#38 - Hundred Word Challenge
05 June 2020
Thank you to everyone who entered this week! Another bumper set of entries which were a joy to read.
In this last competition of the Global Conversation, we are keeping to two winners from any school.
Our first winner is supportive_snail of Evelyn Street Primary School, who explained very clearly how art brings people together and refresh our perspectives on things - very relevant for the current situation!
Our second winner is hopeful_city of Halsnead Primary School, who detailed the various ways art can take a shape that makes us think differently.
Well done to both of you!
Art isn't just about getting your pens, pencils and paints out.
Art can take many forms—from theatre, to writing, to music, to sculpture, to cartoons! These are often called 'the arts'
So this week's competition asks...
What makes art important?
Your challenge: Answer this question in less than 100 words!
We're looking for answers that give good reasons and give thoughtful, original ideas.
Remember, art can include everything listed above - not just drawing!
Please only enter once. The deadline for entries is Friday 5th June at 10.30am. Good luck!
If you are a Global Conversation School, this competition will be judged after you have left, and we will contact your school if you win.
Example way to start: Art is important because....
Comments (144)
Art is important because it can give people emotions that can lift up their spirit and make them more driven than ever. ... And this is the mere reason why art is important in our daily lives. With the art that we are surrounded by, whether it's a painting, music or even videos can have a huge impact on our mood and emotions.
Art is important because it makes you feel beauty of freedom. It is free expression of human mind and senses. An expression which is not subdue to any kind of utility, if you don't desire; an expression which only aims at her own existence, at her own beauty.
Art is important because it expresses the feelings and feelings surrounding the human being and turns them into physical symbols and shapes that appeal to the audience, and simplifies ideas and embodies them in artistic forms that take the interest of a large segment of people in addition to arranging the many diverse ideas and presenting them in beautiful forms
Art is important because it enables an artist to communicate the intended message in a logical manner to his or her audience; the message cannot be distorted because it's a subject of interpretation based on the intended message and the recipients understaning
Art is important because it can be used as a source of entertainment, an artist uses his or her talent to entertain people either for pleasure or as a source of income.
Art is important also because it can be used in fighting the vices in the society i.e corruption... graphics in certain sections of newspapers are used to satirically show what is happening in the political world and also economical and social aspects of the society.
Art is also important because it helps to sharpen the minds and inform the society on various issues in the current world,art uses a figurative language to display and relay various messages to the intended audience.
Art is important because it makes you feel beautiful of freedom. It is free expression of human mind and senses. An expression which is not subdue to any kind of utility, if you dont desire; an expression which only aims at her own existence, at her own beauty.Art is a way of expression, a way of joy, a way of making people understand things which cant be done verbally and It so powerful that sometimes it makes us smile or cry, love or hate be glad or be worried .Sometimes art can be the only way around through heroic deed can be inspired or a difficult situation can be supported. With the art that we are surrounded by, whether its a painting, music or even videos can have huge impact on our mood and emotions.
Arts improves your creativity skills.
Whether it is cooking, painting or music, we do art as if its our own.
2. Arts gives you joy.
I smile whenever I sing my favorite song. Any kind of art can give you so much happiness.
3. Arts relieves stress.
Don't you go to another world when you just sing or listen to a favourite tune?
4. Arts gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent.
Even words doesn't give that much opportunity like art does. By showing our talent, we show that there is something special about us.
5. Arts gives you confidence.
When I sing or perform, I feel so good about myself. I feel there are no worries, hence I perform confidently.
6. Arts helps you do well academically.
Trust me, just a few hours of art will help you relieve stress and give you happiness. With that your mind will be clear, and that would help you focus on your studies, and that would help you get good grades. If you don't do art for few hours, your mind would be stressed and you wouldn't be able to focus and do well.
Art is important because it is seen as a vehicle for sensory dialogue between societies growing from ancient to the present day. From it we can broadcast understandable messages for all kinds of mankind, going beyond the limits of languages spoken by nations of different races and nationalities.
There is one understandable and clear language accepted by all parties, which is the focus of expressions through which we explore the human vision of this group, and the style in which it coexists .. Marketing the entire range of issues consistent with the fabric of its civilization, its development and its interaction with the melting pot of the cosmic system, and history is the greatest witness to these words.
Art is important because you can be free and be creative in many ways and not just by drawing. Allow me to explain this further, let's take theatre for example, you can be creative in the tone that your want to use or the actions. Music is a good example to because you don't have to copy a piece, you can make one!
Sometimes, People take things a little to seriously and push themselves to hard but that is not what art is about. Art is all about being free and having fun. That is the beauty of art.
Arts helps you to communicate with other people.
I connect with people through music. I have met most of my friends because of music.
8. Arts helps you learn visually
Thanks to art, I have become a visual learner. Learning Visually helped me a lot in studies.
9. Arts helps you to express your emotions
I use singing to showcase my emotions, whether I am happy, sad or angry. And above all...
10. Art is a different language
Firstly, Art is important because it encompasses all developmental domains in our development. It lends itself to physical development and the enhancement of fine and gross motor skills. Example when we or little children work with play dough they fine-tune their muscle control in their fingers. All these movements involved in art helps the finger and hand muscle that are needed in properly hold and use of pencil. Secondly, Art activities helps our social and emotional development. We learn about ourselves and others through art activities. It helps us build self-esteem. It's an opportunity for us to make a personal statement about our uniqueness through art while allowing us to express our happiness,joy,and pride. Thirdly, art also enhances our congnitive development which can help us with our early maths skills. Those of us who have experienced a wide range of people and places will have an array of ideas to choose from when doing art. Art reflects what we know about the world and enables us to choose how to translate those ideas and experiences. Finally, Art is important because it allows us to be creative. Example, each piece of clay manipulated or each easel painting or a piece of journal or a piece of music is individual and original to each of us. Art is open-ended and all work can be honoured. It is also important to make your art open-ended because all of us don't want stifle children's individual creativity.
Art is an expression of life.It includes f drama , martial arts (karate and Taekwondo),music,theatres,writing and then drawing and painting. It is important because it helps us abide in different skills. It helps Children and adults in creativity.Do not consider art useless. It is very useful!
Art is important because : improve mood and reducing stress and makes u feel accomplished
Art is important because it is the only way to express the feelings hidden within a person from sadness, joy and anger, as it is also an absolute value, but depends on the human experience in general. Art means a lot to me, it embodies many things from reality, art is a way of what we dream, art is the key to solving a lot of problems and facing difficulties.
Art is important because it is used to express ideas.It can be used to explain things that are hard and cannot be explained in verbal ways.Colors used in artwork can be important because,it can be used to interact with others and also it can express feelings.Art has a very strong importance which is the use of art to identify crime suspects.Assume that a very great artist,appears on a crime scene,showing someone killing a young girl on his way home,don't you think this man can sketch the face or figure of the culprit?On showing this to the police or any national organization which ensure peace in the country,they way to find the culprit will be easy because the know their their target to aim at.In the other way round the person who saw the crime happen,can identify the culprit for an artist to draw.Art can also stimulate creative thought.
Art is important because it helps people to develop their talents ,creates employment and earn income to the nation.
Art is important because it reflects the culture of peoples and their social condition. Each country has an art that distinguishes it from others. Through art, the community can communicate a certain idea or culture to other peoples and can explain it either through drawing, sculpting, singing, writing and other arts.
The art of nature is important because it is sometimes inspired by nature and beauty, and it appears to be valuable, and some imagine the scenery that belongs to the green color that befits the eye when we look and contemplate the picturesque nature and feel the fitness and kindness as well. It reassures peace in the spirit of the beholder.
The basic question is what art ? It is not correct to answer that art is simply that painting hung on the wall or that statue standing in the square or field , because what makes us call that painting or that statue art? Is there anything in common between photography , sculpture, music and other arts? Art must inspire virtue and moral values, and what makes art important is what is meant by this art and the content of art itself.
Art is important because, it's the creative expression of one's ideas and imaginations . Also art is the barometer that measures levels of cultural sophistication. Throughout human existence, we've learned about cultural accomplishments from the cultural artifacts left behind. Many of these artifacts have left behind permanent marks on the planet. In a paper titled "The Arts And Academic Achievement,"Lois Hetland and Ellen Winner wrote, "The arts are a fundamentally important part of a culture,and an education without them is an impoverished education,leading to an impoverished society. They're time-honoured ways of learning, knowing and expressing.
The basic question is what art ?It is not correct to answer that art is simply that painting hung on the wall or that statue standing in the square or field , because what makes us call that painting or that statue art? Is there anything in common between photography, sculpture ,music and other arts? Art must inspire virtue and moral values, and what makes art important is what is meant by this art and the content of art itself.
