How sustainable is YOUR community?

At COP26 last year the event organisers made the decision to locally source 80% of the food they were serving. They also decided to serve drinks in reusable cups, which organisers said would save 250,000 single-use cups.

We want to know what you think could be done in your community to make it more sustainable. Could there be more free water fountains with drinking water? Perhaps there could be some new re-use and recycling options? Or maybe there could be some sustainable art or sculptures on display?

We are particularly interested to hear about any news stories about sustainability from your country or local area!

Comments (178)

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  • In our area, on the streets there is a lot of rubbish but not just in area probably in every area around the world. A lot of peopel around the world try to help by trying to clean the streets in their area but now matter how much they clean it in a couple of hour sor the next day it will still be there so whatever we do we can not stop it.

    1. Hi @perceptive_vegetable! I agree that people throwing rubbish in the street is a big problem. Can you think of any ideas to encourage people to start using bins?

    2. Then try putting signs to motivate people to stop littering because it is currently one of the main things contributing to the earth dying.

    3. I am with you on this, but if people were more aware and preserved their homeland, this garbage would not exist in the first place. The lack of awareness among these people that this garbage may bring them natural and health problems causes them to throw it in the streets. You should put up banners for these people and hold seminars and conferences to educate people that this behavior is incorrect and not beneficial to the environment.

  • In my country, Palestine, yes, there are springs (tanks) of free drinking water. In every area there is a tank, either one or two.
    Of course, there are some options for reuse and recycling, for example, in my country, they reuse straw into straw bags.
    And the crockery
    They reuse old dress fabrics to make vases and art pieces

    1. I agree because somehow, we are running out of time as we us ethe word,, plastic'' perhaps 20 times a day. One aspect that I have noticed around pubs and bars around the UK is the fact that they have stopped serving any drink by adding the straw and that is a start.
      The idea of free water thanks should be adopted in every country, I completely agree.

  • In my local area, we have a lot of cars around. However, we have created low carbon emission zones, so if you go in there with a specific amount of pollution, you will be fined. This is simple, yet affective, because it causes less cars to drive about, which means less carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere. In my school, we have also tried to make it more sustainable, by installing solar panels to use the sun's rays to get natural elecricity. Also, we have monitors in class to tell us how much Co2 we are producing. I think this is good because it gets us thinking more about Co2.
    Fun Fact: Cows produce the most greenhouse gas-when they let our wind, they produce methane!

    1. It's interesting to know there are low carbon emission zones in your local area. Can you share more how does the amount of pollution being measured? Also, do you think electric cars help to reduce the CO2 emission issue from cars?

    2. I like this idea of low carbon zone ..
      In Pakistan,s northern areas it will be very effective to sustain air purity and beauty of the mountains

    3. I agree because... the fact that fewer cars are allowed to drive around actually reduces traffic pollution; the fewer cars, the faster and more efficient the journey, which is actually a great benefit for everyone because there is less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are numerous advantages to driving less, including a lower carbon footprint, lower gas prices, lower road maintenance, and car repairs; it is good for our social lives, which will help us live longer lives; and it is a good form of exercise.

  • Sustainability in my community is not expanding, but simple, and the responsibility of the community members, not institutions and governments, and this is what causes its weakness in us. Glass such as Nutella, jam, and others to preserve foodstuffs or as decorated boxes. We have what are similar to small food banks (small projects) that collect leftover food from homes and prepare a new meal from it. We have clothes recycling, so we have entire markets for used clothes. I consider this A good step by members of society, but presidents and large institutions should be active in this field and vigorously, as our sustainability is weak

    1. Awareness is definitely the answer, most of companies around the UK have adopted recycling bins and this means that the things are moving hopefully to a positive outcome.
      The plastic pets or any plastic product have now an inscription on their leaflet that the product is used from recycled products.

  • We should clean the world up and make it a better place for us and the animals. We need to treat the world like a family member with respect. Animals need help In their climate and we’re the only ones who has started it. Now we need to fix all of our damage we have made and make the world a better place. We can help by picking up rubbish, recycle and stop polluting/ smoking.

    1. Some nice suggestions here ingenious_date! It might be tricky to stop all emissions from human use though. Do you think you could live without any gas or electricity at all?

      1. We cannot do that, but we can reduce it. For example, the gas emitted from cars and factories, this gas pollutes the air. We can solve this problem by intensifying the planting of trees. Trees work to soften the atmosphere and give an aesthetic appearance to the environment. Then we can manufacture cars that do not emit gas. For factories, we can make chimneys that we put them on top. The factory purifies the smoke that comes out of the factory and turns it into clean air

      2. Do you think you could live without any gas or electricity at all? I think I would live if I had survival skills if I need food just fish, if you need to call someone make a paper phone with cups if you need to go somewhere walk, you don't need electricity for everything .

    2. I agree because there is a lot of trash on the streets. And trash, cars cause air pollution and with air pollution the animals can hardly serve that .

    3. I agree because of the millions of people who are smoking are making the air around them polluted and it's just nasty to sit in polluted air. I also agree about how animals need their climate helped because people are killing animals and trying to make them extinct. We should help the world.

    4. I agree because if we maltreat the world it will also maltreat us by allowing climate change, green house gases, low soil nutrient which will later result to food crisis. In my opinion we have maltreated the world and disregarded it and it is also maltreating us by allowing climate change to make life uncomfortable. I think when Michael Jackson said "We are the ones who make a brighter day
      So let's start giving, let's start giving
      There's a chance we're taking
      We're taking our own lives" in his song titled" We are the world" he was also addressing how humans have caused climate change. If we start giving care to our environment we would make a brighter day by addressing the issues of climate change, we are taking our own lives by causing food crisis, temperature increase , emission of greenhouse gases and so many more.

  • We have already started trying to mitigate this phenomenon, as we have started making bags of cloth instead of nylon, so as not to harm the environment and we can use them more than once.

    And in my building, people started making a fence around it from trees, and they put a solar cell on the last floor surrounded by many trees so that we could use it as much as possible.

    1. Very good observation on using cloth bags, instead of plastic ones. Do you think there might be environmental impacts from cloth bags too, even if different to plastic ones?

      1. I think that no, and even if there are effects, they are certainly less than the effects of plastic, as plastic decomposes and produces toxic substances, but fabric does not decompose, and plastic is burned in most countries to be recycled, and fabric needs scissors and a sewing machine Only until it is recycled, and also those who do not have the money do not have to throw it away, but will use it more than once, or it can be recycled (cut and add some color may become a scarf), and I believe that this should be implemented in all countries, even Everyone benefits, saving the poor

  • In my local area, there is a problem of littering rubbish everywhere of which the large percentage of the litter is plastic bottles and polythene bags. In my opinion, I suggest that we put strict laws against littering because it is working in certain countries like Rwanda and yes if others can do it, why not us. Another suggestion is that we advise people to reuse plastics bottles, jerrycans for different purposes like farming instead of littering them which leads to pollution and then to climate change. We can also encourage people to recycle because most of the packaging products like polythenes, bottles, made in our country can be recycled. So the government can work together with the manufacturers of those products by saying, the more you recycle, the more you gain( put a campaign to support recycling).

    1. People are trying to keep their surroundings clean. It is obvious that there is a person who likes to keep himself, his house, his country and his city dirty.
      There are so many countries in the world that wherever we go we see cleanliness everywhere.
      But if we think about it, we find that the problem of climate change is worldwide..
      In order to keep the environment clean, so this problem would come up that the smoke coming out of the factories is included in the air, the chemical water coming out from the industries is included in the clean water (river, drains) where the factories play an important role in our life. There are also such problems that cause harmful effects on the health of aquatic life and also for humans living on land, and then many diseases are born. If we talk about the smoke emitted from factories, vehicles, these are damaging the ozone layer, due to which the problem of climate change is arising all over the world.
      What should we do to avoid this problem?

  • We human beings is our role to clean up our world,we need better place where we can build factories or industries in order to stop air pollution which will result out as Global warming which will cause famine and hunger ,people and animals will start dying due to the direct heat and sunlight that will destroy the Ozone layer and we should have recycling industries to reduce the rate of plastics in our area and through picking plastic and python papers in order keep our environment clean and free from climate reactions like global warming

  • Having many industries in the some areas that produce plastics cause land to be bare so we should two industries per area in order to stop land pollution and live a happy life.

  • Recycling is a wonderful thing. In our country, bags and papers are recycled. When the bags and papers are disposed of, we take them to the factories to be recycled. This is how we will preserve the cleanliness of our community environment. Soft drink cups are also recycled. To be more sustainable, we must not spend a lot of water and establish projects. There should be more free water springs with drinking water because it is considered an ongoing charity, and this is an excellent work. It is possible to recycle clothes and homes, there are houses that are unfit for living, but when Recycling it becomes more beautiful. It is possible to recycle wood and make very beautiful sculptures. It is possible to make beautiful works of art from cardboard and othe

    1. I'm not sure about this because you talked about cutting down on the use of water and focusing on free natural springs, but have you considered the fact that countries in the middle east like Qatar do not have the availability of such resources like natural water and therefore have to spend a lot on water to construct their buildings. Cutting down on water use for construction can even reduce the strength of buildings and can even make them collapse and a lot of lives will be lost and the efforts of people will go to waste.

      1. I agree with your words, but there is a wonderful solution to the problem you raised to save water. It is possible to use machines to purify sewage and use it only in construction

  • In my local area, their are not many cars around compared to the traffic -jammed, over-polluted cities such as Delhi in India. However, our school still tries to hinder any Carbon dioxide released into our air by hosting annual events such as class competitions. Whichever class has the most pupils that walk to school gets an award. Since their is such competitiveness between classes, their is always a rise in walkers to school that used to go by car or public transport. Furthermore, we are always encouraged to eat all that is on our plate with stickers ( for the younger years) and golden tickets ( another form of a reward system). Again, this prevents more fresh food going to waste, lessens the amount of vehicles having to make trips to collect waste and thus declines Co2 emissions.

    1. These are some great initiatives brilliant_vegetable and I really admire the use of fun competitions to promote more environmentally considerate behaviour. Do you think there is a way some of these initiatives could be expanded into broader society? Do you think the same incentives would work at scale?

    2. I agree because
      The way your community thinks is wonderful and unique, and in this way you only positively blame the environment But you also positively affected the souls of the students, as we love the spirit of competition And I can say that in this way you may have fulfilled the principle of "two birds with one stone." May all societies be as beautiful, clean and positive as you are

    3. Yes. I do Jen. I believe these class competitions can be expanded into an annual event for our society or even the whole of London. If reports of schools taking a weekly trip to collect the waste off the streets are published, then the UK can even host events where engineers team up with schools to build a robot that can collect or locate waste within the premises of our local area.

