authentic_rainforest has not published standpoints yet. Comments by authentic_rainforest Comment Post Date Comment: Hi Amelie we ve a very conservative education system based on cramming ..although education... Post: ...Amelie Zilber our activist and UNICEF ambassador! Date: 05/12/22 Comment: Aoait's great pleasure to ve u among us .sir what do u think the education system based on... Post: ...Dr Kenneth Harris, our STEM expert from NASA! Date: 05/12/22 Comment: Hi Pete!what do u think our conservation of resources will help in food crises ?? Post: Pete Pearson answers your questions! Date: 05/12/22 Comment: Arab countries have Islamic culture Qatar has also .being the first country to organise... Post: World Cup: what’s the legacy of big events? Date: 01/12/22 Comment: I was answered I would b brilliant editor !yes I am interested in journalism ,as being an... Post: Competition #5 Journalism jobs Date: 01/12/22 Comment: I thnk three topics Cop27, food crises nd fast fashion r linked as 1out of them fast fashion... Post: Competition #4 Connecting topics Date: 25/11/22 Comment: A good working environment is such in which employer listens nd fulfill the salary requirements... Post: Working conditions: what’s acceptable? Date: 24/11/22 Comment: Keeping in mind my countries floods I would prefer seed drones as it would be used 2 in one.... Post: Get creative, save the planet! Date: 24/11/22 Comment: On this weekend , my father pilled out a big tree from our small garden as it was becoming a... Post: Climate reporters! Date: 24/11/22 Comment: I am given a chance to choose person A nd person B I am on person A side as he is correct.... Post: Pick a side! Date: 22/11/22