Art is something we do , and it is an expression of our thoughts and feelings about our intuition , desires and it's specificity . It is about sharing the way we experience the world. And because writing alone is not enough to express important concepts to us , artworks may surprise, ridicule, hope or despair, admiration or alienation. The artwork may seem direct or complex , ambiguous or clear , but the topics that led to the creation of this artwork are related to the artist's imagination alone. What makes art importan is the intended goal of transferring an experience through this art.
Why is art important ??
Physicist Einstein says (If I were not a physicist, I would probably become a musician, I often think of music, daydreaming I have music and I look at my life as a sign of music, my best times are those I spend on playing with). Because the fine arts always play an important role in human society, and make the human being more sophisticated, because animals do not know the arts nor are they mastered by anyone but they are a state of human progress.
Artvis important because it conveys meaning .It expesses what is inside your heart with no need to words .Colours , feathers are the words . Often the artist is a sensitive man , he uses his sensation to feel and translate his feelings inyo pictures and lines. We explain these paintings according to ourselves. And this is what is impressive and gorgeous abouts arts and artist. Some times we are very depressed ,we visit the museum and start looking at the paintings ,we feel that we are fine and the depression has gone . Monalisa is a painting but is is a civilization in it self. It is acure for tired hearts .Arts is the medicine for ill hearts and souls that suffer . We owe the artists for their medicine that cures us without symptoms.
Arts is important because it conveys meaning .It expesses what is inside your heart with no need to words .Colours , feathers are the words . Often the artist is a sensitive man , he uses his sensation to feel and translate his feelings inyo pictures and lines. We explain these paintings according to ourselves. And this is what is impressive and gorgeous abouts arts and artist. Some times we are very depressed ,we visit the museum and start looking at the paintings ,we feel that we are fine and the depression has gone . Monalisa is a painting but is is a civilization in it self. It is acure for tired hearts .Arts is the medicine for ill hearts and souls that suffer . We owe the artists for their medicine that cures us without symptoms.
Arts is important because we use it to draw our words , to draw our feelings sadness and sorrow , happy and joyful. It's the tongue for who that have no tongue.Paintings can make a rebellion. Paintings can make wars.Paintings can make peace .It is peace what is made by arts. When I feel sad ,I just gaze my eyes into a drawing and feel that stree has gone and now I feel better . It has a strong message .It can go behind all the borders. No one can deny the important role of Artists in all fields and all ages .Think about theater , drama , songs they are all paintings for great artists .
Art is important because it is: The mysterious thing is the inner feeling of a person who cannot see it. Genius art.
Art is a soul that helps you free your soul to raise your spirits, invest your time, and dazzle society. Seeing the world as a unique talent for your life if it makes it better and more prosperous. Design (engineering, clothing, video), fighting, and Olympic movements) This proves that all of these arts are truly like a human being who put their lives on the line to save another human being, art is not about age but rather a unique talent.
The arts are important because the fine arts always play an important role in human society, and make man more complicated, because animals do not know the arts and nobody can master them but it is a state of human progress. Engaging in artwork reduces stress and pressure and improves mood. In addition, people working in art of all kinds feel valued for themselves and are satisfied with their productive ability of their artwork .
express their feelings towards society, nature, or any aspect of life. Gives an impression of what he sees around him through art, whether with a beautiful painting or a fake piece of music. The artist's work frees him from the feelings of fear, anger, or happiness inherent in him.
There are various forms of arts. For example, painting, literature and music. Art helps us to relieve stress and improve our mental health. For instance, we often listen to soft and gentle songs after long hours of revision. Over and above that, art is powerful because it erases the boundaries between people. Even if we are from different backgrounds and speak different languages, we can communicate freely through art. Moreover, some kinds of art works, such as music and drama, are very magical, they are intangible, so you have to feel it with your heart.
Art is important because it affects the individual and society, and is considered a means of recreation, a significant means in creating awareness in the human person about important issues related to humanity and the country, and develops technical skills for the person and makes him enjoy life, and has an important role in improving mental health and stability, and is linked to creativity and genius
Arts make society more advanced, and help relieve pent-up feelings, such as anger،And a way to bring out the talents of talented people to serve their community and themselves.
Man's life is full of Art, right from his birth to his death. At birth, he is welcomed and entertained with the Art of lullaby. His stay on earth is made meaningful by Art and he is finally bidden farewell with the same Art called dirges.
By Art, millions of people such as graphic designers, architects, play writers, musicians, poets, comedians, sculptors, painters etc. earn a living. People are informed, educated and entertained by the magic of drama and music. A lengthy message is easily represented by a single Artwork like cartoon or sketch to save time and space.
Art is important because it's liven souls and hearts. The art contains theatre, drama ,songs ,opera all the human artistic production . It helps to convey messages and exchange culture . We here in Gaza see paintings and follow theatre and drama for all the whole land from all the countries .We open our eyes to new and different civilization . We feel sad ,happy , we cry while watching and interact with the artists with our hearts and souls . We cant imagine our life with out contours, paintings , drama .It will be tough and hard. The Arts brings life to concrete subjects. Then it gives us the life when back to us.
To clarify the role of art in society, it should be noted that art is of great importance to society, as it stimulates research capabilities, thought, dialogue and innovative performance, and it pushes individuals to renew in lifestyles through the development of different art methods. Arts affect individuals and societies in intentional and unintended ways, This is the point of art in general, and the effects of the arts appear on individuals and societies through the characteristics and characteristics of each society and the extent of its influence on different types of arts.
Art improve creativity, skills, cooking, painting or music . When l play with my favorite dall I feel happy . Any kind of art can give us so much happiness. Art relieves stress when you do something, you will be able to meditate in an art . When you do meditation it will take you to another world or to another countries or you will remember something. Art gives you the opportunity to show case your talent . Painting is art when you paint you can show your talent and you will trust your self. Art helps you do well academically. Trust me a few hours of art will help you relieves stress and give happiness. Your mind will be clear and you will think wildly and this will help you focus on your studies. Art helps you to express your emotions. Like :I use drawing to show my emotions when I’m happy , sad or angry . Art has hidden languages and hidden and strange phrases that make you think mor and broaden your horizon .
Art is important because many believe that arts have no meaning or significance, but you do not know that artists express their feelings about their community, their nature and what life shows through the use of an artistic medium; For example, when we see a painting or a piece of music, it frees the artist from the situation in which he produces fear, anxiety, anger, or any pent-up feelings inside him that can lead to psychological stability, because suppressing feelings and feelings for a long time causes a lot Of the psychological nodes.
Art is making use of one's potential to create, inform, educate or entertain.
Art is important in the following ways: It enables us to trace our origin and ancestry. Art tells the history of a group of people and enable them to identify and preserve their identity. Art serves as a guide and helps to shape the lives of individuals or a group. It can be used as a subtle way to criticize people to correct our shortcomings or mistakes. Through art the beauty of nature is also appreciated. Art tells us about how the environment was like long ago. There are stories that talk about the existence of a thick forest and a large river that used to flow in our city. We now know of this because of art. Art brings fame to people and places. Art helps to develop the potential of people and goes on to provide a source of employment and livelihood. Art can be a powerful tool to unite people, make peace and entertain ourselves and educate the young ones.
Art is important because it helps us to learn the methods and techniques used to produce something by ourselves.
It enables us to know the different branches of art suitable for our course of study.
Art enables us to know how art is related to another course or aspect.
It is through art a teacher can understand why children in an art class perform differently.
It is also important because individual give their artistic contribution to the school.
Art plays a vital role in our life. It surrounds us in all aspects and in various forms. In other words, the imaginative reflection of reality is art.
Art is important because it is one of the essences of life. It has many examples of it. It is something that penetrates the eye and enters the heart and increases feelings for love
One of the most important types of art
Acting and drawing......
These things are one of the most prominent types of art that enter my heart, because they are one of the things that make me happy and entertaining me and enter my heart
Everyone has his opinion and expression, and now I have expressed my opinion about what pleases me with art
Art is important because it helps a person get rid of the depression it accompanies, it is what brings meaning and purpose to humanity .When you think about art in general the first thing that comes to your mind is a piece of paper and a pen but art is more than a paper and pen, art means life to some people they cannot live without this passion in art . Actually I know someone that was obsessed in drawing when he eel depressed he draw , when he feel happy he draw , when he feel sad , angry , anxious he draw , his whole life is drawing . So every one of us has his hoppy or something he always do and love to do , he do everything he can to improve his skills and prove that he can reach to his dream .
