context of climate change. AI has the power to make a real difference, both for the better and the worse, so it's good to be clued in. Let's share our thoughts and ideas about how AI can affect the climate. It's a friendly space for discussion, so feel free to jump in with your thoughts!

  • I think there should be discussion about "how do you think climate change works" because even I sometimes question myself on how it works and it will be so nice to see what other people think since they are in a different country. Climate Change is different around the world. We can adapt on our ideas on how Climate Change works. We can come up with ideas as a hub. We- ourselves- can use our knowledge and the facts we know to figure it out . We then become our own mini scientist as kids. Once we find a way we think is a way that Climate Change works, we then go AGAINST it and change the rules to become a person who is a hero, who is a recognisable figure and who is planning to change the world.

  • I would like to suggest a hub discussion on POLLUTION. Contaminated environment: The silent killer or Slow poison. It is the best way I can describe the effects of pollution. Wilderness guides often refer to the “rule of 3”, which says that a person can live for 3 minutes without air (oxygen), 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food, and even after knowing this, we all keep polluting the land, water bodies and air we breathe. In short even after knowing this we destroy our environment. It is directly linked to eco-anxiety, eco-anxiety is caused by climate change and the major reason for climate change is POLLUTION.
    We really need to take steps to decrease pollution and make our world, a heaven again.

    1. I agree because... Pollution is something that is actually slowly harming people. According to the WHO, "Last year, the World Bank estimated the global toll of the health damages associated with air pollution to be $8.1 trillion – roughly 6.1 percent of the global gross domestic product." All that money just to take of people who have been affected by what? POLLUTION. I think this is really alarming and is something that should be looked into. Among all the different types of pollution, the deadliest is AIR POLLUTION. Air pollution is responsible not just for deaths but because it can also cause noncommunicable diseases like stroke and lung cancer. After people are witnessing and being victims to all of these, they still take it lightly. I think this should become a discussion because people need to learn the effects and how to prevent them. Awareness also has to be made on the dangers of pollution.

  • I feel that there should be a hub discussion on "WHY PLASTICS?" or the "DANGERS OF PLASTICS"
    Plastics are a major environmental problem that we need to address urgently. They are synthetic materials that do not decompose naturally, but instead break down into smaller pieces called microplastics. These microplastics can accumulate harmful substances from the environment and enter the food web of the ecosystem, affecting the health of animals and humans. One of the most affected ecosystems is the ocean, where plastics make up a large portion of the marine debris. Some common sources of plastic pollution are packaging, bags, bottles and other disposable items. I think we should reduce our consumption of plastics and switch to an eco-friendlier alternative that can biodegrade or be recycled. According to my research it says that if we do not take action, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. That is a shocking and unacceptable scenario that we should prevent at all costs.

  • I would like to suggest a discussion about droughts, and how we can stop them from happening. This is because I've seen news in my country about water shortages affecting crops. We need water for the crops, the animals, and for ourselves. Water is a very important resource in life, and I think we should start a discussion on how to value it more, so that we'll be able to have our daily resources.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about deforestation in the world because there has been a lot of clearing of forest lately. Forests have many benefits like increasing oxygen levels, they purify and provide clean water for our communities, and they also provide homes for wildlife. Here in Georgia I've noticed there has been a lot of forest being cleared to make new land and I can't stop what will happen to us humans and what will happen to the wildlife in that area. For one we need plants/forests to help us breath better. They produce oxygen and energy for us and our earth. By taking this away they are decreasing oxygen levels and reducing the energy of the earth. Secondly what will happen to the animals in that area. Animals will continue to always need food, they will always reproduce.,and they will always need a place to live.If we clear away their land what will happen to their everyday life and how they live.In what ways would we really be affecting them.That's why some questions to go with this hub discussion post could be How has deforestation impacted human-life,How has it impacted the earth, and How has it impacted our animals. Some more questions could be What can we do to reduce deforestation and what could be a better alternative for deforestation.