  • In my country Uganda, we have many free water sources with enough water but the main problem is people contaminate the water by disposing in waste materials which include; plastic bottles, faeces, urine, polythine bags among others which makes this water harmful to human life so my community can become more sustainable if people are sensitized on proper ways of disposing waste materials, if they are sensitized to do community service and clean the water sources , by teaching them to recycle these plastic bottles , by the community members constructing toilets for the people to dispose their waste. We also have bore holes which provide free water to the community members.

  • In our area, all of our surroundings are covered in litter but can still grow into luscious green grass and beautiful green parks.

    1. Hi @generous_physics. I completely agree that it is possible for areas to be turned into green spaces and parks and that it would be a great idea. Can you think of any ideas/schemes that would encourage people to stop littering?

    2. It is true because if people volunteer they can help make it beautiful.

  • My region made serious attempts in search of a safe and biological solution to the problems and diseases that the soil suffers from in the Gaza Strip. The experiment led them to discover and manufacture “wood vinegar” extracted from the wood resulting from the process of pruning trees at the end of the agricultural seasons.

    For those who do not know the benefits of wood vinegar, it is a natural fertilizer for the soil that enhances vegetative production, increases sugar content in fruit trees, protects trees from viruses, treats soil salinity, and expels nematodes from which farmers in the Gaza Strip suffer.
    The extraction of this vinegar globally requires specialized devices, which are not available in my town, so I decided to manufacture the device with simple tools and according to the available capabilities, provided that it gives results close to those provided by the imported device.

    1. Wow @glad_concept - this is a brilliant idea and ones I've never heard of before, so thank you so much for sharing! Can you share more about how you think it would be possible to do this process globally i.e would it be a national scheme or run by locals and spread worldwide?

  • In my city the idea of ​​a solar pneumatic dryer was implemented.

    The device was designed locally, and is the first of its kind in Palestine, as it dries agricultural food with solar energy, in order to achieve “food security” in the community and maintain product quality.

    The dryer combines two energy sources, an air solar collector, and a heat pump to fully raise the efficiency and reduce energy consumption, and it takes 16 to 24 hours to complete the drying process, with a quantity ranging from 60 to 100 kg.

    The motives of this invention are many, perhaps the most important of which is the great demand for dryers despite the unhealthy methods of drying such as chemical treatment using toxic sulfur oxides, and their containing harmful additives such as sugar, not to mention the high cost of drying food using electrical energy, and its consumption of large amounts of energy.

  • The area in which I live has used LED bulbs and electrical appliances that save energy. When purchasing, residents make sure that the lights are turned off and the appliances are completely turned off and not just left on standby. A large number of residents used solar electricity generation units to provide part of the house's electrical energy needs.

    1. Good point! Thank you for sharing that.

      With respect to how to ensure residents turn off lights and appliances, do you have any ideas on how we can help more people do that?

  • I think that he made a weekly campaign to clean the community and cooperate between the neighbors so that it becomes a desirable and cooperative society.

  • Environmental sustainability is a necessary thing in society and it regulates the diverse andproductive biological systems and the responsibility of community members such as recycling of clothes. It is possible to recycle waste such as paper and compost for plants, including many benefits. There is a big problem in our region in throwing garbage everywhere, such as throwing plastic bottles and polythene bags. We put laws against throwing garbage everywhere because it ruins our society and causes damage to environmental pollution.

  • In our country, especially in the state I live in which is Delhi, there has been some drastic actions against the emmision of carbon dioxide or CO2 and the spread of garbage around the streets. The government has provided us with an app called the 'swachhata app' which let's us report any form of pollution to get it cleaned and get the perpetrator punished for their deeds. But, I still think there can be improvement in the prevention of these pollutants which are to be implemented, such as -
    Making use of electric or public vehicles for travel,
    The use of reusable items which is very rare in my local area,
    Less cars should be allowed on the road, it could be a similar thing as the odd-even rule introduced by our state government,
    And the very last reduce the use of firecrackers for celebration in festivals.

    These improvements are to be implemented by the public because if the government decides to place a law but the public doesn't follow it, there is no use. But if the public decides to implement these changes nothing can stop sustainability from coming to not just my local area but the whole world!!

    1. I'm interested to hear more about this app! How is it enforced?

      1. This app was basically created to make an easy platform to report wrongdoings related to the enviorment or infrastructure which wasn't taken much seriously by law enforcers earlier.
        The swachhata app tells you to click photos or record a video of the wrongdoing and upload it to the app along with the site's location.

        After posting the picture a team is dispatched to deal with the scene, all of the people sent here are members of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (M.C.D.) who have power to judge the situation and issue a fine, give a warning or take any appropriate actions according to the scene.

        That is all about the enforcement of the app and I think it was a very successful movement because I personally have benefited from this app.

    2. I like what you had said I live in which is Delhi, there has been some drastic actions against the emmision of carbon dioxide or CO2 and the spread of garbage around the streets. The government has provided us with an app called the 'swachhata app' which let's us report any form of pollution to get it cleaned and get the perpetrator punished for their deeds. But, I still think there can be improvement in the prevention of these pollutants which are to be implemented, such as -
      Making use of electric or public vehicles for travel,
      The use of reusable items which is very rare in my local area,
      Less cars should be allowed on the road, it could be a similar thing as the odd-even rule introduced by our state government,
      And the very last reduce the use of firecrackers for celebration in festivals.good job.

    3. I disagree because you said that'' I still think there can be improvement in the prevention of these pollutants which are to be implemented, such as -
      Making use of electric or public vehicles for travel,
      The use of reusable items which is very rare in my local area,
      Less cars should be allowed on the road, it could be a similar thing as the odd-even rule introduced by our state government,
      And the very last reduce the use of firecrackers for celebration in festivals.'' and that is because but I loved it

    4. I agree with your comment, Optimistic artic fox. You have mentioned that we can make use of electric vehicles to reduce emissions but do you think it is suitable for our population? And as 75% of India's electricity is generated from coal, by chance can using more electric vehicles increase the emissions? I'm interested in hearing your solutions for this issue.

  • I think that in Gaza Strip, more wells can drilled and its water treated for free drinking. Containers can be placed in all streets to collect used cups spent plastic products and employ some workers to collect and recycle them into reusable products.

    1. Very good point on using containers to collect plastic products. Can you think of other aspects of our streets and public places that more sustainable approaches?

    2. Thank you for your comment, gentle_cat. If people keep getting water from wells, what problem do you think this could cause?

  • At the outset I would like to say that sustainability is a wonderful thing because it keeps life going well and has a significant importance in reducing the many purchases. Certainly, there are many ways to make our society more sustainable. First, school notebooks can be reused in the coming times. Second, tomato box can be decorated from the outside and use to put pens in our office, so it becomes more organized. Third,
    empty bags of chips can be cut into small pieces, and used for spraying on birthdays and annual holidays. They can also be an alternative to balloons. You cannot imagine the extent of happiness, joy, pleasure and beauty at that time.
    Fourth, empty big cartons can be designed and decorated to put textbooks in them. Fourth, unusable wheels of cars can be colored to make homes and offices seats. Also, we can make basins in which roses or plants are planted. Fifth,
    juice bottles can be reused to make a hand blender, for example.

    Such innovative suggestions can increase sustainability, nature beauty, especially with the magic touch of beautiful colors.

  • Why not make a fire extinguisher that works on the sun's rays when you feel the sun working. It means that it works on thermal energy and can save the world. Because we know that the fire extinguisher contains chemicals called halogens that eat up the ozone hole.

    1. Interesting. Can you say a bit more about how the fire extinguisher would work?

    2. That's true because the chemicals make a lot of air pollution.

      1. How so charming_starfish ?

  • There are a lot of solutions and ideas to recycle and use things again
    For example, in our society, they take the stones resulting from the demolition of houses and break them to use as gravel in the construction. Another example is they use paint buckets after cleaning to keep things in the house
    Another example is that they use canned food (such as cans of beans or ghee) after cleaning them well to make beautiful things and antiques that are placed on the table or in the personal cupboard to put things we cherish in these cans.
    There are many ideas to turn things in our favor by using another, but for fear that I will talk to you for a long time, I will suffice for here.

    1. Are there any government policies around sustainability?

      1. It is possible that there may be a policy of sustainability through building institutions that care about this issue and that encourage individuals to exploit things for the better and convert what is not useful to something useful in a new and distinctive way that draws attention.

        1. Can you give an example of an institution which cares about sustainability? Or of an action an individual might take to convert something no useful into something useful?

          1. Here I would like and suggest the existence of an institution for sustainability, and I would prefer the idea to be implemented because it is beneficial for individuals and for society as a whole. But I really do not know that there is an institution working on this.
            But in my community, there are small associations that women do to recycle things and make them something beautiful to benefit from
            It is a work of creativity and benefit as well

  • Sustainable projects can be implemented in some poor developing countries. Soch as Somalia,Indonesia, Mauritania, where water is not drink able and people have difficulty getting water to drink. In Palestine solar power can be used to remove electriaty from the Gaza strip wind can be used to generate electrucity. Wheels of car and trucks can be turned into roses and trees, give an environmental view and purify the air.

    1. I agree because you said that ''some poor developing countries. Soch as Somalia,Indonesia, Mauritania, where water is not drinkable and people have difficulty getting water to drink.''

  • At the beginning I want to say that we play an important role as individuals

    Simple decisions can make a huge a difference and have a huge impact on the environment.
    So let me tell you about my personal experience.
    My sustainability journey started due to the allergy of one of my family members who suffers from asthma to chemicals included in daily products such as shamboo , soap and shower gel , all of these things encouraged me to buy natural materials first and then move to self-manufacturing of products without buying them. So from here I started to share my experience on social media so others can benfit from this .

  • In my community we have the issue of littering of animal waste especially by nomadic herdsmen. It makes the place smell and unsuitable for road users so as a community we decided to talk to the herdsmen and we all agreed to create a site where their animals can dispose of waste after that it is taken to some farmers to use as fertilizers and locally produce compost which has helped us in growing pure organic vegetables.

  • In my country the government tries to spread awareness about climate change and encourage citizens to keep the environment safe which is through making advertisements that talk about not throwing rubbish in the street and to try our best to recycle things. Additionally,it tries to boost our economy . It also made a go green campaign.

    1. How successful have these initiative been do you think?

      1. It has been so successful lately that most people took it as a rule to follow.

  • In Uganda we have a lot of pollution since people don't mind about the environment but since we have a lot of green plants they help control the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Leaving that alone most of the cause of the pollution in our country is burning of plastics like polyethene's since they are widely used in our community for rapping things so if they worn out people instead burn them. We can solve this by either the government by banning the use of polyethene cause this campaign was already taken on by countries like Rwanda and Kenya is on going with-it so we can also adopt it or the Government should propose a campaign to the manufacturers to start giving money to those that can collect the polyethene and take them to the company for recycle and instead of buying new raw materials let them just recycle the old polyethene for reuse.

