Reflect on the lesson!
Did you do our Festival lesson about royalty in your classroom? If so, we’d love to hear about any good discussions you had in the comments below.

For example, you could let us know your opinions for some of the key questions. What do you think about royalty? Do you have any opinions about royalty in the news?

You could also let us know about the skills you developed during the lesson. For example, what new keywords did you learn? What themes might come up in news stories about royalty?
Comments (53)
Through this topical talk on Royalty, I've seen both the advantages and disadvantages of monarchy, many of the topical talkers have commented about their different points of view on this topic and what they feel about royalty and i have gotten to learn more about the history of different monarchies and also learned about the different systems of government in many countries and my perspective is that i feel monarchies should be abolished because commoners should also be given the power to rule, it shouldn't just be a privilege to rule but something that should be earned.
I agree with you on the issue of abolishing the rule of the monarchy, because from my point of view it is considered a dictatorial regime, but in a different way, so that the people do not have the right to choose their ruler.
I studied in the subject of history about the monarchy consisting of a prince, a princess, a king and a queen, and the king remains the ruler of the queen until he dies or abdicates the throne, and this system does not exist in my country, but it exists in Saudi Arabia and Britain, and when Mrs. Elizabeth II passed away, they decided to appoint her son Charles as king after her, on the date of 6 May. I love the monarchy, as it expresses the customs and traditions of this country, but this king must be fair and non-racist, as he represents an entire country. In Jordan there is also a system and they are very modest and many people like their simplicity. For my part, I love kings very much and am impressed when watching their news and celebrations on television and how they preserve their heritage and history. Some kings talk about state affairs themselves, such as in Britain, and others deceive them in foreign matters, and of course this is something unfair. But I hope Charles will be a just king and his people will have justice and freedom.
Discussion of the topic we first talked about the concept of monarchy which means a form of government, in which (the king) is the ruler of the kingdom to death or abdication. We also talked about the advantages and disadvantages
✨The advantages of the monarchy:
1. Providing stability in the state
2. The personality of the king plays an important role
3. The monarchy can exist in interdependence in some countries whose people are composed of conflicting elements.
✨Defects of royal rule:
1. It is contrary to democracy, and does not give all members of the people the opportunity to seek the position of head of state.
2. It is contrary to democracy, and does not give all members of the people the opportunity to seek the position of head of state.
3. Raising kings and crown princes can make them rise above the members of their people, and rise above them.
Then we started by mentioning examples from the Arab world based on the monarchy, for example:
✨Morocco 🇲🇦
✨ The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 🇯🇴
✨ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
✨ Kuwait 🇰🇼
⏺️There are also Arab countries in which the system of government changes from ownership to democracy.
✨ Egypt
✨ Libya
⏺️ Some Arab countries were in the democratic and electoral form, but unfortunately election fraud occurs and the president and his children remain forever, for example, Egypt.
President Mubarak kept ruling it by democratic name, but visiting the results until the Egyptian people rebelled against this.
Thank you for this post. This has helped me to understand several things related to Monarchy. What is prevalent in other countries and how it operates.
We had a zoom session two hours ago. We learnt about royality and it's meaning. We talked about examples of royality in the Arab contries such as Morroco, Saudi Arabia and Jordan and in the world such as Britain. They have different types of royality with less or more authority. We learnt some good words to identify the good part or bad part of royality such as rascism, fairness, equality, colonialism, wealth and popularity. I think that royalitythat has the power over the country and cobtrol everything is a bad model of royality. It is peremptory and aggresive since they are imposed on people without election or any type of democracy. Such royality should be stopped.
I asked the teacher of history to talk about royalty. He told us about 3 kinds of royalty and some of characteristics of them. Royalty system was an old way to rule. But, in modern times most peoples got rid of royalty and chose the republic one.
Royalty has advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that there is estability when the king is died the next king is known for all the people . One of the disadvantages is that the royal family can exploit the wealth and the money without any responsibility while they do nothing as in UK .
Did you have a discussion about kings in your class?
Yes, actually since I entered middle school there hasn't been a single week where we didn't mention politics and we used to mention kings and monarchy, when I think back on it I find that this The topic is one of the most discussed topics in the school and we often discuss it. The reason may be that these topics appear in our textbooks ,or perhaps because this debate is also world famous .
Or as for my opinion of the kings, is that I really respect them and I may not know much about their responsibilities, but I know that they carry a heavy burden on their shoulders, and that they always strive for the best as they say, but I always have a question After every lesson related to kings and systems of government in the subject of social studies is, do they really seek the best for us or for themselves, if they really want the best for us Why didn't they change The system of government is from monarchy to republican, because the republican system is the best for the people and the country. The only answer that came to my mind was that it contradicts their interests and goals.
And I have not always felt that it is selfish to keep the ruling position for the royal family only, but rather I feel that this position is the right of any competent person to have it.
