Eco-anxiety: Embrace your Eco-Anxiety

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Hello, fellow Topical Talkers, my standpoint is about you embracing your eco-anxiety. You must be wondering why I think people should embrace their eco-anxiety, after listening to Jocelyn and knowing that eco-anxiety will also be a part, this got me thinking that people can embrace and use eco-anxiety to do effective things to help stop pollution. As you know eco-anxiety has impacted fear in so many people allowing them to rely on people with high authority such as politicians and the wealthy to find ways to help stop climate change. These people of high authority promise to help stop climate change but in the end, they would rather think of causing more pollution to satisfy their needs and neglect the safety of others. This causes many earthquakes, global warming, and sea levels tend to rise causing tsunamis, this allows people to live in constant fear because of the negative effects surrounding them.

I think people should embrace their eco-anxiety because it helps encourage them to take matters into their own hands and help stop climate change. This shows others with eco-anxiety that there is nothing to be afraid of and take of use to work together to stop climate. There is a saying"The world must come together to confront climate change". Using our eco-anxieties to do effective things live changing the ways we eat such as more greens and hydrating more, how we move around by using bicycles and walking, using our free time to read rather than using gadgets more, participating in clubs that want to help restore forests and volunteering to pick trash and plastic and then recycling them. Planting trees in communities is an effective way to help reduce climate change. There is a saying"The world is what we all have in common, and we must preserve it for this and future generations", to ensure there will be more eco-anxieties we must embrace our eco-anxiety and ensure the safety of the planet.

Thank you!

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  • Hello,
    I really agree with embracing our eco-anxieties because we never know the true worth of something unless we are about to lose it. No one is that reliable to promise the restoration of our world in peace, not even our authorities. What we must do is embrace our fears and channel them into finding creative ways to fix our planet by using problem-solving skills. We can tackle the excessive problems first and proceed with the others. Also, by embracing your fears about the planet, you can set a good example for others to do the same instead of feeling scared or relying on people to fix our planet. Let's do the necessary things by getting up now instead of waiting. Going natural, reducing electronics and many more.

  • I agree with you Zestful_Artic_Fox. We can channel our eco-anxiety into something positive. instead of letting our fears bring us down, we can turn that fear into positive action to protect the planet. We can help by taking small steps, such as taking to others about it. We can also encourage our parents to use renewable sources of energy and participate in climate change discussions online. By doing this, we can help encourage others and turn our eco-anxiety into something positive. Thanks for sharing your insights.