Comments by amazing_llama Comment Post Date something that will happen is the country is someones life will be ruined by the govment #15 - Will, Might, Won't! 16/12/19 an astronaut did you mean. #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! 09/12/19 pollution is bad but climate change is worse. life on earth is polluted. how can we stop it... Weekly Competition #37 17/6/19 Should they be doing that and why are they doing that.what's over the other side of the wall .I... Weekly Competition #30 02/5/19 we could say that if we do not act now we might be not be able to stop the world crime problems at all Weekly Competition #20 04/2/19 how would you stop crimes? Weekly Competition #20 04/2/19 why should people have to die because of a crime? Weekly Competition #20 04/2/19 so people can be heard and their ideas as well so people share ideas. Weekly Competition #20 01/2/19 how will you try to stop crime for good Weekly Competition #20 01/2/19 help them move on with life Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 why would you want them to PAY for the crime they did Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 i agree with you Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 why should they pay £100 ? Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 i agree with you so much Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 i would try to help that persons family and try to comfit them Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 what would you do if your dad was doing crimes like murder? Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 would you still tell someone? Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 no mater what Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 i agree with you so much Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 i chose E because why should people lose their lives to a crime especially to arson, murder,... Weekly competition #19 01/2/19 1 2 >