the enhances games

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I think that the enhanced games is not for young adults to watch and its important to know about how bad it is for peoples physical and mental health but not know about it alot .

In my opinion (some people might not agree)i think it should be over eighteens to watchand it feels like they are half cheating .

The enhanced games affects many people such as the athletes who compete beacuse they might take the wrong drugs for them which they end up in hospital .

The enhanced games might break new records which could make the previouse world breaker jelouse and start to cheat in the olympics and they also spent millions on the enhanced games too .

I remembered that if young adults watch the enhanced games then they could start to copy them with taking drugs beacause it makes the athletes stronger.

I dont think the enhanced games are fair becuase of what and who it affectes .

Comments (2)

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  • I totally agree with you.
    But I would like to add one point on this, the drugs are really expensive. So, the 44% of athletes use it but only 1% have been caught. But the thing is that what about the other 66% of athletes who are practicing day by day. I mean that 66% athletes are practicing and trying their best but why 44% of athletes can't also practice and try to do their best without using drugs.

  • Hello powerful llama,
    I personally think that athletes should try their best to compete in sports without doping. The use of drugs is basically known as cheating and gives the athletes that participate in it a very unfair advantage. Athletics is meant to help athletes discover what they are capable of achieving but the use of stimulants to enhance physical performance would never help one discover what they are capable of. Stimulants can also cause an individual to have life threatening and dangerous health hazards like permanent brain disorder including short or long term memory loss, it can damage the reproductive system of individuals halting the way or process they reproduce or give birth to offspring.
    THANK YOU!!!