Art is important because it inspires many things and denotes ancient civilization. Our ancestors were inspired by our civilization and its features in painting and sculpture. Art has areas and developments over the years:theater art is one of the interpreters that emerged, which was called the father of the arts, and the beginning of this art since the days of the Greeks and Romans. There is also drawing: the date of drawing is as old as humanity. Humans drew pictures before they learned to write, and the drawing changed and evolved throughout history, and it is one of the oldest forms of communication across time and space
Not only has it been around for years, but it also has an impact on human emotions: Drawing directly helps express the personality of the painter or the person who draws, by the way the line runs, and drawing also contributes broadly to the expression of artistic goals and purposes, through which objects can be depicted, space, depth, essence, and even movement
Art is important because it is something that inspires and delights people
I love art from the bottom of my heart, I love artists, and I love everyone who loves art
Art is something special in life because of its content, its course, and its distinct and visible things
Art is one of the things that fill man with life. Happiness is for everyone to appreciate art in all its aspects and things
The artist is suffering and tired until he shows us what he does and fills our hearts with happiness and love
Thank you very much to every artist who fills the heart of all art lovers with hope and happiness ❤🥰
Art is important because it works to establish a balance among thd inner spiritual manifestations of a person with the economic aspects of human life , for example: when the painter drows a painting he uses his pent up feelings and trying to get it to the world through this painting .
Art is also related to creativity and genius and saitisfies desires , likewise art is a way to release silent pain inside a person . And it is creative value in human life also it is encourages investment , for example: technical cnnters attract capital owners .
Art is important because it express individuality,creativity and feeling.in my view it is what visually enhances our world and our lives.different forms of art include dancing,music literature,acting, drawing, painting.to my understanding,if art wasn't available, there will no be enjoyment in life such as arts competition,dancing competition,acting and so on.
Thank you!
Each of us is a creative artist in his own way,
The teacher is an artist when he correctly transmits information to the student.
The doctor is an artist when he knows the pain and treats the patient.
The poet is an artist when he recites his poem and he is self-confident.
You are an artist too when you add a comment and explain an idea you believe in.
You are an artist too when you love what you do.
I will be an artist too if you like my comment and share.
We can say that everything in our lives depends on art.
Even the universe with its elements, nature and beauty is an art made by Allah,
For example, when we look at the twilight, the rainbow, the sky is full of stars, when we look at the horizon as well ...
In my opinion, this is the art that the Creator "Allah" created, don't you think so ?
Art is important because it has several benefits in several areas,
economically : The economic importance of art lies in creating new job opportunities and increasing the workforce, which contributes significantly to increasing the gross domestic product and developing the state's economy, for example; Artistic revenue in California alone constitutes 7.8% of GDP, in addition to that art has an important role in supporting the tourism sector, where travelers spend more time for technical purposes and with a higher rate of financial spending, compared to other tourists.
Psychologically: Artistic works work to reduce tension and stress, and improve the mood, in addition to that, people who work in technical sectors of all kinds feel valued for themselves, and satisfied with their ability to produce represented in their artworks.
Social: the social importance of art is its ability to improve the living conditions of individuals, and participation in various artistic activities strengthens ties in society and increases its cohesion.
Culturally : It promotes a set of positive values in individuals, increases tolerance, and rejects intolerance.
Also, I want to offer my opinion on what kind of art I can do is painting when I paint I feel like in another world full of love and peace, I really love art .
Art is important because it gives a sense of the beauty of life and hope, and we can empty myself whether sadness, joy, anger, etc.
Art is important because it develops communication skills in children:
Children who have not yet spoken, can express themselves by drawing. Children document their experiences that they live in, such as playing in the garden or how many individuals their family, teachers and friends comprise in the nursery. Some psychiatrists use the drawing to communicate with the child so that the child can express feelings that he cannot express through words. For older children, open art projects make children communicate with each other and teach them teamwork and how to do projects together.
Art is important because it is important in production at the level of society as a whole, as developing an artistic sense increases the imagination of designers and workers in developing businesses and improving their quality.
Art provides us with the opportunity to experience innovative experience ourselves through our love of discovery, exploration, research, observation and imagination. Therefore, it is necessary to leave the freedom to choose the method of expression, and to go through all the stages of the innovative process, so we experiment with trying to find relationships and explore different solutions until we reach what makes us satisfied, without hindering the intervention of adults.
Art has a recreational side. It is like playing activity where we express ourselves during play, about our love and hate, our happiness and sadness, our anger and our happiness, our problems and needs, our anomalies and deviations, our creativity and our genius. This aspect allows us freedom of movement, so our muscles grow and the eye movements synergize with the hand And we acquire social habits, such as work, cooperation and the exchange of roles with others, so it is an asset for us that helps us develop our mental, emotional, and muscular capabilities.
Art is important because it reduces tension and stress, and improves mood, in addition to that, people who work in the technical sectors of different types feel appreciated for themselves, and satisfied with their ability to produce represented in their artwork
Art is important because it improves the living conditions of individuals, just as participating in different artistic activities strengthens ties in society and increases its cohesion, also promotes a set of positive values in the souls of individuals, such as expressing beliefs freely, increasing tolerance, and rejecting intolerance.
The economic importance of art lies in the economic importance of art in creating new job opportunities and increasing the workforce, which contributes significantly to increasing the gross domestic product and developing the state's economy, for example; Artistic revenues in California alone constitute 7.8% of GDP, in addition to that art has an important role in supporting the tourism sector, where travelers stay for technical purposes a longer time and a rate of greater financial spending, compared to other tourists.
Engaging in artistic works reduces tension and stress, and improves mood, so that people who work in technical sectors of all kinds feel valued for themselves and are satisfied with their ability to produce their artistic cells.
Art has many interests, but in my comment I will only mention the social and cultural importance ...
The social importance of art is its ability to improve the living conditions of individuals, and participation in different artistic activities strengthens ties in society and increases its cohesion, while the cultural importance of art is based on its ability to promote a set of values that are in the souls of individuals, such as expressing beliefs freely, increasing tolerance, and rejecting Bigotry.
Arts is important because an individual means of communication between him and society and can show his ideas in wonderful ways, from the positive effects of art:
1 Improving language skills, for example drama novels, encourages students to learn.
2 Promote understanding: Art is used in school subjects to convey information in a simplified fashion to students.
3 improve cognitive abilities.
4 Economy: As art has the capacity to create new job opportunities and increase the workforce, which contributes significantly to increasing the gross domestic product and developing the country's economy.
6 Psychological importance: art is able to reduce tension and stress, and improve mood.
First, I would like to emphasize that my words pertain to plastic art called "abstract art", a school that emerged in the late nineteenth century. And in the Encyclopedia of Art, they defined this "art" as an unconventional art that does not depend on specific objects, objects, or shapes, as in other schools. They also said that it is a harmony between colors, unconventional forms, and music as well, and that to understand the content of the image, a collection of shapes must be done. And the colors are embodied in the painting in an unconventional way ... and perhaps this is the reason that the Arabs called it plastic art ....
I personally put this "art" in the framework of the process of change that Europe witnessed in the nineteenth century, which witnessed a rebellion against all historical heritage, including the artistic heritage. And modernity came out not all bad and not all good, and I see that what they call art is nothing but a technical rebellion for the sake of rebellion ... we have seen a rebellion against the Christian religion, which is logical and illogical ....
Art has a close relationship with human life since ancient times, in the form of oil landscapes, marble sculptures, or drawings of crusts. Art in all its forms touches people's lives in one way or another.
The world we live in at the present time depends on the material side and the arts have nothing to do with these aspects as it works to establish a balance between the spiritual and internal aspects of the human being
With the material aspects of human life by drawing an artistic painting, he uses his pent-up feelings and tries to communicate it through his drawing to the world by using simple drawing tools that make this painting of material value, so art is always associated with creativity and genius so the importance of arts lies in human life
Arts have an important role in psychological life, where art experts tend more to nonviolence and adherence to the law as evidenced by practical studies, many educational institutions, whether public or private, intend to present artworks as a way to improve the psychological state of the nature of their followers.
• One of the most important things that the arts benefit from in practice is production at the level of society as a whole, as developing artistic sense increases the imagination of designers and workers in developing business and improving its quality.
Art is important because it shows, well you. It shows your personality and how you are feeling. Art plays a more important role in child development than you might think. Artistic activities help children learn other subjects such as reading and math. Art helps increase creativity and confidence in the mind. It also creates patience and focuses on the brain. These are super important to normal life because people who do art notice the tiniest of things quickly. This is a good skill.