  • Hello.
    I think there should be a hub discussion about Greta Thunberg's role in climate change. He participated in an essay competition on climate change and became aware of it through this. After that he is working on raising awareness for controlling carbon emissions, protecting environment balance etc. Such awareness work is very rare at the age of 17 years. Such work will make people aware of climate change.Through this a pollution free world will be developed.
    Thank you very much.

  • Well I think there should be a discussion about the weather. Because of climate change, which also affects the weather, last year -in Summer- it was as hot as an aquarium of lava. Who knows what type of different weathers' we could be facing in the future. Bad things have been happening since climate change, and there is no planet B so we have to look after this world.

  • I think there should be the discussion on "gender equality" because to raise awareness and both the genders shares equal distribution in finance, education,powers etc . when everyone has equal opportunities to participate to society, it can lead to better social and economic results for communities and countries as a whole.

    1. I agree because... I've noticed that in schools, teachers only offer a "Strong man" to pick up chairs, I find this very disgusting and offensive to be treated this way. Especially because back in the 1920's, us women worked out, yet we weren't allowed to do so in public. Thank you for mentioning the discussion about "Gender equality"!

      1. How could you raise this issue at school nice_flute? What suggestions could you give for how this system could be improved in your school?

        1. I personally think I can raise this issue at school by reporting this to someone who could help, such as a teacher or staff member. Thank you for replying to my comment! I really appreciate it! <3

  • I think there should be a discussion on eco-anxiety. A lot of people all around the world still use obnoxious objects like greenhouse gases, non-recyclable plastic, batteries and so on. I believe that, with our development with futuristic things, we can create something to keep us in luxury while improving the environment, not harming it. We often talk about climate change, but what are we doing to stop it from happening? We are still damaging Earth without realising it.

  • I think there should be a student hub discussion post about non-renewable resources that will not exist in the future. For example, petroleum, which we get from crude oil. In the future, these types of non-renewable resources will not exist because, for instance, petroleum has only 40 more years left. The same case applies to other resources as well. Therefore, if this becomes a discussion, we can all talk about what alternatives we can use in the future if these resources are depleted.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about firearms and how easy it is to get. Because I see a lot of people that are in gangs shoot people that they have problems with and kids shooting up schools, I feel like the only people that deserve firearms are the elderly for self defence and the army for battles.

    1. I agree because... There have been many school shootings on the news, I feel like we should talk about this more. Parents are required to supervise their children and I also feel like people who are struggling and being robbed should only be given firearms and such. Thank you deeply for mentioning this!

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about what you do to help the environment and eco-anxiety because I would love to know how people help the environment. Also it would give you ideas of how to help the planet. It would show us ways of being eco-friendly and give us more opportunities to help the planet.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "GREEN ZONE"
    To be honest, I don't have a specific reason about why I want to discuss with you "GREEN ZONE"
    but i assume that we're going to be interested and students are going to share alot of examples and supporting ideas about having GREEN ZONES.
    share your ideas I Really want to read different opinions and ideas😊

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about stores, I know it may sound very simple, but it isn't. Store these days make "Environment friendly" products to get more purchases, as if they really cared about the environment. I find this extremely disrespectful and disappointing, especially because they know that people are struggling to breathe, farm, and even live due to their wastefulness. I think we, as a group should make a Hub discussion on how we could help, and even talk about this horrible situation.

  • in my generous opinion we should talk more about banning plastic straws. They are harmful because they are made of plastic, one time use (and of little value after single use), they get into the environment and do harm to wildlife, and add to the waste stream leading to landfills. i think this topic deserves more attention and i also think that topical talk will pit this discussion on the roof.

  • Hi!
    I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the prices of ecological products or the ones that are more respectful with the environment, to debate if they should cost more, less or the same as the ones that aren't ecological. I think it would be a great discussion because frequently, when we go to the supermarket, we find a big difference in the prices of the products depending on its origin and the way it was produced, and we ask ourselves, why?

