#14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced!
13 December 2019Thank you to everyone who took part this week! There was so much knowledge on display - I can see many of you had watched the NASA video and also read the responses of our experts!
Stars were awarded to posts who described a space job, and then linked this role to one or more BNC skills.
Our Primary winner is convivial_beaver from Hillyfield Primary Academy, who explained the importance of reasoning for a space scientist, using very clear reasons themselves! Well done!
Our Secondary winner is powerful_robin of Ormiston Park Academy. They connected all four BNC skills to the job of a space-suit designer (inspired by Bonnie Posselt, perhaps!) and gave comprehensive reasons to support these connections. Well done!
The next competition will be posted shortly!
There are lots of jobs in the space industry, as well as being an astronaut. By hearing from our experts, you might have already heard about what it's like to be an astronaut, or a flight director, or a space doctor, or a scientist, or an engineer.
You can also watch a short video for students on space jobs here to help you learn more.
So this week's challenge is to:
- Choose one job to do with space (maybe one that you'd like when you're older!)
- Choose which of the Burnet News Club skills below would be MOST important in that job, and explain why.

To recap:
Scepticism means to doubt what you see or read and ask questions to find out the truth for yourself.
Reasoning means to give reasons to support your view.
Speaking up means to say what you think confidently and clearly.
Open-mindedness means to see things from other points of view.
Write your two answers in the comments below
The deadline for entries is 10.30am on Friday 13th December.
Stars are awarded when the competition closes. Good luck!
Comments (147)
For example:
My chosen space job is...
The BNC skill I think would be most important in that job is...
Thanks! Really helpful!
how do we now if we was chosen
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I would be a scientist and scepticism would be the most important in that job.I think this because scientists need to find out what is true and the things which we could do and questioning information is the perfect way to. They think of something which the question and work hard to try and find out what the answer is. Thank you for reading!🙂
I do agree with you, I think a scientist would be the best job, but I think that the most important skill would be reasoning. I think this, because reasoning backs up opinions, and gives you a more reliable opinion/fact. I also think this because you can learn from reasoning. If you find out something is wrong with your explanation or you change your mind about the opinion, you can get stronger facts and evidence for your discovery.
I think a scientist would be the best, because they discover new and safer ways to explore space. An example of this would be finding out how much power a rocket needs to launch to Mars (a planet to discover in the near future) and figuring how they can improve on technology in Space. These are only a few examples.
I think a scientist would be VERY important because they would need to make fuel for the rockets ant might even need to test different types of materials to see if it can survive the launch as well as the landing. but if they wanted to make the rocket out of minerals for testing you'd need a mining team for that
What Burnet News Club skill would be most important for this job?
umm all of them because you need to be carful as a scientist as there may be a explotion!
it would be reasoning
I agree it would be reasoning
I would be someone who designs space rockets and makes them. I think that the skill you would need for this job would to be open-mindedness because you would have to listen to other engineers' ideas and take them in. If you were selfish and ignored other people ideas then you might get something wrong. For instance: You might miss something out which could be fatal for the final design or your idea might not work so a friend is trying to improve your idea. If you were not open-minded then you could hurt yourself, others and your career. If you wanted to be a engineer that designs rockets then you would not get your job without considering this.
My chosen space job is computer programmers (because they get to make new/ different things to help the astronauts so they can be able to travel to different places.)
The BNC skill I think would be most important in that job is speaking up, scepticism or reasoning. Speaking up: if your answer wants to be heard you have to speak up for your idea to spread. At the same time, I think that scepticism might be a great one because you can question yourself/ other people to be successful on the modals you or they have made. But on the other, other hand, you have to reason your project/ modal so you can be able to make new discoveries to help you in the future.
Now judging this, Brain-Stand has to be the best because you have to see the pros and cons about it and see if you or your friends agree with your final piece (or plan).
For my ending paragraph, I was meant to put Open-Mindedness not Brain-Stand.
I would be a space scientist because i could discover many more prodigious discoveries which may even include extra-terrestrial life or even how to stop the abhorrent climate Our Earth is experiencing currently. The skill you would need to use is scepticism because if you learnt factual information you did now was true you would need to question the truth because it may be an incorrect truth which would could result in a lot of untrue information, to do with Earth or any other planets
I would be a space scientist.
The BNC skill that would fit this is open-mindedness. I believe this because ideas and theories that come from other scientists could be put into your work and could help you make a scientific discovery. (Or invention!)
Another BNC skill that would be useful (but not my main choice) is scepticism. I believe this skill fits a space scientist because you would have to use evidence to question previous theories to help you find the most correct answer. (That you believe).
My chosen space job is Aerospace Engineering because its has got all the BNC skills . Having this job means you must listen to others points and make your own(speaking up & open-mindedness). You also can state your own point by previous research and explain it with the facts you have gathered(reasoning & scepticism).
I agree with you as Aerospace engineering dose include all BNC skills but with aerospace engineering would you be questioning information to get the truth or backing up your points using Point Evidence Explain?
I would also want to be a space scientists because you can find out lots of information to help other humans and make space exploration safer for astronauts but it isn't dangerous like actually being an astronaut. This might sound strange, but I wouldn't get all the fame and I could just live a quiet life and do what I want. I think the skill I would use the most would be Speaking Up because I need to confidently tell my answers to the world and be useful.
I would be a space doctor. The most important BNC skill for this job would be reasoning because during the job , I would have to look at the astronaut and see if anything is space has affected their skin or provide medicine for them.
I would give reasons to support my view and say them to the other doctors to prove my point and show them that it is valid. I will also listen to the other doctors and support them as well as supporting myself.
this is hard because all of the above are needed
(I accidentally pressed add comment in the middle of the word sorry :) )
Scientists. I also think in my opinion that being a scientist is the most important job in the space industry because they are thw foundation of the other jobs. For example, an astronaut needs a scientist ti help them know what to look for on a planet and ither protective things to wear to stop the radiation in space from getting bto them.
I had a hard time thinking between flight director and scientist but ended up with flight director as they are probably helping with the controls and technology, and I believe technology is most important in Space.
I think Scepticism and Speaking up are most important in this role though. I think this because Scepticism would be important. As an example what if while someone was directing the flight of the Spacecraft and they were told to tell the astronaut that he/she should get shelter as there was a solar storm or press a particular button , but the flight director didn't actually know; he was told that so he would probably have to find out for himself/herself. I understand this is unlikely though.
I also think Speaking up is similar as you are telling how to control the Spacecraft. Just like Michael Collins directing the Spacecraft. The only difference is that he was not a flight director; he was a Command Module Pilot.
I would like to be a space doctor because I can learn to find new cures in space and it could even help on earth.I think it has open-mindedness in it because you would need to listen to other view points to make cures as others may know something thet you don't know and uou would need all the information and help you can get.