I can see that there is confusion in your comment. In the second paragraph you say that you respect kings. In the middle of the same paragraph, you wondered why didn't they charge the republican? Can you give a comparison between the two systems to us how is the republican better?
Yes, of course we had a discussion about it.
I believe that the people have the freedom to choose the owner for them, if the owner from the royal family is not qualified for this ruling. In my opinion, the ruling son, for example, may have gained his experience in ruling from his father.
I believe that good rulers always seek the interest of the people, and I agree with you that it is not selfish for the royal family to retain power.
Governance is never an easy task, and it is a great responsibility on the shoulders of rulers.
I think that politics is one of the topics we discussed a lot. Because it is important in our lives, when a ruler seeks his people to be in peace and security in all respects, he is loved by all people, and they live a life free from political problems.
I agree because... Monarchy in all countries isnt bad but it can get terrible/ bad based on who is ruling. The system of monarchy in my own opinion is based on "luck" No one knows the intentions of kings and queens either evil or good it is based on how lucky the people are to be blessed with a good king who cares for the people. Because no one practically has a say on who or how to be ruled by a strict monarchy. Sometimes so also the republicans but the difference between monarchy and a democracy is that when rulers misbehave they can be reprimanded or impeached while most times the royals are seen as invincible not punishable under their own laws which they created for people to follow which is unfair and not really the best for the people. A democracy where its government of the people, for the people and by the people in my opinion is the best for any country.
I believe that the kings do not prefer to change the rule because, in my opinion, they prefer rule and ownership, and that the ownership does not depart from their family, and that their family remain the ruler of the country, inherited from the fathers and grandfathers, whether the rule is good or bad, and they do not care about the opinion of the people or their interests. on their ownership and position, and that the name of the king is preferred
Constructive_singer, don't u think not changing the rule can be very crucial,this tremendous act is called nepotism, not letting the qualified be in that position, just because of your family.
I think this opinion is very bad,the other people should be given chance. Because this particular act has made so many people unemployed.their should be given a chance royal or not royal.
It's interesting to hear that the topic of kings and monarchy is frequently discussed in your school. Exploring different forms of government and understanding their implications is an important part of social studies education.
Your question about whether kings and monarchs genuinely seek the best for their people or for themselves is a thought-provoking one. It's important to remember that different systems of government have their own advantages and disadvantages, and perspectives on this matter can vary. Monarchies often have historical, cultural, and symbolic significance in certain countries, and the role of a monarch can vary depending on the specific constitutional framework in place.
The decision to transition from a monarchy to a republican system involves complex considerations, including political, social, and cultural factors. Such transitions are typically driven by a combination of popular sentiment, historical context, and political will. It's important to note that different countries have taken different paths in this regard, with some choosing to maintain monarchies, while others have transitioned to republics.
Ultimately, discussions about the best system of government are ongoing and can vary depending on the values, beliefs, and experiences of individuals and societies. It's valuable to continue exploring these topics and engaging in thoughtful conversations to gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives on governance.
To day ,our teacher had started a discussion about the coronation of King Charles III. Some students don't have any ideas about this topic,but others have some information, my teacher helped us to get more and more information.
On Saturday, the sixth of May2023, Charles III and his wife Kamila will be coronated as UK king and queen during a political, economic and social crisis in Britain. Although the royalty 's disadvantages , because it's unfair govern system, but I think it's the most suitable one ,may be because it's the country system for ages.
Presidents and kings from different countries and different religions will attend this great coronation.
Throughout the course of this topic, I have learnt so much about royalty. How it can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the monarch or type of royalty(whether absolute or ceremonial) and I benefitted more knowledge from the comments of others on the Hub.
This topic has prompted me to research more about royalty, especially that of Britain, instead of having incorrect opinions about how I thought Royal life worked. I've learnt that no matter how rosy their life seems, they still have their personal problems and we should respect that.
Through the intense but interesting discussions about monarchy I had with my classmates we have brought out so many opinions and perspective about monarchy but what I have learnt so far is that it is a system of governance in which absolute authority I concentrated in the hands of a single ruler and often at times these rulers tend to be cruel and despotic and they do not care about their subjects and usually show partiality between various classes of people and that is not good because this leads to discrimination and this affects the nation because this causes a rift between these classes of people and that is not good because the people are meant to be united and not divided but I have seen that most people prefer democracy to monarchy because it gives them a say in government and this means that the laws are not suitable to them they have the power to change them another thing I learnt is that monarchs in England are under the opinion of removing them from their 'thrones' and this is actually bad because they serve as the cultural heritage for the nation and honestly I do not want people to totally think of them as irrelevant to the modern age but they should also know that some of the royals are actually philanthropists who care about the people such as Queen Elizabeth who has had such an impact on England and the people and that is why her death caused such a shock and grief to the world now through her royals are meant to follow her footsteps and realize that even though they no l0onger have power and are just ceremonial they can still use their status and help the society and impact it positively such as public speaking, setting up non-profit organizations that helps people who are suffering or financially challenged, physically disabled and they can also give generous donations and they also help those suffering from strikes and unfair working conditions and unpaid or unfair salaries and wages to talk the government for a change.