  • The other problem in my country that really makes our community unsustainable is the emissions of dangerous gases from vehicles since they are poplar even if one is going for a 100 meter distance he uses a vehicle so this really makes our environment really polluted this can be solved by the government releasing Themes like "WORK TO WORK" or people should start using bicycles to move and this will also help to reduce on some diseases like fatigue, obesity, diabetes, pressure and many others this is really sustainable and healthy

  • My grandfather owns agricultural land and needs a lot of fertilizer, and I studied in one of the subjects how to make natural fertilizer at home from food leftovers, tree leaves and waste, and I helped my grandfather in making natural fertilizer.

    1. That is great, awesome_sea!

      Can you think of other challenges in your grandfather's farm that need more sustainable solutions?

    2. 1- I can start on my grandfather’s farm a project to produce environmentally friendly products free of any chemicals to clean homes and facilities.
      2- Growing organic food without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides and synthetic fertilizers and does not contain any genetically modified ingredients
      3- It is possible to set up a special store for the production of environmentally friendly organic foods
      4- You can open a restaurant that uses only local foods and sustainable products with minimal food waste
      5- Using solar panels to generate electricity
      6- Growing plants and then handing them over to people or companies so that they can get fresh air

    3. I agree because... it's nice idea..this is a very motivating idea to use food leftover nd tree leaves as fertilizers. Another think I want to add that animals waste is also a good idea of fertilizers as my father use to add in my lawn .for better productivity. Our milkman helps us in this regard .

  • I think something in our community to improve could be the use of plastic lunchboxes. Most of the lunchboxes are non-recyclable so instead we could wrap up our food and put it into a lunch bag, make lunchboxes out of recyclable plastic or make them out of metal which could also keep your food warm!

    1. These are great alternatives you have thought of spirited_thought. What would you wrap your food in? Do you think that would potentially create a different source of waste?

      1. I was thinking of recyclable foil or reusable containers.

  • We were always visited by our relatives and we had to, turn on the air conditioners in the summer, and turn on the heater in the winter . Therefore electricity bills are very high, we decided to see solutions and alternative idea . So we decided to invest in the windows to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room so we don't need to turn on the air conditioner . As for the winter, we relied on solar panels, which had a positive effect in saving..So you have to start with yourself so that the world changes for the better.

    1. What a great point, brave_forest! And good initiative too.

      Are there other aspects of your house (or your relative's houses) that you think we can make more sustainable?

    2. I agree because insulating your homes are a very effective way to get the community to be more environmentally friendly. What would you suggest as energy saving solutions for those in countries that may not have enough sun to have effective solar panels?

  • The society in which i live is quite sustainable but not much because in most of the area there are plastic bags, polythene bags, plastic bottles and more even there many cars and bikes in society which are cause of increasing Carbon dioxide and more over increase in global warming warming
    I am not against in having cars and bikes but i think there should be every thing according to need. people should not be extravagant
    And I would really appreciate those people who always try to keep our society clean but complete cleaness can't happen till the people living in that society dont have civil sense
    "" Causing of smoge ""
    Especially in the start of winter , such type of air pollutants are a major cause of smoge
    Especially in Pakistan.Smog has reached a fairly full scale only because of pollution.
    Smoge really cause serious problems especially to asthma patients
    And just due to smoge my family can't sleep comfortably and have to close our every single door and window every year and this really cause suffocation especially gor me to sleep in close room 😥
    "" Precautions ""
    👉🏻 Reduce the use of personal cars
    Instead should use local cars atleast for the sake of healthy winter
    👉🏻 Factories and industries should remain close atleast during the start of winter
    👉🏻 If industries are necessary the pollutants should be filter again again to reduce the risk of smoke
    👉🏻 We should keep our environment clean
    Because just due to global warming climate changes and Pakistan had to face serious disaster ( flood )
    Moreover now many other countries such as Thialand is also facing flood situations
    I really hope for the society people to cooperate with each other in order to live in a healthy environment

    1. I like when you said ''The society in which i live is quite sustainable but not much because in most of the area there are plastic bags, polythene bags, plastic bottles and more even there many cars and bikes in society which are cause of increasing Carbon dioxide and more over increase in global warming warming
      I am not against having cars and bikes but i think there should be everything according to need. people should not be extravagant''.

      1. why do you like it harmonious_passionfruit?

  • Sustainability in Gaza, when we hear this phrase, we always remember the economic living conditions of the Gazan individual, so sustainability in Gaza may target everything related to money, work and others, such as:
    1_ Contribute to building and raising good production chains.
    2_ Enhancing the survival of professionals and businesses in their fields and maintaining their production and source of income stable.
    3- Providing job opportunities for age groups who lose influence and participation in society. 4_ Contribute to the fight against poverty. 5_ Enabling small enterprises and establishments to continue in the field of production and maintain job opportunities.

    1. Absolutely - great point. A sustainable planet also means everyone should live well and have opportunity.

      With regards to your point in (1), do you have any ideas on how we can do that better?

      1. Thank you very much for your question, I certainly have ideas, examples: _Improve the quality of products significantly, which enables people to turn to them clearly
        _Research in people's requirements and work to provide them on an ongoing basis
        Attempting to lower prices people's stuff

  • Our world must be clean and pure, and that this world does not pose a danger to us and our health, but rather must be positive to our health. Therefore, we must be cooperative in the cleanliness of this world, reform it, and poses a positive impact on us, and this is through recycling and preserving the environment. Pollution by not smoking and not throwing garbage in the streets and on the beach

  • Welcome. I see that the trees that used to fill our environment and the world also began to decrease due to the construction of many houses and buildings and everyone noticed this thing and this is very bad because CO2 will spread in the world more and therefore less oxygen will affect humans and animals, especially on human health in that it will cause him diseases and its impact on The animal will be through its death, and it will not benefit the human being, and this will affect everyone in this universe with harm. Therefore, I advise planting the largest number of trees in order to preserve this world from destruction. Save the planet. Thank you.

    1. Thank you eager_atom - great point! Planting trees can be a lot of work - can you think of any ways where we can plant trees more quickly or in more places?

      1. Thank you. There is a way through which trees can be planted without the need for time or effort by making robots that put seeds in the places designated for them This will be programmed inside the robot, as well as making wells, from which water will be supplied to irrigate crops, and certainly this will be under the supervision of agricultural specialists.

  • India is a vast country. And yes, there are lot of difficulties to make people understand about the cleanliness. In our sub urban areas, earlier there use to be huge dustbins installed at the end of every street. Every household use to dump everything there. The dustbins would be full, and all garbage would be strewn across the place. It was also a haven for the stray animals who always look out for something to feed upon.
    One day I witnessed a cow withering in pain because it consumed some plastics around the garbage area. What a horrifying site it was! I had tears watching how that animal was suffering, crying in pain, bleeding! I then understood how as a family we have been a party to such cruelty done to such animals. Since then, in our household, we ensure that all the garbage items are segregated and disposed off safely.
    After collective efforts of the people in the several neighborhoods, now all the garbage bins have been permanently closed! The local municipality collects garbage bags from each household. Every household have to segregate the garbage bags as vegetable wastes, recyclable and non-recyclable. Thus, this system is also helping those end workers who segregate the very many items available in the garbage mound that are created in every town.
    This system introduced in some prominent cities in India has helped to control the strewed garbage. As a country, we have a long way to go in the upkeep of the place. However, I am happy that one good, small step has already been taken towards this direction.

  • In my community, we pick up plastic bottles in large amount in big sucks and we take them for recycling, this helps make our environment cleaner and prevents soil pollution. We also use these plastics to make products of more value like bird feeders, flower vessels and plastic bag baskets. We also make briquettes since they are non-pollutant alternative renewable sources of energy and this enables us to reduce the air pollution in the environment of our community. THIS WAY IT'S MAKING OUR COMMUNITY SUSTAINABLE

  • In my local area, people over pollute the land, water and air in ways like throwing plastics on the land yet people can take them for recycling like in some countries like America where by if you recycle they give some money and this can also be promoted in Uganda to encourage people to recycle, people can also use these plastics to keep in liquids at home or store their stuff in. The government can also employ people who fine those that are found littering because this littering contributes to the easy spread of diseases since germs harbor in such dirty places. Factories produce carbon monoxide in form of gas which can be controlled if people plant trees because they absorb it. On the other hand factories also excrete their wastes into the beautiful seas and people also throw in rubbish and urinate in the seas which contaminates them increasing on the death risks of aquatic animals so the government should advise those factories to stop the pollution and if not acted upon they should shut down the factory.

  • In my local area when you take back any sort of plastic bottles to the companies in return the companies give the person some money. This helps encourage people to recycle their plastics more often. This is not in my local area yet but they are planning that if you by an electric car you pay little to no taxes on it so it also encourages people to switch from fuel consuming vehicles that produce greenhouse gases to electric vehicles that don't produce any kind if greenhouse gas.

  • We have a high chance of living because we have lots of people and people have money the more money the more things we buy the more things we buy the more factories the more factories the higher the chance of living is.
    In fact we have a higher chance of living more then any country in the world.
    isnt more factories supposed to lower our chance of living?

  • Our area is not that sustainable because the more we buy stuff the more factories that are going up and the more factories that go up the more air pollution gets worse. Plus there is a lot of cars where I live so even when the factories going up the cars are destroying our earth to. But the coal produces a lot of black smoke and when the black smoke rises the air pollution is getting worse every single moment.So sometimes people dump there garbage A landfill site, also known as a tip, dump, rubbish, garbage dump, dumping ground, is a site for the disposal of the waste materials. Some changes I think should be made are we need to stop dumping garbage in a landfill cause it’s causing more air pollution and we need to stop leaving cars in the open because the car is making everything worse.

    How do you think we can help our area be more sustainable?

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. Does your school have some sustainable practises? What do you think should be done with all the rubbish if it doesn't go to the dump?

      1. There's a engage club in my school and we talk about Helping out the homeless with a Fundraiser and we talk about giving them food shelter snacks and other good stuff. And we have plants outside we grow plants So i feel like that very sustainable.Things i feel like we should do to be more sustainable are Clean The Environment more.

        What do you think we should do to be more sustainable?

  • in the area some people in the streets that pick up trash and clean. in the world now there is trash and people leave
    water bottles and soda cans on the ground i see trash but not all the time that is because some people pick it up.