My chosen job is a robotics engineer. Their jobs seem so exciting as they get to create many new things that could discover some fascinating items in space. I would love to be the one that contributes to finding something new in space. it would make the billions of pounds spent on space exploration, worthwhile. I think a robotics engineer would need to have open-mindedness because while creating new robots they might reach a struggle with what they are making and they will need to have an open mind to realise they might need to go back and see where it went wrong. THey would need to realise that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
However, I also think that all of the other skills are important too. For example, a robotics engineer would need to be good at speaking up because they would need to voice their ideas about ways they can improve the robot's features. They would also need to be sceptical as other people's ideas may not be well thought through. Finally, a robotics engineer would need to be good at reasoning because their ideas might need some backing up and the people on their team, would want to be convinced why they should go along with their ideas.
My chosen job would be an Astronautical Engineer because you get to design rockets and create the technology that goes inside them.You would have to have all 4 of the BNC's skills for this job because:
-You will have to say your ideas and comment on other peoples ideas openly therefore speaking up.
-Listening to and commenting on other viewpoints, therefore open-mindedness.
-Justifying your opinion on your thoughts and why you believe that, therefore reasoning.
-Hearing about a topic and doubt the person in which you then do your own research for facts and explaining those points openly , therefore scepticism.
This would be my chosen job because of those 4 important qualities they bring to the job!
(edited previous comment) I would be a NASA space scientist, this would use scepticism because they would have to ask questions about things they are researching and they'll have to be determined to find different things out and discover multiple things. Also, because they look into certain discoveries and do research for space materials such as a new material and meteorites or asteroids. In addition to this, they would be important for discovering and finding faster rocket fuel, more efficient routes to multiple planets and moons. Who knows, maybe even make rockets more environmentally friendly. Lastly, they get to find quicker ways of space travel and maybe a way of saving more fuel etc.
My chosen space job is a scientist.
I have chosen this because we need somebody to study the different properties of our universe including the different galaxies, solar systems, stars and planets to help the future of space exploration and I think that scepticism would be the most important BNC skill to find out more information from other people, so you gather more information than you find just by yourself.
My chosen space job is a scientist and to be a scientist there would have to be a lot of scepticism because you would need to take different answers work with them and find the truth about them because if you just get an object from space and you take it just as the truth it could be wrong because you need to find the evidence and dig deeper and then in result of this you may have your answer.
I'm not sure if this is a job but I would be a engineer that secures rocket engines and to make sure that astraunauts have form communication from people on earth. I heard that the Indians lost communication with Earth when they just set off for space. Do we want that to happen again? I hope not! Securing rocket engines is really important because if the rocket engineer forgets to do something, then the rocket might stop half-way to their destination and they could be physically injured or might never be found again! We also don't want space junk floating everywhere dpnte we? I think I would probably need serious qualifications to do this job!
Hope you enjoyef my entry!
A scientist is a very broad term for a person who understands and researches the world around them, they would need to have a range of crucial skills to excel in their field. Specifically, they would need all the BNC skills as show below:
0 Scepticism would be important, as scientists regularly need to question the truth and see beyond what most people say
0 Reasoning would also be important, as scientists need to make people believe what they say and to do that they need to justify their argument
0 Speaking up would be the most important skill a scientist needs because if they keep questioning what they say themselves and do not stick to their argument, no-one would believe their find
0 Open-mindedness is a very important quality a scientist needs, because if they do not listen to other scientists’ viewpoints, their argument might be unoriginal and hard to believe
I think the job I would choose is Aerospace engineering.
I would have to say the skills Open-mindedness and Speaking Up are the most important. My reasons for this is because:
When you are trying to figure out how to structure the space engine, you would have your ears open for any suggestion that might work. Having this skill is key to get an overall view of different ideas and points, and resulting from this we could evaluate which is the best and most straightforward. Listening to other people's ideas is important as you can learn from them and, as a result, you can improve.
Speaking up is another important skill as you would need to in order to get ideas -or criticism-heard. If you don't speak up, then your team may be missing out on a critical factor to the design, yet it would go unnoticed. Speaking up also helps build your confidence, which is what you need when you want to send people into space and being completely sure the plan won't fail.
I would probably be a flight director because if there was something bad happening someone would need to tell the astronaut where it is and how to avoid any disasters. This sort of person would need to use the skill 'Speaking up' because they would have to know how and when they need to speak up so that they can warn the astronaut about any harm or condition.
I would be a researcher and the BNC skill that would be most important in that job is scepticism because you could out what is true and what is false also because we could question information to check if it true so that people don't get confused with the news because sometimes there is fake news
My chosen job would be the space researcher because i have a thirst for knowledge, and what better way to learn than in the vast and unexplored expanses of the universe. This job will most likely require all four categories, as you will need scepticism to question pre-existing information for the legitimate result. You will need the skill of reasoning to justify your research among others. You will need the skill of speaking up to make sure that everyone hears and acknowledges your ideas and viewpoints. And finally you will of course need open mindedness to listen and gain knowledge from the thoughts of others.
I think that a 🚀 adventuresome would be a good job and it would be an inspiration to more people
This is my view, hope you consider.
My chosen space job would be to be the project manager because it has quite a lot of the Burnet News Club skills. It has pretty much all the BNC skills, for instance: It needs skepticism because if someone gives you the information for where a asteroid is and it was wrong, then the space shuttle could crash into it, but if the project manager used skepticism and questioned it it and then re-checked if the asteroid would be there, the shuttle would not crash. The next one is reasoning: The project manager would need to justify the facts he has put forward: For instance, if he said an asteroid would be in a certain place at a certain time, then he would need to state why he knows that. He would need to speak up and confidently when he is proposing a space mission. For instance: If he wants to get a mission to the moon, then he would need to speak up at a press conference or to his manager confidently or it might be rejected because he might not sound sure about it. Lastly, he would need open-mindedness so he can listen to other people's ideas. For instance: If he was proposing a mission to the moon and one of his colleges said a good idea, and he didn't listen to it, then he might be missing out on a great opportunity.
Thank you for reading.
I would be an astronaut because they can use scepticism to find out information about the moon,mars and the earth. They also get to pilot rockets!
I would be a space explorer because you might never know what is up there, I always wanted to go up to space
I would become a space scientist because if I was an astronaut or flight director I could die easily and if I was a space doctor I could catch a disease if someone has a disease.
I think that being an astronaut might need open mindness because the spaceship director might have an idea about the spaceship or something important to say that the astronauts will need to listen to so they will listen to another person's viewpoints.
My chosen space job would be a Rocket designer, in this career, this skill needed would be open-mindedness. This is because if you think that you has finished that part of the rocket, sometimes you would have to ask others what you could improve or what is more likely to not work.
I would be space scientist because if i was a astronaut I could easily die because i could run out of food but if you were a space scientist you can't really die because you won't be in space you would be in the space station and you could send robots up to space to do research so you could analyse the materials the the astronaut took from the robot and if it was a good material you could tell them to keep the robot there so you could get more of that material.
The job that I would like would be to have meetings with space discoverers and astronauts. The skill that I would need would be open mindedness because I would need to listen to them and what they have to say about space.
