Are the Enhanced games a good thing?

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My topic is whether or not the augmented games are ethical and if they could be used for scientific purposes.

The augmented games is a proposed version of the olympics where the contestants are allowed to use narcotics to make them stronger and allow them to have more endurance.there is a big debate on whether this is an ethical thing to do.

I think that this is a useful thing because progressing scientifically is something that humans do and have done for hundreds of years and we could use the athletes(with their consent of course)to aid our understanding of these narcotics and if they are suitable to use on humans in very specific circumstances.So basically it is a massive scientific study that uses sport to evaluate how far the human body can be pushed if money and the law were no object.And if mental health was no object what would be the results how much better could we be pushed to succeed.Is it possible. From an entertaining point of view the games would make for great competition and fans would also like that it allows many more people to compete.I feel that this would make a lot of money and be quite successful.

Governments probably will not be in favour of this due to the unethical side of the games but some may see that it is a safe controlled usage of these narcotics to do important studies on them . Ordinary people like you and me might like this because we could compete in a high level sporting event and still have a shot at winning something at a big sporting event . I personally do like the idea of doing the research on the effects of narcotics on human development and their physical ability. I don't like the fact that humans have to be subjected to these dangerous substances which could affect their mental health so they would have to be fully aware of the dangers as it wouldn't be ethical to force people into scientific trials.

My final opinion on the augmented Games is that it could be very useful to scientific research and could help non-athletic people get exercise, it could help people of all ages ( obviously not under 18s) get active ( this is aimed at people in there very old ages) and the whole world could get outside and win prizes or generally become athletic if they want to. Overall the augmented games could help people be active and build a healthier lifestyle for humans.

Comments (5)

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  • We think the Enhanced Games could be a good idea because everyone could benefit from having more energy and will be able to concentrate more. If all sports players took the performance enhancing drugs, then there would be greater sportsmanship.

    However, there are some areas for concern such as the long-term effects of the performance enhancing drugs are not yet fully known, so they may cause harm to people. There is also the possibility that people would start cheating these rules and take even more drugs maybe even developing addictions outside of sport.

  • I don't think that enhanced games would be a good idea because it would get rid of the point of people winning based upon their own abilities. It could also cause a great risk to people who are doping.

    1. Hi,
      I agree with you, because, in my point of view, the Olympic games is a competition to see who is globally the best on a specific sport. It is not the moment you compete in there. It is also the effort it taked you to be there. Every day you must had a strict schedule and although you get tired you must remember that fight means a dream. If the effort is not considered, like in enhanced-games, It doesn't makes sense. It is like un F1. In here, nowadays, they compete to see who has the best car, as the car is the one who makes mostly the job. Compare the cars with the drugs inhered for enhanced games. There isn't so much difference really.
      Thanks for reading, bye!

  • I don't think the Enhanced games is a good thing.I say this because the enhanced games encourages people to take performance enhancing drugs that sometimes can be very harmful to your body.And some of the harmful thing these type of drugs can do to your body is early heart attacks,strokes, liver tumors, and kidney failure.That is why I think that the Enhanced games is not a good thing.

  • The Enhanced Games may be a good thing in terms of testing the ability of people when they have taken performance enhancing drugs. However, they could cause serious harm to the people that take it.

    1. I agree with you because it's very harmful to those who use to take enhancing drugs so that is very bad and the drugs they take does not match with their body type . They might later on be infected with an illment that will kill them such as Cancer, because most of these drugs are made with harmful and strong chemicals which may weaken the immune system and later it will be difficult for the body of the athletes to fight back germs and diseases. For me constant use of enhancing drugs can lead to drug abuse and addiction, because such athletes will find it difficult and hard to do or perform in any sporting activities without depending on enhance drugs.

  • ‘“ Are enhanced Games, a good thing”. This question is very crucial. Everyone may have different answers for it. Somebody might accept it and somebody will revolt against this. The one who would like to opt for cheating , Shortcuts , they would be with this statement because they’ve always choose the path which is not right. They will think of themselves and will always want to make the people know that what they are and what they can do without doing nothing in this word.
    The one who would be protesting this statement are the one who always do the work , opt for the truth and always want to succeed after doing hard work . They know that there main goal which they want to succeed can be achieved by hard work and choosing the right path . After working hard when you find success then a tsunami of happiness comes inside the person and that is the main success .
    So we should always choose the right way so always do what’s right ……