    1. Do you think that there's anything that your local area could do to tackle this?

    2. It is true because every time I walk outside I always sees trash.

  • There is an increasing number of of plastic wastes in my local area so they people have decided to use the plastic bottles for planting more crops this way the amount of plastic wastes has reduced and also it has helped to solve the problem of shortage of land for growing food. the people have also reused the bottle top of plastics for making bags which are very attractive. this way they have helped to reduce soil pollution.

    1. These are all very good observations! Can you think of any problems in your local community that need a solution to help become more sustainable?

  • My country really not sustainable for that much people because there are a lot of people in Clayton County,and just because there are a lot of people,there would be more road trips and plane rides everywhere and that is a high chance of adding onto air pollution."Why would there be a chance of adding onto air pollution by that"Well since there would be a lot of road trips and plane rides, the chemical smoke from the exhaustions will pollute the air more than there all ready is so my country really is not sustainable for a lot of people.

  • In my local area, There is a lot of pollution on the ground and even in the trees. Also i see that there are a lot of gas power cars but i never see an electric car so that means that there is a lot of gas going into the air and that is air pollution. Another thing that i see is that there are no recycle bins anywhere in the area. But sometimes I see that some people use more electric things like solar panels. What does your local area look like?

  • Most communities aren't sustainable and they litter a lot and that will make more of every pollution and pollution is not good for people to live and pollution could make new born babies sick."Why does this happen?"It is because all the grills and planes etc. and most places now aren't sustainable.What caused all this in the first place?

  • In the area where I live there are a lot of nearby landfills where they dump the trash,there is also an airport that causes air pollution.Most times there isn't traffic but when there is the streets are packed and the traffic can go on for miles.there are always car on the street and factories and there like four gas stations in my street.

    1. What do you think would help your area for become more sustainable, determined_land?

  • Clayton County is launching a sustainability effort to bring more environmentally friendly construction practices to the south metro Atlanta,It is about the air and water being safe to breathe and drink. It is about having infrastructure like broadband internet to connect people to opportunities. These wetlands provide a sustainable system for Clayton County. To ensure that they could supply water for the county's growth. Why are sum community's not sustainable ?

  • In My Country In The Streets And The Grass I See Paper,Plastic,Cans,Dog Poop,And Wasted Food In The Grass.The I See Good Prisoners Picking The Trash Up And Puting It A Bag Then Looking For More Trash.Sometimes I Want To Pick Up The Trash To Help The Earth So It Can Be A Better Place.

    1. Hi @loved_independence. Picking up litter is a great way to start your sustainable journey! What else do you think you could do to help clean up your country?

  • in my area it is a lot of trash bulit up which make the air we breath in bad .So if someone could clean and pick up the trash that would make my area so good because its cause air pollution and the air we beath in bad what can help u

    1. That is true because I was going to atlanta there was a lot of air pollution

        1. Hey trustworthy_chocolate can you tell us more?

  • In my area everything looks great until you get a greater look, because there’ll always some trash on the floor or a forest being cut down to build something. Something else that causes pollution is cars and a lot of car’s, not to mention their an airport near by which results in more air pollution. In the form of our daily life we produce a lot of pollution like taking hot baths and using electronic devices. So I conclusion Clayton County is no sustainable as the way it is now.

    1. I agree because... There was deforestation in front of our house.

  • Climate change happened because of carbon emissions which caused  high temperatures. This leads to a change in weather patterns, causing an imbalance in nature and  poses many risks to humans and all creatures on earth. Besides, weather extremes caused many catastrophic phenomenon such as,  forest fires , storms , heatwaves , floods and droughts. To avoid all of these natural disasters and to keep the temperature within 1.5C , we have to start with ourselves by  saving energy at home, using green and sustainable products and walking instead of riding vehicles to go to near places. In terms of water, in my country we established sewage treatment plant projects in order to save water and make the best use of it.

    1. I agree because... climate change is change the temperatures are high and low but in the usa the climate change is high

  • I think most of the third world countries including my country suffer from weak infrastructure which causes lots of problems such as drowning homes in winter because of the bad system of rains water drainage and this what happens in my region. Therefore, I think we have to invent special pipes that will collect the rains water into well designed places to store this water in order to use it in the droughts times like summer in planting or even filtering it for human drinking and several uses.

  • In our local area, there are cars all over the city so the cars cause air pollution. Also we have a ton of factories which are not good for the environment. And you can't imagine how much litter is in our area, people don't reuse plastic and rubber and factories have to make more products that cause air pollution. Also we have trash plants which make garbage into good waste and energy. Since we have a high standard of living people have a lot of money which they waste on goods. And when we buy good our resources go down so then factories make more goods.

    1. I like how you point out that a high standard of living leads to more waste blithesome_snake, and that it is the consumer who is causing the factories to produce more waste. Very good creative thinking!

  • you have to put up our trash when you see some on the ground and etc.Like when it is earth day when everybody picks up the trash on earth

    1. I like your example of earth day harmonious_passionfruit!

    2. Definitely an important thing! At the same time, it is still trash and I wonder if there are things that could be done to help reduce trash?

  • Climate change is: long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns.
    It negatively affects the whole world. Because people use fossil fuels to a great extent.
    I suggest some solutions that can reduce this phenomenon. When the leaders of countries meet in order to conclude conference agreements, this gathering helps to increase this phenomenon, so it is suggested that communication between them be via the Internet.
    It was also suggested that people carry out campaigns and demonstrations demanding that leaders abide by agreements and not break promises. Also working to spread awareness among people in order to use renewable energy resources and reduce the use of fuel.

    1. Those are good ideas! Can you think of any other solutions that apply to your immediate community? This could be your school, your neighbourhood, family, etc.

  • We must all work in the field of sustainability, and it is the duty of every human being in this world to participate in the sustainability of his society, because it is certain that every person carries a percentage of the pollution in the world. There may be countries with lower pollution than other countries in the world because they have passed a law on it and encouraged people to participate in recycling.
    Let's encourage people to do this by running big contests by state officials in recycling and giving cash prizes to everyone who does. This encourages them to recycle and the world will be more sustainable

  • From my point of view, in our area there are many factories, and if the traffic protects it, then the areas are polluted and there are many garbage lying on the ground in the streets, but people try to clean the garbage on the ground and try to keep the factories away from the places of living, pieces are thrown so that the city remains clean and when the factories are nearby From the places of living, polluted air comes to the person, and the person becomes sick, so factories must be kept away from the places of life .

  • In my local area, the problem of littering is everywhere, and where most of the garbage is plastic glass, bags and papers. In my opinion, litter can be disposed of in several ways, including the burial method, which consists in placing the waste in ground pits without separating its components and recovering What can be benefited from, including the traditional method, some countries follow traditional methods of disposing of waste and transporting it outside the city and collecting it in designated places that are burned or decomposed, and also the method of recycling waste. Industrial waste can be reused and recycled, including paper, plastic and food waste by preparing it through Industrial processes to be reused as raw materials to manufacture new products, and people should also be encouraged to use this method, which is a recycling method, because most packaging products such as glazes made in my country can be recycled.

  • In Palestine, sustainability can be achieved by recycling waste such as paper, clothes, plastic utensils, iron, and others...because recycling waste helps clean the environment and provide for people's needs. Helps get rid of garbage, there must be laws and violations against people who do not abide by these laws

  • There is a lot of pollution on the ground in my area. On the way to school, I always see bags full of trash on the grass. There are places that try to be environmentally friendly though. For example, some stores try to be environmentally friendly by using reusable bags. There are also some people who volunteer to clean the community by picking up trash on the ground and in the ocean.

    1. Thanks for sharing @pioneering_shark. What else could be done to reduce pollution?

  • We should clean the world up and make it a better place for us and the animals. We need to treat the world like a family member with respect. Animals need help In their climate and we’re the only ones who has started it. Now we need to fix all of our damage we have made and make the world a better place. We can help by picking up rubbish, recycle and stop polluting/ smoking.

  • Industrialization in the countries like Pakistan, has reduced and polluted the underground water. People have limited excess to the potable water. There is need to provide clean drinkable water to the masses even in the remote areas, where people are compelled to drink water from ponds along with there castles. Water filtration plants are being installed in metropolitan cities - but more and more such plants are still needed in the remote areas.
    At the governmental level, the electric buses for public transport have been brought on the roads of Karachi to ensure clean air for the public to breath in.
    I would say to educate people is most important need of the time. Educating people has become more and more easy task in this digital era of social media.

    1. Can you think of any negatives of getting news in this "digital era"?

  • In my area there is a lot of rubbish ... I think that we should make a strict law for the peoples who were throwing rubbish on roads or on the streets ...
    If every person try to clean the area where he/she is ..I think that it can help to Making clean our society .we can use three ways reduce reuse or recycle for making our society stable

  • In my country, the population density is large because the number of people is large and the area of ​​my country is small, so there is severe overcrowding in my country, and this causes a problem in air pollution and noise, and also the large population has increased the pollution of the environment such as littering also increased the consumption of water and electricity. I hope to make a law regulating All of these problems

  • The population density in my country is great, so people need houses to live in, so they resort to cutting trees to get plots of land to build on, and this is a big problem because trees produce and provide us with oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide, and it negatively affects the climate and also produces From cutting down trees, and the inability of some animals to find shelter and food, and thus the risk of extinction of some animals as a result of the destruction of their natural environment.

  • My community isn't stable because there is water bottles, plastic bags and more on the ground. I always see big trucks carrying stuff to stores but the trucks make a big cloud of pollution. If i go to a busy street i can always smell gas because of the cars. Since there's so much air pollution where i live i can't see a lot of stars at night. In my neighborhood there's a guy that picks up trash all day. One time me and my friend rode around in his gold cart and helped him pick up trash. Even though he does all that work to keep the neighborhood clean the streets still manage to get dirty. If everyone on earth started cleaning up trash for one day would earth be alot more cleaner?

  • There is a lot of trash on the streets, more people more cars ,more factories , more air pollution the animals can hardly serve through the air pollution.

  • We should clean the world up and make it a better place for us and the animals . clean the community . because it has a lot of tarsh , plastic , paper , glass , beau's we are killing animals like dogs ,Turtles, fish , whales with plastic .
    we need to treat the world like family because if we don't treat it like family it can dry up and the animal wont have water .

  • In my area it is kinda dirty in the streets and on the express- way and some people try to help clean the streets and some people don't care about the environment i sometimes try to help clean the streets but i sometimes also give up because its sometimes hard with all the trash on the streets.

  • in our area not very nice we see people gleaming which will make the weather go bad. Its really not helping with stress is killing people. and also the littering needs to stop.

  • air pollution is bad because the air is bad for the animals and for the people. There is a lot of trash on the streets and ocean and people need to clean up their mess because it has gotten worse.

  • There is a lot of trash and we try to help it by volunteering.