I would be a space person because you will not know what is up their.
an astronaut did you mean.
Yes I get what you mean but using my open mindedness that it would be a great 👍job
I think you mean astronaut and there no space person and their. X
I think the most important job is being a astronaut because is we did not have them we might not have the technology we have today and space is just really cool!!! I think for this job you would most need scepticism because if you did not have it then if someone said that there are aliens on the moon then you would know there isn’t because we have already explored the moon. However there might still be some aliens out there somewhere.......
I would probably be a sciencetist
The space job I have chosen is an astronaut. I think the burnet news club skill that will be the best for this job are speaking up and reasoning because if you know a way out of a dangerous situation and only you know the answer you will need to speak up and tell them. You also need reasoning so if someone else has an idea but you know yours is better you need to back it up with evidence.
My chosen Space job is an Astronaut.
The BNC skills that are useful for this job is speaking up because if you are up in space and something goes wrong you could give your input and tell them what they can improve. Being an Astronaut is a very dangerous job so it is good to speak what you think. Many things can go wrong in this job but fo example if The Space Station has a problem you could tell them what is wrong and give some ideas about how to fix it also you could tell them what it is like it Space. An Astronaut is the job I picked because you are going to fly in a rocket ship to space, land on the moon and walk on the moon, you would also have the amazing opportunity to stay in the Space Station.
I think that an aerospace engineers is a very important job because without it you don't have a rocket so the rest of the jobs are pointless without it. A important skill would be scepticism because you would need to question whether you are using the correct materials or are there better ones. Scepticism would also help when talking to the other people in your team because you may have a good idea but someone else may use scepticism and come up with a better idea to improve the rocket. Rockets can always be improved but you can't improve it without using scepticism to question your choices with the rocket.
If I were to become a flight director, I would need to be open minded because my astronaut would think of some ideas of what to do. This is important because this leads to strong and healthy relationship. I would also need scepticism because when I'm handling data on a short scale of time, I would need to be wise and pick the right choice not the first one.
I would be a space explorer as you can find out millions of different subjects to do with space, you could find out how to live on mars, you can also find out the DARK SIDE!!! Space can be dangerous it can also be exhilarating, and you can get VERY fautiged. If you go into space one day you will need to know what to bring what to expect and what beautiful really is.
When I'm older I would be a space explore as you can find out about thousands and millions of subjects about space. Space is a wonderful place but can also be utterly dangerous caused by meteors and and black holes. You don't need to go into space because we have NASA a space organisation (if you didn't know) there's a fact you can tell your teacher! NASA is a famous space organisation and they go into space and do lots of fun experiments. If you do decide to go into space you need to know what to take, what is up there, what is beautiful, what's amazing, but the most important thing you need to know is the consequences.
Burnet news club is amazing , you can learn about all sorts of things! It updates every 6 weeks and something new is on the case! It's also really educating too!
I hope you enjoy reading my comment
The job that I have chosen is a space doctor as it is very important to keep all people that travel up to space healthy. The Burnet news club skill that I have chosen is scepticism as you have to be very precise in investigating the truth of what happened if someone got injured or hurt. These would be good quality’s to have is you are a space doctor and it is vital to the job!
My space job is astrounamy
The BNC skill that will be the most important for this job is reasoning because you have to justify your opinion for the world to know it is true and not doubt you.
My chosen space job is spacesuit designer. A spacesuit designer is a highly trained engineer with a speciality in mechanical engineering and an interest in space. Space designers have to design spacesuits specificially for different missions. I have chosen this job because I am really interested in space and would like to be able to contribute something to future space missions. I also enjoy science and would love an opportunity to combine this with something a bit more creative.
The BNC skill I think would be most important in this job is openmindedness because spacesuit designers have to design suits with different people in mind, taking into account their individual needs as well as the mission they are going on.
When I grow up my chosen space job would be an astronaut. In this case the most important BNC skill to use is speaking up. This is because when you are an astronaut you need to speak up to your colleagues and let them know what is happening or you would have a lack of communication.
My chosen space job is an astranout. This is because if I were to go to space I could discover other planets as well as explore discovered planets.
I want to be a planetary astronomer and I think that scepticism is the best skill because if people think that they have found a new planet they would have to be sceptical about if it was real or not . Maybe a bit like planet nine and astronomers are working with telescopes to see if it is real or not besides you might not believe that is there or not because the is no evidence that it could be there but back to the subject . There should be more information about the new discovery than just someone just saw something new through a telescope there should be more evidence and should be classified.
My space job is a scientist, I think this would require all of them: open mindedness as you would need to listen to others to help develop ideas scepticism as not all ideas are affordable or possible reasoning as you need to prove why people should spend money on this idea and speaking up as if you have a really good idea and it doesn't get heard it could be wasting money and time if your point is really good it could end the discussion and save time.I know you said one skill but all of the skills are vital if one skill was missing it would be like a cake missing an ingredient it wouldn't work and that is what I think.
I would pick to be an astronaut because it's more fun and amusing to me and I also think that to be an astronaut you also have to be able today it would be helpful to be open minded because there will be a lot of people working with you or for you to make it possible and safer for you to go up to space. So you also have to listen to other view points, you also might have to speak up so you can create new ideas to possibly make other ideas better for everyone but it's not just an astronaut that has to speak up its also scientists to make new creations.
My space job would most likely be being an astronaut. I believe that my BNC would be speaking up, I believe this because if you're an astronaut you need to speak up with your ideas. I think this because if you only realise that something is wrong with the space craft you should use your ideas on how to improve this, for example on Apollo 13 the three astronauts had to figure out ways with the professionals on how to reduce the carbon dioxide on the space craft.
I would like to be a space scientists as I could find out all of the things about our solar system and space to see if it would be dangerous from asteroid belts and space junk flying around(as my peer said)
Looking back; I would also like to find out if the cost of going to space is worth it . However with this you need to be careful because not everyone will agree which this could lead into protesting .
My chosen space job is an educator astronaut.An educator astronaut is like a teacher who teaches adults and kids all about space and what they do in space.I have chosen this job because i am really interested in teaching and sience.
The BNC skill that will be important for this job is reasoning because educator astronauts need a reason to explain things or the audience will be confused of what are they speaking about.Another most important BNC skill is speaking up because first you will have to be confident instead of shy as the audience will think that your not good enough for this job.
I would like to be a scientist as I like to find out information and share it with others.When I grow up I would love for someone to fly into space and communicate with me. I think that the most important skill to use is open mindedness because if you listen to others then you can use their information and combine it with yours to solve the problem .
I have chosen someone who speaks to people in the rocket because you can connect with them. I would choose open- mindedness because you can listen to every other person in the rocket and where you are.
I have chosen someone who speaks to people in the rocket because you can connect with them. I would choose open- mindedness because you can listen to every other person in the rocket and where you are.