Art is important because it is an educational tool that contributes to framing and educating members of society and the texts of the latter towards the best in its various forms - it contributes to the formation of the individual and the development of his personality because of the cohesion between the beliefs, values and myths that are passed on to generations. Also, in a second stage, the traditional and modern civilized behavior is transferred, with its inherited patterns that help embody the continuity and consolidation of values, moral ideals and social norms. It is also worth emphasizing its active role in the framework of acculturation between civilizations and peoples, where the media and defense mediator is the seat of communication between members of one society and the rest of other societies. Therefore, and for our approach to this concept of art and its role in society, we would like to extend an invitation to all specialists in this field, to intensify attention Arts because of the rich thinking and science of social, moral, and educational connotations, so we may march our societies towards the best and the finest.
Art is important because it establishes culture and artist in this way. I am able to turn his motivations into an unconscious in order to express them in art. So we are not surprised that the artist is among the minority that contributes to the creation of civilization because he is closely related to the social environment, so from the ground he sets out his research and to reality directs his ideas It is in this sense that he plays the role of a specialist in psychology, who reveals pathological conditions through examination and diagnosis, and provides them with recovery from his creativity in his artistic product. »Indeed, the charismatic symbols and signs that the artist uses in his artistic works as a language of communication and reporting are tools and means by which the artist can transmit his ideas and clarify his motives and tendencies that include at the same time the social, religious, moral and ideological values that he is distinguished from others, and it is worth noting that the large symbolic repository The artist has a coherent reflection in his artwork and strongly expresses ideas, meanings and perceptions that link man to his natural and social surroundings.
In addition to what the arts offer solutions and methods to understand society and delve into an event, it also works to consolidate the ideology and culture of society, because it mainly works to strengthen spiritual beliefs and the consolidation of values, customs, traditions and moral ideals as a means of organizing society, as do statutory and customary laws.
Art is important beacuse, it gives people emotions that can lift up their spirit and make them more driven than ever. ... And this is the mere reason why art is important in our daily lives. With the art that we are surrounded by, whether it's a painting, music or even videos can have a huge impact on our mood and social life style.
Art not just a drawing it is life in the full sense of the word when you hear a song by the British singer Adele or you see a beautiful painting or animated cartoon, does that inspire hope for you and re_ energize you and your joy ,so do not skimp your self with interest in art and discover it in your self♥️♥️
Art is important to us because it holds a significant place in our lives. It provides us with the knowledge about our surroundings. It is so powerful that it can make us smile or cry, love or hate, be glad or be worried. Arts plays a visual roles in our hearts ,it surrounds us in all aspects and in various forms. Art is a technique which used to express imagination,ideas and feeling through sculptures.
In my opinion, art is important because it can change the way you look at something. You might see a bowl, but someone else might see a wonderful source of inspiration. Art like cave paintings help us to work out how cavepeople lived their lives. It can also be music. Music can be a brilliant source of relaxation. And theatre, like a musical. Art isn't about delicate pictures either, it can be abstract art. Art can also be something that doesn't really make sense, like an unmade bed.
As we know art is a technique to express some certain emotions to bind ourselves in the root .If we go back five thousand or more than five thousand ,we find that art had an integral role not only in expressing emotions or ideas but the development of mankind art plays a vital role in our life .it surrounds us in all aspects and in various forms .In other words the imaginative reflection of reality is art life is joyful with the prescience of art it holds a significant place in our lives it provides us with the knowledge about our surroundings it is so powerful that it can make us smile or cry love or hate be glad or be worried sometimes art can be glad or be worried sometimes art can be the only way around through which a heroic deed can be inspired or a difficult situation can be supported the main goal of art is the interrelation of people with something wonderful sensitive interesting and beautiful sometimes even unexplainable and contradictory whether we realize it or not are is everywhere influencing us. There are lots of painting which we have found on walls of ancient caves or milestones which directly give us clues that tribal communities painted the paintings whether on the walls or milestones to keep them safe for the next generation. We know that arts does not fulfill some of our basic needs but art through painting or photography,we preserve them for the future and remember those days which we had spent beautiful moments with our family or friends.When we look at paintings photographs on the walls we feel happy Arts have several forms such as performing
or visual arts visual arts consist of drawing painting architecture and photography on the other hand performing arts consists of opera music dance theater circus etc
In my opinion the thing that makes art important is mastering art and mastering the selection of its representatives and choosing with certainty that it will be the right choice for the role that will represent it and strive to achieve fame, success and stardom for this work and this is the most important thing in my opinion important to art
The relationship of art and science.
It seems to you that there is no relationship between them, but there is an eternal and magical relationship between the two worlds of "art and science", which may appear to be opposite sides of the scope of human activity. In my view, I think that science and art complement each other, so art clarifies and simplifies science. Your teacher because his words were theoretical, but in the event that this teacher turned his words about drawings or figures, students will meet them more clearly and it is worth mentioning that art tends to our hearts as human beings
The time and effort are shortened.
Science strongly supports and advocates art. There are similarities between the thinking of the world and the artist, as they agree on identifying important issues as well as on the desire to explore. Whereas, arts and sciences are symbolic images of human creativity, and the differences between them is that art is characterized by its subjective nature while science is objective.
And art flies in the sky of imagination and science clings to concrete reality, just as art advances horizontally and science vertically.
She noted that Da Vinci cannot be separated from the artist or the world
Partnership in the field of arts, astronomy and space.
Where NASA employed a number of artists working on the design of displays to provide satellite data in an accurate and understandable way for non-specialists and scientists. Art and science have a relationship
Very natural, as art was credited with some scientific discoveries.
The artist Leonardo Da Vinci his work resembles his art, as both of them left most of it unfinished, it is not possible to separate his person as an artist from his person as a scientist, and just as he has immortal paintings in art "like the Mona Lisa" and "the last supper", he contributed to the emergence of important inventions to light as an hour Pocket, wall clock and helicopter.
And the role of art and colors in treating some mental disorders, concluded by saying: "The purpose of science is benefit, knowledge and education, but the goal of art is the search for beauty."
Art has a recreational side, as it is like playing activity where we express ourselves during play, about our love and hate, our happiness and sadness, our anger and our happiness, our problems and needs, our anomalies and deviations, our creativity and our genius. This aspect allows us freedom of movement, so our muscles grow and the eye movements are synergistic with the hand And we acquire social habits, such as work, cooperation and the exchange of roles with others, so it is an asset for us that helps us develop our mental, emotional, and muscular capabilities.
Playing for us is the essence of our lives and our thinking, as well as the drawings, which are natural exercises for cognition, as they help us improve our capabilities and preparations.
So art helps the child to reveal, train, imagination and consult mental activity, and develop artistic taste, as it is in essence selective and suggestive rather than literal depiction of the transfer of reality.
Art (drawing) is the child’s language for communication and thinking, which changes and is shaped with its growth and development, and its symbols increase in connection with the environment, and drawings can be considered a way to reveal the child’s personality and how the various aspects of the growth of his mind, thoughts, emotions, feelings, values, morals, imagination and creativity rise.
Oh, these free, pure drawings that are emitted from children from the beginning of their age until adulthood, and they express their feelings and feelings on paper, or on any surface
Raising the child that reading and art are one of the most important sources of nourishment for the mind and soul in life, he will develop his capabilities and imagination and lead him to the highest levels of humanity, because it complements his mental and psychological vitality and changes many of his ideas and behaviors that he acquires from the surrounding community, in addition to wishing his abilities in reading and the Arabic language and the use of words and their output correctly
Therefore, it is the duty of every father and mother to enhance the role of art and culture in the child’s life and try to discover his talent, whether in the field of theater work, playing, drawing, etc. ..., with the need to support him so that it does not reflect negatively because words have a major role in influencing children, and can control In the child's psychological feelings and lose confidence in himself
Every child has the right to express himself away from the control of the parents. Respecting his individuality will make him respect everyone around him even before he learns to pronounce, read and write. Through a blank paper and a colored pen, he can freely express what is circulating inside him without any restrictions, reservations or fear
Art is important because it is
Helps to fine tune the child because he teaches him discipline, uplifting behavior, patience and inner peace, away from the feelings of anger, intolerance and haste that many children suffer because of the wrong upbringing
The creative and educated child is not an ordinary child like the rest of the children, as it is distinctive and has its own integrity, through which it expresses its affiliation, inclinations, concepts, and views, which it expresses with its mind, spirit, and body.
Art is important because ،،،
Arts are of great importance to society, because it has a great impact on the psychological life of members of society, our social life, political blocs, and social cohesion. Therefore, it is a tool for global understanding.
And it has an important educational function as it is a tool for raising feelings and sublimation with a sense as a result of realizing artistic harmony, and it has a practical function represented in preserving historical monuments.
Technical education has an important role within the framework of training and psychological treatment in light of the new psychological and educational theories of unusual groups of patients and those with mental and psychological deviations, including also the category of innovators and those with mental excellence.