  • In our area we have trash all around the streets and ocean which also makes the weather bad

    1. How does trash link to the weather, valuable_black_bear?

      1. Think its because of solid waste contributes directly to greenhouse gas emissions through the generation of methane from the anaerobic decay of waste in landfills, and the emission of nitrous oxide from our solid waste combustion facilities.

  • In Pakistan initiatives were taken by the ex-government of Imran Khan. Billion tree projects were started to contribute to save the regional and global climate change effects. Pakistan has only 0.4% share in the emission of gases responsible for global warming. Even then we have to bear the brunt of the collective global warming by the developed countries like USA, Russia, and China etc. What Pakistan can do is to stand with COP and urge for reduction in burning of carbon fuels. Anyhow, COP is the ray of hope for countries like Pakistan.

  • In my local area, we have a lot of cars around. However, we have created low carbon emission zones, so if you go in there with a specific amount of pollution, you will be fined. This is simple, yet affective, because it causes less cars to drive about, which means less carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere. In my school, we have also tried to make it more sustainable, by installing solar panels to use the sun's rays to get natural elecricity. Also, we have monitors in class to tell us how much Co2 we are producing. I think this is good because it gets us thinking more about Co2.
    Fun Fact: Cows produce the most greenhouse gas-when they let our wind, they produce methane.

  • clayton county is sustainable because there is not much littering and the air is not all that polluted. lots of people go out and pick up trash and overall try to maintain a good environment. clayton county has nice weather that keeps plants growing. there are not many natural disasters so it's mainly peaceful. There is safe drinking water for the people. Most of the people here are able to read and write so the standard of living is good.

  • in our streets the a lot of trash in the world.and there are people trying to help the earth.but then the next hour or day people just throw trash on the floor and the more we throw trash on the floor the more plushin.

  • In our public lakes there are so much trash in the lakes so it will not be clean because of people throwing trash like plastic bags, bottles and much more. Aquatic trash affects water and endangers plants and animals it pollutes the outdoor space that we are dependent on for tourism and recreation.we can help this by making teams there are already teams out there to help lake trash but by making more times it well help out more. another way we can help lake trash is by just not throwing trash in the lakes but many people will still do it . There are 8,352 lake companies.

  • In my home town we have a lot of pollution on the earth and our job is to stop that polluted air from getting in our lungs so what we do is we pick up the trash and the bad air that's around we find a way to stop it and that's how i think we can make a big difference in the air.

  • The area that I am in, is full of lots pollution.There is a lot factories and big trucks in my area causing lots of air and water pollution.Pretty much all of the rivers, beaches, and streams are man made or a result of something that was man made.Like the flint river was a result of the Atlanta airport/one of the biggest airports in the world.There are also little to no programs to help with the pollution in the area.When my mom is driving me to school I always see trash in the road, road kill, or trash on the sidewalk or on some grass.

    1. I wonder if you could research what people in your area are doing to help with these problems?

      1. Yes, I did and the only program that I found was the Clayton County Water Authority that help filter water for people to drink and try and help with water pollution but like I said there are little to no programs to help with pollution in my area.

        1. Well done for researching!

  • In my area theres is trash in many places but not much. Although they have cleaning crews throughout the state/area, people still litter. littering isn't good for the environment considering many stray or wild animals roam around where I live. My area is very much sustainable, just slight inconveniences.

  • In the area that I'm in their is a lot of air and water pollution and in there are no natural rivers or lakes.Most things are man made and some things are natural.Also the big trucks cause air pollution then the bacteria in the air pollutes the water and lots of it has to be filtered.Also since we have one of the biggest airports worldwide.Luckily, in my school there is a club that helps the community get better and healthier.

  • In Our Local Area, People Be Driving There car And for sum reason They just Like to throw trash out the windows like glass bottles and and other type of substantiates. They also Dump a lot of toxic waste in the sea for no particular reason. Also one more other fact there is a whole junk yard where i live full of cars and their just sitting there and making air pollution even more worse than it already is. And you can't imagine how much litter is in our area, people don't reuse plastic and rubber and factories have to make more products that cause air pollution.

  • In my area , there is less substantial and more of bad air pollution. In the state of Georgia, air pollution is really bad and it also can lead to cancer and disease. Traffic is another thing that is affecting air pollution. According to Air pollution can damage crops and trees in a variety of ways.

  • In my community, we used to use a lot of plastic materials for example plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic plates, jerrycans among others. The government later found out that plastics were the major pollutants in our country since they can't rot. We have come up with way to sustain our rate of pollution by recycling plastics for example jerrycans can be cut and used as feeding and drinking troughs for animals on farms. Jerrycans can also be used as flower pots. plastic bottles for irrigating crops on farms during the dry season.
    In my community, we have resorted to using less plastics and using more of natural materials for example replacing plastic cups and plates with ceramic ones and polythene bags with paper bags for packaging.
    We have limited the use of wood fuel since when burnt releases harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and instead resorted to use of renewable energy for example solar energy from the sun and bio gas from left over organic materials. All these are simple to put in place and yet affordable to the general public.

    1. There are some great ideas here, and I am glad they are being put into practice.

  • In my community we have trash cause of the garbage collector and trash pickers but we do have a lot of factories and those make air pollution and it will cause more heart and lung issues.

  • There is a lot of pollution on the ground in my area. On the way to school, I always see bags full of trash on the grass. There are places that try to be environmentally friendly though. There are lots factories and ground pollution in America.

  • Our community suffers from air pollution caused by cars, as well as litter and damage caused by people dropping trash. Our community also has many factories that can cause pollution and cause damage to our environment. Black smoke is also produced by coal producers, which causes air pollution. Additionally, people dispose of their waste at landfills, which is a site where people dump waste materials. The only minor changes I think we can make to improve our community is to stop polluting and littering.

  • We all have a role to play in regard to sustainability, for example in my school, we practice what is tagged as "Zero Waste" we do this by using empty plastic bottles to plant crops such as beans, maize/corn, vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, tomatoes etc in our organic farm. Leading to the build-up of our organic farm, we made a greenhouse garden using old mosquito nets to provide housing for the crops, this helps to protect the plants from bugs and insect attacks.
    We also rear animals such as snails, rabbits, and goose, the rabbits and goose are fed from our farm produce while the snails are fed with watermelon backs that are considered waste, we also provide food for our goose from the left-over food that would waste if left for long. This food waste is obtained from the school’s kitchen.
    The faeces or animal waste collected from these animals are used as manure on the farm. We also have a fish farm and the water from the fish farm is used to water the plants on our organic farm.

  • About Sustainability is like the be able to maintain something or someone, in a different kind of Fix. Basically like a when you trying to maintain your pet form another pet before a fight happens cause there already barking at each other.

  • I am confused about whether Georgia is sustainable or not,because there are people that don't care about the land of Clayton County,but some people like to keep Clayton County safe and clean for a healthy land so its hard to decide if Clayton County is sustainable.I think that Clayton County is actually not sustainable because when ever I leave my home to walk around I see a lot of trash and litter everywhere around the streets and grasslands,so I think that the place of Clayton County isn't sustainable for us people to live in.Clayton County doesn't seem like there is a lot of police where I live and it won't be safe without a lot of police around where I live,and i'm basically saying this community we live in,it really isn't sustainable and isn't safe for example lets say something like "A shootout happened at XXX gas station"Most police won't come and they will just let it go.

  • In my area,There is a'lot of trash and empty cans in and out the road there's gum wrappers in the grass. The people in my county has been trying to pickup a'lot of trash and keep the planet clean but it never works at because the next day people are using the bathroom in the grass throwing paper on the floor and leaving the garbage workers to do everything by thereself.

  • In the local area we have a lot of cars and houses, around us.However, we create low carbon emission zones, so if you go in there with a specific amount of pollution, you will be fined. This is simple, yet effective, because it causes less cars to drive about, which means less carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere.

  • Where I live, I sometimes find chip bags or white grocery bags in my yard specifically. I don't have a clue why they for some reason throw their trash in MY yard when there is literally a dumpster right in front of my unit. It makes no sense.
    I even sometimes see people smoking and flicking the cigarettes on the ground or in the grass. It isn't right.
    I do sometimes see people picking up the trash. I even see videos of people walking in lines and groups picking trash off the ground.
    I've seen some stories of people picking up trash too, just to give examples of people littering and throwing their trash on the ground.

    People throwing trash on the ground, other people taking responsibility and picking up the trash though they may not have to but it is the right thing to do, people sitting there, watching it, letting it happen. All of these are examples of the type of person when it comes to sustainability. This community needs to stop. I don't enjoy people not taking it into their perspective. I'm not trying to be dramatic, I'm just saying, This shouldn't be happening, and it needs to stop.

  • In my community, there aren't a lot of thrash on the floor but there are a lot of pollution. Most of the pollution comes from cars and an airport close by. But people don't care for the environment enough to put their thrash in a thrash can or to limit car use and showers. But their is a small amount of people that care for the environment but just not enough. So i want to try to make a difference in order to stop pollution of the air and

    1. What are your ideas for how you will make a difference, buzzing_theory?

  • Even though factories are growing more & more the cars are destroying our earth too. If we use less " energy, water and other natural resources efficiently" If we use less resourcesit can help the world .But even if we use less energy or other natrual resources . We still need those resources to live but maybe if we limit some of the natural resources it will help us in the environment.

    How can we limit some of the natural resources ?

  • it's a good country there's a lot of crime a lot of cars little houses a lot of car wreck a lot of storage lots of dogs lots of cat

  • How sustainable is my community? My community is not that sustainable because one people pollute things such as the air the water and etc. People always throw their animals out and leave them in the cold and they animals end up on the road and cold and hungry their climate is messed up now. We all should make the world a better place. People also throw trash in the ocean and animals get trapped around it and choke or they end up suck on it.

  • i think my area is sustainability because when you see trash on the street you pick it up like a good person you don't just leave it there. we have good food and we stay healthy even though food prices went up high.And gas prices are high people are upset because how high the gas prices are it is because of the war in russia and ukraine its getting pretty bad. stores are running out of foods because of the war.Enough of that let talk about good my area is so people would pick up trash of the ground,mow the grass, cut the grass,lawn the grass just for the free. we have so many good people in my area dont get me wrong its alot of bad people in my area i will say its more bad people in my area then good people. its bad people who do good thing and its bad people thats good but they just dont know it. That's why i think my area is sustainability

  • Our area is not so sustainable because the more we buy stuff the more factories have to produce the more factories have to produce the more air pollution the more air pollution gets worse. And once the air pollution gets worse it causes bloodstream,itchy eyes and etc. How does it affect me personal. It affect me in a way that it causes blockage in the lugs area and it makes you have a lung diseases and it may lead to hospitalization.