  • The basic solution, in my humble opinion, is that the solution to this problem is in the hands of the people and their awareness. If they have sufficient awareness, many problems will be solved, such as the problem of cutting down trees and throwing garbage in the street, the problem of smoke leaking, the problem of burning forests, and not underestimating mistakes, because the second problem besides lack of awareness is underestimating mistakes. That people They argue that it is normal for people to change their perspective and have sufficient responsibility to prevent this problem.

  • I think there should be a discussion about how people are getting eco-Anxiety because there are discussions about the climate change where you live and why people aren't changing to protect the planet but there is no discussion about how people are getting eco-Anxiety. eco-Anxiety is very important so I thought that it would make sense to have a discussion about how people are getting eco-Anxiety. I hope if you can you can make this discussion.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how we can use our everyday actions to make a positive impact on the environment and our mental well-being? This is because eco-anxiety, or the feeling of overwhelming concern about the future of the planet, is a legitimate concern for many individuals, especially young people.By discussing this topic, I think participants have the opportunity to share and develop coping mechanisms, explore how personal actions can contribute to positive change, and draw on each other's experiences to find hope and motivation in addressing environmental challenges.

  • Suggest A Discussion I also agree and here are some more ways to reduce air pollution; 1;Always disposing the garbage and not burn it 2;Use less energy technology equipment 3;Avoid to use vehicles as much as realizable by using public transport 4; Electric vehicles can decrease the environmental pollution 5;The most importent growth of plants and care of trees It can also improve the life of forest habitat

  • I believe a discussion the hub could import could be " ideas to help the planet" this could involve ideas to help our planet such as kinetic-tech floor ( it uses the kinetic energy from peoples footsteps and converts it to electric energy.) Windmills ( giant fans that send kinetic energy from turning around and turns it into electricity.) Finally solar panels ( panels that absorb solar energy and convert it to electric energy.) This are all real mechanisms from real life that country's use to help them burn less fossil fouls. I think this would be a brilliant idea for everyone one to think and talk about.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on ' Is combustion negative or positive?' because burning can have its negative impacts in the environment by
    1. Polluting the air we breathe
    2. Burning outdoors can cause wildfires
    3. Polluting the soil with Ash as well as the lakes rivers and streams
    4 . Particles from the bushfires smoke can come together to substances like hydrogen chloride and it is a substance found in plants. The particles of smoke will carry the hydrogen chloride into the stratosphere where it will destroy the ozone.
    5. Destroy soil structure
    Burning can also have its positive impacts on the environment. When we burn it actually brings nutrition to the soil by:
    1. Kills microorganisms directly and halting their reproductive capabilities which increases the organic matter present in soil
    2. Burning stimulates the growth of new vegetation
    3. When the leftovers of plants are left and burnt at low temperature in an environment with limited oxygen, it is produced into carbon-rich substance called biochar: it is used for soil application which increases the plants health and provides carbon which is maintained for a long period of time.

  • I believe there should be a topic titled "The impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity". This is a discussion similar to what we have at my school where we share our opinions, information, and experiences from climate change. I would like to share this question with you all to hear about different opinions, information, and experiences from around the world.

  • I think there should be a general hub disscusion on "how to make the environment clean?" So as to learn how to keep the environment eco-friendly

  • I think a very good topic for discussion is habitat destruction because this is a very complex issue that needs to be addressed because the destruction of animal habitat can lead to loss of keystone species such as bacteria the bush burning normally destroys the bacteria found underground so if we are enlightened about this habitat destruction we can work on how to prevent it.

  • I would like to have a hub discussion post on topic of 'dark side of the new alternative to our old machines ' i want this to become an discussion because although it seems very interesting to hear electric cars are the future they will reduce our carbon footprint , but on other side what are they increasing ? pollution caused in the process of making batteries ,and what we are doing here is doing the same task depleting an fossil fuel. Just that fuel changes earlier, it was petroleum now its coal . Just like this there are many more examples that could become an interesting topic for discussion and a debate.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about ' AI vs. Humans ' because people have started believing that soon, AI machines will take control over humans.