Encouraging the child to practice art is an important and effective thing in his childhood, making him more capable of expression, communication and sophistication, and he will develop a technical sense that makes him link events and makes it easier for him to solve the problems he faces by linking each position he has with a picture in his mind
Art and culture do not have specific rules that can be set for the child. He can practice drawing, playing, and reading together, without affecting his study work or his focus. Rather, the opposite can art and culture add to him more and develop intelligence and make him a lot of new vocabulary and make him more able to analyze. And act
Art has an important role in forming a child’s personality. For example, a child who cannot express himself can translate his feelings through the art of drawing or music, which contributes to the production of what is inside him.
We often see that some psychiatrists follow the policy of using the art of drawing the child so that he can reach what is inside him more clearly, away from the search for direct words that the child hides inside and does not disclose it for fear of his family
Creativity and talent is a warning word: Many people mix creativity with talent, because your child does not have to be talented to be creative. And art gives even a gifted child an opportunity to express himself and develop creativity. Art is a process, not a goal. Leave your child to his temper, do not force him to do the right things in art, in this way you prevent him from enjoying art. Let your child explore and express themselves. If he is talented, congratulate him, and if not, art has more to benefit from, then art is valuable in itself!
Art is important because it is closely related to human life from ancient times , it affects human life in one way or another , it stimulates research capabilities , thought , dialogue , and innovative performance.
Individuals are pushed to renew their lifestyles by depicting various art methods , it addresses the differences between cultures through dialogue , influential symbolism and the shared experience that the arts offer .
It also enhances learning and creativity , it defends the principles of freedom of expression of opinion and social responsibility and its role in serving individuals , engaging in artwork also reduces stress and strain , and improve the mood .
Ourselves first ...
Most of us see nature around it as normal. We watch a beautiful scene every day, which we cannot contemplate for reasons that might be because we were so busy with ourselves.
Our work .. Our education made us forget ourselves and do not care about it!
Lack of time !! Because we are busy with our household chores !! All these are arguments.
We only live once in this world, so why don't we live to live as possible? Time, health and opportunities are in fact available to everyone, but here is the question: How do we invest these opportunities in our favor, not against us !?
So we turned away from everything that we love because we are busy. For example, someone who loves to draw is away from him because he is busy with his work in the company .. and someone traveling working abroad travels from country to country and many ..
But with the commitment of most countries around the world to domestic isolation, and now the time has come when we sit with ourselves, many people sit in their home gardens in front of sunlight or under the shade of a tree, we inhale the air in a deeper way, and our eyes enjoy the colors of nature for a longer period of time,
So we resort to the picturesque nature that inspires us art. We consider it and inspiration comes through it, so we will be artistic
The opportunity came to make up for every moment that we did not care, take care of ourselves and cultivate our creativity because we are responsible for it, so we care about it as a gentle little child who loves life so we can meet his demands and provide all his needs.
My first and last will to you: Set aside time to take care of yourself to practice the arts you love
And do not make any matter, however important it is, to occupy your time, keep you away from yourself and distract you from your interests, and also organize your times ..
Long-term goodness ..
Art is important because it has many benefits in several areas,
economically: The economic importance of art is creating new jobs, which contributes significantly to increasing GDP and developing the state economy, as well as that this art has an important role in supporting the tourism sector.
Psychologically: works on reducing tension and improving the mood, in addition, people working in the technical sectors of all species are estimated to estimate themselves.
Social: Improves the living conditions of individuals, and participate in different technical activities strengthen the links in society and increase .
Cultural: Works on the positive in the world .
Art is important because it clarifies ideas and brings them closer.
People have always made art. Drawings are found on the walls of the caves, which were made by people 40,000 years ago. The Greeks painted pottery and carved statues, as did the Romans. Making art is an essential part of being human. To be a person, you have to practice art. It is one of the things that make us different from animals, as animals
Do nothing but eat, drink and sleep, we are the masters of the earth with our art
And our creativity.
Art crisis and an understanding of artistic values
There is a crisis in the matter of art, which has greatly affected the behavior of societies and led to deviant knowledge and cultures that have been affected by modern, undisciplined values that have driven improper directions and educational and technical institutions should consider such matters. The difference between the goals and intentions of using art as a means of raising, building and educating and people differ in their goals and their novels, some people may seek to create a moderate and sound atmosphere that depends on the noble artistic taste that builds, does not destroy, correct, or sabotage, and the intentions may be bad based on the approval of deals, trades, and destructive destructive policies That drives evil and crime.
The role of art is no less important than the rest of the factors affecting the culture of society, such as economics, science, religion, and the rest of the factors. Art should be used in a positive way that works to build society in a sound way as an education and construction tool not as tools of play, amusement, corruption or a motive for committing crimes and legal violations. We have to take the bright side of Every order
Otherwise, the civilizations will collapse and be destroyed.
Art is very important. The reason behind my opinion is that it can tell a story. For example, if someone writes a song about the tragedies they have faced in life, then they are technically telling a story. Art can come in many different shapes and sizes. That's what makes it interesting! Without art, not only would we not be able to see artifacts, but we wouldn't be able to create our own original art pieces!
Art is important because it is a language besides many languages to communicate between souls, and it is a good way to express oneself, get rid of stress and fatigue, and improve the mood of the individual.
It also enhances the self-confidence of the individual and develops the skill of thinking and meditating on him and expressing the dreams and desires that he wanders within and expresses the extent of his creativity and energy
Also art has a social significance by spreading and giving positive energy to people. The artist considers the heart of the country and increases its cohesion.
As for the cultural importance of art, it has a role in promoting a set of positive values in the souls of individuals, such as expressing beliefs freely, increasing tolerance, and rejecting intolerance.
It also has an economic role in
Creating new job opportunities, and this contributes greatly to increasing the gross domestic product and developing the country's economy.
The future of art.
We live in a world in which our outlook for time is diminished, as humans are offering immediate gains on long-term goals that will ensure humanity a long and prosperous future. We may focus on the present while turning a blind eye to the problems that will lie with us for centuries, from climate change to environmental degradation.
In the past, humans did not need long-term planning, when their greatest concern was escaping from impending hazards such as predators, searching for food in the woods, or countering extreme weather. But today, the nature of the risks we face has changed, the cause-effect relationship is no longer clear, and the greatest threats to humanity occur within decades or centuries.
Our brains may not be prepared to deal with long-term risks and set overall priorities, but we have an innate willingness to be influenced by two things, stories and emotions. This increases the importance of the role of art and culture in protecting humanity from annihilation.
That is why we have seen the launch of the "Long Time" project, an initiative that calls for the use of art and culture as a way to help people think about long-term goals. This includes YouTube videos, advertisements, series, art galleries, plays, and even clothing and furniture. All of these arts and creative works are shaped by culture, i.e. shared values, standards and stories that move and support society.
Art may help us to extend time frames, to determine our position in the geological history of the universe in terms of ages and eras, not weeks and months, as geologist Marcia Gorrod sees that people will interact with each other in a better way if they look at the shared past that binds them together, and their shared destiny as the heirs of the Earth.
The role of art in humanitarian crises.
The last scenes of the famous movie "Titanic", a musical choir stands on the edge of the stricken ship, as it gradually slides in the water, while the players continue to play in a suspicious calm, amid shouts of passengers who face their last destinies.
This scene has always impressed me, and it seemed to me, through meditation, that it was a surreal reality despite the imperative of the role that art plays in our lives, especially during crises and human disasters, during these difficult days of our human lives, where art transcends reality with its immersion in its privacy, And in his practice a bit of self-healing.
Returning to the conditions we are witnessing these days, people drift towards commenting on public events, while the instinct to comment on these events stems from the social need through which a person feels the necessity of contributing in one way or another to making history.
In her article, Christie Koval stated: The tendency of workers towards a sense of responsibility towards public issues is seen as a problem, in terms of its impact on their so-called "personal goals" as individuals, which means that a sense of responsibility towards public issues dominated from abroad stands A barrier, which is beyond doubt, between us and self-realization and its goals.
With regard to exceptional circumstances, the ego is completely absent from the scene and merges with the group, and participates in its expression of fear and anxiety, and uses its "flexibility" to join the anxious, preaching or sarcastic groups, then she forgets to ask about her unfulfilled amid free numbers of the dead, numbers without tales Time helps her to narrate, only art saves her in the dark moments from this shameful feeling of dependency, only someone who glows like an eternal flame in stagnant water, only who paints a painting, plays a piece, or writes a poem, then stands on the edge of our vehicle like a musical choir that does not accept that She is condemned to forget or die without the right to tell her personal story.