My chosen space job is a space doctor.Space doctors are scientists and doctor who study the effects of being in space on the human body,viruses and medicines.They also try to develop medical procedures that can be done in space.Some of the experiments have to be done by astronauts themselves.I have chosen this job since i'm interested in space and finding out what causes these illnesses in space and how to cure them since there could be organisms that are waiting to be discovered.
The BNC skill I think would be most important in this job is scepticism because I need to question the information I have and find out the main cause and the issue of the illness and virus,the cure and how to prevent it from being spread.I could question myself on how I could develop my medicine and make sure that it works 100%.
Thank you for reading my comment!
The space job that I have chosen is a space doctor! Space doctors are basically a combination of a doctor and a scientist with an interest in space. They have the task of studying the effects of space on the human body, viruses and medicines. I have chosen this job because I think it is really fascinating how our body works and how space can effect them in different and sometimes unusual ways. Personally, I have always been interested in space and the discovery of the unknown. I have a large number of relatives and family and most of them have a medical condition and I would love to know if anything in space could heal them or help their ailments.
The BNC skill I think is the most important is scepticism because any doctor has to be sceptical at least once in their whole career, not just their own ideas but of others. Space is quite unpredictable and though humans have much research, I believe we have just scratched the surface of the medicinal area of space so I think space doctors need to be as sceptical as possible to discover more about this topic. All space doctors need to question the data they already have because all humans are unique and our bodies can work in mysterious ways, especially in space! Furthermore, in space there are possibly millions of bacteria and organisms that have not been found out, so a space doctor has to be as sceptical as possible to find out the cause of any strange medicinal things.
Also I would really I like to know if anyone else has a different viewpoint on perhaps how a different BNC skill might be beneficial. Thanks.
My chosen job would be a space outfit designer because:it is very very important to help people go to space and come back good and healthy or it will be your fault that their ill or sick or possibly even dead so in my opinion a space suit is the most important thing which sums up everything so I think a designer has the most important job.
My chosen space job is Robotics Engineer. I have chosen this because you would have a chance to build robots that could visit other planets and help us understand different things better. For example, the Mars Rover. That robot helped us understand what was on Mars, the contents of the surface and if there could be life on that planet.
The BNC skill I think would be most important is Open-Mindedness. I think this would be important to be a Robotic Engineer because if you build a robot, you would have to ask yourself, 'Would this feature really be necessary?' It will be important to listen to the ideas of others and incorporate these into your designs.
My chosen space job is a spacesuit designer.A spacesuit designer is a highly trained engineer who is very interested in space / space exploration .I have chosen a spacesuit designer because if in 1950 they hadn't constructed spacesuits there wouldn't be any mission impelling into space .
The BNC skill i consider is open-mindness because if you don't listen to other peoples viewpoints you will never get anywhere.However, for Apollos spacesuit it was designed by ILC Dover who was independent doing it .
My chosen space job is a material engineer. A material engineer is a highly trained engineer with a specialty of material engineering and would experience science.A material engineer would be able to discover new resources and may be some resources could be able to be used as power instead of use factory to make energy and pollution
The BNC skill i think would be the most important to do this job would be open mindedness because if you hear other peoples opinion and could wok together to achieve it
my chosen space job is spacesuit desinger . A spacesuit desinger is a highly trained enginer with a mechanical engineering and an intrest in space .space desiger have to design spacesuit .I have chosen this job because i want to do a space misson and i am intrested in space .i also oppntunty to combine this with someting a bit creative.
The burnet news club skill i think would be most important in this job is oppenmindednes because spacesuit designer suites with diffrent people that like space and thats in mind.
My chosen space job is a spacesuit designer . A spacesuit designer is a person who designs spacesuit and is highly trained in mechanical engeeniring and is interested in the atmosphere of space.I have chosen this job because i am interested in how normal clothes are different to spacesuits due to the spaces atmosphere .I enjoy subjects like science and this could push my thinking and creativity skills .
The BNC skill i think would me most important with this job is Open-Mindedness because you need to listen to others people opinions instead of what you think is most comfortable and ask them what they prefer and also ask what kind of mission it is so they can design it due to the temprature
my chosen job is to be a laser technician. Laser technicians are photonic technicians who work with lasers in a variety of industries. They are responsible for assembling , calibrating , testing , trouble shooting and maintaining devices with lasers or actual lasers. Jobs in this career field are attainable with range of education and experience , from work-face training programs to be bachelor's degree programs. This took my interest because it gives me the chance to experiment and test to discover the most biggest questions.
The BNC skill I think would be important is Opened Mindedness. If you are going to experiment something , you have to at least hear other view points of others , because your predictions can change as you think of in a other way , your prediction might change , as in your final result of your prediction , it would also really helped me if I would use Open Mindedness
My chosen space job is a Space Doctor . A Space Doctor is a Doctor and a Scientist who study`s the effects of being in space on the human body , viruses and medicines . They will also try to develop medical procedures that can be done in space ; some experiments have to be done in space by astronauts on themselves . I have chosen this job because, I am interested by Doctors and how they look after people in space , I also want to be a Doctor when i grow up or maybe i might change my mind and become a space Doctor instead of a normal Doctor . The BNC skill I think is Open-Mindness because you must hear and listen how the patient is feeling because you might have to send the patient back to Earth .
I have chosen space doctor because i have a lot of interest in space. Space medical professionals are doctors and scientists who study the effects of being in space on the human body, viruses, and medicines. They will also try to develop medical procedures that can be done in space by astronauts on themselves.
The BNC skill I think would be the most important in this job is, doctors pay important roles in our lives, no matter our ages, cultural backgrounds or medical needs. So people that go to space also need a doctor just in case they get hurt.
my would be a space chemist.The reason that i choose this job is that i love studying and trying out different things also i love searching up new things also i love working together.a space chemist is finding experiments to do a little of re searching and finding out different chemicals. this bnc skill is speaking i choose this because i really talk about others and i speak up.
My chosen space job, is a space doctor. Space medical professionals, are doctors who study the effects of being in space on the human body, viruses, and medicine. They study the biological, physiological, and psychological effects of space flights on the human body. They try to understand what a long term impact of being in space micro gravity is, what your diet should be if you went to mars, or how your protein crystals grown in space that could be used to treat people on planet earth.
The BNC skill that I think is most important for this job, is scepticism because being a doctor of any kind, requires you to question yourself on everything, or anything that you do to your patients, and in the end find out the answer to your question or questions.
My Job is a robotic engineer.A Robotic engineer is a engineer who Makes Robots and sends it to space.I Am really interested in this Space and Robots and will like to contribute in this job.
The BNC skill I Think Is important in this job is speaking up because Robot engineers have to communicate with others and space people at space and also with other engineers making and sending robots to space .
I think that the scientist is the most important job because it has all the four skills it has open mindness to listen to others to help make ideas,scepticism as you can't buy everything,reasoning because you need to prove why other people should use money on it and speaking up because if you say it last minute it will to late of it was a good idea it would that is my reason.