We all know that the state needs a president or a ruler to control all aspects of the state's affairs and manage its affairs. The president: is a title given to some people and has a high position in the land. Here in my country (Gaza) they implement this position through elections, and there are other forms of government such as monarchy, in which it is applied
Inheritance system Examples of some countries that implement this system are Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco
I don't have any strong feelings towards royalty, personally. On the one hand, I find it fascinating to observe the customs and lives of rulers in many nations. It's also intriguing to see how they still play symbolic roles in contemporary communities. On the other hand, the fact that some people are born into extraordinary luxury and money solely because of their family history can seem out of date and unfair. There have undoubtedly been instances where royal families have adopted detrimental laws or behaved improperly. Overall, I'd describe my attitude toward royalty as "neutral curiosity" — I'm neither a fervent supporter nor a vocal opponent, but occasionally I find the subject to be fascinating.
This topic has made me go into deep thinking and research, I have to know the meaning of royalty and the different royalties in the world. And I also learnt of the relevance and irrelevance of royals in the modern era. The relevance such as they serve as a source of revenue to the country through tourism and they boost national pride and unity. The irrelevance such as competent people that are not part of the royalty may be left out of government and the people are not opportune to elect their ruler or leader which brings about legitimacy to the chosen leader. I also learnt of good keywords we could add to the discussion such as tradition, racism, fairness, power and so on. I think that monarchy is dehumanizing and belittling to people and it should be earned and not inherited.
From my point of view, I think that elections are the best and most appropriate in choosing the king, and they are better than the hereditary monarchy, because the monarchy does not control a particular family, which leads to spreading justice and making the state a democratic state. As for the king, he must fulfill some conditions: 1- Being democratic, away from the dictatorial regime. 2- A leadership personality capable of assuming responsibilities and shouldering the burden of the state. 3- Taking a path for the benefit of the people and standing with them and supporting them. 4- The management intelligence of many matters and his awareness of the many problems that the state is going through, including: economic, financial, social and other problems... . 5- His work on developing artificial, scientific, intellectual and creative intelligence among the people.
We have already had a discussion in our chapter on royal families. There are many countries, whether Arab or non-Arab, whose countries are ruled by a monarchy, for example Britain, which Charles will be crowned on the sixth of May as King of Britain. Each country is ruled by a monarchy that makes up for the other, and perhaps
They are similar in some, we have learned many meanings and things about the royal family, such as justice, self-confidence, personal strength, poise and honesty, but from my point of view, I see that the monarchy has two aspects, the first negative is that it does not give people the right to exercise their right to vote and run as well
Strict and binding laws. As for the positive side, there are many, many positives, the most important of which is that it guarantees the stability of the state.
Some keywords related to royalty include monarchy, king, queen, prince, princess, throne, crown, royal family, palace, regalia, coronation, and succession. These terms are often used in news stories, especially when reporting on the activities, duties, and lives of members of royal families around the world.
Some common themes that come up in news stories about royalty include their public appearances, their charitable work, their relationships and marriages, their fashion choices, and their diplomatic and political roles. Other topics that may be covered include their financial affairs, their education and upbringing, and controversies or scandals involving members of the royal family. Additionally, news stories may focus on the history and traditions of monarchy, as well as debates about the role and relevance of royalty in modern society.
Based on what our teacher discussed with us in class, she concluded that monarchy has advantages and disadvantages.
For example, the advantages of royal rule, I believe that this type of rule leads to stability and stability in the kingdom, in addition to the king's personality being distinguished, wonderful, fair, and righteous.
This leads to gaining the people's love and meeting their needs, and thus leads to respect and appreciation for the king from all people.
Well, with regard to the defects of the monarchy:
it leads to the deprivation of people's rights, and also works to restrict freedom and follow the dictatorial regime.
For myself, I do not see following the monarchy system as a good one.
Through my research on the Internet, I knew that kings and the royal family have a role in influencing their subjects by communicating with them and dealing with them with humility. There are many, and the citizens must choose their appropriate president who has the characteristics of a king, and he must have justice more than equality, that is, what I mean by equality is to distribute something equally. The thing according to the person's need for it and many, many other qualities
My view of kings has changed slightly through my reading of different points of view, where my view of kings was that they were authoritarian and unfair, but I discovered other than that from some comments, and I got to know different reasons for some people's refusal to have a royal family in their country
I also learned about the history of some kingdoms and ruling families and some historical events
I developed myself through my knowledge of some words such as monarchy, coronation, states, monarchy, justice, colonialism, racism, justice, fame, wealth
With my knowledge from a class I had in school with my teacher about monarchy system of government I really learnt a lot. I learnt that the monarch system of government is controlled by a king, Queen or an Emperor known as the monarch. I also learnt that monarchy is a dynastic system of government. And my teacher said we have two types of monarchy
1. Absolute monarchy: This is a type of monarchy that the monarch has unlimited power.
2. Constitutional monarchy: This type of monarch the monarch has limited power because he or she derives his or her powers from the constitution.