Art is life, it's the way we exist as human. It form our communication style,creativity,culture and tradition
communication style has varied from stone-age to present time both literate,barbarians
and animals have look for a way to communicate
creativity has been a form of expression that is used to create things [product and service] from our imagination to the real world on the other hand, culture and tradition over the ages defined our languages,dressings, foods, belief systems, sports,music, religions and nations foreign policies.
In conclusion, ART is the act of expression by humans and nature to co-exist.
The role of art in wars and disasters.
The role of art is effective in all aspects of our lives, and we are all required to deal with art, spirit, beauty, and ethics. Art has a great role in establishing the affairs of large countries, as it encouraged some peoples to expel the colonizer.
Artists, with their delicate feeling, must suffer the greatest suffering and pain among the rest of society.
What I want to reach is that art exists in tragedies and joys and in various situations and circumstances.
Arts is important because it builds the creative mind of an individual.
From the forms listed above we can see that these forms has to do with being creative, thinking about things that can explore minds. And if you watch closely you'll see that arts also develops the mind, it can also make someone to have a mind exploration without he or she knowing.
Enterprising _grasshopper
Women and Art.
Women in art have a profound presence whose symbolism reflects the meaning of life and nature, land and fertility, beauty and love, as it is characterized by various qualities that mix with the artistic idea that defines the aesthetic aspect presented in it. Also, the woman’s role in art did not stop at her presence as an idea, symbol and image, but she escaped from these general frameworks so that women have a bright self-presence in art and creativity. In the advancement of it, progress is itself a meaningful entity.
Women are associated with imagination, creativity, poetic and colors as a deep, rich and varied image that is not without distinction as it is a symbol of love and connection. Life and motherhood Education and good soil Reflection of the sincere dream and desire for the best is hope and renewal and is the port towards the light and is the mixed feelings and is the issue and society, because it is the body and soul as it is the presence and memory Therefore, the expression of women in art requires the smoothness of the idea and the strength of coding.
Teaching artistic education at the basic education stage aims to achieve goals related to the growth of the student's personality socially, emotionally and cognitively, deepening his national, Arab and Islamic affiliation, and allows the human person to express artistic language and formative language with all available materials, tools and capabilities, and develops the child's creative capabilities through the process of practice and experimentation and enhances the strength of the child's personality Through the continuous encouragement of artistic production and affirms the spirit of citizenship of the child by addressing the artistic heritage of my people, local, Arab and Islamic in his artistic works
Art is important because through it
We realize the greatness of the Creator, Almighty, through touching the aesthetic aspects in the surrounding environment and understanding the foundations and laws upon which Islamic art is based and which stems from the center of the universe.
The enjoyment of spirituality for the artistic and aesthetic aspects of the universe was created by the Creator, the Exalted, the study of Islamic heritage and its artistic and aesthetic values, and an attempt to reverse that and with contemporary thinking in his artwork.
And also achieving national belonging through artistic expression of topics for religious and national occasions and holidays, and achieving religious affiliation through Islamic thought that emphasizes brotherhood and love among the peoples of the Islamic nation.
Art falls under the list of different peoples and civilizations, which is the means of people for themselves and their reality, as well as an approach to expressing human needs and requirements . Art of formation and architecture
It is the art of sculpture, whose origins date back to the year 4500 BC, where its principle is based on the formation of three-dimensional figures of multiple shapes such as animals or humans or any other abstract form, through the use of a number of solid materials such as wood, rocks, metal parts or candles, etc., which are formed Through the process of carving or by welding and installing specific parts together . Draw
Drawing is a figurative process of any real body or person, or it may be a way to express feelings and sensations by forming meaningful lines or spots on the leaves or on any surface, using either pencils, charcoal, oil-based acrylic colors, water, and other raw materials. Where the consideration must be taken to transfer the real dimensions of the drawn object and the distance between it and other objects, in addition to paying attention to the lighting factor, shadow and color mixing in a way that conveys the goal of the painter in its proper meaning. literature
It is the art based on expressing a person’s feelings and emotions through the biblical sentences that are represented either in the form of a poem or have been expressed in prose through short stories or novels, and the literature is divided into many sections that depend on the language of writing and the most famous type of literature is Arabic literature Which spanned from pre-Islamic times to the present time, and among the most famous Arab writers Tawfiq al-Hakim in addition to Arab pre-Islamic poets such as Imru Al-Qais, and there is Western literature and one of his most famous pioneers is Maxim Gorky, in addition to Latin literature and its pioneers Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Art is important because
Art has a great economic importance in society, as it plays a vital role in increasing domestic product, which contributes to the development of the country's economy.
Art helps create more job opportunities in various fields, as well as its role in improving living.
Art holds great cultural importance in society, as it contributes to highlighting social values such as freedom of expression.
Art is one of the methods that helps to enhance and develop creativity, thinking and imagination skills.
Art has a positive impact on a person’s mental health, because it greatly helps to improve moods, as we have previously spoken that art is the title of beauty and seeing beauty in and of itself sends joy and happiness in the soul.
Art aims to spread beauty, goodness and the right to society, to contribute to a better change of society.
Art is important because "it is not just something that we find in museums and galleries or in ancient cities such as Florence and Rome, whatever our definition of art is, it exists with everything we do to enjoy our senses."
Art is an expression of emotion and also an expression of what arouses the artist in the external world, which is the ability of the artist to transmit his thoughts or feelings to the public so that this audience can sense and live it and acquire the experience that if not for the artist he would not have acquired it and art is the innovation of new things unknown before and the person becomes Able to deepen and benefit from it in the reality of his life and also it is a language of communication and it is necessary to learn its symbols in order for us to understand the meanings under it.
Art is important because art has a great economic importance in society, as it plays a vital role in increasing domestic product, which contributes to the development of the country's economy.
* Art helps create more job opportunities in various fields, as well as its role in improving living.
* Art holds great cultural importance in society, as it contributes to highlighting social values such as freedom of expression.
* Art is one of the methods that helps to enhance and develop creativity, thinking and imagination skills.
* Art has a positive impact on a person’s mental health, because it greatly helps to improve moods, as we have previously spoken that art is the title of beauty and seeing beauty in and of itself sends joy and happiness in the soul.
* Art aims to spread beauty, goodness and the right to society, to contribute to a better change of society.
Art is important because people have criteria to distinguish the values of things. The person who practiced art can distinguish the beautiful from the ugly, the precious from the sickness, and the things that contain fine human values from the things that do not include these values.
We in the twentieth century no longer believe that the place of art is the museum, not only the exhibition hall, but rather the entire field of life. Everything that is crafted or made by man is subject to aesthetic value ...
"And whenever we can in education to enable young people to realize the formal language, and become aware of its effects around them in the environment, we have achieved an important goal of art education in education."
Art and education are twins, complementing each other.
Art is important because it:
1. Improve mood. Studies have shown that listening to music makes one feel happy
2. Improving silver and visual skills. Several studies indicate that music education at an early age stimulates the child's brain in several ways that help to improve skills to improve communication skills, visual and verbal skills
3. Increased IQ. Many studies have examined the effects of music on the effects of music on the human brain. Scientists have found that children who are exposed to music or people who use musical instruments in their lives have had better bikes than those who do not use the music in their lives.
4. Improving language skills: The dramatic representation of stories and novels, for example, increases students ’willingness to learn to write and read, in addition to studying drama arts, which positively affects a student’s linguistic abilities.
5. Enhancing understanding of mathematics: Several recent studies demonstrate the association of music with the development of logical skills, and an understanding of the relationships between things.
6. Improving cognitive abilities: a visual arts and dance help develop creativity, thinking and imagination skills. Increased desire to learn: Arts in various forms contribute to enhancing competition, the values of teamwork among students, and reduce the likelihood of them escaping from the teacher
Art is important because it develops our innovative capabilities through the process of practice and experimentation, reveals our capabilities and nurtures them technically, develops the ability to visual observation of the visions surrounding us in nature, and strengthens the strength of personality through the continuous encouragement of our artistic production and builds in us the ability to perceive relationships and formation in various materials To find new innovative formulas to which the human spirit responds with admiration and pleasure, and art and innovation also help us stand on the foundations of the modern era with its branching capabilities and expanding horizons, and enables us to keep pace with the era with its development
Art is important because it addresses the human mind intellectually and educationally and addresses the feeling, feeling, and conscience of every member of society.
It also provides the individual with aesthetic sense, strengthens his abilities to observe, meditate and imagine, and encourages artistic expression.
Art is the ability of the artist to transmit his thoughts or feelings to the public so that this audience can feel and live it and gain the experience that if not for the artist he would not have acquired it and it is an expression of what arouses the artist in the outside world.