My chosen space job is a space lawyer. A space lawyer is a lawyer first. This means supporting governmental or commercial space activities by attending meetings and negotiations, drafting and reviewing documents and basically thinking a lot on the law and the space activity in question. Space lawyers covers things like the protection of planets from human contamination, to the rescue of stranded astronauts. Space law covers all space related activities. It covers things like the protection of planets from human contamination, liability for damages caused by space objects, and the rescue of stranded astronauts.
The BNC skill I think would be most important in this job is speaking up because space lawyers are lawyers who need to speak up. If they don't speak up then what was the point to be a lawyer. A lawyer needs to be explaining for example things like the protection of planets from human contamination. If they are unable to explain these things to people how would they know and reflect on the information?
My chosen space job is a space lawyer. A space lawyer is technically a lawyer. Which means what they do is supporting governmental or commercial space activities by attending loads of meeting, making international treaties and national laws. They advise lawmakers about good policy and whether to enter international agreement. I have chosen this job because I am interested in making sure that all astronauts are safe and go with the space laws and to help lawmakers.
The BNC skill which would be most important for a space lawyer is speaking up because if your a space lawyer you go to loads of meeting and you get a chance to talk but when your talking about your point you will need to be able to speak up so you know your very confident of your point and to know you have spoken clearly
My chosen space job is a scientist and the BNC skill I think would be most important in that job is scepticism because scientists question and try to find the truth to the natural world just like scepticism but it also has reasoning as you need to justify your answer. Open mindedness counts too as you need to listen to others viewpoints.
My chosen space job is a Laser Technician. A laser technician is a person\people who are photonics technician who work with lasers in a variety of industries. They might be responsible for assembling, calibrating, testing, troubleshooting and maintaining devices with lasers or actual lasers. Jobs in this career field are attainable with a range of education and experience, from workforce training programs to bachelor's degree programs.
In my opinion, the skill you will need to accomplish this job is open mindedness, because you need to listen to others to become successful. Other people are fine to have different ideas to you.
My chosen job is a space laser technician .A space laser technician is a person who works with lasers either operating or maintaining them or making sure they are used safely in the spacecraft . I would like this job as it is a very important part in the spacecraft to make sure everything and everyone is safe .In my opinion it is a wonderful responsibility.
The BNC skill that is most important for this job is Open Mindedness because listening to other peoples viewpoint could be the key to solving any problem you have . Also it could contribute to your idea and make it stronger .
I would want to be a space scientist because just the idea of thinking about it makes me feel so excited because if I was a scientist and I did things to do with space and an astronaut was to gain a sample from Mars and bring it to Earth I would be able to identify it. It also just seems like fun to do it and it sounds like a great job.
The BNC skill i think would be most important is open - mindness because I think space scientists should be able to listen to other peoples viewpoints because space scientists might have a different viewpoint then other people but if they listen to other peoples they might be able to gain more information.
I would be the person would investigates items like meteroids etc,as for this Job is very benefital and I personally believe that this Job is very exciting as for You never know what your investigating/finding
My 'space job' would be a scientist as its one of my favourite subjects in school ; its fun, adventrous and the thought of helping nasa and the future world as a scientist is wonderful.
The skill i think is the most important is open-mindedness as you have got to be able to listen to fellow scientists ideas that may or may not help you ever so slightly to create the new invention(Could help the planet). Also, you have to have the open-mindedness skill as you have to think differently then you usally would as you need to find different possibilities if one does not turn out the way you expected.
I would want to definitely be a space scientists just the amazing things you hear and one day that could be me finding something new when I'm older I could study and become NASAs best scientist yet
the best BNC skill for this would be Scepticism I could question different information to find the real truth
My chosen Space job is a Spacesuit Designer. I have a passion for drawing and I have a great imagination resulting in me making useful discoveries for the spacesuit. A spacesuit designer is usually a highly trained engineer with a speciality in mechanical engineering and, of course, an interest in space. Spacesuit designers take into consideration the requirements of each specific mission and design their suits accordingly. Most importantly, they’ve got to make sure the astronauts are kept alive and comfortable. There is a risk if the spacesuit has not been designed properly because it can cause injuries and fatalities. One example is the special fabric used to soak up the sweat of astronauts during long spacewalks.
In addition to this, the skill that is most relevant to this is Reasoning you need to be able explain your choice and why you think that what you think is correct.
I think that my chosen job is a scientist and the BNC skill for this job will be reasoning. This will be because you will always find a way to back up your opinion/fact/someone else's point of view of something. From this, you could build up your reasoning or find out different opinions and back up the point of view.
Scientists could be better for a type of space job because they could discover something that could help astronauts or change the universe. It could be to find out better ways to connect technology.
After a while I noticed that another BNC skill could be for a scientist. Sceptisim. Scientists will have to question and challenge a point of view to find the most information as possible. People will have to understands what they are trying to say and try to pursuade them maybe if it will be an opinion.
Open-mindedness. Scientists will have to be open-minded and find out everything that there will have to be and research a lot to show different points of view.
Speaking up. This is very improtant because scientists find out a lot and they will have to speak up to show what they have discovered or believe. If they have a different point of view to another scientists they will have to speak up and explain why their opinion is different.
Thank you for reading.
I would like to be Prime Minister and invest money into space. I think the most important point for me will be Speaking-Up since I could express my opinions on space and how much money to invest into projects workind on our atmosphere. For example, if there was a project to go to Mars, I could work out the taxes and economy to work out how to get there and I could speak about my thoughts. I would also need an open mind. To listen to peoples ideas and to help NASA and organisations by talking to ambassadors and leaders to create my decision.
My chosen space job would be a scientist because I've loved the idea forever and I think, regarding other opinions, that the BNC skill that suits it the best is open-mindness as you have to listen to others opinion and ad to it to get the correct answer.
If I had a job I would love to be an scientist because I would love to find unknown samples and substances that no one has ever found before. I think that the skill that scientists will need is probably scepticsm because if a another person or a scientist found the same sample or substance that another scientist found then they would question each other and do many research to find out what it is until one finds out that the other scientist is right which is scepticsm.
i think an astronaut is important because if there wan no astronaut we would not know is our planet is safe and we would not know what is going up in there what if out planet is not safe!!!!!astronauts are very important
but instead of sending humans to space and risking their lives they can just send robots to space and it will be easier because robots don't need oxygen to live because they are made out of plastic and metal.However,humans do need oxygen to live because they are a living thing so I think that robots could stay in space longer than humans.
I would be a scientist and I think that the best Burnet News Club skill is reasoning because if you discover something that you think would make space explorations better, you would need to tell everyone why it would make it space explorations better and you would need to back up your point if someone disaproves with you.
but this is also important because if the rocket is going to crash the person in the control watching the rocket blast of the the rock nearly crashed it would take 20 minute to contact to them so they would of already crashed
I would be a scientist because experiments need to be done to find out more about space science.I would use the skill scepticism because i would need to challenge things to know how they happen.
