Comments by brilliant_laboratory

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That is true and a valid point. But we are living in a world wide neighborhood with a variety of... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 01/11/22
With issues like waste and soil pollution, its a no brainer on why world hunger is still in full... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 01/11/22
Well, we need to set a good foundation in young minds. Children should have a concrete... Gender inequality: have your say! 01/11/22
It may seem weird and disgusting at first, but if that is what the world is going to we just... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 01/11/22
I will dedicate that amount of money to charity and pay to learn computerized animation and... Money, money, money! 01/11/22
Technology isn't here in the world just because a bunch of mad scientists wanted something to... Should the internet be a human right? 01/11/22
I'm not a major fan of space exploration but I do enjoy learning about it and watching some... Money, money, money! 01/11/22
I agree because... I come from a place that has what you say. Gender inequality: have your say! 01/11/22
We always hear the same words on gender equality but what can we really do to make sure that our... Gender inequality: have your say! 01/11/22
My point is: I see a pack of cookies in the supermarket, I buy it for $3 and apparently it was... What's on your plate? And where's it from? 01/11/22
Well, considering there isn't much certainty about what we eat or where exactly the origin is... What's on your plate? And where's it from? 31/10/22