Art works as an important means of creating human awareness of major important issues related to humanity, the homeland, or the good qualities that must be demonstrated or bad to be discarded. Children’s songs and stories, for example, and drawings are the first educational medium that consists of his ideas of honesty, loyalty, and compassion for the animal and love.
Physicist Einstein says (If I were not a physicist, I would probably become a musician, I often think of music, daydreaming I have music and look at my life as music, the most beautiful time I spend is playing the violin).
Because the fine arts always play an important role in human society, and make the human being more sophisticated, because animals do not know the arts and are only mastered by humans, it is a state of human progress.
Folk art has a very great importance, especially for the middle and lower middle classes, and they respect and sanctify this type, as the original folk biography expresses the joy and sorrows of the nation as well and every feeling you feel in a beautiful simplified form, folk art narrates a simplified narration of many of the biographies of people who were affected in our lives in various fields. Also, the beautiful semicircular biography, which many have known through beautiful folk art, and these are sayings that have been inherited from grandparents and fathers and transmitted from one generation to another, Abdel Rahman Al Abnoudi is considered one of the most famous pioneers of folk arts in Egypt, which left us with a great impact, and the mercy of God is upon him, and art intersects Al-Shaabi with a beautiful touch in the popular Egyptian weddings and beautiful public events.
Satisfying spiritual desires: The strange thing is that at the present time we run after matter and forget the spiritual side of our lives, therefore we become without feelings,and this matter unfortunately exists at the present time,and spiritual desires must be satisfied through wonderful arts which you find the ability to bring out the most beautiful things within you in order to satisfy your spiritual needs with care on the material side,because every person has a silent pain inside him and should not remain long,and art is a way to bring out this pain in the form of art.
The creative value in a person’s life .
Every creativity is invented by a person called art, as long as he realizes that its fundamental essence is the will of man.
For example, who designs cars is an artist, and everyone who is creative in his work, each of their works considers as an arts.
Try to find art in your life because art plays an important role in the field in which you live and through your imagination you can build the life you want, because imagination and work are the foundation of art and life as a whole.
How do Arab women resort to art in expressing their societal issues?
Art has a strong relationship with new social, cultural and economic events. The human being faces many contemporary issues that affect his life and tries hard to find appropriate ways to adapt to these situations around him. Besides poverty, pollution, diseases and wars, there are humanitarian issues that are overlooked, or in a healthier sense that he misses without prior intention as a result of the accumulated crowds where the era of globalization and information explosion. Among these important issues, I shed light on the issue of women, as they are the helpless and persecuted person since the found of humanity, the vulnerable being targeted by some segments of society who do not care about the effective role they play, which is represented by the mother, sister, wife and working woman.
Art is a tool for expressing community issues. It is a tool of
The tools that women used to express their issues, especially Arab women, and the unions that face them within our Arab society, and it is the voice that you speak and the profession from which you gain their strength, and the hobby that they exercise, is the means through which they reflect their view of what is going on, where he reviewed the concerns Women, and affect some of the concerns of women in social terms.
Art is a way of expressing your self , whether it's by: drawing, dancing, singing or even acting, you just need to express who you are.
Art is important because it helps to extract energy, distinguish between the gifted and others, and demonstrate true creativity
Arts have lots of kinds like visual arts , performing arts , Literary arts , Arts criticism and etc.. but we are going to talk about one type which is Literary arts which divides into many branches such as novels , plays , short stories and so on. It is important because we acquire lots of beneficial lessons of life . For me , I read so many plays for Shakespeare like King Lear , Hamlet and Macbeth and novels for Charles Dickens like Oliver Twist. I leaned to be patient and as Shakespeare said " To Be or Not To Be " and I will be.
Arts is important because it is life in its small and specific details. If we want to know a nation we should study it's art . Art doesn't means just colours and paintings .It contains all the cultural history drama,theatre, songs,sculpture, folklore.
These who save civilization and generate it through generations . These arts don't die.They are everlasting. They are in our hearts and souls.Sometimes they are more important than food . Life is pale and fake without these who give us the true vision and pade the way to our next generation to feel our traditions ,habits and culture.
Firstly, Art is the use of imagination to express ideas or feelings,particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture
Art is important because it is a way of selfexpression, it gives joy and it can also be used as job opportunities.it is freedom.art is a way of expressing ideas that cannot be done verbally.it can be used to influence politics,culture and even the economy.it makes us to interact with people,and also remind us of the values we uphold,Art is wonderful
Art is important because it helps with your mindfulness and makes people happier. I like art because it helps me calm down after a busy day of school and gets me in the right mindset. Art is also very important because it helps express your feelings without talking and they know they can show anything using art.Maybe, if your not feeling up to doing a day of home-schooling, you can get out your play-dough and start sculpturing anything with it! Play-dough doesn't dry out easily and their is an infinite amount of things to make!
I have used 99 words
thank you for reading my comment,
Art is important because it helps you express your feelings and no one tells you what to do , or what to draw because there are many different types of art. Art is also important because it is a stress reliver for people who are very stressed all the time.
I have used 49 words.
Art is important because it encompasses all the development domains in child development. Art lends itself to physical development and the enhancement of fine a gross motor skills . For instance, when kids work with play dough, they fine- tune their muscle control in their fingers.
Thank you.
Art is important because it: improves mood, making us happier.
The various arts are among the human activities that have been associated with man since the beginning of creation. The human existence has been closely and organically linked to art, so it is almost not without an era of human eras from its beginnings throughout history and until now from artistic product. With the development of societies and the diversity of methods of artistic expression, art has become increasingly important, and uses sometimes exceeded the aesthetic or ornamental goal of it, to employ it in various aspects of life, including psychiatry and mental health, especially in the treatment of many contemporary diseases, the most important of which is depression, which suffers from a large segment Community members.
To find out the role of art in mental health and various depression diseases, said plastic artist Iyad Kanaan, who supervised a number of artistic workshops, including his supervision of a workshop organized by the King Hussein Cancer Center, on the occasion of the International Day of the Child with Cancer, in the children's section of the center in 2005, What emphasized the vital and effective role that art in general and drawing in particular, can play in fighting and treating various mental and mental diseases, including depression and a sense of frustration, and their dangerous and sensitive impact on the vital functions of the brain that may lead to serious chronic diseases that are difficult to treat if exacerbated and neglected, Canaan adds: He himself has long suffered from depression in adolescence, but he found in formative art strayed and helped him to overcome this situation, which led him to shift completely from mechanical engineering to the art world, which attracted most of his attention later.
What I want to reach for is the influence of art on the banter of man, as it is the refuge we resort to after all the pressures of life.
Art shows people who they truly are you can express your feelings with it the good about art is there is no right or wrong that’s why every art piece is unique to me personally I don’t know what I can do without art!Everyone has art in them either drawing,editing,theatre,singing,Acting or others every one of us has our own special art that makes every one of us special like the other even if you are ill or healthy ,rich or poor we are all special don’t wish to be someone your not!Since I know it doesn’t feel right since I learned it the hard way.Trust me.
Thanks for reading,
Art is a simple way to express yourself, because drawing, painting, and even modelling can show whether your mind is calm and focused, or agitated and impatient. I think this because, for example, if your mind is calm, and you have minute troubles, then you will probably have the patience to create a detailed sculpture or picture. However, if your mind is troubled, then your mind is likely to wander off elsewhere. That is why I believe that art is a way for everyone to be able to express themselves.
Art is important because understanding our emotions can help improve our selves. Increasing our self-awareness through art can lead to more success personally and professionally. Art can make a community more beautiful. It also makes the places we visit and spend time more interesting. For examples,
1. Arts improve your creativity skills.
2. Arts gives you joy.
3. Arts relieves stress.
4. Arts gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent.
5. Arts gives you confidence.
6. Arts help do well academically.
7. Arts help you to communicate with other people.
8. Arts helps you learn visually.
9. Arts helps you to express your emotions etc.
Arts is a language that a person uses to translate the expressions that are essential in himself and not an expression of a person’s need for the requirements of his life, although some scholars consider art as a life necessity for a person such as water and food.
Art is important because it expresses individuality, creativity and feeling, and also important because it reflects individuality, creativity and feeling.😍💖
Art is important in so many ways .
As we all know art is the expression of human creative skills , imagination and emotion.
Art is important in so many ways and to different type of people. Art is important to kids because it helps them to express their emotion . Example some children express their love to their parent by drawing a picture of them .
Art also helps children in expressing their love for nature through colouring and designing.
Art helps to boost confidence in kids especially dull or kids who are being bullied. It helps them to find their inner talent . Example a boy who had cancer found joy and happiness in playing violin.
Art is important to everyone. It helps to relieve stress example patients in the hospital are sent flowers and paintings to calm down.