What do you think of kings? Do you have any opinions about Kings in the News?
These are very popular questions in the news lately, and they have occupied many minds and heard many opinions.
My opinion is that everything is a double-edged sword. Just as ownership has its positive aspects, it must also have its negative aspects.
As for me, I see that the monarchy has more negatives than positives, as it is not approved by the entire people, and it does not give Shiites the freedom to express their opinion and choose the ruler themselves.
We can also replace the monarchy with an electoral system that will solve this problem and will be with the consent and satisfaction of the public
What do you think some of the challenges of replacing the monarchy with an electoral system would be?
Yes, I strongly agree, if the British people agree to it, to put the Queen's belongings in a museum so that they benefit and money instead of spending money paid by the people through taxes to spend on the king and court.
I disagree because I do not agree with you that they take the queen's belongings and hang them in a museum and benefit from them, because every king, whether through monarchy or democracy, has a history of his own and is also popular, so instead of hanging it, we make it one of the special monuments in the state. Your comment caught my attention and made me think of something else , It is a medieval chair undergoing careful restoration in preparation for the coronation of King Charles III (we call it the Throne in our country). The chair was made by order of Edward I, who ruled from 1272 to 1307, and has been used in almost every coronation ceremony since then, and restorer Christa Plessley indicated that the chair had not previously been treated as an antique in a museum, rather it was suffering From a number of damages due to the number of attacks he was subjected to.
Firstly, I think it would be a bit of a disadvantage to the English people because a monarchy makes it easier to transfer power, here in Nigeria we experience a lot of crises when it is the period of election, it is never a peaceful process, during that period many people lose the lives, family members, loved ones, and property because nobody wants to lose the election. Now in England it is a very simple process, they simply pass the throne down to the next person, without having to cause any problems and cause people to lose lives and property. Also The transfer of power between Barack Obama and Donald Trump created protests, counter-protests, LEADING to more and more societal violence.
Secondly it is a lot cheaper to run reason; it does not have to worry about the cost of elections, CBS News reports that the total cost of the 2016 election cycle in the United States was $6.8 billion. In comparison, Bloomberg estimates the Queen’s net worth at $425 million.
Thirdly The modern monarchy is typically a figurehead in the government instead of being in complete charge of everything. The government structure of the United Kingdom is a Perfect example, The primary duties of ruling are given to a Prime Minister, who then reports directly to the king or queen. But for most governments, they are structured to give the people balance.
With this I think that if the electoral system is introduced, it will be a disadvantage financially, socially and physical
According to my research and my knowledge on the Internet, there are some or more kings who are good because they deal with everyone with humility and do not brag too much, and also help the poor by helping charities and deal with children and adults with kindness and tenderness, but there are a few kings who do not deal with humility and do not help everyone and in the lesson there are new words I learned it from RoylatyCoronationMonarchyFairnessColonialismRacism:EqualityPopularityWealth, and of course I was pleased to learn these words in the lesson other than the words I learn by discussing the dialogue between us, as these words benefit us in my life
Well, Yes, we had a discussion with my teachers, and I also had a debate with my classmates, during the course of the discussion I was able to pick some key words such as royalty, regalia, thrones, politics, wealth, influence, coronation, history, rights and a host of others. We also talked about a key discussion, how the British monarchy is under subjection to be abolished. Well, in my opinion I think the British monarchy and all other monarchy systems of rule should be allowed to stay in the modern world reason being they are symbols and figure heads and can be a great way to uphold cultural traditions in younger generations but I don't think they should have much if not any power as it could lead to disruption of a country as monarchy does not uphold human rights.
Also, I have an opinion about the decision of Harry and Meghan to live the royal family. In my opinion I feel that was a rash decision as it could have led to disruption in Britain, although I get that he may have wanted to live a normal life he should have found a more subtle way to do it.
At school, we studied the French Revolution, which was one of its reasons for the tyranny of the French monarchy, which made the population revolt against France Therefore, I believe that half of the right should be given to the people and the other half to the king 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 This is what we learned during an eighth grade lesson in social studies 👌👌👌
Do you have any opinions about royalty in the news?
Personally, I find that the media's constant coverage of royalty can be a bit exhausting.
While I understand that they are public figures and their lives are inherently newsworthy to some extent, it can feel like an invasion of privacy at times.
I think focusing on such inherited class systems seems more reactionary than enlightening ...
But let's be real, there are some juicy stories that have come out of Buckingham Palace. From the Prince Andrew debacle to Harry and Meghan's exit from the family - it's definitely entertaining to read about.
At the same time, though, shouldn't we be focusing on more important issues? Like climate change or income inequality? The royals are a symbol of wealth and privilege - which is fine - but I think we should keep our priorities straight when it comes to what truly matters.
