Jérôme Mangelinckx

Jérôme Mangelinckx, Global Policy Manager at Penal Reform International

Jérôme has a lot of experience in drug policy reform, prison reform, and human rights. Additionally, he played a key role as a Co-Founder of the Research Centre on Drugs and Human Rights (CIDDH), a Peruvian NGO dedicated to protecting the human rights of those most vulnerable to the impacts of the war on drugs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Jérôme is a Festival topic expert on prisons and the emergency in Ecuador.

Comments (18)

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  • Hi!!..,
    If I could meet him, I would ask these two questions:
    1)"What inspired you to dedicate your career to drug policy reform, prison reform, and human rights advocacy, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean?"...

    2)"Can you share some of the most significant challenges you've encountered while working on drug policy reform and human rights advocacy, and how you've addressed them?"

  • If I had a chance to ask Jérôme Mangelinckx, What do you find most rewarding about your work.awaiting your response.

  • Hello,
    I have a important question,Which of the following is a key difference between the Pennsylvania and New York Penitentiary theories of the 1800s?
    Thank you 😊

    1. Can you say why this question is important?

  • Hey there! If I had the chance to meet someone with a ton of experience in drug policy reform, prison, and human rights, I'd be super excited to pick their brain. I'd ask them about innovative approaches to drug policy, like harm reduction strategies that focus on education, prevention, and treatment rather than punishment. I'd also be curious to hear their thoughts on restorative justice programs that aim to repair harm caused by crime and promote rehabilitation. For example, in some countries, they use community-based alternatives to incarceration, like drug courts or diversion programs, which have shown positive outcomes. I'd love to hear their take on these ideas and how they can be implemented effectively to create a fairer and more compassionate criminal justice system.

  • If I could meet Jérôme's Mangelinckx. I would ask him some questions about his work :

    1. How do you address the potential conflicts between national sovereignty and global policy initiatives when working on cross-border issues?

    2. What strategies do you employ to ensure the protection of human rights and privacy in the development and implementation of global policies?

    3. Can you speak to any instances where you've had to navigate geopolitical tensions and conflicts while working on global policy initiatives?

  • Hello! If I had the chance to meet Jerome Mangelinckx, I would ask him about the emergency situation in Ecuador. I'm curious to know if it's accurate that they have imposed a curfew from no later than 11 pm to no earlier than 5 am. What do you think? Do you believe they should change the curfew time? If so, what time would you suggest changing it to? I'd love to hear your opinion on this matter.

  • I would ask could AI be as smart as people?

  • Would AI bots be waterproof and could they be a teacher

  • If AI bots get power could the take over the world?

  • if i could meet him i would say what inspired your drug policy and who inspired you

  • If I could meet Jerome Mangelinckx, I would ask him an important question. I would ask, "Have you ever faced discrimination in the justice system, and if so, how did you deal with it?

    1. That's a thought-provoking question to ask Jerome Mangelinckx. Understanding his experiences with discrimination in the justice system, if any, and how he navigated those challenges could provide valuable insights into systemic issues and potential strategies for addressing them. It's essential to listen to and learn from individuals like Jerome to promote fairness and equity within the justice system.

  • If I could meet Jerome Mangelinckx, I would ask him an interesting question about people in Ecuador. I would ask, "Are the people of Ecuador anxious about the curfew time, and if you were a citizen there, how would you feel?"

  • If I could meet Jerome Mangelinckx, I would ask him if he would invest in helping the citizens of Ecuador with his giant business. If he says yes, I would want to know how he plans to help them. This is important because some citizens in Ecuador are scared for their lives.

  • If I had the opportunity to ask Jérôme Mangelinckx, Global Policy Manager at Penal Reform International, some questions, I would be curious about his important work in making jails and prisons fairer around the world. Firstly, I would ask him about his motivation for working in the field of penal reform. Understanding what inspired him could help me learn more about the importance of his work and its impact on society.

    Secondly, I would inquire about the challenges he faces in advocating for penal reform on a global scale. It would be interesting to know how he navigates different cultures and legal systems to promote fair treatment for all individuals in the penal system.

    Next, I would ask about the success stories or significant milestones he has witnessed in his work. Hearing about positive outcomes could inspire others to get involved and make a difference in their communities.

    Additionally, I would be interested in learning about his perspective on the most pressing issues facing the global penal system today and his proposed solutions to address them. Understanding these challenges and potential solutions could empower me to advocate for change in my own community.

    Furthermore, I would inquire about how individuals and communities can contribute to promoting fair and effective penal systems worldwide. Learning about ways to get involved could inspire me to take action and make a positive impact in my own way.

    Lastly, I would ask for his advice to someone interested in pursuing a career in penal reform advocacy. Hearing his insights could provide valuable guidance and encouragement for young people who aspire to make a difference in the world of criminal justice.

  • If I could meet Jérôme Mangelinckx, I would surely question him about his work, because what he does is interesting. After all, his job sounds interesting, and his work improves the world and lessens negative thinking.

  • After watching Jerome's video he did not change my mind about the curfews in Ecuador, but he has sparked two questions in my head. My first question is how does the PRI help prisoners have more humane punishments opposing being locked away and my second question is this method effective I wonder this because along with Jerome I am also very interested in this topic and believe prisons are unfair. That is what I would ask him if you agree or disagree you can always reply to my comment . Thank you for your time!

  • If I could meet Jérôme Mangelinckx I would ask him.

    1.What If the prison or the maximum security prison don't work?

    2.What do we do to solve the problem?

    Thank you for acknowledging my question.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • If I were to meet Jerome Mangelinckx, I would ask him if AI could be prisoners or whether it will be a good idea or not.
    I just think that it will be a bad idea because with all the gadgets and weapons it has, it could bring down the whole prison and that will make it ''very angry.''
    Whoops, I made a mistake there, the AI does not have any sort of emotion, always remember that. I also think that it would have been programmed to do that so I would sue the company that produced it. I would sue the company because the AI was invented to be helpful to the Earth and humans not to be source of mass destruction.