    1. Can you tell me more about how you think AI will take over humans?

      1. Good Evening Ma'am,
        Since, AI field is developing day by day and touching skies, it might be possible that they become more powerful than us, in fact in some countries, it is already done. Also, soon these will make humans completely dependent on them which will finish hardwork from people making them lazy. And soon, they might be arrogant and start harming humans. So, we will have to win this fight and remember that, "Robots have not made us, we made the robots. "

  • HI, I think there should be a hub discussion about "biodiversity" because biodiversity is the variety of life forms on earth even us humans but there are a lot of problems happening which is destroying biodiversity .some of the problems are pollution, climate change, and invasion of alien species for example Madagascar is country is a that has wild life were you can't find anywhere else in the world but it's biodiversity is being destroyed by climate change and invasion of alien species, so having a hub on this topic would help raise awareness and enlighten about how to prevent the destruction of biodiversity.

    1. I agree with your point because some people don't even really know what is biodiversity not to talk of thinking of the problems that it has on us. Making this hope discussion will create more awareness and enlightened people about the critical problem that it's affecting biodiversity. This will enable lost to find solutions what protecting the variety of life forms on Earth.

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion post on enviromental or ecological hazards the reason that I think this topic is important is because if people are enlightened about the facts that their activities are destroying the environment they might try to think of ways to protect the environment and save the planet🌍🌎🌏

  • Hi,
    I think there should be a Hub discussion post about deforestation in the Earth because according to Wikipedia deforestation dangerously contributes to global warming by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which traps heat from the sun and raises the temperature of the Earth. Deforestation also causes erosion, loss of biodiversity, and displacement of indigenous people. We need to stop cutting trees in the world.
    Thank you!

  • Hello everybody ,
    "I believe initiating a Hub discussing post on the impact of climate change on mental health could be beneficial. It's a pressing issue affecting many and exploring its psychological dimensions could foster greater awareness and support for those experiencing eco-anxiety . I also wonder what you all guys think about it .

  • I think there should be a discussion about "how can we stop climate change in different countries "because climate change in different countries is very bad and we need to stop it otherwise it could get worse. I live in London, there is a lot of pollution and rain but in other countries climate change is even more worse than London and we need to stop it.


  • I think we should have tabs where people give protest ideas and community projects to help slow climate change. This could open new ideas and ways that are accessible to all of us around the world to help the planet. Organizations can see project ideas , fund project and help for the ideas to be carried out around the world.

    I think there should be a Hub discussion about"Pollutions as the source of climate change" because topical talkers will benefit from it .
    Firstly, What is pollution? Pollution is the act of environmental unhealthy measures that are occurred. However 92%of climates changes are caused from pollution. So topical talkers will learn more about it and know the mistakes of pollution.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how to address eco-anxiety in educational curricula because it's a crucial aspect of preparing future generations to solve environmental challenges. Addressing eco-anxiety in school lessons is super important because it recognises how worried students might feel about the environment and helps them learn ways to deal with those feelings. It also teaches them how they can help make things better for the planet.🌎

  • In my personal opinion, we should introduce a debate about "how can we stop this" as this could be helpful and very soon we could have a happy world again. I think we should chose this a a debate because it would make more of us pay attention and do something about it finally to bring destruction on earth to hault at once. We could raise more awareness about these heartbreaking events on earth right now. This would fortunately make more people that suffer from eco-anxiety and just concerned - about-earth people take action and help us all on this amazing planet to abolish destruction for all of us and for our good and for our positive emotions so we can rest and take a break from the suffering of concern about nature and eco-anxiety to have some peace, knowing that earth is safe from destruction.

  • I think there should be discussion about what inventions people would make to help the planet. Not only would this help creative spirts but also help adults come up with ideas about how they can save earth. For example the UK rail station that take the kinetic energy from peoples footprints to generate energy for the station.

  • I think that we may talk about how will AI help in stopping the climate change , because AI has billions of benefits that will help us save earth from climate change .

    We may also talk about how will the world be after many years if we didn't stop climate change it is interesting to know.