  • In my community their isn't a lot of thrash on the floor but their is a lot of air pollution. Most of the pollution comes from cars and an airport close by. With this comes a lot of air pollutions and hurts the environment causing major problem such as bad breathing. But the problem is that people don't care enough to do anything about it. So its my goal to make people care about the environment so people can care to limit car use.

  • In the United States, it's usually full of trash on the streets. No one cleans up after their mess, they are always garbage and trash everywhere outside, people in the U.S just don't care about the earth. Every time I get on the bus and go home, I always see plastic bottles, plastic bags, wasted food and drinks, and other types of garbage. People should really start on saving water, picking up trash and putting it where it belongs, and reuse things that CAN be reused. But besides the United States, other countries have less water and food than the U.S. Some american people waste food, while other countries can go days without water and food. We got to start taking care of the earth. Since we live on it, we need to keep it clean and safe for us. But do you think we need to take care of the earth?

  • he needs of everyone in the community are met and people feel safe, healthy and ultimately happy. our environment is appreciated, protected and enhanced and damage to the environment is minimised.

  • A sustainable community takes into account, and addresses, multiple human needs, not just one at the exclusion of all others. It is a place where people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives feel welcome and safe, where every group has a seat at the decision-making table, and where prosperity is shared

  • I think my community is not sustainable because we have water,air,land problems.For example china has the most sustainable community because they make a lot of thing and have a lot of coil and in Georgia does not have a lot of coil and doesn't make a lot of stuff and for the water problems we have a war with Alabama and Florida because the water flows down to Georgia down Florida and the air problems are caused by cars factories and businesses and air pollution kill people! And the land problems can or is caused by littering.But that what i think but people might have think different

  • My area is neat and nice it has less rubised, has one of the best environment friendly , and also the best place to live in,because of the parks,school,and stores, less cars on the road, no pollution, my neighborhood always clean rubised

  • In our area, on the ground there's a lot of plastic and rubbish. Sometimes i try and clean up the streets. I really mostly do it for money. And sometimes i just clean because it's always dirty. But i should really start just cleaning up for the earth and for the community.

  • I'd say my communtiy is pretty sustainable.And I say that because it has a park, school and stores.but there is litter in a lot of places.And there is not a lot of crime.One thing that could improve our community is if someone would clean up all the litter.

    There is not to many things that are stand out about my community.What am I suppose say it's just like any other community.

    1. This is interesting, rhetorical_revolution! Other people from your school have had very opposite views. Why do you think that is?

      1. I think that most people have opposite views because they are distracted with their phones.

  • Everyone in my area always clean rubised, it is even a crime if you don't, it is serious to pick up trash.
    me and my friends sometimes pick the trash we always look for the biggest piles.
    none of my area is dirty it is safe,neat, and nice

  • Sustainability in my environment, Atlanta, Georgia, is bad because we have the busiest airport, and airplanes cause air pollution in our environment. Also, when I do chores and clean up the bathroom and use products such as, bleach, and comet and it goes in the sewer and the sewer goes into the ocean that causes water pollution.

  • I think that he made a weekly campaign to clean the community and cooperate between the neighbors so that it becomes a desirable and cooperative society.

  • in the area some people in the streets that pick up trash and not that sustainable because the more we buy stuff the more factories that are going up and the more factories that go up the more air pollution gets worse. and
    There is a lot of pollution on the ground in my area. On the way to school, I always see bags full of trash on the grass.

  • I think that both the young and elderly people should run the government because thanks to the elderly wisdom and knowledge and if you pair that with young people and with them being in their prime and with their minds being able to function properly. I think that if the government were to be able to be run by the young and elderly people the government and our economy would be able to function very well and there will probably some if not many problems but overall having that type of government would be great for the country.

  • A culture of buying mineral water bottles to quench thirst is flourishing not in Pakistan only but also around the glob as well. Water filtration plants are for those who can not buy mineral water bottles. We can see used water bottles both of mineral water companies and famous beverage brands being disposed of improperly. But thanks to the gipsy boys who collect the same for recycling purpose - and thus curbing pollutants from the environment. Why not we should pay some thing extra to these environment cleaners?
    Moreover, availability of drinkable water should be ensured from the water supply sources - and there should be a notice on every tap saying, ''This water is safe to drink''. In this way the spreading of plastic bottles will be curbed to a great extent.
    In the near past use of plastic shopping bags by shopkeepers was banned by the government. But after some restricted time the polythene bags are again back in the capital. Why this happened ? This is because implementation of a policy requires a homework which was not done and straight restriction was imposed. There would have been no come back of plastic bags, had the government given some alternatives.
    I used to go to the parks in Islamabad, and observed a good step by an famous ice cream brand company, who have installed / erected slides and seesaws - made of recycled plastic - for kids in the parks. There have been notice stickers on every gadget saying, '' this gadget is made of 39 kgs of recycled plastic''. I think this sticker is to serve as food for thought to the general public t sustain their environment cleanliness.

  • A society becomes sustainable only if human being are aware of the dangers and take steps to make it sustainable. Dancing around the fire is not a solution to a problem but measures has to be taken to finish the cause of the problem.
    In developed countries there is common sense among the masses as how to act to stop pollutants form intruding into our environment. No one cam smoke freely any where but at specified points. No one can throw cigarette but here and there but in bins and smoke sucking devices only. No one can throw cane and pet bottles of beverages but in bins erected every where at public points. A society is sustained by the persons living there.
    In under developing countries there are rare bins for disposing of waste material. Though the sense is increasing but a lot has to be done yet.

  • Where I live in Nigeria used to be so cold that during the rainy, harmattan, and even the dry season at that time was so cold that people had to put on several layers of clothing in order to stay warm. People were usually hesitant to settle here because of the extreme weather conditions but now it has become hotter over the past years and it has gotten to a point that even when rain falls here people feel hot. This is one of the visible effects of climate change in my area. This is largely due to the factors such as the pollution of the environment with wastes which are largely plastic and emissions from cars.
    Some of the solutions I think if implemented in my community would make a difference are:
    1. Many of the plastic wastes such as bottles and jerrycans should be recycled and used to set up vertical farms that people can even start in their homes. There is a large need for food here in Nigeria due to the large population here and if many people can recycle materials in the environment and go into farming it will help to reduce hunger.

    2. People should be encouraged to recycle this can be done through campaigns on social media but I think the best way o encourage recycling in my environment is to pay people for recycling an amount of plastic or metal materials from the environment so that they can be recycled by factories to make things like bottle cans. Even if people are paid in small amounts like $5 or $10 I think it will encourage a lot of people to recycle.

    3. The use of cars on the road should be regulated by banning the use of cars that release harmful emissions into the air. Many people here, due to the low standard of living, use old cars that release emissions and if they are banned it will reduce the number of cars used on the road. Greener and more eco-friendly means of transportation can then be encouraged. Means such as cycling, which is economical and eco-friendly should be encouraged. This can be done by organizing cycling competitions and campaigns for more people to start cycling.

    I really love where I live and I would not like to see climate change destroy it any further. I really think these ideas would go a long way in helping. In my community, teenagers are doing the little they can to help the community by enlightening people on different ways we can use and recycle waste in order to ensure a greener future for everyone.

  • As young people and the elderly are both in their prime and have their minds able to function properly, I believe that both groups should run the government - because it is through the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of the elderly that we gain wisdom and knowledge for our children and grandchildren. Young and elderly people are the best leaders for the government and our economy. Although there may be a few or many problems if the government were to be run by them, overall, it would be great for the country to have that type of government.

  • It is clear that this negatively affects all countries of the world and that the problem of climate change is a global problem, so solutions must be developed for this. I suggest that the countries of the world hold their meetings online rather than traveling from one place to another for these meetings.
    Ending fossil fuel subsidies and using renewable energy sources.
    Working to spread awareness among people in general, whether they are young or old, by placing awareness banners.
    People are asked not to waste food; Because this causes global greenhouse gas emissions.
    Work to plant trees significantly, which helps reduce carbon dioxide.
    support the purchase of sustainable products; To reduce the carbon footprint in food.
    Continuing political pressure and putting pressure on ministers to abide by the agreements, and the use of mass transportation instead of unilateral means.As for the Gaza Strip where I live, its area is very narrow area with high population. In the recent decades, many factories are built not far enough from residential areas, so we need to invent a kind of air filters placed on chimney nozzles to stop air pollution which increase the earth temperature.

  • In my state,the use of single use plastic has been banned.Instead, people are adviced to use other kind of bags such as paper and jute bags.Although this is not being strictly followed,the numbers have greatly reduced.Dumping and throwing wastes on the roads and public places is another major problem.Heavy fines has to be levied for this act to stop any more littering.Industries have been letting waste water into the water bodies.Instead of this they can treat the water and this treated water can be used for some other purpose.

  • In some areas of Pakistan people are facing shortage of water for agricultural purpose. To prevent the wastage of water. They are using the method of Drip - Irrigation. It saves the wastage of water and it is very useful.

  • I think they should locally source more things and make sure rubbish and clothes are not thrown away but used. give more food to people who need it and stop over shopping.

    1. Can you give an example of locally sourcing things?

  • I think they should address the global food crisis everywhere and make food banks. Use electric cars to not produce smoke and gas but make it less expensive to encourage more people.

  • I think littering the world is very bad because it can polute the ocean sometimes suffercate animals and it isn't helping climate change I think people can help the world by not littering and be careful because it take's time for people who want to help and make the world an even better place.

  • The area I will like to talk about is my school. The name of my school is Bomas Academy and in my school we have been taught different ways to ensure that we keep our environment sustainable, eco-friendly and save. As the saying goes "health is wealth" you need to stay healthy so that you would be able to accomplish a lot of things.
    We do our best to ensure that we do not pollute our environment as we are constantly reminded of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) most especially SDG 3(Good Health and Well-being), SDG 6( Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
    Our teachers have taken time to teach us the importance of waste management when we started the zero waste campaign. This campaign was to further enlighten the community on the importance of waste management and how we could convert wastes gotten from plastics, food, cans etc into something else that would be useful. It was during this campaign we built our organic farm where we made use of plastic bottles and broken plastic buckets to plant crops in them. As a school we have been able to sustain our community.

  • I think that people should be more care full because it takes a very long time for rubbish to disappear and we should stop littering and to not be so waste full because it is killing animals.

  • I think elon musk is the key to this cop 27

    1. Can you explain why?

  • in the alley near my area there is a lot of rubbish in the bushes and its bad for the we are trying the best we can to keep the alley clean.everyday there is more rubbish and for the environment its very bad.

  • I think people should drive more electric cars to help the envioment.