My chosen job would be a engineer and a scientist because I would be able to send things like probes into space and research . The BNC skill I think fits these jobs are open-minded and sceptical
My chosen space job is a Scientist because I think that we should be focusing on evolving our technology and knowledge of the outer planets. Moreover, we could (potentially) discover more cures for illnesses; imagine a world with no Cancer, no Polio and no life-threatening diseases. I have concluded, from my notes, that the best BNC skill for this job would be speaking up because if we do not share our ideas, how can we thrive and prosper?
My chosen job would be a Space Scientist, because you can go into space and experiment with astroids, space objects and find cures for diseases or find thinks that have a positive impact on our planet. The BNC skill that I think is suitable for the job is scepticism because people might say that asteroids are safe and you can touch them all you like, when they could be dangerous and life - threatening, also you could find something in space which nobody has ever seen before so you should be sceptic and be thinking things like is it dangerous? Will it hurt me? What is this and how can I help our planet or is it worthless? Will it help us uncover more about our universe? Thank you for reading my space job idea.
My job would be a space scientist. I would be able to use scepticism .I can ask other scientists about what they have discovered and find out if everyone thinks the same . I can also use speaking up to feed my ideas to the world . Open mindedness is another I can use other people’s views at my discovery . However I can use reasoning because I can use other ideas to back my ideas up .
Thank you for reading .
If I had a job on mars it would a space paleontologist because there could be fossils of life a 10000 years ago
My chosen job is a inventor because i can invent cool inventions
I think that we should not spend money on space travel because it is a wast of money
My chosen job is a space Doctor
the skill that most fit them is reasoning because if something happens to an astronaut (or someone who works at space) they have to know what has happened to the person and to be able to explain the reason why and how it effected them.
I would want to be a siencetiss because in school I like to do experiments and cool things in sience I would like to win this copition so i will be good a sience and I will be happy 👌🏻👍😀😀
My job would be a rocket designer, I would choose to do this job because not only would it be extremely fun expressing my wide imagination i would come up with ideas that no would could ever possibly think of. My main aim if i was a rocket designer would be to come up with a way to make space travel less expensive so more people could enjoy the experience and I would make space travel more eco friendly. The BNC skill i think this would be is reasoning
I reckon the job of a scientist because they do all the investigating and they sort out how the rockets and space station work.
A scientist can save everybody's life eg:making sure the rocket doesn't blow up and everything else about the actual Galaxy.
I think one of the most important jobs in space exploration is definitely a scientist. It is a common choice of job but it is needed for everyday life. The scientist can theory global warming and sending that rocket up can be a huge factor for scientists and their jobs. This is to show the world what we are doing wrong and what is right but scientists can tell just from a photo or video. Even mathematicians can get involved with science. It has its down fall because of all the machines that are used by scientists are polluting and toxicating our wildlife but they are a main part of space exploration and are needed for more. So that's why it is the most important job for our planet.
The job I would do is fixing the rocket 🚀
Personally, I would love to be one of the astronauts because if we were to discover a planet that would sustain us and our lifestyles, I would love to be one of the first to witness it.
I think the skill that would be needed most, would be speaking up. I think this because if we somehow got trapped or stranded in space without communication, or came across a problem, then a clear, focused and calm head would be needed to find a solution.
My space job would be a space reporter and the skill I would need is reasoning and if I was unable I would be a rocket designer and the skill I would need is also reasoning but if my ideas werent linked to creativity to rockets I would become an commander so then I could send emergency reinforcements and the skill I would need is spectisim and open-mindness.
I would want to be a scientist because a space scientists studies the properties of outer space, including our solar system and other galaxies and solar systems, by analyzing data collected by equipment mounted on orbiters, satellites and other probes that are sent into space. Another reason is space scientists earns an average compensation of somewhere between 64000 and 96000 depending on seniority levels. Atmospheric space scientist usually receive a pay level of eighty three thousand three hundred dollars each year.
I think the most important burnet news club skill for this scepticism because scepticism helps scientists to remain objective when performing scientific inquiry and research. It forces them to examine claims (their own and those of others) to be certain that there is sufficient evidence to back them up. Sceptics do not doubt every claim, only those backed by insufficient evidence or by data that have been improperly collected, are not relevant or cannot support the rationale being made.
I think that a space doctor is more important and my reason why is because i know a space doctor and i know that it takes a lot of open mindedness to hear other people`s opinions and their view points.
The best BNC skill to use is open mindedness because you have to do a lot of listening to other people lets say
Someone comes to you with a bad arm you have to listen
To them.Because you might find a cure for a symptom
Like cancer and be able to cure it.
The job I have chosen is a space scientist. I have chosen this job because it can make life changing discoveries. Such as gravity, which helped us understand many other things that we had previously explained with myths. This is why I believe a space scientist is very important.
I think the Burnet News Club skill that would be the most important is reasoning. I think this as when you discover something people might be very sceptical and not understand/not believe a new discovery. By using this skill you could provide pieces of evidence and prove your points which will make more people confident in your possibly revolutionary discovery! You can also learn more from your reasoning, for example, if you find out that somehow your facts are wrong, you can find stronger pieces of evidence, making your points seem more valid and trustworthy as you learned from your mistake.
I chose a space scientist because they are very helpful when it comes to space and vital because they can find out lots of information. Space scientists can also find out information that can save our universe.
The Burnet news club skill I would most to be a space scientist is scepticism because by questioning information to find the truth would help space scientist to uncover important discoveries that are unbelievable and so we are aware of what is going on in our universe.
What I would choose for a space job is an astronaut because I would risk my life to even die because imagine if you were poor and you had a lot of money and spend it on space and went to space it would effect your mental health and your muscles will get smaller and when you do make it back all your money will go to your family if you die and you will get a mansion for your family im wrting this because if you do have a family like that you wouldn’t spend it on space and will
spend your money on a house or mansion.
I think it is reasoning because when you get an interview for a job in space you have to speak up and use your reasoning skill to get a job you do not want to get fired you want o be a famous model/astronaut and other jobs and want a job and get a education for your child if you have one and this is why i choose the most important job that i pickedto help people nd if you do make it alive be thankful.
One job to do with space is a space scientist.The reason for this is I believe that is important to have someone who knows what is out there because they can help us because they would know how to defend us and how to warn us. Without a space scientist we would die in space. If people do not listen to each other, many things would be different and people would think that people are fine with their choice.
The BNC skill that I believe is most important for this is open-mindedness and sceptic. I think this because if space scientists would not listen to each other then they would not be disagreeing with everyone. Sceptic because if they were not asking each other questions space scientist might make mistakes easily and a lot. These are reasons for the BNC skills.
One job I would love to do, that has something to do with space is become a space doctor . This is because it would be fun to look after astronauts. Also because the illnesses might not be contagious and easy to treat , unlike the flu or smallpox . This might also be an opportunity to test out new treatment .The medicines in space might be less expensive than the ones on earth.