    1. Can you explain how AI will help climate change?

      1. We may use the Air Purifier to purify the air before letting polluted air go out from the factories and code it to open only when there is polluted air to not to use alot of electricity .

        I think that this is very important for us and the environment , and please let us try this

  • I think that one topic that I would be interested in discussing further is if connecting with other people who suffer from eco-anxiety helps or if it’s even more of a burden. Debilen socialisation and having social contacts is very important, is it best to come together with people you share certain things with or not?

  • I think there should be a discussion about “should we learn more about climate change or eco-anxiety” because some people think it’s bad although we are thoughtful but not everyone think that, some people think we will change this whole world and that’s our target.

  • I think this discussion should be about climate change and global warming like maybe we should stop using cars and green houses .If one person can not do this, at least a team will
    come up with a solution to help the environment and make us live a better life. Also I would
    like to discuss about how we can all put our hands together and help the world and also
    we can share all our ideas and discuss different plans. We can gather up like a team by doing
    small things like using cars less amount of time or instead of green houses we can plant our plants on the ground.

  • Children should learn because then they can help in the future and when they are older so they can help younger children and then they can help every one else in the world
    they can olso help the animals

    1. Can you give me an example of how children can help animals?

  • In my opinion , we should introduce a discussion about how we can help nature.This would be good as we could find out new ways to help nature and earth.This could raise awareness about these tragic events on earth so we could help our home , earth. In my opinion, we should make this a debate so we could help earth.

    1. How do you think we can best help nature?

      1. We could use less plastic and recycle waste as if all the waste goes to the ocean or into the wild then wildlife could die out, and it would especially be devastating if animals we rely on like bees and earthworms swallow this waste and this would prove difficult to survive. Additionally, we could walk instead of driving as cars pollute the air leading to suffocating wildlife and dying local plantlife. Plus we could create campaigns about climate change and global warming to help earth. In my opinion, the best way to help nature is to reuse, reduce and recycle our harmful waste so nature will be safe.

  • In this discussion I will talk about eco-anxiety it means when someone is worried about
    the world so we need to work as a team and discus how we can come up with
    something that will stop eco-anxiety and to calm people down.
    And we can put more posters around the country.
    Let all of us help the world and try our best.

  • My first idea is to… . Get up and wake up. Second… . Help save the world by planting more plants. Third…. . Don’t give up even if you want to. Last one then I’ll explain…. . Stop cutting trees. I know that fear can scare us but we don’t have a choice because if it was super hot all the animals will die including us because they will not be any water to save us although every sea would probably would have dried due to climate change which we can’t really fix but we have benefits to so !STAND! UP! AND !HELP! ME! SAVE !THE !WORLD!

  • I believe that there should be a discussion called ' should children take action.'
    This is because many adults go to protests and some kids do as well but are the protests helping the childrens mental health. Also, if there is anything that children can do what would it be, and how can they help to stop climate change?

  • I believe there should be a a disscussion about "are peoples changes enough" because lots of people are making small changes but are they really big enough. We need to put them together and not just random people here and there but everyone needs to work together to make a change. We have all these problems like melting glaciers, wildfires and droughts. If we could makeform our ideas into a reality we will have a solution infront of our eyes. For people to live on we need to work together as a huge team.

  • In my opinion, we should introduce a discussion called "how we can help earth". This topic would be very good as we could learn about our past mistakes that had negative impacts on earth and we could learn to never do that again so we could help earth instead.

    This would be a good debate as we could help earth and prevent it from being in pieces by knowing new ways to help earth that you never thought of before that could be even better than the ways you help earth now. New ways of helping earth will be good and could make a jolly, merry world again.

    We could raise awareness about rising temperatures and high sea levels so more people will understand the importance of helping, supporting and saving earth from being nothing more than a pile of rubble sitting in some old ruins that were once London or Canada.

    Finally, this debate would be positively good on the environment as more people will help. More people helping will lead to a helping community. More communities helping lead to helping countries. And helping countries will lead to a helping world which will be superb as the world could live in harmony and unison once again with no such thing as eco-anxiety on earth or our minds any more.