  • in our local community ,we have a large percentage of litter and this litter is mainly plastics ,this litter is littered by us humans . in my opinion, i suggest that the government can put strict laws against littering because this litter can pollute the environment . I also suggest that the people of my community can also reuse and recycle plastics because plastics are the main causes of pollution in my community . they can use plastics like bottle to make planting pots used for framing , they can use bottle tops to make art pieces like table mats ,door mats etc. the government can also educate people on reuse and recycling of plastics and their beneficials . the government can also keep recycling bins close by.

  • In the past three years in pakistan, over 7000 conventional brick kilns have been converted to zig zag kilns, resulting in 60% reduction in black carbon emissions, a 40% reduction in particulate matter emissions, and 15% reduction in CO2 emission. I think this is a very good step, in the past few years about 10 years ago kilns were also polluting the enviroment so badly.

    1. I agree because... yes indeed they need to leran how to recycel so the air can stay clean so every one can live

  • We have to work together to reduce this world wide probelm of polution. A single country or a man cannot reduce whole world wide pollution. So we should work together and exchange our thoughts with each other to find a better way for reduction of pollution.😊

  • In my country , when i see people threwing garbage on a piece of land , i feel so sad. One month ago, there was an empty plot in front of my house , i saw a man threwing garbage in the plot ( he was the first man who threw garbage in that plot) after an hour ago another man passed from there he was also finding a place where he can threw his garbage, When he saw the garbage in the plot he also threw the garbage there and one by one every man in the town threw there garbage in that plot every day and this plot was playing a role of a dust bin. Now i cant even breathe in fresh air due to the smell of that rubbish in front of my house . This is hilarous they dont have any sense nobody thinks about this, we should adopt a sense in our society.

    1. Hi Humble_Date - it's difficult to see rubbish building up on wasteland. What do you think could be done to prevent this happening?

      1. We should develop the use of dust bin, each street must have a dust bin and after 3 days dust bin has to be cleared. This system will help a lot.

  • In my country, Pakistan, i think that many people not even know what 3R stretegy is, people would recycle if they will know what recycle means. I think in my community some programmes have to be developed that will aware what 3R stretegy is. It would be good and proper way to develop sense in people.

  • I think everyone needs to clean the envirement Beacause we cant live Drite and u need to fix this problem u should not throw away ur garbege any where beacuse what about the turtels they can showle the plastic u throw on the ground every were like for example I lived in new york every thing there was brity u guys need to stop littering every where in the world even at school beacuse it cause crazyness and mess and brit like for example I was at the beach one day and cut my slef beacause of glass on the ground keep the beachs clean like ur room ur yard everything

  • Every man/women has to contribute to reduce rubbish from our streets, towns and cities. We should pick up the litter which we see on the street. There's saying "drop by drop fills the tub" So we need to develop this in our society.

  • Firstly, "Its all starts from within" - it's the quote I used to say often. We just comment on the things we see and say "oh its not right !"but we aren't ready to take action against it,that's the main problem amongst us. So we need to gear up and make a difference to the world atleast for our sake. My country is India. Sustainability has always been a core component of Indian culture. In India, some urban centres, people working in the informal sector collect solid waste for each doorstep to get a collection fee and derive additional income from sale of recyclables. One of the problems which I have seen was the improper disposal of sanitary napkins .Sanitary landfills are the ultimate means of disposal .I have seen in real that in public toilets, and in my school,the person who throws the waste are not even thinking of people who clean those waste, because the waste especially used-sanitary napkins are not even covered & it is just like thrown into the bin. I feel pity for the people who clean them because humanity is equal for everyone. People whoever read this, please dispose the waste properly. In our country,the informal recycling industry plays a major role in waste management. It also ensures that less wastes reaches landfills. With rapid urbanisation, the country is facing massive waste management challenge. The key to efficient waste management is to ensure proper segregation of waste at source and to ensure that the waste goes through different streams of recycling and resource recovery.
    In India around 100 cities are set to be developed as smart cities.
    Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission is a country-wide campaign initiated by the Government of India in 2014 to eliminate open defecation and improve solid waste management. Many steps have been taken by the government of India but I believe it's not only the responsibility of the government, it's also in the hands of the people, we should also be a responsible citizen to keep our environment clean. A change should start from each of our minds.

  • My local area isn't so sustainable it doesn't really have a lot of water fountains or public restrooms so you most likely have to use the restroom before u go our.You should bring water jugs/bottles with you. I will like for my local area to be more sustainable so we can have a better community.

  • In our local area, we have taken many efforts in order to maintain sustainability and a way we do this is by having posters and leaflets on the the lamp posts asking us why the majority of us do not clean up after our pets. By asking us this rhetorical question, it makes us feel guilty and our conscience urges us clean up after our pets. We depend on nature to live - as trees and plants give us oxygen - and so, we have to put an end to pollution, smoking and other actions that harm the environment around us to live in a cleaner place, which is safer for us and animals.

  • I think that my community isn't sustainable because a lot of people in my community dump their trash and that causes pollution and harm to the environment and since people dump their trash at landfills which is an area to dump their trash and causes damage to the environment. Also, a lot of people will dump trash at a lake, rivers, beaches, and so on, which causes water pollution.

  • The COP26 food menu has been criticised for mostly serving meat, fish and dairy products by animal rights activists. Delegates at the climate change summit are able to order from a menu that has almost 60% animal-based products. Fish and chips, beef burgers and haggis are just some of the items included on the menu.

  • In my country Pakistan everyone wants to have his own car . Our government also imports cars in large amount. About 80% of our population has their own motorbike. People have adopted habit of throwing garbage in residential places. Our industries release a some amount

  • I live in Pakistan.Our people want to have there own cars and motorcycle. In this way more fossil fuel burns and become cause of carbon emission. People also throws their garbage in residential areas which also releases carbon on decaying. Our fertilizer, paper and other industries also release smoke in air and poisonous water in
    Government should import
    more buses instead of cars so that many people travel in one vehicle and less smoke will release. To control air pollution we are working on the project of billion trees. In addition we should use smog free towers in all cities. Industries should located outside the cities. People should have awareness of wastage of garbage. Government should make strict rules against spreading pollution of any kind . In this way my community may become sustainable .

  • Also in our areas the rubbish wastes are there. If we clean our area the entire world will be cleared soon as possible. The another problem is carbon emition this can be controlled by reducing the use of old vehicles or not well maintained vehicles will consume more fuel and also emites more corbondioxide,which affects the global warming. We can use the public vehicles to travel which reduces the traffic and carbon emition other than many vehicles using privatly.This could reduce the global warming. This maintains the weather when the global warming is reduced

  • I am a Pakistani,in my point of view there a lot of cars , rickshaws,,I think that we have to reduce the use of pollution causing machines.As we know that cars, rickshaws,etc.are the machines which cause pollution.l think that we have to use these machines as less as possible.
    Thank you!

  • The problem of climate change is a serious problem that must be reduced, and because our school is well aware of this, it has implemented a project called (Save our Environment). Our school found some solutions such as school broadcasting to spread awareness among the students about the importance of environment sustainability by not wasting food which causes greenhouse gas emissions. Also, we had several plastic recyclling workshops in order to reduce plastic pollution. Furthermore, we planted over 200 trees in our school garden to have green school with fresh and pure air by reducing carbon dioxide. Thus our school was able to reduce this phenomenon, even if slightly.

  • In local areas people throw lots of rubbish and makes the place litter. Such as plastic bottles, polythene bags etc.During rainy season such plastic items get mixed with water and the water is polluted.Nowadays people are traveling in vehicle even for short distance, which emits carbon and the smoke let out by industries are causing air pollution.This can be controlled by using bicycle for short distance and using oil or gas instead of coal in factories. Throughout the world, people want the same things, access to clean air and water; economic opportunities; a safe and healthy place , shelter; lifelong learning; a sense of community; and the ability to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.The world that have to seriously re-examine development plans to reduce pollution, carbon emissions and shift to renewable energy sources, if the planet has to reduce global warming.
    Adequate health services, safe and healthy housing, and high quality education for all members of the community.
    Adaptability to changing circumstances and conditions is very much needed for a sustainable community !!

  • I think we should clean the earth for exeample u can walk and trip on somthing the air can get plouion so if u dont clean the earth we cant breath in clean air and we can all die beacause of it so thats why we should all help the commuity

  • First, the change begins with the individual himself and his convictions in the sustainable contribution. Hence, my experience was in my agricultural area, which needs a lot of water. Many farmers dug plastic ponds to store rainwater, which were covered with a shade net to prevent the intrusion of sunlight and to keep the water clean without pollution. Which will reduce the annual pressure on the aquifer water...

  • I take this opportunity to share with all of you about what we have been doing at school.Most of our students in our school have the habit of donating saplings to the school on special occasions such as birthdays.We have not only been donating saplings but also have ensured that they are taken good care of by watering them.Recently,in collaboration with EFI,as a part of the afforestation initiative,our school students donated 4000 saplings.We have also played several street dramas and plays creating awareness about how littering affects our society, consequences of wasting food and topics of such paramount importance at public places.Also,some of our student volunteers of our schools have been given the opportunity to go around the places surrounding our school and clean the litters.Our school has always been motivating the students to take up such initiatives and I am really happy and proud to be a part of them which would certainly contribute to the sustainability of our surrounding.

  • It is good to reuse more because it helps animals live a normal life and if we weren't reusing items it would be bad for the enviroment.

  • 1
    In my local area, we have a lot of cars around. However, we have created low carbon emission zones, so if you go in there with a specific amount of pollution, you will be fined. This is simple, yet affective, because it causes less cars to drive about, which means less carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere. In my school, we have also tried to make it more sustainable, by installing solar panels to use the sun's rays to get natural elecricity. Also, we have monitors in class to tell us how much Co2 we are producing. I think this is good because it gets us thinking more about Co2.
    Fun Fact: Cows produce the most greenhouse gas-when they let our wind, they produce methane!

    1. Do you think all cars should be electric? Why might this be difficult to make happen?

  • I am from pakistan the area in which I live in newly built area... horses r being built day by day ... so some construchtiin material like halfbroken bricks pieces of wood ,some empty paint buckets . So idea of gathering bricks nd making a flower buds worked alot . Pieces of wood were joint to make small birds house nd buckets for planting new flowers changed the sight totally different ... recycling is great if once taught . Minor acts can do great . It was a creative activity done by me .

  • My country is not so great at all when it comes to sustaining the society which is why i would like to encourage people around me to be able to keep their environment clean so that it can be sustainable bt dont get me wrong their are some places that are very sustainable and beautiful places like the airport the are really beautiful and clean and i hope to make it a great and a more condusive environment.

    1. Hi inspirational_forest, can you provide a couple more examples of how you could get your community to be more proactive in sustainability?

