Comments by charming_weaver

Comment Post Date
This question would be to the Minister of Education of my country, India. What measures are you... Competition #2 Questions for leaders 07/11/22
India is a vast country. And yes, there are lot of difficulties to make people understand about... How sustainable is YOUR community? 07/11/22
I perhaps would not invest the entire money in single project. I strongly believe in the phrase,... Money, money, money! 07/11/22
With population every increasing, it's important that we find ways to feed more. While I am a... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 07/11/22
Food Waste happens at several levels. Right from production, to process to distribution and to... Expert challenge: what could you do? 07/11/22
May be going vegan or being a vegetarian is one option I feel. The number of resources that goes... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 04/11/22
I disagree with your statement. Many countries device strategies to control to food crisis. For... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 04/11/22
I agree because... giving equal importance to agricultural growth like the industrial growth is... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 04/11/22
I disagree with the first half of the statement given above. We can't just jump into conclusions... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 04/11/22