The best BNC skill to use is being sceptical.I think this because we can find out if doctors on earth are lying and start to question them .This is because astronauts might get a cold and the symptoms might not match the symptoms on earth. Also we can be more cautious because astronauts might catch more life threatening illnesses like cancer we could think of ways to prevent it from happening and then we can keep future astronauts safe.
one jobi will like to do in space will be an astronaut Iwant
This because in space you can explore and find out more
Things unlike in earth you cant. Also I would like to be an astronaut because you can see if any harmfull things are
Going to harm you and your family.
I think that reasoning is a good skill I think this because you can speak up show.
One job I would really like is being a space scientist.I would like to be a space scientist because you would get a lot of money to take care of your family.Another reason is that I could gather a lot of evidence and proof so I could stop people doing crazy things.How do you know that it might destroy something in space and make an astroid and destroy earth?Thirdly I would like to discover other far away exo-planets
Personally, i would be an astronaut, as i have aspired to be a pilot for all of my conscious life, and also i feel like this would be an important part of the space community as ibelieve they are lacking in amounts of astronauts
I think a space doctor is important because we need medicines in space and we might not have one more ingredient that is really important and I find medicine is quite important because what if a astronaut get really ill or has a cold then they would need medicine or a tablet for a headache. I know that an astronaut, flight director or a scientist is important too but I find medicine is just a bit more important. Even though a astronaut is the person who goes onto the planets and a flight director directs the flights and a scientist does all of the Science, But I find that a space doctor is most important because you need medicine and like tablets but if you don’t have them then you might have a constant headache and it might not let you work as well. I agree that a scientist would help quite a lot but I just find medicine is more important and everyone else can choose what they want I just find a a space doctor is most important. I am using open mindness.
If I were to work for NASA I would like to be a space doctor because I would find it very interesting to study the human body after being in space for a period of time. I would find this interesting because I would like to find out is being in space can affect your health, your abilities, your memory and much more. I would all so like to be space doctor because in my opinion I think there can be unknown illnesses that are caused by being in space so I think if I were to be a space doctor I could find a cure for these mysterious diseases.
I think the BNC skill that is most important for that job is scepticism because if your are trying to find a cure for a disease with other space doctors you may need to find the truth to an important part of the cure and is it is incorrect then the cure may not work or it could even get worse.
Thank you for reading
I would choose the person who trains everybody to learn their jobs as they are th e most helpful therefore the skill would be speaking up as they need to be able and confident to teach their pupil how to do it correctly
I think it would be important for a scientist to be sceptical because they need to make the fuel for the rockets and they would need to be sceptical in case there was a explosion if they put the wrong chemicals in.
I would like to be a space doctor when I grow up because to be honest I am a little scared to go to space because its feels like you are lost and I might be stuck there too and I wont to help people if they are sick and provide medicine for them because I actually want to be a pharmacist so that's also why
It might seem like being a space doctor is cool and easy but no it isn't what you think this job is dangerous because of accidents or even the poor patient dying because we don't want this to happen to people we go through a series of step let me talk you through it with my evidence for m a web site nautil.us
It may seem very uncomfortable in space and we could sometimes feel dizzy and feint or throw up or ect. then we are brought back here if this happens Nasa will hold this in a file but the people are forced to take a sample of this back to the doctors so they can find out what's going on and they aren't going to messing around.
First they will give a patient a blood test like normal doctors and check there heart rate too there was one place I idn't agree with was when they said that they need surgery and that my question do they I am going to stop here because I believe there is more you to find out
I think I've used all of them I believe have a read see yourself and please tell me if I didnt
I chose the flight director. I think that speaking up is the most important BNC skill for this job because if something went wrong with the rocket / space shuttle it is critical for the pilot to be informed about it. If the pilot know about the problem there is a higher chance of everything being okay in the end because they are trained for it.
My job would be... Working out the cost of NASA's space program, and advising them on what to do.
I would need the skill... Speaking up.
NASA would need someone to think about the costs of what they are doing. I would be there to tell them about how much money it would cost, whether we had that money, and what exactly to do. In this job, I would need all the BNC skills, as saying what I think and giving an opinion is what we do on BNC. However, I think that the most important skill would be speaking up. NASA would need me, and if I were too shy to speak up, something may go wrong, because I didn't say something. I would also need open-mindedness so that I could speak everyone's opinion, not just mine, reasoning so that I could back up my answers with facts, and scepticism, making sure all my information is true.
I think all of the BNC skills are useful for being an astronaut.Sceptism- to build on and disprove ideas,Reasoning-to prove your ideas,Speaking Up-to confidently display your ideas and Open Mindedness-to listen and help find more efficient ways to do things.
I try using these skills and guess what I learnt something that I learn from tom
For scientists I would choose reasoning and speaking up because scientists have to be able to tell people what they found out and to be able to reach other people.
My space job would be to clean the solar system because if space is not cleaned it can cause collisions increasing the rate of threatful problems - just in case we were to go into the solar system again to find out about the other planets like mars and other. You would need to show the skill of being curious as your imagination would spark and you’d want to know more about what was going to happen. You’d have to be curious to discover ways to clear the space junk. You’d need to be open minded too. You’d have to ask: Would it really affect us and space researchers and astronauts?
how are you going to clean space and aren't we supposed to be focusing on how we are going to save the earth
My chosen job is alien exploration. This could be developed in many areas, as this could cover aliens on earth, in other galaxies or even possibly on the moon. This demonstrates open-mindedness because it explores all areas of alien exploration, instead of just on one planet
if you where to an alien what are you going to do and how are you going to do and why?
My job is a scientist. This needs to be completed and must have the right qualities to do all sorts of discoveries to contraptions. The BNC skill that is most important for this job is scepticism because scientists have to question other people’s ideas so they can create the best thing possible or find out the exactly correct information. Following this you need to be able to speak up so that if you have the greatest idea in your head but you don’t say it and share the information, that is a vital part of information which (if making a rocket to go to Mars) might save someone’s life or help us get a foot on Mars’s red rock that we are after so much. This also must show open mindedness because scientists must listen to other people’s viewpoints on the subject because you might be forgetting a really important part of the contraption or history and scientific information.
Thank you for reading
My chosen job will be a space scientist and theBNC skill i chose for this would be reasoning and open mindness if im working with someone els.
My chosen space job is an astronaut
The BNC skill I think would be most important in that job is being open-minded because instead of thinking "oh no I am going to die in space because there is no oxygen!" you could think "I am going into space and I will become famous because I have found a new alien species!"
Yes! First star
Well done!
My chosen space job is ...
To be the pilot of a rocket.
My chosen job is a Flight Director.
The BNC skill that would be most important is open-mindedness because they are in charge of a team of flight controllers and if a decision needs to be made, they would have to take the advice of the other people do make that decision. For example, if many people have a suggestion for a solution, the Flight Director would need to listen to most, if not all and decide what the most effective and efficient thing to do is.
How do we know what to pick
Look at some of the links in the competition description!
very helpful!!!