      1. By keeping the place clean and renovating places like ibom plaza which is one of the most beautiful places in nigeria it was built in 2001 and its serves as a multipurpose event center especially for marriages. If places like this get old nobody would want to be using it, but if we do so we can make nigeria more sustainable and more people would want to come.

  • My community isn't as actively sustainable as needed. It is filled with numerous cars, with most emitting large black clouds as they are revved up or moving. Crowded places with little space to breathe. Piles of waste can be seen in the gutters. A large percentage of the community isn't aware of global warming, so they don't have a cause to act.
    As bad as it sounds, our community is fairing quite well. It is filled with numerous tall trees to help with the Co2 emissions. Sanitation workers help clear the gutters each morning. People even make a living from this. In my community, we have high plastic usage so people walk around and get those plastic products and reuse or recycle them. Some use them to create amazing artwork while others use them to sell local drinks.

  • Conservation of water, land, energy, and nonrenewable resources, including maximum feasible reduction, recovery, and reuse and recycling of waste. Utilization of prevention strategies and appropriate technology to minimize pollution emissions. Use of renewable resources no faster than their rate of renewal.As an Examples include recycling and composting programs, renewable energy projects, and utilizing community green teams to assess and prioritize sustainability needs.

  • A way to make the events much more sustainable is instead of our world leaders travelling by private jets and planes they could have ZOOM meetings or be in the open air.

  • In my opinion, we must clean this world of ours, because we need to treat this world with respect, and most importantly, animals also need help with their climate and we are the only ones who can do this, because there are problems of littering in the streets, or even everywhere, whether Whether it is seas, sand, or even a street of passers-by. I suggest that we put laws against this neglect, as there is such a thing as “recycling” and this is also very important for the cleanliness and purity of our world

  • In my area sustainability is sure as our environmental protection office has issued 10 point policy which banned 129 smoke emitting vehicles nd 37 factories nd also banned some concrete making plants . They ve also plan to clean nd green Pakistan ..they also ve planning to install big smog free towers with the help of China.

  • I think we should stop littering or binning stuff and i think we should reuse stuff and do crafts like a tin make it into a pen pot or an empty box make a fidget dispenser or something and make the world not so littered on or recycle what your supposed to

  • In our country, and especially in the state where I live, there have been some strict measures against the emission of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide and littering the streets. The government has given us an app called 'swachhata app' which allows us to report any form of pollution to clean it up and punish the offender for his actions. But, I still think there could be improvement in the prevention of these pollutants that will be implemented, such as -- the use of electric or public cars for travel, the use of reusable items which is very rare in my local area, less cars to be allowed on the road, It could be something similar to the singles and doubles rule introduced by our state government, and the latter reduces the use of firecrackers to celebrate in festivals. These improvements must be implemented by the public because if the government decides to make a law but the public does not follow it, then there is no point in doing so. But if the public decides to implement these changes, nothing can stop sustainability from coming to not only my local area but the whole world!!

  • In my area wherever i walk there is litter and it is not good for our world that person could just recycle their can and bin their crisp packet

  • In my community, the Government of India did take helpful initiatives such as the very famous 'swachh bharat abhiyan' which is a cleanliness campaign in which our leaders participated as well and hence, the people as well actively participated and cleaned roads and waste. Our country, especially Delhi, faces a sharp Air Quality Index dip during winters every year. A few years back it was because of the stubble burning by farmers. In order to tackle the same the Government came up with a lot of solutions; instead of burning the straw it should be mulched using machinery or even that northern cities should adopt using agro-residue fuel. Also to control pollution, our government launched the ODD EVEN scheme.
    I feel to increase sustainibility, governments can open recyclying hubs in different parts of cities. This way recyclying would be encouraged. Rewards are in general big motivators for people. For instance, Zara India launched a scheme where people could donate their old clothes and get vouchers of the brand in return. This scheme was actively promoted and participated in.

  • At my house, we reuse containers like ice-cream boxes and use it to contain soup and others

  • We also have lots of cars around that make the air polluted so we try to walk, cycle or scoot to school

  • In our community, we try to keep our estate clean sometimes there's trash but we still clean it up after. We have a new role in school and it's a ECO-WARRIOR and the ECO-WARRIORS help to clean our school.
    In my house, we try our best to recycle and reuse.

    When we go to the shop we always remember to bring a bag with her so you don't have to waste the plastic ones

  • In our community, climate change is taken seriously and many actions to tackle it have been put in place. Just like how in lots of countries there is an added fee on plastic bags. However, in many areas there has been an increase on the 'tax' from 10p to now 30p in some locations. To me this is a very effective way to tackle the single use of these plastic bags and reduce waste in an area. There are also eco bikes that are available to reduce car usage and carbon emissions to create a greener environment.
    However, there are some areas I would criticize and would like to see improvement in. This is something just as simple as littering. In my community we are lucky enough to have some beautiful green spaces that are full of wildlife. Yet, there are often times I see things like glass bottles, plastic bags and bottles etc... littered. I think to fully create a more sustainable environment; more drastic measures need to be taken to ensure that littering is reduced further. This would ensure an even more sustainable community that is greater for people, plants and wildlife.

    1. What sort of measures do you think we could take to prevent littering?

      1. I think that there are many ideas and features that could be adapted to prevent littering in my community.
        A simple and effective option could be just having more bins available. Even though there definitely is not a shortage of bins in my area, I think that simply adding more options locally could really improve wildlife areas. To give more options to those who may not be bothered to carry their litter around until they find a bin to dispose of it.
        I also think more advertisement when it comes to the importance of littering would be key to helping the issue, I think that some people do not understand the effect it is happening on their local environment. This could be tv adverts, social media platforms or even flyers. Something that advertises it in the eyes of the effect on their own local environment - to really put it into perspective the damage they are causing.

  • In our country, and especially in the state where I live, there have been some crackdowns against the emission of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide and littering the streets. The government has given us an app called 'swachhata app' which allows us to report any form of pollution to clean it up and punish the offender for his actions. But, I still think there could be improvement in the prevention of these pollutants that will be implemented, such as -- use of electric or public cars for travel, use of reusable items which is very rare in my local area, less cars to be allowed on the road, It could be something similar to the singles and doubles rule introduced by our state government, and the latter reduces the use of firecrackers to celebrate in festivals. These improvements must be implemented by the public because if the government decides to make a law but the public does not follow it, then there is no point in doing so. But if the public decides to implement these changes, nothing can stop sustainability from coming to not only my local area but the whole world!!

  • The area we live in there's a lot of trash all over the streets , people like to throw cans , chip bags , etc.. some people try to clean it but people just throw more and more trash. And some people throw trash into lakes or oceans and thats a health hazard for humans and animals , animals can choke and die and humans can get sick. Some people throw so much trash in the streets it covers the drains and causes water to build a flood and sometimes these dumpsters get so much trash built up in them that they over flow and trash just gets all over the ground and even people who work at like fast food places do the same thing they just throw there trash where ever they want. And the thing is we have cars around and its a huge health hazard cause it could either set the car off or get tangled somewhere in the car and thats a health hazard for the person driving the car.

  • I would say that we are a bit sustainable but at the other half we are not, this is what I mean when I say this,
    Cause around the area I live in is nice and calm and nothing really happens but near Wainscott it is really dangerous as one day I saw a car that the window was smashed and destroyed and there was litter everywhere.
    something that could turn out horrible later.

  • In my hometown, we have a problem of littering rubbish anywhere like polythene bags and plastics both on land and on water yet these wastes hinder plant growth when on land and they also lead to water borne diseases when people use the water where those wastes are. Instead of people littering these plastics they can use them for different purposes, children can recycle them and use them for making school project work, they can be used a flower vases to decorate someone's home which will reduce the expenditure used since the person won't have to buy a new flower vase and they can also be recycled and used by the bottling industries in the country. The government can also place fines to people who litter both on land and on water. They can sensitize people on the importance of recycling and keeping the environment clean. They can also organize national cleaning days for maybe each sub county or district or even the whole country to ensure that our country is waste free.

  • I live near a farm house nd from there many farmers brought animals waste to put in their lands for better growth of crops . Once in my school it was plantation activity nd many sts were asked by teachers to bring animals wastage on school wheel burrow from their farm houses as a fertiliser to mix in newly planted plants . We all participated in that activity nd helped school nd environment sustainable.

  • one thing which makes my community polluted nd I thought abt its sustainability on my behalf how can I save it . When I categorise rubbish items most were vegetable nd fruit peelings ,our junkfood wrappers ,nd our sanitary (pads nd diapers)disposals. I tried at my own to fix a corner of my roof nd lawn to burn those items so that I could play my role to make my community sustain able .in thus way ,land pollution can be minimized at some extent. I could imagine how much its disgusting for others like sweepers or the people who r appointed as solid waste management to see such rubbish . Besides I started putting fruit peelings in one drum also I stared to chek tea steamers that my mom does not throw the tea leaves in dust bin ,it would cause drain blockage so I started putting it in that drum . After some days I used that material for plants. All of this I did by watching a vedio on utube . This helped me alot how on bigger plate form copevents could plan to make environment sustainable .

    1. It's great that you're making the effort to make your habits more sustainable, well done! Are you sure that burning rubbish is good for the environment? Could you find a better way?

  • We all know Africa and what is know for, for example down here in Nigeria where i am dwelled in, it used to be a very terrifying and uncomfortable environment until when the elders of the community had to call upon the government they brought some measures like;
    No to plastic bags.
    Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner.
    Use filters for chimneys.
    Avoid usage of crackers.
    Even apart from these, they employed some individuals who take care of the environment by sweeping it and even disposing of waste bins everyday. By the time these measures were implied the community completely changed to a different making it conducive.

  • Our estate we have a little amount of rubbish as it is around the world i think we can help our estate more when we can do litter picking on weekends so we can help our estate being a little greener.

  • In my local community, the phenomenon of smoking is increasing and contributing to deforestation. One tree is lost for every 300 cigarettes, i.e. for every one and a half packs of cigarettes produced. Therefore, my society can prevent the manufacture or import of cigarettes and punish people who engage in bad habit.

  • 1
    In my community, we used to use a lot of plastic materials for example plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic plates, jerrycans among others. The government later found out that plastics were the major pollutants in our country since they can't rot. We have come up with way to sustain our rate of pollution by recycling plastics for example jerrycans can be cut and used as feeding and drinking troughs for animals on farms. Jerrycans can also be used as flower pots. plastic bottles for irrigating crops on farms during the dry season.
    In my community, we have resorted to using less plastics and using more of natural materials for example replacing plastic cups and plates with ceramic ones and polythene bags with paper bags for packaging.
    We have limited the use of wood fuel since when burnt releases harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and instead resorted to use of renewable energy for example solar energy from the sun and bio gas from left over organic materials. All these are simple to put in place and yet affordable to the general public.