So while I may indulge in a royal scandal every now and then, my opinion remains unchanged: let's focus on what really impacts our daily lives instead of getting swept up in regal drama ..
Hello, Yes, I discussed this with my colleagues, asking them a question: Do you support monarchy? And I found different opinions among those who supported him, and among them I do not think that the reason for this difference is that whoever supports the regime knows a good king like the king of Saudi Arabia and is ignorant of what some unjust kings and those who do not support it are. They know an unjust king, and I did not support this regime because I know the former king of Iraq who was unjust and other unjust kings. In my opinion, if we find a good king, I think we will find five unjust because the selection of kings is not done according to certain specifications or through elections. This system has a lot of negatives that overshadowed its positives, and thank you very much for bringing up this topic. I got new information, there were some terms I didn't know, like racism. I learned this when I read that Prince Harry and his wife are withdrawing from the British royal family because they felt racist, as my teacher explained that racism occurs when people are treated unfairly.
My opinion about royalty in the news is that it's always a fascinating and exhilarating topic to read or hear about .
How fascinating it is to see the mundane and uneventful lives of rich people play out in the news.
However, there is undoubtedly an element of secrecy that pervades this world - whether it be the elusive nature of interviews and public appearances, or the behind-the-scenes workings of monarchy itself. As such, while many may view royalty through rosy-tinted glasses, it is important to bear in mind that there may be more than meets the eye when it comes to this particular class of society.
In class we had a discussion about royalty, some students argued that the royal family has something to do with today's world while others think it represents tradition.
In these conversations, they explore the historical significance of members of the royal family and how they function in government, and learn about their duties, such as diplomacy or participation in cultural events.
We have also explored core topics such as the monarchy in challenging systems of power or creating national unity .
Keywords related to royalty might include:
Monarchy: A form of government where a monarch, such as a king or queen, is the head of state.
Crown: A symbol of royal authority, usually a physical object worn by the monarch during official ceremonies.
Heir: The person who is next in line to inherit the throne.
Palace: The official residence of a monarch or other high-ranking member of royalty.
Reign: The period of time during which a monarch rules.
Themes that might come up in news stories about royalty could include:
Succession: Stories about who will succeed the current monarch and become the next king or queen.
Scandal: Reports about controversies or scandals involving members of the royal family.
Public engagements: Coverage of the activities and events attended by members of the royal family in their official capacity.
Philanthropy: News stories about the charitable work and causes supported by members of the royal family.
Royal weddings: Coverage of royal weddings, including details about the dress, guests, and ceremony.
I note that life of princes and kings is not as we imagined it in the world of children's stories. many of us wished that she would be a princess who would live with her husband, the prince, in happiness and contentment, and rule the country with justice and wisdom. Rather, the lives of kings, in reality, face many difficulties and restrictions on their freedom, and some of them gave up titles to live a simple and happy life, as what happened in Denmark. their queen stripped her grand children from their royal titles to give them some freedom and to live away from monarchy.
Also what happened with prince harry and his wife meghan, they felt there was racism in royal house hold so they stip back from the british royal household.
Those examples I took them from the festivsl 2023 at this amazing topical talk site.
A good discussion we had in the classroom was whether or not royals do more harm or good for a country. I personally believe that having a royal lineage hurts a country more than helps, as it reminds the people of the past and many public funds are poured into the royal family to fund their lavish lifestyle.
Through my study of the subject of monarchy and the system of government, I wondered about the origin of the word king, so I concluded that it dates back to the ancient Latin language, which dates back to the ancient Greek language, and it referred in that era to the sole ruler, but now it refers to the hereditary monarchy system. When I heard the term monarchy, I came to the conclusion that the monarchy is one of the manifestations of the system of government in which the ruler is the ruler of the state until his death or abdication from the throne or others... The methods of choosing the ruler differ from one state to another. In countries that depend on the hereditary monarchy system such as Jordan, Morocco and the Netherlands, it is Dictatorship regime, including what is a republican regime such as Venezuela, Vietnam and Yemen. Often the head of the royal family of the king is a king or queen. Britain has set clear and strict rules for the royal family, including: accepting every gift sent to them, even if it was something simple, and that means not being arrogant over the gifts of others, and strict dress codes, so their clothes must be modest because all the people’s eyes They should take them as an example, as it aspires to be a developed country that respects the pillars of Islam and is not corrupt in society. They should travel in black clothes. This is what I have regarding the monarchy, the system of government and its laws. And thank you❤❤
To be honest, this topic is new for me since we don't have a royal system in our country, so, it took a lot of time to read about monarchies around the world and the role of royals also our teacher didn't spare an effort to help us understand the topic. Therefore, I got to know lots of things for example, the monarchy system consists of a group of distinct and interdependent institutions and serves as a government and administration of a state on the one hand and a court and a variety of procedures on the other hand as the monarchy system provides social life for the members of the dynasty and their friends, the elite associated with it, and thus the monarchy entails not only a political-administrative system but also a society court is a term coined in the 20th century by the German-born sociologist Norbert Elias to designate various groups of nobles linked to the royal line. Another thing I learned is that there are several advantages to a constitutional monarchy as the head of state is appointed for a very long period usually until he abdicates or dies, and this gives the country more stability compared to republics where the head of state changes every few years.
