Comments by caring_fly Comment Post Date Hello stupendous chicken, I disagree with your comment because your making it seem like its... Suggest a discussion! 25/4/23 We didn't have a class discussion about the metaverse , but this topic has lead me to do a lot... Suggest a discussion! 25/4/23 I feel this is because dedicating just one day to care for our planet isn't just enough, we need... Competition #3 Making connections 24/4/23 My country practices a democratic system of government and from my point of view I wouldn't want... The role of royals 24/4/23 Personally, I feel the royal family are irrelevant in the ruling of a country , no offence to... Are royals relevant? 24/4/23 Through this topical talk on Royalty, I've seen both the advantages and disadvantages of... Reflect on the lesson! 24/4/23 In my country, we have been affected by the climate change and one of the effects of climate... Climate change in your country 20/4/23 This topic about strikes has lead me to do a lot of research and my research has lead me to... Lessons learned! 18/4/23 Although technology has helped us advance it also has its adverse effects and by adverse... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23 I'm not trying to say we should abandon the use of technology but there are ways to reduce the... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23 I think there should be a hub discussion on "The adverse effects of technology on the ozone... Suggest a discussion 11/4/23 The Governments should help by creating organisations that would conserve wildlife and would... Classroom spy... 11/4/23 Although we didn't have a classroom discussion about earth day its become a daily routine for... Classroom spy... 10/4/23 < 1 2 3