Personally, my chosen space job would be an engineer because as an engineer, you could design and create like an architect would do - designing and creating. The best BNC skills for my NASA space job would be Open Mindedness because in a design, something usually goes wrong so you would need a creative mind to be able to find perfect solution to a problem. You would also need to have reasoning because when you design ( as an engineer) , you need to evaluate and justify about your design or about what you are going to make .
this isnt meant to be a comment
My chosen space job would be a space doctor/ human biologist because I would like to know the reactions of the human body after going into space. And in school I have found learning about the human body very interesting.
The BNC skill I think would be most important in this job is scepticism because you would have to question information to find the truth of the human body. I am already questioning how outer space could impact our bodies, so I already have loads of questions and I am so eager to research and find out what this impact could be.
If I had a NASA space job, I would be a scientist (or a human biologist) because I could explore what happens to the human body if they stayed in space for a long time. Also I could do experiments and explore more about human survival and communities in space like looking at how our bodies might change. I could do some investigating to maybe
look into how specific objects, such as moon rocks or asteroids, could impact the human body.
My most important BNC skills would be scepticism and reasoning because first I would have question and make predictions about what would happen to the human body in space or when it is in contact with space material. And then, I would have to support my findings with research and reasoning skills.
I think that a space doctor is the most important job because it could also help the engineer and scientist by teaching them what they could improve on there crafts and there studies .
All of the BNC skills are important but I think open mindedness is the most important because people at NASA need to explain REAL information to there other colleges.
The space job I would choose to do is to be a human biologist. I'd like to do this because after learning about the human body in school, I found it really interesting and I want to explore how a human body can change after having a trip to space (or if it changes at all).
The BNC skill that i think would be most important for this job would be scepticism because it means questioning information to find the truth, and I would be needing to do that so I can find out if my opinion or prediction is correct or not. Therefore, my research can actually bring an impact to the world, and we can understand our own bodies more. This would be a great discovery.
The job what I think is the most important is virtual reality because it would train astronauts for when they go into outer space.
The BNC skill that I think is the most important is :Open Mindedness because you can open your mind when you think about space because people think different things about space.
The space job that I would choose to do is to be a scientist who studies rocks. I would like to do this because I find rocks very interesting after learning about them in KS2., and I would like to find out more about what kind of rocks there are out there. The BNC skills you would need to use are all of them, however, I think speaking up is the most important because I would need to communicate my research findings with people so they would understand the importance of my discoveries. I would need to communicate in person, in writing and through graphs, charts and results tables.
My chosen job would be an Astronomer. As an astronomer you acquire the knowledge of planets, stars, galaxies, comets and our solar system. You gain an understanding of how these are formed. An astronomers main job is gathering and analyzing data from telescopes or computers. Furthermore, their work can also be applied to practical problems in space flight and navigation, or satellite communications. I think that people are interested in learning about astronomy because, as humans we want to know how the universe was made and what other objects exist within it. The Burnet News Club skill that I think would be most important in this job, would be Scepticism. By applying this skill to their research, astronomers have to be sceptical about what they see in space, whether it's space junk or just a star, they can never be too sure about what they see above the clouds.
However what would have happen if there were no astronomers in the world?
One occupation that is crucial on board is a chef. Without one, everybody would die of starvation. The Burnet News Club skill that would be most important is “Open Mindedness: listening to other viewpoints". This is because if there was ever a complaint about the quality of the chef's food, he or she would have to listen to criticism and act accordingly.
It has been said that 'an army marches on its stomach'. In the navy the job of the chef is as important as the commander or captain of the ship, without whom, the well-being of the crew is in jeopardy. In the air, on long distance flights the captain and flight attendants are reliant on a good meal which on more expensive journeys is provided by the airline cook. Likewise, in a spaceship or space-station, which is going to be away from Earth for a period of time, it is vital for the team to have adequate meals if they are to perform their duties efficiently and effectively.
Therefore, the role of the chef is paramount to any extra-terrestrial mission, especially if the colleagues are likely to absent for any length of time.
Firstly, my chosen space job is a Spacesuit Designer. These are skilled engineers who have the ability to create the suits and clothes that astronauts use in space. You have to complete a substantial amount of degrees before you apply, such as a postgraduate qualification in architecture. The BNC skill I believe would be the most important in that job is; all of them. I believe that designers need to apply;
-The skill of scepticism; They need to question whether the material that they use for the suits is suitable for a space-like atmosphere. They also need to make sure that (even though the suit may be safe on land) it would not cause a reaction in space, due to the lack of gravity. They are also responsible for creating the space helmet that astronauts use in space. Scepticism is extremely significant in this sense because they need to question whether the lack of oxygen will deteriorate the helmet or not. (They also need to question if the material that they decide to use serves its purpose.)
-The skill of reasoning; Reasoning is extremely important when it comes to people in general (especially designers for something as significant as space) as people need to have the ability to give evidence, as to why it would work. The use of reasoning makes your overall argument more reliable which may result in your product succeeding.
-Speaking up- Speaking up to a crowd of people to explain your ideas and interpretations takes a lot of confidence. Space suit designers have to have a lot of confidence within themselves and with regards to their work, otherwise their idea, unfortunately, will not excel further. Communicating from your perspective is extremely important because it allows you to share your mindset and your ideas with others (who may not have had the same idea.)
-Open mindedness- In order to complete any job successfully, you have to be open to criticism and praise. Others may have certain aspects of the subject that you may not have thought of, and vice versa. (For example, in this situation, one space suit designer generates the idea of using one material, but you have a different idea for your material. It is the ability to listen to both sides and then decide on a compromise.) Sharing and communicating with others improves your final project to make it the best that it can be. Input is excellent because it allows you to understand what other people were thinking about the subject.
Overall, Spacesuit Designers have tremendously important jobs (within the space industry) and it is their work and effort that allows humans to come into contact with areas we may have never explored before.
I think that a scientist would be the best job, this is because they research about space, helping astronauts and the media understanding space. This is important, because nobody would like fake facts about some of the greatest discoveries, space. I think the most important skill would be Sceptisim. This is because you cannot trust everything you hear, and when you are a scientist, you need to do a lot of research, so if you believe everything you see or hear in the first try, scientists facts may be incorrect, and it’s always ok to double check.
I would like to be a engineer because I could build the spacecrafts and devices for the astronauts which could really help with the worlds space knowledge and if I know I have help find a new discovery I would be so proud
I think that I would like to be a space doctor because I want to be a doctor already and being a space doctor would be even more interesting. You would need all of the burnet news club skills but I think that the most important is scepticism. This is because if you never question information, you will never discover the truth or find out other information.
I would like to be an scientist a quality you will need for this specific job would be scepticism.I have chose this quality as to be a scientist you will need to be intrigued and want to know more about what your experimenting or testing on.You will need this to block out any bias comments and so your passionate about what your researching about to make sure it’s legit and not fake.
I’d be an engineer but being a space engineer would be better because when I’m older I could really help the worlds ability with space knowledge. This job would be helpful to space exploration as you build devices used by astronauts that are helpful for experiments. Open-mindness would be a good skill to have if you are a space engineer. This is because if you build objects you would have to see different sides of it to understand how it would work.