If we look at the education system, we find that in the monarchy, the future head of state is known from birth, so he is brought up and educated accordingly. Kings are usually well prepared for their role and enjoy a distinguished multidisciplinary education.
In the monarchy system, the king is not a politician and therefore he is not linked to any particular party that can ensure neutrality and balance during his assumption of power, in addition to that, we find that in many countries the campaign to elect the head of state can be very expensive, on the contrary in the monarchy system the king assumes succession costs are low.
Studying about monarchy for the first time was a new experience for me. Since our country is ruled by a republican system, I felt so curious to look into the merits and demerits of both systems and draw a comparison.
Many claim a constitutional monarchy reduces the risk of corruption, while an elected politician may feel the need to take advantage of his position as he knows he will not last in power, while a monarch may care more about the long term because after all their children will inherit the throne and they do not want to face complex future.
As for the negatives, we find that in the monarchical system of government, we find that the king is not elected and inherits the position, and the citizen does not have much to say about who will rule, although kings in most constitutional monarchies need the approval of parliament.
A head of state may be willing to rule but this does not guarantee that this particular person is suitable and competent for the position as history is full of incompetent, fanatical, or tyrannical kings.
Royal families often have an expensive lifestyle, in addition to the king or queen other members of the royal family may also receive public salaries and benefits, moreover organizing their travels and security is very expensive.
We had an online discussion with our teacher about this topic. It was weird and interesting at the same as we don't have a monarchy in Palestine. The discussion we had made me feel so curious and thrilled to know more about the royal system, so I surfed the internet and got into the BBC site and got to know some rich information. I understood that the British monarchy is known as a "constitutional monarchy", and the king expresses the symbol of sovereignty, but the legislation of laws is the prerogative of parliament elected by the people. Therefore, it is said that the King of Britain reigns and does not rule, meaning that he possesses powers but does not exercise them.
It appeared to me that the king's role as a symbol of the nation, national unit, and stability is shown through the speeches he addresses to the people.
According to the unwritten British constitution, the king represents the highest hierarchy of the executive authority, and he is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, as well as the head of the Church of England, and undertakes to preserve the Protestant Church in Scotland, according to the traditions followed since the union between England and Scotland took place.
The king appoints the prime minister from the winning parliamentary bloc in the legislative elections. The King also inaugurates Parliament and delivers inaugural speeches that outline government policies during parliamentary sessions.
Laws, after being passed by Parliament, are submitted to the King for ratification.
The King presides over the Armed Forces, and all members of the British Armed Forces are required to swear allegiance to the King. The British royal peace is also centered around the person of the king.
Despite all these powers, the King of Britain walks in all decisions with the desire of the elected government. It did not happen that the late Queen Elizabeth II refused to ratify any law passed by Parliament, refused to appoint a head of government chosen by the winning bloc, or asked a head of government to submit his resignation.
Perhaps this behavior followed by the British kings contributed to being viewed as a symbol of unity and stability.
I have learned many keyword concepts such as the concept of justice, equality, king and queen, kingdom and popularity. I also learned that it is important to run the state taking into account the people and their opinions, relying on justice and equality in governance, and not following the laws of injustice and oppression. Care must also be taken to strengthen the state's army and its system so that the state can be independent on its own and not need another state
Do you think that the monarchy is fair and does not follow the laws of injustice??
From my point of view, the monarchy does not provide people with the opportunity to work on themselves in order to nominate themselves for the presidency of the state, and this is considered unfair because a king comes and becomes a king without doing anything, and others work, work and learn to be in the best ranks in the state, but they cannot do that, and otherwise the king comes Without being elected by everyone, he may be unjust or ignorant and cannot help the state, so I think it is a system that follows laws of injustice
I have put forward some discussions that I would like to discuss, and they are about the life of kings, which must be shown to people that they are excellent and complete and do not lack anything. But in reality, I have read some accounts about kings, and it has become clear to me that kings are restricted by many things, including tactful behavior in front of people. It is true that we must act with tact. But not to the degree that kings reach, and also in every country there are many enemies of the king who try to take the throne and rule from him and try to get rid of him to get what they want. Also, the monarchy system is not something common among countries, as there are those who follow the electoral system and there was in the old time "Shura" As I saw in the comments, therefore, I believe that the monarchy system is something that distinguishes the country and makes it different.
Of course we met in our computer lab for two hours and discussed it.
From my point of view, it is an interesting and crea topic.
In this topic, we learned a lot of wonderful terms such as power, property, racism, personal freedom, and the private life of a person.
We also talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the monarchy.
The most beautiful part of the class is when the teacher asked us to imagine if we would become kings in the future, what should we do or shouldnot we do? It was very wonderful.
