Fast fashion is killing the Earth

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The fast fashion industry is slowly killing the Earth.

Brands like Shein, H&M or Primark produce lots of clothes every year, for example, H&M produces 3 billion garments per year. Clothes that are made for fast fashion brands are mass produced, which means lots of clothes are made at one time. Mass production of clothes means there are more garments but the quality is worse.

The clothes rip and fall apart easily, and people throw them away after wearing them for a short amount of time. All that fast fashion piles up in landfills, because it can’t be recycled. In one year, 92 million tons of textile waste ends up in landfills. This is the equivalent of one rubbish truck of clothes being dumped into landfills every second!

Anothing the fast fashion industry is doing to pollute the earth is the way they produce the garments, for example, dying clothes. Dying the textiles to make clothes uses 200 tonnes of water per 1 ton of fabric. That already sounds horrible, but then we have to think about how the fast fashion industry dyes about 80 billion tonnes of fabric per year. Now that is a lot of water that is being wasted.

The dirty water is let out into the nearby rivers and streams making the water polluted and grimy. The people living near the water have nothing to drink and can get dangerous diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea or hepatitis A if they do drink the water.

Creating fast fashion also pollutes oceans by releasing microplastics in them. The way these microplastics are sent into the ocean is that when we wash them, the microplastics are shed from clothes. The clothes are shedding them because they are made of plastic-based materials, eg polyester. Fish eat the microplastics and the fish are eaten by other sea creatures, finally being eaten by us.

How can we help to stop fast fashion from polluting the Earth though?

We can do many things to help. One suggestion is to buy clothes second hand. These clothes have already been used, but are in good condition, so you can still wear them. Buying second hand can help the environment because you are giving the clothes a second life instead of them being thrown away. Buying second hand reduces the amount of carbon emissions too.

What do you think we can do to stop fast fashion from killing the Earth?

Comments (5)

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  • I would not necessarily disagree with the fact that fast fashion brands like Shein, H&M, or Primark produce a large number of clothes every year and that these garments are typically mass-produced. However, I would argue that the statement "mass production of clothes means there are more garments but the quality is worse" is not entirely accurate.

    I know that some fast fashion brands prioritize quantity over quality but not all mass-produced clothing is inherently low-quality. In fact, many brands that make use of mass production techniques are still capable of producing garments that are both durable and long-lasting.
    Also I want to say that some fast fashion garments may rip or fall apart easily, this isn't necessarily a universal truth for all clothing made by these types of brands. The lifespan of a garment can depend on many factors, including the quality of materials used, the construction techniques employed during production, and how well the garment is cared for by the individual wearing it.

  • I completely agree with you. Fast fashion brands produce clothes quickly and cheaply, which often leads to poor quality. As a result, these clothes do not last very long and end up in landfills after only a few wears.
    One way to combat this problem is by shopping secondhand or vintage clothing. Buying secondhand clothes gives them a new life and keeps them out of the landfill. You can also try investing in higher quality clothing that will last longer instead of constantly buying cheap fast fashion pieces.
    Another option is to support ethical and sustainable fashion brands that prioritize quality and fair labor practices. These brands may be more expensive, but they are better for the environment and the people who make the clothes.

  • pupils can implement to stop fast fashion from killing the Earth by many ways :

    1. Organize a Clothing Swap Party: You and your friends and family can host a clothing swap party where everyone brings clothes they no longer want and exchange them with each other. This way, your clothes get a second life, and you get new clothes without buying anything new.

    2. Start Thrifting Challenges: You could set up weekly or monthly challenges within your peer group or class, where everyone needs to find a specific item of clothing, like a shirt or jeans, in a thrift store or online marketplace. The person who finds the best deal or the most interesting piece wins!

    3. Create a School Fashion Show: Organize a school fashion show where students showcase their thrifted outfits and explain why they chose to buy second-hand instead of new clothes. It can be a fun way to promote sustainable fashion and raise awareness about the negative impacts of fast fashion.

    4. Design Your Own Clothes: Learning basic sewing skills and designing your own clothes can be a great way to reduce your reliance on fast fashion brands. By making your clothes, you can control the materials used, the quality, and even the style, creating unique pieces that reflect your personality.

    5. Spread Awareness through Social Media: Use social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube to educate others about the environmental impact of fast fashion and promote sustainable fashion alternatives. Share pictures of your thrifted outfits, DIY projects, and sustainable fashion tips to inspire others to make conscious choices when shopping for clothes.

    These are just a few ideas to help pupils take action against fast fashion and protect our planet's resources.

  • Wow, that's a lot of clothes! But it's not good if they don't last very long. That means we have to keep buying more and more clothes, which is not good for the environment. Maybe it's better to buy clothes that are made to last longer, even if they cost a little more money. That way, we can help protect the planet and save money in the long run!

  • We can try to stop fast fashion from harming the Earth by doing things like buying second-hand clothes, which are still good to wear even though they've already been used. This helps the environment by giving clothes a new life instead of throwing them away and also reduces carbon emissions. We can also reduce our overall consumption of clothing and focus on buying high-quality items that last longer. Another way is to support sustainable and ethical fashion brands that prioritize reducing their environmental impact.