  • In my opinion, we should introduce a discussion named ''how we can beat climate anxiety'' as we could beat it together. This would be good as we could learn how to make the world a better place with no such thing as climate change or global warming or climate anxiety lingering on earth again. Additionally,if we could suggest ways to beat climate anxiety, we could start using those ways and climate anxiety could be a thing of the past. These are some of the ways we could help beat climate anxiety:

    .use earth-friendly products

    .set up campaigns about helping earth

    .planting plants

    .recycling waste

    These are just some of the positive ways we can beat climate anxiety. But if we all start doing this , then we could make climate anxiety a thing of the past. As the saying goes ''teamwork makes great work.

  • We should make a debate about "how we can help". This can be helpful as we could help those that suffer from eco-anxiety and soothe them so that they can be back to normal. If you didn't know, suffering from eco-anxiety can lead to sleeplessness, loss of appetite, weakness and extreme worry about earth. Also, if the only thing you'll be able to think of is a negative thing, then you could get some mental health damage and your mental health is very important as you need to make decisions every day and use your brain for daily things you do in life. Sleeplessness will lead to tiredness and when your tired you find it hard to focus on some things and you need to focus in everyday life. Loss of appetite will make you hungry and you need food to survive so eco-anxiety is also very bad (only if your a serious sufferer) on your physical health. Weakness will lead to loss of strength and you sometimes need to lift heavy things and if you're weak, you can't do that. So in conclusion, suffering from eco-anxiety can be bad and we need to act fast, act soon, act now.

  • I suggest we introduce a discussion called "the consequences of eco-anxiety". We should make this a discussion as we could learn about the things that will happen if we don't act fast. Some of these are:

    . Chaos and panic across earth

    . Huge attempts to save earth

    . People risking their lives for earth

    Those are the negative outcomes. Believe it or not, there could be positive outcomes such as:

    . More campaigns about saving earth

    . Planting more plants

    . Sending concerned letters to the ruler of their country

    These are just some of the positive outcomes. And if these positive outcomes do come true, we could have earth back in the form the human race found it. It could become a happy world again like for example when Adam and Eve were around and the landscape was clear and as beautiful as a dove in a blossom tree in spring. If we could have a happy, peaceful world like before, there would be no such thing as eco-anxiety lingering in our minds ever again.

  • Hi everyone!
    I want us to talk about or start a discussion on how the media affects our feelings about the environment. Here are some key points:

    News Coverage: TV, newspapers, and websites often focus on scary stuff like natural disasters, making us worry more about the environment.

    Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and Twitter can spread scary stories and wrong information about the environment, making us feel even more anxious.

    Documentaries and Movies: Sometimes, documentaries about the environment show really sad things like animals dying or forests being destroyed, which can make us feel sad and worried.

    Ads and Buying Stuff: Ads on TV and online often tell us to buy lots of things, even if it's not good for the environment. This can make us feel guilty and worried about our impact on the planet.

    Politics and Arguments: Sometimes, politicians and news shows argue about the environment, making it seem like nothing is getting better. This can make us feel frustrated and stressed.

    Good News and Hope: But there are also good things happening, like people working together to protect the environment. We just don't hear about them as much. Finding these positive stories can make us feel hopeful.

    Understanding Media and Feeling Better: By learning to understand the media better, we can feel less anxious about the environment. We can fact-check information, look for positive stories, and talk about our feelings with others.

    By understanding how the media affects our feelings about the environment, we can learn to feel less anxious and more hopeful about the future. Let's discuss how we can do that together!