Through the dialogue that took place between us and our teacher in class, we reached certain points, for example we learned how you can be a king who is loved by his people.
We also know that not every king is truly a king.
If there are qualities and duties of ordinary people, then there are also qualities and duties of a great king.
Well, if you want to be king, you must first realize that you are managing a people and an entire country, and you must bear a great responsibility, and this is the most important thing.
You must be a just king.
You must respect and value your people, work to preserve, respect and value their rights, provide them with the necessary services, and do everything to make them happy.
If you want to earn love and respect from your people, you must do the things that make them happy, just as we know that the happiness of our people is the first and foremost thing.
If they are happy, then we are happy.
Kings in the modern world
There are 26 kings in the world who rule 43 countries, that is, about a quarter of the countries of the world. The difference between the two numbers is because 16 countries follow the crown.
The British, for example:-
1- The King of Thailand, King Bhumibol Arulyadej. He was the oldest and richest king in modern times. He continued in office for nearly 70 years, and his son succeeded him after his death in 2016 AD. He was a musician and specialized in wastewater. He had great popularity, spiritual stature, and small powers.
2- Queen Elizabeth was one of the oldest and oldest current monarchs, and she died in 2022 AD at the age of 93, and her son Charles and his wife Camilla assumed the throne after her.
And if we go back to the origin of the British royal family or (the Windsor family) as they were called, then it is a dynasty of German or Germanic origin, and the family changed its name in the year 1917 AD, due to German matters.
Each royal family has its own traditions, customs and will
I will address some of these customs and traditions in future comments
In fact, this week's topic was interesting and through it I was able to acquire a lot of skills and learned a lot of things that I think will benefit me in my life. I knew through a research I conducted about the feeling of kings about the media and the publication of everything related to them in the media. During this week, I realized the duties of the royal family towards their people, and I read many comments in this contest full of creativity and different points of view. I want to conclude this comment with the question that has always been in my mind and I did not find an answer to it, which is: After we proposed all these points of view and opinions about The duties of kings We did not discuss how we can persuade kings to abide by these duties?!
I have learnt quite a lot from the discussions, topics and my research under monarchies and royalty and the main lessons i've learnt are;
1. Monarchy is a system or rule where a country, state or region is ruled by a king or queen, practically they are ruled by a family which have say to their political, traditional, ceremonial activities or status
2. I feel that the topic is monarchy good or bad? Is a topic with no definite resolution or clear verdict. Monarchy is diverse varying from country to country, culture to culture, So they way the will power or rule is different some kings are seen as saints ,angels sent from above saving their countries or kingdoms. While some are seen as cruel, harsh and mean neglecting the voice of the people treating them as they please, to their own merit. Some monarchs have been so great that republican rule can't compare to the improvement/ success achieved.
While some the case is vice versa.
3. The news on royalty what goes on behind palace walls and how news should be publicized. In my opinion there is no particular correct way to go about it. Sometimes the way or the content on the news about royalty could be harsh invading privacy and bringing a bad name to the people or even royalty. So occasionally permission should be taken from the majority and the royals are verdict on the type of news they expect to be shared/ given and what not to be seen ravading the front pages of the internet as news.
As far as I know, in Britain the royal family works like this, the leaders of democratic governments rule with the consent of their citizens. Such leaders derive their power not because they control armies or economic wealth, but because they respect the limits imposed on them by the electorate in free and fair elections.
Did you do our Festival lesson about royalty in your classroom?-yes. I had a festival lesson about royalty in my classroom and our teacher explained us about many recent news stories and from those I came to know that many royal families are slowly giving their power to the government and few are thinking that it is better to stay away from the royal traditions for instance I will say about few informations which I gathered from the lesson -"The Queen of Denmark stripped some of their grandchildren of their royal titles partly to give them freedom!" and the most appropriate example which is well known globally, the step back of prince Harry and his wife Meghan in 2020 the thing that both of this news have in common is that even few of the royals are thinking to live an independent life.
Then we spoke about our opinions in the session and had a very fun filled and informative discussion and our teacher told us certain keywords about royalty and asked our opinions on it.
I think royalty was a prominent way of ruling in the past but in the present it may not be useful because most people believe more in their right to vote than someone else ruling over them. Royalty in the news can be both negative or positive based on what is happening in their country. Personally I have never believed in a family being greater or considered more important than others. I think it is important that if someone is royal they should still be fair and have equality towards others. Overall not every royal family is the same but some respect towards others should be valued in each family.
There are the advantages and disadvantages in the monarchy and people have different opinions and views on the topic: some people like the royal family but some people do not want a monarch ruling over them.
What do you think about the royal family?
I think the royal family are also normal citizens like us. They have their personal desires too but they are guided by the royal rules. The way they dress and talk is according to their rules. They can't wear anyhthing they want, they can't laugh and talk freely the way we do, they can't go to other places freely. They can't do anything they feel like doing freely without being judged either by their people or other royalties. Total freedom is what the royalties don't have. I think they're living in what i call an open prison.