Art is important because it helps us to communicate. Example if I am writing a love note to my mum, I will draw a big heart and a tiny little flowers and she will understand what I am trying to say.
Art makes some places lively. Example a party with dancers and singer and comedians.
Art is important because it inspires people. Example fashion designers get their thoughts or ideas from some art studio . Some people get their cooking idea for some dishes through art.
Art is important because it can be used to express opinions and feelings and it is a way for your imagination to create a masterpiece. It doesn’t have to be drawings and can be music, dance or a sculpture. Art has no limits and you can do anything you desire. You could create an opinion for example a Banksy picture is a political statement in a thought-provoking, creative way. Where as William Ely Hill created an illusion so some people saw an old lady and others saw a young girl which is extraordinary and some raises awareness to tragic events.
To so many people. Art is a way of seeing the world, a way of expression,art is teaching, art is learning. Art can be exciting, empowering, and an expression of love.
Art can be a challenge.Art can be a message: of politics, of peace, of brutality or beauty. Art can be an escape, an idealization, or simply a means of play. Art can be anything and everything you let it be!
Art is extremely important because its the life.
Arts is important because it's the bowl which keeps all the cultural heritage. The traditions, habits, folklore and every thing human .We owe all the artists for their creative thi nking which lead them to see things different than the ordinary man. They see details in theater, songs, drama , axting and every things .Artists can make rebellious and can attract the audience .All our civilizations is because some artists keeps eye on it and protect it .
Art is important because it gives people feelings that can lift their spirits and make them more enthusiastic than ever. This is the only reason why art is so important to anything in our daily life, so I must dive into reading about art and working with it. that's sweet.
Thank you❤🤗
Art is important because it is life, peace, and security
Man is always creative with art because it is the language of life, and it is important that we care about art because we need it and need it in our practical and educational lives.
Art is everything😊😊
Art is a wide theme that includes all the creative ways we express ourselves through. Through art, we can develop the way we see the world, we can have fun and relieve the stress we may feel, we can relate to other people and cultures as we can always understand the message of the art whatever language they have. Art is universal and intercultural. Some people earn their living from art and support their families. Artists can convey their personal messages and the messages of their communities to the whole world. Art works can be the starting points for important inventions. The modern plane appeared in the art of Leonardo Da Venci long ago. Arts as drama and music can help changing the world. They went side by side with revolutions and change. Art is la talent but can be learned though..
Art is important because it traverses generations, gender, class and belief. It is a way of experiencing emotions, thoughts and ideas that you could never otherwise interact with. It is a universal language. It has no strict definition and anything can be recognised as a piece of art. It is an essential part of life; observing, absorbing, disputing and expressing. It appears everywhere in our everyday lives and has done for millions of years. It is the most basic and the most complex way of communicating. Art is important because we don't define it. It defines us.
it includes loads of creative ways for everyone to have fun also it helps people relax when they are stressed. Art is a skill you don't to be great at but when you become better and better it helps your confidence boost. its nice watching people admire your work. it helps express feelings. It makes you smile. It defines who we are.
what is art? art is many things its not just drawing, people make art with sticks and stones others use food, really art is what we want it to be. it can be anything.
Art is important because it's a way of sharing how we feel without having to say it. Art is even used for therapy so therapists can study the art to see how the person is feeling without having to ask. All arts such as drawing, music, writing and acting can be used as a way of calming yourself down if you have had a stressful day or are having a good day and don't want it to become a stressful one. People think that you need to be good at art to have a career as an artist but it doesn't matter how it looks, sounds or what it is, it depends on how it makes you feel or the message that the artists are trying o tell you.
The things that make art important is that you have fun with it and forget about your sorrows because if you are sad you might use dark colours and if you are happy- you are having fun with it- you might use bright colours. Art is also important as it can calm you down and you can express your feelings too.
Art is important because it lets you be yourself. You can make the artwork ,whatever it is, represent you. It is also important because it can bring you and some of your family together, like if you work on a project together. Or you can have fun with your friends making up a dance routine or painting a big picture together. Art can help people understand things that they maybe didn't before. It can help them see thing differently and give them a new view or perspective of something. It can make you see beauty in places where you didn't before.
Art is important because it is a way to express thoughts, feelings, dreams and beliefs. It is not just a matter of pens, paints and paper, it can be through drama, dance and music along with advertisements, comics and books. Art is sometimes used to relieve stress, anxiety and low self-esteem and boost calmness, mindfulness and peace. Currently, in the lockdown, people are indulging in all sorts of art like colouring, gardening or even decorating a living room and cooking! I find art a great way to represent diversity, culture and experiences or to help me relax.
Art is important because it is a way of sharing and expressing thoughts and emotions, without having to say it aloud or directly. It can also be a way to tell stories for entertainment, or to make people aware of something.
When you say the word art, it is sectioned into a myriad of things, ranging from the classic pen, paper and paints, to music, drama and dance. Art is like a culture. It allows you express your inner, more deeper feelings or beliefs. For many people it does a great deal when they get their worries off their shoulders, which may assist them to be calmer and happier! It helps you to take notice of all the meagre details in the world and to understand those details better. I believe since art comes in different forms, and we prize them hugely, we humans are like that aswell and we should also prize each other too.
Art is...
By fulfilled_starfruit
Art is a thought,
Art is a style,
Art is a passion,
Art is a mood,
Art is a feeling,
Art is an emotion,
Art is an expression,
Art is an idea,
Art is a perspective,
Art is a time,
Art is a meaning,
Art is a memory,
Art is a portal to a peaceful world,
Art is a therapist,
Art is a creative and unique way of the mind,
Art is control,
Art is history,
Art is determination,
Art is truthful,
Art is beautiful,
Art is diverse,
Art is global,
Art is important.
This is a poem I wrote to show the importance of art and why it means a lot to some. I know this is not exactly what the competition has asked for, but this is how I would describe it.
Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the first entry and refreshed the page...
(These short paragraphs are not included in the word count)
Art's importance relies on the viewers. Mona Lisa would be unknown if it wasn't seen as important. If the art presented is important to the viewer, then it is! Vital art it doesn't have to be in a museum. It could be the kitchen magnet; scribbles by a 3-year-old. In that way, art's important. Simultaneously, beneficial art is paramount. Your house is important even though it's not in the newspaper. Essentials do not need to be famous to have importance. Art's importance must agree with you or it isn't. In conclusion, this is how I think art is important.
Art is important because you can express your emotions how you want them to be shown. Art includes music, painting, crafts, culture, clothing and performance. Visual and audible arts are usually the most popular as they convey emotion and generally have a story line behind them. Art can be used for style and fashion which can be universal, and people who follow a specific fashion style normally do so to indicate a particular idea. Cultural fashion is where people can paint a popular style, perform a style and wear a popular item of clothing in a certain area or society.
Art is important because it helps our minds be free. It helps us think beyond what we believe to be possible so that we can express ourselves in different ways and think creatively in a range of different situations. When our minds are free, we can be calm and happy which is important especially in difficult situations like the one we are currently facing.
Art is important because it helps us bring our feelings to the surface and express them in positive ways, for example through dancing, music or painting. When we are stressed or unhappy it gives us a creative outlet to get rid of those negative thoughts and help us to stay mentally healthy.
Art is important because without it the world would be boring. Imagine a world with no music, no colours, no dance. Is that a world you would want to live in? Art makes our lives fun and helps us to inspire others with our creations so that people can see the world in a more beautiful way. This is important now especially with so much negativity in the news, as art is a way to express the true beauty in life.
Art is important because it is a way for us to communicate with each other without words. It breaks down barriers so that we can communicate with people who speak a different language to us and even with people who cannot speak at all. The language of art is universal which is important because it gives us a common language to share ideas and creativity.
Art is important because it can teach us about the past, present and future in a way that our hearts and minds can understand. It is so much more than just entertainment: it is a tool to disseminate knowledge about anything. It makes a difference to society.
Art is an explosion of happiness either on a piece of paper, melody in the ears, or a statue. It is also a design that you feel proud or happy to look at. When you see a drawing, painting, statue or a sheet of music, that’s art! You can make art all by yourself at home! Art may seem long, but it isn’t! A piece of art can take maybe ten second, or maybe a year! Art has no limits! You can do art however you want, and if people think your art is good or bad, that completely fine!
Art is important because it is a way of expressing emotion instead of using words. Art can relieve stress and it can keep you busy if you are bored. Art can make an impact on other people and it can change the way people view art. Art can come in many different forms such as: writing, painting, drawing, and a lot more but the one thing these all have in common is they all inspire people in many ways. It’s something everyone can do and see but we all have a different way of expressing and interpreting art.