  • I think that young people are worried over climate change all around all of us and are worried over the consequences of climate change and that is a reasonable thing to be worried about. I myself are conscious over this one topic and we are struggling to solve climate change as we are making it worse in places like rainforests and probably where some of us live and its making a job for solving the situation 1000 times much harder than it needs to be. Its brining Effects like global warming and making it harder to grow crops in certain areas around the World

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about what will happen in the future with the environment because it would be really interesting on different people's views or their predictions for the future. I think in the future, maybe 2030, all cars will be electric and it would be very rare if you did not have an electric car - this is the topic I am suggesting. I also think the cost for them will go down because the creators will realise that they are good for the environment and, because more people will be buying them, they will still make a lot of money. In my opinion, electric cars will become more and more popular every year.
    It would also be interesting, though, on what other people think might happen in the future - it will be good to contrast, especially from different countries.

  • Hello,there.
    I think there should be a hub discussion on "adverse effects of technology on ozone layer and whether technology is helping or disrupting the balance of the environment" because as technology has progressed our world has also created many problems that can adversely affect the earth. In my opinion,the ozone layer is a layer located 20-30 km above the earth's surface, which absorbs the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays and protects the living world from damage. Due to technology, the amount of greenhouse gases is increasing and the ozone layer is being damaged. As a result, global temperature and sea level rise are increasing day by day. As a result, the world is going to face a difficult situation. Therefore, along with technological improvement, its negative aspects must be reduced. Besides,195 countries signed the Montreal Protocol in 1987 to restore the ozone layer. World Climate Conference COP 26 is creating awareness among people to combat climate change. Last of all,I think that green technology will help reduce the negative impact of technology.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about how climate change affects inmates in jails, because we see and hear a lot about how people and families are affected by climate change, but have we ever stopped to think about how climate change affects prisoners? Are they educated about it there? Are they facing the effects of climate change? And are they being educated to help stop climate change? In discussions about prisoners in Ecuador, we talked about how a comfortable environment can go a long way toward positively impacting a prisoner's mental health , so it got me wondering. Prisoners are also humans, so its important to know how they manage and fair with eco anxiety in prisons.

  • Hello, there.
    I think there should be a hub discussion on "Cultural and Ethical Perspectives on Climate Change" because it will generate tremendous debate among students.
    Cultural perspective: Different cultures have different relationships with nature and environment. Discussing how different cultures approach climate change can be a valuable way to broaden the conversation. For example, some indigenous cultures view the natural world as a living entity with which humans must live in harmony, while some Western cultures view nature as a resource to be exploited for economic gain.
    Ethical Perspectives: Climate change raises important ethical questions, such as who is responsible for the problem, and who should pay for mitigation and adaptation costs. Discussing the ethical dimensions of climate change can help us understand the values ​​and principles underlying different policy approaches.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Hello, there.
    I think there should be a hub discussion on "Disposal of Biomedical Wastes" because medical wastes and treatment of it contributes close to 70% of the total carbon footprint of the entire medical Industry as per the research. For instance, discarded needles in hospitals may cause serious infections or transmit deadly diseases to individuals who come in contact with them accidentally. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that biomedical wastes are handled and disposed of safely to prevent any harm to humans or the environment . In fact hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are the largest drivers of emissions, according to the PLOS Medicine study. A discussion about "Biomedical waste disposal" will create tremendous debate among students. So I think there should be a hub discussion about it.
    Thanks a lot.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion of weekly, monthly, or annual activities countries from all over the world can do to contribute to helping defeat climate change. It could even be fun by broadcasting it; it could be the Olympics in helping our environment and each year; there would be an award for the highest contribution from a country because tackling climate change requires collective action on a global scale, and there are countless ways for people, communities towns, and nations to chip in. like for example, weekly or monthly community projects like tree planting initiatives or beach clean-ups can have great impacts on local ecosystems. To add, reducing personal carbon footprints by using public transportation, carpooling, or biking instead of driving alone can really help and spreading the word for stronger environmental policies is very important. If we can support renewable energy initiatives, promote farming practices, and negotiate ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industries all over the world. Lastly, by speaking out about being aware about the urgency of climate change we can inspire and bring people to join and help the cause. Every little move, whether it's recycling more, aiding eco-friendly businesses, and being apart in climate strikes, adds up to a bigger movements toward a healthier planet for all.