The royal family is a group of people who are very important in the country. They have a special role as representatives of the country and they do a lot of good things for charities and other important causes. Some people really like the royal family and think they are very interesting, while others don't care much about them or even disagree with their existence altogether. It's okay to have different opinions on this topic. What matters is that we always treat each other with kindness and respect, no matter what we believe.
In my opinion the royal family are also humans so they should be treated the same as everybody else. I have a neutral feeling of the monarchy.
I'm going to talk about people with special needs...
Today in the chapter we learned about people with special needs, and about the challenges facing people with special needs to integrate into society, and I thought that the ruling family is one of its duties to help this group to integrate into society and benefit from its institutions, so that they play an important role in society, reduce their exposure to bullying, and equality with the rest of the people.
I think that royalty is a topic that can cause people to be upset. Many people may think that royalty is unfair, since royals have more power and influence on the world. Others may think that royalty is a good thing for countries to have. In my opinion, I think that royalty is bad. It shows that some people are greater or have more power than others. This can cause people to be angered, and it could possibly affect the country.
We had a discussion in class about the topic King Charles the III. One of the questions they asked is that how do we think about royalty some said they don’t like the actions of the royals while others said they like the royals because they do charity and they help the poor.
Then we said what we learned in class some of us said we learned how to become more confident while some of us learned more about the royals and their duty to the kingdom.
I have read something interesting fact while searching about this topic that the Queen of England was legally allowed to drive without a license, but it's important to note that this was due to a unique legal exemption that applied only to her. As we know the citizens of every country requires a legal driver license so the law in the UK also requires all drivers to have a driving license to drive legally. However, the Queen is an exception to this rule due to an old exemption. This exemption is based on the idea that the Queen cannot be prosecuted under UK law, and it originated in a time when driving licenses were not common. According to what I have read, I came to know that despite this exemption, the Queen had chosen to obtain a driver's license and was said to be a skilled and experienced driver. She is often seen behind the wheel of her favorite car, a Land Rover, while driving around her private estates. However this rule of exemption is not applicable to other members of the royal family or to anyone else in the UK. And there is a unique fact that the Queen's vehicles are easily recognizable by their distinct number plates, which feature the letters "ER" (for Elizabeth Regina) followed by a number. These plates are not used on any other vehicles in the UK.In the event of an accident or breakdown, the Queen is not required to exchange insurance information or to wait for roadside assistance. Instead, a backup vehicle is always on hand to take her to her destination. So,driving is just one of many aspects of daily life that are affected by the unique customs and traditions surrounding the British monarchy. Despite her legal exemption from the requirement to hold a driving license, the Queen is known to take her responsibilities as a driver very seriously, and she is said to enjoy driving as a way to unwind and enjoy some privacy. I really got excited about this fact. What do u think? Is this interesting ?
In recent news different stories about royalty have emerged including discussions about the roles and responsibilities of royal families, controversies regarding their actions and behavior, and speculation about the future of monarchy in different countries.
Some new keywords related to royalty that have emerged in recent news include "abdication," "succession," "crown prince/princess," "heir apparent," "monarchical traditions," and "royal protocol."
Themes that may come up in news stories about royalty could include their political and cultural significance, their impact on national identity and pride, their relationships with other leaders, their charitable efforts, and their personal lives and struggles.
The royal family is a group of people who are born into a family that holds special status in their country. They are often the leaders or heads of state in their respective nations.
There are many countries in the world that have royal families, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Japan, Sweden, Thailand, and many others. Each royal family has its own unique history and traditions.
In some countries, the role of the royal family is primarily ceremonial, while in others they play an active role in governing the country. They may also be involved in philanthropic work and charitable causes.
Royal families often live in grand palaces or castles, and wear elaborate and ornate clothing for special occasions. They are usually highly respected by their people and are expected to uphold high standards of behavior and etiquette.
The royal family is an important part of many cultures around the world, and can be fascinating to learn about.
I think that royalty is good but sometimes cause arguments. I think that its very sad that Harry and Meghan left the royal family but i think that the royal family is needed because if not than we wouldn't know what to do.
This lesson has enabled me through different comments and replies to gain some very important lessons that would help to know how to rule if I get into royal position and also wherever I find myself in this life. Royals are restricted to the use of absolute power based on the constitution of the land guiding the actions of all citizens in a country. I also the principle of complete and unrestricted government power, usually in the hands of one person, a dictator or despot can be advantageous and at the same time disadvantageous in different countries depending on the system of government in which they operate and not forgetting the constitution of the land. Take for instance, in a royal system of government, If they charged with the question "is the rule of absolute power advantageous in a royal system of government", first of all I believe they should consider the effect and the advantages of absolute system in a royal system of government. Lastly I think they should also look at other aspects that would maybe lead to the development or the underdevelopment of the country in relation to the use of absolute power or not.